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Behaviour in Organisation

Group Assignment (2019-21)

Date 22/07/2019

The groups are required to take up one single assignment for the term. The assignment requires
collection of research abstract pertaining to the course of study as presented in the course outline of
Behaviour in Organisation. It should be noted that there are 08 groups in each section. This means
every student group will have to select one broad topic out of total 12 from the course outline and
hence there will be no repeat of broad topics selected within the section. Group from each section has
to complete the assignment independently and submit it to the instructors.

Activities to be undertaken

• You have to work on pregiven topics from the course outline.

1 • Decide which subtopic is to be taken up by whom in the group.

• Visit the Library or online resources.

• Search the literature available from 2009 to 2019 from Google Scholar/iifml
2 ibrary journals/JSTOR, EBSCO/J-Gate

• Select 5 abstracts each member

• Prepare a summary of abstracts selected of not more than 250 words (20 marks).
3 • Prepare a rererence list following APA style (05 marks).

• Prepare a Research proposal (in Group) in 450- 500 words about New Research
initiatives based on the understanding from the abstract reading that can be taken in
4 India.

• The proposal (GROUP ACTIVITY) content will be as follows Marks

• ResearchProblem 5
5 • Sub Objectives 5
• Method and tools 5
• Management Applications of Research 10

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In general there are two part of the assignment, INDIVIDUAL (5 abstract summary per member in
the group) and GROUP (Research proposal in group based on understanding developed while
preparing individual abstract summary).Only one assignment from each group is to be submitted,
that is, individual work and group proposal should make one assignment report.

Group No Roll Nos. Broad Topics
1. 1-6 Personality and managerial effectiveness
2. 7-12 The Perceptual Process and Personal Effectiveness
3 13-18 Attitudes, Values and Behaviour
4. 19-24 Group & Team Behavior
5. 25-30 Inter-group Relations : Cooperation, Competition and Conflict
6. 31-37 Stress and Work
7. 38-43 The Motivational Processes
8. 44-50 Emotional Intelligence, Transactional Analysis, Assertiveness

Group No Roll Nos. Broad Topics
1. 1-6 The Learning Process in Organisations
2. 7-12 The Motivational Processes
3 13-19 Inter-group Relations : Cooperation, Competition and Conflict
4. 20-25 Attitudes, Values and Behaviour
5. 26-31 Group & Team Behavior
6. 32-37 Individual Development and organisations
7. 38-43 The Motivational Processes
8. 44-50 Emotional Intelligence, Transactional Analysis, Assertiveness

 Date for submission of completed assignment: 19/08/2019 by 5.00 pm

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 Submission should be neatly typed enclosing all the abstracts with the
assignment and submitted as a zip file.Cover page should include names of
all the members and roll numbers
 Late submission of assignment will not be entertained.
 Completed assignment should be submitted by the CR of respective Section
on or before the due date through email to and in single zip file.

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