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Group IT

Solution Design & Development

Functional Design Change

Document Control
Title Feature 2240 & 2270
CR SCM 2240 - Purchase Collection Stock Transfer -
Type Batch No & CR-SCM-2270-WH Transfer - Option to
capture the weighing details at the time of Transfer
Module Supply Chain Management
Author Sunny Srivastava

Document ID Version 0.8 date 16th April 2019

Design Authority Approval Control

Role Name Approved
Solution Architect Vikas Garg
Volcafe Design Owner Marcel KISTLER
Volcafe Business Analyst SV Guruprasad

Change Control
Version Date Author Change Detail
0.1 19 November 2018 Sunny Srivastava As suggested by Aneesh
0.2 20 November 2018 Sunny Srivastava As suggested by Aneesh
0.3 17 January 2019 Sunny Srivastava Add Actual Received Weighing details
information on receive transfer order and
option to receive the coffee with same
Batch number as transferred or with new
batch number.
0.5 31 January 2019 Sunny Srivastava Problem statement Modified
Gain\Loss point Added , User Cases
0.6 21-Feb-2019 Vikas Garg Few additional review comments
0.7 26-Feb-2019 Sunny Srivastava Updated as per Vikas Comment.
0.8 16- April-2019 Sunny Srivastava Updated as per Aneesh comment

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ary Problem statement Expected Solution Proposed solution
As of now user has to enter the
WH Lot Id manually which is
converted to batch number by .
the system. System should not convert the
1- WH lot ID field will be used only for
In this case business has to WH lot id entered by the
the reference purpose against the
remember the WH lot id while business to new batch number
batches (original and new)
receiving the coffee against while receiving the coffee
original batch number.

Option to enter WH Lot ID manually

. Remove the Validation on
against Batch Number, which will not
currently it is mandatory for the supplier Whlot id and allow
be mandatory, But If entered will be
business to enter the Whlot Id at system to receive the transfer
updated on "on hand" Against New
2- the time of receiving the coffee order. user has option to enter
Batch Number
If bussiness does not enter the WHlot id as the reference
Existing validation will be removed
same system does not allow to against original or new batch
and a new field WHLot ID will
receive the coffee number .
provide for the user to enter agaist
the original or new batch number .

As of now at the time of Reciept

transfer order system is not
Batch Number will be picked from
picking the source warehouse Instead of showing batch
the source warehouse and it will be
Batch number. number field blank, system
3- easy for user to track the origin
Currently business is unable to should pick the source
warehouse from where quantity is
track the Original shipped batch warehouse batch number
number against the item

On warehouse lot field there will be

the option for user to split the
Quantity. user has both option
Batch number not automatic whether to receive whole quantity
created during received of the with New batch number or user may
quantity & destination split the quantity and against each
need an option where system
4- Warehouse, due to this user spilt quantity new batch number will
create the batch automatic.
need to enter manual batch be generated.
number for each split quantity Note- If user split the quantity from
line. Received quantity than system
should deduct that quantity form
original batch number and will be
added in new batch number

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5- As of now currently there is no An option should be available - Add new button “Actual
option for user to capture for the user to add new received Weighing “on
weighing detail at the time of received transfer form. On
actual weighing details at
receiving coffee. this form user will able to
the time of receiving the
add actual weighing details
coffee in the destination at the time receiving the
warehouse coffee.
Also, Currently at the time of - Add new field “Actual
receiving the system does not Received quantity “on
display any gain/loss. warehouse lot Id Tab.
- Add new field Gain/Loss on
warehouse lot ID tab. Under
this actual gain or loss will
calculated and displayed.
Note- A new form will be created to
capture the weighing details at the
time of receiving the coffee.

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Design Schedule

1)System should not convert warehouse LoT Id into the New batch number
Path of change: Volcafe/Supply Chain Workbench/Instruction filter /Warehouse Transfer/Instruction detail
/ received Transfer

Description of change
As of now system is not creating a Batch at the time of transfer Reciept, user enters Whlot ID manually which is
converted to batch number automatically. Now WH lot ID field will be used only as a reference against the
original or the new batch number and system will not covert this WH lot ID to a new batch number.


2) Warehouse Lot ID field will not be mandatory during transfer order receipt.
As of now in the system when user create a transfer receipt, user has to enter the warehouse lot id field . if
user does not enter the warehouse lot ID against the shipped transfer , system is not allowing to receive the
transfer order.

Changes Suggested
Remove the existing validation from the system & allow the user to receive transfer order without warehouse
lot ID . Ware house lot id field will now only be used as a reference field against the batches and will not be
mandatory for receiving the transfer order. Remove Warehouse lot field from Lines tab under transfer receipt
form, since this field is already available under warehouse lot id tab, from where user can enter this value if



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These changes will be applicable in the following processes:

- Purchase Collection
- Warehouse Transfer


As user will click on ok Transfer order will be Received

Transfer Order Receipt Posted

Hide WHLOT ID Field on Item.

Going further this checkbox is not having any impact on WHLot ID as it will not be converted
into batch number
Path - MVB/Product information management/Common/Released products/Item.

3) Batch number to be updated automatically at the time of transfer receipt.

At present during Reciept transfer system is not picking the source warehouse Batch number .

Changes Suggested
Instead of showing batch number field blank, system should pick the source warehouse batch number This will
help business to identify & track the source batches against the item received.

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System should update the batch number of the transfer order generated and same should
be updated automatically at the transfer receipt.

Batch number highlighted to be

updated at the time of transfer

4) Create new Batch number Automatic in case of Split Quantity .

Currently business has no flexibility for user to generate the new batch number at the time of splitting quantity
while receiving the coffee. If user splits from the original quantity than system is not showing the appropriate

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Reamining quantity on the batch.

Changes Suggested
At the time of receiving the coffee if user spits the quantity than against each line system should generate the
new batches and same should be updated on “On hand form” after receiving the Transfer order. System should
update the original batch quantity (deduct) based on the quantity allocated to the new batches simultaneously.
Few of the scenarios are mentioned below

- If transfer order quantity is 600

Scenario 1
In this case user will be receiving the coffee in new batches and the quantity from the original batch will be
reduced accordingly. Here coffee shipped from BAT1110 is 600 and while receiving user created two new
batches 111 and 112 where user has split the quantity equally. Please note quantity from original batch is
reduced to zero.

Batch No QTY WH Lot ID

BAT1110 600


Batch No QTY WH Lot ID

BAT1111 300
BAT1112 300

Scenario 2 –
In this scenario new batch will be created if user does not split the quantity

Batch No QTY WH Lot ID

BAT1110 600 WH65/9


Batch No QTY WH Lot ID

BAT1111 600 WH65/10

Note- user will not have an option to receive the QTY in same batch number and in same warehouse as
system is creating automatic transfer journal which will not receive QTY in same batch & warehouse.

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Note – If there will Change on quantity at the time of receipt on batches so same batches along with
quantity will be flow on “On hand”

Note- In case of sales export at the time of receiving the coffee no new batch number will be created i.e
system will receive the coffee in same batch number which has been used at the time of shipping the coffee

5) Option to capture Actual weighing details at the time of receiving the coffee in the
destination warehouse with gains and loss quantity

As of now there is no option for user in system to track weighing detail at the time of receiving the coffee in
destination warehouse , only at the time of shipping the coffee from origin user can view or track the weighing
detail against each quantity. As per business there is a possibility that item transferred from one warehouse to
another might change ( Gain/Loss) due various reasons like moisture etc.. Therefore for this we need to give an
option where Business can capture their actual weight at the time of receiving the coffee.

Add New Button on Received transfer

Field Type Source Available
Actual Received Display Weighing detail form No


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At the time of Receiving the coffee to destination warehouse, user will have an option to enter actual weighing
detail during receiving the coffee . User will click on Actual received Weighting on Header and new form will
open as shown in Fig 1.0

Under Actual Received Weight Add 3 fields that is mentioned below

(A) Actual Received Date – This will be the date on which user will receive the coffee, by default it
will take the system date and will be editable for the user to change.
(B) Actual Shipped Weight- Under This Shipped Weighing Quantity will be populated that has been
entered at the time of creating weighing detail
(C) Actual Received Weigh- In this field user will enter the Total Received Quantity at the time of
transfer received

Note -On actual received weight form Carrier details, vehicle Details & Driver Details fields will be editable .

Under warehouse lot ID tab Add new Field

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- Actual Received Quantity

- Gain/Loss

Actual received Quantity

Under this actual received quantity will be displayed based on adding/subtracting gain/loss quantity. Received
quantity should not exceed more than Total actual received quantity

Under this field system will calculate gain or loss against the quantity received. If there is a gain then value in
the field will be positive and in case of loss value will be negative.

Gain/Loss calculation

In case user splits the quantity at the time of receive then following formula will be applied basis which
quantity will be added or subtracted in the batches created (Total Receive Qty/Actual Transfer) * Split


Case 1:- Gain while receiving the quantity

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Consider a case when we transfer the Qty from 2 batches . Now while receiving the transferred quantity we
have a gain (due to moisture etc). As per business requirement user split the received Qty into two new
batches, system in this case will split the quantity in proportionate to original batch transferred quantity. Please
refer below the example for better understanding:
Actual Received
Transfer Recive Split Split Gain(Auto
S.NO QTY (Auto
Quantity d Batches QTY Calculate)
1- 3000 4000 ABC01-1 2000 2667 667
ABC01-2 1000 1333 333
2- 2000 2500 ABC002 500 625 125
ABC003 1500 1875 375
Net 5000 6500 5000 6500 1500
Here we transfer 3000 Qty & received 4000 due to gain in the quantity , As of now system restricts us to enter
the extra weight and therefore while receiving we enter the actual weight which we transferred, but in the
backend system calculates the extra gain on proportionate basis w.r.t the original quantity transferred.
Using formula as mentioned
(Total Receive Qty/Actual Transfer) * Split Quantity
ABC01-1 (4000/3000)*2000; Gain = Actual Received – Original Split Quantity; 2667-2000 = 667
On ware house lot ID Tab in Actual received weight & Gain loss field the Quantity will be auto populated basis
on calculation mentioned above

Similarly, this will happen in case of loss scenario also.

(B) On general tab rename the existing field under weighted group.

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- Received Net
- Received Tare
- Received Gross
Received Net Qty – Under this field system will display Total calculated Gain/ Loss Against Lines including split
quantity if any
Received Gross – Gross weight will be same as Received net Qty.
Note -: Under Weighted Group fields all the value will be display autopopulated.


In above example, received net & gross weight will be 4000. Which is auto calculated based on formula for gain
and loss calculation

Gain/Loss in case of Sales Export

In case Of Sales Export, Gain/Loss scenario will not work as system is receiving the coffee in same batch
number which has been used at the time of shipping the coffee, system will perform in the same way as it is
doing currently.
Note- Going Forward if user want an option to capture actual received weighing details along with Gain/Loss
then he will be able to do so by enabling the parameter “Gain/Loss in Sales Export” under supply chain
instruction in Parameters tab. Please find below the functionality of the same:
Case 1:- In case of Gain/Loss Unchecked
when gain/loss of sales export feild will be unchecked then at the time of receiving the coffee system will not
allow user to add actual received weighing details & Gain/Loss scenarios will not work


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Screen 2 At the time of receiving the coffee “ Actual received weighing” form will not be available.

Case 2- Gain/Loss Checked box is checked

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Screen 2 At the time of receiving the Coffee

Actual Received weighing form will be enabled for the user to capture the received weighing details also
Gain/Loss senerio will be calculated. If user will not entered the Actual received weighing details and click on
ok button than system will throw an info message “ Actual Received weighing detail form cannot be blank “

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User Cases

SNO. User Case Pass Fail

In Receive Transfer order Batch

System should allow to post If user does not enter the batch
Number should be mandatory
1- transfer order Reciept when number and system allow to post the
for Posting the Transfer order
batch number is posted receive transfer order receipt
System will not allow to Post Transfer order receipt will not
Transfer order will be posted with
2- The transfer Order receipt with be posted, and system will
same batch number.
same batch number throw and error.
Warehouse Lot Id should not be User will post the Transfer System will not allow to post the
3- mandatory for Posting Transfer order Reciept without transfer order receipt if warehouse
order receipt. entering WH lot ID Lot ID is not entered.
In case of same Batch number If same batch number exist
an info message should be than info message should If same batch number exist , and
appear on transfer order appear “This batch number system does not should info message
Reciept form already exist “
At the time of transfer receipt
System will create new batch System will not create new batch
5- system will create new batch
number number
On Line user will able to view
When transfer order is shipped original batch number which
On line user will not able to view the
6- user may able to view original is the source batch number
original batch number .
batch number from where quantity is
At the time of receiving the
Transfer order when user splits On warehouse lot ID new batch
On Warehouse LOT ID new
7- the quantity new batch will be umber will not be created against the
batch will be created
created against the split split quantity
Add new form of actual User will able to view Actual User will not able to view Actual
8- received weighing details on received Weighing detail on received weighing detail on transfer
received transfer form transfer received from received form .
Add new field Actual received User will not able to view Actual
User will able to view Actual
9- Weight under ware house Lot Id Received weight field on received
received weight field
group weighing detail form
Add new field Gain/Loss on User will able to view Gain /
10- User will not able to view the field
Warehouse LOT ID Loss field in form
Add new field actual shipped User will be able to view this
User will not able to view this field on
11- weight on received weighing field on Received weighing
received weighing form
form form

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A new button “Actual

Received Weight” will be
User will able to view the
provided under WH lot ID User will able to view this form and
12- form in which all 5 fields will
tab to display details of non editable
all form will be editable
actual received weight
which will be non editable
Warehouse lot ID number
13 Warehouse lot field will not Warehouse lot Id number will be
will not created as batch on
- be created as batch umber created as batch number
transfer order

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