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No. j8g_, s.



TO: AssistantSchools Division Superintendents ir,^aF.Lr ';vie.i$I of Eaialflga

Chief- Curriculum lmplementation Division (ClD)
Chief- School 6overnance and Operations Division (SGOD)
Education Program Supervisors
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Public Schools District Supervisors
Public Elementary and Secondary School Heads
All Others Concerned

Relative to Division Memorandum 563, s. 2019, entitled "Schools Division Aworeness ond
Pdrticipotion on The 7't Regionol schoolBased Monogement spree: An Engogement of Proctitioners
on lnterwedving Remarkoble Proctices," SDO Batangas spearheaded by School Management
Monitoring and Evaluation (SMME) enjoins all schools under Advanced and Maturing levels to
submit SBM Best Practices.

2. Each school under Advanced and Maturing levels shall submit 4-page magazine type articles with
pictures focusing on the 4 SBM principles in A4 size paper to be submitted to the district on August
19 2019. The district shall compile all SBM Practices entries in clear books.

3. Area I - Red; Area 2 -Blue; Area 3-Green; Area 4-Yellow

3. The theme is "SBM Best Practice: A landscape of accessible, nurturing and liberating education
toward culture of excellence and commitment to quality".

5. Choose typography appropriately. The right typeface can give particular personality to your

6. Moreover, each district shall submit 15 pcs of any of the following: flyer, bookmark, keychain, fan,
and mug as giveaways in promoting SBM practices.

7. The flyer is in letter size paper of any type.

8. The district shall submit the compiled sBM Practices and giveaways on August 20, 2019 at the SGoD
- SMME Section.

9. lmmediate dissemination of and compliance with this Memorandum is desired.

Dfig/on SuPerintendent

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