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University of Dayton

Electro-Optics and Photonics Faculty Publications Department of Electro-Optics and Photonics


Review: 'Optical Fiber Communications' (2nd

edition), by Gerd Keiser
Bradley D. Duncan
University of Dayton,

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Duncan, Bradley D., "Review: 'Optical Fiber Communications' (2nd edition), by Gerd Keiser" (1992). Electro-Optics and Photonics
Faculty Publications. 36.

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Book Reviews Short Courses Meetings



Optical Fiber Communications hurriedly adopted the second edition for use in derives analytically to satisfy this condition.
Gerd Keiser, 2nd ed., 464 pages, illus., index, my first-year graduate course in fiber optics at Keiser then explains in Sec. 2.3.5 that other
references, and five appendixes. ISBN 0-07- the University of Dayton. For the most part, I phase matching conditions exist that must be
033617-2. McGraw-Hill, Princeton Road am happy to say, I was not disappointed. To satisfied for wave guidance, and he attempts to
Highstown, NJ 08520 (1991) $59.41 hard~ assist in my further evaluation of this edition, provide an argument as to why only energy
bound. though, I asked my fiber optics students this entering the fiber at discrete angles within the
past fall semester (1991) to provide written NA are allowed to propagate.
Reviewed by Bradley D. Duncan, University critiques of appropriates sections as part of each Although Keiser's intent is clear and his
of Dayton, Center for Electro-Optics, 300 Col- homework assignment. I will attempt to faith- conclusion that only discrete guided ray angles
lege Park, Dayton, OH 45469-0226. fully share their impressions and comments, as are allowed within the NA is correct, I believe
If first impressions are worth anything (and appropriate, as part of this review. that his "proof' is in error. Specifically, in his
they usually are), I would have to admit that my Chapter 1, of course, provides a general derivation ofEq. (2-26) (which in essence rep-
introduction to fiber optic concepts and termi- resents a guided wave eigenvalue equation de-
first impression of the second edition of Gerd
nology as well as an overview of the text as a rived from a ray analysis approach), Keiser
Keiser's now popular text Optical Fiber Com-
whole. This chapter has been expanded in the asserts that a single guided ray must encounter
municaJions was quite good. My compliments
second edition, and my students and I uni- a 2mt phase shift after propagating the maxi-
are hereby ex tended to the publisher for choos-
formly agreed that it provided a good founda- mum distance through the waveguide that yields
ing a rather handsome cover and dust jacket. It
stands in strong contrast to the text's first edi- tion for the course as well as the rest of the text. only two total internal reflection events.
Enough said. I believe a more appropriate analysis of this
tion, which still ranks as probably the ugliest
Keiser then takes us on an intellectual roller problem was presented by Marcuse. In essence,
book I own, with color choices ranging from
coaster ride through Chap. 2. Sections 2.1 and Marcuse's approach begins with the premise
dull cream and "baby" blue to pale pink! I am
2.2 discuss the "Nature of Light" and "Basic that a given guided ray must propagate along a
now happy to say that this older version has
Optical Laws and Definitions," respectively. I path such that its phase at any given point is
been discretely·retired to the lower reaches of
personally feel these sections are overly sim- within 2n7t of an analogous ray propagating in
my furthest office book shelf-down near my
plistic and do not adequately prepare the stu- a uniform medium of index of refraction equal
few remaining college texts on psychology and
dent for the more detailed modal analyses pre- to that of the waveguide core region. The valid-
chemistry and a long forgotten copy of David
sented in some of the later sections of Chap. 2- ity of Marcuse' s approach is verified by the fact
Singmaster's classic Notes on Rubik's Magic
although I recognize that this is not primarily a that by his method one can exactly derive the
text on electromagnetic theory. Specifically, eigenvalue equation for guided modes in sym-
Trivial though these initial feelings were, I
because most of my students had not had an metric and asymmetric planar waveguides by
found myself compelled to open the cover and
advanced course in applied electromagnetics, I using ray techniques . This is not the case if one
investigate further. What I found was an ex-
felt it necessary to review more fully some follows Keiser's approach. (fo be fair, though,
panded and extensive introductory text on fiber
optic principles. Most of the topics one could rudimentary electromagnetic principles, for in- I should mention that Sec. 2.3.5 is only about
imagine covering in a single-semester intro- stance, the derivation and solution of the wave one page long.) Thus ends Keiser's ray analy-
ductory course on fiber optics are examined in equation for various coordinate systems in uni- sis. I, however, generally find it necessary to
at least some detail in this book, with lots of form media, boundary condition requirements, continue the ray analysis to include discussion
relevant homework problems at the end of each and the Poynting vector. In addition, I have of how transverse standing waves and evanes-
chapter. (A solution manual is available.) The found that a detailed ray analysis of the optical cent waves arise in the core and cladding re-
figures and tables crucial for visualizing the fiber is very helpful to the student in initially gions, respectively. I end my ray discussions by
many transcendental functions encountered in gaining an intuitive feel for optical wave guid- introducing the concept of effective modal in-
fiber optic modal and dispersion theory are ance. Keiser attempted such an analysis, but dices and by discussing how they relate to
numerous and well presented, and the reference ultimately left me unsatisfied. In Sec. 2.3.4, allowed ray propagation angles. Only then do I
lists following each chapter are extensive. I Keiser explains that total internal reflection is a attempt a more rigorous wave analysis of the
counted 749 references in all. Because I was necessary condition for guided wave/ray propa- optical fiber.
already fairly familiar with the overall content gation and that light must enter the optical fiber As my primary interest in fiber optics comes
of the text, having read the first edition, I rather through the numerical aperture (NA), which he from an applied electromagnetics perspective,

OPTICAL ENGINEERING I May 1992 I Vol. 31 No. 5 I 1119


I spent a great deal of time on Secs. 2.4, 2.5, and course devoted entirely to optical waveguide eral term projects for my students. Chapters 9
2.6, in which Keiser provides a fairly complete theory. and 10, for instance, provide very nice intro-
wave analysis of guided mode properties. For I moved through the next couple of chapters ductions to the concepts of analog and coherent
the most part I have no complaints about these fairly quickly. Chapter 4 reviews semiconduc- fiber optic communications systems, respec-
sections. The progression of topics is logical, tor physics and discusses the principles of LED tively, while Chap. 11 addresses some of the
and in the equations I specifically checked, I and laser diode operations. The presentation is topics of current interest to the fiber optics
found no errors or typos. Several of my students clear and concise, and I especially appreciated
did express that the increased complexity of community, including wavelength division
Keiser's discussion on the significance of nar- multiplexing, local area networks, and pho-
these sections was quite abrupt (the big roller row linewidth single-mode lasers (i.e., the dis- tonic switching.
coaster hill) and that without a feel for optical tributed-feedback, distributed-Bragg-reflector, In all I have found the second edition of
wave guidance, it was easy to become lost in the and distributed-reflector lasers). Those students Optical Fiber Communications to be a well-
many Bessel function manipulations. The like- who read Chap. 4 in detail said it was irtforma- written, well-rounded, and fairly comprehen-
lihood of this confusion would, of course, have tive and easy to follow, and those with previous sive introductory text, with only a few minor
been increased had this course been taught at laser theory experience said the chapter pro-
the undergraduate level. Thus, the progression flaws. Except for the abrupt transitions between
vided a good review. Chapter 5, on the other topics in Chap. 2, my students seemed to like
through these sections was slow, and I found it hand, though probably necessary for the sake of
necessary to provide lots of intermediate steps the text as well.I think my choice of texts for my
completeness, would probably find a better fiber optics course was good and I fully intend
to Keiser's derivations as well as several pages home in a laboratory manual. In this chapter, to use it again.
of my own supplementary notes. In addition, I Keiser discusses power launching and cou-
found it necessary to provide further informa- pling, splicing, misalignment losses, etc.,- 1
tion on modal degeneracies, the origin and Dietrich Marcuse, Theory of Dielectric Opti-
concepts that have little or no meaning to the cal Waveguides, 2nd ed., pp. 3- 7 Academic
significance of TE and TM modes, and the student who has no hands-on experience with Press, Boston (1991).
effects of the weak guidance condition. Again, fiber optics. I skipped Chap. 5 completely.
to be fair, I mention that this is an introductory Keiser picks up the pace again in Chap. 6
book on optical fiber communications not opti- with a very nice discussion of photodetectors. Principles of Adaptive Optics
cal waveguide theory, and my personal inter-
--- ests do not detract from the fact that Keiser does
a fairly good job of covering the more critical
Both avalanche photodiodes and positive-in-
trinsic-negative diodes are discussed as are the Robert K. Tyson, 300 pages, illus., index, and
bibliography. ISBN 0-12-705900-8. Academic
primary photodetector noise sources. As with
wave guidance concepts. the first edition of this text, I especially liked Press, Inc, 1250 Sixth Avenue, San Diego, CA
Keiser ends Chap. 2 with a mosaic of "low- 92101 (1991) $49.94 hardbound.
this chapter. It provides one of the simplest,

/ impact" sections covering topics such as appro-

priate optical fiber glasses, fiber fabrication,
mechanical properties of optical fibers, and
fiber optic cabling. These sections were merci-
clearest, and most easy-to-follow treatments of
optical signal-to-noise ratio analysis I have
found. The text then progresses naturally to the
Reviewed by Byron M. Welsh, Air Force
Institute of Technology, Wright-Patterson Air
Force Base, Ohio 45433.
material of Chap. 7 (Optical Receiver Opera-
fully short. tion) and Chap. 8 (Digital Transmission Sys- As an engineer and educator pcrfonning re-
Chapter 3 is probably the chapter on which I tems). Unfortunately, due to an approaching search in the area of adaptive and atmospheric
spent the next largest amount of time. This is the final exam date, I had to severely limit my optics, I was very excited when I heard about
chapter in which the concepts of optical signal discussions of this material. Primarily my dis- Robert Tyson's book Principles of Adaptive
attenuation and dispersion arc presented. Be- cussions were limited to the probability of error Optics.I um often in the position of guiding the
cause these are probably the two optical phe- (Sec. 7.2.1), loss budget (Sec. 8.1.2), and rise- research of students in their efforts to learn
nomena that most strongly influence optical time budget (Sec. 8.1.3) analyses. Again, Keiser about adaptive and atmospheric optics. This
fiber communications system design, I am covers these topics adequately and at a level process usually involves asking the student to
pleased to say that Keiser covers them accu- that is easily understood . One of my students read a large number of journal and conference
rately and in detail. I was especially interested and I noticed, though, that the material dispcr- papers that have appeared over the last 20 years.
in his expanded discussion of pulse broadening sion term in Eq. (8-17) of Sec. 8.1.3 is expressed Putting all this information together in a coher-
as an rms quantity. Because Eq. (8-17) is the ent way is difficult even for the best student. A
in graded-index optical waveguides (Sec. 3.3).
expression given for the overall optical system book that brings all of this infonnation together
Although one of my students did point out that
rise time, I think that perhaps a conversion from in a clear and understandable fashion is exactly
in Keiser' s discussion ofEq. (3 -31) in which he
rms material dispersion to an equivalent rise whatl've been looking for. Tyson's book largely
describes rms intermodal dispersion, a mysteri-
time quantity is needed. This conversion was meets these requirements, but docs so in a way
ous parameter <A> is introduced and defined as performed for an assumed Gaussian intermodal that is of most use to those already having
the average of another mysterious quantity Ann• dispersion response in Eq. (8-13). Possibly a extensive knowledge in the area. For the engi-
I am afraid these quantities still have us puzzled, similar conversion should apply lo the neer or scientist just beginning to learn about
because they are neither part ofEq. (3 -31) nor intramodal dispersion effects. At a minimum, I adaptive optics, the book is most useful from a
any other equation in Sec. 3.3. Keiser finishes feel the rise time degradation due to intramodal qualitative rather than a quantitative point of
Chap. 3 with interesting discussions on the effects should be more carefully accounted for view.
characteristics of design optimized single-mode and/or discussed. In Chap. 1, Tyson outlines the history of
fibers with alternate refractive index profiles. I Thus, came the end of the semester. Due to adaptive optics and introduces the background
chose to cover these topics more qualitatively lack of time, I was unable to cover the last three information needed in subsequent chapters. This
than quantitatively, specifically deferring a rig- chapters of the book directly. I did, however, background material includes, most importantly,
orou s analysis of dispers ion flattened find use of these more advanced chapters (and a discussion of the basic problems that adaptive
waveguides to a more advanced follow-up their associated references) as sources of sev- optics technology addresses: imaging and beam

11 20 I OPTICAL ENGIN EERING I May 1992 / Vol. 31 No . 5

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