Syllabi PAD 101 Introduction To PA

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College of Science of Arts, Sciences, Education and Criminology

Bachelor of Public Administration Program |
1st Semester , S.Y. 2018-2019

COURSE CODE & TITLE : PAD 101 Introduction to Public Administration

CREDIT UNITS : 3 units

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Class Schedule:
Consultation Hours:


This course is a basic introduction to public administration for students. Topics to be covered include
the role of bureaucracy in the political process, theories of public organizations, bureaucratic discretion and
accountability, policy implementation, and the changing nature of public administration. This course is designed
as a “hybrid” course that will involve lectures, student presentations, group discussion, research and virtual

Our goal is to develop a solid understanding of public administration theory and concepts—with an
emphasis on important dimensions of policy formulation and implementation.

During our consideration of assigned readings, we want to maintain a critical attitude. That involves looking
for shortcomings in theory, logic, and evidence in the materials, but it also involves asking how the materials
can be extended in new directions to further enhance our knowledge of administrative processes.

A central objective of the course is to introduce students to major research dealing with public administration so
that you will know and understand some of the most important and best work that is being done in the field. A
second objective is to encourage you to develop your own research interests and skills. Which is concerned with the
development, testing, and application of theory.


In this introductory course we will discuss the basic issues and concepts of public administration, such as:

1. The characteristics of public administration;

2. The policy cycle and the factors that influence the effectiveness and transparency of public policy
3. The leadership styles of public administrators and the legal, political, social and administrative
4. The accountability of public administrators and the possibility of administrative ethics


1. Students should acquire knowledge of the basic concepts of public administration regarding the policy
cycle, public management and public organizations.
2. Students should acquire a profound understanding of the most important doctrines of public administration
3. Students should acquire knowledge of the most important public institutions in our government


1. Students must be able to apply the concepts of public administration to analyze current policy issues and
the performing of public organizations.
2. Students must be able to reflect on the ethical issues of public administration.

1. Challenges and issues encountered by the different actors in governance e.g. the issue on corruption and
the efforts to fight it at the supranational level.
2. Students must be able to reflect on the ethical issues of public administration


At the end of the semester, students are able to familiarize with the accountability, policy implementation and the
changing nature of public administration in the role of bureaucracy in political process.

IV. RUBRICS FOR ASSESSMENT: Introduction to Public Administration

Written Report (60%)

Criteria 4-Excellent 3-Good 2-Fair 1-Needs


Introduction 10% Topic is introduced Topic is introduced Some key concepts Overly simplistic
through correct definition through definition of were not defined definition of key
of key concepts. key concepts. well. concepts.

Arguments are logical. Rationale, research Rationale, research No rationale for

question, and question, and study. No logical
Rationale is presented hypothesis are hypothesis are only argument for
logically and well- presented logically partially supported research question
supported by literature and supported by the by the literature and hypothesis.
review. literature review. review. Experimental Incorrect
Appropriate design is acceptable experimental design.
Introduction leads to
experimental design. but another design is
research question and
hypothesis in a logical
manner. Presents
thoughtful, original, and
critical analysis of the
concepts being studied.
Appropriate experimental

Review of Related Presents a critical review Presents a critical One or more sources Only one or two
Literature 15% of studies directly related and integrated came from studies are cited.
to topic, and not just a review of studies unscientific sources. Presents only a short
summary of previous directly related to the Presents only summary of previous
studies. The review is topic or concepts summaries of studies. Some studies
integrated and coherent. studies, and not just a previous studies are not relevant to
All studies reviewed are summary of previous related to the topic. the topic. Most
appropriate and related to studies. No Not enough studies studies are not
topic. No references from references from reviewed. Some current.
unscientific or unscientific or studies are not
unconventional sources. unconventional current.
Studies reviewed are sources.
current. Reviewed an
appropriate number of
studies that support
hypothesis and refute

Method 25% All pertinent subsections All pertinent One missing More than one
are included. All subsections are subsection. Not all missing subsection.
necessary details about included. All necessary details are Method section lacks
the conduct of the necessary details included. many details.
experiment are about the conduct of
mentioned. the experiment are
Method is written in such
a way that other Method is written in
researchers can replicate such a way that other
experiment. No researchers can
unnecessary details are replicate experiment.
mentioned. Some unnecessary
details are included.

Data analysis and Reported descriptive Reported descriptive Reports descriptive Incorrect statistical
Results 25% statistics and all data statistics and all data statistics but not all analysis. Incorrect
processing. Correct processing. Correct data processing. tables and graphs.
statistical analyses. Uses statistical analyses. Correct statistical
tables and graphs Uses tables and analysis. Lacks
correctly. Explains results graphs correctly. tables or graphs.
in straightforward manner.
No unnecessary discussion
or interpretation of results.

Discussion and Logical interpretation of Logical interpretation Interpretation of Incorrect

Conclusion 15% results. Answers the of results. Answers result is incomplete. interpretation of
research question(s) in a the research Research question is results. There is no
straightforward manner. question(s) in a only partially answer to the
Links the results and straightforward answered. There is research question.
interpretation to the manner. Links the no clear linking back No link to literature
literature review. Provides results and to the literature review.
recommendations and interpretation to the review. No
addresses limitations. literature review. limitations provided.
Discussion is concise, Provides limitations
critical, and analytical. of the study.

Adherence to APA APA format for empirical Except for one or two Some minor errors in Many errors in APA
style 5% paper is followed in all omissions or errors, formatting based on style formatting
sections of the paper. APA format for APA style. throughout the
empirical paper is paper.
followed in all
sections of the paper.
Grammar, editing, There is continuity or There is continuity or Some paragraphs do No links between
and formatting 5% logical link between logical link between not link. Each paragraphs.
paragraphs. paragraphs. paragraph discusses Sentences are
more than one topic. constructed
Each paragraph discusses Each paragraph Some sentences are incorrectly. Incorrect
only one topic or discusses only one constructed paraphrasing of
argument. Sentences are topic or argument. incorrectly. Incorrect many sources. Many
clear and concise. There is Sentences are clear paraphrasing of some grammatical errors
appropriate use of and concise. There is sources. Some and editing errors.
psychological terms. appropriate use of grammatical, editing, Many errors in cover
Appropriate use of figures psychological terms. or formatting errors. page and formatting.
and graphs. Appropriate use of Some errors on cover
figures and graphs. page format.
No grammatical errors.
One or two editing,
No editing errors. formatting, and/or
grammatical errors.
Cover page formatting is

Oral Report 40%

Criteria 4-Excellent 3-Good 2-Fair 1-Needs


Organization Introduces the purpose Introduces the Introduced purpose Does not clearly
and topic of the purpose of the of presentation. introduce purpose or
25% presentation clearly and presentation clearly. Includes some topic. Uses
creatively. Effectively Effectively uses transition between ineffective
uses smooth transitions smooth transitions slides. Group jumps transitions.
between slides. Logical between slides. around topics or Presentation is
order in presentation of Logical order in areas of presentation. choppy or disjointed.
information. Ends with presentation of Ends with a No conclusion.
accurate conclusion information. Ends conclusion.
showing thoughtful with correct
evaluation of evidence. conclusion. One or
two minor points are
lacking or confusing.

Content Group provides an For most of the Explanations of No reference is

accurate and complete presentation, concepts are made to existing
25% explanation of key explanation of incomplete. Presents literature.
concepts. Provides concepts are accurate evidence of research Information
evidence of well- and complete. but some information included does not
designed and executed Presents evidence of is lacking. support the research
experiment. Information correctly executed study. Shows little
completely accurate. experiment. No evidence of
significant errors are research, or
made. inaccurate or
information about
Use of Graphics are designed to While graphics relate Occasional use of Use of superfluous
communication reinforce thesis of and aid presentation graphics that rarely graphics, no
aids presentation and audience thesis, these media are support presentation graphics, or poor
understanding. Visual not as varied nor as thesis. Choppy, time- graphics that detract
25% aids are large enough to well connected to the wasting use of from presentation.
be seen from the back of thesis or topic. Font multimedia. Font is
the room. Media are size is appropriate for too small or too
prepared in a professional reading. Some large.
manner. material not supported Communication aids
by visual aid. were poorly

Ability to answer Demonstrates extensive Demonstrates Demonstrates some Demonstrates

questions knowledge of the topic by extensive knowledge knowledge of inaccurate or
responding confidently, of the topic by rudimentary incomplete
25% precisely, and responding questions by knowledge of topic
appropriately to all confidently, precisely, responding to most by responding
audience questions. and appropriately to questions. No incorrectly to
Encourages audience all audience questions. elaboration of questions or not
interaction or queries. At ease with answers answers. responding at all.
but fails to elaborate.


Weeks Topics Learning Experience / Assessments /

1 to 3 I Understanding Public Administration Learning Experience: (LO, 1,2,5)
1. Phases in the Evolution of Public  Explain the context of Public
Administration Administration as a practice and other
2. What is Public Administration field of study.
3. Why Public Administration is  Formative and /or Summative/Graded
Important? Assessment:
4. Importance of Public Administration Quiz, Group Activities and random
5. 3 Branches of the Government recitation.
6. Scope of Public Administration Learning Activities and Resources:
7. Difference Between Public and Private  Lecture, Assignments, Video
Administration Presentation and Group Activities
8. Peculiarities of Public Administration

4 to 5 II The study of Public Administration Learning Experience: (LO, 1,2,5)

1. Distinct Functions of the Government  Explain the context of Public
2. Is there a Philippine Public Administration as a practice and other
Administration? field of study.
3. Overview of Public Administration in the  Formative and /or Summative/Graded
Philippines Assessment:
4. Quiz, Group Activities and random
Learning Activities and Resources:
 Lecture, Assignments, Video
Presentation and Group Activities

Learning Experience: (LO 1,2,5)

6 to 8 III Government and Bureaucracy  Explain profound understanding of the
1. Concept of Bureaucracy system of administration based upon
2. Characteristics of Public organization into bureaus, divisions of
Administration labor, hierarchy of authority, design to
3. Characteristics of Bureaucracy in the dispose of a large body of work in a
Philippines routine manner.
4. Regulating and controlling Bureaucracy
 Formative and /or Summative/Graded
 Quiz, Group Activities and random
Learning Activities and Resources:
 Lecture, Assignments, Video
Presentation and Group Activities

****** MIDTERM ******

9 to 11 IV Local Government, Autonomy and

Learning Experience: (LO 1,2,5)
1. Understanding Local Government  Explain profound understanding of the
2. What is Local Governance? Local Government, Autonomy and
3. Conceptual Perspectives on Local Decentralization
Governance Formative and /or Summative/Graded
4. Evolution of Local Government in Assessment:
the Philippines  Quiz, Group Activities and random
5. Policy Making in the Local recitation.
Government Units Learning Activities and Resources:
6. Decentralization and Local  Lecture, Assignments, Video
Autonomy in the Philippines Presentation and Group Activities

12 to V Personnel Administration in the Learning Experience: (LO 1,2,5)

14 Government in the Government  Explain profound understanding of the
1. Definition of Personnel Personnel Administration in the
Administration Government
2. Responsibility of Personnel Formative and /or Summative/Graded
Administration Assessment:
3. Salient Features of civil Service  Quiz, Group Activities and random
4. Why the Study of Public Personnel recitation.
Administration is important? Learning Activities and Resources:
5. Scope of Personnel Administration  Lecture, Assignments, Video
6. The Civil Service Commission Presentation and Group Activities
7. Characteristics of Civil Service
8. Classifications of Positions
9. Levels of Positions in the Career

15 to VI. The Future of Public Administration Learning Experience: (LO 1,2,5)

17 1. The Present Day Public Explain profound understanding the Future of
Administration Public Administration
2. Divergent Views on the Future
Direction of Public Administration Formative and /or Summative/Graded
 Quiz, Group Activities and random
Learning Activities and Resources:
 Lecture, Assignments, Video
Presentation and Group Activities

VI. COURSE REQUIREMENTS [Be as detailed as possible in enumerating all the requirements for the course]

Requirement Points Description %

Attendance 100 points Attendance will be monitored every meeting 10%
Over the course of the semester, there will be activities, both in and out
of class, and demonstrations in which active participation is expected.
Group Participation in, and completion of any written work associated with
Activities 100 points these activities is worth 10 to 20 points each. Group activities will be 20%
on a psychological theory/topic shown in an applied and creative
manner. Guidelines for the activities shall be provided.
There will be announced quizzes. worth 10 points each which will 30%
Quizzes, 100 points cover the previous meeting's lecture as well the assigned chapter of the
Assignments day.
and Projects
In the assignments and projects Students will be asked to research on a
particular phenomenon about the Philippines or the Filipinos, and
explain these in terms of psychological theories and concepts using
various scientific methods. The objective of the assignment and
project is to foster self-reflection, critical thinking and writing skills,
and practical application of psychological theories to real life

Recitations shall also be graded and students shall be asked to recite in

class also from the previous meeting’s lectures and/or assigned topics
for the day.
Class 100 points 40%

Total 100%


MIDTERMS (50%) FINALS (50%) Grading Scale

Attendance 10% Attendance 10%
Quizzes 30% Quizzes 30% 1.00 ----- 96 - above
Assignment 30% Assignment 30% 1.25 ----- 93 - 95
1.50 ----- 90 - 92
Exam 30% Project 30%
1.75 ----- 87 - 89
TOTAL 100% TOTAL 100% 2.00 ----- 84 - 86
*The breakdown of percentages for both 2.25 ----- 81 - 83
midterm and final grades is only a 2.50 ----- 78 - 80
sample. Instructors are free to change 2.75 ----- 76 - 77
how each 50% is broken down. 3.00 ----- 75
5.00 ----- Below 75
INC ----- Incomplete
WP ----- Withdrawal from a
course with permission
UD ----- Unofficially Dropped

* Minimum grade for Major Subject is 2.00 = 84 (indicate if applicable)
* Transmutation Formula
(Score/Highest possible score) x 50+50
(Policies found in the latest Student Handbook are hereby adopted)

1. Attendance: Students are expected to attend class regularly. Students are responsible for all assignments or
announcements given in class. It is expected that all students will be present for all exams and quizzes. Make-up
exams are not given (because these are announced) and missed classroom activities cannot be made up, unless there
is compelling reason to have an excused absence authorized and recognized by the school. Please take note of the
a. Maximum number of cuts (stated in student handbook) + 1 more cut = Failure due to Absence
b. 1 late = arriving 15 minutes after class starts
c. 3 Lates = 1 cut
It is the responsibility of the students to keep track of their absences and incidents of tardiness. They should exercise
wise use of their allotted cuts. Students should not expect a warning upon reaching the maximum number of
allowable cuts.
2. Classroom behavior: Students are expected to be prompt, attentive, honest, and polite. Electronic devices such as
phones and music players should be set aside. The professor has the right to confiscate these devices and file the
necessary corrective action.
3. Requirements: Submit all requirements on time and make sure that it is properly formatted and labeled. Late
submis sion will be accepted but shall incur 10% deduction for every day the submitted requirement is late.


Introduction to Public Administration by Carmelo Rico S. Bihasa
Public Administration Dynamics, Processes and Issues in the Philippines
Introduction to Public Administration in the Philippines De Guzman, Raul 2013
The State of Public Bureaucracy - Wamsley

Mandated Laws
Article IX-B of the 1987 Philippine Constitution
Section 3, Article IX, Letter B of the Philippine Constitution
RA 7160 Local Government Code in the Philippines

Philippine Journal of Public Administration

Electronic Sources

Prepared By:

________________ ____________________ _________________ _______________________

Arman L. Jacinto, MPA Zara Jane Ballesteros, MPA Arman L. Jacinto, MPA Ma. Rasario M. Quejado, Ed D
Faculty in Charge Industry Practitioner Program Coordinator Dean CASEC

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