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Final Year Project Evaluation Form (8th Semester)

Project Title: ________________________________________________________________________________

Roll No. __________________________ Student Name: __________________________________________

Project Deliverables Marks Marks Remarks

Distribution obtained

Code (Sub-Section Total: 30)

Complete running project in compliance with
requirement and design document
Run time code modification and understanding

Testing (Sub-Section Total: 20)

Test Plan 5
Test Case Design and implementation
Overall System and Documentation (Sub-Section Total: 40)
Project presentation
(Including SRS and Design Document)
User Manual

Standard Template 5
Overall skill set 10
Supervisor(Sub-Section Total: 20)
(Meetings, project progress)

Project Management Office(Sub-Section Total: 10)

(Meeting Deadlines, Attending workshops)

External + Internal Marks


Evaluator 1 (Name, Signature& Date). ___________________________________________________________

Evaluator 2 (Name, Signature& Date). ___________________________________________________________

Project Management Office (PMO), C & IT Evening Program Marghzar Campus, University of Gujrat.

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