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Daily Learning Map

The learner demonstrates mastery of basic skills in English
language arts; communicates appropriately, fluently, and accurately
orally; and writes for a variety of purposes in different social and
Content Standard
academic context at his/her level while carrying out real life tasks
necessary to cope with the demands of a functionally literate and
competent local, national and global citizen. English 6 Joseph C. Eco, Jr. Quarter/Week
Performance The learner demonstrates basic language skills in using a variety of st
media and uses these to learn varied content.
Learning Area Teacher 1 quarter/ Week 1
Days 1stDay June 18, 2018 2ndDay June 19, 2018 3rdDay June 20, 2018 4thDay June 21, 2018 5th Day June 22, 2018
Learning Outcomes State the letters of the alphabet, State the definition of nouns and use Identify proper from common nouns
when put together, forms words it sentences.
that we use.

Holy Mass/Parents
Topic/s Letters of the Alphabet Nouns Proper and Common Nouns

Resources LCD, Alphabets Powerpoint presentation Powerpoint presentation

Core Values Insistent passion for excellence Insistent passion for excellence, Insistent passion for excellence,
lifelong learning, language Lifelong learning, language Lifelong learning, language
proficiency proficiency proficiency
Assessment Plan Group Activity Oral and written exercise Oral and written exercise
Learning Activities Activity: Word Puzzle Activity: Noun Definition Activity: Proper and Common Noun
Analysis: What are the use of hint Analysis: Why do we need to use Differentiation
of letters in forming a word? nouns? Analysis: What are the differences
Abstraction: Discuss the use of Abstraction: Discuss the use of between a common and proper noun?
alphabet nouns in sentences. Abstraction: Discuss the common and
Application: Word relation with Application: Use correct nouns in proper noun.
concepts of family, friendship and certain sentences. Application: Noun classification
Other Activities/ Have an advance reading on
Home Works nouns.
Remarks [ ] No. of Pupils mastered the lesson [ ] No. of Pupils mastered the lesson [ ] No. of Pupils mastered the lesson
[ ] No. of Pupils needing Remediation [ ] No. of Pupils needing Remediation [ ] No. of Pupils needing Remediation
Prepared by: Noted:


Teacher Principal

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