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for Children
and Adolescents
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for Children and Adolescents


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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Kazdin, Alan E.
Psychotherapy for children and adolescents : directions for
research and practice / Alan E. Kazdin.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
ISBN 0-19-512618-1
1. Child psychotherapy—Research—Methodology. 2. Adolescent
psychotherapy—Research—Methodology. I. Title.
RJ504.K373 2000
618.92'8914—dc21 99-17112

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To Bundle and Vugie—Ineffable sources of joy
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Psychotherapy piques our interest in part because of the scope of problems it

addresses. Psychotherapy is used for psychiatric disorders and mental illnesses,
including schizophrenia, depression, alcohol abuse, to mention only a few. In
addition, in everyday life, many stresses, strains, and traumas (e.g., experience
of loss, problems of identity and meaning, and relationship issues) can be aided
by psychotherapy. Although they are ordinary in the sense of being universal
and commonplace, their impact can be extraordinary. Of course, psychother-
apy is not just for "psychological" problems. Mental health is inextricably re-
lated to physical health. For example, fat consumption and lack of exercise pre-
dict heart disease, but so does depression. Moreover, psychotherapy can have
significant impact on physical health, including length of survival among ter-
minally ill patients. Although therapy is not a panacea, the scope of its appli-
cation and beneficial effects is broad.
We are also interested in the seeming mystery of therapeutic change. How
does therapy help? How does it work? We hear stories from therapists and
friends about significant changes or personal transformations produced by ther-
apy. Of course, personal transformations are fascinating whether effected by
age, religion, or psychotherapy. Psychological research can inform us about ba-
sic processes of change. Such information can be put to use beyond the con-
fines of therapy to aid in understanding development, interpersonal relation-
ships, and other processes in which change is involved (e.g., teaching and
The problems for which psychotherapy can be helpful can emerge at any
point over the life span. But the social, emotional, and behavioral problems in
childhood raise special issues and special frustrations. Parents are often placed
in a demanding, frustrating, and demoralizing position in coping daily with a
seriously disturbed child. Yet, parents must mobilize efforts and resources to
obtain the necessary help and to follow through with treatment that may make
further demands. Psychotherapy is not the only solution to address the difficul-
ties that children, adolescents, and their families experience, but it is one to
which they can and do often turn.
Children and adolescents experience many types of social, emotional, and
behavioral problems. Moreover, a large proportion of children and adolescents

in everyday life are significantly impaired. The task of providing interventions,

over the range of disorders and number of children and adolescents in need, is
overwhelming. The mental health professions have been actively addressing
the task in many ways. There are hundreds of different types of therapies and
well over a thousand controlled outcome studies of then- impact. Thus, much
has been done to develop effective treatments.
Psychotherapy is the topic of this book. My focus is on what we do and do
not know about its effects. The book examines the current status and future di-
rections of psychotherapy research. I have two central theses. First, there are
major limitations in contemporary research and its conclusions about the ef-
fects of psychotherapy. Limitations can always be identified in any area of
study, so this thesis is not new or even necessarily important. Second, progress
(or at least significant progress) in treating disorders of children and adolescents
is unlikely to result from current psychotherapy research. Current research ig-
nores central issues important both in the short and long term for providing ef-
fective interventions. I address the central theses by focusing on three ques-
tions: (1) What do we wish to know about therapy and its effects? (2) What do
we already know? (3) What needs to be accomplished to fill in the gap between
what we wish to know and what we already know?
The book covers the current status of knowledge, current limitations, needed
knowledge about therapy, and a model for future research. The model is de-
signed to chart a course that assures systematic progress in the accumulation of
research. I make suggestions to redirect the questions, methods, and foci of both
research and clinical practice. Research goals are to understand therapy and its
effects and to advance the knowledge base so that clinical work has a strong
empirical footing. The goal of clinical practice is the care of the individual client
or patient. Both research and practice can be mobilized to fill the knowledge
gaps. The book discusses the present but aims squarely at future progress.
The mental health professions are not at a loss for more books on psy-
chotherapy. There are several genres of psychotherapy books, including those
that propose and promote a particular treatment, those that serve as compendia
to review research on many treatments as applied to many problems, and those
that instruct one how to do some form of treatment (e.g., treatment manuals,
self-help books). These are all valuable no doubt, but this book has a different
purpose, namely, to guide future research and to accelerate or ensure progress.
The overall goal is to influence psychotherapy research. What is now re-
garded as "state-of-the-art," "cutting-edge," and "groundbreaking" (insert your
favorite such term here) psychotherapy research simply will not lead us to un-
derstand how therapy works and what to do to make it more effective. The task
of this book is to reconcile the present knowledge with the goals of therapy and
to connect them with an explicit plan or course that plots future work.
I am pleased to acknowledge several sources of support provided during the
writing of this book. I am grateful for the support for research on child and ado-
lescent psychotherapy from the Leon Lowenstein Foundation, the William T.
Grant Foundation, and the National Institute of Mental Health. Yale University

is a very supportive environment and has provided colleagues—faculty and

students—who have greatly influenced my thinking. My current work is con-
ducted at the Yale Child Conduct Clinic, a clinical service for children and fam-
ilies. I am grateful for the work and collaboration of the staff at the clinic, where
we daily confront the many problems toward which therapy research is di-
rected. At the same time, clinical work has also taught us about the many prob-
lems and issues that research has eschewed.
The book is about the strengths and limits of therapy research. To that end,
research design and methodology are pertinent topics, especially so in one of
the chapters. A brief appendix on the topic of methodology has been provided
to convey key concepts for the interested reader. Dr. Irving Quickie graciously
agreed to serve as a guest author and to prepare a "quick" overview and brush-
up course. I am grateful for his contribution. Several individuals, but especially
Susan Breton and Tricia Zawacki, contributed to the appendix that identifies
treatments currently in use. Their work is described and gratefully acknowl-
edged further in that section. Finally, Michelle Kazdin assisted with the content
and editing; I am grateful for her contribution and participation.

New Haven, Connecticut A. E. K.

April 1999
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About the Author

Alan E. Kazdin, Ph.D., is Professor and Chairman of Psychology at Yale

University, Professor in the Child Study Center (Child Psychiatry) and Director
of the Yale Child Conduct Clinic, an outpatient treatment service for children
and their families. He received his Ph.D. in clinical psychology from
Northwestern University in 1970. Before coming to Yale, he was on the faculty
at Pennsylvania State University and the University of Pittsburgh School of
Medicine. His research focuses on therapy for children and adolescents, in-
cluding the treatment of aggressive and antisocial behavior, processes involved
in therapeutic change, and barriers to participation in treatment. He has been a
fellow of the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, president
of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, and recipient of the
Distinguished Scientific Contribution and Distinguished Professional Contri-
bution Awards in Clinical Psychology. He has been editor of various journals
(Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Behavior Therapy, Psycho-
logical Assessment, and Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice). Currently,
he is editor of Current Directions in Psychological Science, the Encyclopedia
of Psychology, and a book series on Developmental Clinical Psychology and
Psychiatry. He has written or edited over 30 books, including Research Design
in Clinical Psychology (3rd ed.), Conduct Disorder in Childhood and
Adolescence (2nd ed.), Behavior Modification in Applied Settings (5th ed.),
Child Psychotherapy: Developing and Identifying Effective Treatments,
Methodological Issues and Strategies in Clinical Research (2nd ed.), Single-
Case Research Designs: Methods for Clinical and Applied Settings, and
Cognitive Behavioral Interventions (with L. Craighead, W.E. Craighead, &
M.J. Mahoney).
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PARTI. Backsround 1
1. Introduction 3
2. Clinical Problems of Children and Adolescents 17
3. Approaches, Treatments, and Characteristics
of Psychotherapy 34

PART II. Evidence: Major Findings, Strengths, and Limitations 53

4. The Effects of Psychotherapy:
Current Status of the Evidence 55
5. The Effects of Psychotherapy:
Empirically Supported Treatments 72
6. Treatments That Work: Illustrations of
Exemplary Research 89
7. Characteristics and Limitations
of Therapy Research 108

PART III. Improving Therapy Research 129

8. Developing Effective Treatments:
A Model for Clinical Research 131
9. Designing and Conducting
a Treatment Study 157
10. Implementing and Evaluating Treatment
in Clinical Practice 186
11. Psychotherapy Research in Perspective 209

Appendix A: List of Child and Adolescent Psychotherapies 229

Appendix B: Methodology in a Nutshell
by Dr. Irving Quickie 241
Notes 257
References 263
Author Index 289
Subject Index 297
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Chapter 1


Psychotherapy Defined
What Is Psychotherapy?
What Psychotherapy Is Not
Goals of Psychotherapy Research
The "Ultimate Question"
An Alternative Formulation
Deciding Whether Treatment Is Effective
The Social Context: Who Is Interested in Psychotherapy
Focus of This Book
Overview of Remaining Chapters

PSYCHOTHERAPY is CONSTANTLY in the public eye. Cartoons in magazines,

newspapers, and greeting cards are omnipresent and invariably depict scenes in
which a client on a couch speaks to a seated therapist. In this scene, the client
conveys odd memories, dreams, and fantasies, each pregnant with significance
about childhood. This image is a carryover from yesteryear and in fact does not
represent most therapy. Nevertheless, the stereotypic image, however distorted,
holds before the public the relevance of therapy for psychiatric disorders, per-
sonal problems, and life crises. The look and image of psychotherapy vary
widely. Indeed, with advances in technology, communication, and information
systems, therapy is now available through self-help books, computer software,
videotape cassettes, and Internet web sites (Marks, Shaw, & Parkin, 1998;
Newman, Consoli, & Taylor, 1997; Santrock, Minnett, & Campbell, 1994).
With a mouse click or two, one can access a sympathetic ear or at least a pleas-
antly colored if not soothing computer monitor. Integration of therapy with
technological advances in the media further reflects the public's keen interest
in the subject matter.
Furthermore, there is often a mystique associated with therapy, also stereo-
typical. Through some wizardry, perhaps one can unlock one's early childhood
to uncover amazing capacities or to overcome angst, foibles, or significant im-


pediments to functioning. Perhaps if we have this or that insight or unlock some

impacted memory, our problems and symptoms (e.g., anxiety, shyness, stutter-
ing, hallucinations) will disappear or substantially improve. This prospect is in-
triguing, mystifying, and hopeful. It is also plausible enough. Perhaps (in my
own case) if I did talk and relate to someone (a therapist), I could learn how to
talk and relate to (and in conversation actually face) other people. Well, in my
own case there may be little hope, but with less severely impaired cases, this
prospect is hopeful.
Therapy has a novel history, some of which seeps out in ways that foster fur-
ther interest in the topic. There are scores of fascinating treatments over the
course of history. For example, self-suggestion (repeatedly making statements
to oneself) was used by the nineteenth century psychotherapist Emil Coue
(1857-1926) to treat all sorts of mental and physical conditions, including in-
somnia, depression, incontinence, alcohol abuse, hernias, tumors, myopia,
pain, and paralysis (Coue, 1922,1923). The assumption was that believing is a
necessary and sufficient condition to change. Treatment consisted of suggest-
ing that the patient's condition would improve and prescribing a program of
self-suggestion in which individuals repeated that they would improve. The
most common phrase that individuals were instructed to state daily and fre-
quently was "Day by day in every way, I'm getting better and better" (Brooks,
1922, p. 27). By all accounts, autosuggestion was generally effective for a num-
ber of problems patients brought to treatment. Suggestion has played a role in
many treatments over the course of history (e.g., Mesmerism, hypnosis) and no
doubt plays a role not fully understood in contemporary treatments as well.
Therapy has its share of fascinating case histories with seemingly wonder-
ful effects. For example, in the 1880s Joseph Breuer (1842-1925), a Viennese
physician and collaborator of Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), treated Anna O
(Breuer & Freud, 1957). Anna was 21 years old at the time and had several
symptoms including paralysis and loss of sensitivity of the limbs, lapses in
awareness, distortions of sight and speech, headaches, and a persistent nervous
cough. These symptoms were thought to reflect anxiety rather than medical or
physical problems. As Breuer talked with Anna and used a little hypnosis, she
recalled early events in her past and discussed the circumstances associated
with the onset of each symptom. As she made these recollections, her symp-
toms disappeared. This case is credited with marking the beginning of the "talk-
ing cure" and cathartic method of psychotherapy.1 Such cases inform our views
of therapy and often exert much more influence than the actual evidence about
therapy's accomplishments.
Therapy is interesting to the public because in fact many people use psy-
chotherapy in their lifetime. Many stresses and strains of living (e.g., marital
discord, general relationship problems, loss of loved ones) as well as clinical
disorders (e.g., depression, panic attacks) lead people to seek psychotherapy.
Indeed, within a given year, between 3-6% of children, adolescents, and adults
receive outpatient treatment for mental health (U.S. Congress, 1986). Over the
course of childhood and adolescence, 10% of youths (ages 3-17) receive treat-

ment for emotional or behavioral problems (U.S. Congress, 1991). By current

census (U.S. Bureau of Census, 1993), this would translate to approximately 7
million youths who receive treatment. These percentages are likely to be un-
derestimates because mental health services are provided by many profession-
als (e.g., psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, pediatricians, general
practice physicians, psychiatric nurses, school counselors, clergy) and are not
easily tracked.
In addition, therapy can be very effective and have far-reaching impact.
Controlled studies have shown that some forms of psychotherapy can affect
mental and physical health and survival. For example, it is not surprising to
learn that various forms of psychotherapy are effective in treating depression
and anxiety—these are the traditional home turf of therapy. Perhaps more sur-
prising is the evidence that therapy can have significant impact on physical
health, such as decreasing the recurrence of heart attacks (Thoresen & Powell,
1992) and increasing the longevity of terminally ill cancer patients (Spiegel,
Bloom, Kraemer, & Gottheil, 1989). These examples convey the interrelation
between mental and physical health and the broad relevance of psychotherapy
to the human condition.
There is also keen professional interest in psychotherapy. Mental health pro-
fessionals, primarily psychologists, psychiatrists, and social workers, are in-
volved in the delivery of treatment services to children, adolescents, and adults.
In addition, therapy is an active area of research. Researchers and clinicians
alike are interested in evaluating and understanding the effects of therapy.
This book is about research on the effectiveness of psychotherapy for chil-
dren and adolescents and the challenges in developing and evaluating treat-
ments.2 Many intriguing questions about the effects of therapy immediately
come to mind. Can psychotherapy ameliorate the many personal, family, and
social problems humans face? Among the many different treatment techniques,
which ones work? These are only initial questions that arise, not the deeper
questions. Questions about how treatment works, for whom it does and does
not work, and why treatment may work for some but not others are critical to
developing and identifying effective treatments. These questions are central to
this book.

What Is Psychotherapy?
It is not an idle exercise to define psychotherapy. Problems in specifying the
central features and the boundary conditions (what is not psychotherapy) show
how understanding more about therapy and how it might work is important. For
a general definition, psychotherapy consists of a special interaction between
two (or more) individuals in which one person (the patient or client) has sought
help for a particular problem and another person (the therapist) provides con-
ditions to alleviate that person's distress and to improve functioning in every-
day life (Garfield, 1980; Walrond-Skinner, 1986). The interaction is designed

to alter the feelings, thoughts, attitudes, or actions of the person who has sought,
or has been brought to, treatment. Typically, very special conditions define the
interactions of therapist and client.3 The client usually describes his or her dif-
ficulties and life circumstances and the reasons for seeking help. The therapist
provides conditions (e.g., support, acceptance, and encouragement) to foster the
interpersonal relationship and systematic experiences (e.g., new ways of be-
having through practice, role-playing, homework assignments, advice) de-
signed to produce change.
The goals of therapy and the means to obtain them help clarify what uniquely
defines psychotherapy. The goals consist of improving adjustment and func-
tioning in both intrapersonal and interpersonal spheres and reducing maladap-
tive behaviors and various psychological and often physical complaints.
Intrapersonal adjustment includes how one views or feels about oneself and
courses of action one pursues. Interpersonal functioning refers to how one
adapts to and interacts with others, such as relatives, significant others, peers,
or colleagues. As a form of treatment, psychotherapy addresses identifiable
problems that impair individuals' functioning in everyday life, unlike preven-
tion, in which some effort is usually made to intervene before a problem is ev-
ident. Treatment and prevention too have blurry boundaries: often one inter-
venes with a person who has a problem (anxiety, depression) not only to
ameliorate the present problem but also to prevent the onset of other problems
(dropping out of school, substance abuse).
The means by which the goals are achieved are primarily interpersonal con-
tacts; for most treatments, this consists of verbal interaction. In child therapy,
the means can include talking, playing, rewarding new behaviors, or rehears-
ing activities with the child. Also, the persons who carry out these actions may
include therapists, parents, teachers, or peers. A variety of therapeutic aids such
as puppets, games, and stories may be used as the means through which treat-
ment goals are sought.
Psychotherapy is restricted to psychosocial interventions in which the means
rely primarily on various interpersonal sources of influence such as learning,
persuasion, social support, discussion, and similar processes. The focus is on
some facet of how clients feel (affect), think (cognitions), and act (behaviors).
The definition is necessarily general because of the range of approaches and
dizzying list of techniques that need to be accommodated, as I discuss later.
Thus, the definition includes treatments subsumed under many general rubrics
such as individual, group, family, insight-oriented, behavioral, and cognitive

What Psychotherapy Is Not

Certainly, it is very important to delineate the boundaries between therapy and
other practices or enterprises that may look like or share the goals of therapy.
Excluded from the definition are interventions that use biological and medical
means of producing change, such as medication, diet, exercise, megavitamins,
and psychosurgery. These interventions (e.g., medication to control hyperac-

tivity, electroconvulsive shock to ameliorate recalcitrant depression, or exercise

to cope with tension and stress) are often directed toward improved psycho-
logical functioning. However, the methods, theoretical rationales, and clinical
research issues differ from those raised by psychosocial procedures. Also
excluded are interventions directed toward educational objectives, such as tu-
torial and counseling programs singularly directed to enhance academic per-
formance and achievement. Omitted from the standard definitions of psy-
chotherapy are activities such as chatting with relatives and friends; engaging
in hobbies, sports, or other individual or group activities (dancing, singing, fish-
ing); participating in religious activities; and merely spending time with one's
spouse or significant other. All of these can be therapeutic in the sense that they
improve adjustment and functioning, but they are not formally regarded as part
of psychotherapy. Of course, the reader may say that if these activities are ther-
apeutic, perhaps they ought to be integrated better into scientific research and
practice and delivery of mental health. Indeed, to address personal adjustment,
functioning, and psychiatric impairment, we ought to understand how all of
these interventions not considered to be psychotherapy work and when they
ought to be deployed. I shall return to the reader's point in the final chapter.
The exclusion of biological and medical procedures, interventions with ed-
ucational objectives, and daily activities that share many of therapy's goals (en-
hancing adjustment) and means (talking) does not in any way slight the signif-
icance or utility of these other methods and activities. However, by tradition the
definition of therapy is restricted to a large class of psychosocial interventions.
These interventions are also those studied by the mental health professions
(psychology, psychiatry, and social work). Hence, the domain of psychother-
apy is separated from related interventions that may involve other disciplines.
This is a bit arbitrary, but boundaries often permit a more intensive focus on a
given area of work.


This book is about making advances in psychotherapy research for children and
adolescents. Concrete suggestions are provided regarding the questions that
ought to guide research, how these questions ought to be answered, and how to
make progress in systematic ways, beyond the goals of individual studies. I
shall examine the questions that currently guide research later; I only highlight
them here. How questions are asked about therapy and of course how the an-
swers are sought dictate the kind of progress that is made. Recommendations
of new ways to make progress require that we state, challenge, and then refor-
mulate the questions that guide treatment research. The following issues con-
vey the basis of the book's focus.
The "Ultimate Question"
The goals of psychotherapy research ought to be straightforward. There are
questions to which we want well-supported answers. Does psychotherapy work?
Is psychotherapy effective? As meaningful and direct as these sound, researchers

do not consider them to be very useful. They oversimplify psychotherapy its ef-
fects (Bergin & Lambert, 1978; Edwards & Cronbach, 1952). Psychotherapy is
a general term that encompasses many different treatments. It is not particularly
meaningful to lump them all together and ask a single, simple true/false ques-
tion. That is like asking, "Does surgery (or drugs, or child-rearing) work?" There
are many different types of surgery, drugs, and child-rearing practices that work
in some conditions, for some people. And, of course, what does "work" or "ef-
fective" mean? Do people get all better or partially better, in the short term or
the long term? These important questions will reappear later.
Many years ago, the global question was replaced by a more specific ques-
tion: "What treatment, by whom, is most effective for this individual with that
specific problem, under which set of circumstances?" (Paul, 1967, p. 111). This
is often regarded as the ultimate question toward which psychotherapy outcome
research should be directed. The question highlights the importance of exam-
ining the specific effects of various treatments for a particular clinical problem
and acknowledges that the effects of treatments may depend on the character-
istics of the patients and therapists and on the conditions under which treatment
is provided.
"Challenges," if not insurmountable obstacles, make this question difficult
to address. In fact, I do not believe this is the question we ought to address any-
way. But consider the question on its own terms. The sheer number of available
treatment techniques alone makes this question close to impossible to answer.
Surveys have revealed a continued proliferation of techniques in use for adults.
In the early 1960s, approximately 60 different types of psychotherapy for adults
were identified (Garfield, 1982). In the 1970s the figure rose from 130 (National
Institute of Mental Health [NIMH], 1975) to more than 250 techniques (Herink,
1980). By the mid-1980s, there were over 400 techniques (Karasu, 1985). There
is no systematic tracking of the number of new treatments or variations, at least
to my knowledge. Moreover, the purpose served by tracking new treatments
would be unclear. Also, any count of treatments has serious boundary problems
(e.g., is a variation of a treatment a new technique or just a variation?). In any
case, determining the effectiveness of the 400 or so different therapies for adults
is a task of considerable proportions.
The ultimate question implies that the different techniques ought to be eval-
uated in relation to specific clinical problems. Assume, for example, that there
were 100 or 200 plausible treatments for anxiety disorders; each would need to
be tested in relation to each anxiety disorder. The symptoms, maladaptive be-
haviors, target complaints, and dysfunctions now recognized as clinical prob-
lems have also proliferated. Consider, for example, the classification of psy-
chiatric disorders over the last fifty years. In the United States, the list of
recognized disorders is provided by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
Mental Disorders (the DSM). This document is updated periodically and de-
lineates various disorders (e.g., mood, anxiety, eating, and sexual disorders) and
criteria invoked for their diagnosis. The most recent edition (DSM-IV;
American Psychiatric Association [APA], 1994a) includes over 300 recognized

disorders and related problems that can serve as the basis for distress in every-
day life and that may warrant treatment. Over the years, as the DSM has
evolved, more and more diagnoses and disorders have been distinguished (from
slightly over 100 in 1952 to slightly over 300 in 1994). Even assuming that the
number of recognized disorders does not continue to increase with further re-
visions of the DSM, evaluation of treatment in relation to disorders currently
recognized is an obviously formidable task. Indeed, evaluating the effects of
the 400 or so techniques on each of the 300 or so disorders, including the com-
parison of treatments (e.g., two treatments at a time), would require several mil-
lion studies. For those students struggling for dissertation topics, this might be
good news. Yet for the rest of us this is disastrous. Moreover, the number is a
gross underestimate because it omits other variables to investigate that are in-
cluded in the ultimate question (e.g., types of therapists, ethnicity of therapists
and clients, severity of dysfunction). Therapy studies—even poorly designed
studies—are not easy to conduct, so a very large number of such studies is not

An Alternative Formulation
The ultimate question has been largely accepted as the agenda of therapy re-
search. Yet answering the question is really not feasible. This could explain the
limited progress in securing answers. For most clinical problems brought to
treatment, we do not know which technique will be effective for some but not
other types of clients. To cover the number of treatments, problems, and other
conditions would require an indefinite and slightly less than infinite number of
studies. Efforts to complete the requisite number of studies no doubt would be
interrupted by a distracting astronomical event, namely, the increased bright-
ness and heat from the sun, which is expected to boil the oceans away and bum
the rest of the earth (in approximately a billion years).
The ultimate question is objectionable on other grounds as well. The ques-
tion, as formulated, emphasizes an empirical approach of mixing and matching
variables in assorted combinations (this type of patient, that type of treatment,
under those types of conditions). An endless array of variables might be added
to make the list and the research task even greater. For example, any relation
between the effectiveness of a particular treatment and a particular clinical
problem may vary as a function of other variables such as the age of the client
(adolescent vs. adult), ethnicity, personality characteristics of the client (or ther-
apist), and so on rather endlessly. The search for such variables and their im-
pact unguided by theory or conceptual views can be seen in the various meta-
analyses of therapy that look at the influence of one variable after another,
without regard to prediction, meaning, or interpretability of the variable.
Components of the ultimate question are very important, but the agenda for re-
search ought to be formulated somewhat differently.
The goal for therapy research is to understand how treatment leads to change
and how various factors relate to change. The goal ought to be approached by
emphasizing theory that poses the processes (or mechanisms) through which

therapy operates. The benefit of this alternative formulation of the task is that
it does not require several million studies. Also, the formulation begins with a
parsimonious assumption: the many treatments available probably do not all
work through different mechanisms or processes. Thus, therapeutic improve-
ment likely results from changes in some limited number of psychological, bi-
ological, and social processes. For example, therapy may achieve effects be-
cause of changes in memory, behavioral repertoires, and cognitions. Identifying
how therapy works, even for one or two forms of therapy, could reveal pro-
cesses that have generality across many types of therapy and also apply to
changes in other contexts, such as child rearing or schooling.
Two key concepts that clarify the reformulated research agenda are modera-
tors and mediators (see Baron & Kenny, 1986; Holmbeck, 1997). A moderator
is a variable that influences the relationship between two (or more) other vari-
ables. For example, the effects of treatment A may differ for boys and girls. That
is, the relationship between treatment and therapeutic change is influenced (mod-
erated) by child gender. In this example, gender is a moderator. We can readily
identify variables that likely serve as moderators of treatment. Severity of the
child's problem or adverse conditions in the family (e.g., family chaos, psychi-
atric impairment of the parents) could plausibly serve as moderators. A goal of
therapy research is to hypothesize and evaluate factors that moderate treatment
effects and, eventually, to understand why these factors serve as moderators.
A mediator is the process, mechanism, or means through which a variable
operates or produces a particular outcome. For example, therapy may achieve
its effects because of changes in cognitive processes (e.g., how cues from the
environment or from others are coded, changes in specific beliefs and attribu-
tions) that therapy produces. Alternatively, changes might result from learning
processes, alteration of memory, or reduction in physiological arousal associ-
ated with real and imagined events. When we know how change takes place,
we can say the particular process mediates treatment.
Moderators and mediators are distinct but relate to each other. If a relation
is moderated by a variable, different mechanisms are likely involved. For ex-
ample, early signs of disruptive behavior in elementary school children (first
grade, age 7) predict later delinquency in adolescence. However, this relation-
ship holds for boys, not girls. In other words, the relation of early signs of ag-
gression and later delinquency is moderated by child gender. Knowing the mod-
erator, we can assume that the paths toward delinquency may involve different
processes for boys and girls. That is, identification of a moderator may imply
that different mechanisms are involved in the outcome.
The search for mediators and moderators does not make the psychotherapy
research agenda easy. However, the shift from the ultimate question to this for-
mulation focuses on influences and processes that may extend across many
treatments and disorders and moves from describing to explaining therapeutic
change. Also, the agenda underscores the importance of understanding theory
and mechanisms rather than or in addition to demonstrating empirical relations
among conditions on which treatment effects depend. I elaborate the steps to-

ward understanding treatment in a later chapter that provides a model to guide

treatment research.
Another advantage of this formulation is that it draws on a broad range of
research strategies. Mediators of change can be studied in basic research (hu-
man and infrahuman laboratory studies) in addition to therapy studies. All of
psychology (leaving aside other disciplines) may be relevant to understand
change processes (e.g., learning, memory, information processing, persuasion,
and attitude change). How humans (organisms) learn, change, adapt, and de-
velop are not unique therapy questions; hence, the answers need not derive from
treatment studies. We do wish to know whether therapy "works," but we also
need to know why it works. Discovering why is not an intellectual exercise but
a key to being able to influence the course and magnitude of therapeutic change.

Deciding Whether Treatment Is Effective

The questions that ought to guide psychotherapy research are challenging to say
the least, as I note in later chapters. The answers are problematic too. As a gen-
eral statement, questions concern the effects and effectiveness of therapy. The
notion of "effectiveness" is rather slippery. Deciding whether treatment is ef-
fective is not a straightforward process. The effects of treatment can be mea-
sured in several ways, including the reduction of symptoms, improvements in
adjustment at home or in the community, increases in self-reported happiness,
and the evaluations of relatives and friends who may or may not see improve-
ment. Which of these or other indices should define effectiveness? Perhaps one
should look for changes in several measures to be sure that the treatment has
really worked. Yet improvements on one measure or set of measures are not al-
ways associated with improvements on other measures. So whether treatment
is considered effective may depend on the specific measure one examines.
Also, how much change on a measure is needed to define an effective treat-
ment? Changes in symptoms, adjustment, and happiness are a matter of degree.
Perhaps the client's depression or fears decrease only a little by the end of treat-
ment. Would we say that treatment was effective? Consider this—for some per-
sons who come to therapy, problems may be worsening; for example, one be-
comes more deviant, more withdrawn, more impaired. Treatment may slow or
stop the process or downward trend. At the end of treatment, perhaps the client
has not changed at all. Conceivably, no change could be a great success in ther-
apy just as it is in medical treatment of serious disease (e.g., showing that an
AIDS patient remains stable). In almost all cases, the goal of therapy is to re-
duce symptoms and improve adaptive functioning. At what point would an im-
provement be regarded as a sign that therapy is effective or successful? There
are no definitive answers to such questions.


To this point, I have highlighted the research agenda in a somewhat idealistic
fashion. The fact is that research occurs in a political and social context with

multiple interests and consumers of therapy and therapy research. The con-
sumers include those who
• are directly served (clients and their families);
• provide treatment (mental health professionals, including psychologists,
psychiatrists, and social workers);
• refer others for treatment (pediatricians and other physicians, school per-
sonnel, the courts);
• advocate for special interest groups (legislators, patient advocacy groups);
• pay for treatment (sometimes clients, but often third-party payers, includ-
ing employers, insurance companies, and governmental agencies).
All of these parties wish to know whether therapy is a viable means to address
mental health and physical health problems such as alcohol and drug abuse and
coping with and surviving terminal disease. They are keenly interested in ther-
apy, to whom it is applied, with what goals, and at what costs and benefits.
The different consumer groups have overlapping but somewhat different in-
terests and priorities. For example, parents who seek treatment for their chil-
dren want an intervention that is acceptable (palatable, reasonable, not painful
or aversive), time-limited and effective. The goals of parents are to improve
functioning and eliminate their child's problems to the extent possible. Agents
for insurance companies and third-party payment plans are interested in the
least costly intervention. The goal of reimbursement agencies may not be to
make clients "all better," "happy," or "productive," but rather to return them to
adequate functioning in everyday life: to return the child back to school, the
college student to classes, the adult to work. Insurance agencies are likely in-
terested in knowing the least costly treatment that can be provided to achieve
some change. The courts wish to know whether any form of treatment can pro-
vide a viable alternative to incarceration as a way of interrupting the path of a
child or adolescent heading toward a career of criminality.
Consumers of therapy influence the research agenda by inadvertently, or
sometimes directly, setting or modifying the priorities of research. Advocacy
groups routinely lobby for more research funds to address a particular problem
(e.g., substance abuse) or type of program (e.g., prevention). Also, public alarm
over events that receive heightened attention by the media (e.g., children killing
other children with handguns) can lead to pressure on those responsible for pol-
icy, which in turn can influence funding for research on a particular type of
problem and treatments to ameliorate it. Although research grants are often
evaluated for their scientific merit, scientific merit itself is evaluated in the con-
text of political agenda. Citizens and lobbying groups can very much influence
that agenda. Also, managed care plans wish to know which treatments work
quickly. Researchers respond to such matters and often evaluate applied ques-
tions that have some social urgency. Funds for research, whether from federal
or state agencies or private foundations, are more readily available to address
questions of social than of scientific interest.

Consumer interests also provide implicit boundaries for what is appropriate

to study and to evaluate. Ultimately a treatment effective in research is intended
to be applied in clinical work with "real" clients who come for treatment. It
would make very little sense to evaluate a treatment that is aversive, not feasi-
ble, costly, politically incorrect, or even unethical because it has little chance
of ever being used by people in everyday life. This point, of course, does not
apply only to psychotherapy. An effective medicine is useless if taking it is too
painful or costly or has side effects that are as bad or worse than the problem
itself. Therapy research also has to operate within such constraints.
Research does not occur in an academic vacuum. Psychotherapy research
often has to address quite different constituents. One must recognize this at the
outset because it places treatment research in context. Also, the different inter-
ests of persons invested in therapy research lead to a broad range of questions
that treatment research is compelled to address. If we ask which treatment is
more acceptable to the clients or which is less expensive for society, this leads
to studies that go beyond the ultimate question and the expanded formulation.


Psychotherapy research has made enormous progress in the past fifty years.
Interestingly, the vast majority of work has focused on adults. In general, re-
search on psychiatric disorders and problems of adjustment of children and ado-
lescents, including diagnosis, assessment, and treatment, has lagged behind. For
example, as the DSM delineated various forms of psychiatric or "mental" dis-
orders, the focus was almost exclusively on adult disorders. Only in the 1980s
(APA, 1980, 1987) were the emotional and behavioral problems of childhood
delineated in some detail. Prior to that, the range of disorders and forms of im-
pairment were not formally recognized, barring severe forms of dysfunction
(e.g., autism, mental retardation) and pervasive forms of disruptive behavior
(e.g., hyperactivity, delinquency). Even these disorders, while recognized, were
not well differentiated in terms of their various subtypes and patterns. In the cur-
rent diagnostic manual (4th edition, APA, 1994a), a large number of childhood
disorders are recognized. The delineation of childhood disorders vastly accel-
erated their investigation, including onset, course, and treatment.
Within the past twenty years, research on childhood and adolescent disorders
and their treatment and prevention has increased. For example, numerous books
have charted progress of treatments for various disorders (e.g., Hibbs & Jensen,
1996; Mash & Barkley, 1998; Morris & Kratochwill, 1998). Although this book
discusses progress, its goal is not to review the evidence in behalf of therapy tech-
niques. Rather, the focus is on how to make progress, what the research agenda
ought to be, and how future research ought to depart from contemporary studies.
Although there are now many studies of child therapy, there has been lim-
ited progress in understanding how treatments achieve change and how to op-
timize the outcomes. A central thesis of this book is that the slow progress can
be traced concretely to how treatment research is conceptualized, the limited
ways in which individual investigations are designed and conducted, and the

absence of a blueprint, strategy, and long-range plan to answer questions about

child treatment.
Research on child psychotherapy is floundering. When considering the ulti-
mate question (what treatments to apply to whom and under what conditions)
or the reformulated research agenda (efforts to understand how therapy works),
very little can be said about the accomplishments of child and adolescent psy-
chotherapy research in the past five years versus the five years before those
years. Moreover, given the focus of therapy research, there is no reason to be-
lieve the next few years will see the leap in knowledge we need. These state-
ments are arguable, and hence it will be important to discuss current progress,
strengths, and limitations of treatment research. More importantly, identifying
how work might be done differently will be critical. Indeed, an overall goal of
this book is to accelerate progress by examining the current status of the field,
pointing to special issues that have thwarted progress, identifying promising
leads and findings, and outlining new directions. The new directions will not
echo the familiar refrain that ends literature reviews, namely, that "more re-
search is needed." Quite different research is needed, and the quality more than
the quantity of evidence in the next decades will determine whether progress is
made in providing effective treatments to children and adolescents. This book
is designed to provoke thought about what is needed and to promote action in
the use of alternative research strategies.
The book is organized into three parts: (I) "Background," (II) "Evidence:
Major Findings, Strengths, and Limitations," and (III) "Improving Therapy
Research." The parts convey a progression that begins with identifying what
psychotherapy is and continues by exploring the range of problems to which it
is applied and the constraints and demands of delivering therapy and conduct-
ing therapy research. The second part reviews the evidence cited in behalf of
child and adolescent psychotherapy. A portion of the review considers exem-
plary studies to convey characteristics and findings of superior therapy re-
search. The third part is future-focused. Chapters within this part focus on what
is needed to overcome the tremendous gaps in knowledge and to accelerate
progress on key questions.
There are a few aids in the book designed to embellish the content and pro-
vide useful background. Further readings are listed at the end of each chapter.
The readings elaborate key points or place issues of the chapter in a broader
context. There are two appendixes. Appendix A lists current therapies in use for
children and adolescents; appendix B covers methodology of psychotherapy re-
search. Although methodology is covered within chapter 9, a discussion of the
basic information would detract from the main themes and progression of the
book; hence, a guest chapter (appendix B) provides a quick review of method-
ology and research design.


Chapter 2 addresses "Clinical Problems of Children and Adolescents." An
overview is provided of the range of psychiatric disorders and social, emo-

tional, and behavioral problems that emerge in childhood and adolescence.

Prevalence of the problems and their interrelations and diverse facets of child
functioning are also discussed. The chapter conveys the multiple foci of treat-
ment and the need for identifying interventions that can be deployed early in
Chapter 3, "Approaches, Treatments, and Characteristics of Psychotherapy,"
considers the scope of therapy techniques. The chapter begins with an overview
of major approaches to treatment and the vast array of treatments currently in
use. Unique features and challenges in providing therapy to children and ado-
lescents, as opposed to adults, are also discussed in this chapter. Associated with
this chapter is appendix A, which lists current techniques.
Chapters 4, 5, and 6 review the evidence on the effects of therapy for chil-
dren and adolescents in three different ways. Chapter 4 considers the "The
Effects of Psychotherapy: Current Status of the Evidence" and examines the
methods of evaluating the effects of psychotherapy and the conclusions reached
from contemporary reviews. Essentially, this is a review of literature reviews.
This chapter also covers limitations of the various reviews and their implica-
tions for what can be said about the effectiveness of treatment.
Chapter 5 examines "The Effects of Psychotherapy: Empirically Supported
Treatments," those treatments supported by empirical research. The chapter
considers the historical context of identifying empirically supported treatments,
the different meanings of this term, and specific treatments designated for chil-
dren and adolescents. Limitations of empirically supported treatments and how
such treatments are conceived, identified, and evaluated are described.
In Chapter 6, "Treatments That Work: Illustrations of Exemplary Research,"
focuses on four treatments that have been carefully evaluated. These treatments
are presented in detail to move beyond the more general literature reviews and
to illustrate child and adolescent therapy research at its very best. The exam-
ples show the progress and strengths of superior research and preview several
features to be emulated. At the same time, even the best research illustrates the
limitations of current research and progress.
Chapter 7, "Characteristics and Limitations of Therapy Research," consid-
ers the evidence reviewed in the previous three chapters and identifies several
limitations related to who is studied in treatment, how therapy is evaluated, and
the types of questions that dominate research. The key characteristics of psy-
chotherapy research demonstrate why the conclusions about the effects of treat-
ment are quite limited and why progress is likely to be very stilted if research
continues its current trajectory and focus.
It is easy to complain about current progress, yet identifying limitations is
not sufficient to make changes or to improve research. Consequently, chapter
8, "Developing Effective Treatments: A Model for Clinical Research," presents
a constructive alternative way of proceeding. The chapter presents a blueprint
for how to develop and evaluate treatments. The model demonstrates the scope
of what we want to know about child and adolescent therapy and provides a
means of evaluating therapy research progress. Steps to develop effective treat-

ments are delineated along with necessary improvements in the range of ques-
tions asked, the methods used to evaluate treatment, and the models of deliv-
ering treatment.
Chapter 9, "Designing and Conducting a Treatment Study," focuses more
concretely on the demands of conducting a treatment study and discusses crit-
ical issues and decision points in relation to experimental design, assessment,
data analyses, and ethical issues that influence treatment research. The goal of
the chapter is to improve the methodology and quality of individual treatment
studies. As a complement to this chapter, appendix B provides a brief refresher
on methodology and covers basic principles and practices.
Previous chapters have assumed that research advances will inform clinical
practice. Clinical practice can be a significant partner in developing the knowl-
edge base rather than a mere recipient of findings obtained in other contexts. In
chapter 10, "Implementing and Evaluating Treatment in Clinical Practice," rec-
ommendations are made for altering treatment implementation in clinical prac-
tice. The goals of the suggestions are to improve the quality of patient care and
the inferences that can be drawn about the effects of treatment. Developing the
knowledge base and answering critical questions about treatment can be greatly
informed by clinical practice.
The final chapter is "Psychotherapy Research in Perspective." It provides an
overall evaluation of progress and different perspectives on how the current sta-
tus of theory, research, and practice might be viewed. Key issues are discussed
in relation to where we are and where we ought to go in relation to the knowl-
edge base. The chapter emphasizes the need to expand our views of social, emo-
tional, and behavioral problems and the range of legitimate interventions that
might improve adjustment and well-being.


Selected readings below are intended to provide resources that place contemporary ther-
apy research in context. These include the history and evolution of treatment research,
different conceptual models, and current trends and influences.
Bongar, B., & Beutler, L.E. (Eds.)- (1995). Comprehensive textbook of psychotherapy:
Theory and practice. New York: Oxford University Press.
Freedheim, D.K. (Ed.). (1992). History of psychotherapy: A century of change.
Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Kazdin, A.E. (1978). History of behavior modification: Experimental foundations of
contemporary research. Baltimore, MD: University Park Press.
Mash, E.J. (1998). Treatment of child and family disturbance: A behavioral-systems per-
spective. In E.J. Mash & R.A. Barkley (Eds.), Treatment of childhood disorders (2nd
ed., pp. 3-51). New York: Guilford.
Chapter 2

Clinical Problems of
Children and Adolescents

Child and Adolescent Mental Disorders

Overview of Disorders
Important Considerations
Variations in Defining and Identifying Disorders
Changes over the Course of Development
Problem and At-Risk Behaviors
Tasks of Treatment
Summary and Conclusions

As HUMANS, we experience diverse problems, stressors, and challenges, from

relatively mild problems (e.g., helping parents deal with a stubborn child who
is otherwise doing well) to matters of life and death (e.g., suicide and depres-
sion, loss of a significant other, imminent death). Invariably our lives are di-
rectly and indirectly touched by such problems. Consequently, there is wide-
spread interest in interventions such as therapy that might be an avenue for help.
Obviously, psychotherapy is not merely of academic interest.
Psychotherapy cannot be divorced from the problems to which it is applied.
Indeed, as I discuss later in the book, understanding therapy and how it works re-
quires greater understanding of the problems to which it is applied. This chapter
provides an overview of the range of problems that children and adolescents can
experience. For purposes of presentation, the problems are grouped into three cat-
egories: psychiatric disorders, problem and at-risk behaviors, and delinquency.


Overview of Disorders
Mental disorders are patterns of behavior associated with distress, impairment,
or significantly increased risk of suffering, death, pain, disability, or an impor-

Table 2.1 Categories of Major Disorders First Evident
in Infancy, Childhood, or Adolescence
Mental Retardation Significant subaverage general intellectual functioning
(Intelligence Quotient [IQ] of approximately <70)
associated with deficits or impairments in adaptive
behavior (e.g., communication, self-care, social
skills, and functional academic or work skills).
Onset is before the age of 18. Degrees of severity
are distinguished based on intellectual impair-
ment and adaptive functioning.
Learning Disorders Achievement substantially below normative levels,
based on the individual's age, schooling, and
level of intelligence. Separate disorders are
distinguished based on the domain of dysfunction
and include disorders of reading, mathematics,
and written expression.
Motor Skills Disorders Marked impairment in the development of motor
coordination that interferes with academic
achievement or activities of daily living and that
cannot be traced to a general medical condition.
Communication Disorders Impairment in the use of language that is substan-
tially below normative levels of performance.
The impairment interferes with daily functioning
(e.g., at school). Separate disorders are distin-
guished and include disorders of expressive
language, mixed receptive-expressive language,
phonological (use of speech sounds) disorders,
and stuttering.
Pervasive Developmental Severe and pervasive impairment in several areas of
Disorders development including social interactions, lan-
guage and communication, and play (stereotyped
behaviors, interests, and activities). These are
usually evident in the first years of life. Separate
disorders are distinguished based on the scope of
impairment and time of onset and include autistic
disorder, Rett's, Asperger's, and childhood
disintegrative disorders.
Attention-Deficit and Behaviors associated with inattention, impulsivity,
Disruptive Behavior overactivity, oppositionality and disobedience,
Disorders provocative, aggressive, and antisocial behavior.
Separate disorders are distinguished including
attention-deficit/hyperactivity, conduct, and
oppositional defiant disorders.


Table 2.1 (continued)

Feeding and Eating Disorders Persistent eating and feeding disturbances such as
of Infancy or Early eating nonnutritive substances (pica), repeated
Childhood regurgitation and rechewing of food (rumination
disorder), and persistent failure to eat adequately,
resulting in significant failure to gain weight or in
weight loss (feeding disorder of infancy or early
Tic Disorders Sudden, rapid, and recurrent stereotyped motor
movement or vocalizations. Separate disorders
are distinguished based on scope of the tics (e.g.,
motor, vocal) and their duration and include
Tourette's, chronic motor or vocal, and transient
tic disorders.
Elimination Disorders Dysfunction related to urination or defecation in
which these functions appear to be uncontrolled,
beyond the age at which control has usually been
established. Two disorders, enuresis and enco-
presis, are distinguished and require the absence
of medical condition in which these symptoms
would emerge.
Other Disorders of Infancy, A collection of other disorders not covered elsewhere
Childhood, or including separation anxiety, selective mutism,
Adolescence reactive attachment, and stereotypic movement
The disorders within each category have multiple inclusion and exclusion criteria related to the
requisite symptoms, severity and duration, and patterns of onset (see DSM-IV, APA, 1994a).
Details of the diagnoses are beyond the scope of this chapter.

tant loss of freedom (APA, 1994a). The range of psychological dysfunctions or

disorders that individuals can experience is enumerated in various diagnostic
systems, such as the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
(DSM-IV; APA, 1994a) and the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-
10; World Health Organization, 1992). The DSM, the dominant system in use
(Maser, Kaelber, & Weise, 1991), recognizes several disorders that arise in in-
fancy, childhood, or adolescence. These disorders are grouped into 10 cate-
gories listed in table 2.1.
Omitted from the table are many disorders that can arise over the life span
and hence are not unique to childhood and adolescence. The diagnostic criteria
for these disorders are similar across all ages. Major examples include Anxiety,
Mood, Eating, Substance-Related, Schizophrenia, Sexual and Gender Identity
Disorders, and Adjustment Disorders. Table 2.2 highlights specific disorders
within these categories to illustrate some of the more common diagnoses, par-
Table 2.2 Examples of Disorders Evident at Any Point over the Life Span

Major Depressive Disorder The appearance of depressed mood or loss of interest
that lasts for at least 2 weeks and is associated
with at least four additional symptoms including
a change in appetite or weight, sleep, and psycho-
motor activity; feelings of worthlessness or guilt;
diminished energy; difficulty thinking, concentra-
ting, or making decisions; and recurrent thoughts
of death or suicidal ideation, plans, or attempts.
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Development of symptoms of anxiety after exposure
to an extreme traumatic event involving actual or
threatened injury or witnessing an event that
involves death, injury, or a threat to the physical
integrity of another person, or learning about
these events experienced by a family member.
The events may include personal assault (sexual,
physical, robbery-related), accidents, life-
threatening illness, a disaster (loss of one's home
after a hurricane or tornado). Key symptoms
involve intense fear, helplessness, horror, re-
experience of the event (in thoughts, dreams),
avoidance of stimuli associated with the event,
and numbing of general responsiveness (detach-
ment, restricted affect), and persistent symptoms
of increased arousal (difficulty falling or
remaining asleep).
Eating Disorder A disorder in which the individual does not maintain
minimal normal body weight (<85 percent of
normal body weight), is intensely afraid of
gaining weight, and exhibits a significant
disturbance in perception of his or her body.
Many methods of weight loss may be adopted
such as self-induced vomiting, misuse of laxa-
tives, and increased or excessive exercise.
Substance-Abuse Disorder A set of disorders (depending on the substance)
characterized by a maladaptive use of the sub-
stance as evident in recurrent and significant
adverse consequences, such as failure to fulfill
role obligations at school, work, or home, and
social and interpersonal problems. A period of 12
months of use and continued use after untoward
consequences (in role performance, legal
problems, school expulsion) are required for
the diagnosis.


Table2.2 (continued)

Schizophrenia A disorder that lasts at least 6 months and includes
two or more of these symptoms: delusions,
hallucinations, disorganized speech, grossly
disorganized catatonic behavior, and negative
symptoms such as flat affect, poverty of speech
(brief, empty replies), and inability to initiate or
persist in goal-directed behavior. Significant
dysfunction occurs in one or more areas of
functioning including interpersonal relations,
work, school, or self-care.
Adjustment Disorder Development of clinically significant emotional or
behavioral symptoms in response to an identifi-
able psychological stressor or stressors. The
symptoms develop within 3 months of the event
and are associated with marked distress or a
reaction exceeding expectations within the
context or culture. The symptoms of many other
disorders may emerge (e.g., anxiety, depressed
mood, conduct problems).
Other Conditions Problems included that are not mental disorders but
may serve as the focus of clinical attention. These
may include relational problems (e.g., between
parent and child, between spouses), physical or
sexual abuse of an adult or child, isolated anti-
social behavior, bereavement, and many others
not considered as mental disorders but treated by
mental health professionals.

ticularly for children and adolescents. The information from both tables begins
to convey some of the complexities in disorders. There are not just a few sim-
ple disorders to master. Apart from their sheer number, a given type of disorder
(e.g., anxiety, eating) has different versions, depending on their onset. Some
disorders may emerge at any time; others during childhood or adolescence. It
is useful to consider the list as a way to identify various types of dysfunctions
in childhood and adolescence.
To note that some disorders can emerge at any age does not necessarily mean
that they are identical over the course of development. For example, depression
can emerge during childhood, adolescence, and adulthood and can be diag-
nosed based on symptoms common across the life span. Yet this does not nec-
essarily mean that all symptoms and associated features are identical for all age
groups. Some rather stark differences in depression are evident over the course
of development. For example, suicide attempt and completion, which some-

times accompany major depression, are rarely evident in children. The rates of
attempt and completion increase significantly during adolescence and adult-
hood. Thus, a key feature associated with depression can change considerably
across age groups.
It is useful to delineate broad categories of disorders because of the way psy-
chiatric dysfunction is often studied in research and examined in clinical work.
Table 2.3 includes five categories that represent broader domains of dysfunc-
tion and are widely recognized as useful because they do not depend on the vi-
cissitudes and arbitrary cutoff criteria of diagnostic systems. For example, ex-
ternalizing behaviors and learning problems (mental retardation) in children
have been recognized since the beginning of recorded history. In recent years,
the more specific disorders within these categories have been debated and re-
searched, and diagnostic criteria continue to evolve. Although specific disor-
ders will be mentioned in later chapters, the broad terms are useful as well. In

Table 2.3 Broad Categories of Problem Domains/Disorders

Externalizing Disorders Problems directed toward the environment and
others. Primary examples include oppositional,
hyperactive, aggressive, and antisocial behaviors
encompassed by the psychiatric diagnostic cate-
gory, Attention-Deficit and Disruptive Behavior
Disorders (in table 2.1).
Internalizing Disorders Problems directed toward inner experience. Primary
examples include anxiety, withdrawal, and
Substance-Related Disorders Impairment associated with any of a variety of
substances including alcohol, illicit drugs, and
tobacco. These disorders, while important in their
own right, are also associated with other psychi-
atric disorders.
Learning and Mental A range of problems related to intellectual and
Disabilities academic functioning including mental retardation
and learning disorders. Such problems are prob-
ably underestimated both in terms of prevalence
and impact on behavior among children and
adolescents referred to treatment because of the
more salient problems that serve as the basis
for referral.
Severe and Pervasive Problems include disorders recognized as the more
Psychopathology severe forms of psychopathology with pervasive
influences in the areas of functioning they affect
and in their long-term course. Examples include
schizophrenia and autism.

most treatment studies, diagnostic assessment is not conducted. From the case
descriptions, measures, or inclusion criteria, the best information one can glean
is that the individuals were recruited for their externalizing or internalizing
Of the categories listed in table 2.3, externalizing and internalizing disorders
constitute the most frequent bases of clinical referrals in children and adoles-
cents. Clearly, externalizing disorders dominate. Substance abuse and severe
psychopathology (e.g., autism, schizophrenia) less frequently serve as the fo-
cus of therapy. For these latter disorders, interventions are often conducted in
institutional settings (hospitals, day treatment facilities). Psychotherapy is used
on an outpatient basis, sometimes to maintain gains achieved in institutional
Learning-based problems are usually not the focus of treatment in the same
way as the other problems. Educational interventions designed to remediate
deficits or enhance skills in an academic area (reading, mathematics) are pro-
vided. Learning-based problems are inextricably related to mental disorders.
They often co-occur with other disorders, such as conduct disorder, and serve
as important factors in predicting long-term outcome. Indeed, learning-based
problems often exacerbate the long-term outcome of mental disorders in chil-
dren (Kazdin, 1995b). The organization and specialization of professions that
are responsible for the care of children (e.g., mental health professions, medi-
cine, education) limit the domains that are addressed. Thus, learning-based
problems are not usually the focus of mental health practitioners.

In the 1980s, a large-scale, nationwide study of the prevalence of mental dis-
orders among adults (18 years of age and older) was completed in the United
States (e.g., Regier et al., 1984; Robins et al., 1984).l The study used rigorous
sampling methods, large sample sizes, and multiple sites (locations); hence, one
can be reasonably assured that the findings represented the population at the
time. A wealth of information about the nature of mental disorders was revealed
by this project, but the most general finding is especially noteworthy: approxi-
mately 20% of adults suffer from a mental disorder in a given year. Over the
course of their lives, 32% can be expected to experience a disorder (Robins &
Regier, 1991).
To date, there has been no large-scale, nationwide study of psychiatric dis-
orders among children and adolescents. Yet several studies have provided esti-
mates of the disorders using current diagnostic criteria and rigorous assessment
methods. Moreover, these studies have been completed in several different lo-
cales (e.g., the United States, Puerto Rico, Canada, and New Zealand) and have
yielded fairly consistent results. Studies included children and adolescents (4
to 18 years old) and found that 17-22% suffer significant developmental, emo-
tional, or behavioral problems (Costello, 1989; Institute of Medicine, 1989;
U.S. Congress, 1991; Zill & Schoenborn, 1990). There are approximately 68
million children and adolescents in the United States (U.S. Bureau of Census,

1993). Assuming for a moment a prevalence rate of 20% approximately 13.5

million of our nation's youths have significant impairment due to an emotional
or behavioral problem.
The rates for specific disorders vary considerably. For example, prevalence
rates of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and conduct disorder have var-
ied from 2-10% and 2-9% respectively (U.S. Congress, 1991). Also, within a
category of disorders, rates can vary as a function of the specific type of prob-
lem. For example, substance abuse among adolescents varies widely, depend-
ing on the substance (< 1% for hard drugs, 1-3% for marijuana, and 1-15%
percent for alcohol) (Weinberg, Rahdert, Colliver, & Glanz, 1998). The preva-
lence rates and patterns of dysfunction for psychiatric disorders are influenced
by a variety of factors including, but by no means limited to, gender, poverty,
race and ethnicity, parent education and marital status, and rural or urban set-
tings. Large-scale multisite studies are so useful because they can often demon-
strate the influence of these other factors on prevalence rates.

Important Considerations
rates ought to be viewed as general patterns rather than conclusions about the
"real" rates of disorders among children. Diagnostic systems and definitions of
disorders have changed considerably over the past two decades. The disorders
that arise in infancy, childhood, and adolescence have been modified, some-
times markedly. The changes include the emergence and elimination of various
diagnostic categories, as well as changes in the criteria for specific diagnoses
(e.g., conduct disorder, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder). Also, different
prevalence studies have drawn on different diagnostic systems or different edi-
tions of a particular system. With these variations, the consistencies among the
different studies (approximately 20% as the estimate of prevalence) are re-
Even when the diagnostic criteria are the same, different methods of assess-
ment can lead to quite different results. Typically, diagnostic interviews are con-
ducted with parents and children or adolescents. However, sometimes symp-
tom checklists are used and only parents are queried about the presence of a
child's symptoms. Changes in the methods of assessing disorder lead to changes
in the prevalence rates and in who is identified as meeting criteria for a disor-
der (Boyle et al., 1996; Kazdin, 1989; Offord et al., 1996). There is no "gold
standard" or means of unequivocally deciding if a disorder is present.
Considerable differences exist among children or adolescents, parents, teach-
ers, and clinicians who provide the information regarding presence and sever-
ity of symptoms.


consider childhood and adolescence together to highlight the scope of the prob-
lem, there are major differences in disorders across the life span. The shift from
childhood to adolescence, marked by pre- and postpuberty, is associated with a

number of changes in symptoms and disorders. First, several disorders increase

markedly after the onset of puberty. Among these are mood disorders, eating
disorders (e.g., anorexia nervosa), conduct disorder, substance abuse, and
schizophrenia. For many of these, one can identify precursors in childhood, but
the prevalence rates for these disorders sharply increase with adolescence.
Second, a number of sex differences emerge or become more pronounced
with the onset of puberty. For example, rates of depression are low in boys and
girls (Hammen & Rudolf, 1996). With the onset of puberty, prevalence of de-
pression is much higher for girls than for boys. Similarly, eating disorders, not
very prevalent in preadolescence, emerge mostly after puberty and are much
more common in girls.
Third, characteristics of the disorder or the constituent symptoms of a dis-
order may change. As mentioned previously, suicide attempt and completion,
associated with depression, are quite rare before puberty. The rates increase
with the onset of puberty, reaching a peak among 15- to 19-year-olds (Cohen,
Spirito, & Brown, 1996). Attempted suicide is more common in girls, although
completion of suicide is more common in boys. As another example, conduct
disorder, evident in childhood, changes in nature with the onset of adolescence
(Kazdin, 1995b). The prevalence rates of delinquent activity increase in ado-
lescence, the types of activity change (e.g., more vandalism, breaking into prop-
erty, violence), and the ways in which these activities are completed change
(e.g. in groups rather than individually, under the influence of illicit substances).
Also, in childhood, conduct disorder is much more prevalent in boys than girls;
during adolescence, the proportions are more evenly divided. Changes in con-
duct disorder, as well as the other previously noted changes in psychopathol-
ogy, have been fairly well charted, although they are not well understood.

COMORBIDITY. Highlighting disorders and their prevalence rates does not

fully represent the scope of impairment among children and adolescents. Many
individuals meet criteria for two or more diagnoses, a phenomenon referred to
as comorbidity (see Caron & Rutter, 1991; Clark, Watson, & Reynolds, 1995).
In principle, an individual could meet criteria for any two or more disorders. In
practice, some combinations of disorders are much more likely to occur than
others; disorders that often go together are attention-deficit/hyperactivity dis-
order and conduct disorder, conduct disorder and substance abuse disorder, anx-
iety disorder and depression, autism and mental retardation, and Tourette's syn-
drome and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, to mention a few. Why some
combinations of disorders are more likely than others, whether there are com-
mon features or simply definitional overlap and ambiguities of various disor-
ders, and how comorbid disorders emerge are just some of the intriguing ques-
tions that guide research on comorbidity.
Among community samples, comorbidity rates are relatively high. For ex-
ample, among 10- to 20-year-olds, approximately half of the individuals with
a substance abuse disorder also meet criteria for another disorder, including pri-
marily disruptive behavior disorders (Cohen et al., 1993; Greenbaum, Foster-

Johnson, & Patrila, 1996). Among clinically referred samples, the rates of co-
morbidity are much higher; among adolescents with a diagnosis of substance
abuse, most (^70%) meet criteria for other disorders, again primarily conduct
disorder (Milin, Halikas, Meller, & Morse, 1991; Weinberg et al, 1998).
Comorbidity is significant in relation to providing treatment. Many individ-
uals may suffer significant impairment in multiple domains and areas of func-
tioning. Thus, treatment is not focused only on children or adolescents who pre-
sent with a single problem or disorder. Comorbidity is the rule rather than the
exception in clinical settings. For example, in the outpatient clinic where my
own work is conducted, children may meet criteria for up to four or five dif-
ferent diagnoses and average (mean) slightly over two diagnoses.2 Even if the
children do not meet criteria for multiple disorders, they usually show symp-
toms from several different disorders (Kazdin, Holland, & Crowley, 1997).
That is, they may meet criteria for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder but
also have a few symptoms of conduct disorder, anxiety disorder, and depres-
sion—but not enough to meet these other diagnoses. In any case, treatment is
often applied to diffuse and multiproblem cases. Without systematic evaluation
before treatment begins, it is easy to ignore the secondary and tertiary diagnoses
that are overshadowed by the referral problems. Yet the comorbid diagnoses
and the range of symptoms across disorders can have significant implications
for an individual's long-term functioning as well as his or her responsiveness
to interventions (Kazdin, 1995a; Rutter, Harrington, Quinton, & Pickles, 1994).

SUBSYNDROMES. A prevalence rate of psychiatric disorder of approximately

17-22% is rather high. Indeed, this means that one out of five or six youths
meets criteria for a diagnosis. Surely this must be an overestimate. Alas, the
prevalence rates likely significantly underestimate the range of mental disor-
ders and impairment. Prevalence rates are determined by identifying children
who meet diagnostic criteria for a disorder. The criteria or threshold for decid-
ing whether an individual meets criteria for a disorder has not been carefully
established. Consider the extreme cases. Children who show absolutely no
symptoms of depression can be safely said not to be depressed. At the other ex-
treme, children who show all of the symptoms or who meet diagnostic criteria
can be said to be clinically depressed. Somewhere near this very extreme group
is another group, namely, individuals who show a significant number of symp-
toms for an extended period. These individuals do not have all the symptoms
possible but still meet diagnostic criteria for major depression. Extensive re-
search available on children who meet criteria for major depression shows that
it is a meaningful designation. Children who meet criteria for the diagnosis have
a variety of common past, present, and future characteristics (e.g., family his-
tory and long-term course) (Hammen & Rudolf, 1996).
What about the group that we left out, namely, children and adolescents who
show some of the symptoms? Consider those children who "miss" meeting the
criteria but are close. Subsyndromal is the term that refers to a set of symptoms
that fails to meet the diagnostic criteria for a disorder.3 Individuals whose symp-

toms are subsyndromal may still show significant impairment and untoward
long-term prognoses. For example, adolescents who come close to, but who do
not meet, the criteria for major depression are much more likely to meet crite-
ria for another disorder, to develop another disorder later, and to show impair-
ment in psychosocial functioning than individuals with few or no depressive
symptoms (Gotlib, Lewinsohn, & Seeley, 1995).
Similarly, children and adolescents who meet criteria for conduct disorder
are clearly impaired, by definition. Yet conduct disorder is represented better as
a continuum based on the number and severity of symptoms and degree of im-
pairment rather than as a condition achieved at a particular cutoff (Boyle et al.,
1996; Offord et al., 1992). Individuals who miss the cutoff criteria are likely to
show impairment and poor long-term prognoses, although to a lesser extent as
a function of the degree of dysfunction.
Overall, these results show that prevalence rates, when based on meeting cri-
teria for diagnoses, may be conservative. Those children identified with disor-
ders are likely to be impaired, but many children who do not meet the criteria
are also impaired and may have a poor long-term prognosis. In fact, the already
high prevalence rate of mental disorders in children and adolescents clearly
underestimates the scope of the problem.


Currently recognized psychiatric disorders, particularly those that reflect ex-
ternalizing and internalizing behaviors, constitute the primary focus of therapy
with children and adolescents. Other problems, which warrant intervention be-
cause they are related to current and long-term functioning, partially overlap
with but can be distinguished from psychiatric disorders.
During adolescence, a number of activities referred to as problem or at-risk
behaviors increase (see DiClemente, Hansen, & Ponton, 1996; Ketterlinus &
Lamb, 1994; U.S. Congress, 1991). Use of illicit substances, truancy, school
suspensions, stealing, vandalism, and precocious and unprotected sex, for ex-
ample, are referred to as at-risk behaviors because they increase the likelihood
of a variety of adverse psychological, social, and health outcomes. For exam-
ple, alcohol abuse is associated with the three most frequent forms of mortal-
ity among adolescents: automobile accidents, homicides, and suicide (Windle,
Shope, & Bukstein, 1996); approximately 90% of automobile accidents in-
volving adolescents also involve the use of alcohol.
The problem behaviors obviously overlap with psychiatric diagnoses, espe-
cially subsyndromal disorders. The distinction can be difficult to make. As a
guide, the psychiatric disorders refer to a pattern of functioning, the presence
of multiple symptoms, and impairment in everyday situations. Many youths
with problem behaviors might well meet criteria for a disorder, perhaps sub-
stance abuse disorder. However, a larger group would not. They may engage in
problem behaviors, but they fit in with their peers and manage daily function-
ing—at school, for example.
The prevalence rates of problem behaviors are relatively high. A summary

of several survey studies (Dryfoos, 1990) gave the following estimates for sub-
stance use among high school seniors:
•12% engage in heavy cigarette smoking (^$ pack per day);
• 15% engage in heavy drinking (^5 drinks in a row on three or more oc-
casions within the past 2 weeks);
• 5% engage in regular use of marijuana (^20 times within the past 30
days); and
• 3% engage in frequent use of cocaine (^3 times within the past month).
A more recent survey found that 50.8% of seniors reported some alcohol use in
the 30 days prior to the survey; 31.3% reported being drunk at least once; 4.9%
reported using marijuana daily or almost daily (Johnston, 1996). Other studies
paint a similar picture, even though estimates of substance abuse vary as a func-
tion of the age of the sample, the types of substances (e.g., inhalants), the time
frame (use in past week, month, year), the assessment method (e.g., self-report
vs. medical emergency visits), and the impact of many other factors (e.g., so-
cial class, ethnicity, neighborhood). Even so, the rates of abuse are alarming.
Moreover, current data suggest that rates of substance use are increasing, a trend
that began in the early 1990s (Weinberg et al., 1998). The direct and immedi-
ate health consequences and correlates of substance abuse (increased risk of
death from overdose, injury and death while driving a vehicle, sexually trans-
mitted disease [STD] through unprotected sex) are serious. The indirect and
long-term consequences of substance abuse are problematic as well: school
failure, poor occupational adjustment, crime involvement, and mental disorders
(Newcomb & Rentier, 1988; U.S. Congress, 1991).
Substance abuse is merely one example of at-risk behavior. A number of
other examples have been identified, including unprotected sexual activity and
its risk for STDs (including human immunodeficiency virus [HIV]) and teen
pregnancy; delinquent, antisocial, and violent behavior; dropping out of school;
and running away from home (DiClemente et al., 1996; Dryfoos, 1990). Such
behaviors are often associated with concurrent mental and physical health prob-
lems during adolescence as well as with subsequent problems in adulthood. The
short- and long-term impacts of problem behaviors on the adolescent are influ-
enced by a variety of factors, including severity and chronicity of the behavior
or condition and a host of contextual factors (e.g., family constellation, support
system). For example, the risk for adverse outcomes from substance abuse de-
pends on the particular substance used and the frequency of use (Newcomb &
Bentler, 1989).
Multiple problem behaviors often go together (see Ketterlinus & Lamb,
1994). This does not mean that drug abuse, delinquent behavior, and academic
dysfunction invariably co-occur. Yet such behaviors often come in "packages."
In the prior discussion of psychiatric diagnoses, the notion of a group of symp-
toms that occur together was described as a syndrome. The term syndrome is
less often used outside of the context of disorder, illness, and disease, but the
phenomenon is the same. A sample of youths identified with one of the behav-

iors—for example, early sexual activity—is likely to have higher rates of other
problem behaviors (substance use and abuse, delinquent acts) than a compari-
son sample similar in age and gender. Stated another way, problem behaviors
form a syndrome.
For many individuals, the syndrome includes many and more extreme lev-
els of the behaviors. In an effort to estimate prevalence of problem or high-risk
behaviors, Dryfoos (1990) delineated groups based on the number and seri-
ousness of behaviors and estimated rates of adolescents with these problems in
the United States: 10% were at very high risk (multiple and serious problem be-
haviors); 15% were at high risk (two or three problem behaviors); and 25%
were at moderate risk (one problem behavior). The cumulative percent of
youths at high-to-moderate risk was 50%, which, given the current census,
would translate to approximately 17 million adolescents in the United States.

Many of the problem behaviors mentioned previously are illegal, such as hard
drug use. It is useful to discuss illegal behaviors more explicitly because the
designation overlaps with, but can be distinguished from, problems already
mentioned. Delinquency is a legal designation that includes behaviors that vi-
olate the law: robbery, drug use, vandalism, and others. Some acts are illegal
for both adults and juveniles (referred to as index offenses) and encompass such
serious offenses as homicide, robbery, aggravated assault, and rape. Other acts
(referred to as status offenses) are illegal only because of the age at which they
occur—that is, they are offenses only for juveniles.4 Examples include under-
age drinking, running away from home, truancy from school, and driving a car
before the legal age.
Delinquency is a weighty subject in its own right but warrants mention for
at least three reasons. First, the delinquent acts overlap with psychiatric disor-
ders and problem behaviors mentioned previously. Indeed, the distinction be-
tween delinquency and mental disorder is not always sharp, and individuals can
readily meet criteria for both based on the same behaviors (e.g., conduct disor-
der symptoms). Second, individuals identified as delinquent often have high
rates of diagnosable psychiatric disorders. Up to 50-80% of delinquent youths
may show at least one diagnosable psychiatric disorder—with conduct, atten-
tion deficit, and substance abuse disorders being the most common (see Kazdin,
in press; Otto, Greenstein, Johnson, & Friedman, 1992). Third, many of the
interventions used for delinquent youths involve psychosocial procedures of
the type covered here. One does not think of psychotherapy as a treatment for
delinquency, but in fact many of the psychosocial interventions used for exter-
nalizing behaviors in patient samples are also applied to delinquents in outpa-
tient and correctional settings. Variations of behavior modification, cognitive-
behavioral treatment, and family-based treatment are among the common
The prevalence rates of delinquency in the population at large vary as a func-
tion of how delinquency is measured. Arrest records, surveys of victims, and

reports of individuals about their own criminal activities are among the most
common methods. Because much crime goes unreported and detected, self-re-
port has often been used and results in much higher rates than official records.
A few key points are pertinent to this discussion. First, a large percentage of
adolescents (70%) engages in some delinquent behavior, usually status rather
than index offenses (Elliott, Huizinga, & Ageton, 1985; Farrington, 1995).
Most of these individuals do not continue criminal behavior. A much smaller
group (20-35%) engages in more serious offenses (robbery and assault) and
may be identified through arrest or contact with the courts. Third, a small group
(5%) includes persistent or career criminals. They engage in many different and
more severe delinquent activities and are responsible for approximately half of
the officially recorded offenses (Farrington, 1995; Tracy, Wolfgang, & Figlio,
1990). There is a keen interest in this latter group and their characteristics. One
goal of research is to identify and understand the paths leading to criminal ca-
reers. Psychiatric disorders in children are among the risk factors for career
criminal activity (Elliott, Huizinga, & Menard, 1988; Moffitt, 1993). Career
criminals are much more likely than less persistent offenders or normative sam-
ples to have prior and current attention deficit disorder or conduct disorder
(Farrington, Loeber, & Van Kammen, 1990; Magnusson, Klinteberg, & Stattin,
1994). This raises the intriguing question of whether treating these other disor-
ders could decrease (prevent the onset of) subsequent criminal activity. Some
evidence suggests that this might well be the case (e.g., Satterfield, Satterfield,
& Schell, 1987), but much more work is needed.
Delinquency can be distinguished from psychiatric disorders and problem
behaviors, but clearly there is overlap among the three ways of categorizing be-
haviors. The distinctions are often made because they refer to different prob-
lems, including whether the problem is circumscribed or part of a larger pattern
and whether the problem violates the law. Yet the arbitrariness of the distinc-
tions is sometimes obvious. For example, if a 10-year-old child sets a neigh-
bor's house on fire, the agency first called to intervene—police, mental health
services—may dictate the designation and intervention provided to the child.
The child may be taken to a police station or to emergency psychiatric services.
From the standpoint of this book, the issue is child and adolescent dysfunction
and what can be done about it rather than how the problem is categorized and
the agency to which the child might be referred.

The prior sections highlight the scope of the problems that children and ado-
lescents experience and that can serve as the basis for providing some sort of
intervention. The four most significant points are the most general:
• Children and adolescents experience many different types of problems;
• Children and adolescents often experience multiple problems concurrently
(comorbid disorders, multiple problem behaviors, academic and learning

• These problems can emerge at many different points over the course of de-
velopment; and
• Several million children and adolescents need some intervention.

An overview of psychiatric disorders, problem behaviors, and delinquency

yielded quite high rates of dysfunction among youths. One could add up the
separate rates across these categories and, with hyperbolic misuse of the num-
bers, probably show extremely high rates of dysfunction, indeed, perhaps ex-
ceeding 100% of youths. Yet psychiatric disorders, problem behaviors, and
delinquency overlap, and there is the equivalent of comorbidity among these
categories. That is, individuals who experience a particular disorder may also
be included among individuals with problem behaviors and delinquent acts. Yet
the key point here does not require agreement on precise figures. I mentioned
previously an estimate of prevalence of 20% of children and adolescents who
evince some form of psychiatric disorder. This can be considered a quite con-
servative figure, even within the category of psychiatric diagnoses, for no other
reason than the questionable and stringent cutoff point. Even without problem
behaviors and delinquent acts, the scope of problems in need of intervention is
Psychotherapy is one of many interventions to address social, emotional, and
behavioral problems. Other interventions encompass a variety of social ser-
vices; home, school, and community-based programs; residential and hospital
treatment; and medication. Also, given the scope of the problem, a multi-
pronged approach is needed. Central to that approach are efforts at prevention
and treatment. Preventive interventions themselves include many that may vary
according to the disorder and points of intervention (early, middle, or late child-
hood). Although preventive interventions are beyond the scope of this book, a
few comments can place the study of treatment in context.
Prevention, like treatment or other areas of research, has its own complexi-
ties. It is not obvious how to intervene to prevent many problems; the inter-
ventions used often are very well intended but not well understood. Also, iden-
tifying who will show the problem (e.g., conduct disorder, suicide) and hence
serve as the appropriate target of the preventive intervention is not always easy.
Many individuals not at risk for the problem may eventually show it and many
who are at risk may not (Offord, Kraemer, Kazdin, Jensen, & Harrington,
1998). To whom ought preventive interventions be applied? How do we iden-
tify these individuals? These questions raise many issues. Often prevention is
contrasted with and pitted against treatment. Yet both are critically important.
Prevention may reduce the incidence (number of new cases) and decrease the
magnitude, duration, or onset of other problems. Treatment, of course, focuses
on those whose impairment is significant and requires some intervention.
The focus on treatment, and particularly psychotherapy, is of special inter-
est for at least two reasons. First, psychotherapy, particularly if delivered on an
outpatient basis, can preempt the use of more restrictive, costly, and disruptive
interventions such as hospitalization and residential care. From the standpoint

of child adjustment and family preservation, usually it is preferable to maintain

the child in the context of his or her everyday life, except when remaining at
home jeopardizes the child's mental or physical health, as in abuse or neglect
cases. Removal of the child to an institutional setting can raise new problems,
including the adjustment that such a dramatic change may entail. Second, con-
ceptual models of psychotherapy and the specific treatment techniques that fol-
low from them are used in diverse settings including schools, day-treatment
and residential inpatient hospital services, and juvenile justice programs for
both treatment and preventive purposes. Thus, intervention approaches within
psychotherapy often bear the burden of producing the desired change. Conse-
quently, research on psychotherapeutic treatments is critically important.


The importance of identifying effective interventions is underscored by the
tremendous need among children and adolescents. This chapter outlined many
of the problems that emerge in childhood and adolescence that warrant inter-
vention. Psychiatric disorders refer to a range of currently recognized patterns
of behavior associated with impairment in everyday life. As patterns including
multiple behaviors, these disorders are different from isolated or circumscribed
problems. For example, a child with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder is
not merely overactive in the classroom but is also likely to show a pattern of
excessive activity, other behavioral characteristics (impulsivity, poor attention,
quite possibly aggressive behavior), and impairment in everyday settings like
school or in peer groups. This is not the same as what a parent might mean in
noting that a child is very active. Another point is that many disorders have no
clear boundaries. The extremes can be readily identified (e.g., attention-deficit/
hyperactivity disorder vs. sedentary child with highly focused concentration),
but the specific cutoff point that designates a disorder is somewhat arbitrary for
many psychiatric disorders.
In addition to a dizzying array of disorders, there are many problems and at-
risk behaviors in which youths, particularly adolescents, engage: substance use
(alcohol, drugs, tobacco), vandalism, theft, and precocious and unprotected sex,
to mention a few. These behaviors are often associated with current problems
in other domains such as poor school functioning and dropping out of school
and portend later dysfunction such as psychiatric disorder, unemployment, and
arrest. Problem behaviors clearly are worthy of intervention. Delinquency was
also mentioned in this chapter. Delinquent acts often are not isolated and may
reflect a pattern of criminal behavior that obviously warrants intervention.
Delinquency also is often associated with psychiatric disorders.
From the standpoint of interventions, the question is, what can be done to
avert, reduce, or eliminate the social, emotional, behavioral, and developmen-
tal problems of children and adolescents? Psychotherapy, conceived as an in-
tervention in which the individual child or adolescent comes to treatment to
meet a specially trained mental health professional, is not the answer. Yet this
is a very narrow view of psychotherapy. It is much more useful—and accurate

in light of clinical work—to conceive of psychotherapy as a body of theory and

research used as the basis of psychosocial approaches to intervention. The in-
terventions that can be used are methods to change emotions (affect), thought
processes (cognitions), and actions (behavior). Psychotherapeutic interventions
have direct implications for altering functioning and adjustment at home, at
school, and in the community and are used in diverse residential, treatment, and
rehabilitation settings. This chapter focused on some of the key problems to-
ward which therapy is directed. The next chapter provides an overview of the
historical and current contexts of child and adolescent therapy.


Many resources are available that document the nature and scope of dysfunction in chil-
dren and adolescents. The resources below provide details about several different types
of problems, the factors with which these problems are associated, and the develop-
mental course of the problems.
DiClemente, R.J., Hansen, W.B., & Ponton, L.E. (Eds.). (1996). Handbook of adoles-
cent health risk behavior. New York: Plenum.
Ketterlinus, R.D., & Lamb, M.E. (Eds.). (1994). Adolescent problem behaviors: Issues
and research. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
Lewis, M. (Ed.). (1996). Child and adolescent psychiatry: A comprehensive textbook
(2nd ed.). Baltimore, MD: Williams and Wilkins.
Mash, E., & Barkley R.A. (Eds.). (1996). Childpsychopathology. New York: Guilford.
United States Congress, Office of Technology Assessment. (1991). Adolescent health
(OTA-H-468). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
Chapter 3

Approaches, Treatments, and

Characteristics of Psychotherapy

Approaches to Treatment
Major Approaches
Cautions in Interpreting Approaches
General Comments
Therapies Currently in Use
Proliferation of Therapies
The Research Agenda
Special Challenses of Treating Children and Adolescents
Identifying Dysfunction
Assessing Dysfunction
Motivation for Seeking Treatment
Focus of Treatment
Remaining in Treatment
General Comments
Summary and Conclusions

MANY MENTAL DISORDERS and other problems of children and adolescents

would profit from intervention. In turn, there are also many interventions. This
chapter considers the scope of available psychotherapeutic interventions. The
chapter discusses approaches toward treatment and highlights the vast range of
treatment techniques currently in use for children and adolescents, thus pro-
viding the context for what is feasible to accomplish in research. Applying psy-
chotherapy to children and adolescents is not merely a matter of giving small
doses of adult treatments to persons who are shorter and more playful. When
children and adolescents are the clients, the entire process of providing treat-
ment changes, with accompanying key challenges.

Major Approaches
Traditionally, treatments have been organized into different approaches.
Approaches to treatment refer to conceptual views and general statements about


the focus or emphasis of the intervention. An approach is distinguishable from

treatment, which refers more concretely to the specific intervention or method
used to modify or alleviate clinical problems. Essentially, approaches are ways
of categorizing many different treatments.
Of the approaches, the first and most influential is the psychoanalytic ap-
proach from which modern psychotherapy has emerged. Psychoanalysis, as de-
veloped by Freud, includes a theory of personality development, a method of
studying personality and development, and a form of psychotherapy. The term
also is used to refer to a more general approach that reflects an orientation to-
ward treatment. Many different forms of psychoanalysis as a therapy technique
have evolved; psychoanalysis as an approach encompasses all of them (see
Eagle & Wolitzky, 1992).
As an approach, these are the key tenets that Freud proposed:
• Current symptoms are usually expressions of underlying conflicts and un-
conscious (out of awareness) processes;
• These underlying conflicts emerge over the course of early development,
based on the satisfaction, expression, and resolution of various impulses
and drives;
• Therapy sessions can reveal these processes and conflicts through various
means of assessing unconscious processes (free association, dream inter-
pretation, the nature of the relationship with the therapist); and
• Working through past conflicts and processes in the context of the thera-
peutic relationship can resolve clinical problems (e.g., anxiety, fear, phys-
ical symptoms that appear to have no underlying biological basis).
This is not an attempt to represent the richness of psychoanalysis as a theory,
treatment, or method of study. Rather, the purpose is to draw attention to the
broad assumptions that underlie psychoanalysis.
A contrasting conceptual view shows us precisely what an approach is and
how it differs from a treatment or specific intervention. Behavior modification
emerged as a competing approach to psychoanalysis. As an approach, behavior
modification consists of the application of conditioning concepts to explain be-
havior and a methodological approach that emphasizes scientific research and
empirical investigation. Among key tenets are these views:
• Learning theory (e.g., classical and operant conditioning, modeling) and
research provide a useful basis for understanding how symptoms emerge
and can be altered;
• Treatments provide new learning experiences based on direct training
through modeling, practice, and repeated exposure to situations; and
• The focus of treatment is on current behavior and how it might be changed.
Psychoanalysis and behavior modification convey different conceptual
views about the basis for clinical problems and for therapeutic change.
Psychoanalysis emphasizes unfolding determinants early in life (internal pro-
cesses, impulses) and how needs were met in relation to the environment. Be-
Table 3.1 Major Approaches of Psychotherapy

Psychoanalytic Therapies The focus is on psychological forces, impulses drives,
and wishes within the individual that are presumed
to emerge in infancy and early childhood, as
elaborated in orthodox psychoanalysis or one of
its many variants. Past experiences (early child-
hood psychosexual development) are considered
determinants of current functioning. Insight and
resolution of conflicts related to psychoanalytic
themes serve as the goals of treatment.
Psychodynamic Therapies The focus is in on psychological forces but with less
adherence to one particular variant of psycho-
analysis. Symptoms/problems are seen as
expressions of underlying processes and their
meaning (e.g., aggressive behavior may be expres-
sions of displaced anger at a parent). "Dynamic"
is drawn from the psychoanalytic view that
conflicts, feelings, or impulses are underlying
forces or sources of energy for overt problems
and that these conflicts need to be resolved for
therapeutic change. Psychodynamic is often used
as a category to encompass psychoanalytic
therapies too.
Family Therapies The focus is on the family rather than, or along with,
the child. The child is referred to as the identified
patient insofar as the child's symptoms are
considered to reflect problems in structure,
function, communication, or other facets of the
family. Treatment is addressed to these family
Behavioral Therapies The focus is on providing new learning experiences
in treatment as a means of changing behavior.
Psychology of learning serves as a conceptual
view of how problems may have developed and
how problems can be altered. Treatments focus
on practice, training, learning new skills, and
developing response repertoires in the situations
in which behavior is problematic.
Cognitive-Behavioral The focus is on cognitive processes (e.g., attributions,
Therapies beliefs, problem-solving skills) as the basis for
therapeutic change. Treatment attempts to alter
these processes, usually through direct and active
training. The training methods often use behavior-
al treatment techniques such as role-playing,


Table 3.1 (continued)

practice, and homework assignments. In contem-
porary writings, cognitive-behavioral treatment
usually encompasses behavioral treatments too,
whether or not they rely on cognitive processes.
Experiential Therapies The focus is on present rather than past experience
and on the meaning of the experience to the
client. Emphasis is on the relationship with the
therapist, empathy, and the client's frame of
reference. The focus is on providing conditions
for the client's growth and development.
Relationship-based and client-centered (nondirec-
tive) therapies are sometimes included in this
Existential/Humanistic The focus is on the client's subjective experience
Therapies including how the individual views and experi-
ences the subjective, internal, and external world
and meaning in the world. The relationship with
the therapist and the processes of therapy are
critical. This approach is rarely used in the
context of child and adolescent therapy.
Integrative-Eclectic Therapies The focus is on multiple treatment techniques that
may derive from different approaches. The
purpose is to use multiple procedures that appear
to be suited to the complexities of the problems
and individual characteristics of the case. This
might include psychodynamic treatment, family
work, and behavior therapy, as the therapist sees
fit for the case.

havior modification emphasizes learning experiences (modeling, operant and

classical conditioning) to explain how behavior was acquired and altered. Each
approach underscores different processes to achieve therapeutic change (e.g.,
resolve conflict, redirect impulses vs. providing new learning experiences).
Psychoanalysis and behavior therapy have been contrasted endlessly as com-
peting treatment approaches (see Kazdin, 1978b). The contrast may be of his-
torical interest but not particularly relevant to the research agenda that serves
as the focus of this book.
There are many other approaches to treatment. Table 3.1 provides a list of
major ones. Although there are different approaches, they are not equally pop-
ular among mental health professionals. For example, in relation to child and
adolescent therapy, family therapy is a widely held conceptual approach to
treatment. Family therapy adheres to the view that the family is a critical ele-

ment in contributing to child dysfunction (psychiatric disorder, problem

behaviors) and ought to be the central focus of treatment. As with any other
approach, many different variations of treatment are included.
Approaches usually refer to conceptual views about the development of the
clinical problem and the means of changing the problem. Other ways of cate-
gorizing and classifying treatment are important to mention because they pro-
vide another way of viewing treatments and also are invoked to determine
which treatments are effective. Three separate categorizations have been used.
First, historically, insight-oriented and action-oriented treatments have been
delineated (e.g., London, 1986). Insight-oriented treatments focus on processes
within the individual as the means of achieving change. These treatments tend
to be less directive—they evoke material from the client rather than advise the
client on what to do—and focus on broad issues such as meaning. Major treat-
ments encompassed within this larger grouping are psychoanalytic, psychody-
namic, and experiential (e.g., client-centered) therapies. Action-oriented treat-
ments focus more on overt behavior and cognitive processes. The treatments
are more directive and engage the client in "actions," or things to do to change
affect, cognition, and behavior. The therapist structures treatment in ways that
provide a plan of action. Obviously, behavioral, cognitive, and cognitive-
behavioral approaches are encompassed within this category.
Second, treatments have been categorized based on whether they are ad-
ministered in group or individual format. Group versus individual therapy is
not merely a matter of whether treatment is given to one person or more than
one. Traditionally, group therapy has been considered unique because of the
special processes that can emerge in this context (e.g., receiving feedback from
others, viewing peers with similar issues and problems, modeling influences
from the behaviors of others, forming alliances and relationships among group
members). Group therapy can include psychoanalytic, behavioral, and other ap-
proaches and hence, as a category, masks conceptual differences among other
Third, treatment is frequently categorized at the most general level as one
type versus all others: A versus non-A, where A = the particular approach of
interest to an investigator or author, whose purpose is to draw broad conclu-
sions about a particular type of treatment and to test whether one approach is
better than another. Such general categorizations are used in behavioral versus
nonbehavioral treatments or family versus nonfamily therapies. This method of
categorizing obviously groups large segments of treatments together. More than
that, a given type of treatment (e.g., psychodynamic, behavioral) might fall in
both categories. For example, if family and nonfamily therapies were com-
pared, some behavioral and psychodynamic treatment techniques would be
used in both categories.
Cautions in Interpreting Approaches
The approaches in table 3.1 and the other ways of classifying treatments are
useful as general descriptors of the focus of treatment. At the same time, it is

critically important to note limitations of the categories. First and foremost,

treatments within an approach, often are very different from each other and may
reflect competing and indeed conflicting conceptual views and procedures. For
example, family therapy can include structural family therapy, functional fam-
ily therapy, and behavioral family therapy—all family therapy but each em-
braces discrepant views about the source of the problems within the family and
what ought to be done in treatment. One might assume that all of the family
therapies at least see the family as part of treatment. In fact, in some cases the
family is not seen in family therapy. Family therapy is sometimes viewed as a
way of conceptualizing treatment (emphasizing the individual's symptoms or
dysfunction in the context of family interactions and process) and, occasion-
ally, only the individual, rather than the family, is seen in treatment. When these
two variants of family therapy are compared, evidence has suggested that see-
ing the individual is as effective as seeing the entire family (Szapocznik,
Kurtines, Foote, Perez-Vidal, & Hervis, 1986).
Similarly, behavior therapy includes quite different conceptual views that
address entirely different processes. Behavioral treatments for anxiety include
many interventions, (e.g., flooding and systematic desensitization) with con-
flicting views about what treatment requires. In other cases, behavioral treat-
ments focus on entirely different problems, such as anxiety in adults or feeding
problems in young children, and draw on theories, such as information pro-
cessing or operant conditioning that have only faint connections. In short, the
meaningfulness of an approach in some cases is diminished by the multiplicity
of its competing conceptual views and treatments.
Second, and related, a given treatment can be placed into different ap-
proaches and hence there is inconsistency in research reviews in the treatments
encompassed by a given approach. For example, some behavioral treatments
focus on the family and reviews of the effectiveness of family therapy may or
may not include these techniques. Sometimes reviews of cognitive therapy in-
clude techniques that invoke behavioral techniques and other times they do not.
Because treatments within an "approach" can vary conceptually and procedu-
rally and because a given treatment may be placed in more than one category,
one must be extremely wary about conclusions about the effectiveness of an ap-
proach to therapy. What does it mean to refer to behavior therapy as a general
approach? The category is useful to organize professionals who share some
common interests or for journals in which one can read about these interests.
For example, many professional organizations, journals, and conferences are
devoted to psychoanalytic, behavioral, cognitive, family, and humanistic ap-
proaches to treatment.
A difficulty emerges in discussions of the effectiveness of a treatment ap-
proach. The approaches have no specific referent, or a procedure or treatment
whose effects can be evaluated. Often, reviews of therapy categorize treatments
into one approach and then compare approach A to approach B or non-A. For
example, some research, as discussed later, has suggested that behavioral ther-
apy is more effective than nonbehavioral (i.e., all other) therapies. Such results

are limited, given the remarkable variability and diversity of the treatments
within a category. The key questions in treatment research pertain to the effects
of particular treatments rather than the effects of approaches.

General Comments
Historically, approaches have served as a useful way of presenting and orga-
nizing different treatments in teaching, organizing books, and conveying the
orientation or overarching philosophy of a training program (e.g., graduate pro-
gram, internship). Beyond these uses, the utility of approaches is strained, par-
ticularly as a way of enlightening or guiding therapy research. Traditionally,
each approach included multiple theories about the nature of a particular prob-
lem. For an approach to remain viable, it had to remain very general to accom-
modate the different theories. For example, proponents of one approach, per-
haps psychoanalytic or behavioral, might attack key tenets of another approach.
Yet, the criticisms were likely to be untrue, or inapplicable to, some theories or
treatments within the approach.
The generality of the conceptual views that the approaches reflected has not
been too helpful for therapy research. General conceptual views are not usually
very useful in testing how disorders or clinical problems emerge or can be ame-
liorated. Much of treatment research became separated from any genuine the-
ories about clinical problems or treatment processes, becoming instead atheo-
retical. Treatment effects are meticulously evaluated, but the basis of treatment
or efforts to understand why treatment might work have been largely neglected.
I shall return to this topic, but it is relevant here. Currently, general approaches
to treatment are not discussed very much in the therapy research. We are left
with multiple techniques, few of which draw on specific theories about the
problems to which they are applied or are based on specific and testable hy-
potheses about the therapeutic change process.


Proliferation of Therapies
The problems and ambiguities in approaches are eclipsed by the chaos in the
treatments themselves. Treatment in this context refers to the specific interven-
tion used to improve the child.1 Thus, family therapy might be the general ap-
proach to which the therapist subscribes in his or her practice, but structural
family therapy might be the actual treatment he or she uses.
The number of treatments in use is enormous and continues to proliferate.
At any time it is difficult to pinpoint the precise number of techniques in use,
but surveys show a continuous growth. Indeed, I believe the evidence is con-
sistent with a "big-bang" theory of psychotherapy, which closely parallels the
cosmological theory that explains the expansion of the universe and why stars
are moving away from each other. As applied to therapy, here is the view. At
the beginning of time, or maybe a few moments before (I have not worked this
part out yet), there was one swirling mix of suggestion, placebo effects, general

relationship factors, learning, persuasion, and conflict resolution. These must

have heated, formed a mass, and then exploded in an ever-expanding universe
of more and more treatment techniques. Instead of expanding in space, each
splits into more and more fragments and combinations.
As mentioned previously, there has been an informal tracking of the num-
ber of therapy techniques, beginning in the 1960s (approximately 60 different
types of psychotherapies) and continuing through the 1980s (over 400 treat-
ments). These were treatments used primarily in the context of adult psy-
chotherapy. Child and adolescent therapies are less well charted. My own in-
formal effort to document these therapies (Kazdin, 1988) revealed over 230
different treatments in use with children or adolescents. A more comprehensive
search has revealed over 550 treatments. (A list of these treatments is provided
in appendix A at the end of this book.) This count cannot be considered precise
because there is no formal way of entering or registering a new technique into
the world nor a way to look up all treatments in use. Researchers and clinicians
do not formally patent their new therapies. When professionals publish or pre-
sent their work—in a book, article, convention presentation, or workshop—the
technique is available to be counted. No doubt there are many undocumented
treatments. Consider the treatments in the appendix merely as an estimate, no
doubt an underestimate because of the omission of undocumented treatments.
Other obstacles in interpreting the number of treatments in use reflect
broader problems. Sometimes the name of treatment may be the same, but the
procedures can be quite different. For example, social skills training often refers
to quite different treatments. Often a name is used consistently, but the versions
of treatment differ in format (group vs. individual, duration, and the use of ad-
junctive procedures). When does a variation become a distinguishable treat-
ment? Further, the same or seemingly the same treatment occasionally may
have different names. For example, parent management training refers to pro-
cedures to train parents to interact differently with their child and invokes sev-
eral behavior modification procedures. Sometimes the intervention is referred
to as contingency management in the home. To the extent that similar treat-
ments are given different names, the treatment count can be "padded" with
treatments that overlap in some way. (An effort was made to minimize this in
constructing appendix A.)
Finally, the number of current treatments in use is difficult to capture because
of how treatments are used. Eclectic treatment includes combinations of dif-
ferent therapies or different components (techniques) of therapies. All sorts of
techniques can be combined in innumerable possibilities. In principle and prac-
tice, the number of treatments in use would be difficult to document; once doc-
umented, the count is likely already outdated.

The Research Agenda

The large number of treatments attests to the inventiveness of mental health
professionals. Plainly, there are many treatment options from which to draw.
Yet there are reasons for alarm. Well over 90% of the treatments in use (as listed

in appendix A) have never been subjected to controlled or uncontrolled out-

come studies. That is, we have not even a morsel of evidence that these treat-
ments work or help children or families. Consider, for purposes of simplicity,
three possible effects of treatments on the problems to which they are applied:
helpful, neutral, or harmful. These effects should be determined before appli-
cation. Even neutral therapies might be considered harmful if their application
inadvertently prevented or delayed application of another viable treatment.
With many clinical problems to treat and many treatments available, the sit-
uation seems like a perfect match: A huge grid or table can represent the agenda
for researchers and clinicians. That grid lists clinical problems along the side
(labeling the rows) and treatments on the top (the columns) to find out what
treatments work with what problems. Now we have several thousand blank
cells, and each cell could represent a study or two. More concretely, if we as-
sume 200 types of child clinical problems and conservatively say there are 500
treatments, we would just need to complete the 100,000 studies to have the an-
swers—well, probably 200,000 studies because replication is pivotal in scien-
tific research. The number is large but at least finite. As studies are completed,
we could fill in the cells, knowing that progress was made.
If the grid is even partially tempting to the reader, consider that a grid would
need to be made for children and adolescents at different points in development
because the effectiveness of a given treatment, as applied to a given problem,
could well vary with the age and the developmental stage of the child. So we
would need separate grids for different ages (although maybe not for all ages).
Still tempted by the grid idea? Well, forget it again—some treatments are more
effective with girls than with boys, so we would want a separate grid by sex of
the child. We could only hope that separate grids are not needed for different
ethnic groups, but this hope could prove to be false. The idea of filling out a
grid with empirical studies is pretty much the wrong focus. Even if this were
feasible, the grid idea ignores the need to understand how treatment works, for
whom treatment works, and the conditions under which treatment works.
Because there are many treatments and many problems to which they can be
applied, it is natural to address the obvious and important question of treatment
outcome. Does treatment A work (produce change) with clinical problem X? Is
treatment A or B more effective? If treatment A is modified in some way, will
its effectiveness be improved? These questions are important and have come to
dominate treatment research. These questions pose an endless research agenda
and divert attention from even more critical issues.
The large number of techniques currently in use ought to underscore the im-
portance of understanding how treatments work. Do different mechanisms or
processes explain why or how each treatment produces therapeutic change? For
the treatments known to produce change, we have little idea about mechanisms
of change. Understanding the basis for treatment effects is not merely of aca-
demic interest. Once we understand how change occurs, treatments can be ap-
plied more effectively. Aspects of treatment that are responsible for, or directly
contribute to, therapeutic change can be fostered, maximized, or emphasized.

The number of available treatments presents a challenge for research and

clinical practice common to child, adolescent, and adult psychotherapy. That
challenge is to identify what is responsible for change and to determine whether
a few key processes might unify or explain the many different variants of treat-
ment. Understanding mechanisms of change may be more productive than eval-
uating the many individual treatments.


Many challenges and obstacles to providing treatment are inherent in the en-
terprise itself. Clinical problems often include features (e.g., sadness, immobi-
lization, panic, personality disorder) that make treatment delivery difficult in
any given session or in general. (How much easier it would be if the people who
came to treatment had absolutely no problems!) Beyond the usual tasks of ther-
apy, special challenges emerge in providing treatment to children and adoles-
cents. These challenges affect the administration and evaluation of treatment
and have direct implications for research. Salient challenges include identify-
ing what problems warrant treatment, assessing child functioning, providing
therapy when the child or adolescent may not see any need for treatment, de-
ciding the focus of treatment, and retaining children and families in therapy.

Identifying Dysfunction
The initial task of identifying problems worthy of treatment raises special is-
sues. Extreme and pervasive departures from normative functioning, by defin-
ition, warrant special intervention. Examples include autism and more severe
forms of mental retardation, as highlighted in the previous chapter. These per-
vasive developmental disorders are relatively easily recognizable, at least when
compared to anxiety, depression, and hyperactivity. Yet the pervasive disorders
are not usually the focus of various forms of psychotherapy for children and
The social, emotional, and behavioral problems most frequently seen in treat-
ment are externalizing (oppositional, conduct, and hyperactivity) and internal-
izing (anxiety, depression, withdrawal) behaviors. Most of the symptoms that
comprise these problems are relatively common even in normative develop-
ment. For example, fears, fighting, lying, difficulty in concentrating, and social
withdrawal are symptoms of recognized disorders, yet they are also relatively
common at different points in development. Of course, usually the clinically se-
vere versions are more extreme, but this is not always easy to discern. Separation
fears in young children, for example, can be very upsetting to the "normal" child
and can disrupt the child's and parents' lives by interfering with attending or re-
maining in day care, adding to marital conflict, and increasing stress for a par-
ent related to his or her job. Even so, mild problems of everyday life can be quite
challenging. Identifying a pattern of behavior as a problem worthy of interven-
tion is a problem that is difficult for parents, teachers, and physicians, who are
often responsible for referring cases to treatment. There is no "psychological
thermometer" to determine a social, emotional, or behavioral "fever."

Identifying a problem or dysfunction worthy of treatment is difficult because

of a related obstacle: namely, the behavior or characteristic of the child may not
be deviant or significant at all. Rather, the significance of the behavior may rest
on when the problem occurs over the course of development. For example, the
implications and long-term outcome of a behavioral pattern such as fighting or
bedwetting depend on the age of the child (e.g., 2 vs. 10 years old). Bedwetting
in middle and later childhood but not in early childhood (before age 5) is a risk
factor for later psychopathology (Rutter, Yule, & Graham, 1973). One ought to
evaluate and intervene in middle to late childhood but probably not in early
childhood. The obstacle in identifying the problem is the absence of clear and
readily available information about normative development and quite varied
parental thresholds for identifying when there is a problem. In my own experi-
ence, I have seen many children younger than 4 punished for bedwetting and
others older than 10 whose parents were not concerned at all about the com-
plete lack of bladder and bowel control (enuresis and encopresis).
Identification of dysfunction among children concerns not just the appear-
ance of a symptom or symptom constellation but rather the relation of that char-
acteristic to expected development. Judgment comes into play. What to expect
over the course of development may be clear to health professionals like pedi-
atricians or clinicians working with children. However, parents and teachers
who usually initiate the treatment-referral process may have aberrant expecta-
tions about normal development. I can cite examples from four separate fami-
lies at a clinic in which I am involved, in which parents
• physically beat their infant for crying when he was hungry;
• whipped their toddler with a belt because he still was not fully toilet trained
at age 2;
• awakened and beat up a 7-year-old boy in the middle of the night because
he had not washed all of the dishes in the sink; and
• held down and repeatedly hit a 10-year-old boy because he forgot one item
while completing the grocery shopping by himself.
In each case, parental expectations rather than child deviance or impairment
were the central features of the problem. That is, none of the children's behav-
iors was developmentally unique, out of step, or otherwise remarkable. (And,
of course, even if it were, abusive parenting practices would not have been ap-
propriate.) The examples illustrate the strong role that parental expectations can
play in designating behavior as appropriate or inappropriate, deviant or nonde-
viant. Decisions about whom to bring to treatment occasionally are based on a
mismatch of child performance and parental expectations, rather than on clin-
ical dysfunction or impairment on the part of the child.
With a child's maturation and socialization, many problematic behaviors,
emotional reactions, and maladaptive cognitions subside. For example, most
adults are toilet trained, do not suck their thumbs (or for that matter anyone
else's thumbs), and do not cry themselves to sleep because of darkness or mon-
sters in the bedroom. The specific age or point in development at which some

problem behaviors emerge and subside can be identified only approximately.

That is, both the age of onset and age of termination of the "problem" have a
mean (average age at which children develop the behavior, average age of ter-
mination), and there are individual differences (variability about each mean).
Some behaviors clearly are problematic and impair functioning, but others are
not so easily identified. Thus, one of the challenges of child and adolescent
treatment is deciding whether the qualitative or quantitative characteristics of
the behavior are maladaptive or within the normative range for the child's age
or development level. These can be subtle judgments for trained and untrained
individuals alike.

Assessing Dysfunction
Measuring clinical problems in children and adolescents raises special chal-
lenges that affect treatment and treatment research. Children and adolescents
are often asked to report on their own dysfunction. An initial issue is the extent
to which children are capable of reporting, or willing to report, on their social,
emotional, and behavioral problems. Measures often ask subtle questions about
the onset, duration, and intensity of specific symptoms. Can children report on
their symptoms and their functioning in everyday life? Clearly they can, but
their ability to do so depends on the nature of the problem and characteristics
of the children (LaGreca, 1990).
As a guideline, children younger than 5 are usually not considered to be re-
liable reporters on self-report measures (interviews, paper-and-pencil measures
with items read to the child). The standard interpretation is that young children
may lack the cognitive development necessary to identify the behavior as a
problem, to see that it is leading to or associated with impairment, and to real-
ize that something could be done about it. Plainly, many adults cannot do this
either. Perspective taking and metacognitions (thoughts about thought pro-
cesses) are not likely to be well developed in young children. Perspective tak-
ing requires seeing one's own behavior in context and relative to prior behav-
ior or functioning. Perhaps even more critical, the perspective of the child is
likely to be quite different from the perspectives of parents and teachers. For
example, a child may be more likely to say that fighting is not his problem but
rather a problem of others to whom he is responding in the setting.
A blanket statement about the utility of self-report in young children is dif-
ficult to defend. First, not many self-report measures are available that have been
well validated for use in early childhood. This could be true because of an ac-
cepted belief that children cannot report well on their behavior or recognition
that others are better informants. For children ages 8-9 and older, considerable
research is available indicating validity of child report (LaGreca, 1990; Mash &
Terdal, 1997). Second, the utility of self-report could depend on the presenta-
tion of the questions. The framing of the questions may be particularly critical.
For example, one could readily find out if the child gets into fights by asking di-
rectly about it (Do others at school hit you? Do you hit them back?). More ab-
stract or accusatory questions are likely to be less productive (Do you get into

trouble or start fights at school?). Third, the focus or content of the questions no
doubt contributes to the utility of self-report. Children may more easily report
on some areas, and this could readily vary with age. For example, questions
about subjective experience ("Do you get upset when your mom and dad ar-
gue?") or about events that have occurred often ("Do you ever go to the nurse's
office at school [to evaluate health concerns and one of many signs that may
pertain to depression]?") might be more easily answered than questions about
changes in symptoms, about impairment, or about meeting role expectations.
Yet self-report in young children cannot be discounted because of age alone.
Novelty in presenting the questions can make a great difference in the utility of
self-report. For example, asking children to identify which of two puppets is
more like them, as the puppets playfully self-disclose social, emotional, and be-
havioral problems, yields information unlikely to emerge from more direct
questions (Measelle, Ablow, Cowan, & Cowan, 1998). Thus, the yield from
self-report may in part be a measure of the ability of the investigator as well as
of the child.
Parents are usually the primary source of information about child function-
ing because they know about the child's behavior over time and across situa-
tions and usually play a central role in the referral of children for treatment.
Social, emotional, and behavioral problems often reflect a departure from a
child's usual behavior (e.g., no longer interacting with friends, loss of interest
in activities). Parents are in a unique position to comment on change. Parent
evaluations usually are obtained on standardized rating scales such as the
Behavior Problem Checklist and Child Behavior Checklist that assess several
domains of child functioning (aggression, hyperactivity, anxiety, depression).
Typically, parents are asked to rate the extent to which their child shows a par-
ticular symptom on a 3-point scale (0 = not at all, 1 = sometimes, 2 = often).
Scores of studies have attested to the utility and validity of parent reports well
beyond the confines of treatment research.
The information parents provide about their child's functioning raises fur-
ther interpretive problems. For example, parent (usually maternal) perceptions
of child adjustment and functioning are related to parent psychopathology (es-
pecially anxiety and depression), marital discord, stressors, and social support
outside of the home (see Kazdin, 1994b). Parents with their own psychopathol-
ogy or who are experiencing stress are more likely to rate their children as de-
viant, even when other, independently obtained evidence suggests that the chil-
dren are no more deviant than children of parents with fewer symptoms or stres-
sors. Thus, parent reports of child deviance are shaded by parent dysfunction
(psychopathology, stress). This is a unique issue for child treatment and evalu-
ation of child functioning. Child improvement at the end of treatment may re-
flect actual changes in the child, reductions in parental stress, or some combi-
nation of both. Similarly, lack of improvement on parent-completed measures
may be the result of continued or increased parent stress, even though the child
may have actually improved. In short, parent functioning may affect a child's
level of deviance before and after treatment, at least on parent-report measures.

Since parent-report measures are the most frequently used measures to evalu-
ate treatment, this is a concern within child therapy.
The use of multiple informants and multiple methods of assessment (e.g.,
self-report, other report, direct observation) is routinely endorsed as a wise
strategy for psychological research in general. In the context of treatment, this
strategy is no less important but raises another significant set of challenges.
Parents, teachers, and children do not provide corresponding information about
the child (Achenbach, McConaughy, & Howell, 1987; Kazdin, 1994b). Thus,
children who appear deviant on measures obtained from one source (e.g., par-
ents) may not appear to have problems on measures obtained from another
source (e.g., teachers) (see Kazdin, 1989; Offord et al., 1996).
There is no gold standard, such as a laboratory test or solid criterion, to judge
clinical disorders for most problems brought to treatment. Realistically, many
children referred for treatment are clearly having significant problems, and
these are readily detected on diagnostic interviews and parent-completed mea-
sures. It would be a mistake to imply that deviance is all in the eyes of the be-
holder. At the same time, once one omits extreme cases, a child who appears
deviant in one context or on one measure may not be deviant in another. I shall
take up assessment issues later. However, I mention them here because of the
difficulties and challenges that measurement raises in child and adolescent psy-

Motivation for Seeking Treatment

Consider the paradigm for providing therapy to adults. An adult who is experi-
encing stress (from divorce or death of a relative) or a significant clinical dys-
function (perhaps anxiety or depression that interferes with work performance)
comes to a clinic seeking relief. Although it may have taken some time for the
individual to decide to seek treatment and then to take the initial step, the
process was initiated by the client. In the vast majority of cases, children and
adolescents do not refer themselves for treatment or identify themselves as ex-
periencing stress, symptoms, or problems. Young children may lack the per-
spective to identify their own psychological impairment and its impact on daily
functioning and may not know that therapy is a viable means to help. Also,
problems most commonly referred for treatment among children and adoles-
cents involve externalizing or disruptive behavior (e.g., aggression, hyperac-
tivity) (Kazdin, Siegel, & Bass, 1990). In such cases, adults perceive the child
as disturbing. Indeed, a cliche of child treatment is that the focus is on disturb-
ing rather than disturbed behavior. Reports from adults (parents, teachers) serve
as the impetus for treatment, so the focus may be in part someone else's stress
rather than the child's. Children are less likely to report dysfunction or a prob-
lem in relation to their own experience. Of course, adolescents can self-report,
although parents and adolescents might not agree about "problematic" behav-
iors (e.g., behaviors related to substance use and abuse, unprotected sex, van-
dalism, talk of killing oneself, or excessive concern with body image and ex-
treme dieting).

The absence of a felt problem on the part of the child or adolescent affects
the motivation for seeking and remaining in treatment and for engaging in the
tasks that the particular treatment approach requires. The challenge for the clin-
ician and researcher is to engage the child in treatment. Getting the child to
come to treatment is a significant obstacle. Although the parent is "in control"
of the decision to begin the treatment process, likely the child may be much
more interested in staying after school for soccer practice than enduring ther-
apy sessions. Occasionally, a child will throws tantrums or enact extremes of
disruptive behavior associated with coming to treatment. In a case I recall, a
mother arrived at the clinic in tears holding an audiocassette with most of the
tape pulled out, badly tangled. The scene required some explanation, which she
provided before I could comment. Apparently, on the way to the session, the
boy tore the insides of the upholstery of the car (inside doors and roof) and de-
stroyed the parent's nostalgia-filled audiotape (he pulled the cassette from the
tape player while it was playing). Yet this episode demostrates the extremes of
the challenge that bringing a child to treatment can entail. Even in less extreme
circumstances, parents sometimes wonder if treatment is worth the challenge
of getting the child to come to the sessions. Their perseverance is often chal-
lenged, and it is much easier not to come.
In treatment sessions, the therapist will employ various techniques to
achieve the treatment goals. The techniques could involve talk, play, role-play,
games, or a meeting with the entire family. Getting the child to participate in
these activities is a challenge. Many therapists want the child to grasp the point
of the activities. But the child may have little motivation, interest, or incentive
to be in treatment, especially since he or she may be sacrificing more pleasant
activities, such as hanging out with friends. Removing the child from school for
the therapy sessions, when feasible, overcomes this objection for most children.
Yet the parent is likely to ask, is treatment worth the loss of school time? In
short, getting children to treatment and engaging them in the session present
special challenges.

Focus of Treatment
Obviously, or so it would seem, the child is brought to treatment because he or
she has a problem or significant impairment. The child is naturally the target of
treatment. Yet children, and indeed all of us, function in a context or set of sys-
tems that influence what we do (Brofenbrenner, 1979; Lerner, 1991). Context,
for purposes of this discussion, refers to the environmental factors in which the
child functions and encompasses interpersonal relations (parents, peers, sib-
lings), systems (family, school), and settings (neighborhoods). Although we all
depend on the contexts in which we live and function, the dependence of chil-
dren on adults makes them particularly vulnerable to influences over which they
have little control.
Many adverse contextual influences can be identified that affect child func-
tioning and have direct implications for child adjustment and psychopathology.
Familiar examples include poor prenatal care and nutrition, maternal prenatal

substance abuse, physical and sexual abuse, and neglect of the child. In relation
to the delivery of treatment, some contextual influences are particularly impor-
tant because they influence attendance to, participation in, and effects of the in-
tervention. For example, among children and adolescents with externalizing
problems, socioeconomic disadvantage, high levels of stress, and parental psy-
chopathology can affect whether families will attend treatment and, among
those who do attend, the extent to which the children will improve and main-
tain their improvements over time (Dadds & McHugh, 1992; Kazdin, 1995a;
Kazdin & Wassell, 1999; Webster-Stratton, 1985).
The child's dependence on parent and family influences and evidence that
many of these influences are somehow involved in the child's problems raise
questions about the appropriate focus of treatment. To whom should the treat-
ment be directed? Major options include the child, parents, the family (as a
unit), teachers, peers, and siblings. Of course, at a broader level one might also
target neighborhoods, cities, and society at large (e.g., through legislation or so-
cial policy) to reduce clinical dysfunction. In clinical work, treatment of child
or adolescent dysfunction usually incorporates the parent, family, and teacher
in some way (Kazdin, Siegel, & Bass, 1990; Koocher & Pedulla, 1977) perhaps
involving parents in the sessions with the child, seeing parents separately, meet-
ing with the family, and using the teacher to assess or intervene at school (as in
a behavior modification program in the classroom). Point of intervention is es-
pecially complex for child treatment in general because of the range of options.
If children are particularly dependent on the parent and family, perhaps the
parent and family are the best foci for intervention. This focus could be justi-
fied on one of two grounds. First, several of the forces or influences that pro-
mote or sustain the child's problems could be within the family or interpersonal
context. In other words, contextual influences could be considered pertinent to
the development of the problem. Second, changing contextual influences could
a valuable way to alter child functioning. That is, no matter how the problem
came about, changing aspects of the context might be an excellent way to ef-
fect change.
Contexts and their influence change over the course of development. Thus,
in relation to treatment, it might make sense to involve the parents extensively
in the treatment of young children. For adolescents, perhaps peers might need
to be involved in treatment, given then" critical influence on behavior. It is easy
to say generally that treatment may need to consider contextual influences.
From the perspective of providing treatment clinically or investigating treat-
ment, involving others in the child's treatment raises its own obstacles.
Some facets of the parent and family context may warrant intervention as
part of or as a precondition for effective treatment of the child. For example,
marital conflict, spouse abuse, and substance abuse often affect children re-
ferred to treatment at the clinic where I work. Some of these problems may di-
rectly influence concurrent child deviance, for example, some of the child mal-
treatment and harsh discipline occurs in the context of marital conflict. Other
facets of the context, such as substance abuse, may need to be incorporated into

a treatment plan as well. Omnipresent contextual influences may be relevant to

therapy for adults as well as children. Treatment for children may be a bit more
intricate because many of these influences need to be considered directly in the
treatment process (e.g., Cobham, Dadds, & Spence, 1998; Dadds, Schwartz, &
Sanders, 1987; Henggeler, Schoenwald, Borduin, Rowland, & Cunningham,
1998). For example, any significant conflict between adults (marital partners,
spouses, and live-in relatives) may need to be addressed directly as part of treat-
ment because it could relate to the child's problem or influence execution of
treatment prescriptions.

Remaining in Treatment
Retaining children and families in treatment is a significant challenge. Among
children who begin treatment, 40-60% drop out prematurely, against the ad-
vice of the clinician (Kazdin, 1996b; Wierzbicki & Pekarik, 1993). Perhaps the
reasons can be deduced from points already highlighted. Lack of motivation
creates problems in attending and continuing in treatment. Indeed, as already
mentioned, parent-child battles about going to treatment may occur because the
competing activities for the child in that time slot (television, video games,
hanging around, after-school sports, etc.) are a much stronger draw than treat-
ment sessions. Many parents simply do not wish to fight these battles. Many
parent and family problems (e.g., marital conflict, stress in the home, parent
clinical dysfunction) or difficult living circumstances (e.g., socioeconomic dis-
advantage), provide further obstacles to remaining in treatment. Parents may
disagree with each other about whether the child ought to be brought to treat-
ment, and that too can make treatment a source of tension. These points do not
exhaust the range of factors that might make participation in treatment difficult.
For example, among oppositional, aggressive, and antisocial children, dropping
out of treatment is predicted by many adverse contextual factors mentioned pre-
viously (e.g., socioeconomic disadvantage, high stress) as well as severity of
child dysfunction, obstacles associated with coming to treatment, parental
views that treatment is too demanding, and a poor relationship between parent
and therapist (e.g., Kazdin et al., 1997; Kazdin, Stolar, & Marciano, 1995).
Retaining cases in treatment remains a special challenge. Contextual influ-
ences play a role in remaining in treatment. Consequently, if one is not focusing
on the parents or family, one may be ignoring parent and family factors that may
need to be addressed to retain the family in treatment (Prinz & Miller, 1994;
Szapocznik et al., 1988). These challenges differ from those of adult therapy.

General Comments
Each challenge reflects the interface of theoretical and applied considerations.
For example, identifying the appropriate or optimal focus of treatment is eas-
ier when one understands factors that contribute to or maintain deviance and
factors that can be mobilized to produce change. Characteristics of child de-
velopment and the role of contextual influences and variation of key influences
over the course of development are among the topics essential to inform ther-

apy. Thus, identifying effective treatments is not merely a matter of developing

and testing an intervention that will reduce or eliminate the problems leading
to clinical referral. Several other tasks and obstacles must be addressed that per-
mit the intervention to be delivered, that consider how the child is brought to
treatment (by whom, for what reason), and that recognize, account for, and in-
tegrate contextual influences in which treatment is embedded. This process is
not very different from medical treatment. The intervention (e.g., surgery) alone
does not determine whether treatment is successful (e.g., the outcome from by-
pass surgery, or organ transplant). In addition, patient characteristics (e.g., de-
pression) and behavior (e.g., exercise, diet) also predict the outcome. Admin-
istration of treatment must take into account other factors that influence the
desired long-term outcome. In child treatment, clearly the child's problems
need to be addressed, probably directly. The overarching challenge is to figure
out how. The factors that influence the child are not all within the child.
Identifying, weighing, selecting, and altering the pertinent factors are major


There are many different approaches to treatment, including psychoanalytic,
psychodynamic, family, behavioral, cognitive-behavioral, experiential, exis-
tential/humanistic, and integrative-eclectic approaches. These terms are mean-
ingful because they convey the overall orientation of the treatments. When a
clinician or researcher may identify with an approach, this does not necessar-
ily convey the specific treatments used in daily clinical work. Hundreds of psy-
chosocial treatments are applied to children and adolescents. Our research
group identified over 550 (appendix A); that count may reflect our endurance
in documenting the ever-expanding universe of "new" interventions. The ex-
tent to which they are all different is arguable.
There are many treatments and not much regulation of clinical practice. The
result has been a proliferation of techniques applied to children and adolescents,
with no initial information required about safety and effectiveness. Any in-
formed citizen might want to ask some obvious questions of these treatments:
• Do any of the treatments work?
• Which ones work best?
• Do they all work for different reasons or through some common mecha-
The researcher will refine and focus these questions and answer them in
complex ways (e.g., with multiple outcomes). Yet the basic questions remain.
One solution is to start evaluating the treatments as applied to specific prob-
lems. Obviously, research of this type is essential. Yet a pile of outcome stud-
ies, no matter how elegantly designed each study is, is in essence just a pile of
outcome studies. Much more is needed to make progress, as I detail later.
Apart from the research agenda, there are major challenges in delivering
treatments to children and adolescents: identifying and measuring child dys-

function, the motivation or absence of motivation of the children seeking treat-

ment, identifying the target(s) or focus of treatment (e.g., child, parents, fam-
ily), and retaining families in treatment. These challenges require a deeper un-
derstanding of clinical dysfunction, treatments, and the contexts in which they
are provided.
I have suggested that progress will require understanding both the treatment
and the mechanisms through which it operates. Before addressing some of the
daunting questions that such understanding requires, we can begin by consid-
ering what treatments seem to be effective. Effective treatments are often de-
veloped with very little understanding of how they work. For example, many
medications (e.g., stimulants for hyperactive children) and psychosocial inter-
ventions (e.g., hypnosis, suggestion) work for reasons that are not initially
known. The basic question—does this treatment work?—often leads to study
of the more complex questions. The primary focus of this book is on the evi-
dence for the basis of providing therapy to children and adolescents. We need
to evaluate the existing evidence, as well as identify the long-term goals of psy-
chotherapy research and how to achieve these goals. The next chapters of the
book evaluate the evidence.


Several sources are available that convey approaches to treatment and specific treat-
ments that are applied to children and adolescents. Over the years there has been a de-
parture away from approaches. Reviews of the evidence are more likely to be organized
by clinical problems (e.g., treatments for depression, anxiety), as reflected in some of
the readings noted below.
Ammerman, R.T., Last, C.G., & Hersen, M. (Eds.). (1999). Handbook of prescriptive
treatments for children and adolescents (2nd ed.). Needham Heights, MA: Allyn &
Johnson, J.H., Rasbury, W.C., & Siegel, L.J. (1986). Approaches to child treatment:
Introduction to theory, research, and practice. New York: Pergamon.
Mash, E.J., & Barkley, R. (Eds.). (1998). Treatment of childhood disorders (2nd ed.).
New York: Guilford.
Morris, R.J., & Kratochwill, T.R (Eds.). (1998). The practice of child therapy. Needham
Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon.

Evidence: Major Findings,

Strengths, and Limitations
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Chapter 4

The Effects of Psychotherapy:

Current Status of the Evidence

Methods of Evaluates the Evidence

Historical Challenge
Early Reviews of Outcome Research
Formulation of the Research Question
Contemporary Evaluations
Overview of the Findings
Effect Size and Its Meaning
Effects of Treatment
On Balance
Summary and Conclusions

I HE MOST FUNDAMENTAL QUESTION about therapy is whether it works. Do peo-

ple get better? How great it would be if the question could be one question and
a simple one at that. This fundamental question has been rejected long ago be-
cause it is much too simplistic. The simplicity can be conveyed by substituting
another word for psychotherapy and asking the same question. For example,
does education (or surgery, child rearing, medication, exercise) work? Psycho-
therapy and these other endeavors encompass many components (e.g., types of
treatment or surgery or child-rearing practices) as independent variables and
many consequences or outcomes (e.g., feeling better, actually showing fewer
symptoms, performing better in one's relationships or at work) as dependent
variables. At the very least, the conclusions about psychotherapy vary accord-
ing to the type of treatment and type of outcome. Yet, the global question of
whether therapy works continues to be of interest despite pleas to ask more spe-
cific and indeed entirely different questions. If one requires a quick answer—
yes, it does work. But many of the treatments in use lack supportive evidence.
Obviously, any statement about whether therapy works requires a number of
There are well over a thousand controlled studies that examine various forms
of treatment for children and adolescents. From so many studies we ought to


be able to draw conclusions about the effects of treatment, the extent to which
children and adolescents improve, and the many nuances of treatment effects.
This chapter and the next one consider the evidence and what can be said based
on that evidence about the effects of therapy.


Although it might seem reasonable to start actually evaluating the evidence, the
methods of evaluating the evidence warrant comment. How the evidence is ex-
amined and weighed can contribute to the conclusions reached. Methods of re-
viewing the evidence on the effects of psychological treatments have evolved
along with the empirical studies themselves. First, the dominant review method
had been the narrative or qualitative review in which reviewers sift through in-
dividual studies and summarize what conclusions can and cannot be supported.
This method relies on an author's evaluation of the strength and merit of the in-
dividual studies and the patterns that emerge from them. Narrative reviews were
the first to be used to evaluate the evidence for the effects of psychotherapy for
adults (Eysenck, 1952) and for children and adolescents (Levitt, 1957, 1963).
Narrative reviews remain the most commonly used method to evaluate the child
and adolescent therapy literature, as many edited books and journal articles at-
test (e.g., Kendall & Chambless, 1998; Lonigan & Elbert, 1998; Mash &
Barkley, 1998; Morris & Kratochwill, 1998).
Second, quantitative reviews recently have become more influential. Meta-
analyses (Smith & Glass, 1977) and, to a lesser extent, box-score methods
(Luborsky, Singer, & Luborsky, 1975) are efforts to codify and combine stud-
ies systematically and quantitatively. Box-score methods tally studies based on
whether they support a particular finding (e.g., out of 10 studies, 6 show an ef-
fect, 3 do not, 1 is unclear). This method is not used too frequently because it
neglects the characteristics of the studies and represents a rather gross level of
analysis (see Kazdin & Wilson, 1978b). However, the box-score method is im-
portant to mention in passing because it reflects an interest in moving to quan-
tifiable ways of integrating a large body of studies. Meta-analysis currently is
the preferred way of reviewing the evidence because it provides a way to inte-
grate a large number of studies systematically, using replicable procedures and
explicit decision rules. Also, the method permits the reviewer to describe char-
acteristics and patterns in the studies and to test hypotheses about influences
those individual studies do not usually examine. Early meta-analyses focused
on both adult and child treatments (Smith & Glass, 1977; Smith, Glass, &
Miller, 1980) and child treatments alone (Casey & Herman, 1985; Kazdin, Bass,
Ayers, & Rodgers, 1990; Weisz, Weiss, Alicke, & Klotz, 1987).
Third, a review of validated or empirically supported treatments has become
another way to evaluate the literature. In this type of review, the evidence is ex-
amined from the perspective of a common set of criteria to select individual
studies. Criteria are invoked to classify treatments based on the extent to which
they are empirically supported (i.e., as showing that treatment produces sys-
tematic change in controlled trials). The reviewer asks the general question,

"What is known to be effective (i.e., empirically supported) for a particular clin-

ical problem based on available studies that meet specific criteria?" Reviews of
this type tend to be qualitative rather than quantitative (see Kendall &
Chambless, 1998; Lonigan, Elbert, & Johnson, 1998), but the method of con-
ducting the review is not as critical as is the focus or purpose of the review.
Each method of reviewing a body of literature contributes to the conclusions
that one can reach about the effects of treatment. Each method relies on the
same raw data: the individual investigations themselves. However, how these
investigations are used, viewed, and selected is important. This chapter con-
siders what qualitative and quantitative reviews say about the effects of child
and adolescent therapy; the next chapter examines reviews of empirically sup-
ported treatments.

Early Reviews of Outcome Research
Historically, evaluating the effects of psychotherapy began with narrative re-
views. Well known in the adult psychotherapy literature is the review of
Eysenck (1952), which invariably is a starting point in modem evaluations of
psychotherapy. Eysenck's initial review focused on 19 studies of various psy-
choanalytic, psychodynamic, and eclectic therapies with adults. Eysenck re-
vised and expanded the review in 1960 and 1966 and included children, ado-
lescents, and adults across a wide range of contexts and clinical problems (e.g.,
soldiers who suffered stress reactions, adults and children with emotional prob-
lems). The conclusions were similar in each evaluation of the literature, namely,
that approximately two thirds of clients who receive therapy improve over the
course of treatment. More significantly, this is approximately the same rate of
improvement among clients who do not receive therapy. In other words, there
was no evidence to indicate that psychotherapy was effective.
The impact of Eysenck's review was enormous; rebuttals, critiques, and re-
reviews, and other types of works were generated. The effects continue in con-
temporary writings (see Bergin & Garfield, 1994; Eysenck, 1995). The specifics
of the review, the treatises that followed, and the impact of the exchanges need
not be traced here (see Kazdin, 1978b). Suffice it to say that Eysenck's original
review probably accomplished the most that one can hope for from an article:
to provoke thought and discussion and to influence the quality of research that
In the child literature, parallel reviews were completed in these early years
of treatment research, although their impact has not been as jarring or produc-
tive in stimulating thought or treatment research. The reviews begin with Levitt
(1957), who evaluated 18 studies of child psychotherapy. The review focused
on youths whose problems could be classified generally as neuroses, a term no
longer used. (Internalizing problems such as anxiety, depression, and with-
drawal would be roughly parallel, but the key would be symptoms that are not
sufficiently debilitating to warrant hospitalization or to constitute a pervasive

type of disorder.) Studies with delinquents, mentally retarded persons, and psy-
chotic patients were excluded. Levitt's analysis indicated that improvement
among children who received psychotherapy was approximately 67-78% at
posttreatment and follow-up, respectively. Children who did not receive treat-
ment improved at about the same rate (73%). Thus, the general conclusion was
that the efficacy of traditional forms of psychotherapy for children had not been
Levitt's review indicated that there was no evidence that therapy was effec-
tive. The clarity of the summary statement resulting from the initial review
masked a number of problems. To begin, the "children" encompassed by the
studies were quite diverse in age (preschool age to 21 years old) and clinical
dysfunctions. Second, baseline or improvement rates of nontreated youths were
derived from only two studies and from children who received treatment but
terminated it early. Thus, the "control" or comparison groups to which treated
children were compared were children who dropped out of treatment. Youths
who fail to complete treatment likely differ systematically from youths who
complete treatment and hence do not provide an adequate picture of the base
rate of improvement without treatment. Third, improvement rates were based
on evaluation of children by the therapists at the end of treatment. Therapist rat-
ings alone, especially by current methodological standards, certainly are lim-
ited as a measure of treatment outcome. (Measurement will be discussed in a
later chapter.)
As might be expected, Levitt's review generated a number of rebuttals and
re-evaluations of the data (Eisenberg & Gruenberg, 1961; Heinicke &
Goldman, 1960; Hood-Williams, 1960). The rebuttals raised cogent points that
not only challenged Levitt's conclusions but also drew attention to important
methodological issues in designing outcome studies. These included the need
to consider variation of children's problems and family factors as moderators
of treatment and the importance of using multiple measures to examine treat-
ment outcome. Essentially, the rebuttals concluded that the original method of
analysis, criteria, and research reviewed by Levitt did not permit clear conclu-
sions about the effects of treatment or no treatment.
Levitt's (1963) subsequent review evaluated 22 additional studies and ad-
dressed a number of criticisms, such as consideration of different diagnoses or
types of clinical problems. But the conclusions essentially remained the same.
Summing across diagnostic groups, Levitt's analyses showed improvements in
treated and untreated youths at approximately 65% and slightly below the rate
of children who did not receive treatment (73%). Rebuttals and re-evaluations
of these later reviews continued (Barrett, Hampe, & Miller, 1978; Heinicke &
Strassmann, 1975).
Over the period of reviews and rebuttals, the need for greater specificity in
evaluating treatment became quite apparent. One sign was the initial effort to
distinguish different diagnostic groups. For example, Levitt (1963) noted that
improvement rates were greater for neurotic patients than for those who were
delinquent or psychotic. Delineating diagnostic groups, as a move toward more
precise analyses of treatment effects, was a step in a needed direction. More re-

cent evaluations of psychotherapy suggest that outcomes may depend on many

different characteristics of treatments, patients, therapists, and outcome mea-
sures (e.g., Casey & Herman, 1985; Smith & Glass, 1977; Smith et al., 1980;
Weiszetal., 1987).

Formulation of the Research Question

The early reviews not only prompted concern about the effects of psychother-
apy but also about the questions that ought to guide psychotherapy research and
the methods of studying therapy. The question underlying the early narrative
reviews was, "Does psychotherapy work?" Very early after the reviews ap-
peared, the question was regarded as much too general (Bergin & Lambert,
1978; Edwards & Cronbach, 1952). After all, psychotherapy is a general term
that encompasses many different treatments. It is not especially meaningful to
lump them all together and to provide a simple yes or no answer to the ques-
tion, as noted previously. Similarly, there are many different mental disorders
and clinical problems and it would not be very reasonable or meaningful to ex-
pect a simple answer in asking whether a given treatment is equally effective
for all of the disorders and problems to which it could be applied.
An elegant criticism of the simplistic theory question was provided by
Kiesler (1966, 1971), who introduced the notion of the uniformity myth. The
myth refers to an assumption that the effects of psychotherapy will be the same
(uniform) no matter to whom or how it is applied. The question, "Does therapy
work?," assumes that most patients, therapists, and treatments are homoge-
neous, or at least more alike than different. Also, the assumption extends to var-
ious outcomes of treatment or domains that change. The uniformity assumption
here is that therapeutic improvement is basically homogeneous across all mea-
sures and that one measure might just as well be substituted for another.
The simplistic question, riddled with uniformity myths, does not consider
the complex factors that may contribute to outcome: individual differences of
the patients and therapists (e.g., personality characteristics and other distin-
guishing variables), conditions of therapy administration (e.g., how treatment
is applied), and the criteria used to evaluate treatment. Stated in more method-
ological and statistical terms, the simple question looks for a main effect of ther-
apy, that it works equally well across a wide range of conditions. The unifor-
mity myth raises the prospect that therapy effects are part of interactions. In
other words, the effects will depend on characteristics of patients, therapies, and
conditions of treatment administration. Furthermore, effective treatment may
require carefully matching patient problems, therapists, and treatments to opti-
mize therapeutic change.
Through similar discussions about how to evaluate psychotherapy, the
global question (Does psychotherapy work?) was replaced by a more specific
question. Here are two versions of the more specific question to guide research:
• "What treatment, by whom, is most effective for this individual with that
specific problem, under which set of circumstances?" (Paul, 1967, p. 111);

• "What kind of therapists administering what kind of psychotherapeutic

treatments to what kind of patients produce what kinds of perceived ef-
fects, both immediate and ultimate?" (Fiske, 1977, p. 24).
These new questions, highlight the importance of examining the specific effects
of various treatments for a particular clinical problem and acknowledge that the
effects of treatments may depend on characteristics of the patients, therapists,
and conditions under which treatment is provided.
Clearly the more specific question improves on the simplistic version it was
intended to replace. And this question now guides contemporary research, even
though there are clearly problems in answering it. As mentioned in the previ-
ous chapter, the task of evaluating therapy would be monumental if one were
merely to address the effectiveness of many different treatments as applied to
many different clinical problems. If one adds the type of clients and the type of
therapist, the already unfeasible task begins to seem absurd. Moreover, the ef-
fects (outcomes) of therapy can be measured in an indefinite number of ways
based on the area of functioning that is measured (e.g., symptoms, impairment,
social behavior), the source of information (e.g., patient, relative, or therapist),
and the type of measure (e.g., direct observation of the patient's behavior, rat-
ings completed by others). Conclusions about the effectiveness of treatment or
the relative effectiveness of two different treatments may be quite different de-
pending on the outcome measures. Consequently, the guiding question may not
be answerable. Later in the book, I shall return to the questions that can and
ought to guide therapy research. At this point, let us consider the effectiveness
of therapy across the various conditions in which it has been evaluated.
The brief historical comments identified early reviews and questions and
provided a context for much of contemporary research and reviews of that re-
search. I highlighted the early reviews to suggest the verdict on the effects of
psychotherapy and to mention the question ("What works with whom . . . ?")
that the reviews prompted. Early reviews focused on the paucity of studies,
methodological shortcomings, and neglect of the range of variables likely to in-
fluence treatment outcome (e.g., child age, clinical problem). Rather than trace
this history, later I shall discuss critical issues that mar contemporary research
and ways to rectify them. Perhaps of even greater importance, in the last few
years, the criteria for evaluating treatment outcome and for conducting outcome
research more generally have changed. Early reviews did not focus on the level
of specificity now considered essential, namely, evaluating different treatments
as applied to different types of problems, across different measures, at differ-
ent points in time.

Meta-analysis has become a preferred way of reviewing the body of treatment
research for many reasons, including its ability to focus on the many variables
on which treatment outcome depends. Indeed, a narrative review would not eas-
ily allow an author to draw conclusions systematically about the extent to which

the effectiveness of a particular treatment depends on patient, therapist, and

other characteristics. In some way, the what works with whom question requires
a systematic method of examining the data. As there are now hundreds and hun-
dreds of studies, drawing a few summary conclusions from this literature could
be daunting because the studies vary along so many dimensions (e.g., age of
the children, experience of the therapists, target problem or foci of treatment,
and treatment technique). Meta-analytic reviews provide a systematic way to
summarize the studies and to cull patterns in a quantifiable way.

OVERVIEW OF THE FINDINGS. A major development in the evaluation of psy-
chotherapy research was the emergence of meta-analysis, an alternative to the
narrative and qualitative review. Narrative reviews have tended to draw differ-
ent conclusions about the same literature (see Smith et al., 1980). Part of the
problem with a narrative review is the absence of established rules for evaluat-
ing, combining, and weighing studies based on their merit or strength of effects
or for drawing conclusions about the effects of a treatment when the results
from several studies differ. Even more problematic, studies that use different
measures or treatments or focus on slightly or completely different clinical
problems are difficult to integrate. Trying to compare outcomes from different
studies would be like comparing "apples and oranges," as the cliche goes. Meta-
analysis in some sense permits such comparisons. Indeed, if one elects a more
abstract metric (e.g., "fruit"), one can easily compare, combine, and integrate
applies and oranges.
Meta-analyses are so commonly used in social and biological sciences that
it is essential for any researcher to be familiar with their key characteristics,
strengths, and pitfalls (see Cook et al., 1992 ). Meta-analysis refers to a set of
quantitative procedures used to evaluate multiple studies. The essential feature
is to provide an "analysis of analyses" (Smith et al., 1980, p. 809). Results of a
given study are quantified to permit the combination and comparison of results
from different studies. This quantification of the results extracts findings and
integrates different studies more reliably and consistently than the usual narra-
tive review permits. That is, how a study will be weighed and the strength of
the effects are examined in a consistent fashion. Subjectivity is not removed,
but the rules for evaluating and combining studies are consistent, explicit, and

EFFECT SIZE AND ITS MEANING. The most common way of evaluating the
literature through meta-analysis is to compute effect size (ES), which provides
a common metric across investigations. Effect size refers to the magnitude of
the difference between two (or more) conditions or groups and is expressed in
standard deviation (SD) units. In terms of statistical analyses in research, ES is
a measure of the magnitude of an effect of a relation and is distinguished from
statistical significance. Magnitude refers to how strong the relation is between
(or among) variables; statistical significance refers to whether an obtained dif-

ference is likely due to chance. The concepts are quite different (see Kazdin,
1998b). There are many different measures of the magnitude of relations; the
two most commonly used in psychology are ES and Pearson product-moment
correlation (r).
Effect size is used in meta-analyses to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment
and is illustrated here. When there are two groups in the study, ES equals the
differences between means, divided by the SD or

where ml and m2 are the sample means for two groups or conditions (e.g., treat-
ment and control groups or two different treatments), and s equals the pooled
SD for these groups. In meta-analyses, an ES is computed for each study.
Because an ES can be computed for each measure or assessment device, usu-
ally a mean ES across all measures is used to summarize each study. Effect size
constitutes the dependent measure for the meta-analysis and is used as a sum-
mary statistic to examine the impact of other variables. Characteristics of the
investigations become the independent variables. All sorts of characteristics of
individual studies can be coded and studied, including the type of treatment,
duration of treatment, type of clinical problem, age of the participants, how well
the study was designed, the types of measures included, and the allegiance of
the investigator to one treatment rather than another. Hypotheses about the re-
lations of these characteristics to treatment outcome can be tested.
Let us consider the meaning of ES for a moment. As an example, consider
a two-group study that evaluates treatment for children who are experiencing
anxiety. Assume the children are assigned to treatment or no-treatment condi-
tions. After the study, children complete a measure of anxiety in which higher
scores equal higher levels of anxiety. Suppose that treated children show a post-
treatment mean of 20 on the scale, control subjects a score of 27. Suppose that
the SD is 10; ES equals .70 (20 minus 27 divided by 10). So we have an ES of
.70. What does it mean?
There are two useful guides to interpret ES. First, Cohen (1988) has conve-
niently provided us with an admittedly arbitrary but quite useful guideline not-
ing small, medium, and large ESs, .20, .50, and .80, respectively. (If the mea-
sure were r rather than ES, small, medium, and large effects would correspond
to correlations of .10, .30, and .50.) By convention, these magnitudes have be-
come a way of speaking about ESs; that is, an ES of .80 is large.
Second, and related, an ES can be interpreted in relation to the differences
in the distributions between two groups. Effect size is a measure in SD units.
Figure 4.1 shows two distributions, one for the treatment group and one for the
control group. The means of the group (vertical lines) reflect an ES of .70. That
signifies the mean of the intervention group is .70 of an SD higher than that of
the control group. One can refer to a table of the normal distribution and con-
vert this information into how the intervention group fared relative to the con-
trol group in SDs. Given the ES of .70, the average subject (at the mean) treated

Figure 4.1 Representation of an effect size of .70 between intervention and control
groups. Each group is reflected in its own distribution (normal curve). If the groups in
fact were not different, the two distributions would be superimposed and would look
like one distribution (same mean, same SD). With an effect size of .70, the mean of the
intervention group is .7 SD units above the mean of the control group. The two distrib-
utions are discrepant.

is better off than 76% of the persons who did not receive treatment. This per-
centage was obtained by identifying the percentage of the population below
+.70 SDs on the normal distribution (for a further discussion, see Kazdin,
1998b). Clearly, psychotherapy moves the mean of the distribution associated
with no treatment. As a rule, children assigned to treatment are much better off
than those who are not assigned to treatment.1

Effects of Treatment
There have been scores of meta-analyses of psychotherapy. In fact, the meta-
analyses themselves often serve as the basis for reviews (see Brown, 1987; Matt
& Navarre, 1997; Roth & Fonagy, 1996; Weisz & Weisz, 1993)—sort of an
analyses of meta-analyses or, as some authors have noted, a meta-meta-analy-
sis (Kazrin, Durac, & Agteros, 1979; Grissom, 1996). All of the work began
with the seminal meta-analyses of Smith and Glass (1977) and Smith et al.
(1980). In the 1980 study, the more comprehensive of the two, 475 controlled
treatment outcome studies were evaluated. An ES was calculated separately for
each dependent measure in each study, yielding a total of 1,761 different ESs.
Across all of the studies and treatment techniques, the mean ES of psychother-
apy was .85 (see Smith et al., 1980, p. 89). Of course, individual treatments and
characteristics of the studies were richly elaborated, but two of the more gen-
eral conclusions are particularly pertinent to this discussion. First, psychother-
apies produced greater therapeutic change than no treatment; second, different
treatment approaches, based on varied conceptual models (e.g., psychody-
namic, behavioral) tended to be equally effective. The conclusions are not rev-
olutionary or even particularly strong. Indeed, many professionals had believed
that psychotherapy was effective and that specific approaches did not yield
starkly different results. Yet many remembered Eysenck's review. A firm quan-

titative statement that psychotherapy in fact was better than no treatment would
be very welcome indeed. The strength and value of the Smith and Glass eval-
uations derived from the method they provided rather than the conclusions
themselves. Meta-analyses provided a method that seemed less subject to bias
than the usual narrative review.
In the past two decades, scores of meta-analyses of psychotherapy have fo-
cused on therapy with adults; many are also available for treatment of children
and adolescents and include reviews of therapy in general (all available treat-
ments); specific treatment approaches such as cognitive-behavior therapy,
group therapy, and family therapy; therapies conducted in special settings such
as schools; and therapies that target a specific focus such as preparing children
for medical procedures (e.g., tests and surgery). Also, meta-analyses have com-
pared the effects of treatment conducted in controlled research settings versus
clinical settings, a critical topic to which I shall return.2 The list could easily
continue because of the flow of meta-analyses generated with each month of
journal publications.
Meta-analyses of child and adolescent therapy have sampled approximately
300 outcome studies. There has been little overlap in the studies selected for
each of the analyses, so the repetitions are not merely reworking the same data.
An excellent summary of the review of the meta-analyses was provided by
Weisz, Donenberg, et al. (1995) and is reproduced in Figure 4.2. The figure por-
trays two adult and four child meta-analyses and summarizes the effects (ESs)
obtained when treatment is compared to no treatment. There are comforting
consistencies in the analyses. Based on the analyses in the figure and the re-
views they reflect, two main conclusions are warranted:
• Psychotherapy appears to be better than no treatment, and
• The magnitude of the effects with children and adolescents closely paral-
lels that obtained with adults.
The ESs for treatment versus no treatment hover in the .70 range for child, ado-
lescent, and adult therapy. The broadest and most sweeping conclusion sup-
ported by the meta-analyses is that therapy is effective. This is an important
conclusion because of the historical context in which the effects of therapy were
repeatedly questioned.
Other, perhaps secondary, conclusions have emerged from the meta-analy-
ses of child and adolescent therapy, for they are less consistently evaluated and
• Treatment differences, when evident, tend to favor behavioral rather than
nonbehavioral techniques;
• The effects of treatment do not seem to vary from posttreatment (assess-
ments at the end of treatment) and follow-up (approximately 6 months
• Treatments tend to be more effective with adolescents than with children,
although both are effective;

Figure 4.2 Mean effect sizes found in meta-analyses conducted primarily or exclu-
sively with psychotherapy for adults (light bars on the left) or exclusively with chil-
dren and adolescents (dark bars on the right). From Weisz, Donenberg, & Weiss,
(1995). Copyright © 1995 by the American Psychological Association. Reprinted with

• Individual therapy is more effective than group therapy; and

• Treatment is equally effective for externalizing and internalizing prob-
Other, highly specific conclusions might be mentioned (see Weisz, Weiss, et
al., 1995), (e.g., statistical interactions that involve treatment technique X level
of training of the therapist X sex of the child), but these are omitted here be-
cause they tend to be less well replicated across analyses, are not based on any
a priori hypotheses, and are difficult to interpret meaningfully due to limitations
noted later. Only the main conclusions have been replicated frequently and pro-
vide the information needed here. Reiterated simply, we know from the meta-
analyses that treatment with children is worth doing, that children get better,
and that some techniques tend to be more effective than others. Although early
reviews focused on broad classes such as behavior therapy, contemporary re-
views in addition provide effect sizes for individual treatments within the broad
class. These latter effect sizes can vary substantially.

When meta-analysis first emerged, many hoped that a quantitative method of
reviewing the literature would be more definitive and provide the basis for
stronger claims about the effects of treatment than those available in the usual
narrative reviews. This hope has been realized in some important ways. The

procedures of meta-analysis (how studies are selected, how dependent mea-

sures are converted to effect sizes, and whether coding of the studies is accom-
plished reliably) are explicitly specified by each meta-analyst. The narrative re-
view method allowed an investigator more leeway in weighing individual
studies and outcome measures within these studies; thus, a reviewer using the
narrative approach might well combine studies inconsistently. Also, the narra-
tive review method really did not afford opportunities to raise new questions
and hypotheses and then test these questions using data from the studies (see
Cook et al., 1992).
The benefits of meta-analysis are countered by significant limitations that
are somewhat overshadowed by the prestige value and scientific benefits that
statistical evaluation and quantitative evaluation engender. Meta-analysis as a
method of conducting research has limitations that influence and partially de-
termine conclusions. This is not the place to review all of the strengths and lim-
itations of meta-analysis as applied to the evaluation of psychotherapy (e.g., see
Matt & Navarro, 1997). At the same time, some absolutely critical issues qual-
ify the conclusions and color our view of meta-analyses of child and adolescent
therapy (or other meta-analyses). Consider a few salient points and their im-
plications for evaluating the literature.
First, there are different ways of computing ESs, and the method selected
can materially affect the conclusions (Matt, 1989). The usual method is to use
all of the measures in a study to obtain a mean ES for treatment and control (or
other) groups. Typically, a therapy study will include several measures (self-
report, parent-report, direct observations of child functioning at home or at
school, and measures of parent and family dysfunction). After an ES is com-
puted for each measure in the study, a mean ES for that study across all mea-
sures is used as the measure of impact. However, all measures in a study do not
invariably reflect improvement, and some measures may be more important or
relevant than others. "What were the effects of treatment across all measures in
the study?" is not a question of widespread interest, especially in light of the
uniformity-myth warnings I noted earlier. We already know that the effective-
ness of one or more treatments varies depending on the measure (e.g., Kazdin,
Bass, Siegel, & Thomas, 1989; Szapocznik et al., 1989). Nevertheless, meta-
analyses routinely combine measures within a study.
Second, the ES formula provided earlier assumes homogeneity of variance
among all of the ESs combined (within and across studies). Studies with smaller
sample sizes in particular may raise special problems when combined with
studies of larger sample sizes; thus, some adjustment is needed in how ESs are
computed. One solution is to give different weight to ESs. That is, rather than
just combining all ESs from different studies (the usual method used), one can
take into account the size of the sample (weighted effect size) (Hedges & Olkin,
1985).3 Why mention a statistical digression? Because the conclusions about
treatment can vary depending on which method is used to compute ESs across
studies. Using the usual (unweighted) method, child therapy yields an overall
ES of .71, but this effect is smaller (.54) for the weighted method (Weisz, Weiss,

et al., 1995). Both estimates support the view that therapy is more effective than
no therapy, but the magnitude of the effect varies greatly depending on how ES
is computed. Also, a particular variable's influence on treatment outcome, as
evaluated in meta-analysis, varies depending on how ES is computed. Thus, in
one method of computing ESs, but not the other method, individual therapy is
better than group therapy, adolescents do better in therapy than children, and
girls do better than boys (Weisz, Weiss, et al., 1995). One of the methods does
not always reveal an effect that the other does. One is not invariably more con-
servative than the other in determining that there is an effect. Yet it is important
to bear in mind that the conclusions about treatment, particularly those about
what factors influence outcome, can vary widely depending on how ES is com-
Third, meta-analyses try to draw conclusions about the effects and relative
effects of different types of treatment. For example, are family therapies better
(larger ESs) or more effective than psychodynamically oriented treatments?
The problem is that studies of different treatments vary systematically in other
ways than the treatments they include. For example, behavior therapy, psycho-
dynamic therapy, and play therapy typically do not study the same types of chil-
dren, clinical problems, therapists, and type of outcome measures. Treatment
technique is invariably confounded with one or more of these other variables
(Matt & Navarro, 1997). Thus, when one is trying to draw conclusions, some
other variable associated with the different treatments could explain the results.
Statistically, one can control for or attempt to remove the influence of con-
founding variables, but neither entirely solves the problem. When one exerts
these controls, the landscape changes. For example, ESs for behavior therapies
have been greater than those for more traditional therapies. However, when the
type of problem is controlled, these treatments are not different (statistically)
in their ESs (Weisz, Weiss, et al., 1995). Similarly, girls respond better to treat-
ment than boys. Yet girls and boys bring different problems to therapy and come
to therapy at different ages. When one controls for the type of treatments ap-
plied to girls and boys, the differences in treatment effects evaporate. In short,
there are systematic differences in studies that evaluate different types of treat-
ment, or different types of problems, cases, and so on. Statistical controls can-
not disconnect the real confound, but they can help sort out likely influence or
direction of influence. When such controls are invoked, some variables thought
to influence outcome (e.g., treatment technique, child gender) no longer do.
Fourth, meta-analyses have emphasized approaches toward treatment,
which are broad conceptual orientations or classes, such as behavior therapy,
insight-oriented therapies, and so on. Broad classes are not too meaningful be-
cause many techniques encompassed by a given class often adhere to very dif-
ferent conceptual views and procedures and have very different effects. For ex-
ample, in one meta-analysis, different behavioral techniques included one
treatment that did not work at all (ES = .06) and another that worked extremely
well (ES = 1.67) (Weisz, Weiss, et al., 1995). What value would there be in
combining these? The effects of classes of treatment (e.g., behavioral, nonbe-

havioral treatments) are of interest in intellectual battles about whose general

approach is better but do not inform us about therapy or which treatments help
Fifth, scrutiny of the analyses themselves cautions us to be wary of the small
number of studies that actually form the basis of conclusions about individual
treatments. For example, the most comprehensive meta-analysis of child ther-
apy included 150 therapy studies (Weisz, Weiss, et al., 1995). (For a meta-analy-
sis, the number of studies becomes the sample size and is analogous to the num-
ber of subjects in an experiment.) For psychological research, whether a
meta-analysis or a single investigation, a sample size of 150 is rather large. Yet,
when one examines meta-analyses and the basis for conclusions, these sample
sizes drop off sharply. For example, in researching the effectiveness of client-
centered therapy, we learn that treatment is not very effective (ES = .11, but this
is based on six studies); we also learn that systematic desensitization is very ef-
fective (ES = 1.86, but this is based on two studies) (Weisz, Weiss, et al., 1995).
Both conclusions are suspect, especially as they are confounded by a host of
other variables that cannot be separated from treatment technique. Statistical
controls cannot address these confounds, particularly with so few studies.
There are other problems with meta-analyses of child and adolescent thera-
pies. Most of the therapy research is omitted from current analyses. Although
one cannot give a fixed, or precise count to the studies, we do know that the
number of controlled treatment outcome studies is vast.4 One search found over
a thousand empirical studies completed up to 1990 for children ages 13 or
younger (Durlak, Wells, Gotten, & Johnson, 1995). Obviously, extending this
search by one decade and including youths through adolescence would yield an
even more impressive figure. Meta-analyses of child therapy at best sample one
to three hundred studies, perhaps 10-20% of the available literature. This per-
centage is difficult to estimate. Moreover, treatment outcome research based on
single-case experimental designs is routinely omitted from meta-analyses and
surveys of psychotherapy research. In any case, reviews represent only a frac-
tion of the available research.
Another problem in meta-analyses is in defining a particular treatment. Two
investigators may label treatment as cognitive-behavioral therapy or problem-
solving skills training, but the treatment focus, procedures, and duration may
vary. Grouping treatments by the same name is problematic, for different treat-
ments may be counted together. Also, defining a treatment as similar enough to
be combined with another is not always easy. I also noted in a previous chap-
ter that identical names can occasionally be used for quite different techniques.
Making sense of broad approach labels (e.g., behavioral therapies) is a problem
in meta-analyses, but combining treatments with the same technique occasion-
ally lends ambiguity as well.

On Balance
When meta-analysis first emerged as a way of evaluating therapy, it met con-
troversy (see Garfield, 1983; Michelson, 1985; Prioleau, Murdock, & Brody,

1983). One commentator noted that if the therapy studies overall are not of very
high quality, one cannot expect the results from meta-analyses to be very sound.
As Eysenck said, "Garbage in—garbage out" (1978, p. 517). But this global
criticism is much too extreme. There are excellent therapy studies available in
child, adolescent, and adult research, and the "garbage in" comment is cute but
not very helpful. In terms of "garbage out," clearly more needs to be said about
what we are measuring by ES. A sweeping, overall rejection of meta-analysis
is also misguided. As long as one grasps the strengths and limitations of meta-
analysis, one can appreciate the conclusions but also know not to look for more.
Explicit and replicable procedures within science are essential. In a meta-
analysis, the ground rules for inclusion or exclusion of studies, including how
the different studies are evaluated and weighted, are made explicit. In fact,
meta-analyses of psychotherapy can be replicated in ways we would not expect
of more qualitative analyses of a body of literature. Meta-analyses have shown
that therapy is more effective than no therapy. In an age of managed care and
increased accountability, ES data showing that some treatments work is quite
valuable. And if one were to recommend treatment to others, the information
that ESs have been positive for some treatments but not for others is useful as
well. Meta-analysis has been enormously helpful in other ways. Meta-analyses
describe research systematically. From such research we have learned that sam-
ple sizes are usually small in therapy studies, that critical details of participants
(race, gender, age) are often omitted, and that follow-up, which is infrequently
studied, is evaluated generally for 5-7 months (e.g., Kazdin, Bass, et al., 1990;
Weisz & Weiss, 1993: Weisz, Weiss, et al., 1995). These limitations have be-
come increasingly conspicuous as a result of meta-analyses.
Meta-analyses often systematically evaluate variables that are not easily ad-
dressed in any single investigation. For example, one pertinent variable, alle-
giance of the investigator, refers to the extent to which one of the treatments in
the study is preferred or consistent with the investigator's claimed conceptual
approach. The study of investigator allegiance is not easily addressed in a sin-
gle study. Meta-analyses have suggested that treatments more likely to be pre-
ferred or favored by the investigator produce stronger effects than other treat-
ments included in the study (Hoag & Burlingame, 1997; Luborsky et al., 1999).
This finding is enormously important and generates new research topics. In gen-
eral, meta-analyses provide rich explanations of study data. The comments here
focus largely on the evaluation of therapy and the somewhat limited conclu-
sions that can be reached.
Meta-analysis, by definition, introduces higher levels of abstraction in eval-
uating a body of literature. The data become more removed from the direct im-
pact of treatment on individuals and their functioning in specific contexts. One
overall mean of all effects for all measures and all cases in a study illustrates
this point perfectly. It is unfortunate that there is not a complementary quanti-
tative method of study (perhaps called micro-analysis) that analyzes findings
within studies. The focus would be on identifying who responded significantly
within a study and would reach very specific conclusions that might answer the

"What works with whom?" question in ways that relate to real changes in in-
dividual clients.
Finally, one valuable use of meta-analysis has not been applied systemati-
cally to the child therapy literature: to propose and test conceptually driven hy-
potheses. The meta-analytic work to date has been largely atheoretical and ex-
ploratory; many complex, often unclear findings are reported (e.g., statistical
interactions showing that ESs depend on combinations of multiple variables).
Chance findings are likely to emerge in such explorations; indeed, meta-analy-
ses rarely adjust for the enormous number of statistical tests conducted to re-
duce the likelihood of chance. Better to identify a few hypotheses, state their
conceptual basis, and evaluate therapy studies to test them. Planned compar-
isons of conceptually based hypotheses might tell us even more about treatment
and how it might work and for whom.


Reviews of psychotherapy research have taken different forms. The chapter be-
gan by mentioning narrative or qualitative reviews. The influential reviews by
Eysenck and Levitt helped address the initial question: "Does psychotherapy
work?" The answer was that the evidence did not suggest treatment was any
better than no treatment. This verdict stimulated debates about the evidence,
clarified the more complex questions that need to be addressed, and spawned
more and improved psychotherapy research. In terms of the question to guide
the field, we wish to know what treatment works with whom and under what
conditions, rather than merely whether therapy "works."
Meta-analyses is regarded as the preferred method of reviewing research be-
cause of its explicit and replicable nature and because it can quantify estimates
of effectiveness of treatment and the impact of other variables related to treat-
ment outcome. Use of a common metric (effect size) among diverse studies per-
mits quite different studies to be combined. Meta-analyses of child therapies
have been consistent in their conclusion: therapy is more effective than no treat-
ment. More specific conclusions suggest that ESs tend to be greater for behav-
ioral than nonbehavioral treatments, for adolescents rather than children, and
for individual rather than group therapies. These more specific conclusions are
more tenuous.
Important cautions are necessary in interpreting the results of meta-analy-
ses. The conclusions about the magnitude of the effects of treatment and
whether a particular variable (e.g., type of problem, age and gender of the child)
makes a difference in treatment can vary markedly depending on how effect
sizes are computed. Different methods of computing ESs are defensible; hence,
it is inappropriate or misleading to say one method is unacceptable or distorts
the truth. There is no "pure" truth here; different methods of computing ES can
generate different conclusions. This chapter noted other concerns as well, such
as the global nature of ES as a summary of all measures in a given study and
the confounding of type of treatment with other characteristics of the study
(e.g., type of problem treated, type of outcome measures used, therapist train-

ing). Meta-analyses have focused on the effects of treatment approaches or

broad treatment classes (e.g., behavior therapy), which may not be too mean-
ingful, given the vast conceptual differences and actual effects of constituent
treatments within an approach.
Meta-analyses shows that treatment is more beneficial than no treatment.
This finding is very important in historical context, given the early challenges
to the research and especially significant in today's debates about whether treat-
ment ought to be reimbursed by third-party payers. However, the conclusions
are too general. The research can be examined in another way that permits more
specific conclusions. The next chapter addresses a different review focus and
its findings.


The readings below encompass narrative and meta-analytic reviews and the effective-
ness of therapy more generally.
Bergin, A.E., & Garfield S.L. (Eds.). (1994). Handbook of psychotherapy and behavior
change (4th ed.). New York: Wiley & Sons.
Eysenck, H.J. (1995). The outcome problem in psychotherapy: What have we learned?
Behaviour Research and Therapy, 32, 477-495.
Mash, E.J., & Barkley, R. (Eds.). (1998). Treatment of childhood disorders (2nd ed.).
New York: Guilford.
Weisz, J.R., & Weiss, B. (1993). Effects of psychotherapy with children and adolescents.
Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Weisz, J.R., Weiss, B., Han, S.S., Granger, D.A., & Morton, T. (1995). Effects of psy-
chotherapy with children and adolescents revisited: A meta-analysis of treatment out-
come studies. Psychological Bulletin, 117, 450-468.

The Effects of Psychotherapy:

Empirically Supported Treatments

Identifying Empirically Supported Treatments
Multiple Proposals
Treatments Identified as Supported
Issues in Identifying Treatments
Categorization of Treatments
Invoking the Criteria
Focus on Treatment Technique
Efficacy, Not Effectiveness
General Comments
Summary and Conclusions

KECENT REVIEWS of psychotherapy research have focused on identifying those

treatments that have evidence in their behalf. At first, this focus does not sound
unique. After all, narrative and meta-analytic reviews have the same goal.
However, the search for evidence-based treatments begins in a different way,
has a different agenda, and leads to different conclusions from those of other
approaches to reviewing research. The central feature of these reviews is to de-
lineate criteria defining supported treatments. Armed with these criteria, the re-
viewer then scans the literature, selects available studies, and draws conclu-
sions about what treatments can be said to be effective or at least to approach
the criteria. The vast number of other treatments that do not meet the criteria
and studies associated with them are excluded.
The purpose of this chapter is to convey the findings of such reviews of child
and adolescent treatment and to discuss the special contribution and limitations
of this method of reviewing the literature. Many of the issues in identifying
treatments that have evidence in their behalf raise concerns for research and
clinical practice more generally. I cover the broader issues that extend beyond
the specific method of reviewing the literature later (chapter 7).
A few prefatory comments are warranted on the terminology used to iden-
tify treatments that have evidence in their behalf. Separate and somewhat in-
dependent efforts to identify such treatments have been completed by different


professional organizations and committees spanning different countries (e.g.,

Evidence Based Mental Health, 1998; Nathan & Gorman, 1998; Roth &
Fonagy, 1996; Task Force on Promotion and Dissemination of Psychological
Procedures [TFPP], 1995). These efforts have used different terminology to de-
lineate these treatments: empirically validated treatments, empirically sup-
ported treatments, evidence-based treatments, evidence-based practice, and
treatments that work. Even within a given professional group, the terminology
has changed over time (e.g., Chambless et al., 1996; TFPP, 1995). The differ-
ent terms are not completely interchangeable because the criteria of each of the
groups have been slightly different. Empirically supported treatments is the
term most commonly used in the United States and will be adopted here.
The search for empirically supported treatments has underscored a distinc-
tion between efficacy and effectiveness. In contemporary writings, efficacy
refers to treatment outcomes in well-controlled studies in which several condi-
tions depart from clinical practice; effectiveness refers to treatment outcomes
in the context of clinical settings, where several conditions are much less well
controlled and characteristics of the clients, therapists, and treatment usually
depart from those in research settings (see Hoagwood, Hibbs, Brent, & Jensen,
1995). In the classification of empirically supported treatments, the focus is on
findings from well-controlled research or efficacy studies. This reminder is im-
portant because conclusions obtained from treatment research might not apply
to clinical practice. This is a serious enough concern to change one's career or
at least to take up in another chapter.

The contemporary interest in identifying empirically supported treatments can
be traced to early reviews of the literature (e.g., Eysenck, 1952), as discussed in
chapter 4. However, there are more recent influences within the mental health
professions as well as society at large (see Beutler, 1998; Nathan & Gorman,
1998; TFPP, 1995). First, there has been a long-standing hiatus between clinical
research and clinical practice. Most mental health professionals (e.g., psycholo-
gists, psychiatrists, and social workers) enter career paths that focus on research
or practice, even though occasionally one can find careers that combine both.
Although there have been many efforts to bring research and practice together
(e.g., Hayes, Follette, Dawes, & Grady, 1995; Strieker & Keisner, 1985), differ-
ent priorities, criteria, and types of accountability drive the different activities
and orientations. Lamentably, treatment research has had little impact on clini-
cal practice and clinical practice has had little impact on treatment research
(Kazdin, Bass, et al., 1990). Practitioners cany out diagnostic, assessment, and
treatment procedures that are not based on the latest, or often any, evidence. As
an illustration, psychodynamic and play therapies, for child dysfunction, are fre-
quently used in clinical practice, yet each has very little empirical support in con-
trolled studies. Indeed, the practice of these techniques has been cited as an ex-
ample of many clinicians' "blatant disregard of the empirical literature" that
supports other treatments (Ammerman, Last, & Hersen, 1999, p. 4).

From the practitioner's standpoint, the information from research is not

clearly relevant to the "real world." For example, the evidence that treatment
works pertains to studies conducted in well-controlled situations. Most of the
treatments evaluated in research (e.g., pure forms of a particular treatment) dif-
fer from those used in clinical practice (e.g., eclectic combinations of treat-
ments). Moreover, research and practice often treat different people (e.g., indi-
viduals with less severe and more circumscribed problems in research vs.
individuals with more severe and comorbid disorders in clinical practice).
Practitioners, alert to these issues, raise cogent questions about whether treat-
ment research is relevant to clinical practice (e.g., Fensterheim & Raw, 1996).
Hopefully, delineating empirically supported treatments will guide clinical
practice and provide clear information to those in practice.
Interest in informing clinical practice is not new and by itself does not ex-
plain the recent urgency in identifying empirically supported treatments. A sec-
ond impetus stems from concerns within society about the spiraling and seem-
ingly uncontrollable costs of health care. These concerns have stimulated major
changes in mental and physical health services. Third-party payers (e.g., busi-
nesses, insurance companies, federal and state governments) that cover the
costs of diagnostic and treatment services for many individuals under their
charge (e.g., employees and their families, veterans) have tried to reduce these
costs. The proliferation of managed care and health maintenance organizations
(HMOs) reflects efforts to control costs in health service delivery. These efforts
have placed all health-care practices under the spotlight and have raised the
question of whether a particular procedure, diagnostic test, or treatment ought
to be provided at all.
Psychotherapy is used to treat all sorts of problems. Traditional forms of
treatment have gone largely unscrutinized by the health-care system. A goal of
identifying empirically supported treatments is to discern what can be justified
for use in clinical work. Health-care agencies make decisions about reim-
bursement and in this sense control treatments. Professional efforts to identify
empirically supported treatments are designed to inform not only practitioners
but also decision makers about what treatments ought to be reimbursed for what
A third impetus for identifying empirically supported treatments pertains to
the training of mental health professionals. Given the numerous treatments in
use and clinical problems to which they can be applied, what ought to be the
focus of clinical training? It is unrealistic even to expose students and trainees
to the vast array of interventions, let alone to train students to carry out these
treatments competently. Identifying supported treatments for various clinical
problems is one way to develop training priorities. Presumably, training ought
to be provided in those treatments with known effects. That helps to reduce the
number of options; the list of treatments in appendix A would be reduced by 80
or 90% if evidence were invoked as a criterion for training or use.
These contextual issues are weighty subjects in their own right, and many
will emerge again in stating the need for entirely new foci and directions for re-

search. However, they provide the background for identifying empirically sup-
ported treatments. Devising a list of empirically supported treatments is not
merely an academic interest. Rather, the task itself and how it is accomplished
take place in a highly charged sociopolitical environment. The efforts to iden-
tify what works influence what treatments can be used and, by implication, who
gets to practice and who gets paid.


Multiple Proposals
Several responses have resulted from the influences mentioned in the previous
section, including efforts to provide guidelines for clinical practice and stan-
dards of clinical care. These practice guidelines are based on reviews of the ev-
idence and consensus opinions from panels of experts about the status of treat-
ment and use of treatments in clinical work. Among these, the American
Psychological Association (1995) and the American Psychiatric Association
(1993, 1994b, 1995) have issued proposals for identifying effective treatments
as well as practice guidelines for such clinical problems as depression, bipolar
disorder, and substance abuse in adults. Within the domain of child and ado-
lescent disorders, practice guidelines have been advanced by the American
Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) beginning in the late
1980s and continuing today (Dunne, 1997). The process is lengthy in part be-
cause guidelines are adopted disorder by disorder and involve multiple experts
and committees. An updated statement provides practice guidelines for several
child and adolescent problems (AACAP, 1997,1998).
Efforts to identify empirically supported treatments tend to differ slightly
from those that focus on clinical practice guidelines. Rather than aiming di-
rectly at practice, identification of empirically supported treatments begins by
elaborating the criteria to evaluate the literature and then focuses more precisely
on what the literature shows about treatment. These efforts have been less pre-
scriptive about what ought to be used in practice and somewhat more cautious
in drawing conclusions about which treatments produce change than many of
the practice guidelines. Practice guidelines often reflect diverse conceptual
views of panel members, clinical experience, and recommendations based on
weak or nonexistent evidence when a clinician needs to act.! Nevertheless, the
practice guidelines are explicitly intended to draw on treatment evidence.
Efforts to identify empirically supported treatments consistently seek rigor-
ous scientific data as a basis for treatment selection. The reviews begin with a
diagnostic category (e.g., attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder) or more gen-
eral label (e.g., anxiety, conduct problems) and review treatments within that
domain. Different efforts have used somewhat different criteria for defining em-
pirically supported treatments. Typically, the criteria include evidence in behalf
of the treatment from studies that randomly assign subjects to conditions, care-
fully specify the client population, utilize treatment manuals, and evaluate treat-
ment with multiple measures completed by "blind" (experimentally naive)

raters (if raters were used). Also, replication of treatment effects beyond an ini-
tial study is often included, especially replication by an independent investiga-
tor or research team.
Two efforts to identify empirically supported treatments illustrate the goals,
methods, and yield from such reviews. The first effort has drawn the greatest
attention and began in the early 1990s by the Task Force on Promotion and
Dissemination of Psychological Procedures (TFPP) within the American
Psychological Association. The charge of the TFPP was to "consider methods
for educating clinical psychologists, third-party payers, and the public about ef-
fective psychotherapies" (TFPP, 1995, p. 3).2 The group devised criteria to clas-
sify treatments as well-established or probably efficacious. Treatments with
supportive evidence in either category were referred to as empirically validated
treatments. Table 5.1 presents the criteria used to evaluate treatments. The
members of the task force listed treatments they could identify that met crite-

Tabte 5.1 Criteria for Well-Established (Efficacious)

*«--»••*—*• and Possibly Efficacious Treatments
I. At least two good design studies, conducted by different investigators, demon-
strating efficacy in one or more of the following ways:
A. Superior to pill or psychological placebo or to another treatment.
B. Equivalent to an already established treatment in studies with adequate
statistical power (about 30 per group; cf. Kazdin & Bass, 1989).
II. A large series of single-case design studies demonstrating efficacy. These
studies must have:
A. Used good experimental designs and
B. Compared the intervention to another treatment as in LA.
III. Studies must be conducted with treatment manuals.
IV. Characteristics of the client samples must be clearly specified.
I. Two studies showing the treatment is more effective than a waiting-list control
II. Two studies otherwise meeting the well-established treatment criteria I, III, and
IV, but both are conducted by the same investigator.
Or one good study demonstrating effectiveness by these same criteria.
III. At least two good studies demonstrating effectiveness but flawed by hetero-
geneity of the client samples.
IV. A small series of single case design studies otherwise meeting the well-estab-
lished treatment criteria n, IE, and IV.
From Task Force on Promotion and Dissemination of Psychological Procedures (1995), tables 1
and 2 from pp. 21 & 22.

ria in an initial report (TFPP, 1995). Several recommendations were included

to inform clinicians, third-party payers, and the public about such treatments
and to draw implications for those beginning their professional training as well
as for continuing education efforts for practitioners.
The initial report was viewed as the first effort of an ongoing project to iden-
tify treatments. The criteria and list of treatments included as empirically sup-
ported have continued to evolve (Chambless et al., 1996, 1998; Chambless &
Hollon, 1998). For example, in the original criteria, to be well-established, a
treatment needed supporting studies showing that it was more effective than an-
other treatment or an attention-placebo condition (see table 5.1, IA). A more re-
cent statement has been altered this requirement to evidence showing that treat-
ment is more effective than no treatment. After all, if the treatment can be shown
to be more effective than no treatment and this effect is replicated, then that
treatment ought to be valuable clinically. Because most treatments have not
been evaluated, this change to a less stringent standard seems reasonable.
In addition to evolution of the criteria, empirically validated was replaced
by empirically supported because of concerns about the strength that the word
validated implied (see Garfield, 1996). To say that treatment is validated may
imply that it has been unequivocally established as effective. Later I discuss
how, even among treatments considered to be empirically supported, many fun-
damental questions remain. In any case, the criteria were applied primarily to
the treatments of adult disorders. A more systematic effort to apply the criteria
was assumed by a separate task force (see Lonigan & Elbert, 1998). The treat-
ments identified as empirically supported for children and adolescents are high-
lighted below.
A second effort to identify empirically supported treatments proceeded in a
slightly different way. The general purpose of this project was to "present the
most rigorous, scientifically based evidence for the efficacy of treatments that
was available" (Nathan & Gorman, 1998, p. x). More specifically, the aim was
to clarify "what treatments have been scientifically validated, what treatments
are felt by a large number of experts to be valuable but have not been properly
scientifically examined, and what treatments are known to be of little value"
(p. x). The criteria used to identify treatments were based on the types of em-
pirical support that might be applied to treatment. Six classes of studies were
identified as on a continuum of degree of scientific rigor and methodological
adequacy. Table 5.2 presents six types of studies. Treatments that had studies
of the first two types in Table 5.2 could be considered to meet high standards
of evidence and hence were identified as "treatments that work." For several
different problem areas, as represented by psychiatric diagnostic categories
(DSM-IV), reviewers were asked to examine the evidence. Although the pri-
mary focus was on disorders of adulthood, some disorders of childhood and
adolescence were also covered.

Treatments Identified as Supported

Once the criteria are specified, the task of a reviewer is to examine the evidence
that can be mobilized for specific treatments. The review proceeds usually by

Table 5.2 Classification of Types of Studies to Identify

Empirically Supported Treatments
Type 1 Study Most rigorous type of study to evaluate treatment;
random assignment of clients to groups, clear
specification of client inclusion and exclusion
criteria and diagnoses, adequate sample size;
analogous to a true experiment with optimal
Type 2 Study Some aspect of Type 1 missing (e.g., no random
assignment, a flaw in assessment strategies,
abbreviated treatment); analogous to a quasi-
experiment where conclusions are less strong
Type 3 Study Clearly methodologically limited; an open treatment
study without a control group; pilot work to see
if a more rigorous study is worth pursuing;
naturalistic and retrospective studies that evaluate
Type 4 Studies Quantitative reviews of treatment research; meta-
analyses of treatment studies; such reviews can
encompass extensive evidence that includes
studies with diverse designs (i.e., other types
of studies)
Type 5 Studies Narrative or qualitative reviews that are more subject
to the opinions and subjective evaluations of the
Type 6 Studies Reports that have marginal value such as case
studies and opinion papers
In this evaluation system, empirically supported treatments would be those that have Type 1 and
Type 2 studies in their behalf. The benefits of distinguishing the full range of studies is to charac-
terize the status of a given treatment—what type of evidence is available for that treatment—and
also to consider expert opinion and clinical experience that may suggest further study of a treat-
ment (e.g., Type 6 studies) (see Nathan & Gorman, 1998).

specifying a problem area and the techniques that have been applied. Thus, the
review begins with a specific question—what treatments work for this partic-
ular problem. By focusing on a problem and then only those treatments with
evidence in their behalf, the reviewer will cover fewer studies than broad liter-
ature reviews do. Yet the studies included are likely to be those that are the most
informative, well-controlled, and well-conducted.
Several reviews have identified empirically supported treatments for chil-
dren and adolescents (see Kazdin & Weisz, 1998; Lonigan & Elbert, 1998).
Committee work identifying such treatments and investigations of treatments
are ongoing. However, there is value in enumerating and illustrating some of
the current empirically supported treatments. I acknowledge, at the outset, the
danger in listing empirically supported treatments. Such a list, out of context,
could be misconstrued as definitive or complete. Also, any list of empirically

supported treatments identifies treatments that meet rather specific criteria. A

different set of criteria or slight modifications in the criteria could change the
Table 5.3 provides a list of empirically supported psychotherapies for chil-
dren and adolescents. The list has been culled from reviews by problem domain
(see Kazdin & Weisz, 1998; Lonigan & Elbert, 1998; Nathan & Gorman, 1988;
TFPP, 1995). Because these different sources do not invoke the same criteria, I
have selected any treatment identified as empirically supported by these re-
views for the list.
A few points about the list are conspicuous. First, empirically supported
treatments exist. This initial point is important information for professionals,
potential clients, and society at large. Clearly, a child referred to treatment for
severe anxiety ought to receive one of the empirically supported treatments
as the intervention of choice. Other interventions, yet to be studied, might be
very effective, but their use would be difficult to defend based on current ev-
Second, the list of empirically supported treatments is not that long, espe-
cially when compared to the list of available techniques (in appendix A). Of
course, the goal of psychotherapy research is not to identify long lists of effec-
tive treatment or to convert all of the treatments in use (appendix A) to empir-

Table 5.3 Treatments for Children and Adolescents That Are

Empirically Supported for Key Problem Domains
Anxiety, Fear, Phobias Systematic desensitization Ollendick& King (1998)
Reinforced practice
Cognitive-behavior therapy
Depression Cognitive-behavior therapy Kaslow & Thompson
Coping with depression Lewinsohn & Clarke
course (1999)
Oppositional and Parent management training Brestan & Eyberg (1998)
Conduct Disorder Problem-solving skills training Kazdin (1998a)
Multisystemic therapy
Attention-Deficit/ Psychostimulant medication Greenhill (1998)
Hyperactivity Parent management training Pelhametal. (1998)
Classroom contingency
The techniques noted here draw from different methods of denning and evaluating empirically
supported treatments. The techniques would meet criteria for well-established or probably effica-
cious (Lonigan, Elbert, & Johnson, 1998) or those with Type 1 or Type 2 studies (Nathan &
Gorman, 1998). Evaluation of treatments and identification of those that meet criteria for empiri-
cal support are ongoing; hence, the table is illustrative rather than exhaustive. Psychostimulant
medication is mentioned because this is the standard treatment for attention-deficit/hyperactivity

ically supported treatments. Thus, identifying a small set of effective treatments

as viable options for children and adolescents referred with a particular type of
problem would be useful.
Third, the list is dominated by cognitive-behavioral treatments. This is no
coincidence; approximately 50% of child treatment studies investigate cogni-
tive-behavioral techniques (see Durlak et al., 1995; Kazdin, Bass, et al., 1990).
Also, to be counted as empirically supported treatments, studies must include
several methodological features (e.g., use of treatment manuals, random as-
signment). These characteristics are much more likely among contemporary
studies than studies conducted twenty or thirty years ago, and cognitive-
behavioral techniques are more popular in contemporary work.


The goal of identifying empirically supported treatments is difficult to con-
test—who would not want to identify and advocate such treatments? Also,
once the goal is stated, questions are raised that now seem obvious. For ex-
ample, why have we not identified empirically supported treatments before?
How have we allowed clinical practice to use treatments that have no evidence
on their behalf? What has been the basis for deciding which treatments to train
our students to use? There are answers to all of these, some perhaps embar-
Reviews of empirically supported treatments begin with criteria that will be
used to classify studies. This approach takes a stand on how studies ought to be
conducted and alerts researchers to the methodological features that ought to
be routinely included. For example, criteria focus on studies with random as-
signment (randomized controlled clinical trials), use of treatment manuals that
document the procedures, use of clinically relevant measures, assessment of
follow-up, and replication of findings from other research laboratories.
Consider just two of the practices of supported treatments and their impli-
cations. First, the criteria for empirically supported treatments require the use
of treatment manuals. Such manuals document critical treatment components,
provide prescriptions that other researchers and practitioners may follow, and
permit replication of treatment and treatment outcome studies. Second, the fo-
cus on replication of findings is particularly important. Replication (i.e., inde-
pendent efforts to reproduce the original findings) is routinely encouraged but
also routinely ignored (see Kazdin, 1998b). In therapy research, we have
learned that allegiance of the researcher, that is, the therapeutic approach to
which he or she subscribes, may influence the results (Luborsky et al., 1999).
(Of course, to say that an influence or bias may enter the findings does not in-
variably mean that it has.) A study by other researchers or a multisite study in
which the investigation is simultaneously conducted in several locations can
provide the requisite information.
Clearly, there are enormous benefits associated with identifying empirically
supported treatments, notwithstanding the many concerns (see Kendall &
Chambless, 1998) that highlight qualifications in evaluating the literature. Also,

the concerns serve as a point of departure in later chapters for ways of advanc-
ing treatment research more systematically than has been the case to date.

Categorization of Treatments
The reviews identify empirically supported treatments (e.g., as well-established
or probably efficacious) and by implication include another category that de-
serves comment: treatments not empirically supported. There may be good rea-
son to make distinctions among treatments in this latter category. For example,
some treatments that are not empirically supported have not been investigated
at all; others have been investigated but do not seem to be effective; yet others
have been shown to be effective but fall below the criteria or threshold for em-
pirically supported (e.g., too few studies, no random assignment among the
supportive studies). Delineating the status of such treatments would be valu-
able because of the implications for next steps in research and for clinical prac-
As an illustration, consider diet and nutrition as a treatment (biological) for
the control of hyperactivity. For many years, there was a strong belief that chil-
dren were hyperactive because of what they ate. Food additives (e.g., dye) and
excessive sugar were blamed as causes for hyperactivity. Several studies were
conducted to investigate whether reducing the intake of specific foods or food
additives and increasing consumption of various "health foods" altered hyper-
activity. The evidence indicated that nutritional interventions were not an ef-
fective treatment for hyperactivity (e.g., Ingersoll & Goldstein, 1993; Wolraich,
Wilson, & White, 1995). One could say that nutritional counseling and diet
changes are not empirically supported treatments (e.g., neither well-established
nor probably efficacious). Several studies show that diet (or at least diet as in-
vestigated to this point) does not materially affect key symptoms. Several failed
trials may foster stronger statements than merely noting "this is not supported."
The availability of treatments with some proven efficacy (e.g., Barkley, 1998;
Pelham, Wheeler, & Chronis, 1998) might make it even more important to cau-
tion the public about seeking dietary solutions for hyperactivity.
In some cases, evidence may suggest that a treatment in the nonempirically
supported category may be potentially harmful. For example, several years ago,
in one program delinquent youths were exposed to adult prisoners who de-
scribed prison life and described their own untoward life experiences. The pur-
pose was to identify youths early in their delinquent careers and to show them
the consequences of criminal behavior. The treatment was designed to intimi-
date and to scare youths away from criminal activity. However, variations of
these programs (referred to as "scared straight" or "stay straight") have shown
deleterious effects. Subsequent rates of arrest for youths exposed to these pro-
grams increased in comparison to those for control youths (e.g., Buckner &
Chesney-Lind, 1983; Finckenauer, 1982). Explanation of the results is that the
programs brought delinquent youths together, and the peer bonding and friend-
ships among youths in the treatment groups maintained or increased criminal
behavior. Bonding with deviant peers can increase delinquent behavior, as at-

tested to by other examples in the treatment literature (e.g., Feldman, Caplinger,

& Wodarski, 1983; O'Donnell, 1992). In any case, for our purposes, the inter-
vention is not empirically supported. Furthermore, evidence supports deleteri-
ous effects.
Empirically supported and even well-established treatments might warrant
more precise analyses. Obviously, not all well-established treatments are nec-
essarily equally effective. We want not only well-established treatments but
also the best available treatment among empirically established options, imi-
larly, for a given treatment, a particular dose (10 vs. 20 sessions) or version (par-
ents involved in treatment vs. not involved) may be more effective, even though
both are effective and empirically supported.
It might be useful to evaluate treatments by placing them on a continuum
that reflects the extent to which they have been evaluated and shown to produce
therapeutic change. To illustrate, based on evidence, a given treatment might
be placed on the following continuum:
1. Not evaluated;
2. Evaluated but unclear effects, no effects, or possibly negative effects at
this time;
3. Promising (e.g., some evidence in its behalf);
4. Well-established (e.g., criteria used by one of the systems cited for iden-
tifying empirically supported treatments); and
5. Better/best treatments (e.g., studies shown to be more effective than one
or more other well-established techniques).
The extra categories I have introduced could be divided further or framed
differently. The purpose of embellishing among the categories (as in empiri-
cally supported or not) is threefold. First, it is important to address special sit-
uations such as well-investigated treatments that do not work and hence ought
not to be practiced. Second, the status of a given treatment in relation to a con-
tinuum of supportive evidence provides a finer differentiation of all treatments.
Some treatments may not meet rigorous evidential standards for empirically
supported treatments but still be the best available. An example is the behav-
ioral treatment for autistic children, which has on its behalf controlled outcome
research (nonrandomized study) with long-term follow-up and clinical appli-
cation with reports of success (Lovaas, 1987; McEachin, Smith, & Lovaas,
1993; Sheinkopf & Siegel, 1998). The evidence is not sufficient to warrant call-
ing this a well-established treatment, but it may be the best treatment available
and the treatment of choice, if empirical evidence is used as the criterion
(Rogers, 1998; Smith, 1999).
Third, research might progress better if we demanded that studies of a treat-
ment work to advance knowledge along the continuum. That is, if we know that
treatment is probably efficacious, the next studies of that intervention ought to
try to evaluate its efficacy more definitively. A continuum like the one cited
helps to set a template by which studies and progress can be examined. We can

evaluate studies according to where they fit on the continuum and whether an-
other study is needed.

Invoking the Criteria

I have noted that narrative and meta-analytic methods of reviewing the litera-
ture include subjective decisions and often implicit decision rules. I did not
mean to impugn any particular method but rather merely to note that the results
or conclusions can depend on the methods used to study the phenomenon.
Changes in assumptions or decision rules also change the conclusions reached.
The search for empirically supported treatments too embodies critical issues
that influence the conclusions.
First, as shown in table 5.1, a well-established treatment requires at least two
"well-conducted group design studies." The definition of a well-designed study
is not universally accepted. (For example—and sadly—I think all 100% of my
studies are well designed, my close relatives have placed the figure close to
50%, and my dissertation committee members, when queried, were "unavail-
able for comment.") Also, a "large series of case studies" could support the ef-
fectiveness of treatment, but how many cases are needed? What if a few group
and single-case studies show that treatment is effective but 10 other studies
show that treatment is not effective?
Second, in evaluating treatment, multiple outcome measures are used. For
example, separate measures may be used to assess symptoms, impairment, ac-
ademic functioning, family interaction, and performance at home and at school.
Invariably, not all of the measures yield the same results; however, in a given
study it is conceivable, even likely that on some measures treatment, no treat-
ment, or an alternative treatment will be similar. Which measures ought to be
used to determine if treatment is well established when different measures yield
different conclusions? A summary of all measures could greatly dilute or mask
the beneficial effects. The benefits of treatment could be overemphasized if a
few measures, but not the most important ones, show the effect and exert in-
fluence on some combined summary of all of the measures (e.g., effect size).
Third, an empirically supported treatment is usually based on evidence of
group differences between treatment and control or alternative treatment con-
ditions. This method is not very satisfactory because of the many objections to
statistical significance (e.g., dependence on sample size, possibility of very
weak effects being significant) (see Kazdin, 1998b). Demonstrating a statisti-
cally significant effect does not necessarily mean that the difference is impor-
tant at all. Also, in a study that shows no difference, one treatment may have
obtained stronger effects (magnitude of effects) than another. Statistical signif-
icance as a criterion for identifying empirically supported treatments is not
entirely arbitrary because this is a criterion routinely invoked in contemporary
research. At the same time, real (nonchance) differences and important differ-
ences, as reflected in effect size, for example, are not always reflected in statis-
tically significant effects.3

Overall, the key issue in identifying empirically supported treatments per-

tains to the criteria. Whether one or more studies is required, the studies must
be completed by independent investigators, must use one control group rather
than another, and so on, to determine whether a treatment is or is not part of the
"in group." Even if there were agreement on the criteria, then- application is not
entirely straightforward. The main obstacle is deciding whether two studies
have evaluated the same treatment and hence can be combined as support and
replication (Weisz & Hawley, 1998). Despite these issues, the more important
distinction between those treatments with and without evidence is likely to re-
main intact.

Focus on Treatment Technique

A concern about the search for empirically supported treatments is its empha-
sis on treatment technique. Admittedly, the focus is on treatments effective for
a given problem area (e.g., anxiety, attention deficits) rather than on a more
global question about the effects of psychotherapy. Many concerns emerge
from emphasizing treatment technique. First, over 550 techniques are in use for
children and adolescents. No set of researchers could easily study this many
techniques in relation to even a few of the clinical problems to which each treat-
ment might be reasonably applied. The task is reminiscent of the grid notion
pejoratively introduced previously (i.e., forming a large table of all treatments
and all problems and trying to establish what works by filling in each cell of the
table with a study or two). Also, as a new technique is invented or new combi-
nations are formed, there would be the endless task of adding new treatments
to the 550 and conducting a new set of studies—not a useful way to proceed.
Second, the criteria for establishing a technique are crassly empirical. That
is, they focus on certain kinds of studies (treatment vs. no treatment or vs. treat-
ment as usual) and look only at outcome. No effort is made to understand why
a treatment works. The hundreds of available treatments do not likely work in
hundreds of different ways. The mechanisms or processes through which treat-
ments produce change are likely few in number (e.g., changing expectations,
exposing individuals to new situations, repeated practice). Understanding these
mechanisms may be more fruitful as a research agenda because one might fo-
cus how those mechanisms are invoked.
Finally, one cannot assume a given technique has a particular effect without
considering other variables. Such an assumption—that treatment produces rel-
atively homogeneous effects—would be a uniformity myth (Kiesler, 1966,
1971). The effectiveness of treatment can depend on many variables. For ex-
ample, characteristics of the therapist can influence outcome. Different thera-
pists administering the same treatment, even if they are all following the man-
ual, can produce different outcome effects (Luborsky, McLellen, Diguer,
Woody, & Seligman, 1997; Shapiro, Firth-Cozens, & Stiles, 1989). Also, treat-
ment outcome depends on how well the therapy is conducted by the therapist.
Well-executed treatment, as defined by adherence to a treatment manual or rat-
ings of supervisors, influences treatment effectiveness (Frank, Kupfer, Wagner,

McEachran, & Comes, 1991; O'Malley et al., 1988; Rounsaville, O'Malley,

Foley, & Weissman, 1988). Whether an empirically supported treatment is ef-
fective may depend on how it is implemented and not merely on the content of
the treatment.
Looking for effective treatments without considering possible moderators
could be misguided. I have mentioned therapists' characteristics and therapists'
adherence to treatment as two moderators of treatment outcome. Many other
moderators can influence treatment outcome, including therapists' experience,
developmental level of the child/adolescent, alliance and bonding with the ther-
apist, scope of impairment of the child, and family dysfunction. These are not
hypothetical influences. In the context of child and adolescent treatment, we
know that these factors can influence treatment outcome (Kazdin & Crowley,
1997; Kazdin & Wassell, 1998; Weisz, Weiss, et al., 1995). Empirically sup-
ported treatments may have variable effects and can be ineffective when some
conditions are not met. There must be a way to address these variables in iden-
tifying empirically supported treatments. I shall take up this topic again in much
more detail in the context of directions for psychotherapy research.

Efficacy, Not Effectiveness

Empirically supported treatments are interventions shown to produce thera-
peutic change in well-controlled laboratory settings. Laboratory studies are im-
portant because they provide careful control over the phenomenon of interest.
In relation to therapy, well-controlled research includes several conditions dif-
ferent from those evident in clinical practice. In research, investigators usually
focus on less severely disturbed samples; utilize structured, manualized, and of-
ten inflexible treatments; train therapists well in the treatments they adminis-
ter; monitor how treatment is administered to ensure therapists' adherence; and
so on. These practices are important for research, but they depart from the prac-
tices of clinical work. Thus, empirically supported treatments may not have
similar impact when applied in clinical settings. This is not a new concern in
psychotherapy research (Borkovec & Rachman, 1979; Heller, 1971; Kazdin,
Clearly, identifying empirically supported treatments requires some atten-
tion to what can work or has been shown to work in clinical settings. One would
not want to identify empirically supported treatments without having some as-
surance that the effects can be evident in clinical work. More subtle concerns
emerge than merely the generalization from laboratory research to clinic set-
tings. It is quite possible that a minimally effective treatment in research might
work very well in clinical practice. That is, treatments that work well in clinics
may not generalize to the laboratory.
At the very least, the differences between research and practice limit what
one can say about well-established treatments. In general, from reviews of em-
pirically supported treatments, one can say that some interventions have
worked in controlled studies. However, there is little or no evidence that these
treatments work in clinical settings. That is, an empirically supported treatment,

when applied to clinically referred children and families, as administered by

clinicians in practice and under conditions where treatment delivery is not so
well monitored, has unknown effects.

General Comments
More objections and concerns have been raised about the efforts to identify em-
pirically supported treatments than those mentioned here (see Garfield, 1996,
1998; Weisz & Hawley, 1998). Some of the concerns raise fundamental issues
about therapy research. For example, the search for empirically supported treat-
ments emphasizes the need for randomized controlled clinical trials. Group
studies with random assignment of individuals to conditions are fundamental.
Randomized controlled clinical trials do not address many of the questions of
interest in clinical practice, where efforts are made to match characteristics of
clients to treatments (Persons & Silberschatz, 1998). Moreover, when com-
pared, the results from randomized and nonrandomized controlled trials of ther-
apy are not that different (Shadish & Ragsdale, 1996). Random is better for a
variety of reasons, but nonrandom is far from worthless.
I have highlighted salient issues that will help point to new and needed di-
rections in research. Yet it is important to reiterate that the search for and codi-
fication of empirically supported treatments are motivated by other influences,
such as which treatments warrant reimbursement in clinical practice or ought
to be included in the training of mental health professionals. Objections related
to these other agendas are significant. For example, if we allow the practice of
only those well-established treatments, then perhaps your favorite technique or,
even worse, my favorite technique, cannot be used. This raises potential legal
problems in the United States. If the techniques in which some professionals
were trained cannot be used, then their ability to earn an income is restricted.
They have legal grounds to object, especially if the criteria used to exclude their
technique can be challenged. The criteria used to identify empirically supported
treatments and their relevance to decision making in clinical practice could eas-
ily be challenged in court.
Efforts to identify empirically supported treatments represent an important
advance. It is critical to identify which treatments work with which problems
and to make a statement based on thoughtful deliberations among profession-
als. Professionals ought to evaluate the literature because others less qualified
might do so without professional input. How professionals or others will make
decisions about treatment is important too. Consensus (converging opinions of
many) or clinical judgment (opinions of individuals) are not as firm as solid ev-
idence, even though no method of reaching conclusions is flawless or non-
judgmental (see Beutler, 1998).
As a method of reviewing the literature, the study of empirically supported
treatment provides a quite different yield from the general meta-analytic re-
view. With the focus on empirically supported treatments, one can more read-
ily consider the status of individual treatments as applied to specific problem
areas. One can more easily consider what to do in clinical work. One might

quibble about some of the criteria (e.g., for delineating well-established and
probably efficacious treatments), but there are many efforts to identify empiri-
cally supported treatments. Singling out any particular effort misses the larger
movement within treatment research and its contribution.
In terms of clinical application, if there are empirically supported treatments
for a given clinical problem (anxiety or conduct disorder), a very strong ratio-
nale would be needed for not using one of these treatments in clinical practice.
As an example, the most frequently used treatment in clinical work for opposi-
tional and aggressive behavior in children is relationship therapy based on psy-
chodynamic or relationship-based, nondirective therapy (Kazdin, Siegel, &
Bass, 1990). These treatments may be effective, although there is no strong sup-
port in uncontrolled and controlled studies (Fonagy & Target, 1994; Kazdin et
al, 1989). Defenders of psychodynamic and relationship-based treatments
might well note that the treatments have not been well or carefully studied and
that it is premature to impugn their effectiveness. Nevertheless, continuing to
use these treatments in the absence of solid data to support them is problematic.
There are well-established and probably efficacious treatments (see table 5.3).
One of these treatments ought to be applied before any other would be justified.
Alternatively, only a very special circumstance would prevent use of one of
these (e.g., the child is allergic to these treatments and has uncontrollable bouts
of sneezing). Certainly, if an empirically supported treatment has been tried and
has failed, that too would be a reason to apply other treatments. Although re-
searchers argue about interpretation of studies and criteria used to select the
studies, in the day-to-day practice of therapy, unsupported treatments are being
used when there is evidence for the efficacy of other treatments.


Among methods of reviewing the evidence, the review of empirically supported
treatments is unique. Research in behalf of a given treatment must meet vari-
ous methodological standards, such as controlled trials, use of treatment man-
uals, and careful assessment of outcome. The goals of these reviews have been
manifold, beyond academic interests in identifying which treatments work with
what problems. Social and political pressures regarding which treatments might
be practiced and reimbursed, and who can practice (i.e., only those who know
how to administer those treatments affirmed by research) have sparked keen in-
terest and debate of the issues.
Reviews of empirically supported child and adolescent therapies have iden-
tified a number of procedures with strong supportive evidence. Since most ther-
apies in use have never been studied, it is important to underscore the signifi-
cance of treatments identified with supportive evidence. Although I have argued
for the benefits of a more refined classification of treatments than empirically
supported or not, the basic distinction is very important. The many different ef-
forts to identify empirically supported treatments differ in criteria but not in
their overall goal of distinguishing between supported and unsupported.
In terms of the research agenda, the reviews of empirically supported treat-

ments show that we know much less than we wish to know. As mentioned, there
is a vast number of controlled outcome studies of child and adolescent therapy.
The yield from the available studies is actually modest if one considers the num-
ber of empirically supported treatments as a criterion. Hopefully, in the future
the yield from research will be greater because criteria for establishing treat-
ments as empirically supported, such as the use of treatment manuals and repli-
cations across researchers and research sites, are more explicit. In some ways,
the criteria are particularly helpful in alerting us to how few studies might be
needed to establish a technique. We do not need scores of duplicative studies
for a given treatment; we do need studies that focus on specific questions, that
replicate the answers, and that then systematically move on to the next ques-
This and previous chapters have examined the reviews of the evidence and
their main conclusions. Interestingly, there are different methods of reviewing
the same literature as well as different and complementary conclusions. These
chapters have also considered unique characteristics and limitations of each
method of reviewing psychotherapy research. Yet no method of reviewing the
literature will yield significant conclusions if the individual studies that com-
pose this literature are insufficient.


The readings below include several reviews on empirically supported treatments. The
reviews are organized by problem area or clinical dysfunction. Included in the sets of
chapters and articles are discussions of obstacles and issues raised in attempting to iden-
tify empirically supported treatments.
Ammerman, R.T., Last, C.G., & Hersen, M. (Eds.). (1999). Handbook of prescriptive
treatments for children and adolescents (2nd ed.). Needham Heights, MA: Allyn &
Hoagwood, K., & Hibbs, E. (Ed.). (1995). Special section: Efficacy and effectiveness in
studies of child and adolescent psychotherapy. Journal of Consulting and Clinical
Psychology, 63, 683-625.
Kendall, P.C., & Chambless, D.L. (Eds.). (1998). Special section: Empirically supported
psychological therapies. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 66, 3-167.
Lonigan, C.J., & Elbert, J.C. (Eds.). (1998). Special issue on empirically supported psy-
chosocial interventions for children. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 27,138-
Nathan, P.W., &. Gorman, J.M. (Eds.). (1998). A guide to treatments that work. New
York: Oxford University Press.
Chapter 6

Treatments That Work:

Illustrations of Exemplary Research

Exemplary Treatments and Research Findings

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Child Anxiety
Background and Underlying Rationale
Characteristics of Treatment
Overview of the Evidence
Overall Evaluation
Coping with Depression Course for Adolescents
Background and Underlying Rationale
Characteristics of Treatment
Overview of the Evidence
Overall Evaluation
Parent Management Training for Oppositional and
Aggressive Children
Background and Underlying Rationale
Characteristics of Treatment
Overview of the Evidence
Overall Evaluation
Multisystemic Therapy for Antisocial and Delinquent
Background and Underlying Rationale
Characteristics of Treatment
Overview of the Evidence
Overall Evaluation
Evaluation of Exemplary Treatments
Summary and Conclusions

previous chapters have considered the reviews of therapy research for children
and adolescents. Reviews, by their very nature, take a step back from the man-
ifold details of treatment research in order to draw general conclusions. It is also
very useful to illustrate in a more focused and analytic way the kinds of treat-
ments being investigated. More than that, a goal of this book is to direct future
research. To that end, examination of exemplary studies and treatments can be
instructive. Such studies likely will provide guidelines for what is needed and


exemplify features that ought to be emulated in research. The best studies are
superior not merely because of their findings but rather because of how treat-
ment is developed, conceptualized, and implemented. Exemplary research can
provide other types of insights. If the very best research still suffers deficien-
cies, then one might want to consider new ways of conducting research or sim-
ply accept that research probably cannot get better.
In this chapter, I highlight four different treatment techniques. The treat-
ments were selected if they were evaluated in a systematic program of research
and if the effects were replicated in at least one, but preferably several, studies.
Each treatment is identified as empirically supported, a term reviewed in chap-
ter 5. The research also had to meet currently accepted methodological desider-
ata, such as the use of treatment manuals, measures of clinical significance, and
evaluation of follow-up.1 It useful to view this chapter as a set of "case stud-
ies," or close-up evaluations of individual treatments. There was no effort to se-
lect a representative or random sample of all treatments that might qualify.
Certainly, this research does not represent all the literature, but it does repre-
sent the literature at its very best. I think few would disagree that the research
included here and the investigators who completed the research are among the
very best researchers in child and adolescent therapy research.


The following four treatments focus on internalizing disorders (anxiety and de-
pression) and externalizing disorders (oppositional and aggressive behavior,
delinquency) for both children and adolescents. There is a bias in selecting
treatments for inclusion here. With a focus on research that invokes high
methodological standards, programmatic studies, and replication, there is a
greater bias against less traditional treatments (e.g., psychodynamic, client-
centered, play therapy) and for cognitive-behavioral treatment. Perhaps this is
not a bias—the focus on empirically supported treatments, reviewed in chap-
ter 5, also invokes criteria that discriminates against treatments not sufficiently
studied. The purpose here is not to promote any one treatment but to review the
effects of some of the well-studied treatments.

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Child Anxiety

ment (CBT) for anxiety in children focuses on dysfunctional cognitions and
their implications for the child's subsequent thinking and behavior (see Kendall
et al., 1992; Kendall, Panichelli-Mindel, et al., 1997; Kendall & Treadwell,
1996). These key components of cognition are distinguished:
• cognitive structures—memory and ways in which information is experi-
• cognitive content—ongoing self-statements;
• cognitive processes—how experiences are processed and interpreted; and
• cognitive products—attributions that result from the above.

Different types of distortions and deficiencies underlie internalizing (e.g., anx-

iety, depression) and externalizing (e.g., aggression) problems. Cognitive dis-
tortions are considered by play a central role among children with anxiety.
Cognitive distortions are misguided information processes that lead to misper-
ceptions of oneself or the environment. Treatment modifies cognitive process-
ing to develop new schema or a cognitive coping template.
The therapy develops new skills, provides new experiences for the child to
test dysfunctional as well as adaptive beliefs, and assists the child in process-
ing new experiences. Strategies used in treatment directly focus on learning
new behaviors through modeling and direct reinforcement. In addition, cogni-
tive strategies such as the use of self-statements address processes (information
processing style, attributions, and self-talk) considered to mediate anxiety.
CHARACTERISTICS OF TREATMENT. The treatment program consists of 16-
20 sessions administered individually. The techniques that compose treatment
are modeling, role-playing, in vivo exposure, relaxation training, and rein-
forcement. In addition, the child practices the learned skills at home and at
school so that anxiety-provoking situations are confronted outside of the treat-
ment sessions. Approximately the first half of treatment is devoted to learning
steps for coping with anxiety and managing distress: recognizing the physio-
logical symptoms of anxiety (e.g., internal signals for anxiety such as sensa-
tions of tension), challenging and altering anxiety-provoking cognitions and
one's internal dialogue (e.g., expecting "bad" things to happen and generating
alternatives for what else might happen); problem solving (e.g., devising a plan
to cope with the anxiety, generating alternatives for what one can do and se-
lecting one of the courses of action); and evaluating the coping plan and ad-
ministering consequences (e.g., self-evaluation and self-reinforcement). These
steps are taught to the children using the acronym FEAR, as summarized in
table 6.1. (FEAR = Feeling frightened, Expecting bad things, Actions and at-
titudes that help, Rate and reword.)
The second half of treatment focuses on applying these newly learned skills.
First, children are exposed to imaginary and minor anxiety-provoking situations
and then later to moderate and more stressful anxiety-provoking situations. In all
situations, the FEAR approach is used and the therapist helps to prepare the child,
assists the child in coping with stress, and reviews the experience to help with
future coping. In homework assignments the child rehearses application of the
FEAR steps at home and at school. Rewards are earned for completion of these
assignments. In the final session of treatment, the child makes a videotape de-
scribing the FEAR steps and their use in mastering anxiety-provoking situations.
OVERVIEW OF THE EVIDENCE. Treatment has been evaluated with children
9-13 years of age in both group and single-case experimental studies (e.g.,
Howard & Kendall, 1996; Kendall, 1994; Kendall, Flannery-Schroeder, et al,
1997). Children are included in the CBT program if they meet criteria for a
DSM diagnosis for an anxiety disorder, primarily generalized anxiety, separa-
tion anxiety, and social phobia (see Kendall & Treadwell, 1996). In two initial

Table 6.1 The FEAR Plan: Steps toward Mastering

Unwanted Anxiety Arousal
F: Feeling frightened? Clients ask themselves this question as they
begin learning to recognize their internal and/or
physical signs of unwanted anxious arousal.
They also learn relaxation skills.
E: Expecting bad things to happen? Clients ask themselves about the potential
catastrophes that they worry about. Also, clients
think about other likely outcomes. Clients learn
to identify anxiety-related cognition.
A: Actions and attitudes that help Clients are given a variety of actions and/or
attitudes that they can use to reduce and master
unwanted anxious arousal. Clients learn to use
strategies to manage anxiety.
R: Rate and reward After completion of the F, E, and A steps, clients
learn to rate the outcome and to reward them-
selves for progress. Successful coping includes
movement toward the goal.
From Kendall & Treadwell (1996). Copyright © 1996 by the American Psychological
Association. Adapted with permission.

randomized controlled trials, treatment was compared with a waiting-list con-

trol condition. The results indicated that treated children surpassed control chil-
dren on child-, parent-, and teacher-report measures of anxiety, as well as other
symptom domains, including aggression, social problems, hyperactivity, and
depression, and on behavioral observations of child distress (Kendall, 1994;
Kendall, Flannery, et al., 1997). Many more youths (64%) who completed treat-
ment, compared to waiting-list controls (5%) fell within the normative range
for anxiety at the end of treatment. Follow-up data at 1 year and over 3 years
later have indicated that treatment effects were maintained.
Another team of investigators (Barrett, Dadds, & Rapee, 1996) has repli-
cated the effects of treatment. In a randomized controlled trial, children (ages
7-14) received CBT, CBT with an added family component, or a wait-list con-
trol condition. The family component provided training to the parents so they
could reward courageous child behavior, cope with their own anxiety stress, and
problem solve, i.e., address emergent problems in the family. CBT was effec-
tive, and the outcome was significantly enhanced by the addition of the family
component. The effects of the treatments were maintained at 6 months and 1
year after treatment. By the 1-year follow-up assessment, 70% of youths in the
CBT and 95% in the CBT plus family intervention no longer met criteria for an
anxiety disorder.
OVERALL EVALUATION. The treatment research is exemplary in a number of
ways. First, the studies have included children who met criteria for a diagnosis
of anxiety disorder. In most studies of child treatment, diagnoses of the chil-

dren are unknown. Second, the impact of treatment has been strong and con-
sistent across studies, including replication of the main findings by a separate
investigative team. Third, there has been some search for moderators of treat-
ment outcome such as severity of disorder, comorbidity, child gender, and eth-
nicity. Interestingly, presence of an anxiety in one or more parents moderates
treatment outcome of the children. Children with one or more parent with an
anxiety disorder respond less well to treatment (Cobham, Dadds, & Spence,
1998). Overall, exploration of treatment moderators is noteworthy and moves
beyond demonstrations of effectiveness.
There are a few issues to note. At follow-up, a high percentage of children ei-
ther fall within the normative range for anxiety or no longer meet criteria for an
anxiety disorder. These data are difficult to evaluate because control conditions
are not generally studied, and anxiety disorders, although probably not as
episodic as depression, still have a high rate of improvement in untreated sam-
ples. Also, in the two initial outcome studies, the pre- to posttreatment assess-
ment period for the wait-list control condition was much shorter than the inter-
val for the treated groups. This was designed to reduce the time distressed
wait-list cases had to wait for treatment. Consequently, direct comparisons of
posttest performance for wait-list and treated cases must be interpreted with great
caution. More critical is the interpretation of the follow-up results. At follow-up,
control cases no longer were controls; by this time they had received treatment.
One cannot infer that treatment effects were maintained without information on
where untreated cases would be at the same point at follow-up. Notwithstanding
these concerns, this treatment and the program it reflects are exemplary. For anx-
iety disorders CBT is one of the empirically supported treatments. The avail-
ability of a treatment manual (Kendall, Kane, Howard, & Siqueland, 1990) is
useful for extension in clinical work and promotes further research.

Coping with Depression Course for Adolescents

course for adolescents (CWD-A) draws on cognitive and behavioral conceptu-
alizations of depression (see Lewinsohn, Clarke, Rohde, Hops, & Seeley,
1996). These reflect views that depression is associated with multiple cogni-
tions (e.g., hopelessness, helplessness) and restricted behavioral repertoires
(e.g., limited participation in pleasant activities, few experiences of reinforce-
ment from the environment). The behavioral model that antedated CWD-A em-
phasizes multiple risk factors for depression that focus on the person-context
interaction. Disruption of behavioral patterns in everyday life are accorded spe-
cial importance in initiating depressive cognitions and the symptom patterns of
the disorder (see Lewinsohn, Hops, Teri, & Hautzinger, 1985 for a more com-
plete rendition).
The CWD-A is a cognitive-behavioral treatment that combines these differ-
ent views and treatment components. To address the cognitive features of de-
pression, therapists help individuals to realize their often pessimistic, negative
thoughts and beliefs and self-blaming causal attributions. Adolescents learn to

substitute more constructive cognitions for these and practice them outside of
treatment. To address the behavioral features of depression, therapists teach
specific social skills and help clients increase activities associated with positive
reinforcement from the environment.
CHARACTERISTICS OF TREATMENT. A group treatment, CWD-A is concep-
tualized as a "course" in part to emphasize the psychoeducational components
in a way that eschews the stigma of treatment. The primary focus is on devel-
opment of skills and the means to enhance the adolescent's ability to cope with
problematic situations. Group activities and role-playing are central in the treat-
ment sessions; between sessions there are "homework" assignments to extend
the treatment beyond the classroom.
Treatment includes 16 2-hour sessions over a period of 8 weeks (see
Lewinsohn et al., 1996). Up to 10 adolescents are included in the group. The
course includes a workbook with brief readings, quizzes, structured learning
tasks, and forms for the completion of practice (homework) assignments. The
systematically planned sessions include skill training within the session and
then extension to the home and focus on specific skills and themes, as outlined
in table 6.2. Throughout the sessions, the skills noted in the table are taught and
practiced in the session and at home. Early skills continue to be practiced over
the course of treatment and are integrated with newly taught skills.
Other aspects of treatment have been included as well, but they are not nec-
essarily central to the main treatment. A parent component has been added in
which parents are trained to support and assist skills developed in the adoles-
cent. During these sessions, separate from those provided to the adolescents,
the parents are also taught communication and problem-solving skills. In addi-
tion, booster (additional) sessions for the adolescents have been provided at the

Table 6.2 Specific Skills and Themes of the Coping with Depression
*»» .*-*• Course for Adolescents
1. Developing specific social skills (e.g., conversation, planning social activities,
making friends)
2. Increasing pleasant activities (e.g., via teaching basic self-change techniques, set-
ting goals)
3. Decreasing anxiety that may interfere with performance in social situations (e.g.,
by teaching relaxation)
4. Reducing negative cognitions associated with depression and replacing them with
positive and more constructive cognitions
5. Resolving conflict through communication, negotiation, and conflict resolution
skills (e.g., verifying messages, deleting nonproductive behaviors such as accusa-
tions and interruptions, brainstorming alternative solutions, reaching and verifying
agreements, and others)
6. Planning for the future (e.g., integration of the skills, developing a life plan and
goals, planning for relapse and developing an "emergency plan" of what to do).
For a further description of these themes, see Lewinsohn et al. (1996).

end of the 16-week course at 4-month intervals for a period of 2 years. These
sessions address emergent issues individually tailored to each case through a
brief assessment of the adolescent's functioning in everyday life, current target
complaints, and use of skills from the prior training course.
OVERVIEW OF THE EVIDENCE. Two randomized controlled clinical trials of
the CWD-A with adolescents provided direct tests of treatment efficacy
(Lewinsohn, Clarke, Hops, Andrews, 1990; Lewinsohn, Clarke, & Rohde,
1994). These studies demonstrated that the course is significantly more effec-
tive in reducing depression than a wait-list control condition. Treatment effects
have been maintained for up to 2 years of follow-up, although follow-up is dif-
ficult to interpret given the absence of an untreated control group at follow-up
and the high recovery rate from an episode of depression. The studies have con-
sistently in demonstrated the effects of the basic treatment. The parent compo-
nent and booster sessions have not led to increases in effectiveness beyond the
basic treatment without these features, although it may be premature to rule out
these components (see Lewinsohn et al., 1996).
Apart from variations of the treatment, other factors have been studied that
may influence outcome. Improvement in treatment has been associated with a
number of characteristics of the adolescents. Those who respond better tend to
be younger males and to engage in more pleasant activities before treatment
(Lewinsohn et al., 1996). In contrast, characteristics of the trainers have not
been found to influence outcome. For both adolescent and trainer characteris-
tics, too little research has been competed to draw firm conclusions.
The treatment outcome research with adolescents must be viewed in a larger
context to represent the status of the CWD-A. A large number (>20) of outcome
studies, primarily with adult samples, have shown that this treatment signifi-
cantly reduces depression (see Cuijpers, 1998). Indeed, effectiveness has been
demonstrated across adolescents, adults, elderly adults and their caregi vers, and
minority groups, and in applications of treatment, as emphasized here, as well
as prevention of depression. Thus, extensions to adolescents are reasonable be-
cause program efficacy has been established. Mentioning only those outcome
studies that focused on adolescents misrepresents the broader empirical context
from which these studies emerge.
OVERALL EVALUATION. There are several notable features of this treatment.
First, the focus has been on adolescents with diagnosable depression. In many
studies of other treatments for adolescent depression, the cases were less clearly
significantly impaired or symptomatic to begin with (see Kazdin & Marciano,
1998). Second, the impact of treatment has been impressive across a range of
outcome domains (e.g., symptoms, functioning in everyday life, coping skills).
Third, the clinical impact or significance of treatment has been demonstrated
by evaluating the extent to which youths continue to meet diagnostic criteria
for depression. At the end of treatment, the perceptage of youths who still meet
diagnostic criteria is significantly lower for treated than for wait-list cases (e.g.,
33% vs. 52%, respectively) (Lewinsohn et al., 1996).

Fourth, the format of the treatment raises interesting prospects for dissemi-
nation. The intervention is presented as a course and an academic or educational
experience, rather than as psychotherapy or treatment. The course-like format
may make the treatment disseminable to many depressed individuals who
would not otherwise seek treatment because of any stigma, perceived or real,
associated with seeking therapy or outpatient care. The availability of course
materials, including a treatment manual, videotapes, and workbooks (Lewin-
sohn et al., 1996) may also make the treatment disseminable among practition-
ers. The course is quite structured in the focus of the sessions and in the tasks
and activities that constitute the treatment. This too may make the treatment
more disseminable than other forms of treatment and perhaps on a larger scale
(e.g., in high schools).

Parent Management Training for Opposftional and Aggressive Children

(PMT) includes procedures designed to help parents alter their child's behav-
ior in the home. The parents meet with a therapist or trainer, who teaches them
to use specific procedures to alter interactions with their child, to promote
prosocial behavior, and to decrease deviant behavior. Training reflects the gen-
eral view that oppositional and aggressive behavior is inadvertently developed
and sustained in the home by maladaptive parent-child interactions.
Multiple facets of parent-child interaction promote oppositional and ag-
gressive behavior. These patterns include directly reinforcing deviant behavior,
frequently and ineffectively using commands and harsh punishment, and fail-
ing to attend to appropriate behavior (Patterson, 1982; Patterson, Reid, &
Dishion, 1992). Among the many interaction patterns, those involving coercion
have received the greatest attention (Patterson et al., 1992). Coercion in this
context refers to deviant behavior on the part of one person (the child) which is
rewarded by another person (the parent). Aggressive children are inadvertently
rewarded for their aggressive interactions and their escalation of coercive be-
haviors, as part of the discipline practices that sustain aggressive behavior.
An excellent set of studies and conceptual models have elaborated the role
of parent-child discipline practices in the development and maintenance of ag-
gressive child behavior (Patterson, 1982; Patterson et al., 1992). The studies
have included observation in the home of the sequences and progressions of
family interactions in relation to children's aggressive behavior. In addition,
PMT has been used to alter parent-child interaction patterns. Overall, the re-
sults have shown that child-rearing practices directly foster and increase chil-
dren's aggressive behavior and that altering these practices reduces that be-
havior and related conduct problems (Dishion & Andrews, 1995; Dishion,
Patterson, & Kavanagh, 1992; Forgatch, 1991). These powerful demonstrations
show that parenting practices are causally related to aggressive behavior in chil-
The primary goal of PMT is to alter the pattern of interchanges between par-
ent and child so that prosocial, rather than coercive, behavior is directly rein-

forced and supported within the family. This requires developing several dif-
ferent parenting behaviors, such as establishing the rules for the child to follow,
providing positive reinforcement for appropriate behavior, delivering mild
forms of punishment to suppress behavior, negotiating compromises, and other
procedures. These parenting behaviors are systematically and progressively de-
veloped in the sessions with the therapist. The programs that parents eventually
implement in the home also serve as the basis for the focus of later sessions in
which the procedures are reviewed, modified, and refined.
The methods to alter parent's and children's behavior are based on princi-
ples and procedures of operant conditioning. Operant conditioning, elaborated
by B.E Skinner (1938) in animal laboratory research, describes and explains
how behavior can be acquired and influenced by a variety of stimuli and con-
sequences. Beginning in the late 1950s and early 1960s, extensions of this work
led to applications across a wide range of settings (psychiatric hospitals, reha-
bilitation facilities, nursing homes, special education and regular classrooms,
the military, business, and industry) (Kazdin, 1978b, 1994a). Experimental
demonstrations have repeatedly shown that persons (parents, teachers, peers,
hospital and institutional staff) directly in contact with others (patients, stu-
dents, residents, and inmates) can be trained to administer consequences for be-
havior and to achieve therapeutic changes. Early applications with children fo-
cused on mental retardation, autism, and special problems in institutional or
special education settings. Many extensions in the home focused on everyday
concerns of parents (tantrums, thumbsucking, toilet practices, completing
homework, complying with requests). But soon applications encompassed chil-
dren with significant impairment in these and related domains. Applications in
the home, begun initially in the late 1960s and early 1970s (see Hanf, 1969),
stimulated a vigorous line of research that continues today.

CHARACTERISTICS OF TREATMENT. Although many variations of PMT ex-

ist, several common characteristics can be identified. Treatment is conducted
primarily with the parent(s), who implement several procedures at home. The
parents meet with a therapist who teaches them to use specific procedures to al-
ter interactions with their child, to promote prosocial behavior, and to decrease
deviant behavior. Parents are trained to identify, define, and observe problem
behaviors in new ways. Careful specification of the problem is essential for the
delivery of reinforcing or punishing consequences and for evaluating whether
the program is achieving the desired goals. The treatment sessions provide con-
crete opportunities for parents to see how the techniques are implemented, to
practice and refine use of the techniques (e.g., through extensive role-playing),
and to review the behavior-change programs implemented at home. Parent-
managed reinforcement programs for children's deportment and performance
at school, completion of homework, and activities on the playground are rou-
tinely included, with the assistance of teachers, as available.
In most PMT programs, only one parent comes to treatment usually because
the other parent is employed or because a single parent heads the household.

Whenever feasible, the therapist tries to integrate the parent who does not at-
tend the sessions so he or she can participate in the behavior-change programs
at home. Duration of treatment has varied depending on the severity of the
child's dysfunction. Programs for young, mildly oppositional children usually
last 6-8 weeks. With clinically referred conduct-disordered children, the pro-
grams usually last 12-25 weeks. Definitive statements about the required du-
ration of treatment are not possible because of two competing trends: efforts to
develop more abbreviated and more cost-effective variations of treatment, on
the one hand (e.g., Thompson, Ruma, Schuchmann, & Burke, 1996) and to
combine PMT with other treatment modalities (multimodal treatments), on the
other hand (e.g., Webster-Stratton, 1996).

OVERVIEW OF THE EVIDENCE. PMT is one of the most well-researched ther-

apy techniques for children and adolescents. Treatment has been evaluated in
scores of randomized controlled outcome trials with children and adolescents
from 2 to 17 years old with a variety of oppositional and conduct problems (see
Graziano & Diament, 1992; Miller & Prinz, 1990; Patterson, Dishion, &
Chamberlain, 1993; Serketich & Dumas, 1996). Indeed, a recent review of
treatments for conduct disorder identified PMT as the only intervention that is
well-established (effective in independently replicated controlled clinical
trials) (Brestan & Eyberg, 1998). The outcome studies support several conclu-
• PMT has led to marked improvements in children's behavior, as reflected
in parents' and teachers' reports of deviant behavior, direct observational
measures of behavior at home and at school, and institutional records
(school truancy, police contacts, arrest rates, institutionalization);
• The magnitude of change has placed conduct problem behaviors to within
nonclinic levels of functioning at home and at school, based on normative
data from nonreferred peers of the same age and gender;
• Treatment gains have been maintained in several studies 1-3 years after
treatment, although one program reported maintenance of gains 10-14
years later (Long, Forehand, Wierson, & Morgan, 1994); and
• Favorable treatment effects also include reductions in problem behaviors
of siblings in the home and in maternal psychopathology, particularly de-
pression. Occasionally, marital satisfaction and family cohesion improve
following treatment, but data on these outcomes are sparse.

Considerable attention has been devoted to identifying parental and family

characteristics that contribute to outcome. Family socioeconomic disadvan-
tage, marital discord, high parental stress and low social support, single-parent
families, harsh punishment practices, parental history of antisocial behavior
predict (1) who remains in treatment, (2) the magnitude of change among those
who complete treatment, and (3) the extent to which changes are maintained at
follow-up (Dadds & McHugh, 1992; Dumas & Wahler, 1983; Kazdin, 1995a;
Webster-Stratton & Hammond, 1990). Those families at greatest risk often re-

spond to treatment, but the magnitude of effects is attenuated by dysfunctional

parent and family characteristics. Among children's characteristics, more se-
vere and chronic antisocial behavior and comorbidity predict reduced respon-
siveness to treatment (Kazdin, 1995a; Ruma, Burke, & Thompson, 1996).
Characteristics of treatment also contribute to outcome. Providing parents
with sufficient knowledge of social learning principles, rather than just teach-
ing them the techniques, improves outcomes. Also, including mild punishment,
such as a brief time out from reinforcement, along with reinforcement programs
in the home enhances treatment effects (see Kazdin, 1985). These components
are now standard in most PMT programs. Processes within treatment have also
been studied to identify who responds to treatment. Measures of parent resis-
tance (e.g., parents saying, "I can't," "I won't") correlate with parental disci-
pline practices at home; changes in resistance during therapy predict changes
in parental behavior. Moreover, a therapist's specific ploys during the sessions
(e.g., refraining, confronting) can overcome or contribute to resistance
(Patterson & Chamberlain, 1994). This work begins to identify ways to enhance
the administration of PMT.
In much of the outcome research, PMT has been administered to families in-
dividually in clinic settings. Group administration has been facilitated greatly
by the development of videotaped materials that present themes, principles, and
procedures to the parents of children with conduct problems (see Webster-
Stratton, 1996). Randomized controlled trials have shown that video-based
treatment, particularly in group format and when supplemented with therapist-
led discussions, leads to clinically significant changes at posttreatment and that
these changes are maintained at follow-up 1 and 3 years later.
Now PMT has been extended to community settings to bring treatment to
those persons least likely to come to or remain in treatment. It is effective and
highly cost-effective when provided in small parent groups in neighborhoods
where the families reside (Cunningham, Bremner, & Boyle, 1995; Thompson
et al., 1996). Also, PMT has been effective in reducing conduct problems and
increasing positive parenting behaviors when implemented on a large scale as
part of early school intervention (Head Start) programs (Webster-Stratton,
1998). Occasionally, community-based treatment has been more effective than
clinic-based. Of course, it is not clear that one form of treatment can replace an-
other for all children. Yet community applications may permit dissemination of
treatment to families that otherwise might not attend the usual mental health

OVERALL EVALUATION. Perhaps the most important point to underscore is

that no other technique for children with oppositional and conduct problems
probably has been studied as often or as well in controlled trials (Brestan &
Eyberg, 1998). The outcome evidence makes PMT one of the most promising
treatments. Related lines of work bolster the evidence. First, the study of fam-
ily interaction processes that contribute to antisocial behavior in the home and
evidence that changing these processes alters children's behavior provide a

strong empirical base for treatment. Second, the procedures and practices that
are used in PMT (reinforcement and punishment practices) have been widely
and effectively applied outside the context of children's conduct problems. For
example, the procedures have been applied with parents of children with
autism, language delays, developmental disabilities, medical disorders for
which compliance with special treatment regimens is required, and with par-
ents who physically abuse or neglect their children (see Kazdin, 1994a). Third,
a great deal is known about the procedures and parameters of delivery that
influence the effectiveness of reinforcement and punishment practices. Conse-
quently, very concrete recommendations can be provided to change behavior
and to alter programs when behavior change has not occurred.
Several resources are available to facilitate use of PMT clinically and in re-
search. Treatment manuals are available for clinicians and convey the structure,
content, and flow of treatment sessions (Forehand & McMahon, 1981; Forgatch
& Patterson, 1989; Patterson & Forgatch, 1987; Sanders & Dadds, 1993).
Books and pamphlets are also available for parents (Forehand & Long, 1996;
Patterson, 1976) to convey basic concepts and to show how to apply various
techniques. Videotapes can also be used by professionals to guide group PMT.
In short, several training materials are available for professionals as well as their
Several limitations of PMT can be identified as well. First, PMT makes sev-
eral demands on the parents, such as mastering educational materials that con-
vey major principles underlying the program, systematically observing deviant
child behavior and implementing specific procedures at home, attending
weekly sessions, and responding to frequent telephone contacts made by the
therapist. For some families, the demands may be prohibitive. Interestingly,
within the approach, several procedures (e.g., shaping parent behavior through
reinforcement) provide guidelines for developing parent compliance and the
desired response repertoire in relation to their children.
Second, perhaps the greatest limitation or obstacle in using PMT is the lack
of training opportunities for professionals to learn the approach. Training pro-
grams in child psychiatry, clinical psychology, and social work are unlikely to
provide exposure to the technique, much less opportunities for formal training.
PMT requires mastery of social learning principles and multiple procedures that
derive from them (Cooper, Heron, & Heward, 1987; Kazdin, 1994a). For ex-
ample, the parent's administration of reinforcement in the home (to alter child
behavior) and the therapist's administration in the session (to change parent be-
havior) requires more than passing familiarity with the principle and the para-
metric variations that dictate its effectiveness (e.g., need to administer rein-
forcement contingently, immediately, frequently; to use varied and high quality
reinforcers; prompting; shaping). The requisite skills in administering these
within the treatment sessions can be readily developed, but they are not trivial.
Finally, the applicability of PMT to adolescents, as compared with children,
is less clear. Studies have shown that PMT has reduced offense rates among
delinquent adolescents (Bank, Marlowe, Reid, Patterson, & Weinrott, 1991)

and school behavioral problems and substance use among adolescents at risk
for serious conduct problems (Dishion & Andrews, 1995). In the Bank et al.
study, the impact of treatment, relative to intensive family therapy, group
therapy, and drug counseling, was modest over posttreatment and 3-year fol-
low-up. Analyses from other studies suggest that adolescents respond less well
to PMT than preadolescents (Dishion & Patterson, 1992), but severity of symp-
toms at pretreatment may account for this effect (Ruma et al., 1996). Adoles-
cents referred for treatment tend to be more severely and chronically impaired
than preadolescents; once severity is controlled, age does not influence out-
come. In light of limited applications with adolescents, the strength of conclu-
sions about the efficacy of PMT rests mainly on studies of preadolescent chil-

Muffisystemic Therapy for Antisocial and Delinquent Adolescents

(MST) focuses on systems in which behavior is embedded and on altering these
systems in concrete ways that can influence behavior (Henggeler et al., 1998).
The adolescent is influenced by a number of systems, including the family (im-
mediate and extended family members), peers, schools, and neighborhood.
Multiple influences within these systems may be involved in development,
maintenance, or amelioration of the problem. For example, within the context
of the family, some tacit alliance between one parent and the adolescent may
contribute to disagreement and conflict over discipline in relation to the ado-
lescent. Treatment may be required to address the alliance and sources of con-
flict in an effort to alter adolescent behavior. Also, adolescent functioning at
school may involve limited and poor peer relations; treatment may address
these areas as well. Finally, the systems approach entails a focus on the indi-
vidual's own behavior as it affects others. Individual treatment of the adoles-
cent or parents may be included in treatment.
The primary focus of treatment has been with delinquent adolescents, in-
cluding seriously disturbed, repeat offenders. The focus of treatment is influ-
enced in part by the factors shown to relate to development and maintenance of
delinquent behavior. MST is not very concerned with past determinants of be-
havior but considers risk factors (e.g., family discipline, child problem-solving
skills, parental conflict) that may reflect current areas worth redressing as part
of treatment.

CHARACTERISTICS OF TREATMENT. The goals of treatment are to help the

parents develop behaviors of the adolescent, to overcome difficulties (e.g., mar-
ital) that impede the parents' ability to function as parents, to eliminate nega-
tive interactions between parent and adolescent, and to build cohesion and emo-
tional warmth among family members. Emphasis on systems and contexts
requires mobilizing many influences and aspects of the interpersonal environ-
ment, as feasible and available. Consequently, treatment is multifaceted and
draws on several different techniques. Examples include PMT, contingency

management, problem-solving skills therapy, marital therapy, and others.

Domains may be addressed in treatment (e.g., parent unemployment) because
they raise issues for one or more systems (e.g., parent stress, alcohol consump-
tion) and affect how the adolescent is functioning (e.g., marital conflict, child-
discipline practices). Much of the therapy is conducted outside of the treatment
sessions in which parents and significant others engage in new strategies (e.g.,
reinforcement techniques) that alter behavior at home, at school, and in the
Treatment procedures are used on an "as needed" basis to address individ-
ual, family, and system issues that may contribute to problem behavior. The
conceptual view focusing on multiple systems and their impact on the individ-
ual serves as a basis for selecting the different treatment procedures. Several
principles guide treatment technique selection and activities, as listed in table
6.3. The principles, intended to convey the focus (e.g., action-oriented, direct
involvement of the family) but to permit flexible application, underscore the
key foci of treatment: concentrating on present behavior, aiming interventions
to achieve concrete observable changes in the family and adolescent, treating
specific and well-defined problems, and empowering parents in relation to fam-
ily interaction, the school, and peers. In some cases, treatment consists of help-

Table 6.3 Principle5 of MuWsystematic Therapy That Serve

as a Basis for Treatment
Principle 1 The primary purpose of assessment is to understand the fit between the
identified problems and their broader systemic context.
Principle 2 Therapeutic contacts emphasize the positive and use systemic strengths
as levers for change.
Principle 3 Interventions are designed to promote responsible behavior and decrease
irresponsible behavior among family members.
Principle 4 Interventions are present-focused and action-oriented, targeting specific
and well-defined problems.
Principle 5 Interventions target sequences of behavior within and between multiple
systems that maintain the identified problems.
Principle 6 Interventions are developmentally appropriate and fit the developmental
needs of the youth.
Principle 7 Interventions are designed to require daily or weekly effort by family
Principle 8 Intervention effectiveness is evaluated continuously from multiple
perspectives with providers assuming accountability for overcoming
barriers to successful outcomes.
Principle 9 Interventions are designed to promote treatment generalization and
long-term maintenance of therapeutic change by empowering caregivers
to address family members' needs across multiple systemic contexts.
From Henggeler et al. (1998).

ing the parents address a significant domain through practical advice and guid-
ance (e.g., to involve the adolescent in prosocial peer activities at school, to re-
strict specific activities with a deviant peer group).
Much of therapy is based on assessment and hypothesis testing. That is, a
therapist evaluates an adolescent's activities in a particular context, generates
a hypothesis about the factors influencing these behaviors, and tests it by inter-
vening to alter the factor to discover any consequent concrete changes in ado-
lescent behavior. Domains known to influence delinquent behavior, as men-
tioned before, alert the therapists to likely targets of treatment (e.g., parental
marital discord, child-rearing practices, children's peer relations). Assessment,
hypothesis generation, and hypothesis testing are sometimes said to character-
ize all clinical work. The approach is much more explicit in MST.
OVERVIEW OF THE EVIDENCE. There is strong evidence in behalf of MST.
Treatment has been evaluated in multiple randomized controlled clinical trials
with very seriously disturbed, adjudicated delinquent youths and their families,
including chronic juvenile offenders, juvenile sexual offenders, youths with
substance use and abuse, and maltreating (abusing, neglectful) families (see
Henggeler et al., 1998, for a review). The benefits of treatment, in comparison
to other treatment and control conditions, have been evident on measures of
adolescent and parent psychopathology, family relations and functioning, re-
arrest rates, severity of offenses, drug use, and reinstitutionalization (e.g., in-
carceration, hospitalization). Cost-effectiveness data have also shown that the
treatment is a bargain compared to alternative diversion and institutional pro-
grams to which such youths are ordinarily assigned.
Treatment influences key processes that purportedly contribute to deviant
behavior (Mann, Borduin, Henggeler, & Blaske, 1990). Specifically, both
parents and teenagers evince less verbal activity, conflict, and hostility and
increases in support, and parents increase verbal communication and decrease
conflict. Moreover, decreases in adolescent symptoms are positively correlated
with increases in supportiveness and decreases in conflict between the mother
and father. This work provides an important link between theoretical under-
pinnings of treatment and outcome effects.
Evidence suggests that the fidelity with which MST is carried out influences
treatment outcome. Adherence to the principles in treatment predicts improve-
ment on key outcome measures, including arrest, self-reported offenses, and
psychiatric symptoms (Henggeler, Melton, Brondino, Scherer, & Hanley,
1997). Few studies of child and adolescent therapy have evaluated the relation
of treatment adherence and clinical outcomes.
OVERALL EVALUATION. The evidence in behalf of MST has several
strengths, including the focus on very seriously disturbed adolescents, replica-
tion of treatment outcomes in several randomized controlled clinical trials,
evaluation of clinically and socially important outcomes (e.g., arrest, criminal
activity, reinstitutionalization), and assessment of long-term follow-up.
Another strength is the conceptualization of conduct problems at multiple lev-

els, namely, as dysfunction in relation to the individual, family, and extrafa-

milial systems and the transactions among these. In fact, youths with conduct
problems experience dysfunction at multiple levels, including individual reper-
toires, family interactions, and extrafamilial systems (e.g., peers, schools, em-
ployment among later adolescents). As a result, MST begins with the view that
many different domains are likely relevant and need to be evaluated and then
addressed in treatment.
Important challenges for the approach remain. First, the principles guiding
treatment provide a novel way to manualize the intervention. Moving from the
general principles to treatment within the session is not entirely straightforward,
although several illustrations are available (Henggeler et al., 1998). Second, the
administration of MST is demanding because of the need to provide several dif-
ferent interventions. Individual treatments alone are difficult to provide; multi-
ple combinations of different treatments invite all sorts of challenges (e.g., ther-
apist training, ensuring treatments of high quality, strength, and integrity).
Third, MST is an intensive treatment. In some projects, therapists are available
24 hours a day, 7 days a week; sometimes a team of therapists is involved rather
than only one therapist. This model of treatment delivery may be precisely what
is needed for clinical problems that are multiply determined, protracted, and re-
calcitrant to more abbreviated interventions. However, the model of MST de-
livery will very much influence its adoption as a treatment. Outpatient care has
been generally committed to 1-hour a week treatment (for most therapies), with
occasional exceptions (e.g., 3-7 times a week for child psychoanalysis; Fonagy
& Target, 1994). There has been little research on whether 1 hour a week is an
optimal or desirable regimen. On the other hand, considerable evidence shows
that the more intensive MST focus produces rather marked and dramatic re-
Fourth, further replications will be needed for this treatment. The treatment
has already provided multiple replications across problems, therapists, and set-
tings (Henggeler et al., 1998), but these have been completed mostly by the
same team of researchers. Replications by others not involved with the origi-
nal development of the program is the next logical step. Finally, the treatment
already has impressive evidence in its behalf and is undergoing further treat-
ment trials. The central issue is understanding what treatment components to
provide to whom and how the decisions are made and identifying whether these
rules can be reliably implemented across settings and investigators. These ques-
tions ought not detract from the superb evidence and consistency of the out-
comes already established.


The four treatments cannot be fully described in a single chapter (see further
readings section) because each is part of a program of research that extends be-
yond questions of treatment outcome (e.g., child, parent, family factors associ-
ated with the disorder, longitudinal course). This mere highlight of the treat-
ments shows that the results are impressive and in many ways reflect the best

research evidence in behalf of child and adolescent therapy. The research for
each treatment focuses on samples with clinically severe dysfunction, uses
treatment manuals, assesses clinical significance of change, evaluates follow-
up, and replicates treatment effects. Most child and adolescent therapy research
does not include any one of these characteristics. Several such features pack-
aged into studies and programs of research are remarkable and exemplary.
Needless to say, although the treatments highlighted here are exemplary, other
treatments might have been presented too. Among the other candidates would
be empirically supported treatments, as mentioned in chapter 5.
The excellent research is important to note for another reason. Even the best
research illustrates weaknesses and lacunae in the literature. First, conceptual-
izations of the disorder (with supporting research) and conceptualizations of
how change occurs (with supporting research) are scant. Many of the concep-
tual underpinnings are general orienting statements that suggest why the focus
is on cognitions, behavior, or systems. Statements about mechanisms of thera-
peutic change and how these mechanisms may relate to the problem are in-
cluded, but they tend to be general and lack empirical support. This character-
ization is true of the four treatments to varying degrees. The treatment program
for depression is related to a long line of studies on cognitive processes and de-
pression and restricted response repertoires as a critical part of the problem.
Also, PMT has exemplary research on family interaction patterns and their
causal relation to aggressive child behavior, as mentioned previously. The other
treatments are more general in terms in specifying the mechanisms that might
be causally involved in the problem and in change. Hypotheses regarding how
treatments work and the mechanisms involved in therapeutic change are sparse
in the treatment literature in general.
Second, the study of moderators is weak. Again, it is important to mention
that the study of moderators is rare in child and adolescent therapy research. In
the four treatments reviewed, the investigators focused on whether treatment
was influenced by other factors such as child gender, severity of dysfunction,
ethnicity, and socioeconomic disadvantage, to illustrate some examples. We
certainly want to know about moderators, but research has not been inspired to
focus on them. "Moderators of convenience" are selected, that is, readily avail-
able variables. A notable exception is evident in the context of cognitive-
behavioral treatment for anxiety among children, reviewed previously. One
study evaluated the role of anxiety disorder in the parent on the effectiveness
of treatment with the child (Cobham et al., 1998). Parent anxiety is related to
the onset of child anxiety and hence was hypothesized to limit the effectiveness
of treatment of the child. Presumably parental anxiety in the home would at-
tenuate the development of nonanxious behaviors and reactions on the part of
the child. As expected, children with anxious parents responded less well to
cognitive-behavioral treatment than children without an anxious parent.
In general, more attention is needed on the role of moderators in treatment
outcome. If selection of treatment moderators is not driven by conceptual views
of the clinical problem or treatment, this is not necessarily an indictment of the

research. Exploratory work can lead to good theory but the step must be taken
to move to theory. At this point, even the best research available gives little at-
tention to moderators. When moderators are studied, the focus is on variables
not usually connected to an understanding of the clinical problem or concep-
tual view of treatment.
Although more comments can be made about the studies, suffice it to say
that the mechanisms through which therapy operates and the moderators of
treatment (e.g., for whom, under what conditions, as administered by what type
of therapist) are not evaluated very much, even among the better studies. In the
research agenda for the next several years, understanding how treatment works
and the conditions under which it works deserves more emphasis.


In this chapter, four treatments were highlighted, including cognitive-behav-
ioral treatments for anxiety in children and depression in adolescents, parent
management training for oppositional and aggressive children, and multisys-
temic therapy for delinquent adolescents. Each of the treatments has been sub-
jected to programmatic research. Each would be included among the empiri-
cally supported treatments and has been so identified by at least one source
(Lonigan & Elbert, 1998; Nathan & Gorman, 1998). Many excellent features
of these studies were identified, including recruitment of clinical samples, use
of well-specified treatments, assessment of outcome in ways that reflect signif-
icant changes, and evaluation of follow-up. Studies of this quality are excep-
tions rather than the rule.
The treatments and their supportive research were highlighted to illustrate
concretely the accomplishments and benefits of child and adolescent therapy.
The results demonstrate palpable effects of treatment on clinical problems, ev-
ident beyond posttreatment assessment. An objective of presenting these treat-
ments was to illustrate the best research and to show what might be emulated
in future studies and what still needs attention. Before I proceed to the direc-
tions this research might take, let us consider the characteristics and limitations
of therapy research. Chapter 7 more systematically evaluates child and adoles-
cent psychotherapy with a special focus on limitations that might serve as the
basis for changes in future research.


The readings provide further details and analyses of the treatment programs illustrated
in this chapter. Each includes a review of multiple studies and hence also provides a bib-
liography of the primary investigations.
Cuijpers, P. (1998). A psychoeducational approach to the treatment of depression: A
meta-analysis of Lewinsohn's "Coping with Depression" course. Behavior Therapy,
Henggeler, S.W., Schoenwald, S.K., Borduin, C. M., Rowland, M.D., &. Cunningham,

P.B. (1998). Multisystemic treatment of antisocial behavior in children and adoles-

cents. New York: Guilford.
Kazdin, A.E. (1997). Parent management training: Evidence, outcomes, and issues.
Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 36, 1349-
Kendall, P.C., Panichelli-Mindel, S.M., Sugarman, A., & Callahan, S.A. (1997).
Exposure to child anxiety: Theory, research, and practice. Clinical Psychology:
Science and Practice, 4, 29-39.
Chapter 7

Characteristics and Limitations

of Therapy Research

Children and Families in Treatment

Characteristics of the Children/Adolescents
Parents, Families, and Contexts
Treatment and Treatment Administration
Types of Treatment
Characteristics of Administration
Therapeutic Agent
Assessment of Treatment Outcomes
Limited Outcome Focus
Clinical Significance and Impact of Treatment
Timing of Outcome Assessment
Questions That Guide Therapy Research
Research on Treatment Moderators
Child/Adolescent Characteristics
Parent, Family, and Contextual Characteristics
Treatment Characteristics
General Comments
Research Processes and Mechanisms
Generalizing from Research to Clinical Practice
Understanding Why and How Therapy Works
Summary and Conclusions

PREVIOUS CHAPTERS have highlighted the evidence in behalf of therapies for

children and adolescents. The reviews encompass hundreds of studies and seem
to provide a firm basis for concluding that psychotherapy produces therapeutic
change and that a number of techniques are bolstered by strong empirical sup-
port. This chapter examines the body of evidence as a whole to determine key
characteristics and limitations in relation to the goals of psychotherapy re-
search. To reiterate prior comments, the goals of therapy research are to develop
and identify effective treatments that can be used in clinical practice and to un-
derstand the bases of therapeutic change (mechanisms) and the conditions


(moderators) that influence outcome. The overarching question of this chapter

is how well does current therapy research address these goals.
Two related types of limitations can be identified. First, there are problems
of commission, or characteristics of therapy study that limit generalization to
clinical practice. Second, there are problems of omission, or lacunae in therapy
research in which key topics, questions, and foci are neglected. Limitations in
each of these domains warrant important qualifiers to the conclusions reached
about treatment.


Characteristics of the Children/Adolescents
In most investigations of therapy, children and families are actively recruited
for participation in treatment. To recruit children, the investigator may adver-
tise (newspapers, public service television), post notes on kiosks, and visit lo-
cal schools to announce the availability of special programs. From the stand-
point of research, recruiting cases is very helpful because one can usually obtain
a larger sample of participants in a shorter period of time and also a more ho-
mogeneous sample (e.g., only boys 8-11 years old) than would be available in
a clinic setting. Also, because the cases are volunteers who have not sought
treatment, some of the demands of research can be more readily accommodated
than would otherwise be possible. For example, volunteers and recruits can
more readily be assigned to waiting-list control conditions than individuals
urgently seeking treatment.
The primary concern is that individuals recruited for treatment research dif-
fer from those seen in clinical work. These differences may influence the ex-
tent to which the results of treatment in research apply to clinically referred
cases. Many differences between recruited and clinically referred cases would
be relevant to this concern. Foremost, children recruited for and included in re-
search tend to be less disturbed than children referred for treatment. The "less
disturbed" characterization is likely to be manifest in at least three ways: sever-
ity of the problem to be treated, chronicity of the problem, and presence of co-
morbid disorders. Obviously, conclusions from therapy research apply to cases
included in the study; if they are less disturbed than patients usually seen in clin-
ical work, the generality of the results can be challenged.
Child dysfunction (severity, chronicity, scope) is likely to be correlated with
other areas of a child's functioning, including peer relations, school function-
ing, participation in prosocial activities (e.g., after-school group activities,
lessons of some kind), and overall impairment. Thus, clinically referred youths,
as compared to those recruited for treatment, may suffer greater dysfunction in
areas other than their referral problems. These characteristics can influence
long-term prognosis; children with more positive attributes and competencies
in these other domains are likely to do better over time. In short, one might ex-
pect less severely disturbed children with greater competence and prosocial at-
tributes in other domains to do much better in therapy than their more severely

disturbed counterparts in clinical work. Hence, the conclusions obtained in

research could be more promising and favorable than if obtained in clinical
Often recruited children are screened (e.g., on a parent checklist) to ensure
that they meet a criterion (e.g., >1 SD above the mean of nonreferred cases)
that attests to the severity of their clinical problem. Assume for a moment that
recruited cases are just as severely disturbed as those seen in clinical practice.
It is still likely that recruited and clinically referred cases differ in important
ways. Referral to clinical services is more likely to be related to impairment in
everyday life than to symptoms per se (Bird et al., 1990). Indeed, we have
learned from epidemiological studies of children, adolescents, and adults that
up to 20% have a diagnosable clinical disorder, but very few of those individ-
uals come to treatment. Individuals may come to treatment for a number of rea-
sons (access to resources, insurance coverage, cultural views that permit seek-
ing help outside of the family). However, one of the reasons is likely to be the
degree of impairment. The difference in degree of impairment between re-
cruited and referred children could influence the effects of treatment and the
generality of findings from research to clinical practice.
It is important not to oversimplify the distinction between recruited and clin-
ically referred cases. Variation is likely a matter of degree along multiple di-
mensions. For example, one might "recruit" children whose obesity or "tics" are
extreme; hence, there is no question about the extent of their problem and the
impairment with which it is associated. Also, clinically referred cases are not in-
variably severely disturbed or impaired. For example, at the clinic where I work,
occasionally the children—all clinically referred—are functioning well in all or
most domains, but the parents have odd expectations about child functioning.
The behavior that parents interpret as problematic (e.g., mild noncompliance,
separation fears, shyness) may fall well within the normative range. In short, not
all clinically referred children warrant treatment or warrant treatment more than
their counterparts who have been recruited and carefully screened for research.
These considerations notwithstanding, children treated in research are often
much less severely disturbed and impaired and more competent in several do-
mains (e.g., school, peer relations). At first, in reading a research article, it may
be difficult to discern that the children are different from those seen in practice.
For example, the title, abstract, and discussion of the research article may call
the children anxious, noncompliant, hyperactive, or socially withdrawn. The
method section of the article may reveal that the inclusion criteria were rather
lenient or that the cases were specially recruited for the project. This qualifica-
tion does not necessarily mean that the results would not apply to clinically re-
ferred cases, but it raises the issue. The findings from such studies might not
apply to children with clinically severe versions of similar problems.

Parents, Families, and Contexts

Child dysfunction is likely to be correlated with parent dysfunction and char-
acteristics of the situations in which children live, although these can vary by

clinical problem areas. Consequently, recruiting mildly problematic cases for

treatment research also will likely result in a sample of families who are less
seriously impaired and who live in environments with fewer untoward influ-
ences on child dysfunction. For example, anxiety, mood, and conduct disorders
tend to run in families (see Hammen, 1991; Klein & Last, 1989; Stoff, Breiling,
& Maser, 1997). Parents of children referred for treatment with one of these dis-
orders often experience the same disorders themselves, moreso than parents of
nonreferred children.
If parents of clinically referred samples have higher rates of disorders than
parents of nonreferred children with milder forms of the problem (e.g., anxi-
ety), there may be a stronger family transmission of the disorder in clinically
referred cases. That is, more factors that contribute to the problem could reside
in such families, and that could well make the problem more enduring for the
children. Stated another way, referred children might be more difficult cases be-
cause of the strong set of influences (biological, socioenvironmental, or some
combination) in which their dysfunction is embedded.
No less significant is the role of greater parent impairment on treatment im-
plementation. In clinical work, parents are usually involved in the treatment of
their children and adolescents; they participate in the sessions and carry out
therapeutic strategies at home. If parents of clinically referred subjects experi-
ence clinical dysfunction or impairment, implementation of and adherence to
the treatment may suffer. The benefits of treatment could be commensurately
Apart from parent psychopathology, deleterious family and contextual in-
fluences (e.g., socioeconomic disadvantage, parent stress, low level of social
support) are also likely to be greater among clinically referred children than
children recruited for research, at least for some clinical problems. In fact, un-
toward parent, family, and contextual factors could impair parent adherence to
treatment and influence treatment outcome. In general, investigating treatment
effects with less severely disturbed children, children with fewer comorbid dis-
orders, and families with less psychopathology could lead to results quite dif-
ferent from those obtained with clinic samples.
Are we just worrying about academic issues? I do not think so. The effec-
tiveness of treatment, at least for externalizing disorders, varies as a function of
severity and scope of child disorders, parent psychopathology and stress, and
socioeconomic disadvantage (Dadds & McHugh, 1992; Kazdin, 1995a; Kazdin
& Wassell, 1999; Webster-Stratton & Hammond, 1990). Children and families
affected more severely in these domains show less change over the course of
treatment. Since children and adolescents seen in most treatment research pre-
sent with less severe problems than those seen in clinical practice, the results
of treatment research may be much more positive or favorable.
The nature of the concern should be clarified here. The children and adoles-
cents seen in treatment typically show some problem, as defined by a recruit-
ing and screening criteria of the investigator. For example, the children may be
in the top third of their peer cohort for a particular characteristic (e.g., anxiety,

depression, hyperactivity) based on one or more measures (e.g., parent- and

teacher-completed rating scales). Even though the children may be less im-
paired in several domains than clinic samples, they still should be treated.
Improving the lives of children is important in its own right, whether they are
clinically referred or not. Moreover, children whose deviance is not severe
enough to meet diagnostic criteria may still have impairment and poor long-
term prognoses. The cutoff for diagnostic criteria is rather arbitrary. Under-
standing how to reduce misery is an important goal, and any implication that
the misery of nonreferred cases is of lesser significance is difficult to defend.
At the same time, even if we are concerned about developing treatments for
clinically referred cases, the bulk of contemporary research does not speak to
this population.
To avoid perpetuating a uniformity myth, it is also important to state that not
all clinical problems are alike in relation to concerns presented here. Recruited
cases are not automatically easier to treat and less impaired than nonrecruited
cases. For example, recruiting children or adolescents who meet diagnostic cri-
teria (e.g., for autism, major depression, or substance abuse) blurs, if not elim-
inates, the distinction between recruited and clinically referred cases. Children
and adolescents can be recruited because they show clinical dysfunction and
impairment. That said, the fact is that the majority of research is with recruited
cases, in which child, parent, family, and contextual dysfunction may be rela-
tively mild. Conclusions about the efficacy of treatment must be appropriately


Types of Treatment
Conclusions about the effects of psychotherapy depend on those techniques
studied and methods of study. As mentioned before, of the hundreds of tech-
niques, only a small subset has been subject to investigation. Also, studies
focus unevenly on the different types of treatment. Approximately half of
outcome research for children and adolescents focuses on behavioral or cogni-
tive-behavioral techniques (Durlak et al., 1995; Kazdin, Bass, et al., 1990).
Many approaches commonly practiced in clinical work (psychodynamic ther-
apy, relationship-based treatment, family therapy) have very little empirically
supportive literatures (e.g., Barrnett, Docherty, & Frommelt, 1991; Shadish et
al., 1993). Clearly, when we say to ourselves, other professionals, and to the
media that "psychotherapy works" and cite comprehensive reviews (e.g., meta-
analyses) as proof, it might be reasonable to state boldly (or at least to whisper)
two qualifiers: "But relatively few treatments have been studied, and the tech-
niques most commonly used in clinical practice are not the ones I am talking
about." Of course, clinical practice ought to use the techniques shown to be ef-
fective in research, and research ought to focus on treatments used in clinical
The type of treatment evaluated in research can be distinguished in another

way. With few exceptions, research focuses on relatively "pure" (single type or
modality) treatments. The investigator usually is interested in evaluating a par-
ticular type of treatment as applied to a relatively circumscribed problem. On
the one hand, it is unfair to criticize research for isolating variables and focus-
ing on narrowly defined interventions. This is what research does: answer fo-
cused questions and identify the basis of change. At the same time, methods of
testing treatments in research depart considerably from methods of administra-
tion in practice. In clinical practice, therapists commonly mix and combine sev-
eral different treatments; eclectic and combined treatments are the rule rather
than the exception, whereas the reverse is true for clinical research. Thus,
whether a particular treatment examined in research, when extended to clinical
practice and combined with other interventions, will have an effect is in ques-
tion. In general, we have little idea about the effects of treatments administered
in clinical practice and little idea about whether the results we obtain in research
apply to clinical practice. (Other than these problems, things are great!)

Characteristics of Administration
How treatment is administered in research is different from how it is adminis-
tered in practice in ways that could readily influence outcome. In research, treat-
ment is relatively brief (e.g., average of 8 -10 sessions) and is administered in
group format, which is convenient because many studies are conducted in
school settings where children are recruited for participation. In clinical prac-
tice, treatment tends to be much longer and to be administered individually in
clinics. One can only surmise what these differences between research and
practice mean for generality of findings. Conceivably, the "same" treatment
(e.g., cognitive-behavior therapy) administered in a group format in schools
rather than administered in clinical settings might have quite different effects,
all else (e.g., child's severity of dysfunction) being equal. Of course, we have
discussed how all else is not equal. The inclusion of children and adolescents
whose clinical problems may be relatively mild, as in many studies, may make
brief group treatment effective. Such treatment might not be feasible or viable
in clinical settings.
Treatments administered in research are often carefully described in treat-
ment manuals. Manuals refer to written guidelines that delineate the nature of
treatment and the method of administration. These guidelines can vary in de-
gree of specificity. For example, a treatment manual may outline the general
principles that guide the sessions; specify the themes, topics, skills, and tasks
to be covered; and specify mini-speeches or key aspects of what the therapist
says during each session.1 The use of treatment manuals has several purposes.
Manuals document the therapy itself and serve as the basis for training thera-
pists, monitoring therapists' adherence to the treatment, and evaluating whether
the treatment was administered as intended. Also, the manuals provide a way
of specifying treatment to others, including researchers and clinicians who may
wish to replicate the treatment or to understand what really was done in the ses-
sion. Without a treatment manual, one really does not know what was done in

treatment and whether a particular treatment (e.g., psychodynamic therapy) re-

sembles another given the same name.
Being able to refer to a treatment manual to identify actual events in the ses-
sions can be very important. For example, several years ago behavioral marital
therapy and insight-oriented psychotherapy were compared in a study for the
treatment of marital discord (Snyder, Wills, & Grady-Fletcher, 1991; Snyder &
Wills, 1989). Immediately after treatment and later at a 6-month follow-up,
both interventions had equally improved marital adjustment; at a 4-year follow-
up the divorce rate was higher for the behavioral treatment. Examination of the
treatment manuals after the study was completed suggested that the insight-
oriented treatment really resembled a behavioral treatment (Jacobson, 1991).
Having access to treatment manuals permitted one to move beyond general la-
bels (treatment names). This analysis greatly altered interpretation of the study;
findings of no difference in results at different points and of the inferiority of
one treatment at a later follow-up period revealed variations of a particular tech-
nique rather than conceptually different techniques.
The use of treatment manuals is controversial in part because of the view
that they may make treatment too rigid, limit clinical decision-making, or im-
pose a structure that interferes with therapeutic rapport (see Addis, 1997;
Gagnon & Gaston, 1996; Wilson, 1998). But manuals vary in structure and they
are not necessarily rigid prescriptions of treatment. Moreover, one can build
flexibility into treatment manuals, including options for special treatment ses-
sions to handle unique situations and crises. It is useful to consider the treat-
ment manual as a road map that specifies the main roads leading to a destina-
tion. Detours along the way are those many conditions and circumstances that
will require the therapist to depart from the main path. This does not gainsay
the advantage of the map, nor does it make the detours new trips with new des-
tinations. The careful specification of treatment is important, and manuals rep-
resent a significant advance. At the same time, well-specified and manualized
treatments are not the same as treatments used in clinical practice.
Research usually includes supervision of the therapists during the study to
ensure adherence to the manual. Supervision may take many forms, but typi-
cally one or more of the following are used: (1) observing the treatment ses-
sions (e.g., live through a one-way mirror or via audiotaping or videotaping);
(2) reviewing the sessions with the therapists; (3) discussing cases in treatment
on a regular (e.g., weekly) basis to identify any problems in administering
treatment; (4) repeatedly practicing or conducting retraining sessions with ther-
apists during the study; and (5) having therapists complete checklists or forms
about what they did during the session to prompt adherence to the procedures.
Such rigorous specification of treatment and oversight of its execution are not
at all like clinical work. One would expect that well-specified and closely mon-
itored treatment would lead to greater therapist adherence. Indeed, therapist ad-
herence to the prescribed treatment can increase effectiveness (e.g., Dobson &
Shaw, 1988; Henggeler et al., 1997). It is difficult to discuss "adherence to treat-
ment" in the context of clinical work because treatments are often not well spec-

ified and cannot be evaluated easily or meaningfully. In other words, when there
is no map or only a vague course, it is difficult to tell if one is lost. The key point
here is that the findings from therapy research may have little or unclear rela-
tion to the effects achieved in clinical practice.
Therapeutic Agent
In administering therapy to adults, usually a therapist delivers treatment on a
one-to-one basis. In the context of child and adolescent therapy, there also is
likely to be a therapist. In addition, parents, teachers, siblings, and peers alone
and in various combinations can play primary, complementary, ancillary, and
supportive roles in administering treatment. Consequently, the term therapeu-
tic agent is used here to encompass the range of persons who may be involved
in the delivery of treatment.
In the context of adult therapy, therapists themselves have been studied as
an influence on treatment outcome (see Beutler, Machado, & Neufeldt, 1994).
As might be expected, some therapists are more effective than others, even
when all of the therapists compared are administering the same treatments.
Moreover, some therapists are consistently effective and more effective than
others even when they administer different treatments (see Beutler, 1997;
Luborsky et al., 1997). Clearly, the therapist can contribute to treatment out-
come, even though not invariably or across all treatments and clinical problems.
The therapist, as a source of influence, represents many specific variables
that can be identified and investigated. Among them are individual characteris-
tics of the therapist (age, gender, training, experience, personality style) and
characteristics in relation to those of the client (e.g., match or similarity in eth-
nicity, personality). As an example, in adult therapy, the relationship between
the client and therapist, including alliance, bonding, and quality of the rela-
tionship, influences therapeutic change (Orlinsky, Grawe, & Parks, 1994).
Better treatment outcomes result from therapy in which the quality of the rela-
tionship is better.
The therapist has been accorded very little attention in child and adolescent
therapy research, even in cases where treatment is characterized by the tradi-
tional model of adult therapy, as in a therapist meeting individually with a child
or adolescent. Attention to characteristics of other therapeutic agents and their
role in treatment outcome may be important too. For example, if most therapy
with children and adolescents involves a parent in the sessions, relationship is-
sues involving the parents may play a role in treatment. Indeed, the quality of
the relationship of the parent to the therapist can influence the child's treat-
ment outcome. Children whose parents have a better relationship and alliance
with the therapist do better in treatment than those who do not, when such po-
tential confounds as severity of child impairment and parent psychopathology
are controlled (Kazdin & Wassell, 1998, 1999). Clearly the role of the thera-
pist or treatment agent and the relationship of the therapist and client warrant
attention. The paucity of such work represents a major deficiency in current


Characteristics of assessment warrant mention here because they introduce im-
portant qualifiers to the conclusion that therapy works and is more effective
than no treatment.
Limited Outcome Focus
The impetus for seeking treatment usually is evidence of various symptoms or
maladaptive, disturbing, or disruptive behaviors. Naturally, the effects of treat-
ment are measured by how much the problems identified at the outset of treat-
ment have diminished when treatment is completed. The reduction of symp-
toms is obviously central to the evaluation of outcome.
The effects of treatment are likely to be broad. More important, the prob-
lems the individual brings to treatment are likely to involve many domains other
than just symptoms. For example, for a child who is clinically depressed or anx-
ious or has a conduct problem, functioning in many domains (adult and peer re-
lations, school performance, participation in activities, self-esteem) is likely to
be problematic as well. In addition to symptom reduction, assessing these other
domains is important. Conclusions reached about the effects of treatment on
symptoms may differ from those that would be reached if a wider range of func-
tioning domains was evaluated.
In the next chapter, I provide assessment recommendations to guide future
research. Consider here, as a preview, the implications of a limited outcome fo-
cus. One domain relevant for diverse clinical problems among children and
adolescents is prosocial functioning, which refers to positive adaptive behav-
iors and experiences, such as participation in social activities, social interac-
tion, and making friends. With children and adolescents, adjustment depends
heavily on positive adaptive behaviors or skills, given the significance of the
peer group and prosocial experiences outside the home. Reducing symptoms
no doubt can improve a person's functioning. Yet the overlap of symptom re-
duction and positive prosocial functioning is not large. For example, among
clinically referred children, the initial level of symptom severity and the initial
level of prosocial functioning as well as changes in each domain over the course
of treatment are modest (r = —.2 to —.3; Kazdin, 1993a). (The minus sign re-
flects the expected inverse relation between symptoms and prosocial function-
ing—the greater the symptoms, the lower the prosocial functioning.)
Prosocial functioning as an important assessment domain is raised here
merely to illustrate that a range of outcomes is relevant to evaluating therapy.
Conclusions about a given treatment may differ according to the outcome do-
main. For example, two treatments can be equally effective in reducing child
symptoms but differ greatly on measures of other constructs (e.g., family func-
tioning) (Szapocznik et al., 1989). Conclusions about treatment based on symp-
tom reduction alone give an incomplete picture of the benefits of treatment.
The argument can be extended to the effects of treatment across settings.
Presumably, treatment effects can vary depending on the settings in which child
performance is evaluated. Usually, the two most relevant settings are home and

school. Measures of performance in these domains are not highly related, and
conclusions about treatment might vary depending on which setting is used as
the basis to evaluate treatment. For example, two treatments can be equally ef-
fective on measures of child functioning at home but differ on measures of child
functioning at school (e.g., Kazdin et al., 1989). When we conclude that treat-
ment is effective, or more effective than another condition, we may gloss over
differences in functioning of children and adolescents across settings.
In passing, it is worth noting that meta-analytic reviews of child and ado-
lescent therapy research often combine all measures of a given study into a sin-
gle index. This solution skirts the problems noted here but creates other prob-
lems because not all measures are equally relevant or important. Summing
multiple measures that may not be very well correlated is not really meaning-
ful; the outcome tells us very little. Can you imagine having a blood test that
evaluates several cell concentrations, enzymes, and biochemical agents, only
to have the results provided as a single metric derived from all specific mea-
sures? Me neither. Summary measures that collapse across several different
types of raters, domains of functioning, and performance in different settings
have no clear meaning in terms of patient care, although they might be useful
as abstractions for research purposes.

Clinical Significance and Impact of Treatment

Changes in symptoms are important, and the previous comments ought not to
imply otherwise. Let us continue with symptom reduction as a legitimate and
primary focus of treatment outcome and ask this question: Do therapy studies
have impact on symptoms of the children and adolescents who are treated?
Typically, conclusions about the effects of treatment or relative effectiveness of
various treatments are based on statistical evaluation of treatment outcome.
Occasionally within a study, measures of the magnitude of effects such as ef-
fect size are also reported as a supplement to statistical significance. It is im-
portant to show statistically that treated individuals change over the course of
treatment and that groups (e.g., treatment versus control groups) differ. Yet no
less crucial is evidence that the treatment provided some clear practical bene-
fit to the child, adolescent, or family.2
Clinical significance refers to the practical value or importance of the effect
of an intervention, that is, whether it makes any real difference in everyday life.
Obviously, some index showing that treatment makes a difference is very im-
portant. As a illustration, years of research on interventions for obesity have
shown that obese individuals, when treated with behavior modification strate-
gies, show significantly greater reductions in weight than those who receive no
treatment (see Blanchard, 1994; Brownell & Wadden, 1992). Follow-up data,
a few years later, show that many of the gains are lost and reductions are a mat-
ter of relatively few pounds. It is unclear whether treatment leads to genuine
health benefits over the long term. Obesity provides a relatively clear example
because the health risks and benefits for different magnitudes of change are bet-
ter studied and follow-up data are available. Assuming treatment has led to

changes, do the changes make a difference to the persons who have been treated
in any way that goes beyond changes on questionnaires, interviews, and mea-
sures of behavior in circumscribed laboratory situations?
Clinical significance is operationalized in many different ways (see Kazdin,
1998b). Table 7.1 highlights five of the most commonly used ways of evaluat-
ing treatment outcome. These methods are applied in addition to the usual meth-

Tabte 7.1
Commonly Used Methods to Evaluate the Clinical
Significance of Therapeutic Change
Comparison with Normative Demonstration that at the end of treatment the scores
Samples of treated cases fall within the range of behavior (on
a symptom measure) that is normative (characteristic
of people not referred for treatment and functioning
well in everyday life).
Comparison with Pretreatment Demonstration that the score for an individual at the
Scores end of treatment has departed substantially from his
or her score at the beginning of treatment (e.g., 2 SDs
based on the distribution of scores). A change this
large suggests that the distribution of pretreatment
scores of clinically referred individuals no longer
well represents the individual's performance.
Psychiatric Diagnostic Criteria Demonstrating that the individuals no longer meet
diagnostic criteria for the disorder/problem for
which they were referred to treatment. For example,
children may have met criteria for major depression
at pretreatment; after receiving treatment they no
longer meet these criteria and hence would not be
regarded as having the disorder.
Subjective Evaluation Evidence that others in everyday life who interact
of Impact with the individual or the individual himself or
herself subjectively see a change that makes a clear
difference in everyday life. Ratings are provided to
assess if one can see a difference in or impact on
critical or everyday areas of functioning (e.g.,
interacting at home, engaging in activities in the
Social Impact Measures Demonstration that therapy has affected measures of
functioning in everyday life that are important to
society at large and to consumers of treatment.
Decreases in rates of arrest, truancy, hospitalization,
and use of and need for other treatments in the future
and increases in grades and school attendance are
A more detailed discussion of the assessment of clinical significance, including the range of mea-
sures, their strengths and limitations, is provided in other sources (Kazdin, 1998b; Kendall, 1999).

ods, such as showing pre- to posttreatment changes or statistically significant

treatment and control group differences. Thus, measures of clinical significance
complement these other methods of evaluating symptom changes.
Most studies do not evaluate clinical significance (Kazdin, Bass, et al.,
1990). When clinical significance is assessed, the most frequently used mea-
sure is the extent to which treated patients are returned to normative levels of
functioning. As noted in table 7.1, to invoke this criterion, a comparison is made
between treated patients and peers (e.g., same age, gender) who are function-
ing well or without problems in everyday life. Prior to treatment, the patient
sample presumably would depart considerably from their well-functioning
peers in the area identified for treatment (e.g., anxiety, social withdrawal, ag-
gression). After treatment, presumably on that measure the treated individuals
would be indistinguishable from, or within the range of, this peer group.
Evidence that a clinically significant change has been made can be ambigu-
ous (Kazdin, 1999). For example, consider the use of normative data as a cri-
terion for clinical significance. There is very little solid evidence (validity data)
that individuals who return to normative levels of functioning on a symptom
measure are in fact doing better in everyday life (e.g., are viewed differently by
their peers, are less impaired) or are doing better than others who have not en-
tered into the normative range at posttreatment assessment.
The other measures of clinical significance can be challenged as well. For
example, at the end of treatment, a significant proportion of children may no
longer meet criteria for the psychiatric disorder that they evinced at the begin-
ning of treatment. However, one or two symptoms can determine whether di-
agnostic criteria are met, so a slight change can lead investigators to conclude
that a clinically significant change was made. Moreover, individuals who fall
below diagnostic criteria can have significant problems (Gotlib et al., 1995;
Offord et al., 1992). The criteria are rather arbitrary; meeting or not meeting
them is interesting but not necessarily a measure of impact on the life of the
child or adolescent.
Subjective evaluation as a criterion for clinical significance would seem to
be especially vulnerable to criticism. To state that a clinically significant change
occurred, we want something more solid than the opinions and views of the per-
son being treated or others with whom he or she interacts. Yet, in psychother-
apy research, there is long-standing recognition that evaluation of treatment ef-
fects entails many different perspectives, including those of the client, those in
contact with the client (e.g., parents, teachers, peers), mental health profes-
sionals, and society at large (e.g., Kazdin & Wilson, 1978a; Strupp & Hadley,
1977). Clinical significance invariably includes a frame of reference or per-
spective. It is quite appropriate for many treatment goals to ask, "Clinically sig-
nificant to whom?" It is likely that a treatment outcome would be significant to
some parties but not to others. Nevertheless, subjective evaluation is quite use-
ful; if the change achieved in therapy is important, this ought to be evident to
someone in contact with clients or the clients themselves.
Social impact measures may be particularly interesting to mention. These

measures often are more meaningful to the public and consumers of treatment
(e.g., clients, policy makers) than psychological measures, whose relation to
daily functioning is obscure at best. If treatment alters grades, school atten-
dance, use of drugs, incarceration, or suicide rates, there is obvious significance
to the outcomes. Unfortunately, for many problems brought to treatment (anx-
iety, depression, and adjustment disorder among children and adolescents),
there are no clear indices of social impact. Treatment can have enormous im-
pact on personal functioning without necessarily affecting a social impact mea-
sure. Measurement problems of social impact measures, such as unreliable
recording or changes in definitions over time show that such measures are far
from flawless (see Kazdin, 1998b).
I do not wish to quibble or to unwittingly discourage use of measures of
clinical significance. These measures are important, ought to be used, and war-
rant further development to ensure that they in fact reflect differences for per-
sons in treatment. Yet merely calling a measure or a criterion an index of clin-
ically significant change does not automatically make it so. Whether clinically
significant change, as researchers use that term, reflects an important change
in real life, or in the perceptions of those who received treatment, is not at all
Because of the few studies that evaluate clinical significance, we can draw
only limited conclusions about treatment research. When we say (from the re-
search reviews) that treatment has been shown to produce change, the effects
of treatment do not necessarily signal that children and adolescents have
changed in important ways or improved in their daily lives. We simply do not
have the relevant information to make the claim. This is not a minor limitation
of current research. Even empirically supported treatments may not clearly
make a difference that affects functioning in everyday life. Research must eval-
uate the impact of treatment on dimensions that make a difference in everyday

Timing of Outcome Assessment

Assessment immediately after treatment is referred to as posttreatment assess-
ment; any point beyond that, ranging from weeks to years, typically is referred
to as follow-up assessment. Follow-up raises an important issue for psychother-
apy outcome research: whether gains are maintained. Conclusions about the ef-
ficacy of a treatment or relative efficacy of different treatments may differ greatly
depending on when assessments are conducted. All sorts of combinations and
permutations have been found. Thus, sometimes treatments that are significantly
(statistically) different from each other or from controls at posttreatment are not
different at follow-up or vice versa; sometimes changes over the course of treat-
ment are small and nonsignificant but increase over time or vice versa (e.g.,
Heinicke & Ramsey-Klee, 1986; Kolvin et al., 1981; Meyers, Graves, Whelan,
& Barclay, 1996; Newman, Kenardy, Herman, & Taylor, 1997). Clearly, the con-
clusions about the effects of a given treatment relative to a control condition or
another treatment may vary at posttreatment and follow-up.

Not all studies, or necessarily most studies, find that the pattern of results
and conclusions about a given treatment relative to another treatment or con-
trol condition vary from posttreatment to follow-up assessment. The problem
is that the majority of outcome studies do not report follow-up; among those
that do, the duration of follow-up is a matter of months, perhaps 5 to 7 (Durlak
et al., 1995; Kazdin, Bass, et al., 1990). Conclusions reached about the effects
of treatment pertain mostly to effects obtained immediately after treatment is
completed. Reviews have suggested that the gains are maintained at follow-up
for those studies in which data are available (Nicholson & Berman, 1983; Weisz
et al., 1997). However, the paucity of studies and the loss of participants dur-
ing the posttreatment to follow-up interval weaken the strength of the assertion
that effects are maintained. Also, we have seen that even among exemplary
studies (chapter 6), follow-up assessment often omits evaluation of any control
sample. Thus, the putative gains that are "maintained" at follow-up may not be
different from the changes made over time among nontreated cases. That is,
over time, nontreated control patients may "catch up" to the treated patients in
level of functioning.
The possible dependence of conclusions on the timing of follow-up assess-
ment has multiple implications. To begin, it is important to determine whether
therapeutic changes are maintained and whether they surpass those that might
normally accrue over time, even without treatment. More than that, it is im-
portant to identify the function, curve, or course of change on the outcome mea-
sures associated with different techniques. If a few assessment points were ob-
tained during follow-up, the function might be extrapolated to infer whether
and how change continues. In any case, when we refer to the effects of treat-
ment, it is useful to bear in mind that these are generally short-term effects, al-
though there are important exceptions with extended follow-up (e.g., Henggeler
et al., 1998; McEachin et al., 1993).


Therapy research is narrow and restricted in many ways. The limited focus is
evident in the narrow set of clinical problems, treatment techniques, and out-
come measures on which research draws. Arguably the most significant way in
which research is restricted is in the questions that guide current research. As
an illustration, table 7.2 is based on a review of child and adolescent therapy
research. The review included an evaluation of the specific questions that
guided each study. From the table, one can see that the bulk of the research has
focused on evaluating some facet of the treatment technique (first four cate-
gories). Scant attention is accorded evaluation of nontechnique variables (e.g.,
child moderators). The oft-cited question of what types of therapy work, with
whom, under what conditions draws attention to a variety of conditions other
than treatment technique that might moderate change. Scrutiny of the studies
suggests that the focus of research remains narrow—key questions continue to
be neglected. Two areas, the focus on moderators and mechanisms of change,
illustrate this neglect and its implications.

Table 7.2 Types of Research Questions and Comparisons That Serve as the
FOCUS of Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy Research
Compare treatment vs. no treatment 51.6
Compare treatment vs. active control 39.5
Examine characteristics of treatment 38.6
Compare 2 or more treatments 60.1
Examine treatment processes in relation to outcome 2.7
Examine child/adolescent characteristics 9.0
Examine parent or family characteristics 2.2
Examine therapist characteristics 2.7
Examine characteristics of dysfunction 0.0
Match child/adolescent characteristics and treatment 0.4
Match family characteristics to treatment 0.0
A study could be classified as having more than one research focus, depending on range of hypo-
theses/predictions and comparisons included in the design. Consequently, the percentage can
exceed 100 percent (see Kazdin, Bass, et al., 1990).

Research on Treatment Moderators

Most child and adolescent therapy studies are designed to evaluate one treat-
ment versus a control condition or to compare two treatments. This type of re-
search is obviously important, but, by itself, unwittingly contributes to the uni-
formity myths. One could look for broad treatment differences but also predict
which conditions will influence treatment outcome and of course analyze the
data to test these predictions. There is very little research on moderators of treat-
ment, that is, the conditions on which the effects of treatment depend.
CHILD /ADOLESCENT CHARACTERISTICS. Many characteristics of the child
are likely to influence treatment outcome. Severity, chronicity, and scope of
dysfunction are obvious contenders. One might expect that treatment would be
less effective depending on how severe, chronic, and pervasive the problem is.
Other characteristics, such as child gender, ethnicity, and age may be interest-
ing as well, insofar as they influence onset of clinical dysfunction. For exam-
ple, several risk factors (e.g., early signs of aggression, separation from a par-
ent early in life, parental child-rearing practices) contribute differently to
aggressive behavior for boys and girls. Some factors predict onset for boys but
not for girls and vice versa; others predict for both but vary in the strength of
that contribution (Stoff et al., 1997). Of course, gender differences in the fac-
tors leading to some dysfunctions do not necessarily predict gender differences
in response to treatment. Yet therapeutically planned influences may vary in
their impact as well.
Ethnic, cultural, and racial identity also are likely to affect treatment.
Ethnicity and race, for example, influence when and how children are identi-
fied for treatment, patterns of risk and protective factors, characteristic symp-
toms, age of onset, and course of symptoms (Gaw, 1993; Tharp, 1991). As one
type of dysfunction, consider substance use and abuse among children and ado-

lescents. The substances used, family rules and monitoring of children in rela-
tion to substance use, and the number and type of risk factors that predict on-
set of substance use differ according to ethnic status (e.g., Catalano et al., 1993;
Maddahian, Newcomb, & Rentier, 1988). With differences in the factors that
contribute to the emergence and maintenance of dysfunction, it may be rea-
sonable to expect variation in responsiveness to treatment.
Gender, ethnicity, age, and developmental stage are samples of individual
difference variables likely to moderate the effects of treatment. Obviously,
these are not the only promising leads. Moreover, these variables are merely
summary terms for a broad array of other influences and require further evalu-
ation to pinpoint the basis of their influence. The task of research is not merely
to identify or "toss into" the design one or two child characteristics. Theory and
conceptualization of child characteristics and how they might relate to treat-
ment are critically important; more will be said about this later. Yet the general
point is worth underscoring: understanding treatment effects will require eval-
uation of children's and adolescent's characteristics that interact (subject X
treatment effects) with the intervention to produce therapeutic change.


of the child and adolescents are often associated with parental, family, and con-
textual influences. As mentioned previously, many of these influences affect on-
set and long-term prognosis. The socioenvironmental influences to which the
child is exposed prior to, during, and no doubt after treatment likely influence
treatment effects. A familiar example regarding the importance of context on
treatment outcome derives from the treatment of schizophrenia in adults.
Treated patients who return to families with high expressed emotion (i.e., are
highly critical, hostile, overly involved) are much more likely to relapse (show
a return of symptoms and be hospitalized) than those patients who return to
families with low expressed emotion (Falloon, 1988; Tamer & Barrowclough,
1990). Treatment that focuses on the symptoms of schizophrenia alone is not
as effective as treatment that also attempts to alter family interaction patterns.
This excellent example focuses on a moderator variable (expressed emotion)
that influences treatment outcome and shows that treatment effects can be im-
proved by directly altering family characteristics.
In formulations of child dysfunction, there is increased recognition that mul-
tiple factors may increase the likelihood of occurrence of the dysfunction (risk
factors) and attenuate the impact of such factors (protective factors) (Robins &
Rutter, 1990; Rutter & Casaer, 1991). Parent psychopathology, family conflict,
and socioeconomic disadvantage are factors mentioned earlier as related to se-
lected disorders. These factors may operate differently according to the disor-
der. Parent dysfunction and these other factors may play a central role in main-
taining a child's impairment or raising obstacles in the administration and
delivery of treatment. Moreover, the influence of parent functioning on treat-
ment outcome may vary for different types of treatment (e.g., family therapy
versus individual child therapy). In child and adolescent therapy research, these

parent influences are rarely assessed as potential moderators. With a wide range
of moderators and treatments, theory becomes important as a guide to unravel
these possibilities.
Family functioning, including interaction patterns, personal relationships,
and system issues, are likely relevant to child treatment as well. For example,
marital discord and interpersonal conflict influence child adjustment (Grych &
Fincham, 1990). Treatment outcomes for children with similar clinical dys-
function might differ as a function of conflict in the home at the time treatment
is provided. Such rudimentary tests of moderators that I raise in this example
are rare in child therapy research. They would be remarkable additions.
A goal of treatment is to match cases and interventions. That means that the
decision on treatment is based on knowledge of the problem as well as other
pertinent aspects of the case (moderators). Toward this end, we need to iden-
tify sources of variance that contribute to treatment outcome and that interact
with (moderate) the effects of treatment. In clinical work, the influence of
parental and family factors on treatment is often conspicuous. For example,
treatment administration and outcome may be influenced by whether parents
are taking psychoactive medication, undergoing their own treatment, or expe-
riencing multiple sources of stress. Some of these factors influence whether
children drop out of treatment and the extent to which those who remain in treat-
ment improve (Kazdin, Mazurick, & Bass, 1993; Kazdin & Wassell, 1999). The
task is to measure parent and family factors in relation to treatment outcome. If
these are neglected in treatment, the outcomes are likely to appear highly vari-
able or diluted. Psychotherapy trials rarely assess factors that may influence on-
set or course of problems, address these factors during treatment, or analyze
their impact as moderators of therapeutic change.

TREATMENT CHARACTERISTICS. Even if one is interested only in treatment—

rather than in child, parent, family or therapist influences on treatment—there
is still a career's worth of moderators available for investigation. For example,
parameters of treatment (i.e., those characteristics or dimensions of the inter-
vention that can be systematically varied) can influence treatment outcome.
Dose or amount of treatment (number or duration of sessions), concentration of
treatment (number of sessions within a time period, such as one vs. three ses-
sions/week), and duration of treatment (how many weeks, months) are all rea-
sonable moderators of treatment outcome. Yet they have not been carefully
studied in child and adolescent therapy. Actually, a few studies have systemat-
ically varied the amount of treatment (Heinicke & Ramsey-Klee, 1986; Lovaas,
1987; Smyrnios & Kirkby, 1993), but too few studies within a problem area or
treatment approach are available to permit conclusions.
Two related lacunae in research can be identified. First, in general a narrow
range of treatment intensities and durations has been sampled. Most studies re-
main within a fairly narrow range in which children receive brief, time-limited
treatment (1 hour sessions per week for 8-10 weeks) (Casey & Berman, 1985;
Weisz et al., 1987). The rationale for this regimen does not seem to be deter-

mined by evidence of clinically significant or durable changes, for most stud-

ies do not assess clinical significance or conduct follow-up assessment (Kazdin,
Bass, et al., 1990). Also, most studies using relatively brief treatments were
completed before any pressures to do so arose because of managed care. Given
the long-term course of many clinical dysfunctions referred for treatment (e.g.,
conduct disorder, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder), one might be skep-
tical of weekly (and weakly) treatments.
Second, individual studies rarely test parametric variations of treatment with
longer versus shorter or more versus less intensive treatments. The paucity of
direct tests of parametric variations of treatment means we know very little
about treatment factors that influence outcome. From the standpoint of identi-
fying and developing effective treatments, amount, concentration, and duration
of treatment warrant much more empirical attention. Perhaps a first step to im-
prove research would be to specify the rationale for a particular intensity or dose
selected in a study. The rationale would reveal assumptions about treatment ef-
fects that could be subsequently tested.

GENERAL COMMENTS. Characteristics that may moderate treatment effects

have been sorely neglected. Characteristics of children, parents, families, con-
texts, and treatments were mentioned here to show classes of moderators likely
to influence outcome. The specific factors and their relation to outcome may
vary by type of disorder and treatment. For example, one would not want to say
that parent stress and dysfunction influence the effectiveness of all treatments
applied to children. Parent stress and dysfunction are associated with some
child problems moreso than others. Also, some treatments make extensive de-
mands on parents and others do not. For those treatments that do, parent stress
and dysfunction may have greater impact on treatment effectiveness. Research
that evaluates moderators requires more thought than the usual comparison of
two or more treatments. The reward is deeper understanding of how and for
whom treatment works.

Research Processes and Mechanisms

The question of how or why therapy works has seemed to be of little interest to
researchers. Table 1.2 demonstrates the scant attention to processes (e.g.,
changes in cognitions, relationship factors between the therapeutic agent and
child) involved in therapy that account for or contribute to therapeutic change.
Over time, understanding how treatments work will provide the greatest bene-
fits. Research ought to answer these questions: (1) What processes or charac-
teristics within the child, parent, or family can be mobilized to foster therapeu-
tic change? (2) What events, processes, activities, and tasks in treatment can
foster therapeutic change? If we knew the bases of therapeutic change, we
might readily optimize the effectiveness of treatment. As researchers, we can-
not be faulted for our ignorance of the answers. Yet we probably can be faulted
for not pursuing the questions. What could be a higher priority for treatment re-
search than trying to understand how change occurs and can be optimized?

There are hundreds of available treatments but probably only a few common
bases or mechanisms of therapeutic change. Perhaps such key factors as re-
hearsal and practice (e.g., symbolic via language, imagery, or behavior), cathar-
sis (alleviation of the symptoms through expression and release), or the mobi-
lization of hope explain how all or most therapies work. In child and adolescent
psychotherapy research, it is easy to identify programs of research that focus
on various treatments or disorders (e.g., Hibbs & Jensen, 1996). Yet it is very
difficult to identify programs of research or indeed individual studies that fo-
cus on exploring the mechanisms of change.
Ideas for evaluating the basis of therapeutic change can come from all sorts
of sources (various learning models, information processing, or social cogni-
tion views). Over the history of psychotherapy, many ideas and mini-theories
have served as intellectual comets—they come around once in a while, the
same ones after lengthy intervals. We like to look at them, although so far none
has really had much impact on us. As we discuss future directions, the role ac-
corded conceptual models of therapy and tests of the bases for therapeutic
change will be elaborated.

Selected characteristics of therapy research were identified that have marked
implications for conclusions about the effectiveness of therapy and for direc-
tions in future research. Consider two interrelated implications of the issues dis-
cussed previously.

Generalizing from Research to Clinical Practice

The very special conditions of research, as discussed previously, may limit gen-
erality of the results to clinical practice. This concern is by no means new, but
still relevant. In contemporary discussions, efficacy and effectiveness research
are used to denote the differences between research settings/conditions and
clinical settings/conditions (Hoagwood, Hibbs, Brent, & Jensen, 1995). As
noted before, the well-controlled and analogue conditions of research and less
well-controlled and more "realistic" conditions of clinical practice are multidi-
mensional and vary on continua. For example, research does not focus only on
children with few or no problems or clinical work only on children who are very
impaired. The severity, chronicity, and scope of dysfunction represent a wide
range, and some research may well focus on samples exactly like those in clin-
ical practice. Similarly, other characteristics, such as how treatment is admin-
istered, what treatment is administered, and the degree of rigor in administra-
tion, vary by degree. We do not know precisely which dimensions influence the
effectiveness of treatment and whether the differences between research and
clinical practice invariably influence treatment outcome (Kazdin, 1998b).
Do the results from therapy in more well-controlled laboratory-based re-
search (efficacy studies) generalize to therapy in clinical settings (effectiveness
studies)? The jury is still out. One meta-analysis suggests that treatment effects
are stronger in controlled studies (Weisz et al., 1992), and another analysis sug-

gests that the effects are similar in both contexts (Shadish et al., 1997). One can
say only that the effectiveness of treatment in clinical practice is not at all clear,
not just because treatments used in practice are not the ones investigated in re-
search, although that, of course, is disturbing. The ways in which treatment is
studied are the key issue. Treatments in clinical work are rarely evaluated sys-
tematically. We shall return to that topic in a later chapter.

Understanding Why and How Therapy Works

I mentioned the lack of attention to the bases of therapeutic change. Many com-
plaints about therapy research focus on how research conditions depart from
clinical practice; hence, generality from the former to the latter is in question.
This is difficult to deny. Yet the main value of research is to test theory, propo-
sitions, and hypotheses to help understand the phenomenon of interest.
Methodological practices that characterize well-controlled research may limit
the generality of findings from research to clinical practice. Yet, rigorous
methodology and experimental control are assets in the context of efforts to iso-
late variables and test factors that could not be evaluated in other, more natu-
ralistic situations. Testing causal hypotheses about treatment and tinkering with
parameters of treatment or moderators (by matching clients to treatments) to
test such hypotheses would be the natural focus of research.
Conceptually driven therapy research to evaluate the mechanisms of change
can draw on many resources. Theories and research on child and adolescent de-
velopment and on the emergence of specific clinical dysfunctions provide rich
opportunities. (More will be said about conceptualization of dysfunction and
treatment in chapter 8.) Efforts to understand how therapy works may also draw
on moderators. Specific hypotheses about why treatment works can be tested
by predicting who will respond to treatment. For example, if cognitive therapy
really works because of changes in cognitions, one might test whether changes
in specific cognitive processes affect outcome.
Perhaps the greatest limitation of contemporary therapy research is the
paucity of studies that attempt to explain why and how treatment works.
Without such research, work is likely to hobble along. More techniques will be
developed, there will be pressures to add to the list of empirically supported
treatments, and more old techniques will be applied in new ways. If we knew
how therapies worked, we might be able to select more reliable treatments.
Research could explain the processes and how some treatments mobilized these
processes better than others. Even the most effective treatments might be im-
proved if we knew why they achieved their effects.


Prior reviews of the evidence have consistently concluded that treatment is
more effective than no treatment and that some treatments, in particular, are
supported by strong evidence (i.e., are empirically supported). This chapter ex-
amined characteristics of the therapy literature to place these conclusions in
perspective. Many characteristics of child and adolescent therapy could be scru-

tinized. Indeed, they have been in other sources (Durlak et al., 1995; Kazdin,
1995c; Weisz, Huey, & Weersing, 1998; Weisz & Weiss, 1993). The goal of the
chapter was to identify key features that might limit application of the findings
to clinical practice and to consider significant or outstanding islands (conti-
nents?) of ignorance.
Clearly, therapy research departs significantly from clinical practice. Char-
acteristics of children/adolescents, parents, families, and contexts included in
treatment research distinguish research and practice. Moreover, the types of
treatment and treatment delivery in research as a rule depart from their coun-
terparts in clinical practice. Departure from clinical practice by itself is not nec-
essarily important unless there is reason to suspect that one or more of the di-
mensions along which research and practice differ are related to treatment
outcome. We have many reasons to believe this, based on studies cited previ-
ously. Stated in the most stark and anxiety-provoking fashion, the findings ob-
tained in research may have little or no bearing on the effects of treatment in
clinical work.
Apart from departures from clinical practice, contemporary research focuses
on a limited range of questions about treatment and avoids the study of moder-
ators and mediators of treatment outcome. Merely expanding the same old re-
search paradigms to evaluate new therapies would continue uninspired and
fairly noninquisitive research. We ought to be more curious about why treat-
ment works, through what processes, and for whom and to pursue answers in a
conceptually informed or inspired fashion. This chapter provides piecemeal
hints about how to make research progress in the next decade. Chapter 8 pre-
sents a more systematic plan.


The readings below provide further evaluations about characteristics and limitations of
child and adolescent therapy research and the implications for drawing conclusions from
Durlak, J.A., Wells, A.M., Gotten, J.K., & Johnson, S. (1995). Analysis of selected
methodological issues in child psychotherapy research. Journal of Clinical Child
Psychology, 24, 141-148.
Kazdin, A.E. (1995). The scope of child and adolescent psychotherapy research: Limited
sampling of dysfunctions, treatments, and client characteristics. Journal of Clinical
Child Psychology, 24, 125-140.
Kazdin, A.E., Bass, D., Ayers, W.A., & Rodgers, A. (1990). The empirical and clinical
focus of child and adolescent psychotherapy research. Journal of Consulting and
Clinical Psychology, 58, 729-740.
Weisz, J.R., Weiss, B., & Donenberg, G.R. (1992). The lab versus the clinic: Effects of
child and adolescent psychotherapy. American Psychologist, 47, 1578-1585.

Improvins Therapy Research

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Chapter 8

Developing Effective Treatments:

A Model for Clinical Research

Steps to Develop Effective Treatments

Conceptualization of Dysfunction
Research on Processes Related to Dysfunction
Conceptualization of Treatment
Tests of Treatment Processes
Specification of Treatment
Tests of Treatment Outcome
Tests of Boundary Conditions and Moderators
Tests of Generalization and Applicability
General Comments
Expanding the Range of Questions Addressed in Research
Expanding Domains and Methods of Assessment
Range of Treatment Outcomes
Pre- and Postassessment versus Continuous Assessment
Evaluating Characteristics of Treatment
Disseminability of Treatment
Acceptability of Treatment
Expanding Models for Delivering Treatment
High-Strength Treatment
Amenability to Treatment
Broad-Based Treatment
Continued Treatment
Periodic Monitoring and Treatment
General Comments
Summary and Conclusions

CHAPTER 7 EXAMINED characteristics of child and adolescent therapy research

that limit the conclusions one can reach about the effects of treatment and that
reflect significant gaps in knowledge. The usual way to suggest improvements
in research is to underscore redressing prior limitations. In principle, progress
might be made in this way. However, pleas to overcome research limitations or


to engage in new ways of studying a phenomenon rarely achieve clear results

(see Amir & Sharon, 1991; Sedlmeier & Gigerenzer, 1989). Even if individual
studies redressed the limitations and gaps in knowledge, long-term progress
would not necessarily result.
The overriding issue for research on child and adolescent psychotherapy is
whether we are moving toward the broad goals or objectives of research, not
whether current studies are better than prior studies. Consider the task of re-
search on child and adolescent therapy more broadly. There are the key ques-
• What do we want to know about child and adolescent therapy? That is,
what are the goals of the research?
• What type of research is needed to obtain these goals?
• How can we evaluate that movement and determine whether we are mak-
ing progress toward the goal(s)?
The most significant limitation of child and adolescent psychotherapy research,
I believe, is not at the level of individual studies. Rather, it is the absence of an
overall vision or plan that provides a systematic way of achieving the goals of
This chapter proposes a model or plan to guide psychotherapy research and
to increase the likelihood of developing effective and clinically useful inter-
ventions. The central theses underlying the model are that (1) current therapy
research is not moving very well or rapidly toward developing effective treat-
ments for children and adolescents; (2) the ways in which studies are conducted
limit the progress we can make; and (3) an overall plan is needed to guide the
progression of research as well as the conduct of individual studies. For devel-
oping effective treatments, I propose a model, a general framework that en-
compasses the type of knowledge we need and the type of studies needed to ob-
tain that knowledge.


To develop effective treatments, we cannot merely study treatment effects.
There is a great deal we need to understand in order to make treatment effec-
tive and to ensure it is applied optimally. Knowledge is required along several
fronts. Table 8.1 highlights the scope of research needed to explain treatment.
Several steps are identified to evaluate different facets of treatment, how treat-
ment relates to what is known about the disorder or clinical problem domain,
and how and to whom treatment can be applied to achieve optimal gains. The
steps emphasize theoretical development of treatment, so that there is some
connection to processes that can be investigated and established in their own
right. But steps and a progression of research do not necessarily entail a fixed
sequence of studies. Rather, the steps refer to the areas that ought to be covered
over a period of years of research so that the foundation of knowledge is sys-
tematic and builds in a unified way.

Table 8.1 Model for Developing Effective Treatment:

Steps toward Progress
1. Conceptualization of the Propose key areas, processes, and mechanisms that
Dysfunction relate to the development, onset, and course of
2. Research on Processes Efforts to test proposed processes in relation to the
Related to Dysfunction dysfunction.
3. Conceptualization of Propose key areas, processes, and mechanisms
Treatment through which treatment may achieve its effects and
how the procedures relate to these processes.
4. Tests of Treatment Studies to identify whether the intervention tech-
Processes niques, methods, and procedures within treatment
actually affect those processes that are critical to the
5. Specification of Treatment Operationalize the procedures, preferably in manual
form, that identify how one changes the key pro-
cesses. Provide material to codify the procedures so
that treatment integrity can be evaluated and that
treatment can be replicated in research and practice.
6. Tests of Treatment Direct tests of the impact of treatment drawing on
Outcome diverse designs (e.g., open studies, single-case
designs, full-fledged clinical trials) and types of
studies (e.g., dismantling, parametric studies,
comparative outcome studies).
7. Tests of the Boundary Examination of the child, parent, family, and con-
Conditions and textual factors with which treatment interacts. The
Moderators boundary conditions or limits of application are
identified through interactions of treatment X
diverse attributes.
8. Tests of Generalization Examination of the extent to which treatment can
and Applicability be effectively applied to different problems, samples,
and settings and of variations of the treatment. The
focus is explicitly on seeing if the results obtained in
research can be obtained under other circumstances.

Conceptualization of Dysfunction
Conceptualization refers to the theoretical underpinnings and hypotheses about
the likely factors and processes leading to the clinical problem or pattern of
functioning. Many of the approaches to psychotherapy have originated from
models of treatment that loosely explain how problems originated (etiology)
and are to be ameliorated (treatment). Psychoanalytic, family, behavioral, cog-
nitive-behavioral, and other approaches often begin with a view of key com-
ponents about a problem, but treatment often focuses on processes thought to
have wide applicability across many different problems. For example, family
therapies are based on a view—depending on the variation of therapy—of how

psychological problems emerge in the context of the family and are fostered by
certain communications, roles, and so on. Similarly, cognitive-behavioral treat-
ments often begin with a generic view that cognitions are important, sometimes
deficient or distorted, and hence become the focus of treatment. There is little
question that a domain of influences (e.g., the family, cognitions) may be crit-
ically important, but multiple influences from multiple domains are likely op-
erative. Moreover, a given conceptual view, say, about the family or cognitions,
cannot explain why the full range of problems emerges or how they might be
effectively treated. In general, most treatments do not begin with clear or very
specific views about the nature of the problem to be treated; fewer still, when
a view of the problem is presented, follow up with a statement connecting treat-
ment methods to those views.
Another way to develop treatment is to begin with a conceptualization of the
dysfunction, concurrent correlates, antecedents, and causal factors. Any con-
ceptual view may well be restricted to a particular dysfunction, such as major
depression, or set of dysfunctions, such as mood disorders or anxiety disorders.
Treatment ought to be connected with what we know about the factors related
to onset, maintenance, termination, and recurrence of the problem. As we un-
derstand more about the clinical problem, we are much more likely to develop
effective treatments. As a beginning, conceptualization of onset and course of
clinical dysfunction or the specific problem domain is a critical step for the de-
velopment of treatment. Treatment researchers are not often involved in re-
search on the underpinnings of clinical problems, but they can draw more fre-
quently on that research as a guide toward developing treatments or hypotheses
about treatment.

Research on Processes Related to Dysfunction

Developing a conceptual view in the context of therapy research usually has
meant that one proposes processes that play a role in emergence of the problem
(e.g., the problem emerged because of underlying psychic conflict, deleterious
family processes, limited social reinforcement, and so on). Conceptions that are
not followed by research are incomplete and not very helpful. Consequently, a
critical step for therapy research is direct tests of the processes hypothesized to
be implicated in the clinical problem or direct tests of the conceptual view. For
example, if cognitions are assumed to play a pivotal role in the onset or main-
tenance of a disorder or pattern of functioning, direct tests ought to be part of
the foundation leading toward the development of effective treatment.
Tests of conceptual models about how problems develop are not usually
treatment or intervention studies. Cross-sectional and longitudinal studies of
child and adolescent development and animal studies can test models of clini-
cal dysfunctions and developmental paths or trajectories. Research on the na-
ture of the clinical problem is likely to identify subtypes, multiple paths leading
to a similar onset, and key moderators that alter the profile of risk factors lead-
ing to the disorder. These findings can directly test the conceptual model about
the problem and can identify factors that may warrant attention in treatment.

Treatment studies can also be used to evaluate the conceptual model of the
clinical problem. In a treatment study, the investigator may include measures
of processes (e.g., cognitions, family interaction) critical to development of the
problem. If causes or influences on the clinical problem still operate at the time
treatment is initiated, a treatment study may be able to show that, along with
improvement, key processes of the problem have changed as well. That is,
changes in the processes known to affect the problem may mediate therapeutic
change. This is an infrequent focus of psychotherapy research.

Conceptualization of Treatment
I mentioned previously the conceptualization of the clinical problem, or the the-
ory about what factors lead to the problem and how they operate. Conceptual-
ization of treatment is different. Treatment ought to have conceptual underpin-
nings, explicit views about what treatment is designed to accomplish and
through what processes. How will the procedures used in treatment influence
the processes implicated in the dysfunction or counteract these influences by
developing new repertoires? Treatment may directly address those processes
believed to be involved in the development of the problem. For example, inept
discipline practices influence the development of aggressive behavior in chil-
dren (Dodge, Pettit, & Bates, 1994; Patterson, 1982; Patterson, Reid, &
Dishion, 1992). Parent management training directly alters these practices and
alters a child's aggressive behavior. That is, the conceptual model of contribu-
tory factors to the problem overlaps with the conceptual model of the treatment.
In other treatments, the conceptual model of treatment may be unrelated to
the processes supposedly involved in the development of the problem. For ex-
ample, an effective procedure to overcome agoraphobia (fear of open spaces)
is to provide a graduated sequence of experiences that exposes the individual
to diverse settings (e.g., shopping malls, public transportation). This treatment
is not based on a specific conceptual model of how the problem emerged (e.g.,
when children were growing up, they were not exposed to open spaces in a grad-
uated way). Rather, the conceptual view of the treatment encompasses these
components: new learning needs to take place, repeated practice is important,
and habituation (reduced arousal) results from repeated exposure in a controlled
(gradual, small dose) fashion. The same might be said for many other problems
brought to treatment, such as depression, hyperactivity, or enuresis. The focus
of treatment may not be based on factors related to how the problem emerged.
Illustrated another way, aspirin is effective as a treatment for headaches, but
headaches are not due to the lack of aspirin in one's system. Nor does aspirin
necessarily work because of the effects in getting at the underlying cause of the
problem. A theory of onset or cause of a problem and a theory of how change
occurs can be quite different.
This question guides the treatment conceptualization: how does this treat-
ment achieve change? The answer may involve basic psychological processes
(e.g., memory, learning, information processing) or a broader theory (e.g., mo-
tivation). Global conceptual views that foster a treatment approach or orienta-

tion are no longer sufficient. Rather, to ensure progress, specific conceptual

models are needed to explain those processes (e.g., psychodynamic, cognitive,
or familial) supposedly responsible for therapeutic change.

Tests of Treatment Processes

Do the intervention techniques, methods, and procedures within treatment ses-
sions actually affect processes critical to the treatment model? These processes
refer to those facets of treatment that are considered to produce or facilitate
change. It may be that parenting practices are critical to change in the opposi-
tional child. If so, these practices ought to change during treatment. The prob-
lematic practices and their change over treatment ought to relate specifically to
child improvement. Among varied treatment models, relationship, alliance, and
bonding between the child (or parent) and therapist may be viewed as critical
processes to achieve change. Tests of such processes are essential to ensure we
understand why and how treatment works.
Current research cannot easily begin by testing critical processes. Two steps
are required to conduct the research: first, a conceptual view of the factors in-
volved in treatment and, second, ways of operationalizing and measuring one
or more of these during treatment. There has been relatively little work on con-
ceptualizing the change process. How does change occur in therapy? Theories
of therapeutic change and tests of these theories would be enormously helpful
in moving research toward more effective treatments.

Specification of Treatment
Discussion of key processes in treatment raises the practical matter of ensuring
that they are addressed in treatment. Specifying the focus of the treatment and
what actually is done with, to, or for the child, adolescent, or parent during the
sessions is relevant. Treatments ought to be operationalized, preferably in man-
ual form, so that the integrity of treatment can be evaluated, the material de-
rived from treatment trials can be codified, and the treatment procedures can be
replicated. Manuals address all aspects of treatment that can be documented.
Some of the information may seem relatively trivial, such as the materials to be
used in a session, instructions to explain treatment, and forms used to document
the sessions. The effective application of treatment may not require complete
adherence to each point specified in the manual. At the same time, replication
in research and clinical practice will require explicit knowledge of what was
done. Any particular practice can then be researched if one doubts the impor-
tance of that facet of treatment.
There has been a movement toward and now, perhaps predictably, a move-
ment away from the manualization of treatment because of the concern that
manuals may make treatment inflexible or miss critical treatment processes (see
Addis, 1997; Gagnon & Gaston, 1996; Strupp & Anderson, 1997; Wilson,
1998). At this time, there is no alternative to the manualization of treatment. It
is a convenient straw man to argue that manuals are too rigid for clinical use or
that they ignore individual differences of the patient (or therapist), but this claim

is spurious. Manuals specify guidelines, session foci and content, the progres-
sion of treatment, and when and how to continue particular practices, tasks, ses-
sions, and themes. The application can be individualized, but basic desiderata,
guiding principles, and procedures should be in the manuals (Forehand & Long,
1996; Henggeler et al., 1998).
Manualization in some form is also essential in light of the likely alterna-
tive, namely, improvisation in clinical practice in which individual therapist dif-
ferences in training, preferences for treatment, and judgment dominate. What
is worrisome about clinical work is that a particular treatment, whatever it is
called, may not be carried out faithfully. With evidence that therapists' adher-
ence to procedures can influence the effectiveness of therapy (Dobson & Shaw,
1988; Henggeler et al., 1997), treatment execution is important. Manuals play
a key role by codifying the procedures to which the therapist should adhere.
The balance of manuals, improvisation, and individual therapist differences
will remain important. Progress in developing treatments requires specifying
critical facets of treatment and their implementation.

Tests of Treatment Outcome

Obviously, in developing treatment, direct tests of clinical outcomes are cen-
tral. A wide range of treatment tests (e.g., open [uncontrolled, single-group]
studies, single-case experimental designs, full-fledged randomized clinical tri-
als) can provide evidence that change has occurred and that treatment is re-
sponsible for the change. Direct tests of treatment are the most common forms
of research in child and adolescent therapy, so I need not dwell on this step. At
the same time, there are several different types of outcome questions based on
whether, for example, variations of parameters of treatment, components of
treatment, or combinations of treatment influence outcome. A range of ques-
tions ought to be addressed, as discussed later in the chapter.

Tests of Boundary Conditions and Moderators

Tests of the conditions on which effective applications of treatment depend are
critical. What are the conditions for effective application of treatment or the
variables (moderators) that influence effectiveness? In child and adolescent
treatment, influences related to children, parents, families, and contexts affect
development of clinical dysfunction as well as the likelihood that critical treat-
ment processes and child dysfunction will be altered. Our thinking in treatment
development and research is dominated by the search for main effects. We look
for the technique that will be "the answer." Indeed, one might argue that ther-
apy has traditionally searched for main effects across multiple problem areas.
Changing cognitions and family interactions, for example, is not just the solu-
tion to some clinical problems but the overall goal of therapy. What treatment
works for whom and under what conditions has guided discussions of research
but has not served as a basis for very many studies in child and adolescent ther-
apy (Kazdin, Bass, et al., 1990).
Chapter 7 lamented the lack of studies on moderators and mentioned char-

acteristics of children, parents, families, contexts, and treatments that are likely
to influence outcome. I revisit the issue in this chapter in the context of a broader
plan for developing treatment. The search for moderators is not a blind search
for factors that interact with treatment (e.g., whether treatment is more effec-
tive with boys or girls, with younger or older children). Rather, the search mod-
erators are, ideally, informed by conceptualization and empirical findings re-
garding the clinical problem of treatment. For example, we know that sexually
abused children are likely to develop beliefs that the world is a dangerous place,
that adults cannot be trusted, and that one's own efforts to influence the world
are not likely to be effective (Wolfe, Gentile, & Wolfe, 1989; Wolfe, Gentile,
Michienzi, Sas, & Wolfe, 1991). Based on this understanding of the problem,
an investigator might make predictions that use this information to test moder-
ators of treatment. One might predict that sexually abused youths with these be-
liefs would respond less well to treatment, as measured by posttreatment proso-
cial functioning. If these beliefs are not altered in treatment, the children's
social activities may be more restricted than those of similar children who do
not have those beliefs. Perhaps another study using this information might de-
termine if the effectiveness of treatment could be enhanced by including a com-
ponent that focuses on these beliefs. In general, the search for moderators ought
to be guided by our understanding of the factors related to dysfunction or to the
treatment. Of course, research on moderators need not wait until advances fur-
ther our understanding of disorders or treatment; in fact, treatment can test mod-
erators based on incomplete research evidence and in the process help inform
conceptual views about disorders and treatment.
Clinical experience too is a good source of potential moderators of treat-
ment. Practitioners who provide child and adolescent therapy believe that
several factors influence treatment outcome, such as the degree of parent in-
volvement in treatment, distress experienced by the child, duration of child dys-
function, and child motivation for treatment, to mention a few (see Kazdin,
Siegel, & Bass, 1990). Although these proposed moderators are not theoreti-
cally based, their effects, if demonstrated in research, could prompt theory to
explain how and why they operate. Connecting research findings to conceptu-
alizations of treatment is, of course, a reciprocal process; where this process be-
gins is not as important as where it ends, in theory with research support.

Tests of Generalization and Applicability

When a treatment is shown to produce change in a particular context, it is valu-
able to evaluate the generality of the findings across other dimensions and do-
mains. Is treatment effective beyond the conditions in which it has been devel-
oped or already shown to be effective? Among the range of extensions, the most
salient domains include types of problems, samples, settings, and variations of
the treatment.
Generality across settings warrants special mention and includes the exten-
sion from research (efficacy) to clinical practice (effectiveness). Can this treat-
ment be applied clinically and are the effects similar to those obtained in

research? Generality across problem areas means that treatment can be admin-
istered in other areas and still achieve similar effects. The way in which treat-
ment is administered too might provide a test of generality. For example, the
treatment is effective when administered by a professional therapist, but is it
also effective when administered via videotape, by a lay therapist, or by the
clients themselves (e.g., self-help manuals for parents)?
Tests of generality of a treatment are similar to tests of moderators because
moderators are the conditions that influence the effects of treatment. So, for ex-
ample, showing that treatment works with one problem but not another is tan-
tamount to showing that problem type moderates treatment outcome. Both tests
of moderators (discussed previously) and tests of generality examine the con-
ditions under which effective application depends. However, I have made the
distinction for slightly different emphases.
Tests of generality are explicit attempts to extend and to evaluate treatment
beyond the original focus. The results of such tests may well yield information
about moderators. For example, if a test of generality showed that treatment
was not effective with problem x but was with problem y, we would say that
problem area moderated treatment. However, tests of moderators ideally draw
on theory or prior research that elaborates the nature of the clinical problem or
the treatment. Tests of generality are less conceptually inspired and more ap-
plication-oriented. They ask whether treatment can be applied in different ways,
to different people, and in different settings.
Whether a given study fits better as a test of a moderator or applicability may
reflect how the study is conceived and presented. For example, an investigator
may propose that ethnicity will moderate treatment effects, given cultural dif-
ferences regarding the clinical problem or culturally relevant processes used in
treatment. This study would emphasize a moderator. The same study might be
presented as a test of generality or applicability of a prior finding to other eth-
nic groups. As a matter of course, it is useful to propose a reason why a partic-
ular variable was introduced as a moderator. Research designed merely to du-
plicate prior findings with another sample or setting is not highly regarded.
Clearly, there is a keen interest in current research to test generality of treat-
ment to clinical practice. Too few studies evaluate whether a treatment effec-
tive in research is also effective in clinical applications (e.g., Shadish et ah,
1997; Weisz et al., 1992). This step in the model proposed here focuses quite
explicitly on tests of generality and application to other areas (problems, sam-
ples, settings).

General Comments
The steps of the model evaluate different facets of treatment, how treatment in-
terfaces with what is known about the disorder and processes of change, and
how and to whom treatment can be applied. Few examples in child and ado-
lescent therapy research illustrate progression through some subset of these
steps. One example already mentioned that illustrates several key steps is re-
search on parent management training as a means of treating oppositional and

aggressive children (Dishion & Patterson, in press; Patterson, 1982; Patterson

et al., 1992). These steps include conceptualization of conduct problems, re-
search on family processes (inept and harsh discipline practices) that promote
the problems, and outcome studies that establish the central role of these prac-
tices. A progression of studies has shown the association and influence of inept
discipline practices on conduct problems (Dishion et al., 1992; Forgatch, 1991).
Also, many randomized controlled trials have shown that changes in parenting
skills lead to reductions in children's antisocial behavior (e.g., Dishion &
Andrews, 1995; Dishion et al., 1992). This research not only establishes an ef-
fective treatment but provides a model of how the problem may develop for
many children, which domains of functioning are affected, what treatment tech-
niques are needed in cases where inept practices are evident, and what to mon-
itor during treatment (e.g., parent progress) if the outcomes are to be achieved.
As a rule, the vast majority of studies ignore conceptual views or findings on
the nature of the disorder or symptom pattern and do not test processes related
to the disorder or therapeutic change.
These steps emphasize theoretical development of treatment, so that there is
some connection to processes that can be investigated and established in their
own right. Through steps and a progression of research, the literature can move
systematically. Thus, the field can be evaluated in a quite different way from
the usual qualitative and quantitative reviews. Current reviews focus on what
has been done in research. The accumulated studies are haphazard, and what
we can say is based on tracing the path through which the research has wan-
dered. If we, as investigators, have ignored many critical questions or used de-
sign practices that limit the findings, the conclusions in the reviews will be lim-
ited. A better way to proceed is to begin with a model of what we need to know
in moving from ignorance to knowledge about effective and disseminable in-
terventions. Specifying some of the critical steps and movement from one step
to another is likely to lead to greater progress and, just as important, to allow
us to assess in subsequent reviews how much progress has been made.


It is useful to consider the range of questions that treatment research ought to
address. Table 8.2 presents questions about what we would like to know about
treatment. Progress can be made by ensuring that, for a given treatment and
clinical problem, these questions are addressed systematically. Surprisingly,
very little attention has been devoted to the questions related to the components
of treatment that contribute to change, the treatment combinations that optimize
change, the role of treatment processes, and the impact of child, parent, family,
and contextual factors on therapy outcome (Durlak et al., 1995; Kazdin, Bass,
et al., 1990). As mentioned in chapter 7, the majority of research focuses on
questions related to the treatment technique, an emphasis likely to continue in
light of the keen interest in pressures to identify empirically supported treat-
ments. However, the emphasis is shortsighted if it neglects other questions.
In the abstract, each of the questions in table 8.2 is important. However, I

Table 8.2 Range of Questions to Guide Treatment Research

1. What is the impact of treatment relative to no treatment?

2. What components contribute to change?
3. What treatments can be added (combined treatments) to optimize change?
4. What parameters can be varied to influence (improve) outcome?
5. How effective is this treatment relative to other treatments for this problem?
6. What child, parent, family and contextual features influence (moderate) outcome?
7. What processes within or during treatment influence (mediate) outcome?
8. To what extent are treatment effects generalizable across problem areas, settings,
and other domains?

am arguing not only to expand studies to address these questions but also to
track progress in a systematic way to ensure a full set of answers. If at this mo-
ment, we were asked to recommend treatments useful for, say, separation anx-
iety or adjustment disorder in early childhood or substance abuse in adoles-
cence, what studies would we cite to provide answers? We would need initial
studies to establish that treatments have an impact and then we would want the
field to move to some of the other questions. Indeed, only a small number of
controlled studies might be needed to address some of the questions, after which
we could devote research to the more complex issues (e.g., therapy processes,
boundary conditions). Deciding which treatments are empirically based, I be-
lieve, would require knowing much more about treatment than just a few stud-
ies designed to answer one or two questions could offer.


Identifying questions inadvertently draws attention to answers. In treatment re-
search, the "answers" involve measures used to draw conclusions about treat-
ment, moderators, generality, and so on. The measures warrant scrutiny because
the conclusion an investigator reaches may depend quite heavily on measures
used to answer the questions. Three changes in assessment practices in research
could greatly advance progress: (1) providing a comprehensive evaluation of
the impact of treatment, (2) altering the way in which assessment is conducted
so that it is more applicable to clinical work, and (3) evaluating characteristics
of the treatments that can influence their adoption and use.

Range of Treatment Outcomes

Outcome criteria are important in developing effective treatment. Children and
adolescents are referred to treatment because of dysfunction in some domain,
and our attention as researchers is immediately drawn to symptoms (i.e., pre-
senting problems and target complaints). Symptom reduction is usually the pri-
mary focus of treatment. All of the questions in table 8.2 could be answered
profitably in relation only to carefully assessed symptoms and symptoms alone.
Symptom measures are relevant, and I do not wish demean their importance.

At the same time, there is no need to restrict outcome to this focus alone, as
there is no compelling evidence that symptom change (as opposed to improve-
ments in prosocial functioning, family interaction, or adaptive cognitions) is the
best predictor of long-term adjustment and functioning.
Many other outcomes are critically important because of their significance
to the child, family, and, in many cases, society at large. Table 8.3 includes do-
mains relevant for evaluating therapy outcomes, however; the relevance of any
particular domain may vary depending on clinical problem (e.g., anxiety, hy-
peractivity) or indeed subtype of the problem within a given disorder. Yet, all
or most of the domains likely are relevant most of the time and the conclusions
about what techniques are effective will depend on the outcome criteria.
Among the many criteria, special emphasis might be given to impairment—
that is, the extent to which the individual's functioning in everyday life is im-
peded. Impairment is reflected in limitations in meeting role demands at home
and at school and in not interacting well or prosocially with others. Youths with
a given disorder or problem can vary considerably in their degree of impair-
ment. As I noted previously, impairment is related to, but distinguishable from,
symptoms or a disorder (Sanford, Offord, Boyle, Pearce, & Racine, 1992) and
contributes significantly to the likelihood that a child is referred for mental
health services (Bird et al., 1990). A significant issue from the standpoint of
treatment is initial level of impairment and how much it improves. Assessing
impairment and moving individuals toward lesser impairment may be a con-
siderable accomplishment of treatment.
By singling out impairment, I do not intend to imply that one criterion (im-
pairment) ought to replace another (symptoms). Just the opposite, the full range
of outcome criteria is relevant in developing and identifying effective treat-
ments. One could make the case that other areas that tend to be neglected (so-

Table 8.3 Criteria to Evaluate Treatment Outcome

1. Child Functioning a. Symptoms

b. Impairment
c. Prosocial competence
d. Academic functioning
2. Parent and Family Functioning a. Dysfunction (e.g., symptoms)
b. Contextual influences (e.g., stress, quality
of life)
c. Conditions that promote adaptation (e.g.,
family support, quantity, and quality time)
3. Social Impact Measures a. Consequences on systems (e.g., school
activities, attendance, truancy)
b. Service use (e.g., reductions in special
services or needed services)
c. Mental and physical health

cial competence, academic functioning) are central as well because they pre-
dict long-term adjustment and clinical dysfunction (Asher & Coie, 1990).
Indeed, the importance of understanding development and psychopathology in
part derives from understanding what outcomes at one point in development
predict (serve as a risk or protective factor for) outcomes at a later point.

Pre- and Postassessment versus Continuous Assessment

A central feature of therapy research is assessment of the participants before
and after treatment (pre- and posttreatment assessment). In relation to research
design, there are many statistical and clinical advantages to assessing individ-
uals before and after treatment (Kazdin, 1998b). However, there are a few dif-
ficulties with the focus on pre- and posttreatment assessment. First and fore-
most, the entire practice is odd because it does not provide the information
needed to understand treatment effects and to develop treatments for clinical
practice. What can we conclude from pre- and postassessment? At the end of
the postassessment, we can say this child or adolescent improved, did not
change much, or became worse. We do not only want posttherapy evaluation.
We need to know how the patient is functioning while treatment is in process.
To understand treatment, we need to see the pattern of data (function) and how
change is occurring. In clinical work, we want to see change occurring either
on the outcomes of interest or on putative processes that will lead to the out-
comes of interest.
There are guidelines and examples for monitoring client progress over the
course of treatment (see Barlow, Hayes, & Nelson, 1984; Clement, 1996,1999;
Kazdin, 1993b). The guidelines use ongoing (repeated) assessment through
multiple observations for individual cases, so that one can describe patterns in
the data and detect changes associated with treatment in key processes in ther-
apy or outcomes of treatment. Outcomes refer to interim changes, such as pre-
views, trends, progress in a therapeutic direction, that portend the desired out-
comes at the end of treatment.
In the context of group designs to evaluate treatment, the use of pre- and
postassessments ought undoubtedly to continue. At the same time, it would be
helpful to integrate additional assessments over the course of treatment. As one
example, the beginning of each treatment session (perhaps 10 minutes) might
be used to evaluate any changes in key domains of interest. Or periodic but reg-
ular interim assessments could monitor progress in therapy. The purpose is to
evaluate the change process and to provide measures that can be used clinically.
In clinical work, the treatment cannot be evaluated at the end as posttreatment
assessment is conducted in research. There usually is no formal end point be-
cause regimens of treatment are not fixed as they are in research. Rather, an ef-
fort is made to treat until progress is made. Also, in clinical work, one wants
systematic information on which to base decisions about when to end treatment
or to provide different treatment. If the results of research are to be applicable
to clinical practice, interim assessments that can be used to evaluate progress
would be very important to integrate into treatment research.

Evaluating Characteristics of Treatment

The prior comments pertain to the evaluation of therapeutic effects or impact
of treatment on the child or adolescent. A rather neglected area is evaluation of
characteristics of treatment related to adoption, use, or dissemination of treat-
ment. That is, apart from patient change, are there characteristics of the treat-
ment that we wish to know about? Obviously, evaluating characteristics of
treatment becomes irrelevant if the treatment has not been shown to produce
therapeutic change. However, can the treatments that have been shown to pro-
duce change be distinguished in important ways? Table 8.4 provides three cri-
teria to evaluate treatment that are separate from the therapeutic changes pro-
duced in the clients. The following sections consider these criteria briefly and
their relevance to establishing treatments as effective.
DISSEMINABILITY OF TREATMENT. Some treatments, but not others, may
be extended easily beyond the confines of the research study. Dissemination
refers primarily to extending the treatment to others who provide treatment
(therapists) and to those who seek treatment (children, adolescents, and their
families). Ease of dissemination depends on the complexity of the treatment

Table 8.4 Criteria for Evaluating Treatment Procedures

1. Disseminability Disseminability involves the extent or ease of
extending the treatment widely to other clinicians
and clients. This criterion may be related to com-
plexity of the procedures, type and amount of train-
ing needed to implement the procedures, likelihood
of adherence to those who implement the procedures,
degree to which departure from the prescribed pro-
cedures is associated with loss of effectiveness.
2. Cost The monetary costs of providing treatment and
delivering services are pertinent measures of treat-
ment. Cost is not usually a question of scientific
interest in treatment evaluation but provides data
that can influence dissemination, adoption, and
policy. There are many ways to evaluate cost such
as expenses in relation to obtained benefits or
outcomes (e.g., cost-benefit analyses).
3. Acceptability of Treatment The extent to which those who participate in treat-
ment (e.g., children, adolescents, families, but
perhaps mental health professionals as well) view
the treatment as reasonable, justified, fair, and palat-
able. Among treatments that are equally effective,
those viewed as more acceptable are probably more
likely to be sought, adhered to, and executed
correctly than those that are less acceptable.

procedures, type and amount of training needed to implement the procedures,

likelihood of adherence to the treatment among those who implement the pro-
cedures, and the degree to which a departure from the prescribed procedures
leads to a loss in effectiveness. Also, disseminability encompasses the effi-
ciency of treatment, as reflected in how many persons in need can be served.
For example, a familiar and long-standing distinction in treatment is delivery
via individual or group therapy. If both were equally effective, group treatment
might be preferred because it reaches more clients per therapist and treatment
Some techniques may be widely disseminated because they can be imple-
mented by clients themselves or because they can be presented through mass
media (books, computer, television). For example, many self-help manuals,
also referred to as bibliotherapy, are designed to treat diverse problems, in-
cluding overeating, cigarette smoking, depression, stress, anger, sexual dys-
function, anxiety, social skills deficits, and conduct problems (Rosen, 1987;
Santrock et al., 1994). Often, extravagant claims are made about the effective-
ness of "do-it-yourself" treatments without empirical evidence. Yet many treat-
ments have supporting evidence. Indeed, a recent meta-analysis concluded that
self- and therapist-administered treatments were equally effective when com-
pared to controls and retained their benefits at follow-up (Marrs, 1995). Even
if bibliotherapy were less effective, the self-administered treatment may be pre-
ferred because it is more easily disseminated to the public on a larger scale than
therapist-administered outpatient treatment. Extremely severe cases (e.g., of
depression, substance abuse) may not respond to self-help manuals, but many
less severe cases may respond well.
Self-help is a matter of degree, and sometimes a therapist can supplement
the self-help materials clients use. For example, the therapist/trainer can guide
a group of parents for whom self-help manuals and materials serve as the main
source of material and intervention (e.g., Webster-Stratton, 1996). The role of
the therapist in supplementing self-help groups may require much less training
than with traditional therapy. Some treatments may be more disseminable be-
cause less professional training and guidance are needed. Self-help is not new
in developing treatment and as a basis for widely disseminating treatment. Self-
help groups led by nonprofessionals have been used for some time in the treat-
ment of alcohol and drug abuse and weight control (e.g., Alcoholics Anonymous,
Synanon, and Take Off Pounds Sensibly, respectively).
Media and communication technology, such as the television, telephone,
computer, and the Internet, provides opportunities to disseminate treatment
widely (Meyers et al., 1996; Zhu et al., 1996). Access to the Internet through
television as well as personal computers could reach a large number of indi-
viduals for a host of concerns (e.g., child rearing, coping with stress), problems
of living (e.g., divorce, bereavement), and clinical dysfunction (e.g., anxiety
disorders, depression). Computerized psychotherapy has been available in
some form for decades and continues to develop in treatment outcome studies
(Marks et al., 1998; Newman et al., 1997). Few applications are currently avail-

able in clinical practice, but no doubt others will appear with advances in soft-
ware and software accessibility.
Under some circumstances, writing about one's problems, such as feelings
about traumatic experiences, can have quite significant therapeutic impact, at
least in adults (Smyth, 1998). Controlled studies have shown that briefly writ-
ing about one's thoughts and feelings can alter psychological and physiologi-
cal functioning and overall well-being, measured at least one month after the
writing task. In principle, structured writing tasks could be readily disseminated
on a large scale, but this has yet to be tested. Presumably the processes through
which writing achieves its therapeutic benefits in adults could be activated in
other ways (e.g., structured speaking tasks or storytelling) in young children,
whose writing skills may not yet have developed.
In discussing the ease of disseminating treatment, I must mention medica-
tion, because it often can be widely disseminated. For example, when a new
drug for depression emerges from clinical trials and is approved for use, it is
widely prescribed and quickly reaches millions of clients. An effective psy-
chotherapy, if equally effective or indeed even more effective, is clearly less
readily disseminated to others. Of course, disseminability of treatment is only
one criterion for evaluating an intervention. The difficulty is that medication,
although widely disseminable, raises other issues (e.g., adherence to treatment,
side effects, restriction of other behaviors when combined with other medica-
tions or alcohol). The ease of dissemination may be counterbalanced by other
issues related to use and effects.
There are no simple measures to assess the ease of disseminating a treatment.
Several variables may determine disseminability, such as the cost of profes-
sional training, complexity of the procedures, need for ancillary equipment or
apparatus, likelihood that the procedures will retain their effects when dissem-
inated, and others. Some of these latter criteria should be assessed carefully in
evaluating treatment. Disseminability is not an esoteric or incidental criterion
and perhaps ought to be an initial consideration rather than an afterthought in
developing treatment.

COSTS. Disseminability of treatment is related to cost; in general, less costly

treatments are more widely disseminable. However, cost is important to con-
sider on its own as a criterion for evaluating treatment. Obviously, a less costly
treatment is preferable to a more costly treatment, given evidence that both are
effective. However, there are different ways of evaluating cost.
One can evaluate the benefits that derive from the costs for both large-scale
social interventions and individual treatment. Cost-benefit analysis is designed
to evaluate the monetary costs of an intervention with the benefits obtained. The
benefits must be measured in monetary terms also. This requirement makes cost-
benefit analysis difficult to apply to many psychological interventions, in which
the beneficial effects might extend well beyond monetary gains (Yates, 1995).
For example, providing programs to help parents rear their children may have
monetary benefits (e.g., preventing some children from entering treatment, from

being adjudicated, or from dropping out of school). Another gain of therapy may
be to increase harmony in the homes of many families, an effect that cannot be
so readily evaluated in monetary terms. Of course, many returns of treatment can
be examined in terms of social benefits. In the treatment of adults, evidence that
clients return to work, miss fewer days of work, have fewer car accidents, or stay
out of hospitals or prison can be translated into monetary terms.
Cost-effectiveness analysis does not require placing a monetary value on the
benefits and can be more readily used for evaluating treatment. Cost-effective-
ness analysis examines the costs of treatment relative to a particular outcome
and permits comparison of different treatment techniques when the treatment
benefits are designed to be the same, such as reduction of drinking or increase
in family harmony. Cost-effectiveness information would be very useful and
address important questions independently of narrow debates about statistical
differences that distinguish treatments. For example, one study compared two
variations of parent management training for parents of kindergarten children
with behavior problems (Cunningham et al., 1995). One variation consisted of
individual treatment provided at a clinical service; the other consisted of group-
based treatment conducted in the community (at community centers or
schools). Both treatments achieved better results than a wait-list control condi-
tion. On several measures, the community-based treatment was more effective.
Even if the treatments were equally effective, the monetary costs (start-up costs,
travel time of families, costs of the therapist/trainer in providing treatment) of
individual treatment were approximately six times greater per family than the
group treatment. Clearly, this criterion is a significant one for evaluating the dif-
ferent ways of administering treatment.
Although monetary costs can represent an important criterion for evaluating
treatment, psychological costs may be relevant as well, although obviously
more difficult to quantify. For example, treatments for anxiety may induce vary-
ing degrees of stress (e.g., flooding versus graduated exposure for anxiety). The
psychological and physical costs of completing treatment might be relevant to
assess in evaluating therapy, particularly with techniques likely to be aversive
to clients. The psychological costs of treatment may be too great to entice par-
ticipants, no matter what the data show about treatment efficacy.
Within psychotherapy research, cost, cost-benefit, and cost-effectiveness mea-
sures are infrequently used. Estimating cost is not entirely straightforward because
of the range of costs that can be included and the difficulty in translating benefits
into monetary terms. Even so, efforts to describe costs of different treatments rep-
resent a worthwhile addition to intervention research. In fact, decisions about what
treatments to use for individual services at clinics and hospitals and public policy
are driven heavily by costs and related disseminability data. Lamentably, cost is
often much more of a concern than evidence in behalf of the treatment.

ACCEPTABILITY OF TREATMENT. Different treatments for a given problem

may not be equally acceptable to prospective clients. Efficiency and cost con-
siderations may contribute to the acceptability of a treatment, but there are other

factors as well. Procedures may be more or less objectionable in their own right,
independent of their efficacy. Indeed, many procedures readily acceptable to
clients often have little or no demonstrated efficacy. For example, commonly
advertised procedures to control diet or cigarette smoking are very acceptable
because they are quick, easy, and inexpensive. Yet, the vast majority have
no demonstrated efficacy, though that apparently does not detract from their
For various clinical problems for children, adolescents, and adults, several
treatments are empirically supported. For example, various forms of psycho-
therapy and medication are viable options with supportive data for the treatment
of depression. Although sparse research is available on the topic, some evidence
suggests that forms of psychotherapy (e.g., cognitive therapy, behavior therapy)
are viewed as more acceptable than medication for depression (Banken &
Wilson, 1992). Thus, in addition to efficacy, it is important to evaluate how ac-
ceptable or palatable treatments are to clients. Acceptable treatments are more
likely to be sought and adhered to once clients have entered into treatment (e.g.,
Reimers, Wacker, Cooper, & DeRaad, 1992). Also, highly acceptable treat-
ments are likely to be adopted more by professionals and hence influence dis-
seminability of the treatment (e.g., Arndorfer, Allen, & Alijazireh, 1999).
One challenge for child and adolescent therapy is obvious: treatments prob-
ably need to be acceptable both to the child or adolescent as well as the parent,
because retaining the child in treatment may depend on evaluations of accept-
ability. Evaluations of acceptability may depend heavily on how the treatment
procedures conform to participants' expectations from treatment. If talk and
play are the medium of treatment, but the family is expecting some other in-
tervention, or vice versa, treatment may be less acceptable. Although this dis-
cussion implies that acceptability is a property that adheres in the treatment, in
fact it relates to the perception of the family about treatment. Even so, when full
information is provided about treatment and parents and youths are exposed to
the treatment procedures, still treatments are likely to vary in their acceptabil-
ity (Kazdin, 1986; Kazdin, French, & Sherick, 1981; Tarnowski & Simonian,
1992). Information on the acceptability of treatment can greatly supplement
data on effectiveness. Moreover, acceptability may be an important dependent
variable for developing effective treatments. Understanding what can be done
to make treatments more acceptable is crucial (e.g., Foxx, Bremer, Schutz,
Valdez, & Johndrow, 1996).


The implicit model for much of therapy research is that a limited number of ses-
sions ought to achieve change and that treatment can end when it has been in
place for that period. Current treatment research emphasizes brief, time-limited
treatments, usually 8-10 sessions. When innovations are made (e.g., new treat-
ments or combined treatments), the brief, time-limited focus usually still ob-
tains. Occasionally, studies include "booster sessions" during a maintenance
period, but these are exceptions.

Considering current economic pressures, perhaps brief treatments are more

feasible because only they are likely to be reimbursed in clinical practice. In
addition, in child and adolescent therapy, attrition rates are high; between 40%
and 60% of families that begin treatment terminate prematurely (Kazdin,
1996b). An implicit fear is that the rate of dropping out will simply increase
with longer interventions. Neither argument is very cogent. Long before eco-
nomic pressures of managed care, our models of investigating therapy em-
phasized brief treatments. Also, clients may not continue in longer treatment,
but retaining cases in treatment is not an insuperable problem (e.g., Santiste-
ban et al., 1996; Szapocznik et al., 1988). More likely, the pressure for brief
treatments results from interest in completing timely investigations rather than
interest in the clinical demands of the target problem. The net effect of this
pressure is another uniformity myth: treatments of a relatively standard dura-
tion (8-10 sessions) are likely to be effective for most treatments and clinical
problems. Probably no one actually believes this. Yet a review of the research
suggests that the majority of studies reflect this duration, plus or minus a few
For purposes of discussion, let us call brief, time-limited treatment a con-
ventional model of delivering therapy. In the conventional model, the number
of sessions is fixed, as required by the research project. Table 8.5 presents a
number of other ways of delivering treatment. These other ways are likely to
increase treatment effectiveness as well as our knowledge about treatment.

High-Strength Treatment
In the conventional model, treatment obviously is intended to have impact, but
rarely are the dose, strength, duration, and other parameters of treatment ex-
plicitly planned to maximize clinical impact. The high-strength treatment
model begins with an effort to maximize therapeutic change. For severe or re-
calcitrant clinical problems in particular, it may be valuable to test the strongest
feasible version of treatment to see if the problem can be altered and, if so, to
what extent. The high-strength model tries to maximize clinical change but also
to test the current limits of our knowledge.
For many problems (e.g., major depression, conduct disorder, attention-
deficit/hyperactivity disorder), brief, time-limited interventions are likely to
produce weak outcomes. Much longer treatments might seem more promising
to maximize impact. Yet few studies test variations of treatment strength or try
to evaluate high-strength treatments. As an exception, Lovaas (1987) treated
autistic children for an average of 40 hours per week for 2 or more years and
included an intervention in the child's home, school, and community using par-
ents and aides. The benefits at follow-up (mean of 5 years after treatment) were
evident in classroom placement, adaptive behavior, and measures of IQ, com-
pared to control cases with less intensive treatment (McEachin et al., 1993).
While this illustration of the model is extreme, it is also a good example be-
cause many professionals would say that the ability to achieve marked changes
in autism is quite limited, given what we currently know. Few treatments for

Table 8.5 Models of Treatment Delivery

1. Conventional Model Current model of research in which a time-limited,
usually brief treatment is provided.
2. High-Strength Treatment A test, a very strong intervention based on current
knoweldge. An effort to see what can be accom-
plished with the strongest available treatment.
3. Amenability to Treatment Identification of cases likely to vary in their
responsiveness to treatment. The goal is to identify
individuals for whom available treatments are likely
to be very effective and, in the process, the factors
that may moderate treatment response and hypotheses
about what is needed for more recalcitrant cases.
4. Broad-Based Treatment Use of multiple modalities, modules, components,
or interventions to address the range of domains
required to have significant impact on individual
5. Continued Treatment Treatment that is ongoing in some form, even after
an initial period of a conventional treatment may
have been provided. If dysfunction is likely to con-
tinue, an ongoing maintenance phase may be contin-
ued, perhaps on a more intermittent schedule or with
a different format of delivering treatment, such as
group rather than individual therapy, or treatment in
different settings, such as at school rather than at a
6. Periodic Monitoring and After a initial period of treatment, the intervention is
Treatment suspended. The patient enters into a phase in which
functioning is systematically assessed on a regular
basis. Based on the assessment results, treatment is
provided as needed.

the disorder have any evidence on their behalf (Rogers, 1998; Smith, 1999).
Consequently, the question becomes, what can we accomplish with a strong
treatment based on the best available knowledge?
I am not advocating lengthy treatments for all or even most clinical prob-
lems. However, it is important to investigate much stronger versions of treat-
ment for the range of problems usually seen in treatment. It is exceedingly im-
portant to learn in controlled studies what we can accomplish with a strong dose
of our treatments. That dose may involve evaluating more intensive efforts to
work with the child and family, involving others in the intervention, and en-
compassing more domains of the child's functioning, including academic per-
formance and social behavior, for example. If the strongest version of currently
available treatment produces change, then it is reasonable to study whether less
protracted, less costly, and more easily implemented procedures can achieve

similar outcomes and whether any loss in treatment gains is worth the savings
in cost or ease of administration.

Amenability to Treatment
I mentioned previously the paucity of research on factors that may moderate
treatment outcome, including the child, parent, family, context, therapist, and
treatment. The information on moderators is pertinent to identifying children and
adolescents who vary in the extent to which they can be improved by treatment,
that is, who vary in their amenability or responsiveness to treatment. Identifying
the subgroup(s) of individuals whom we can treat effectively on a fairly reliable
basis would be extremely valuable to the mental health professions and society
at large. For example, among children referred for the treatment of anxiety dis-
orders, perhaps those who are doing well at school and those whose parents have
no history of anxiety disorder are much more likely to respond to existing treat-
ments than other children. Such identification can contribute to knowledge by
raising hypotheses about why factors moderate outcome and contribute to prac-
tice by permitting better triage of cases to effective treatments.
Once subgroups of children who can be effectively treated are identified, re-
search can turn to those less amenable and for whom effective treatments are
unavailable. The approach of identifying children more or less amenable to
treatment can be integrated into existing controlled outcome research. A study
can identify children as more or less amenable to the intervention based on char-
acteristics of the sample and hypotheses about the interface of treatment and
these characteristics. Analyses of outcome effects can focus on planned or post-
hoc comparisons of subgroups within the investigation to assess responsiveness
to treatment.
Research on amenability to treatment can begin by identifying children with
a given problem who are likely to be the most responsive to treatment. Hypoth-
eses might target different subtypes of youths (e.g., those with early versus late
onset), family loading for the problem (e.g., family history versus no family his-
tory of the disorder), and contextual influences (e.g., family adversity, untoward
living conditions). Models of clinical dysfunction may also provide very use-
ful guidelines regarding which factors (e.g., risk or protective factors, subtypes
of the disorder) likely predict response to treatment.
Evaluation of amenability to treatment relies on empirically demonstrated
or hypothesized moderators. An investigator may study several factors that
have been studied in relation to a clinical problem and suggest who might be
more or less amenable to treatment. For example, children referred for aggres-
sive and antisocial behavior who are less amenable to treatment have more
severe and chronic problems, have comorbid disorders, come from socially
disadvantaged backgrounds, and live with parents who have current psy-
chopathology and high levels of stress (Kazdin, 1995a; Kazdin & Wassell,
1999). These different variables can be combined to provide an amenability
index. Both research on single or multiple moderators can be very useful in
evaluating amenability of children to treatment.

Broad-Based Treatment
Many dysfunctions involve a broad range of symptoms, associated areas of dys-
function, and parent and family problems. Comorbidity among children and
adolescents has received extensive discussion, but the range of problems that
youths evince extends well beyond multiple symptoms and diagnoses. For ex-
ample, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder may include impairments be-
yond the defining features: attention problems, hyperactivity, and impulsive-
ness. Academic dysfunction, poor peer relations, and aggressive and antisocial
behavior are likely to be present as well. I propose systematic expansion of out-
come criteria in treatment research partly because of evidence that symptoms
are often associated with dysfunction in other domains. In current approaches
to treatment, a particular intervention is implemented to alter an important facet
(psychic conflict, self-esteem, family processes) of the child or the system in
which the child functions. The targeted domain is considered, on theoretical or
clinical grounds, to be central to the child's problem. Yet, for many dysfunc-
tions, associated (correlated) features of, or consequences resulting from, the
disorder may require a broader range of interventions than any one treatment
approach can reasonably provide.
Treatments can be conceived as a modular system with separate components
(modules) woven into an overall treatment plan. Implementation initially re-
quires evaluating a child's functioning in diverse domains (home, school, com-
munity; deviance, prosocial, and academic functioning) and then providing
multiple treatments or components of treatment to address these domains. An
example is multisystemic therapy (MST), which I reviewed previously. This
treatment consists of a package of interventions deployed with children and
their families (Henggeler et al., 1998). The conceptual view is that multiple sys-
tems (family, school) impinge on the child as well as on each other. Domains
(e.g., parent unemployment) are addressed in treatment because they raise is-
sues for one or more systems (e.g., parent stress, increased alcohol consump-
tion) and affect the child's functioning (e.g., marital conflict, child discipline
practices). Several techniques (e.g., parent training, problem-solving skills
training) and case management are combined to address these multiple do-
mains. Obviously, MST is a broad-based treatment.
Broad-based treatment is not tantamount to a "shotgun" approach to treat-
ment selection or justification for unspecified eclecticism. The shotgun ap-
proach is often evident in inpatient treatment programs for children and ado-
lescents. As a matter of course, children may receive multiple treatments,
including medication related to their primary symptoms, some form of psy-
chotherapy (e.g., psychodynamically oriented, play-based sessions), group
treatment (social skills, problem solving), and recreational (e.g., art, music)
therapy, in addition to some wardwide therapeutic program (e.g., milieu ther-
apy, token economy). I do not propose this model here, although, of course, it
would be valuable to test whether any of these treatments are adding incre-
mentally to treatment outcome. Rather, in a broad-based model, treatments are
selected from those with available evidence. There should be evidence that the

constituent modules or treatments produce change and, eventually, evidence

that the combination of components is effective.
An assumption in therapy research is the more treatments applied to a clin-
ical problem or client, the better the outcome. This is in part the rationale for
eclectic combinations that often dominate clinical practice. But combinations
of treatment are not invariably more effective. Squeezing multiple treatments
within a fixed period of treatment, perhaps 10 weeks, can merely dilute the con-
stituent treatments because no component is presented at full dose. There are
cases in which combined treatments were actually less effective than treatments
involving only one of the constituent interventions (see Kazdin, 1996a).
In many instances, combined treatments are likely to be more effective than
their constituent treatments administered singly. Examples from medicine (e.g.,
for HIV, cancer, heart disease) can be readily cited. In the context of child and
adolescent psychotherapy, broader-based treatments deserve more frequent
tests, but selection of the components of treatment ought to draw from theory
and prior findings about why the combination is likely to be important, useful,
or warranted.

Continued Treatment
For several clinical dysfunctions or for a number of children with a particular
disorder, the course of maladjustment may last a lifetime. Obviously, the more
pervasive developmental disorders and more severe forms of mental retarda-
tion are in this class. Yet disorders more commonly seen in outpatient treatment
(e.g., conduct disorder and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder) often are
protracted as well (e.g., Robins, 1978; Weiss & Hechtman, 1986). For many
such children, continued treatment in some form may be required.
The continued treatment model may need to emulate the model used in the
treatment of diabetes mellitus, where ongoing treatment (insulin) is needed to
ensure that the benefits of treatment are sustained. Clearly with diabetes, a con-
ventional model of treatment (brief, time-limited) would not be very helpful in
the long term. Analogously, with many children referred for psychological
treatment, an ongoing intervention may be required to sustain treatment bene-
fits. Perhaps after the child is referred, treatment can address the current crises
and have an impact on functioning at home, at school, and in the community.
After improvement is achieved, treatment can be modified rather than simply
terminated. At that point, the child could enter maintenance therapy, which is
continued treatment, perhaps in varying schedules ("doses")- Treatment would
continue but intermittently.
There are a few examples of the potential benefits of continued treatment.
In the treatment of adult depression, the benefits of providing maintenance ther-
apy following a treatment course have been carefully evaluated in controlled
trials in which the maintenance therapy has included different treatments (e.g.,
half-dose of the original medication, interpersonal psychotherapy, cognitive
therapy) (Frank, Johnson, & Kupfer, 1992; Frank et al, 1993; Kupfer et al.,
1992). Patients who received maintenance therapy were much less likely to re-

lapse. Preliminary findings suggest similar benefits of maintenance treatment

(cognitive behavior therapy) in reducing relapse in depression among adoles-
cents (Kroll, Harrington, Jay son, Frazer, & Gowers, 1996).
Maintenance therapies can provide intermittent treatment or treatment as
needed and hence are not merely more sessions of the same treatment regimen.
Needless to say, ongoing treatment is not advocated in cases where there is ev-
idence that brief, time-limited treatment is effective. Beginning with a model of
brief, time-limited treatment may be quite reasonable, but heavy reliance on the
conventional model will greatly limit what we can accomplish with treatment.

Periodic Monitoring and Treatment

An alternative to continued treatment is to provide treatment followed by sys-
tematic case monitoring. After initial treatment and demonstrated improvement
in functioning in everyday life, treatment is suspended. At this point, the child's
functioning begins to be monitored regularly (e.g., every 3 months) and sys-
tematically with standardized measures. The assessment need not involve an
extensive battery but may reflect screening items to assess functioning of the
child at home and at school and along salient domains. Treatment could be pro-
vided as needed, based on the assessment data or emergent issues raised by the
family, teachers, or others. This is similar to the model for dental care in the
United States, in which "check-ups" are recommended every 6 months; an in-
tervention is provided as needed based on these periodic checks.
The novel feature of this model is monitoring of child functioning and the
use of additional treatment sessions on the basis of the resulting data. The
model may capture the advantages of continued treatment but specifically tar-
get individuals who need intervention. Many individuals who complete treat-
ment may be functioning well; assessment can identify these individuals and
not use resources for their continued treatment. Those functioning less well can
be brought into treatment as needed. Some individuals may need maintenance
There is likely to be great value in this model. But assessing the value is dif-
ficult because of the few data on follow-up course for child and adolescent treat-
ment. Indeed, the work on adult depression, as noted previously, came from ev-
idence that some forms of depression are recurrent and that relapse is likely
without treatment. With little evidence about how children are doing a year or
two after treatment, there is no clear need for a maintenance therapy. We have
learned from longitudinal rather than from treatment studies that many child-
hood disorders (e.g., depression, conduct disorder, attention-deficit/hyperac-
tivity disorder) are recurrent, may continue into adulthood, or serve as precur-
sors of other disorders even if they do not continue. These might be prime
candidates for continued treatment or periodic monitoring and treatment.

General Comments
The varied ways of evaluating treatments consider different characteristics of
clinical problems, the different types of treatment they may require, the differ-

ential responsiveness of some individuals, and the broad and enduring dys-
functions that clinically referred cases often bring to treatment. Typically, re-
search on treatment of child and adolescent disorders is not conducted'in ways
likely to develop and to identify effective interventions. For example, the du-
ration of treatment is relatively brief and thus probably not a test of high-
strength treatment. Characteristics of the child, parent, and family are rarely ex-
amined to identify who is more or less amenable or responsive to treatment.
Individual techniques are rarely combined to augment therapeutic change.
Thus, broad-based treatments are not usually tested. Finally, treatment is usu-
ally terminated after the brief regimen, so continued care or treatment as needed
is not evaluated. These characteristics of therapy research would not be prob-
lematic if effective treatments had been identified with the conventional model
of treatment evaluation. However, the yield from research and the very severe
and pervasive impairment of many disorders should compel us to reconsider
the focus, design, and model of treatment trials.
Some of the models presented here raise the prospect of treatments more ex-
tended than those currently included in research. The recommendations for
longer treatments in research for more protracted problems seem to oppose the
move toward brief treatment prompted by managed care and cost-containment
considerations. It is essential to be sensitive to pressures and trends in clinical
service delivery. Yet the task for research is to identify what interventions can
accomplish for the clinical problems of children and adolescents. More inten-
sive and more extended treatments for some problems or some children will not
necessarily mean more costly treatment. The costs to society, even purely mon-
etary costs, are not merely those of treatment delivery. Cost savings and cost-
benefit analyses are essential to consider as well. It may be premature to assume
that using a broader range of models for treatment delivery would necessarily
prove more costly. The previously discussed models also include better match-
ing of cases to treatments so that extended treatments can be assigned to chil-
dren for whom abbreviated treatments are not effective.


The proposed model for therapy research is intended to provide a blueprint for
developing effective treatments. Studies are needed to understand how treat-
ments work, how they interface with clinical dysfunction, and to whom they
can be effectively applied. Impetus for proposing an overall plan stems from
the directions and status of current research, which, by and large, has neglected
to study how treatment is delivered, who is served, and so on. No doubt, fur-
ther reviews of the treatment literature will continue to emerge in journal arti-
cles and books. However, further reviews or analyses of the literature, however
quantitative, comprehensive, or scholarly, will not provide the essential infor-
mation, if the requisite studies have not been completed.
The proposed model suggests several steps to develop the underpinnings of
effective treatment: the conceptualization of dysfunction and tests of this con-
ceptualization as a basis for developing treatment, conceptualization of treat-

ment (the change processes) and tests of this conceptualization, specification of

treatment, tests of treatment outcome, tests of the boundary conditions and
moderators of treatment, and tests of generality and applicability of treatment.
These steps do not prescsribe a fixed order, but research needs to address each
of these bases.
Related recommendations in the proposed model focused on the need to ex-
pand the range of questions about treatment and treatment outcomes. Regarding
outcome assessment, we need to know more about the scope of therapeutic
change but also more about the treatments and their characteristics (e.g., dis-
seminability, acceptability). Finally, the model included different ways of de-
livering treatment. The current model of therapy research, the conventional
model, focuses on brief, time-limited treatment. Little thought is given to this
model as it is routinely applied in even the best of the therapy studies. Other
models, including high-strength treatment, amenability to treatment, broad-
based treatment, continued treatment, and periodic monitoring and treatment as
needed, are likely to augment what we learn about treatment and to enhance
treatment outcome.
Major changes are needed in how treatment is developed, the range of ques-
tions asked, and the move toward progress in understanding process, outcomes,
and the conditions under which the effects are obtained. The de rigueur con-
clusion that "more research is needed" is by itself hazardous. More is not what
we need, or at least not just more research. We need different research, very dif-
ferent research from what characterizes current work, if we are going to make
genuine gains. The model in this chapter attempted to outline salient ways to
enhance progress and to accumulate research directed toward progress.


The readings below address facets of the model proposed in this chapter and include
overviews about the types of research needed in the future and comments on key issues.
Kazdin, A.E. (1997). A model for developing effective treatments: Progression and in-
terplay of theory, research, and practice. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 26,
Kazdin, A.E. (in press). Current (lack of) status of theory in child and adolescent psy-
chotherapy research. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology.
Kendall, P.C., & Southam-Gerow, M.A. (1995). Issues in the transportability of treat-
ment: The case of anxiety disorders in youths. Journal of Consulting and Clinical
Psychology, 63, 702-708.
Mash, E.J., & Barkley, R.A. (1998). Treatment of child and family disturbance: A be-
havioral-systems perspective. In E.J. Mash & R.A. Barkley (Eds.), Treatment of
childhood disorders (2nd ed., pp. 3-51). New York: Guilford.
Wilson, G.T. (1998). Manual-based treatment and clinical practice. Clinical
Psychology: Science and Practice, 5, 363-375.
Chapter 9

Designing and Conducting

a Treatment Study

Goals of the Study

Quality of the Study
Questions That Guide a Study
Methodological Issues
Selection of the Problem and Sample
Homogeneity and Heterogeneity of the Sample
Subject Assignment
Descriptive Information
Treatment Outcome Measures
Moderators and Mechanisms
Treatment Integrity
Other Types of Measures
Assessment Occasions
Representativeness of Treatment
Specification of Treatment
Strength of the Manipulation
Ensuring Treatment Integrity
Therapist Characteristics
Therapists as a Factor in the Design
Therapist Training
Statistical and Data-Analytic Issues
Power to Detect Group Differences
Evaluating the Results
Critical Issues with Methodological Implications
Ethical Issues and Design Interface
Informing Clients about Treatment
Withholding the Intervention
Using Treatments of Questionable Efficacy
General Comments
Summary and Conclusions

V^HAPTER 8 DESCRIBED A MODEL for child and adolescent psychotherapy re-
search. My goal was to underscore the importance of addressing neglected is-
sues and to ensure a systematic progression in the knowledge base over years
of research. Past evidence suggests that unsystematic accumulation of studies
leads to continued neglect of critical areas and questions.
General research aims are important, but we also need concrete suggestions
for conducting a psychotherapy investigation. Designing and conducting treat-
ment research raises many challenges that must be addressed because the qual-
ity of the literature very much depends on individual studies. No analytic or sta-
tistical tools (e.g., meta-analyses, evaluation of methodology) can overcome
poorly designed studies or well-designed studies that systematically omit crit-
ical issues. Obviously, well-designed studies that address critical issues are
This chapter focuses on the design of treatment research and its special is-
sues, decision points, and practices. I assume that the reader is familiar with ba-
sic research methodology, its many challenges, goals, and pitfalls. For those
who are unfamiliar with basic tenets of methodology or who would like a quick
review, an overview of key concepts and practices is provided in appendix B.


Quality of the Study
The quality or value of a study is determined by the importance of the ques-
tion(s) the investigator wishes to address. A study that is methodologically
sound, or indeed even exemplary, still may not be important. Is the overriding
question of the study really important? More cryptically, as stated by my dis-
sertation committee at the beginning of my oral exam, "Who could possibly
care about any facet of this study?" (I have edited some of the language in case
children inadvertently pick up this book.)
One might reply that the quality of the study or importance of the question
is a subjective matter and hence cannot generate consensus approval. But many
people may share the same subjective opinion. The statement that "beauty is in
the eyes of the beholder" is and is not true. Beauty is subjective, but people
within a culture agree quite markedly on what is pretty, handsome, or generally
physically attractive (Patzer & Burke, 1988). Quality of research, too, rests on
opinion, but here too the judgment, far from arbitrary, depends on specific cri-
The quality of the research question depends on whether the study advances
existing literature. Research that draws on theory about the disorder, treatment,
or characteristics of participants is usually more highly valued than simple com-
parisons of one treatment technique versus another or versus a control condi-
tion. As a general rule, research that seeks to explain, rather than merely to de-
scribe, at least in psychology, achieves higher status.
Sometimes the quality of the "same" study will differ depending on con-
ceptualization or framing of the study. For example, studying treatment effec-


tiveness with another age group (e.g., adolescents) after an initial demonstra-
tion with one age group (e.g., young children) is likely to be considered unin-
spired. This is a study of generality from one sample to another. Yes, general-
ity of findings is of interest, but the premier journals would probably consider
the question unimportant, perhaps rightfully so. The same study might be cast
in a more coherent theoretical framework that suggests that key developmen-
tal characteristics (e.g., cognitive, interpersonal) of an age group will influence
treatment outcome or the effectiveness of treatment. One could draw on the vast
child and adolescent development literatures and predict therapy effects based
on the identified differences in key processes. Moreover, the study might dem-
onstrate that the proposed processes in fact mediate outcome differences be-
tween the age groups. This research would constitute a superior study.
The example helps to explain why we are discussing the questions that guide
treatment research in a chapter on the methods and design of research. Design
serves the research question. Who and what is studied and how it is studied are
all intertwined. Methods need to match the question and vice versa. Evaluation
of the quality of the methods should include the value of the research questions
and how the methodology will serve these questions.

Questions That Guide a Study

As a general statement, it is useful for the investigator to ask what is the pur-
pose of this study, why is it particularly important, and what advance does it
make to this area of work. The specific questions are relevant to the design. Key
questions dictate experimental and control conditions to be included in the
study. Understanding how treatment operates and the factors that contribute to
change can be translated into several specific treatment evaluation strategies
that guide individual studies.
Table 9.1 presents major strategies used to evaluate treatment, the empirical
questions they are designed to address, and the minimal treatment and control
conditions the study will probably require. The questions associated with each
strategy were noted in chapter 8 as those we want to answer for a given treat-
ment. Going beyond these questions, the table includes the likely required com-
parison or control conditions for the investigation. The assumption in the table
is that the question will be addressed in group rather than single-case designs.
As in chapter 8, one can see that the questions cover a range of factors that
may contribute to treatment and represent a progression of research. For ex-
ample, an initial study might examine treatment relative to a no-treatment con-
trol group (treatment package strategy) to determine the overall effects of the
intervention. Further studies may consider how to vary the treatment to increase
its effectiveness (parametric strategy), which factors (child, parent, family, or
other) influence who responds to treatment (moderator strategy), and so on.
Treatment mechanisms can be revealed within a portfolio of research that rep-
resents increasingly sophisticated questions about treatment. To judge the qual-
ity of research, one should consider the question an investigator has selected in
relation to what is already known about the treatment or clinical problem. The
Table 9.1 Treatment Strategies, Questions,
and Design Implications
Treatment Package What is the impact of Treatment vs. no treatment
Strategy treatment relative to or waiting-list control
no treatment? group.
Dismantling Strategy What components con- Two or more treatment
tribute to change, what groups. One receives the
aspects of the inter- full treatment package;
vention are necessary, other groups receive
sufficient, or facilitative that package minus one
of therapeutic change? or more components.
Constructive Strategy What components or other Two or more treatment
treatments can be added groups. One receives the
to enhance therapeutic full treatment package;
change? other groups receive that
package plus other com-
ponents or treatment.
Parametric Strategy What parameters can be Two or more treatment
varied to influence groups that differ in one
(improve) outcome? or more facets (e.g.,
duration, intensity).
Comparative Outcome How effective is this Two or more groups
Strategy treatment relative to that receive different
other treatments for treatments.
this problem?
Moderator Strategy What features related to the One or more treatment
child, parent, family, and groups but divided by
context influence levels of a predicted
(moderate) outcome? moderator (e.g., severity
of child symptoms).
Process/Mechanism What processes within One or more treatments
Strategy or during treatment with assessment on pre-
influence (mediate) sumed processes that
outcome? may be responsible for,
lead to, account for, and
cause therapeutic
Generality Strategy To what extent are treat- One treatment group but
ment effects generalizable applied in a different
across problem areas, context. Could be two
settings, and other (or more) treatment
domains? groups where the context
is varied (e.g., examined
as a moderator) to see if
generality varies.


investigator ought to make the case that the study will add significant knowl-
edge to the field.

The investigator's key decisions relate to the question or hypotheses and also
reflect the care and thoughtfulness with which the study is to be carried out.
Investigators who are interested in publishing the findings of their studies of-
ten are hoping for statistically significant results. An assumption is made that
the suitability of the article for publication, especially in a prestigious journal,
will depend on whether or not the results "come out." Perhaps this is true. Yet
the publication fate of the study is partially determined before the first subject
is ever run. Design decisions influence matters that reflect the quality of the
study. Once these decisions are made, much can be said about the study, as well
as its likely strengths and limitations, independently of the results that will fol-
low. Consider some of the key methodological decisions and their implications.

SELECTION OF THE PROBLEM AND SAMPLE. An initial decision for design-
ing the study is the clinical problem or focus (e.g., depression, anxiety, non-
compliance, and family conflict). Obviously, this entails more than merely se-
lecting a problem name. The first issue here is the sample itself, the subjects.1
How will the sample be obtained? Will the participants be individuals recruited
from schools, the community, or health centers, or will be they be individuals
who have sought treatment? It is important to be explicit about how the sub-
jects are obtained. The second issue is specification of the problem's severity,
duration, and associated features. If depressed adolescents will be treated, what
will be the extent of depression, as defined in what way (e.g., by psychiatric di-
agnosis? by parent- or adolescent-completed scale, and, if so, which ones?).
The question related to the problem reflects a broader issue: specifying the
inclusion and exclusion criteria. What are the criteria for being included in this
study? The inclusion criteria may cover severity of the problem, age, family
characteristics, IQ, or whatever else. These must be explicit. Also, exclusion
criteria are important because some individuals may have met the inclusion cri-
teria but have other complications that the investigator wishes to avoid (e.g.,
are currently in another form of treatment, have a serious and debilitating med-
ical disease, have other clinical disorders in addition to the one encompassed
by the inclusion criteria). Even though an effort ought to be made to specify in-
clusion and exclusion criteria in advance, other, unforeseen considerations may
emerge during recruitment. For example, in one of our studies, we excluded a
single parent (mother), although she and one of her four children met our in-
clusion criteria for the treatment of conduct disorder. The mother was home-
less; she and her four children lived in a car, did not have adequate provisions
for basic care of the children (e.g., food, clothing, bathing facilities), and her
school-age children were not attending school. We felt several other services
were urgently needed before considering therapy and excluded the case. (We

assisted in connecting the family to services to address housing and other

needs.) None of these conditions was explicit in our exclusion criteria but
seemed reasonable to invoke for clinical and research purposes.
Whether subjects are referred or recruited, some will meet criteria but still
will not be included. Circumstances or unwillingness to participate may lead to
less than 100% success in obtaining subjects from those who are eligible. It is
important to state how many individuals were approached, screened, or con-
sidered and what percentage of these actually agreed to participate. Those who
agree to participate are likely to be less disturbed and less dysfunctional and to
show better social and academic functioning (see Frame & Strauss, 1987;
Weinberger, Tublin, Ford, & Feldman, 1990). Specifying how many cases
were considered may suggest how well the final sample likely represents the
larger set of persons who were considered (see Betan, Roberts, & McCluskey-
Fawcett, 1995).


jects and specifying inclusion and exclusion criteria raise another issue to guide
decision making, namely, the homogeneity and heterogeneity of the sample.
Consider homogeneity and heterogeneity as end points on a continuum (al-
though they would reflect several different continua because samples can dif-
fer on multiple dimensions). A more homogeneous sample is similar on all or
most dimensions (e.g., age, problems, gender, and socioeconomic status). A
more heterogeneous sample would allow as many factors as possible to vary
among the subjects. Homogeneity and heterogeneity have benefits and costs.
Greater homogeneity minimizes extraneous variability in the data because there
is a lower standard deviation and hence less error when computing statistical
significance and effect size. But the trade-off is a rather restricted sample and
results that may not be generalizable beyond this sample. Conversely, greater
heterogeneity means more diverse types of cases are included and hence the re-
sults may be more generalizable, yet variability is higher and differences be-
tween groups or conditions will be more difficult to detect. Greater hetero-
geneity also may allow the investigator to analyze the results for a potential
moderator that might influence outcome, because subjects vary on that charac-
Occasionally investigators select highly heterogeneous samples by admit-
ting all cases that apply to treatment, by including different ages, and by not be-
ing too fussy about the presenting problems. The touted advantage is that such
a study is really clinically relevant because all types of clients are included.
However, sometimes a study is reported in which the sample was so heteroge-
neous that nonsignificant group differences at the end of treatment are very
likely (e.g., Sloane, Staples, Cristol, Yorkston, & Whipple, 1975). When within-
group variability (i.e., individual differences) is relatively large, showing that
groups (treatments, conditions) are different will be difficult unless sample size
is large or some other strategy is adopted to augment power.
There is no need to be a homo- or heterophobic, methodologically speaking.

There are options and compromises in identifying the sample for research. One
option is to include very different subjects (heterogeneous) on one or two vari-
ables that may be conceptually important as potential moderators (e.g., child
gender, presence of comorbid disorders). These variables then can be included
in the hypotheses and their effects examined in the data analyses. By analyzing
the variable, one can evaluate its effect rather than merely lump it with error
variance. Also, subjects can be matched on a variable that makes them hetero-
geneous and then assigned to groups randomly. This does not solve the prob-
lem but permits some analyses that systematically evaluate key dimensions of
the sample. The main points are to select the sample suited to the question, to
demonstrate the effect of interest, and to minimize variability of the sample.
This emphasizes questions of internal validity (see appendix B). If the goal is
generalization, one wants a diverse sample and perhaps opportunities to eval-
uate whether the results vary as a function of that diversity.

SUBJECT ASSIGNMENT. Assignment of subjects to conditions is important to

consider as well. Random assignment of all subjects to the various treatment
and control conditions is the obvious, usual choice, and hence is not elaborated
here. Other options serve different purposes. First, one might want to match
subjects on one or more variables of interest (e.g., gender, severity of the prob-
lem) and then assign matched pairs (or triads, depending on the number of con-
ditions) to treatment and control conditions (or to three conditions). When sam-
ples are not large and the subject pool is quite diverse, random assignment alone
is too "chancy" to ensure that groups are equivalent on key variables (e.g., pro-
portion of cases of boys or of a given severity of the problem). The option is to
match cases on the variable of interest (gender or severity of symptoms within,
say, one-quarter of a standard deviation on the measure of severity). If there are
two groups (treatment A, treatment B), then two matched cases (e.g., two girls)
are identified and then assigned randomly to each group. This continues with
all of the subjects, who are matched and then assigned randomly. At the end of
the assignment, the groups will be equivalent for the variables of interest.
Second, random assignment is not always possible, and this is not a cata-
strophe. One may wish to compare groups at two different clinics. For exam-
ple, it may not be feasible to administer two different treatments at one clinic
or to compare a new treatment with a standard treatment at the same clinic.
Another clinic's patients may be useful for comparison purposes. If there are
multiple clinics, which clinics receive treatment or control conditions can be
randomly determined. But even with two clinics, there is still hope for drawing
valid inferences. Random assignment is intended to make the groups equiva-
lent before treatment and to ensure that possible threats to internal validity
could not explain group differences. If cases at one clinic receive a special treat-
ment but cases at another clinic receive standard care, one can evaluate both
samples extensively to see if they are equivalent. Also, at the end of the study,
through within-group analyses (i.e., analyses separately for each clinic), one
can determine whether critical processes within treatment related to outcome.

Statistical analyses and evaluation of correlates and moderators of outcome

within groups can help strengthen the interpretation that treatment differences
were due to the treatment rather than subject selection (sample differences).
Random assignment is preferred, but it ought not to be worshipped. Indeed,
random assignment does not guarantee group equivalence, especially when
sample sizes are small (<20 per group) (see Hsu, 1989). The task of the inves-
tigator is to make the case that groups are equivalent and that nonequivalences
do not explain the findings. If groups are not equivalent, the role of the vari-
able^) on which they differ can be evaluated to consider its relation to outcome.
Much can be learned from quasi-experiments in which random assignment
cannot be used. Most of the sciences have proceeded without randomly as-
signing the "subjects" (e.g., planets, native tribes, volcanoes) to conditions to
avoid confounds. Also, given the status of the evidence for child and adoles-
cent psychotherapy (most treatments have not been studied, most treatments
that have been studied have not been evaluated in clinical settings), findings
from quasi-experiments could add considerably.

Four areas of assessment are pertinent to a well-designed therapy study. Each
one requires some decisions and, of course, relates to the overall purpose of the

DESCRIPTIVE INFORMATION. A measure is needed to provide detailed de-

scriptive information about the subjects. The basic information includes sub-
ject and demographic descriptors such as age, gender, race, some measures of
socioeconomic and occupational status (income, receipt of social assistance),
and family composition (proportion of single-parent families, etc.). The char-
acteristics noted here are probably the minimum needed to identify the sample.
How the characteristics are measured can vary widely.
Other information can be quite useful as well, including diagnosis of the sub-
jects, presence of multiple disorders, school functioning (IQ, grade level), and
characteristics of the community and neighborhood (crime rate, population
density, and so on). An indefinite number of characteristics can be listed here,
but the point is to ensure that the basic ones are covered. Additional ones ought
to have some rationale for inclusion. For example, in my own treatment re-
search with antisocial children, we routinely measure and report IQ as a de-
scriptor variable, because severity of impairment, long-term course, and re-
sponse to treatment vary considerably as a function of IQ. It is important to
report how any characteristic was measured (e.g., parent report, therapist in-
terview). As a general rule, the method of obtaining information is potentially
as important to report as the information itself.
Participants in a study also include the therapists. But they usually are not
formally assessed through a measure because they are few and can be asked
about key characteristics. Among therapist characteristics, it is useful to report
age, gender, race, graduate degrees, experience, current status/occupation (e.g.,
graduate students, professional clinicians). As a matter of record keeping, it is

helpful to develop a form that therapists can complete to collect this informa-
tion systematically.
The consumers of research, including other scientists, ought to know pre-
cisely who was included in the sample. Furthermore, many therapy studies end
up in secondary data analyses such as meta-analyses. An investigator has no
special obligation to try to anticipate all the variables that future reviewers may
wish to code. However, the frequent use of studies for secondary analyses re-
inforces the importance of ensuring that the basic information on subjects and
therapists is included.
TREATMENT OUTCOME MEASURES. Obviously a central area of assessment
pertains to measures used to evaluate therapeutic change. Chapter 8 discussed
the range of relevant outcomes, beyond those related to the symptoms that may
have been the impetus for treatment. A well-developed outcome assessment
battery is sensitive to a key considerations.
First, any given construct or domain of interest (child psychopathology, de-
pression, aggression) ought to be represented by more than one measure. As in-
vestigators, we are almost always primarily interested in constructs rather than
measures. For example, we are interested in reducing adolescent depression or
symptoms of depression, not in changing scores on a single scale (Center for
Epidemiological Study-Depression Scale), even though we certainly view one
as related to the other. As a rule, a single measure only imperfectly assesses a
construct. One wants to be assured that the results are not limited to only a sin-
gle measure of the construct. Needless to say, it is not always feasible to select
more than one measure of all the constructs. For example, child symptoms, so-
cial behavior, school functioning, parent psychopathology, marital functioning,
and family relations are among the reasonable outcome domains of child and
adolescent therapy. Two to three measures from each of these areas might make
the duration of assessment for the family longer than the treatment. Even so,
the primary constructs ought to be represented with more than one measure.
Second, multiple methods of assessment are essential. As is well established,
child, parent, teacher, and clinician evaluations of child functioning do not cor-
relate very highly with each other (e.g., Achenbach et al., 1987; Kazdin, 1994b;
Offord et al., 1996). So if child psychopathology is of interest, the separate mea-
sures used to represent the construct ought to use more than one informant. It
is even better to draw on different methods of assessment such as informant re-
ports, laboratory samples of behavior, direct observations in everyday life,
archival records (e.g., school attendance), and psychophysiological measures,
if relevant (e.g., anxiety). Multiple methods of assessment are just as important
as multiple measures. Again, the goal is to ensure that the results are not re-
stricted to a very specific way of measuring the outcome. When a construct is
assessed by only one method, it is not clear whether the findings are restricted
to that particular method.
MODERATORS AND MECHANISMS. An investigator may be interested in eval-
uating predictors of responsiveness to treatment or moderators on which the ef-
fectiveness of treatment depends. For example, there may be good theoretical

reasons to believe that child gender or severity of symptoms at intake will in-
fluence the effects of treatment. Both of these variables are usually covered in
the assessments I have mentioned.
Of course, many other moderators would require the addition of measures
to the study. Characteristics of the child (e.g., temperament, self-esteem, self-
efficacy), of the parents (e.g., parenting style), and of home relations (e.g., ex-
pressed emotion) might be of interest. The range of potential moderators is vast,
as chapter 8 suggested. Methodological considerations, including the use of
multiple measures and methods, apply to moderators as well. Also, previous
comments about the goals of the study and the quality of the study certainly ap-
ply in selecting among the infinite range of potential moderators.
The investigator may be interested in processes or mechanisms of change,
such as factors responsible for changes in the outcome measures. These pro-
cesses might include cognitions of the child, parental execution of specific
strategies or techniques in the home, or relationship (bonding, alliance) with the
therapist. One usually needs to show that changes in the processes precede the
changes in outcome. The time line is important because the proposed processes
(e.g., cognitions) could change as, or indeed even after, the symptoms change.
To evaluate such processes requires measures of the proposed processes, mea-
surement occasions to establish the time line, and special data-analytic tech-
niques to isolate the role of the process on the outcome (see Baron & Kenny,
1986; Holmbeck, 1997). Regrettably, very little therapy research examines why
therapeutic change occurs. The model for therapy research in chapter 8 is an at-
tempt to convey the importance and place of such research in the long-term
goals of research.

TREATMENT INTEGRITY. I discuss methodological challenges associated

with treatment delivery later, but one of them involves assessment, namely, the
measurement of treatment integrity. It is important to ensure that treatment was
delivered as intended. Development of clear procedures and treatment manu-
als are steps toward that goal, but they do not guarantee proper treatment im-
plementation. Supervision of therapists during a study also advances the goal,
but the question for the investigator is twofold: were the treatments adminis-
tered as intended and how does one know that?
During the course of the study, some measure of the integrity with which
treatment was administered is essential. The measure provides information
about the extent to which a given treatment was followed as intended (treat-
ment integrity) and the extent to which two or more treatments differed on crit-
ical procedures or components (treatment differentiation). There are no stan-
dard, widely available measures of treatment integrity that one can take off the
shelf, but many examples can be obtained from published research (see Klosko,
Barlow, Tassinari, & Cerny, 1990; Waltz, Addis, Koerner, & Jacobson, 1993).
To assess integrity, investigators usually begin by specifying key components
of treatment and then coding evidence of these components in a sample of ses-
sions. Videotapes or audiotapes of the sessions often are coded so that one has

a quantitative estimate of the extent to which treatment was carried out as in-
tended. The results can be revealing and show, for example, that control sub-
jects occasionally receive treatments they were not intended to receive and that
treated subjects do not receive the treatment they were intended to receive (e.g.,
Feldman et al., 1983).
In assessment of treatment integrity, multiple methods and multiple mea-
sures are usually not used within a study. Any measure with some reliability
that focuses on treatment fidelity is usually quite enough. Such measures are
often difficult to use and are not the main part of the study. This is a procedural
check rather than a test of key constructs within the study. Of course, conceiv-
ably one could conduct a study with the primary purpose of evaluating treat-
ment integrity, in which case multiple measures and methods would become
more important.
OTHER TYPES OF MEASURES. The investigator may wish to include yet other
measures to elaborate some facet of treatment. One broad domain is referred to
as client reactions to treatment and reflects dimensions not covered by outcome
measures or processes, but which still distinguish different treatments. For ex-
ample, rates of families canceling or missing sessions or dropping out of treat-
ment, adherence to treatment prescriptions, untoward side effects, and satis-
faction with and acceptability of treatment might be pertinent. Treatments
might be equally effective on treatment outcome measures but vary on one or
more of these other criteria. These other criteria may make one of the inter-
ventions the treatment of choice.
Other measures related to the administration of treatment may be of inter-
est. These are not measures of treatment integrity, already covered, but rather
such measures as the cost of treatment, requirements for training, ease of ap-
plication of treatment, and perhaps acceptability of treatment to the therapist.
These measures distinguish treatments in ways that may have implications for
use and dissemination.
ASSESSMENT OCCASIONS. Assessment occasions focus on the outcome mea-
sures and when they are administered over the course of the study. Most stud-
ies administer measures at pretreatment and posttreatment. For purposes of re-
search, pretreatment measures provide enormous benefits pertaining to the
methodology (e.g., permits matching of subjects on pretreatment severity, eval-
uating equivalence prior to treatment), statistical evaluation (e.g., increased
power), and clinical evaluation (e.g., one can examine who changed and how
much each person changed) (see Kazdin, 1998b).
In addition to pre- and postassessment, knowing how well clients are func-
tioning during treatment would be extremely helpful. As mentioned in chapter
8, the model implied by pre- and posttreatment assessment is that there is a spe-
cific regimen of treatment to be delivered, and once delivered, we must deter-
mine how well it worked. This is a clinically odd model: we want to know how
well the child and family are functioning while treatment is in effect and to
make decisions on the basis of that. Perhaps no more treatment is needed and

treatment can be stopped; perhaps it needs to continue. The decision to end

treatment ought to be based on therapeutic effects or change rather than on time
served with the therapist. Assessment during the course of treatment will make
research much more relevant for clinical practice, for which client progress
along the way needs to be evaluated.
The assessment during treatment need not be comprehensive. First, it might
be conducted only on some occasions (e.g., every third or fourth session or
some other regimen, as feasible). Also, simple measures or clinically friendly
measures that take a matter of minutes could be used (Clement, 1999; Kazdin,
1993b). Measures can be validated in research to ensure that in fact a highly ab-
breviated battery or measure relates to the larger outcome-assessment battery
and can be used to reflect changes when administration of the full battery is not
feasible (e.g., Kazdin & Wassell, 1998).
Assessment occasions also refer to the outcomes over the course of follow-
up, which is an elapsed interval after treatment. The significance of follow-up
stems from the prospect that conclusions about the effectiveness of treatment
can vary over time. Treatment effects might not be maintained. Treatment may
be better than no treatment at posttreatment, but this relation may not be evi-
dent at follow-up. Also, two treatments may vary in effectiveness at posttreat-
ment but not at follow-up or vice versa. Follow-up assessment is important.
Many obstacles hinder follow-up, so investigators who do not follow their
cases over time have plenty of reasons. First, loss of subjects from posttreatment
to follow-up assessment can make interpretation of any results very difficult, and
the investigator may have to, in the words of my dissertation committee, "Get
rid of that section of the paper completely." I take up attrition later.
Second, obtaining follow-up data extends the duration of the study.
Conducting treatment studies is a lengthy enterprise. Introducing a follow-up
assessment interval of 6 months to a year adds time and generates more work:
data, data analyses, more to write up, and so on. Depending on how an inves-
tigator operates, a 6-month follow-up could easily add a year to the study.
Follow-up can be expensive too. Tracking families, repeatedly calling and
mailing packets of measures, or scheduling visits to complete the measures (at
a clinic, at home) requires person power, funds for reimbursement of families
and postage, and investigator stress-management skills. Understandably, few
investigators view follow-up with equanimity. Pressures to publish, to com-
plete theses and dissertations, and to complete studies within time frames of
grant agencies also may push investigators to collect the data as quickly as pos-
sible and omit follow-up. Yet the pain of follow-up assessment is important
to endure. If one cannot wait for follow-up or does not want that data to jeop-
ardize the study results, one should complete and write up the study after
posttreatment data are collected. Investigators occasionally prepare follow-
up reports separately from the original article in which the study was reported,
as is routinely done in longitudinal studies. As for the time interval, longer
is usually better, but even a 6- to 12-month follow-up assessment would be

Unfortunately treatment studies are not part of large-scale longitudinal stud-

ies. Longitudinal studies typically follow a sample over an extended period to
evaluate risk and protective factors, onset of disorders, or outcomes of interest;
they are not intervention studies. In longitudinal studies, investigators make
special efforts to establish long-term relations with participants to obtain ex-
tended assessments over time (e.g., 10-30 years). It would be very helpful to
draw on the approaches used in successful longitudinal studies and to embed
treatment groups into these studies (e.g., Luster, 1998).

REPRESENTATIVENESS OF TREATMENT. The treatment included in the study
raises a host of methodological issues. The first issue is the need to ensure that
the treatment fairly represents the intervention the investigator intends. The in-
vestigator may call the treatment cognitive behavior therapy or psychodynam-
ically oriented treatment, but a name does not reveal what will actually be car-
ried out or whether the name reflects the common or expected use of the term.
In many studies in the adult therapy literature, the results are discounted
because critics note that the treatments as studied did not represent the usual
application of the intended intervention (e.g., Heimberg & Becker, 1984;
Jacobson, 1991; Rachman & Wilson, 1980). Part of the problem is that there is
no single accepted version of a given technique. Furthermore, techniques re-
ferred to by the same name (e.g., cognitive therapy) have many versions. It is
important for the investigator to establish that the treatment to be delivered is
a reasonable rendition of the standard treatment. Consultation with recognized
experts in the field who might comment on the treatment manual would be one
very good way to check on this (Sechrest, West, Phillips, Redner, & Yeaton,
1979). Consultants might comment on whether the procedures, strength, and
dose of treatment are reasonable. Revisions could be made, if needed, to rep-
resent treatment better. If no revisions are needed, the treatment in fact reflects
a reasonable rendition. If the investigator is the inventor of the treatment, the
problem is moot. The task is merely to report the treatment and to make the
manual available.

SPECIFICATION OF TREATMENT. Any treatment ought to be described in a

manual in some form. The manual guides the training of therapists, elaborates
critical aspects of treatment, communicates to others what was done, and per-
mits replication in research and clinical work. As highlighted in the chapter 8,
manuals differ widely in degree of specificity, detail, and rigidity. They may in-
clude general guidelines, overarching principles, themes of the sessions, and
scripts, mini-speeches, and sequences of activities (role playing, problem solv-
ing) presented by the therapist. Examples of the many available manuals were
cited in chapter 8. Rarely can one take a manual "off the shelf" and merely start
administering treatment (see "Therapists" section). Usually, it is necessary to
see how the treatment is implemented and to practice implementing treatment,
often extensively, in addition to consulting the treatment manual. These addi-

tional components do not detract from the main point: use of a treatment man-
ual is essential for a superior treatment study.
STRENGTH OF THE MANIPULATION. Obviously, an investigator ought to con-
duct a strong test of the hypotheses or predictions (i.e., one that is likely to show
an effect if there is one). At the design stage, one ought to consider whether the
study, as planned, would provide a really good test of the hypotheses, predic-
tions, or treatment. If the answer is no, then the task is to identify specifically
how to improve this test.
For treatment studies, one first must consider basic parameters of treatment
such as the number of sessions, their duration, and format (individual vs. group;
individualized content vs. some generic treatment regimen applied the same
way to all). Why was this duration and amount of treatment elected for the
study? A practical answer (e.g., to finish the study within one academic term,
to complete my dissertation) is a risky and inadequate, although understand-
able, justification.
Sometimes the investigator includes many different conditions or groups
within the study, say, two or three treatment groups and one control group. If
possible, can one or more of the groups be eliminated from the design? The
strength of the manipulation can be improved by testing more extreme or
sharply delineated groups among the conditions the investigator is contemplat-
ing. Also, the same number of subjects as originally intended deployed in fewer
groups than originally planned can increase the power of the study.
ENSURING TREATMENT INTEGRITY. It is important to ensure that groups re-
ceived the intervention as intended. Indeed, any inference (treatment was or
was not effective) presumes that the treatment was well executed. The pre-
sumption needs to be documented. Treatment integrity focuses on the fidelity
or faithfulness with which treatment was delivered. In addition, the investiga-
tor usually wishes to minimize the variability among the different therapists
who administer the treatment(s). Large variation in how treatment is carried out
can lead to the absence of statistical differences among conditions, when gen-
uine differences exist.
The investigator must ensure a high level of integrity and provide some mea-
sure to evaluate or confirm this. Procedures to guarantee integrity of treatment
include careful specification of the treatment to the therapists, special training
of the therapists to administer the treatment, and ongoing procedures during the
study to ensure that integrity is sustained. These ongoing procedures can in-
clude listening to or viewing tapes of selected sessions, meeting with the ther-
apists to provide feedback, and conducting periodic review or training sessions
whether departures of integrity are evident or not. Assessment of integrity re-
quires some measure to quantify the extent to which treatment was carried out
as intended. This means specifying how to carry out the treatment correctly,
something addressed prior to beginning the study. To assess integrity, sample
sessions can be videotaped randomly and evaluated by naive raters who code
the presence or absence or degree of particular characteristics. A particular

score or set of a priori criteria on the measure, usually arbitrary but still help-
ful, defines an adequate level of integrity.
If two or more treatments are included in the study, it is also important to en-
sure that their key dimensions are different and that the treatments did not ac-
cidentally overlap. For example, if behavior therapy and relationship therapy
are compared, they must differ on the dimensions intended to distinguish them
and each group (e.g., relationship therapy) should not accidentally get the other
treatment (e.g., behavior therapy). Such a spillover, referred to as diffusion
of treatment, happens because sometimes therapists use what they know, and if
they know both approaches, they may administer them both (see Austin,
Liberman, King, & DeRisi, 1976; Feldman et al, 1983). The task of the inves-
tigator is to prevent this diffusion and to describe and conduct methods to show
how it was done. There is no single, standardized way to supervise, ensure, and
assess integrity. However, integrity is essential; statistical comparisons and
conclusions of the study depend on it.

I mentioned before that in child and adolescent treatment it is meaningful to
speak of therapeutic agent because so many people (e.g., parents, teachers, or
peers) are available to deliver treatment or play a significant role in the deliv-
ery of treatment. For this discussion, let us consider the therapist in the usual
sense, as the professional agent who has primary responsibility for delivery of
the intervention. Several decisions and issues emerge in relation to the thera-
pists and the design of the investigation.

THERAPIST CHARACTERISTICS. The therapist can make a difference in treat-

ment outcome, at least in adult therapy (e.g., Beutler et al., 1994). Less atten-
tion has been accorded the role of the therapist in child treatment, and the few
available findings are too specific to provide insights at this time (e.g., therapist
openness, assertiveness, and directness enhances the effectiveness of group
therapy [Kolvin et al., 1981]). Who will serve as therapists? The usual alterna-
tives are either professional therapists or persons in training such as graduate
students. It is difficult to involve professional therapists because of the time
commitment and inability of most research programs to pay therapists. Therapy
projects are often short-lived; hence, the therapist is usually an individual in a
temporary position such as a student.
How many therapists will be included? The answer is always at least two,
and more are usually preferable. Some believe that if the therapist is "constant"
(the same) across different treatments, the therapist is controlled in the design.
Yet, if one therapist were to administer all conditions, he or she might be more
effective with one of the treatments; consequently, the effects of the therapist
and treatment cannot be truly separated (see Kazdin, 1998b).
Occasionally, the investigator may wish to study therapist characteristics
within the design. If so, more than one therapist is needed to represent each level
of the characteristic. For example, if warmth is the characteristic of interest, at

least two therapists are needed at each level (high warmth, low warmth) so that
the level of the variable can be separated from the characteristics or unique fea-
tures of any particular therapist. If there is no interest in studying therapist char-
acteristics, a minimum of two therapists is still needed to deliver treatment. One
must be sure that any differences at the end of treatment can be separated from
the impact of the therapist.
THERAPISTS AS A FACTOR IN THE DESIGN. If two or more treatments are ad-
ministered, the investigator must decide whether all therapists will administer
all conditions. If all therapists administer all conditions, therapists are said to
be crossed with treatment. When therapists are crossed with treatment, the ef-
fects of therapists can be analyzed as a factor in the design (therapist X treat-
ment interaction). The data analyses can identify whether some therapists were
systematically more effective than others (no matter what treatment they ad-
ministered) or whether some were more effective with the different treatments.
In some situations therapists administer only one of the treatments. For ex-
ample, assume that there are two treatments (A, B) and four therapists. Two of
the therapists, perhaps because of their expertise, administer only treatment A.
Each treatment is administered by those individuals who are trained or expert
in it. In this situation, the therapist is said to be nested within treatment. If ther-
apists have identified skill or expertise, it would be unreasonable to train them
to do all techniques. At the end of treatment, a potential problem can emerge.
When therapists are nested, therapist differences rather than treatment differ-
ences could explain the results. Moreover, using more therapists between treat-
ment conditions can increase variability and make detection of differences
more difficult in the statistical analyses. Whether therapists are crossed or
nested depends on the goals of the study, the type of treatment, and therapist
THERAPIST TRAINING. Therapists must be sufficiently skilled to carry out the
treatment. A common mistake is to confuse skills or competence with experi-
ence. For example, investigators occasionally report that therapists had 3,5, or
10 years of experience, implying that they therefore know well how to deliver
therapy. No doubt experience is valuable. But skill, not experience is the issue;
experience and skill are not perfectly or necessarily correlated. The investiga-
tor must address three critical questions: are the therapists skilled to deliver this
treatment? What training program, regimen, or procedure was used to ensure
that they are? How was this competence evaluated in this study? (This last ques-
tion pertains to treatment integrity and was already covered.)
Therapist training and treatment integrity assume increased importance
when multiple treatments and multiple therapists are used. Obviously, the op-
portunities for large variability among therapists and departure from treatment
as intended increase as the number of therapists and treatments increases. Also,
because the resources to monitor all of the different therapists and treatments
(usually just the investigator) are spread more thinly, a breakdown of integrity
or slight departures from treatment more easily creep into the study. A practi-

cal recommendation helps with methodology here—keep the scope of the study
small to address one or a few questions really well. Larger-scale studies with
multiple treatments and therapists may be better left to multisite studies where
the resources for monitoring everything really well are more likely available.

Statistical and Data-Analytic Issues

Of the many statistical and data analytic issues, only a few can be highlighted
here. Statistical issues include the methods used to evaluate the data and also
design issues that can affect the conclusions before any data are even collected.
Let us begin with power as a fundamental issue.

POWER TO DETECT GROUP DIFFERENCES. Power is the probability of re-

jecting the null hypothesis when it is false. Stated differently, power is the like-
lihood of finding differences between the treatments when in fact their out-
comes are truly different. Power is a issue in research in which statistical tests
are used to evaluate the null hypotheses (no differences) or test for differences
among conditions or groups. When a study shows that groups are not statisti-
cally different, this could be true or there could be real differences but this study
could not detect them. There are many reasons why no differences might be
found, but insufficient power is a main one.
Power (1-beta), the criterion for statistical significance (alpha), sample size
(N), and the difference that exists between groups (effect size) are all related.2
When any three of these are specified in a study, the other term is fixed. For ex-
ample, in planning a study, assume that we will be testing group differences
with an alpha of/? < .05, that we will have medium effect sizes (e.g., .50), and
we want power to be .80. With these three specified, we can consult various re-
sources (noted later) to see how many subjects we would need to detect differ-
ences, if such differences exist. It is essential to conduct research so that indi-
vidual studies are sufficiently powerful to detect differences.
Power is an issue in virtually all research and is important to consider here.
In the context of therapy research, studies often have weak power for address-
ing two types of comparisons of interest. First, investigators often compare two
or more treatment conditions, perhaps two or more types of therapy or two or
more variations or combinations of treatments. It is common to find that treat-
ments do not statistically differ from each other when compared on the outcome
measures. It may well be that the effectiveness of the two treatments are not re-
ally different. However, most studies of therapy have too little power to detect
treatment differences (Kazdin & Bass, 1989; Rossi, 1990).
Briefly, the problem pertains to the magnitude of effects when treatments are
compared. As a guide, consider effect size as the measure of the strength of ef-
fects and delineate three points on a continuum as small, medium, and large ef-
fects (.2, .5, and .8, respectively) (Cohen, 1988). When treatments are com-
pared, effect sizes tend to be in the small-to-medium range (e.g., <.50). To
detect a difference in this range requires many subjects, approximately 70 sub-
jects per group (i.e., for each group in the study [n] as opposed to all of the sub-

jects in the entire study [N]. Most treatment studies include 10-20 subjects per
group (Kazdin, Bass, et al., 1990). This is much too small a sample to detect
differences, given the likely effect sizes, traditional levels of alpha (e.g., p <
.05 or .01), and reasonable power (.80). Indeed, a survey of therapy research
over a 2-year period revealed that 55% of the therapy studies failed to meet
power of ^.80 in their comparisons of groups at posttreatment; approximately
70% fail to meet the power criterion for comparisons at follow-up (see Kazdin
& Bass, 1989). In other words, most studies of treatment have insufficient
power to detect differences. If one is interested in comparing treatments or vari-
ations of treatment, be sure to evaluate power in advance of the study. I discuss
means of increasing power later.
Second, in therapy studies researchers are often interested in dividing the
groups, conditions, or subjects into smaller units to conduct more precise analy-
ses of the data. For example, the main comparison of interest may contrast treat-
ment group A (n = 50) with treatment group B (n = 50). The investigator may
plan several analyses that further divide the sample, for example, by gender
(males vs. females), age (younger vs. older), intelligence (median IQ split), or
some other variable. Such comparisons divide the groups into smaller units (or
subgroups). Power is commensurately reduced as the comparisons entail sub-
groups with smaller group ns. A central reason to consider power in advance of
the study is to ensure that comparisons of primary interest will be sufficiently
The weak power of most therapy studies is not a minor annoyance. In psy-
chotherapy research, the absence of differences (i.e., support for the null hy-
pothesis) is, from conceptual and clinical perspectives often considered to be
quite significant (see Frank & Frank, 1991; Luborsky et al., 1975; Stiles, Shapiro,
& Elliott, 1986). Reviews of therapy research, as well as many individual stud-
ies, continue to show that treatments tend to differ from no treatment but that
different treatments produce similar effects. Low power could readily explain
this pattern.
There are two recommendations for conducting research. First, power ought
to be computed before beginning a study. This is very easy to do because of
the available books, articles, and computer software (e.g., Cohen, 1988,1992;
Gorman, Primavera, & Allison, 1995; Statistical Solutions, 1995). From these,
power can be calculated within a minute or two without the use of a pencil, pen,
or calculator. In some statistical packages for evaluating data, programs are in-
cluded that compute power and that denote sample size required for a given ef-
fect. Once the investigator sees the likelihood of detecting an effect, he or she
might want to redesign some facet of the study. One can presume that most stud-
ies with weak power were completed because the investigator did not realize in
advance that a finding of no differences was likely to emerge.
Investigators ought to increase power of the study at the design stage when-
ever possible. Table 9.2 provides common methods of increasing power. The
usual way of augmenting power is to increase sample size, but there are other
ways as well.
Table 9.2 Ways of Increasing Power


Use Pretests To evaluate treatment, one needs only to administer
measures at posttreatment and to compare
groups. However, the addition of a pretest before
treatment begins reduces the error term in the
statistical analyses (e.g., repeated measures
analyses of variance, analyses of covariance).
The net effect is to enhance the obtained effect
size by "removing" or taking into account the
repeated measures across subjects.
Select Groups/Conditions to Select groups or conditions that maximize the
Maximize Differences effects that are likely to lead to the greatest
between-group differences. Small differences
between groups or nuances between treatments
are less likely to be detected in statistical
comparisons unless the sample size is very large.
Use Fewer Groups If a fixed number of subjects is available or feasible
for use, deploy them over fewer groups (e.g.,
two groups rather than three groups).
Use Reliable Measures Unreliability of the measures introduces variability
(greater error) in the results and this reduces the
obtained effect size. Maybe combine measures
(e.g., principal component analysis) to have
more reliable measures (and also to reduce the
number of statistical tests).
Minimize Sources of Error Control, monitor, and carefully supervise how sub-
in the Study jects are run, how assessments and treatments
are administered, and the care and accuracy with
which data are collected, scored, and entered. All
sources of error (variability) in procedures and
execution add to variability in computing effect
size. Such variability reduces the obtained effect
size and hence the power of the study to detect
Change Alpha used for On a priori grounds, test comparisons atp < .10 or
Deciding Statistical .20 rather than .05 or .01. If one knows in advance
Significance that a specific predicted comparison or two is
likely to be weak, this is reasonable.
Use Directional Statistical This is a variation of changing alpha. Formulate
Tests predictions as direction (e.g., treatment A will be
better than B) and use one-tailed tests for these
Further discussion of these alternatives is presented elsewhere (Kazdin, 1998b).


EVALUATING THE RESULTS. The dominant method of data evaluation is the

use of statistical tests (e.g., t, F) to evaluate whether the difference obtained in
the sample is of a sufficient magnitude to reject the null (no difference) hy-
pothesis. Statistical significance provides a consensually based criterion (e.g.,
p < .05, .01) that can be used to decide whether the results in a particular study
are likely to be due to "chance," that is, to normal fluctuation, sampling, and
the differences that such fluctuations likely yield. A statistically significant dif-
ference indicates that the probability level is equal to or below the level of con-
fidence selected. Thus, for a significance level ofp< .05, a significant differ-
ence means that if the experiment were completed 100 times, a difference of
that magnitude found on the dependent variable would likely occur only 5 times
on a purely chance basis. If the probability obtained in the study is lower than
.05, most researchers would reject the null hypothesis and concede that group
differences reflect a genuine relation between the independent and dependent
variables. Of course, p < .05 does not necessarily mean that the findings are
"real." Chance cannot be ruled out completely. Replications are so valuable be-
cause they reduce the likelihood of chance as an explanation of findings.
Diverse facets of statistical evaluation and null hypothesis testing have been
challenged (Chow, 1988, Kupfersmid, 1988; Meehl, 1978), based on
• the arbitrary criterion that a particular level such as p < .05 represents;
• the all-or-none decision making based on that criterion;
• the absence of information regarding the strength or practical value of the
relation between the independent and dependent variable, whether or not
statistical significance is attained; and
• the likelihood that the null hypothesis on which tests are based is never re-
ally true.
Also, what is statistical significance measuring? As the most cynical inter-
pretation, statistical significance is a direct function of sample size. That is, the
larger the sample size, the smaller the group differences needed for statistical
significance for a given level of confidence. Stated another way, a given differ-
ence between two groups will gradually approach statistical significance as the
size of the samples within each group is increased. Indeed, statistical signifi-
cance is virtually assured no matter what the comparison if a very large num-
ber of subjects is used (with the perplexing exception of my dissertation).
Although there are differing views on the value of statistical significance,
there is consensus that measures of the magnitude or strength of effects of re-
lations ought to be included in the data analyses. Magnitude of effect and sta-
tistical significance are not redundant. Two studies may show effects that are
identical in magnitude (e.g., effect size = .70), but only one of these studies
may show a statistically significant difference. This could easily occur if the
sample size of one study is a little larger than the other. Similarly, two studies
may show statistically significant differences at the same level of alpha, but the
magnitude of effect (effect sizes) may be very different.

Magnitude of effect can be expressed differently, as mentioned in chapter 7.

One measure we have already discussed, effect size, illustrates the informa-
tional yield provided beyond statistical significance. Effect size is familiar be-
cause of its frequent use in meta-analyses. Moreover, with effect size, the mag-
nitude of effect is provided in a common metric that allows comparison (and
combination) of different experiments using different outcome measures. The
effect size is readily interpretable in terms of small, medium, and large effects,
as these terms have come to be used (Cohen, 1988).
Statistical significance addresses whether the results are likely to be the re-
sult of chance and normal fluctuations in sampling. Effect size, r, or some other
measure conveys the strength of the relation. What is left? For psychotherapy
studies, measures of clinical significance or clinical importance of the change
are left and ought to be included. A statistically significant effect and a large ef-
fect size may have nothing to do with clinical significance. If the large effect
size is obtained on a measure that does not reflect functioning in everyday life,
clearly a large effect size may have no bearing on client functioning. Even if
the measure is relevant to functioning in everyday life, a large effect size still
does not necessarily reflect clinical importance. Statistical significance, effect
size (or other magnitude of effect measures), and clinical significance provide
different information about the data, even though they are all quantitative meth-
ods of evaluating the results.
As mentioned in chapter 8, clinical significance focuses on the practical
value of the effect of an intervention, that is, whether it makes any "real" dif-
ference to the clients or to others in their functioning and everyday life.
Evaluation of the clinical or applied importance of the change usually sup-
plements statistical methods of determining whether group differences or
changes over time are reliable. Once reliable changes are evident, further ef-
forts are made to quantify whether treatment has moved the client apprecia-
bly closer to adequate functioning, that is, whether the change is important.
Several methods of evaluating the clinical significance of treatment effects
were highlighted in the chapter 8. Some measure of impact of treatment that
reflects functioning in everyday life and reports applied significance ought to
be included.
Because of the difficulty of completing therapy studies, it is important that
data analyses provide the maximum yield. Statistical significance, magnitude
of effect, and clinical significance address three broad issues in data analyses.
Statistical significance is routinely included in published studies of treatment
research. Analyses of the magnitude of effect and clinical significance of the
changes do not appear in the majority of studies; their inclusion would greatly
improve the yield of treatment research.


Attending to the specific methodological practices discussed to this point is suf-
ficiently demanding. Yet there are other challenges to completing therapy stud-

ies, including the loss of subjects over the course of a study and ethical issues
in providing and evaluating treatment.

Dropping out of therapy is a pervasive concern in treatment research. As a gen-
eral rule, the rate of losing subjects over the course of a study is a function of
the duration of treatment (Phillips, 1985). The longer the treatment, the higher
the percentage of subjects who drop out. Most subjects who drop out do so early
in treatment and then additional losses occur over the course of time. As usually
defined, dropping out refers to terminating treatment prematurely and against
the advice of the clinician. In child and adolescent therapy, 40%-60% of cases
drop out of treatment, a rather high percentage (Kazdin, 1996b; Wierzbicki &
Pekarik, 1993).
As a research topic, attrition raises interesting substantive questions. Why
do people drop out? What are the predictive (risk) factors? What happens to
those who drop out? There is a long-standing assumption that those who drop
out prematurely from treatment do more poorly than those who complete treat-
ment. The matter is not well studied; understandably, individuals who drop out
of treatment are not usually asked to complete the outcome measures once they
leave therapy. Consequently, little information is available about whether they
have improved, in what domains, and to what extent. We have evaluated the
outcomes of treatment among antisocial children and their families for those
who drop out of treatment. Among the findings, 34% of those who drop out
of treatment early and against our advice show quite definite therapeutic im-
provements (Kazdin & Wassell, 1998). Staying in treatment is associated with
greater therapeutic change, but some families likely drop out of treatment be-
cause they have experienced improvement and see no need (or strong need) to
continue. Of course, their change does not necessarily mean that the benefits
can be attributed to therapy rather than to some other influence (e.g., end of a
crisis that prompted treatment.) Dropouts, as a group, often are quite worse on
outcome measures than those who remain in treatment, but perhaps because the
more extreme or severely disturbed cases are more likely to drop out (Kazdin,
Mazurick, & Siegel, 1994). The fact that a significant proportion of dropouts
may improve underscores the importance of assessment during the course of
treatment rather than just at the end.
Attrition is raised here in relation to methodological issues and the design of
treatment studies. When cases drop out of treatment, there can be many
methodological repercussions. First, the benefits of randomly assigning cases
to groups can be lost. Because dropping out is not a random process, group
equivalence fostered by random assignment is altered. Sometimes investigators
report, with false security, that some small number or an equal number of cases
dropped out from each condition. The implication is that attrition did not make
a difference or was equivalent among groups. Yet the type of subjects who drop
out of each group may differ in some way. When there is any attrition, com-
paring groups that received different treatments or control conditions might be

a bit more difficult because any outcome differences could reflect selection fac-
Second, if there is attrition, the generality of the findings is potentially re-
duced. Dropping out means that the results will apply to fewer people because
the characteristics represented in the study have been narrowed. That is, the re-
sults of the study now apply to those who met inclusion criteria, who did not
meet exclusion criteria, and who did not drop out. Those who drop out are of-
ten more severely impaired, come from more disadvantageous contexts, and
experience many more obstacles in coming to treatment. Characteristics of drop-
outs usually are difficult to evaluate because the number of subjects and
dropouts is not large enough to generate sufficient power, so dropouts and treat-
ment completers, compared statistically, look the same. Yet attrition means that
the results may apply only to a select group of persons who can complete the
Third, the loss of subjects reduces the power of the study merely by reduc-
ing the sample size. As most treatment studies already have weak power, fur-
ther loss of subjects exacerbates the problem. One can readily understand why
most therapy has focused on relatively brief treatments, because longer treat-
ments are associated with greater attrition. Also, most studies do not evaluate
clinically referred cases who are also likely to have greater impairment and
more adverse living conditions, two of many factors associated with dropping
out of treatment.
As possible, the investigator ought to plan strategies to minimize the loss of
cases over the course of treatment. If the initial pretreatment assessment is thor-
ough, one can later at least identify characteristics of those who did drop out.
As mentioned already, meaningful comparisons of dropout and treatment com-
pleters are difficult to make because of the small sample size and difficulty in
detecting differences if any exist. Consequently, it is better to try to minimize
the problem in advance. Among the many strategies are explaining to families
at the outset of treatment what the duration will be, providing monetary incen-
tives for completing treatment, addressing family stressors as part of treatment
(which often interfere with coming to treatment), and engaging the family in
decision making about treatment and its foci (e.g., Henggeler et al., 1998; Prinz
& Miller, 1994; Szapocznik et al., 1988). The efforts can make a genuine dif-
ference. For example, in one study, all adolescent drug abusers and their fami-
lies received treatment, but half were randomly assigned to receive an inter-
vention to engage the family and to reduce attrition (Szapocznik et al., 1988).
The engagement intervention included phone calls and contact with all family
members and efforts to identify and address obstacles to treatment very early.
More families who received the special engagement procedure (77%) com-
pleted treatment than those who did not (25%).
The investigator ought to be alert to the prospect of attrition and to its im-
plications for evaluating the hypotheses of interest. During the study, some pro-
cedures might be used to foster completion of treatment. Grant-funded research
often provides monetary incentives for completing assessments at the end of

treatment or even for attending treatment sessions, but these options are not al-
ways available. Once the study is competed, it is important to evaluate the im-
pact of attrition on the results. Beyond looking at dropout characteristics, var-
ious data-analytic strategies might be used (see Howard, Krause, & Orlinsky,
1986; Little & Rubin, 1987).
One procedure for handling the data is referred to as end-state analysis. In
this method, dropouts are included in the data analyses. Where there are miss-
ing data, the last or most recent previous data point is entered. For example, if
some subjects completed pretreatment but not posttreatment, the pretreatment
scores for each measure would be used in both places on the database (e.g., be-
fore and after). If subjects completed pre- and posttreatment but dropped out
during the follow-up period, then their posttreatment data would be used for the
follow-up. In this way, all subjects are retained for all of the data analyses, thus
preserving the random composition of groups. Every analytic strategy has trade-
offs and limitations. In end state analyses, data points may not represent the best
estimate of the current status of the subject. Even so, end state analyses can be
useful as one way to analyze the data. In fact, the results can be analyzed with
and without the dropouts. The investigator can evaluate whether the conclu-
sions differ as a result of the analyses.

Ethical Issues and Design Interface

Ethical issues entail a variety of principles and practices designed to protect re-
search participants, to govern the interactions of the investigator with the par-
ticipants, and to address professional conduct more generally. The guidelines
for ethical treatment of participants are overseen by professional organizations
who provide ethical codes for research (e.g., American Psychological Associa-
tion, 1992) as well as by federal law (e.g., U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services, 1983). Investigators ought to be conversant with the codes of
conduct that govern research and the expectations that many roles (teacher,
mentor, investigator, collaborator, scientist) entail. Here I highlight a few issues
particularly relevant to treatment research and the interface of ethical and
methodological issues.

INFORMING CLIENTS ABOUT TREATMENT. Central to the research is in-

formed consent from participants. Informed consent reflects an agreement that
subjects are willing to participate in the study after being informed about it.
The three elements of informed consent are competence, knowledge, and voli-
tion. Competence is an individual's ability to make a well-reasoned decision.
Knowledge means understanding the nature of the study, the alternatives avail-
able if the subject does not wish to participate, and potential risks and benefits
of participation. Volition is the will to participate. Participants must provide
their consent free from constraint and duress.
In the treatment of young children, parents provide consent, but with older
children (perhaps older than 7 or 8), consent may be sought from the children
as well. There are obvious difficulties in ensuring knowledge, competence, and

volition. Also, what if the child says he or she does not want to participate but
the parent agrees to it? The investigator's task is to provide a good faith effort
to convey the terms of the investigation and to proceed only with consent. And,
of course, the consent can be withdrawn at any time to ensure full protection of
the subjects, although this does not usually occur in treatment studies. Informed
consent is a condition of research, is a reasonable constraint on the investiga-
tor, and ought to be approached willingly. Ethical issues take the highest prior-
ity; increased sensitivity to such issues is required because the treatment is for
individuals in need and the focus is on children and adolescents who are espe-
cially vulnerable populations. Youths cannot be expected to make major deci-
sions for themselves and hence may not be participating willingly. The coer-
cion may come from the parents.
An important issue is the information provided to the client about treatment.
Outside of the rationale and procedures themselves, the investigator is required
to report the current status of the treatment, whether it has been effective or not
in previous applications. Many treatments are experimental, and the subject
normally can be provided with a statement to that effect. Information about
treatment in a study may extend to the treatments the subject will not receive.
Conceivably, families could be told that, of many different treatments, they will
receive only one. They might want to know whether some treatments are more
effective than others and whether they have been assigned to a "control" group.
In addition, families may show a clear preference for an alternative treatment
and react adversely or skeptically to the one they are assigned.
As part of informed consent, families must be informed at the beginning of
the study that various treatments are offered and that assignment to treatment
is random, assuming that this is true. Although subjects are rarely pleased to
learn that their assignment to treatment will be random, the importance of ran-
domness in assessing the impact of different treatments might be stressed. Only
those individuals who agree to the conditions of the investigation can serve as
subjects and be assigned to conditions. This process leads to selection of a spe-
cial group that may have implications for the external validity of the results.
Most clinical research must work within these constraints.

WITHHOLDING THE INTERVENTION. Studies occasionally withhold the treat-

ment and assign some of the subjects to no treatment or waiting-list control con-
ditions. Although these conditions are essential to answer specific research
questions, as discussed previously, their use raises obvious ethical questions.
Assigning a client to one of these conditions withholds a treatment from which
a person may benefit. Intellectually, one can say that we really do not know if
the treatment is better than no treatment and thus may not really be withhold-
ing a "treatment." Yet the ethical issue stems from recruiting individuals and
then assigning them to a condition in which no effort is made to help them.
An investigator is obligated to consider seriously whether delaying or com-
pletely withholding treatment is necessary for the questions addressed in the
research. Because of the ethical problems, it may be more appropriate to re-

serve questions comparing treatment with no treatment to situations where sub-

jects are willing to wait and are unlikely to suffer deleterious consequences.
Obviously, volunteer clients solicited from the community may be more appro-
priate for a study in which a waiting-list control group is required than clients
who seek treatment at a crisis intervention center. When clients have severe
problems and warrant or demand immediate intervention, questions comparing
treatment with no treatment may be difficult to justify and to implement.
In some cases, assigning subjects to a waiting-list control group will not re-
ally delay treatment. Waiting lists are common at many clinics, where clients
may wait a few or several months before treatment. All subjects who are to serve
in the study and who agree to participate can be moved up on the list. Those
who are randomly assigned to the intervention condition are treated immedi-
ately; those who are assigned to wait can be assessed and then await treatment.
However, ethical issues are not eliminated by rearranging waiting-list status.
Moving some clients up on the list may delay the treatment of others who are
not in the study. Some of the problems of delaying treatment can be alleviated
by informing clients at intake of the possibility that they will not be assigned to
treatment for a specified interval. As noted before, the investigation would use
only subjects who agree with this stipulation and then randomly assign them to
the various treatment and control conditions.
Withholding treatment emerges in another way in treatment studies. Once a
study begins, families may need another treatment and may have to be with-
drawn from the study. This can occur during treatment if another problem
emerges (e.g., suicide attempt, evidence of psychoses) or was present but not
previously detected (e.g., adolescent substance abuse, parental depression, mar-
ital discord). This need for other services can also emerge during a posttreat-
ment follow-up period in which participants may seek additional treatment.
From a very narrow methodological perspective, additional treatment can in-
validate the inferences drawn (by introducing added variability among subjects,
some of whom receive further treatment or by altering the random composition
of groups if some subjects are selectively removed. Obviously, children, ado-
lescents, and their families must receive the care and services that best judg-
ment suggests. The investigator understandably wishes to ensure that the re-
search goes smoothly but never ought to withhold potential benefits to continue
a project.
For any extenuating circumstance that emerges in research, the investigator
ought to seek additional input (e.g., formal evaluation of the child), recom-
mendations about treatment needs, and assistance in reaching decisions on be-
half of and with the family. Withholding potentially needed services from a par-
ticipant cannot be justified and may be inadvisable as a model of professional
care even if it could be. At the same time, families may seek treatment or care
for which there is no clear evidence of need. An investigator is advised to seek
outside counsel (from a human subjects committee and other professionals) to
assure that the child or family is obtaining what they may need or information
about alternatives. Other resources can affirm that the investigator does not fa-

vor a particular course of action that serves the research at the potential expense
of the family.
given study might be expected to be less effective than others. This expectation
may derive from theoretical predictions, previous research, or from the nature
of the design. For example, in a simple 2 X 2 factorial design, an investigator
may study the effects of such variables as therapist experience (experienced vs.
inexperienced therapists) and duration of treatment (1 session vs. 10 sessions).
Subjects in one of the four groups resulting from this design will be exposed to
inexperienced therapists for one treatment session, a condition likely to be less
effective than the others. The use of treatments that have a low probability of
effectiveness raises an ethical issue.
Sometimes groups are designed to control for "nonspecific" treatment fac-
tors, such as attending treatment sessions, meeting with a therapist, and be-
lieving that treatment may produce change. These groups are designed to pro-
vide a bogus intervention: procedures that appear to be therapeutic without
specific treatment components expected to help the client. Providing a weak
treatment or an ineffective control condition raises obvious ethical problems.
First, the client's problem may not improve or may even worsen without an ef-
fective treatment. To withhold a relatively effective treatment renders these pos-
sibilities more salient. Second, clients may lose credulity in the process of psy-
chological treatment in general. Clients expect to receive an effective treatment
and to achieve change. If treatment is not reasonable in their judgment and does
not produce change, clients may be generally discouraged from seeking help in
the future. In general, the control conditions or treatments that may "fill out"
the design warrant ethical evaluation by the investigator and review boards, in-
cluding any special control condition in which the likelihood of improvement
is unexpected or minimal. Other contextual issues such as who the clients are
(patients seeking treatment, community volunteers) and provisions after the
study is completed (free treatment and care) may affect evaluation of the issues.
GENERAL COMMENTS. The ethical issues raised in intervention research de-
pend on the precise research question and the control groups that form the ba-
sis of the design. Use of no treatment or waiting-list control groups is essential
in research that asks "Does this treatment work?" The question usually requires
assessing the extent of change without treatment. Similarly, use of a nonspe-
cific treatment control group may be important in research that asks "Why does
this treatment work?" Such research may require a group to look at the influ-
ence of "nonspecific treatment factors" alone.
The research questions that require ethically sensitive control conditions
help us to understand treatment. The questions themselves cannot be aban-
doned. However, the conditions under which these questions are examined can
be varied to attenuate partially the objections that normally arise. For example,
studies requiring control conditions that withhold treatment or provide non-
specific treatment control groups need not be conducted in settings where

clients need treatment and have sought a treatment to ameliorate an immedi-

ately felt problem. On the other hand, when volunteer subjects are solicited and
can be informed about the experimental nature of all treatment procedures, a
wider range of experimental conditions is more readily justified. In short, where
patient care and service delivery are the higher priorities, the use of groups that
withhold treatment or present "nonspecific" treatments expected to produce
minimal change is generally unacceptable. Where research, rather than service
delivery, has the higher priority and clients can be informed of the implications
of this priority, the use of such groups may be more readily justified.
Some of the ethical issues of treatment can be ameliorated by providing all
subjects with effective treatment after they have completed the treatment to
which they were assigned. After treatment, clients who served as a no-treatment
control group could also receive the benefits of treatment. Indeed, this is ex-
actly what the waiting-list control group is intended to accomplish. In studies
with several different treatments or a nonspecific control condition, clients who
are not completely satisfied with their progress eventually might be given the
most effective treatment. Thus, clients may benefit from the project in which
they served by receiving the best treatment. From an experimental standpoint,
this strategy is useful to further examine the extent of change in clients who
continue in the superior treatment. Essentially, there is a partial replication of
treatment effects in the design. From an ethical standpoint, providing all sub-
jects with the most effective intervention may overcome objections against as-
signing subjects to variably effective treatments. Of course, at some point in the
research, long-term follow-up studies need to determine whether the seemingly
effective intervention is better than no treatment. One might conduct a ran-
domized controlled trial or use nonexperimental designs where groups who
have not received treatment are followed.


Psychotherapy research raises its own unique methodological challenges.
Challenges for research derive from several characteristics, including the fact
that subjects may come to treatment with significant clinical problems, want im-
mediate benefit, and may be assigned to treatment or control conditions likely
to vary in effectiveness. This chapter discussed several challenges in relation to
the selection and assignment, assessment, and delivery of treatment. A few sta-
tistical and data-analytic issues were raised as well. As a rule, therapy investi-
gations are not sufficiently powerful to detect statistically significant differ-
ences among groups that receive various forms of treatment. This critical issue
can be addressed before the study begins. Also, in the design of the study, sev-
eral practices can be included to augment power.
Attrition or loss of children and families during a treatment investigation was
also a main topic here. Dropouts can affect all facets of experimental validity
and introduce considerable ambiguity to the conclusions. The chapter discussed
strategies to minimize and to evaluate attrition. Finally, ethical issues provide
a critical context in which treatment research is conducted. Protection of par-

ticipants' rights and, more than that, ensuring that the participants' interests are
not sacrificed are central to the research enterprise. The very nature of the con-
text of therapy research (i.e., providing treatment to people in need) compels
the investigator to respond to family interests, needs, and concerns in ways that
may compete with the design. Outside consultation with colleagues and mech-
anisms within the study for providing other services (referral for evaluation, ad-
ditional treatment) are important.
Designing methodologically sound studies is obviously important. At the
same time, methodology and methodologically sound studies should not be
ends in themselves. The goal is to obtain incremental knowledge on key ques-
tions, which can be obtained in multiple studies, many not perfectly designed
or true experiments. The task of the investigator is to choose an important ques-
tion and provide reasonable means of finding answers. In this context, "rea-
sonable" means that sources of bias, artifact, and other influences that could ex-
plain the results just as well as the treatment or intervention have been reduced,
if not eliminated. This broader task is the ultimate goal of methodology; treat-
ment research raises special challenges because of its responsibilities and con-


A great deal has been written about the methodology of therapy research, including
guidelines for designing, evaluating, and presenting studies. The readings consider de-
sired methodological practices and how specific practices can influence inferences about
the effects of treatment and conclusions related to clinical application.
Clarke, G.N. (1995). Improving the transition from basic efficacy research to effective-
ness studies: Methodological issues and procedures. Journal of Consulting and
Clinical Psychology, 63, 718-725.
Kazdin, A.E. (1998). Research design in clinical psychology (3rd ed.). Needham
Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Linden, W., & Wren, F.K. (1990). Therapy outcome research, health care policy, and the
continuing lack of accumulated knowledge. Professional Psychology: Research and
Practice, 21, 482-488.
Peterson, L., & Bell-Dolan, D. (1995). Treatment outcome research in child psychol-
ogy: Realistic coping with the 'Ten Commandments of Methodology." Journal of
Clinical Child Psychology, 24, 149-162.
Weiss, B., & Weisz, J.R. (1990). The impact of methodological factors on child psy-
chotherapy outcome research: A meta-analysis for researchers. Journal of Abnormal
Child Psychology, 18, 639-670.
Chapter 10

Implementing and Evaluating

Treatment in Clinical Practice

Background: Hiatus of Research and Clinical Practice

Evaluation of the Individual Case
The Case Study
Single-Case Research Designs
Overview of Key Components
Limits of the Designs for Clinical Work
A Model of Assessment and Evaluation for Clinical Practice
Specifying and Assessing Treatment Goals
Specifying and Assessing Procedures and Processes
Selecting Measures
Assessment Occasions
Design and Data Evaluation
Contributions to the Knowledge Base
Issues and Limitations
Methodological Issues
Clinical Issues and Concerns
Professional Issues
Summary and Conclusions

PREVIOUS CHAPTERS HAVE FOCUSED ON changing the way in which child and
adolescent therapy research is conducted. So far, clinical practice has not been
a focal point. But one must address central issues of clinical practice to develop
the knowledge base of child and adolescent therapy, which is this book's ob-
jective. Of course, the priority of clinical work is to improve the client (child,
adolescent, and family), rather than to develop knowledge. Even so, clinical
practice can contribute in very special ways to the knowledge base. This chap-
ter presents a model of clinical practice designed to contribute to the scientific
knowledge base of child and adolescent therapy.



Delineating the hiatus or split between research and practice provides an im-
portant backdrop for key characteristics of clinical practice and ways that clin-
ical work can contribute to the knowledge base. The hiatus represents differ-
ences in the foci, priorities, methods, rules of evidence, and goals of practice
and research (see Barlow et al., 1984; Strieker & Keisner, 1985; Talley, Strupp,
& Butler, 1994). Clinical research is designed to test hypotheses about treat-
ment, to conduct methodologically sound studies (e.g., randomized trials) that
permit one to draw valid inferences, to use standardized assessment methods,
and to identify general principles about human functioning. Research, by de-
sign, consists of relatively fixed and prescribed procedures to maximize con-
trol and to minimize sources of bias that can interfere with drawing conclusions
from the data. For example, all clients in a given treatment condition or group
receive the same amount and type of treatment to standardize the intervention.
Clients (subjects) are informed, via consent procedures, that the goal of the
treatment is to obtain information but that there may be direct benefits (thera-
peutic change) as well. The benefits are incidental from the standpoint of the
Clinical practice is designed to help a client directly by improving func-
tioning in everyday life. The pertinent data are qualitative; the therapist at-
tempts to trace the convergence of multiple influences in the client's develop-
ment, and to decide what facets of therapy can constructively contribute to this
development. Therapy is individually tailored to the specific characteristics of
the child and family, based on their presenting complaints and personal and in-
terpersonal resources. Treatment is flexible and can be altered to help the client.
Combinations of different treatments or selected facets of different treatments
are likely to be used. From just the few differences noted here, one can readily
understand the hiatus between research and practice.
The hiatus between research and practice is not absolute. Research and prac-
tice have drawn from each other. Indeed, clinical practice has drawn on basic
research quite frequently. Extrapolations of models of learning to psychother-
apy exemplify efforts to translate and to apply psychological theory and labo-
ratory paradigms to therapy. Often, investigators who conducted basic research
(e.g., Bechterev, 1933; Dollard & Miller, 1950; Pavlov, 1927) have been di-
rectly involved in extrapolations to clinical work. Also, professionals involved
in practice frequently have drawn from laboratory research to develop specific
treatment techniques (see Cautela, 1967; Salter, 1949; Wolpe, 1958).
Although clinical practice has drawn on psychological theory and laboratory
paradigms, specific domains have not penetrated clinical practice as much as
one would expect (Garfield, 1980). A major case in point is the negligible im-
pact that the findings from therapy research have had on clinical practice.
Surveys of practitioners have helped to identify self-reported reasons why some
facets of research seem alien to clinical practice (Cohen, Sargent, & Sechrest,
1986; Haynes, Lemsky, & Sexton-Radek, 1987). The ways in which research

is conducted, the focus on groups (group averages rather than the individual),
the isolation of pure and narrowly defined (rather than eclectic and combined)
treatment techniques, and the use of nonreferred cases are a few of the many
reasons why research is not viewed as particularly relevant to clinical practice
(see Barlow et al., 1984; Bergin & Strupp, 1972). The limited impact of psy-
chotherapy research on practice is understandable.
The connections between substantive findings of psychology and clinical
practice are critically important in their own right. A concern of arguably greater
significance is the methodological tenets and rules of knowledge that separate
clinical practice and clinical research. In clinical practice, the professional is
called on to evaluate the nature and scope of client dysfunction, to ascertain the
resources within the client and his or her life relevant to treatment, to determine
the likelihood that various treatments will be beneficial, and to assess the im-
pact of treatment as therapy unfolds. The professional relies on impressions, in-
tuition, and seasoned experience to draw inferences. The clinician decides what
the client "needs," how treatment is progressing, and whether therapeutic
change has been achieved, usually based on unstructured and informal inter-
In research, systematic assessment and evaluation are clearly defined and
replicable. Key features of research are specification of variables, operational
definitions of constructs through systematic assessment, and formal and speci-
fiable methods of data evaluation. Certainly one should not accept scientific
tenets and practices with unconditional positive regard. Epistemological tenets
of scientific research and many specific practices derived from them (e.g., hy-
pothesis testing, statistical tests) are laced with subjectivity and can be easily
challenged (see Kazdin, 1998b). Even so, the weaknesses of scientific methods
are not a sufficient reason to abandon systematic evaluation in clinical work.
There are objections to the methods of procuring "data" in clinical work.
Usually interviews of and interactions with the client serve as the source of data
on which the clinician draws to gather the details, themes, patterns, events, and
other facets of the individual's life and to make a host of decisions (which treat-
ments, which focus or problem, when to stop or change treatment). Unsystem-
atic data and their informal integration are often unreliable, invalid approaches
to decision making, as several researchers suggest (Dawes, 1994; Garb, 1997;
Kleinmuntz, 1990; Meehl, 1954, 1997).
The problem lies in human information processing and "normal" biases in
judgment. Humans organize incoming information in systematic but biased
ways. A strong word such as bias is justifiable because one can be misled into
invalid conclusions about the relations of various events (e.g., between factors
in one's environment). Table 10.1 presents several biases, including the repre-
sentative heuristic, availability heuristic, anchoring heuristic, confirmatory bias,
illusory correlation, hindsight bias, and overconfidence (see Dumont, 1993;
Kanfer & Schefft, 1988; Nezu & Nezu, 1989; Smith & Dumont, 1997). These
biases are not necessarily mutually exclusive. In the abstract, one can readily
acknowledge that a particular propensity to draw conclusions may exist.
Table 10.1 Sources of Bias in Reaching Judgments


Representative Heuristic This bias draws connections between events or charac-
teristics based on stereotypes or expected relations.
Expected relations assume that some present condi-
tion seems plausibly related to a past or current
event. Less evidence or supportive information is
needed when one relies on plausibility, stereotypes,
and superficial resemblances between characteris-
tics. An example in clinical work would be relating
a child's current symptoms to some characteristic of
a parent (e.g., rejection,withdrawal) that may have
nothing to do with the problem.
Availability Heuristic This is a tendency to draw from available information
that may be vivid, recent, or salient. Judgments
about a new case are made by inadvertently draw-
ing conclusions about an individual based on simi-
larities to another case. In clinical work, a previous
case with a similar problem may lead us to false
causal attributions about how this client's problem
has developed.
Anchoring Heuristic Often judgments are formed quickly based on initial
impressions. The anchoring heuristic refers to these
judgments. In the context of clinical work, judg-
ments may be made about the client, about the
causes of dysfunction or current problems, and
about appropriate treatment. The initial judgment is
"anchored" to initial impressions and does not
adjust to, or sufficiently weigh, new information.
Confirmatory Bias One tends to see information and to support hypothe-
ses consistent with one's existing beliefs. Infor-
mation that confirms one's beliefs tends to be more
readily accepted and more heavily weighted than
information that is contradictory. Attention to con-
firmatory information and neglect of contradictory
information decrease the accuracy of predictions
and judgments about outcomes. In clinical work,
details that might refute the clinician's view about
the client's functioning or relations to others (e.g.,
quite positive relations with others) are ignored or
reinterpreted if they would disconfirm that view.
Illusory Correlation Human judgment makes connections between events
or characteristics when such connections are unwar-
ranted in fact. Events may be seen as more related
than they actually are. Conversely, the illusion may
refer to seeing related events as unrelated.


Table 10.1 (continued)


Hindsight Bias This is a tendency to make sense of past events in
light of the known outcome. The key to this bias is
that the individual knows some outcome (e.g., pa-
tient improvement, divorce, rehospitalization). The
bias refers to the perspective that one "knew all
along" that a particular outcome would occur and
looks to events in the past to explain the outcome.
These events are accorded much more weight or
significance when the individual knows the out-
come. Case studies that explain the client's current
problem routinely select the salient events to clarify
the sequence of events.
Overconfidence One overestimates the accuracy of one's judgment in
comparison to the actual information or outcome.
Confidence does not seem to be related to the actual
accuracy of the judgment or to the complexity of
the situation or outcome one is asked to judge. Once
a judgment is reached, it seems coherent, relatively
straightforward, and clear. This may promote confi-
dence, which has no relation to the truth of the
Further discussion of these sources of bias and review of the pertinent research can be found in
Dumont, 1993; Kanfer & Schefft, 1988; Nezu & Nezu, 1989; and Smith & Dumont, 1997.

However, these biases have been studied in the context of clinical situations.
The biases operate when inferences are drawn about the likely basis of the
client's problem, the personality of the client, likely behavior of the client in the
future, and treatments that are needed.
The problem of judgmental biases is a strong reason to argue for more sys-
tematic assessment and evaluation in therapy. However, there is a related, more
persuasive, clinically relevant reason to strengthen the case. Specifically, the
priority of clinical work is to improve the functioning of a particular client. The
questions for therapy practice ask how we can help this patient, with what
strategies and procedures, how much progress is being made, in what ways this
client has changed, and what further changes, if any, are needed or desirable?
Evaluation in clinical work is designed to assess a client's functioning, to
decide what interventions are suitable, to apply the interventions, to examine
their impact on the goals of treatment, then to make decisions about the con-
tinuation, discontinuation, or modification of treatment. Giving priority to the
individual client is not to argue against systematic assessment and evaluation.
Indeed, given the importance of ensuring benefits to the client, systematic as-
sessment and evaluation are essential.


Interest in methods to study the individual is by no means new. For example,
Allport (1937), a psychologist whose contributions to the study of personality
were particularly notable, drew the distinction between nomothetic and idio-
graphic approaches. The nomothetic approach studies groups and identifies
laws that characterize people in general. The idiographic approach focuses on
the study of individuals, particularly their unique characteristics. Allport em-
phasized that these approaches generate quite different types of research and
different findings. The systematic study of the individual extends to several ar-
eas of psychology (see Barlow & Hersen, 1984; Davidson & Costello, 1969;
Kazdin, 1982; Kazdin & Tuma, 1982; Yin, 1994). Not all of the different ways
of studying the individual reliably produce replicable knowledge.
The Case Study
In the mental health professions, the case study has been the most popular
method to evaluate clinical work. The case study, in its most general use, refers
at once to a particular focus and a method of evaluation. As a focus, the case
study consists of intensive evaluation of a particular instance. Within the con-
text of therapy, the particular instance or case is an individual person. Within
the context of other aspects of psychology and other disciplines, the "case" can
also be a particular culture, city, school, or prison system (Stake, 1995). The
goal is to learn about a particular case, not necessarily to learn about other cases
or about a problem, setting, or people in general. Stated another way, the goal
of the case study "is particularization, not generalization" (Stake, 1995, p. 8).
No doubt insights from a case may well lead to generalities because people and
situations are often alike. Yet this is not the usual goal of the case.
As a method of evaluation, the traditional case study has relied on anecdo-
tal information, from nonstandardized observations and descriptions based on
the views of the client and therapist. The descriptions are phenomenological,
holistic, naturalistic, and qualitative. The therapist tries to capture the com-
plexities and nuances of the full range of factors that may exert influence. The
goal is a complete picture of the individual and the factors affecting him or her.
Thus, the case report may include details of the role of others (parents, spouses,
children) and contexts (e.g., living conditions). The process of obtaining that
information emphasizes the importance of the client's reconstruction of his or
her life and the therapist's interpretation from a particular theoretical and con-
ceptual frame of reference. The clinician interprets connections between events
and circumstances and identifies continuities and patterns over the life span.
The major weakness of the traditional clinical case study has been its heavy
reliance on anecdotal information. Many inferences are based on clients' re-
ports, which become the "data" upon which interpretations are made. The client's
reconstructions of the past, particularly those laden with emotion, are often
distorted, highly selective, and may bear little resemblance to the actual events.
Unless subjective accounts are independently corroborated, they could be com-
pletely unreliable, influenced by the judgmental processes mentioned previ-

ously. The therapist then filters this information again to create coherent pat-
terns of relations, causal paths, reasonable accounts, and so on. Although fas-
cinating, credible, and provocative, such accounts may not accurately represent
the phenomenon they are intended to explain.
Even so, anecdotal case studies, although unsystematic accounts, have con-
tributed enormously to theory, research, and practice (see Davison & Lazarus,
1994; Kazdin, 1993b; Lazarus & Davison, 1971). Case studies have
• served as a source of ideas and hypotheses about human performance and
models of development (e.g., case of Little Hans [Freud, 1933]; case of
Little Albert [Watson & Rayner, 1920]);
• served as the source of new therapy techniques (e.g., talk therapy [Breuer
& Freud, 1957]) and treatments for anxiety among children (Jones, 1924a,
• permitted the study of rare phenomena (e.g., multiple personalities such
as the well-publicized report of the "three faces of Eve" [Thigpen &
Cleckley, 1954,1957]) that could not otherwise be studied; and
• provided dramatic and persuasive demonstrations of otherwise abstract
problems (e.g., convey vividly what it is like to suffer abuse, HIV, and so
Notwithstanding these benefits, the anecdotal case study cannot provide the
replicable knowledge needed to establish treatment or address the range of req-
uisite questions about therapy. No less significant, the unsystematic means to
evaluate patient progress can be challenged too as particularly vulnerable to bi-
ases in which causal relations (e.g., between treatment and therapeutic change)
could easily be distorted. Worse, there may be no therapeutic change, but this
could be difficult to discern without systematic observation.

Single-Case Research Designs

BACKGROUND. As a method of description, the case study is invariably in-
teresting but does not provide evidence that could advance the theoretical, em-
pirical, and clinical underpinnings of child and adolescent therapy. Other meth-
ods are needed to systematically evaluate treatment as it is delivered in practice.
The methodology of single-case experimental research, mentioned in passing
in earlier chapters, is usefully considered more fully here. The designs in their
usual, unadulterated form are not likely feasible for clinical work. Yet the
methodology provides feasible leads that advance the two goals we wish to ad-
dress: improved patient care and development of the knowledge base.
Single-case research designs, as they are currently used, emerged from ani-
mal research on operant conditioning (Skinner, 1938, 1957). This research fo-
cused on individual organisms, rather than groups, to demonstrate basic pro-
cesses (acquisition, extinction, generalization) (see Kazdin, 1978b). One or a
few subjects were studied over time, with continuous assessment, and the im-
pact of different experimental manipulations could be discerned from changes
in ongoing performance (Johnston & Pennypacker, 1980; Sidman, 1960).

Usually rates of responding (number of responses within a time period) were

represented graphically to show obvious changes as experimental manipula-
tions were varied. Since that seminal work, the methods of evaluating individ-
uals, animals or humans, in basic or applied research, have proliferated. Several
specific research designs constitute true-experiments, which are rigorous ways
of demonstrating causal relations and ruling out threats to validity discussed
previously (see appendix B).
Single-case experimental designs have been proposed as one way to intro-
duce systematic assessment and evaluation in clinical practice. One unique fea-
ture of these designs is their capacity to conduct experimental investigations
with the individual case (e.g., Barlow & Hersen, 1984; Kazdin, 1982). The de-
signs permit assessment of therapeutic change and "causal" inferences about
the basis of the change. I mention the methodological approach here because
some facets of it might be useful for clinical work.

OVERVIEW OF KEY COMPONENTS. Single-case research methodology includes

three essential components: assessment, design, and data evaluation strategies
(see Kazdin, 1982; Krischef, 1991). Table 10.2 highlights the key components.
These components act in concert to draw inferences about treatment and make
single-case research designs unique.
First, in single-case research, assessment of the individual is ongoing, mean-
ing that observations are gathered on several occasions, perhaps daily or sev-
eral days each week in clinical work or intervention programs (Kazdin, 1994a).
The purpose is to identify the pattern of performance before the intervention
and then during the intervention. Baseline observations (before treatment) de-
scribe the existing level of performance and predict the likely level of perfor-
mance for the immediate future if an intervention is not provided. The predic-
tion is achieved by projecting or extrapolating into the future a continuation of
baseline performance. Changes over the course of different phases (baseline,
intervention) can be detected by comparing the data patterns to see if perfor-
mance departs from the prediction extrapolated from baseline.
Second, single-case designs include several experimental designs to evalu-
ate whether the intervention is responsible for change and to draw information
about causal relations (see Barlow & Hersen, 1984; Kazdin, 1982; Krischef,
1991). Single-case designs, as true experiments, can rule out threats to validity
(see appendix B). One can draw inferences about the effects of the intervention
by comparing different conditions presented to the same subject over time.
Continuous assessment provides the data to permit comparisons over time for
the same subject. The design illuminates whether the intervention is responsi-
ble for change.
Finally, single-case designs provide novel methods of data evaluation. In
group research, effects of an intervention are evaluated statistically, primarily
by comparing groups that received different interventions. Data from single-
case designs can be readily evaluated with statistical tests (e.g., Gottman, 1981;
Kazdin, 1982). However, the evaluation in single-case designs usually is non-

Table 10.2 Key Characteristics of Single-Case

Experimental Research
Assessment Performance is assessed continuously over the course of the
demonstration/experiment. The assessment usually be-
gins before the intervention or experimental manipulation
(referred to as baseline assessment). Measures from sev-
eral occasions illustrate the pattern of performance, and
any trends or fluctuation. After baseline assessment, the
intervention or manipulation is implemented, as assess-
ment is continued. The repeated measures on multiple
occasions provide the basic data for the designs.
Design The intervention or experimental manipulation can be pre-
sented in many ways. These designs are intended to rule
out threats to validity and to establish the intervention
as responsible for change. For example, in one varia-
tion, the intervention is presented after baseline observa-
tions for a time to see if performance changes. When
change is evident, the intervention is withdrawn to check
whether performance reverts to baseline (preintervention)
levels. In other arrangements, the intervention is intro-
duced in different settings (e.g., home, school) one at a
time to address problematic behaviors (e.g., noncompli-
ance, completion of homework). In this way, one can
demonstrate that the intervention accounts for change.
Data Evaluation The assessment information and the design reveal a pattern
of performance that can help to verify whether the inter-
vention led to change. Although the data can be evaluated
statistically, single-case designs usually rely on nonstatis-
tical evaluations of the data. There are guidelines for
evaluating the data based on characteristics of the pattern
of performance graphically displayed as changes in mean
across phases, shifts in level of performance when phases
are altered (e.g., from baseline to treatment), the latency
of change once a shift in treatment is made, and changes
in slope or trend lines across different phases.
This is a highly abbreviated characterization of single-case designs. See Barlow & Hersen
(1984), Kazdin (1982), Krischef (1991) for details of the designs. Also, the designs have been
used extensively to evaluate interventions in the home, at school, in business and industry, in the
community at large and in diverse settings (hospitals; preschools; elementary, middle, and high

statistical (Baer, 1977; Parsonson & Baer, 1978). Nonstatistical evaluation of

data has the same goal as statistical analysis: to identify whether the effects are
consistent, reliable, and unlikely to have resulted from chance fluctuations. The
method is sometimes referred to as visual inspection, which, unfortunately, sug-
gests that the method is particularly subjective and unusually vulnerable to bi-

ases that statistics were designed to overcome. Actually, nonstatistical data

evaluation depends on multiple characteristics of the pattern in the data to de-
termine the reliability of change (see Kazdin, 1998b). These data characteris-
tics include changes in mean (average performance on the measure across base-
line and intervention phases), shifts in level of performance when treatment is
initially introduced or altered (abrupt increase or decrease in performance), the
latency of change once a shift in treatment is made, and changes in slope or
trend lines across different phases in the single-case design. When the data con-
verge in similar patterns, clear inferences can be drawn.

LIMITS OF THE DESIGNS FOR CLINICAL WORK. Single-case designs provide

a rigorous methodology that plays an important role in scientific research more
generally. The designs have been proposed for use in clinical work because they
focus on individuals, and some of them seem compatible with the process of
implementing interventions and evaluating treatment progress (see Alter &
Evens, 1990; Barlow et al., 1984; Bloom & Fischer, 1982; Kazdin, 1998b;
Kratochwill & Piersel, 1983). In fact, the designs have been used in several clin-
ical demonstrations of the effectiveness of diverse treatments. Clearly, when the
designs are feasible and compatible with treatment, they should be used because
they provide strong bases for inferences about treatment.
However, widespread use of the designs, at least as they are currently pro-
posed, may not be feasible for clinical practice because the designs make very
special demands on the administration of treatment. Typically, treatment and
nontreatment phases are alternated or treatment is sometimes withheld or de-
layed. The demands of the design and the priority of clinical care of the indi-
vidual client can conflict. Because single-case designs are true experiments,
they can easily dictate priorities that compete with clinical goals. A methodol-
ogy suitable for clinical practice must maintain the priority of quality patient
care. Efforts have been made to identify selected elements (e.g., Hayes, 1981)
and quasi-experimental designs (Kazdin, 1981) to make adoption of the designs
more compatible with clinical work. Even so, in clinical work, isolating inter-
vention effects and demonstrating causal relations do not necessarily advance
individual client care.
In developing a methodology for clinical practice, one must first identify the
central requirements. Clearly, the first requirement is recognition of the prior-
ity of clinical care. Unequivocally, methodological practices must work toward
the benefit of the individual patient. Second, assessment and evaluation prac-
tices and other methodological requirements must harmonize with exigencies
of the clinical situation. The assessment methods must accommodate a wide
range of clinical problems and situations.
Although one can emphasize practices of assessment, design, and evalua-
tion, methodology is also a way of thinking about phenomena and systematiz-
ing information to draw inferences. The thought processes reflect concerns
about ways of operationalizing critical constructs, posing hypotheses about in-
terventions and processes leading to change, and testing assumptions about in-

terventions and their impact. Assessment, design, and evaluation are not alien
to clinical practice. Invariably, practitioners always draw inferences, actively
or passively making decisions on perceptions. A methodology for clinical prac-
tice does not introduce assessment, design, and evaluation. Rather, it would
align these practices with tenets of science such as testing hypotheses, opera-
tionalizing critical concepts, and fostering replication. The special feature is
evaluation concepts and practices that advance therapeutic progress of individ-
ual clients. To that end, the primary goal of a methodology for clinical practice
is to assess, evaluate, and demonstrate change. Single-case research designs
provide useful leads and, as an approach, is more relevant for clinical work than
group methods. Assessment and evaluation, more than experimental design, are
key features of single-case research that might be applicable.1


Systematic assessment and evaluation of the effects of treatment in clinical
practice aim toward quality patient care and contribute to the knowledge base
on the effects of therapy. Quality care must come first, given the priorities of
treatment in clinical work. Contributing to the knowledge base means answer-
ing important questions about the effects of treatment. Introducing systematic
assessment to clinical practice is not merely the addition of a few measures to
supplement clinical judgment. Table 10.3 summarizes several steps essential to
evaluation in clinical work.

Specifying and Assessing Treatment Goals

Identifying treatment goals is a prerequisite to the selection of measures for as-
sessment and evaluation. The goals refer initially to the objectives for the child
and family (e.g., reduction of symptoms, improved functioning at home and at
school, better parent-adolescent communication) that treatment is designed to
address. Therapy can have many different goals, tailored in clinical work to in-
dividual clients. Consequently, prioritizing the goals is important as well.
Treatment may be directed toward several interrelated areas, which should be
prioritized to permit initial assessment as well as treatment decisions. Treatment
will not likely affect all areas equally well or even in the same way or direction
toward improvement. Assessment of treatment outcome often shows that dif-
ferent measures yield different conclusions (Kazdin, 1998b; Lambert, 1983).
Hence, it is useful to identify the initial salient goals and to select measures to
assess progress toward them.
The selection of one or a few initial goals does not limit the treatment focus.
Rather, it means that assessment will sample critically relevant facets of child
or adolescent functioning to examine progress and treatment impact. The goals
may vary over time according to changing priorities and progress in treatment.
For example, excessive dieting and maladaptive food consumption may serve,-
as the initial treatment focus for an adolescent referred for an eating disor-
der. The focus may shift toward less immediate, but no less important, domains
such as body image, management of stress, and relations with peers. Specifying
Table 1 0.3 Key Steps for Systematic Evaluation in Clinical
1. Specifying and Assessing Explicitly identifying the initial focus of
Treatment Goals treatment and the desired goals or
changes. Selecting or developing a
measure that reflects the current status
of the individual on these characteris-
tics (e.g., symptoms, functioning).
2. Specifying and Assessing Explicitly identifying the means or pro-
Procedures and Processes cesses (procedures, tasks, activities,
and experiences) expected to lead
to therapeutic change. Measuring
the extent to which these means or
their performance, execution, or im-
plementation is achieved during
3. Selecting Measures Identifying or developing the instru-
ments, scales, or measures that will be
used to assess progress over the
course of treatment. This may require
developing or individualizing a mea-
sure for the child, adolescent, and
family. Identifying the measure of
process or procedures depends heav-
ily on whether the procedures are
straightforward (e.g., execution of
tasks in the session) or emergent pro-
cesses (e.g., alliance, bonding) that
require separate measures.
4. Assessment Occasions Assessing performance on the measure
of functioning toward which treat-
ment is directed before treatment be-
gins and then on a regular, ongoing
basis over the course of treatment.
Ongoing assessment may occur every
session, every other session, or some
other regimen that allows one to see
any patterns or trends over time.
5. Design and Data Evaluation Displaying the information obtained
from the assessment to permit one to
examine changes, patterns, or other
features of progress that can directly
inform treatment decisions (e.g.,
changing or ending treatment, shifting
the focus of treatment). Graphical
displays are especially useful.


goals does not mean that these goals become a destination toward which the
course of treatment is irrevocably plotted. The goals of therapy are often mul-
tiple, and making them explicit is an initial as well as ongoing step. For our pur-
poses, specification and operationalization of treatment goals are central.

Specifying and Assessing Procedures and Processes

In addition to making the goals explicit, we must also specify the means of
achieving the goals: either, first, the procedures used in treatment, that is, what
the therapist does and what the client (child, parent) is asked to do in or outside
of the sessions, or second, emergent processes or relationship issues (e.g., ex-
periencing emotions, developing a therapeutic alliance). Specifying procedures
or processes will be useful in making key decisins about treatment.
Treatment integrity, mentioned previously, is relevant to evaluation of the
treatment in clinical work. Ongoing assessment of child or adolescent progress
may reveal no therapeutic change. Assessment of procedures or processes that
the therapist believes are important may provide useful information about how
to proceed. The information may reveal that treatment procedures (e.g., ad-
dressing certain topics, experiencing special types of insight, engaging in role-
play during the sessions) were not implemented very well or goals within ses-
sions (e.g., developing an alliance, dealing with a particular conflict) were not
achieved. Hence, different strategies might be useful.
On the other hand, assessment of treatment processes or means may reveal
that the processes have been evoked fairly well but without therapeutic change.
Here, a different treatment approach might work better. In general, assurances
are needed that the procedures were tried or that the processes identified by the
therapist were achieved. Specifying the procedures or means in relation to the
goals is an initial step toward this end.

Selecting Measures
Specification of the goals of treatment identifies the constructs of interest to the
therapist and client. The next step is to operationalize the constructs by noting
the specific measure(s) that will be used. Selecting the measure requires deci-
sions about the source of information (child/adolescent, parent, teacher, clini-
cian report) and assessment method (objective measures of personality or psy-
chopathology, client diaries, card sorts, projective methods, interviews, direct
observation, and others). In principle, the available measures include the full
range of available psychological instruments. However, even though very few
measures have been developed for repeated assessment and clinical work, one
need not revert to clinical judgment as we saw in the anecdotal case study.
Judgment can be codified and completed reliably. Systematic assessment is al-
most always preferred, even if the measure is not yet validated. Indeed, the
process of validation and test development is all about collecting systematic
data on measures not yet well developed.
Measures can be devised and individualized by incorporating items from a
large symptom list, a standardized instrument, or an open-ended clinical inter-

view. For examples, subscales from the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality

Inventory (MMPI-A; Williams, Butcher, Ben-Porath, & Graham, 1992) for
adolescents or the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL; Achenbach, 1991) for
children or adolescents might generate items for clinical use. Several items can
be selected from a larger pool to provide an individualized measure specific to
the child or family (e.g., see Kiresuk & Garwick, 1979; Shapiro, 1964).
In clinical work, measures need to be individually tailored to the client and
treatment. Familiarity with scale development and available instruments will
be useful. Measures useful in clinical work, based on different assessment
methods and sources of information, have been identified elsewhere (see Alter
& Evens, 1990; Bloom & Fischer, 1982; Epstein, Kutash, & Duchnowski,
1998; Faulkner & Gray, 1997). Rating scales represent a particularly useful
format and offer numerous options that can be developed and evaluated (see
Aiken, 1996). Such measures have been described and formatted to facilitate
their use in clinical settings (see Clement, 1999; Wiger, 1999).
In addition to measurement of client functioning, measurement of the treat-
ment methods or processes is important as well. The type of treatment and pro-
cesses or features putatively leading to change dictate the assessment focus. The
therapist proposes (hypothesizes) that specific criteria are central to therapeu-
tic change. If these (e.g., quality of the relationship with the child, degree of
parent participation in treatment) can vary with treatment administration, their
assessment is likely to be useful because we wish to know whether treatment
components were reasonably delivered and tested. Also, the therapist may want
to try different interventions to alter the processes, perhaps to improve parent
participation. The assessment priority is evaluating clinical outcome and sys-
tematically collecting information on whether the child, adolescent, or family
is changing over the course of treatment. Other assessments may be peripheral.
At the same time, there ought to be documentation of the methods of achieving
change and sufficient description to ensure that the procedures (e.g., which
treatment, number of sessions, content of the sessions) could be replicated.

Assessment Occasions
Before treatment begins, clinics often administer measures to obtain basic sub-
ject and demographic information, to evaluate broad domains of functioning,
to attain information for diagnostic purposes, and to rule out conditions that
might require other interventions or attention, such as medical diagnosis. Initial
assessment identifies critical characteristics of persons who are treated. The
variables important to assess were identified in chapter 10 as descriptive infor-
mation. Descriptive variables do not burden delivery of services in treatment;
indeed, many of the descriptors are required for administrative purposes (e.g.,
insurance). Presumably, a significant portion of the information obtained at pre-
treatment also determines the goals and foci of treatment. In addition, the in-
formation can help develop the knowledge base. As cases accumulate in clini-
cal practice, treatment outcomes (e.g., dropping out, therapeutic change) can be
evaluated in relation to moderators and predictor variables.

Central to evaluation in clinical practice, ongoing, continuous assessment

before and during the course of treatment is needed. This critical component of
single-case designs can be adopted for clinical work. Ongoing assessment can
be used to chart functioning during baseline and over the course of treatment.
Several data points help not merely to assess the mean level of functioning but
also to indicate variability and trends. There are many opportunities for flexi-
ble application of continuous assessment. For example, pretreatment assess-
ment for at least two or three assessment occasions (although more occasions
generally are better) provides a baseline to help evaluate subsequent progress.
Performance on the measure could be at an extreme level, because of stress or
crisis, and marked changes from the first to second assessment occasion would
be expected due to statistical regression, end of the crisis, and repeated testing
on the instrument (see Kazdin, 1998b). Assessment on three occasions can help
rule out such artifacts. Baseline assessment may even show improvement and
suggest redefining the goals of treatment, the means to obtain them, and the se-
lection of measures to evaluate treatment.
As in single-case designs, the initial assessment provides descriptive base-
line information about the subject's level of performance and its variation. Only
one assessment occasion may be feasible or indeed perhaps no assessment be-
cause of the urgent nature of the treatment. In most psychotherapy cases, it is
not clear that intervention is absolutely essential at the first contact. Usually, as-
sessment can begin while the therapist tries to manage the situation. In cases
when treatment begins immediately, retrospective baseline, where an estimate
is provided by the client and others in his or her life, may be an option. Apart
from baseline assessment, assessment during the treatment phase is pivotal to
evaluate change.
Typically, therapy does not involve ongoing systematic assessment. Conse-
quently, an initial step is to integrate assessment and treatment as part of ser-
vice delivery. Several practical decisions and options for implementing the
assessments can serve the goals of empirical evaluation. Many of the options
may be dictated by individual characteristics, problems, and circumstances of
the patient; the nature and type of treatment service; and characteristics and
preferences of the therapist. For example, among assessment options, therapists
might conduct a brief assessment (e.g., 10-15 min) with the child or adoles-
cent at the beginning or end of each treatment session. Or parents can complete
measures and bring them to the sessions or leave recorded messages on a clinic
answering machine if a log is kept. It would not be difficult for families to sub-
mit from their home computer coded information (e.g., responses to question-
naire items from an individualized symptom checklist) automatically recorded
on a clinic web site. More readily perhaps, secretarial staff or assistants can con-
duct a brief telephone interview covering critical items or direct a client to
a room immediately before a session so he or she can complete the measure(s).
Similarly, a staff member or volunteer can sum scores or enter data on an office
computer software program to summarize or to graph the information. A num-
ber of options for administering or assisting with assessment or summarizing

the data are possible. Ethical protections for office information apply to all such
Whatever the assessment method, implementation requires discussion with
the child, adolescent, or family. The therapist should tell the clients about the
interconnectedness of treatment and evaluation so that they understand how
important assessment is in the care and service provided. The rationale for as-
sessment can be provided at the outset when treatment is explained. Salient
points include the importance of an initial evaluation and goal selection. Goals
as well as measures may change during treatment. Thus, the initial presenting
complaints and their assessment would not preclude a subsequent shift in fo-
Even if goals do not change, evaluation of the assessment procedure is im-
portant. Before or early in treatment, it would be important to assess client func-
tioning. Perhaps the assessment measure would show that the client is func-
tioning well. For example, if depression were assessed in an adolescent and a
low score on a standardized measure (e.g., Beck Depression Inventory) was ev-
ident in pretreatment, reconsideration of the construct or measure would be im-
portant. If further discussion and interview revealed depressive symptoms, an-
other measure or an individualized measure might be needed.

Design and Data Evaluation

Research design and data evaluation could easily undermine adoption of sys-
tematic methods of evaluation in clinical practice. Yet each can be crafted to
address the critical priorities and practical exigencies of clinical work. In clin-
ical practice, the central design issue is whether therapeutic change has occured
and to discern whether it is likely to be due to treatment. This does not require
ruling out all of the threats to validity (see appendix B); indeed, designs that do
often interfere with clinical priorities. Obtaining pretreatment (baseline) infor-
mation, conducting ongoing assessment over the course of treatment, and doc-
umenting changes over time can lead to valuable conclusions about treatment
impact. The assessment of therapeutic procedures also can assist in determin-
ing the likelihood that influences intended to achieve change contributed to out-
come. The overall pattern of data contributes to the plausibility that treatment
led to change. Also, in the clinical situation one can draw this conclusion from
the history of the problem, other attempts to effect change, and the abruptness
of the change (see Kazdin, 1981).
Data evaluation identifies change, its reliability and its departure from the
fluctuations one would expect without the intervention. Ongoing assessment pro-
vides data before and during the course of treatment that serve as the basis for
this evaluation. Several methods are available to evaluate single-case informa-
tion. Of all methods, graphical display, like a simple line graph, is particularly
useful for depicting the pattern in the data obtained over time (see Kazdin, 1982;
Parsonson & Baer, 1978). Nonstatistical data evaluation methods, drawn from
single-case experimental research, can be used for clinical evaluation. As I men-
tioned previously, several characteristics of the data (changes in means, levels,

and trends, and latency of change across phases) can be useful in determining the
reliability of the changes. These criteria do not require computations but follow
directly from graphical presentation of the data. Also, if the data are entered reg-
ularly on a database, then graphical presentation and simple trends (e.g., regres-
sion lines) can be plotted automatically or with a couple of mouse clicks.
Graphical displays and nonstatistical data evaluation are examples of possi-
ble methods of evaluating change. Other evaluative aids varying in degrees of
sophistication and complexity are available. For example, several methods of
graphing data points for multiple subjects from group research (e.g., stem-and-
leaf plots, box plots) might also be used for individual subjects as a means to
describe and to evaluate progress (see Rosenthal & Rosnow, 1991). Also, de-
scriptive and inferential statistical techniques are available for continuous data
obtained from the single case (see Gottman, 1981; Kazdin, 1982).
The above methods suggest options for evaluating the changes in patient
functioning to identify if improvements have been achieved. These methods,
whether nonstatistical or statistical, focus on the reliability of the change. The
importance of the change in terms in clinical work is obviously critical. In ad-
dition, therapists and their clients invariably are concerned with an important,
noticeable, change that affects everyday functioning. Attaining clinically sig-
nificant change is quite important. Although many methods have been identi-
fied to reflect clinical significance, there is no consensus on any particular mea-
sure. Presumably a measure of clinical significance of the change might be used
in clinical work. Among the methods discussed, subjective evaluation of inter-
ested parties (parents, teachers, adolescent) and palpable effects on obviously
critical measures (improvements in school attendance, grades) are probably
most relevant. Of course, the nature of the client's problem dictates the evalu-
ation of clinical significance. The goal is to make an effort to evaluate whether
change is sufficient, helpful, or influential. Although clinically significant
change is important, clearly the logical priority is introducing evaluation into
therapy to discern any therapeutic change.


I have related systematic assessment and evaluation to the clinical priority of
helping the individual in treatment. In itself, assessment is a sufficient reason
to change clinical practice. However, systematic evaluation of individual clients
can contribute significantly to the knowledge base.
First, individual therapy can provide evidence for the effectiveness of new
techniques or technique variations. Currently, if an innovative technique emerges
and is codified through an anecdotal case study or article without any evidence,
the treatment is added to the ever-proliferating number of treatments. Tech-
niques could be evaluated and presumably discarded or refined clinically if they
were routinely evaluated in clinical practice. Furthermore, treatment effects can
be replicated by clinicians as a treatment variation is applied to another case.
Thus, innovative treatments could begin their entry into the knowledge base
supported by preliminary evidence.

Second, the discussion has focused on treatment outcomes or intervention

effects on the clients. Assessment and evaluation in practice could also exam-
ine processes of treatment and interim changes that may be important in their
own right (Jones, Ghannam, Nigg, & Dyer, 1993). For example, measures of
the therapeutic relationship, contextual events (e.g., relations at home), clients'
thoughts during the sessions, and clients' views of the most recent session may
help delineate the processes of therapy. Hypotheses could be generated and
tested in this microscopic study of the individual.
Third, the accumulation of assessment data in clinical work can contribute
enormously to the knowledge base. A database on intake variables and treat-
ment outcomes would provide rich opportunities to study factors that influence
treatment and variations of treatment effects for different types of patients and
clinical problems (see Clement, 1994, 1996; Maletzky, 1980, 1991; Marquis,
1991). The descriptive research database can be examined with statistical mod-
els to test specific hypotheses about treatment (Leaf, DiGiuseppe, Mass, &
Alington, 1993). It is not reasonable to expect that clinical practitioners would
be interested in exploiting the database with sophisticated statistical models.
Yet organizing the incoming information in systematic ways and accumulating
a database is feasible (see Todd, Jacobus, & Boland, 1992). Researchers could
collaborate with practitioners to draw from the rich findings that could con-
tribute to the knowledge base. Some research too could be used for secondary
analyses (e.g., meta-analyses) that combine information from multiple clinics.
Finally, evaluation in clinical work can test models of treatment studied in
research and the generality of research results to different conditions (types of
persons, therapists, settings) of clinical practice. I mentioned previously a con-
cern about efficacy studies of therapy, that is, demonstrations of treatment ef-
fects under highly controlled conditions. There is reason to question whether
treatment models and interventions apply in clinical practice, but they could be
tested if systematic assessment and evaluation methods were introduced into
clinical practice. This too would be a superb contribution to the knowledge


Methodological Issues
Earlier discussion has outlined generally how methodological practices and the
underlying thought processes that methodology fosters can augment clinical
work. Yet the methodology is not yet developed or in widespread use. One can
readily identify obstacles yet to be resolved, such as the methodological tools
available for clinical assessment. Several measures have been recommended
for ongoing evaluation of treatment, particularly in the context of adult therapy
(e.g., Clement, 1999; Sederer & Dickey, 1994). Unfortunately, these measures
have not been validated in the usual ways; such validation would ensure that
they measure the intended constructs and reflect functioning in everyday life.
Standardized measures (e.g., Beck Depression Inventory, MMPI, CBCL)

might be used on repeated occasions. These measures have been validated by

administering the instrument on one or two occasions (e.g., test-retest reliabil-
ity or part of longitudinal studies) to large groups. Clinical evaluation will re-
quire repeated administration of the measure to the individual over the course
of treatment. The basic questions are whether the measure can reflect change
and will the correlates of the measure (i.e., evidence for validity) be the same
on repeated use. Existing measures will be useful to provide relevant items of
key constructs (e.g., anxiety, aggression, depression), but basic research will be
needed to validate assessment strategies for ongoing assessment in clinical
In addition to measures, data evaluation methods are available but not well
explicated for clinical use. Nonstatistical data evaluation in treatment research
is generally unfamiliar beyond the cadre of researchers involved in behavior
analysis. Descriptive statistics such as changes in means or slope can be used
for inferential purposes. However, methods need to be developed for general
use. Computerized data management programs could be used to enter data and
to provide graphical displays with little effort. Computerized programs that pro-
vide documentation of progress in user-friendly ways (e.g., OPTAIO™, 1997)
are available for use in therapy.

Clinical Issues and Concerns

First, those trained in traditional models are likely to object to the recommen-
dations for systematic assessment and evaluation. These models focus on the
importance of clinical judgment and clinical skill in the absence of systematic
evaluation. Traditionally, objections to evaluation in clinical work were based
on assumptions about the cognitive acumen of the clinicians and the deleteri-
ous influences of systematic evaluation of the client. First, we assume that, as
clinicians, we can readily detect changes in the client; hence, no formal as-
sessment is necessary. Clearly, for very dramatic changes (e.g., elimination of
all obsessions, compulsions, stealing and vandalism, or symptoms of Tourette's
syndrome), a complete shift might make formal evaluation unnecessary. Yet, in
most cases, treatment effects are not so dramatic or unidimensional that they
can be unequivocally determined without formal evaluation. Systematic eval-
uation of children, adolescents, and families is essential to identify the amount,
scope, and stability of change.
Second, in clinical work, therapists are often concerned that assessment may
interfere with the therapeutic relationship. The therapist is responsible for treat-
ment; adding to that the roles of assessor or evaluator may seem antitherapeu-
tic. Some models or theoretical conceptualizations of treatment might argue
against the therapist as the person who provides treatment and who evaluates
progress. Yet the presumption that evaluation harms is unsupported when al-
ternative assumptions are even more plausible—not evaluating the patient can
permit harm to occur, evaluation may have no impact, evaluation may help.
How clients perceive systematic evaluation probably relates to the therapists'
views of evaluation and how the evaluation objectives and methods are pre-

sented. If evaluation is presented as commonplace, central to treatment, and

purposeful, then the clients' views are likely to be positive. Ongoing assessment
can be presented similarly.
Third, some object to assessment because efforts to measure the problem or
focus oversimplify the problem. This objection reflects a slight misunderstand-
ing of assessment. A measure provides a key sign, correlate, or sample of the
problem, as operational definitions. The measure is not the problem. As noted
in chapter 9, we are usually not interested in measures but rather in constructs,
that is, on the characteristics the measures are designed to assess. We use mea-
sures even though they may not encompass the whole problem.
Fourth, assessment seemingly may ignore the individuality or uniqueness of
the child, adolescent, or family. Administration of standardized measures may
ignore the individuality of the patient. Yet systematic assessment can be quite
individualized (see Clement, 1999; Kazdin, 1993b; Kiresuk & Garwick, 1979;
Shapiro, 1957,1964). The clinician can designate the most relevant domains of
functioning with the patient and build the assessment devices to reflect these.
Clinical practice, unlike the usual research context, permits individualization
of both assessment and treatment. The methods can be tailored to a patient's
priorities, resources, and characteristics.
Standardized assessment does have a critically important role in therapy and
complements individualized assessment. The profile of a child that a standard-
ized measure provides along with his or her standing relative to a normative
group of peers of the same age, gender, and ethnicity, for example, can provide
meaningful data that may also guide treatment. For example, the data on the
CBCL (Achenbach, 1991), a standardized measure, might be informative as a
profile for domains of child symptoms and prosocial functioning. The stan-
dardized measure is not a threat to patient individuality but an opportunity to
examine that individuality against a broader backdrop (Lambert & Brown,
Fifth, another objection against evaluation in clinical work is based on the
dynamic nature of treatment. Specifically, in most psychotherapy no single,
simple patient problem remains constant. Problems change and foci are re-
defined over the course of treatment. Indeed, evidence from adult therapy sug-
gests that over half of clients add new target complaints over the course of treat-
ment (Sorenson, Gorsuch, & Mintz, 1985). The changing focus of treatment is
not a good argument against assessment. Rather, it makes systematic assess-
ment all the more important because it can help to identify changes in problem
domains and priorities of focus from the standpoint of the patient and therapist.
Systematic assessment is needed to evaluate change and patterns of change.
If information indicates that the initial presenting problem no longer pertains
or is appreciably less important than some other domain, different assessment
and evaluation can be initiated. An excellent feature of clinical work and clin-
ical evaluation, unlike most clinical research trials, is flexible assessment and
treatment. Therapists and clients can set new goals along the way and present
or withdraw assessments to reflect these changes. The changes in treatment do

not conflict with assessment. In fact, changes are likely to be very important.
We want more than just impressionistic information to chart these changes and
to make informed decisions about treatment.

Professional Issues
Introducing systematic assessment and evaluation routinely in clinical practice
will have dramatic implications in the professional training of the mental health
professionals who provide psychological treatment: psychologists, psychia-
trists, social workers, and counselors. Although the professions provide differ-
ent training, none fosters systematic assessment and evaluation in clinical prac-
tice. Consider psychology as one example. Psychologists have, by training,
common experience, and orientation, a concern for the methodological tenets
of scientific research: assessment, evaluation, testing of hypotheses, and em-
pirical de-monstration. In clinical work, this commitment to methodology can-
not be abandoned merely because the situation is complex, individuals are
unique, and therapy is demanding. Indeed, the complexities and richness of the
treatment conditions require assessment and evaluation to counteract the lim-
its of human information processing.
Other professional issues can be raised in this context. Teaching assessment
and evaluation methods for clinical work to clinical students is obviously
needed. Supervisors who can oversee internship experiences that incorporate
assessment and evaluation as part of clinical care will be essential, but they will
also be difficult to find. Discussions of clinical training now heavily focus on
treatments that have empirical evidence in their behalf (Kendall & Chambless,
1998; Lonigan et al., 1998). This is a critical point, because many training pro-
grams do not focus on evidence-based treatments. I argue that training in meth-
ods to evaluate one's own clinical practice is even more important. Obviously,
empirically supported treatments may be ineffective in a given clinical case.
The therapist must try another variation of the treatment, another treatment, or
a combination of treatments. Evaluation is the key to this decision-making
If the goal of clinical work is to help patients, then the case for systematic
evaluation is easily made. Actually, in clinical work, where the individual is so
important and direct benefits are a goal, unsystematic evaluation is hard to ad-
vocate. In clearly urgent circumstances such as disasters or suicide attempts, in-
tervention must proceed immediately. These important exceptions certainly
preclude collecting baseline data; they do not preclude evaluating impact after
the crises have abated.
A professional issue that deserves comment pertains to accountability. In
clinical practice for a given case, the practitioner cannot be held responsible for
the client's outcome, progress, improvement, or lack thereof. Clinical dysfunc-
tion and problems clients bring to treatment are often multiply determined.
Insufficient knowledge about the etiology, course, and risk factors for a given
problem and about how to controvert such influences presents genuine limita-
tions and indeterminancies of treatment. Also, the knowledge base is derived

from the study of groups. Findings, even if well established, may not apply to
a client's particular pattern of influences or set of determinants. For these rea-
sons, we cannot be held responsible for the therapeutic changes that all parties
involved would like. We can be held accountable for careful evaluation and for
informed decision making, beginning with responsible evaluation of the prob-
lem and application of reasonable interventions. In addition, quantitative, on-
going assessment and evaluation of treatment are reasonable clinical responsi-
bilities. Quantitative assessment and evaluation might be proposed as central to
all mental health professions because the goals, accountability, and concerns
for individual clients are shared in clinical work. At the same time, among the
disciplines, psychological training is unique because of the strong commitment
to the tenets of science during training. Hypothesis testing, assessment, and
evaluation are relevant to both research and practice.


We need a methodology of clinical practice that encompasses assessment and
evaluation of progress in treatment. Systematic methods will help to overcome
the inherent limitations and biases of human judgment. The use of psycholog-
ical measures and alternative methods of data evaluation does not eliminate bi-
ases but enters these biases in an empirical arena where they can be better stud-
ied. The clinician need not slavishly adhere to one or two measures and the data
they provide. Qualitative and impressionistic information, now the main and
usually sole source of information over the course of treatment, can still help
to evaluate treatment progress. However, attention to more systematic infor-
mation gathering may aid decision making to help the individual patient.
Clinical practice has very special goals, procedures, issues, and priorities.
The tenets of science are not erased or abandoned by the exigencies of clinical
work. Rather, they are adapted to serve the goals of clinical work. The tenets of
science do not require the use of true experiments if the phenomenon of inter-
est limits "control" and "experimental manipulation" of conditions. Systematic
assessment of process and outcome, evaluation of correlations, development
and testing of hypotheses, and creative use of data evaluation strategies can
guide treatment and augment our understanding.
Of course, it is one matter to advocate systematic evaluation in the abstract
but quite another to suggest a viable methodology for use in daily work. Methods
are available, but they are not validated yet. Measurement strategies and indi-
vidual assessment instruments must at once be feasible, valid, meaningfully in-
terpretable over multiple assessment occasions, and able to reflect change.
Individualization of goals and measures for clients in treatment is not new. The
remarkable assessment and evaluation expertise in psychology, which has
served the development of measurement theory and instrument development
and validation, can be deployed to create individualized assessments for clini-
cal use.
In principle, proposing systematic evaluation in clinical practice is not new
either (e.g., Davidson & Costello, 1969; Shapiro, 1957,1964). The opportuni-

ties are new. Research methods and practices have advanced. Development of
measures of process and outcome, specification of treatments in improved form
(e.g., manuals, guidelines), and concern with and assessment of treatment in-
tegrity, for example, can benefit applications of treatment for individual clients.
Also, advances in technology, such as computerization of treatment plans and
graphical displays of progress, can facilitate scoring and evaluation of clinically
useful information. Besides opportunities, the social climate supports—indeed
insists—on more systematic evaluation of treatment to justify reimbursement
of services. Pressure from managed care can assist patient care insofar as it
helps introduce evaluation of patient progress.
There are many obstacles to the integration of systematic assessment and
evaluation in clinical practice, but the sacrifice of the quality of patient care
must not be one of them. I suggest that using clinical work to develop the
knowledge base is particularly critical. Now we need to develop methods to fa-
cilitate evaluation; we may also need further training of professionals to over-
come trepidations about systematic evaluation.


Methods to evaluate clinical practice are available in several resources, as reflected in
the readings noted below. The goals of these sources are of course to enhance clinical
practice and to provide concrete and user-friendly tools for evaluation. The books also
are resources for research because they convey some of the conditions of clinical prac-
tice and methods of evaluation not usually considered in research.
Clement, P.W. (1999). Outcomes and incomes: How to evaluate, improve, and market
your practice by measuring outcomes in psychotherapy. New York: Guilford.
Haynes, S.N. (Ed.). (1993). Special section: Treatment implications of psychological as-
sessment. Psychological Assessment, 5, 251-301.
Jones, E.E. (Ed.). (1993). Special section: Single-case research in psychotherapy.
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 61, 371-430.
Kazdin, A.E. (1993). Evaluation in clinical practice: Clinically sensitive and systematic
methods of treatment delivery. Behavior Therapy, 24, 11-45.
Lambert, M., & Brown, G.S. (1996). Data-based management for tracking outcome in
private practice. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 3, 172-178.
Sederer, L.I., & Dickey, B. (Eds.). (1994). Outcomes assessment in clinical practice.
Baltimore, MD: Williams & Wilkins.
Wiger, D.E. (1999). The psychotherapy documentation primer. New York: Wiley &
Chapter 11

Psychotherapy Research
in Perspective

What Progress Has Been Made?

Pro: Remarkable Progress Has Been Made
Con: Remarkable Progress? Hah!
Where Are We and Where Ought We to Go?
Issues and Recommendations
Basic Theory and Research on Child Dysfunction
Conceptualization of Treatment
Stronger Tests of Treatment
Extratreatment Influences
Broadening the Perspectives
Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Problems
Summary Recommendations
Closing Comments

PREVIOUS CHAPTERS HAVE EVALUATED the strengths and limitations of psy-

chotherapy research, provided a blueprint for progress to foster the systematic
accumulation of knowledge, and recommended methods to improve the yield
from clinical research and practice. This chapter considers current psychother-
apy research more generally and begins with a discussion of recent progress.
What progress has been made in child and adolescent therapy research, and
what is the status of current knowledge? The discussion then focuses on clini-
cal dysfunction and interventions beyond the confines of psychotherapy. Social,
emotional, and behavioral problems are influenced by multiple factors (e.g., bi-
ological, sociological) beyond those ordinarily considered in psychotherapy
research. I highlight such influences briefly to inform and expand conceptual
views of treatment. Similarly, many interventions (e.g., participation in ex-
tracurricular activities, social policy change) are outside of the realm of psy-
chotherapy but influence the social, emotional, and behavioral problems of chil-
dren and adolescents. I provide examples to place therapy research in context
and to raise questions about how therapeutic change occurs. Expanding per-


spectives about the nature of clinical dysfunction and how it can be altered
raises opportunities for new theory and research. To ensure that this chapter
goes beyond lofty and uplifting platitudes, I include specific recommendations
as well.


Perhaps earlier chapters have not represented very well the different ways in
which one can look at child and adolescent psychotherapy research. To under-
score different aspects of contemporary research, I present contrasting views
here. Sharply contrasting views of research accomplishments do not necessar-
ily misrepresent the literature; both views have considerable merit. In the ma-
terial that follows, I argue opposing positions to reveal different facets of cur-
rent research and do so as if two advocates were debating their respective views.
Pro: Remarkable Progress Has Been Made
There has been remarkable progress in child and adolescent psychotherapy re-
search, and the accomplishments are reasons to rejoice. First, the number of
controlled treatment outcome studies is vast. Of course, one can fix no single
number at a given point in time; the precise number depends on how the per-
tinent literature is searched (e.g., key words), the scope of the search (e.g.,
English-speaking and other language journals), and other factors (e.g., defini-
tion of therapy, age range of the children). As I noted previously, one review
identified over 1,000 empirical studies completed up to the year 1990 that fo-
cused on children age 13 or younger (Durlak et al., 1995). Obviously, extend-
ing this search to today and including youths through adolescence would yield
an even more impressive number of studies. By any count, psychotherapy re-
search for children and adolescents has come a long way.
Second, several meta-analytic reviews of the research have led to the con-
clusion that psychotherapy for children and adolescents is effective. As a gen-
eral rule, changes associated with treatment greatly surpass those achieved
without formal treatment. Moreover, the magnitude of this effect (effect size)
tends to be large (^.70). In other words, the research has shown reliable and
strong therapy effects. Children who receive therapy are much better off than
those who do not. Enough randomized trials have been completed to attribute
the effect to therapy rather than to various artifacts and confounds such as sub-
ject selection or changes over time as a result of maturation.
Third, treatment is now available for a wide range of clinical problems, as
evident in the many compendia that organize the treatment literature by clini-
cal problem area such as anxiety, depression, attention-deficit/hyperactivity
disorder, oppositional and conduct disorder, eating disorders, and autism, to
mention a few (see Hibbs & Jensen, 1996; Mash & Barkley, 1998; Morris &
Kratochwill, 1998). Never have more treatment options been available for a
wider range of problems. As the cited references attest, the research advances
continue in each of these problem areas.
Fourth, we now have a set of particularly well-investigated interventions, re-

ferred to as empirically supported treatments. The criteria for these treatments

extend well beyond merely demonstrating efficacy in a single study (e.g.,
Chambless & Hollon, 1998; Nathan & Gorman, 1998; Roth & Fonagy, 1996).
Several treatments for children and adolescents are empirically supported (e.g.,
Lonigan et al., 1998). To identify such treatments, particularly with the impli-
cations that identification might have (e.g., professional training, standards for
clinical practice, patient care, and reimbursement of services), signals that child
and adolescent psychotherapy research has advanced remarkably. Guidelines
for clinical practice have begun to suggest that some treatments are clearly pre-
ferred and supported for the problems that children and adolescents bring to
treatment (AACAP, 1997,1998).
Fifth, the quality of treatment research has improved in the past decade or
two (Durlak et al., 1995; Peterson & Bell-Dolan, 1995). Methodological prac-
tices such as evaluation of treatment integrity, assessment of the clinical sig-
nificance of therapeutic change, and collection of follow-up data are used more
often in current research. These practices clearly improve the research and the
conclusions that can be drawn. Many treatment manuals are available that per-
mit replication of treatment and in many cases extension of empirically sup-
ported treatments to clinical practice. Moreover manuals provide a way to cod-
ify revisions and improvements as clinical experience and research findings
Overall, the progress within child and adolescent therapy research is re-
markable. In addition, and no less significant, there are advances in allied ar-
eas. Research on child and adolescent psychopathology continues to advance
at an accelerated pace (e.g., Mash & Barkley, 1996). These advances include
research on various disorders, their interrelations, and subtypes, as well as stud-
ies of risk and protective factors and the many child, parent, family, and con-
textual influences that affect clinical dysfunction. Also, psychopathology re-
search is elaborating multiple domains, as illustrated, for example, by research
in genetics, neurobiology, and neuroendocrinology. Findings on the interaction
of biological and social influences on development and clinical dysfunction are
particularly noteworthy (e.g., Brooks-Gunn & Warren 1989; Graber, Lewinsohn,
Seeley, & Brooks-Gunn, 1997). Research on the models of clinical dysfunction
and advances in developmental psychopathology can serve as underpinnings
for treatment research. Thus, the conceptual and empirical bases on which in-
tervention research can build are progressing too.
Advances in assessment also are noteworthy because of their contribution
to psychotherapy research and to basic research on psychopathology. These ad-
vances include standardization, or improved standardization, of many measures
of constructs relevant to treatment research such as cognitive processes, fam-
ily functioning, and peer relations (e.g., Mash & Terdal, 1997; Ollendick &
Hersen, 1993). Constructs like impairment can now be assessed over a broader
age range over the course of development. Also, specific modalities of assess-
ment have progressed. For example, the range of available and valid self-report
measures for children and adolescents, once a worrisome and suspicious

method of gathering useful information, has advanced (see LaGreca, 1990).

Assessment advances permit a more detailed analysis of child and adolescent
functioning, the associated conditions (e.g., families, contexts), and, of course,
the impact of treatment.
The characteristics highlighted here provide overwhelming evidence of
progress and advances in child and adolescent therapy research. Of course,
some critical and enduring questions, issues, and challenges need to be ad-
dressed. What can be accomplished for such severe problems as autism? Are
treatment effects maintained over time (>5 years after treatment)? What are
the mechanisms of therapeutic change? Some of the questions are prompted
by and reflect the advances that have been achieved: Now that there are em-
pirically supported treatments, can they be transported to clinical settings?
Does combining two treatments, each with demonstrated efficacy, augment
treatment outcome for a given clinical problem? The measure of progress is
not how many questions remain to be answered—that number will always be
somewhere between indefinite and infinite. Progress is better measured by the
questions that have been answered and by the sophistication of those that are
being asked.
These intellectual and scholarly questions about treatment and its effects
must be seen in the context of the multiple interests of researchers, clinicians,
consumers, and society at large. There are multiple perspectives on treatment
(e.g., how much treatment ought to be provided, how much therapeutic change
is needed or enough). They might view the same treatment quite differently, as
effective by researchers, not feasible for everyday use by clinicians, too costly
or not yet sufficiently proven by those who oversee reimbursement of services.
But the remaining research questions or differing perspectives on critical issues
do not detract from the progress that has been achieved. In summary, the case
is clear about the progress of child and adolescent psychotherapy. [If this were
a debate about that progress, I would end with the statement that any one who
does not recognize the remarkable advances deserves to be diagnosed and given
an empirically unsupported treatment!]

Con: Remarkable Progress? Hah!

Enthusiasm and optimism are always refreshing, and the preceding rendition of
therapy research is indeed uplifting and enjoyable. I guess I just like reading
fiction. Where to begin? There has been remarkable lack of progress in child
and adolescent psychotherapy research. First, it would be a serious mistake to
accept the large number of studies as a sign of progress. The majority of stud-
ies include features that limit the conclusions that can be reached about ther-
apy. For example, patient samples are rarely studied and the "vast literature"
becomes a minute literature if one includes those studies that examine therapy
with clinical samples and in clinical settings (e.g., Shadish et al., 1997). Why
is this important? Treatment effects are likely to be diminished when dysfunc-
tion is more severe, when individuals have multiple (comorbid) disorders, and
when child or adolescent dysfunction is embedded in adverse family conditions

(e.g., parent psychopathology, difficult living circumstances). The majority of

youths studied in psychotherapy research are likely to be much less severely
impaired and to come from circumstances less likely to exacerbate dysfunction
than those cases referred clinically. We may know a lot about less severely im-
paired cases, and this knowledge may be valuable. However, this qualification
should temper wholesale counts of therapy studies or overly ambitious conclu-
sions about treatment.
In general, most treatment research consists of well-controlled laboratory-
based (efficacy) studies, in which control is optimized and one can test theory,
processes, or mechanisms rather than merely look at outcomes. Yet there is very
little theoretical work. To tout the large number of studies as a cause to rejoice
is merely a distraction. The issue is not the number of studies but rather whether
we have answers to key questions. What clinical problems can be treated ef-
fectively? Are treatment gains maintained? What treatments work with whom
and in what combinations? Does treatment prevent the onset of other problems
or disorders or influence adjustment and functioning in adulthood? Those who
tout progress tend to look away when these questions are asked.
The main conclusion from research reviews, meta-analytic or other, is that
treatment is better than no treatment—a useful but disappointing finding. To
begin, if the adult therapy literature is any guide, we know that placebos (inert
substances provided as if they were medication) and psychological procedures
designed to appear as a veridical treatment (attention-placebo conditions) are
better than no treatment. In addition, most of the treatments used in clinical
practice are not those studied in research and hence covered by the research re-
views. The conclusion that treatment is better than no treatment could be fol-
lowed with rather embarrassing qualifying phrases, such as "But this may not
apply to clinically referred cases or to the treatments used in clinical practice,
and may not be consistently better than placebo or placebo-like conditions."
This is not merely an issue of looking at the literature as a glass "half empty or
half full." In fact, therapy effects are not so clearly demonstrated.
With much of the research, investigators are communicating with each other
and do not make much contact with the phenomenon of interest (i.e., therapeu-
tic change among individuals who have problems, stress, or dysfunction). For
example, many meta-analyses of therapy exist, and these are viewed as saying
something about therapeutic change. Typically, all measures from a study are
combined into a single number that is an effect size based on combining all
cases that received treatment. Then multiple studies are combined further to get
a grand mean (mean effect size). It is difficult to imagine a number further re-
moved from what happens to individuals in treatment. The metric makes sense
for specific research purposes but tells nothing whatsoever about what happens
to individuals who receive a particular treatment.
A seeming counter to this concern is the fact that studies often report on clin-
ical significance of the change. Look closely at measures of clinical signifi-
cance. They are defined mathematically or statistically (see Kendall, 1999).
Even with a generous interpretation, there is little evidence that individuals who

have met a criterion that the investigator calls a measure of clinical significance
are in fact functioning better in everyday life. More critical thinking is needed
about the meaning of measures used to assess clinically significant change. For
example, suppose a child is more deviant on a parent-rating scale of child de-
viance before treatment but then falls within the normal range at posttreat-
ment (this is a commonly used measure of clinical significance). This does not
necessarily mean that there is palpable improvement in everyday life for the
child. Basic steps to validate indices of clinical significance have not been com-
pleted, and the meaning of such measures has yet to be elaborated (see Kazdin,
Overall, current treatment research for children and adolescents samples a
very special set of nonreferred children, focuses on brief and time-limited treat-
ment, and addresses a restricted range of questions about treatment, models of
delivering treatment, and treatment outcome domains that are investigated.
Other than this, the literature is fabulous. In characterizing the vast majority of
studies, one must recognize exceptions. Programs of research such as those il-
lustrated previously (chapter 6) are rays of hope—they are also great departures
from how most treatment is usually evaluated.
So much of the literature focuses on nonreferred cases that it is important to
recognize the genuine contribution that this makes. Improvement of symptoms
and functioning of nonreferred cases is important and noteworthy. The differ-
ences between clinically impaired and nonimpaired youths for many problems
seen in treatment (anxiety, depression, conduct disorder) are fuzzy and some-
what arbitrary (Gotlib et al., 1995; Offord et al., 1996). Many children and ado-
lescents included in studies of psychotherapy, even if not clinically referred,
likely would benefit from treatment. Outcomes with such youths are important
insofar as any reduction in suffering and impairment is worthwhile. Yet, the ex-
tent to which treatments can be applied effectively in clinical settings is quite a
different matter.
Will progress continue to be made? Well, more research is invariably viewed
as progress, so there is a guaranteed perception of progress. But will there be
efforts to move to new questions and to understand how therapy achieves its ef-
fects and for whom? The old question to guide therapy—what treatments work
with what people, under what conditions—has not been addressed seriously. In
one way, perhaps that is good. Prior discussions have shown that this question
is not very feasible or useful in light of the extraordinary number of treatments,
disorders, and moderators. New and better questions have yet to be substituted
as a guide. The progress of psychotherapy research is remark-able—the remark
one is able to make is that very little has been achieved to date in understand-
ing which treatments are effective for clinically referred youths.


Anyone might well agree with aspects of both perspectives, my own position
has a slightly different thrust. However one evaluates the past decades of re-
search, the fact is we are here with a set of studies, treatments, clinical prob-

lems, investigators, methods, measures, and so on. We need to ask three criti-
cal questions:
1. What do we wish to know about therapy and its effects?
2. What do we already know?
3. What needs to be accomplished to fill in the gap between the prior ques-
We want to know more about treatment and its effects, including how, why,
and for whom it works. We also wish to know how to make treatment optimally
effective. Based on prior reviews and primary sources, as outlined in chapters
4, 5, and 6, we know little of what we need to know about these facets of treat-
ment. This conclusion is not damning. By itself, the conclusion merely suggests
that one ought to be patient. Yet there are no clear signs that we are moving
along a path toward obtaining the knowledge we need.
Despite the progress, contemporary studies are not focusing on conceptual-
ization of clinical dysfunctions, treatments, processes of change, moderators
and mediators of outcome, and generality and applicability of treatment. The
range of questions, treatment outcomes, and models of delivering treatment is
restricted. Most studies focus on relatively brief treatments, with nonclinical
samples, addressing questions about the treatment technique. There is a place
for such research. But we need to ask deeper, broader, and more clinically rel-
evant questions. By deeper questions, I mean research that focuses more on un-
derstanding and explaining treatment, including models of change and pro-
cesses or mechanisms involved in improvement. By broader questions, I mean
research that asks more varied questions about treatment than are currently be-
ing asked. By more clinically relevant questions, I mean research that addresses
generality and disseminability of treatment and the facets of treatment that may
influence them. If we wish to advance psychotherapy for children and adoles-
cents, we must go much further than saying "more research is needed." In fact,
more research is the last thing we need unless studies can move us toward a bet-
ter understanding of treatment.
What are the goals of therapy research, or, as stated previously, what is it we
wish to know? Because there are no agreed on or at least very explicit goals,
it is very unlikely that any systematic progress will be made toward them.
Scattered studies, unsystematically conducted and leading to no place in par-
ticular, cannot be expected to generate a systematic knowledge base. Neither
leading meta-analysts nor magicians can derive the knowledge we need if the
primary sources do not redirect and expand their foci. Rather than quibbling
about whether analogue or efficacy studies are worthwhile, misused, overem-
phasized, and so on, as evident in the two contrasting views presented previ-
ously, let us chart the future. What vision does the field need to make progress?
Surely it is more inspired than identifying a few more empirically supported
treatments? I have outlined a plan for progress (chapter 8). No doubt other au-
thors can generate different and better ones. Perhaps multiple blueprints will
provide common themes that will lead us to better research.


Bask Theory and Research on Child Dysfunction
Several specific areas deserve attention in order to accelerate the development
and identification of effective treatments. Improved outcome studies obviously
will be required to develop effective treatments, as discussed in chapter 9.
However, such gains will depend on more fundamental areas. Theory and re-
search on the nature of childhood dysfunction are greatly needed. In this con-
text, theory means conceptualizations of the development of the clinical prob-
lem and factors that lead to its expression and amelioration. It is not reasonable
to expect sweeping theories derived from a single conceptual model (e.g., psy-
chodynamic, behavioral) to explain the development of "psychopathology" or
even a particular disorder. Broad theories can provide coherent accounts or ex-
planations of the problem, but they have rarely generated testable hypotheses.
What is likely to be more profitable are mini-theories, models or explana-
tions designed to address one or more components of a specific type of dys-
function. At the outset, a mini-theory attempts only to explain a circumscribed
set of influences and their effects. More restricted in scope, mini-theories are
more likely to be directly testable and to be subject to refutation and revision.
For example, the work on the role of child-rearing practices on aggressive and
antisocial behavior in the home (Dishion & Patterson, in press; Patterson, 1982;
Patterson et al., 1992) has posed separate models to explain how antisocial be-
havior begins in the home and how the child's antisocial behavior affects self-
esteem, peer relations, and academic competence. Emphasis has been on early
parent-child interaction, especially the progression from the child's mildly co-
ercive noncompliance, whining, or teasing to more coercive parent and child
exchanges (through shouting or hitting). Inept parental discipline, as reflected
in excessive use of threats, physical abuse, attention to inappropriate behavior,
among other practices, also contributes directly to coercive child behavior
through modeling and direct reinforcement (see Patterson et al., 1992). The
point here is that the important progress resulted from elaborating several facets
of the model. Needless to say, the model does not necessarily explain how ag-
gressive and antisocial behavior begins for all children. Nor is there a system-
atic effort in the model to incorporate all known risk factors and paths to ag-
gressive behavior. Yet, from the model, effective interventions have been
developed, specifically, training parents to alter their interactions with their
children in concrete ways that promote prosocial behavior. We cannot expect
all research on models of dysfunction to translate into effective treatments.
Nevertheless, the best long-term investment in effective interventions is ad-
vances in understanding the problems treatments address.

Conceptualization of Treatment
Conceptualization of treatment can be distinguished from conceptualization of
disorders, although, of course, we ought to rejoice whenever we can connect
the two. Conceptualization of treatment considers how the treatment is intended

to achieve change, through what mechanisms and processes, and perhaps for
whom. Lack of conceptualization of treatments is perhaps the most critical
deficit of current therapy research. We have procedures and techniques but few
conceptual models that describe needed components of treatment and why and
how these components interface with specific clinical dysfunctions. A notable
exception, mentioned in chapter 6, was the work on parent management train-
ing, in which a conceptual view of onset and escalation of child deviance has
been used as the basis for developing treatment (Dishion & Patterson, in press).
Conceptualizations often are at such a global level that they defy empirical
evaluation. For example, comments about cognitive deficiencies, poor stimu-
lus control, problems of attachment, or dysfunctional family communication,
when discussed at the general level, merely convey an approach to treatment
rather than a viable conceptual model.
The safety of a technique is assured in the short run by hiding behind global
interpretations and clinical experience. However, the techniques and their in-
terpretations will wither with changing times and fads if not subjected to and
bolstered by empirical findings. The needed conceptualizations of treatment
will propose methods to discover what we need to know.

Stronger Tests of Treatment

In addition to conceptualization, we need stronger tests of treatment than cur-
rent treatment trials provide. Perhaps the most basic question of the field asks
what we can effectively treat. An inventory of what can and cannot be accom-
plished with psychosocial treatments would be very difficult to create with a
reasonable amount of consensus. Rather than an inventory of what is known,
writings often enumerate various approaches to child treatment (e.g., family,
behavioral, psychodynamic) or specific treatment techniques (e.g., play ther-
apy, social skills training). More recently, there has been an emphasis on em-
pirically supported treatments, a movement one must praise. At the same time,
we are not interested merely in treatments that have evidence on their behalf.
A treatment can be empirically supported by current criteria yet bear no evi-
dence that genuine improvement has been achieved in the everyday lives of the
children and adolescents who completed treatment. The distinction between
statistical and clinical significance is worth mentioning here. Empirically sup-
ported treatments have evidence on their behalf and have been shown to pro-
duce greater change than no treatment. These differences are based on statisti-
cal comparisons. Such comparisons are not trivial, but we need to know much
more. Clinical significance addresses the question of whether improvements
make a genuine difference in everyday life. We do not know about the clinical
significance of treatment effects in part because too few studies use such mea-
sures. Moreover, the meaning of measures of clinical significance currently in
use is ambiguous. The measures have not been well validated against criteria
related to actual functioning of the children in everyday life.
It would valuable to subject the most promising treatments (based on con-
ceptual, empirical, or clinical criteria) to systematic experimental tests and to

provide truly strong versions of those treatments. We need to know the magni-
tude of change we can achieve for a given clinical problem. The goal is not to
determine the limits of treatment in a general sense, because presumably we
can accomplish less now than we can in the future. But the lack of a clear idea
of what we can accomplish now limits the vision we need to seek improve-
ments. In general, strong tests are needed for many different treatments cur-
rently assumed to be effective in clinical work. Conceptualization of treatment,
mentioned previously, is so important in developing strong treatments. Stronger
treatment requires hypotheses about the mechanisms through which change is

Extratreatment Influences
We need to focus on diverse factors that can influence treatment effectiveness.
Specific factors to consider depend on the conceptualization of the nature of the
clinical problem and the treatment. However, the efficacy of treatment may de-
pend on a host of other influences, some of which may be essential to harness
to produce clinically significant changes.
There are obvious candidates for variables that interact with treatment to
produce therapeutic change. In the adult therapy literature, patient, therapist,
and relationship factors are well studied. Although these warrant study also in
the context of child treatment, the general point is made here to entertain dif-
ferent sorts of influences. Factors in the parents' lives may warrant special at-
tention, given their relation to deviant child behavior. For example, parental
depression influences parent-child interaction and the social, emotional, and be-
havioral characteristics of infants, children, and adolescents (Hammen &
Rudolf, 1996). Also, a mother's positive social contacts outside of the home in-
fluence the aversiveness of her interactions with her child and the level of her
child's deviant behavior (Wahler, 1980). Child treatment may need to address
features of the parent's life (e.g., psychopathology, social interaction) that ex-
tend beyond the child's specific problems and other facets of intrafamily life.
This is not merely a restatement of the position that the child is an "identified
patient" and reflects family problems. Rather, the suggestion is based on emerg-
ing evidence that specific aspects of the parents' lives have direct bearing on
the child's functioning. Which features of parent functioning affect which prob-
lems and whether or how they ought to be incorporated into treatment remain
uncharted. In principle, everything that impinges on parents as individuals, on
parents as a couple, and on families might be studied empirically as modera-
tors of therapy effects. The range of options underscores the importance of the-
ory. Focused theoretical propositions are essential to ensure that the agenda for
research is not expanded infinitely or mindlessly.


This book has focused on child and adolescent therapy research and facets of
clinical dysfunction that may inform or contribute to that research. Restricting
the book to this narrow focus still leads to an extensive research agenda if we

wish to identify, develop, and understand effective treatments. More topics for
study are hardly needed. Yet, there are exciting opportunities to expand and en-
rich research. Consider a few examples in relation to conceptualization of clin-
ical dysfunction and interventions.

Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Problems

A key theme has been that understanding clinical dysfunction (social, emo-
tional, and behavioral problems) will lead to effective treatments. Knowing
about onset, risk factors, and possible mechanisms leading to the problem, or
indeed leading to termination of the problem over the course of development,
may suggest foci for treatment or moderators of therapeutic change. Many do-
mains are relevant to our understanding of clinical dysfunction.
Consider several examples of the many domains that might be relevant.
Biological and physical factors are quite relevant to our understanding of the
range of clinical problems to which psychotherapy is directed. There are many
biological and physical correlates and antecedents of social and emotional
problems in children and adolescents. As one example, temperament includes
such characteristics as activity level, emotional responsiveness, quality of
moods, and adaptability. Temperament is considered to be genetic or constitu-
tional, in part because it can be identified very early in life. Assessed in early
childhood, temperament predicts internalizing (e.g., anxiety) and externalizing
disorders (e.g., conduct problems) in later childhood, personality characteris-
tics (e.g., interest in avoiding harm, propensities to view the world as malevo-
lent), and psychiatric disorders in adulthood (e.g., depression, antisocial per-
sonality disorder, alcohol-related problems (Caspi & Silva, 1995; Caspi,
Moffitt, Newman, & Silva, 1996).
Nutrition too may influence children's social and emotional functioning.
One has to be careful about this topic because there are so many fads and un-
supported claims. Also, many beliefs are maintained (e.g., various food addi-
tives lead to hyperactivity), although, as chapter 5 notes, sometimes with little
or no support after several empirical tests. Because biochemical influences play
a role in functioning, nutrition is a reasonable area of influence (see Christensen,
1996). For example, recent studies suggest that consumption of some fatty acids
(omega-3) found in fish and fish oil reduces symptoms of bipolar (manic de-
pressive) disorder and schizophrenia in adults (Peet, 1998; Stoll, 1998). These
fatty acids may affect neurotransmitters such as serotonin that are known to be
implicated in symptoms of these disorders (see Hibbeln, 1998). This research
is new and remains to be elaborated. Yet, to establish nutritional influences in
relation to social, emotional, and behavioral problems, we need only one or two
As another example, the ingestion of various toxins affects child function-
ing. As one example, lead is a heavy metal that can be ingested from breathing
automobile lead fuel exhaust, eating lead-based paint chips, and drinking wa-
ter that comes to the home through pipes that shed lead particles. Lead in
school-age children predicts later hyperactivity and lower IQ (Needleman &

Gatsonis, 1990; Needleman, Schell, Bellinger, Leviton, & Alldred, 1990).

Animal research has established that high doses of lead directly alter brain
anatomy and physiology (Needleman, 1988). Cigarette smoke is another toxin.
Cigarette smoking, particularly early in pregnancy, predicts aggressive behav-
ior and hyperactivity in the offspring. These effects remain once other influ-
ences (socioeconomic status, parent psychiatric disorder, parent IQ) are con-
trolled (Milberger, Biederman, Faraone, & Jones, 1998; Williams et al., 1998).
Toxins such as lead and products from cigarette smoking connect biological
factors to social, emotional, and behavioral problems.
Clumsiness in childhood is another example of a biological and physical fac-
tor implicated in social, emotional, and behavioral problems. Clumsiness is de-
fined as difficulties in gross and fine-motor movements. Examples include per-
formance on tasks involving hand movement such as picking up objects,
catching a ball, and assembling objects. Clumsiness early in life is related to
and predictive of disruptive behavior, lower self-esteem, lower levels of hap-
piness, greater isolation from peers, and diminished participation in social
activities (Sugden & Wright, 1998). I could cite other examples of biological
factors related to social, emotional, and behavioral characteristics. Low birth-
weight, pre- and perinatal complications, and head injury in early childhood
predict subsequent psychiatric disorders in children and adolescents (e.g.,
Rutter & Casaer, 1991; Rutter & Rutter, 1993). How fascinating it would be to
conceptually connect the biological factors noted here with types or subtypes
of clinical problems, impairment, and therapeutic change.
That mental and physical health are related is not a surprise, but it has not
been exploited in the context of therapy. There are notable exceptions. For ex-
ample, as discovered in therapy with adults, improvements in psychological
symptoms (stress, anxiety) are related to improvements in physical health as
well (Luborsky, Crits-Cristoph, Mintz, & Auerbach, 1988). The role of psy-
chotherapy in improving physical status has been dramatic. Psychotherapy can
improve quality of life and survival of terminally ill patients (Spiegel et al.,
1989) and increase fertility rates among women having difficulty in conceiving
(Domar, 1998). Clearly, the relation of mental and physical health in terms of
conceptualization of mechanisms involved in dysfunction and moderators of
treatment outcome might be pursued further in therapy research.
Socioeconomic factors are related to child dysfunction. Socioeconomic dis-
advantage in particular is a useful point of departure, even though it is a broad
construct that encompasses an array of measures, including family income, oc-
cupational and educational status, and receipt of social assistance. In fact, so-
cioeconomic disadvantage predicts a variety of untoward physical and mental
health problems (Adler et al., 1994). Children and adolescents from socioeco-
nomically disadvantaged environments show multiple problems of maladjust-
ment from preschool through high school (see Luthar, 1999). The lower the in-
come among children, the greater the prevalence of psychiatric disorder, poor
school performance, and social impairment (Lipman, Offord, & Boyle, 1994).
Socioeconomic disadvantage is associated with, and serves as a proxy variable

for, many other factors: parent education, parent psychopathology, child-rear-

ing practices, family disruption, and neighborhoods. These other factors may
exert their own influence or serve as the basis for the connection between so-
cioeconomic status and child adjustment. Many components such as those
listed above individually contribute to disorders among children, and their pre-
cise impact may vary depending on the disorder, child gender, and other vari-
ables (e.g., Dodge et al., 1994; Lipman et al., 1994). Can an understanding of
socioeconomic factors be incorporated into treatment trials?
If socioeconomic status relates to child and adolescent dysfunction, perhaps
we could predict that academic functioning does so as well. Socioeconomic
measures of the family relate to tested intelligence and a range of academic
skills of the child (e.g., reading, school readiness). Yet academic functioning is
worth mentioning in its own right because of its role in clinical dysfunction.
Intelligence quotient, often used as one measure of mental ability, is a useful
predictor of academic and school functioning and predicts later delinquency
and antisocial behavior (Lynam, Moffitt, & Stouthamer-Loeber, 1993). More-
over, this effect is not due to the relation of socioeconomic status to intelligence;
intelligence makes a separate contribution. Interestingly, among individuals
with externalizing problems, IQ predicts long-term course as well. Antisocial
youths higher in IQ have much better outcomes and are less likely to continue
their dysfunction in adulthood than antisocial youths lower in IQ (see Kazdin,
1995b). Connecting mental abilities and cognition to treatment processes and
outcome would be quite useful.
Finally, consider an influence far removed from the usual discussions of fac-
tors that relate to social, emotional, and behavioral problems: participation in
religion. There is ample evidence, at least with adults, that religion can play a
pervasive role in mental and physical health. The extent to which individuals
are religious is assessed in many ways for purposes of research, including self-
reports of belief in God, attending a place of worship on a regular basis, and be-
ing committed to religion. Among the many findings, participation in religion
is associated with reduced rates of suicide, depression, and death from heart dis-
ease and higher levels of overall well-being (Levin, 1994; McCullough, 1995).
The mechanisms through which these effects operate are not clear, but obvious
confounds that might explain the effects are routinely ruled out (e.g., differ-
ences among participants and nonparticipants in religion in rates of cigarette
smoking, obesity, prior history of disorders). Interestingly, some of the findings
show a "dose-response" relation in which the mental and physical health ben-
efits increase with greater orthodoxy or strictness of the sect to which one be-
longs. In short, participation in religion is very much related to adjustment and
to the domains of functioning to which treatment is directed. One ought to un-
derstand more about beliefs, commitment, spirituality, and other facets that di-
rectly affect mental health. The issue here is not necessarily the study of reli-
gion per se but rather the mechanisms through which the effects operate.
Clinical problems to which psychotherapy is applied are related to and pre-
dicted by a host of biological, social, and psychological characteristics. The

cited examples are provided merely to support the proposition that social, emo-
tional, and behavioral problems are integrally related to other domains rather
than to exhaust the domains themselves or to convey nuances of their relations.
Obviously, I did not mention many domains (e.g., social competencies of the
child, culture, and ethnicity).
I also omitted from the discussion the complex interactions of domains.
Influences on social, emotional, and behavioral problems may operate together.
The interactions of domains and influences illustrate the richness of develop-
ment. For example, social and biological spheres interact in ways that relate di-
rectly to clinical dysfunction. Among children who live in socioeconomically
disadvantaged situations, those with a relatively "easy" temperament—more
good-natured, adaptable to change, affectionate—are less likely to experience
negative outcomes associated with disadvantage that those with a more "diffi-
cult" temperament (see Luthar, 1999; Werner & Smith, 1992). Also, many re-
lations among domains or influences are reciprocal, bidirectional, and dynamic
and reflect sequences that unfold to influence the child. For example, the head
injury of a child leads to stress among the parents, that combination of the dis-
ability of the child and stress can lead to marital and family problems, marital
problems can affect parent health and child rearing, and so on (e.g., Miller,
Dopp, Myers, & Fahey, 1997; Wade, Taylor, Drotar, Stancin, & Yeates, 1998).
Clearly, multiple influences are intertwined with clinical dysfunction. We do
not need to embrace the full complexity of all influences to enrich therapy re-
search. These influences could be important as a basis for understanding social,
emotional, and behavioral problems and for identifying potential moderators of
treatment outcome. Any systematic influences on the onset or course of adjust-
ment or maladjustment warrant attention in our conceptual views of clinical
dysfunction and perhaps should be drawn upon in our intervention work.
Children do not come to treatment merely with a symptom (e.g., sadness), with
a syndrome of multiple symptoms (e.g., major depression), or even with sev-
eral (comorbid) disorders. They come as complex gestalts that we as profes-
sionals have carved into smaller units to isolate, investigate, and understand. In
our efforts to understand, it may be useful to move into broader contexts occa-
sionally to look for theory, hypotheses, common mechanisms, and potential
treatment moderators. Of course, individual research investigations will always
remain focused. Yet the conceptual domains and contexts from which hy-
potheses draw can be expanded greatly.

Recall from the beginning of the book that the definition of therapy focused on
efforts to improve adjustment and functioning and to reduce maladaptive be-
haviors and other psychological and often physical complaints. The methods to
accomplish these ends are based on interpersonal influences and psychological
processes (e.g., learning, persuasion, social support). Many types of interven-
tions designed to improve functioning and to reduce maladjustment extend be-
yond the usual domain of psychotherapy. Consider a few examples.

Many medical and biological interventions are designed to alter social, emo-
tional, and behavioral problems of children and adolescents. Perhaps the most
familiar example is the use of medication for attention-deficit/hyperactivity
disorder and major depression. Medication is widely recognized as a partner in
treatments for child and adolescent disorders and need not be elaborated.
Participation in some activities may reduce social, emotional, and behavioral
problems or the factors likely associated with such problems. For example,
teenage girls who engage in sports are much less likely to use drugs, to suffer
low self-esteem or depression, to be sexually active, and to get pregnant than
similar girls who do not engage in sports (Lopiano, 1998). Interestingly, the
findings showed that sports had no such influence on teenage boys. Of what rel-
evance is this report to psychotherapy? Participation in such activities might be
connected conceptually to treatment as a moderating influence, since social
competence and clinical dysfunction are related. Also, understanding the mech-
anisms that explain why participation in sports operates in this fashion could
inform conceptual views about treatment. The mechanism, once identified,
might be activated through different interventions, including some variants of
Substance use and abuse—alcohol, cigarettes—are often targets of psy-
chotherapy. Economic interventions (control of the price of substances) influ-
ence usage. Increasing the prices of alcohol and cigarettes has been studied well
in the United States and many other countries. The findings show that, as prices
for alcohol or cigarettes increase, per capita consumption declines. Moreover,
there tends to be a dose-response relation; higher increases in price lead to
greater declines (see Horgen & Brownell, 1998). These findings show the re-
sponsiveness of specific target behaviors to economic manipulations, raise the
prospect of treating significant health problems, and also raise questions about
who changes and how.
I could list an array of interventions that focus on improving adjustment and
psychological well-being. The examples I have illustrated so far have evidence
on their behalf, but perhaps they are not exciting. Once we abandon evidence,
the illustrations are more "fun." Here is one of my favorites. In addition to or
maybe instead of psychotherapy, significant social, emotional, and behavioral
problems might be improved if one gets a suntan. Are you skeptical? Do not
take my word for this; let us appeal to higher authorities, namely, the bottles of
suntan lotion. Such bottles (Coppertone™) promise that if you use the product,
"You'll love the way you look and feel." Moreover, with a suntan, you will feel
"vibrant, healthy, and confident" and, in general, "look and feel your best"
(Schering-Plough, 1996), The claims are certainly relevant to adjustment—so
many problems (mood disorders typically accompanied by low self-esteem and
anorexia typically accompanied by poor body image) are obvious candidates
for this intervention.
Although one might dismiss getting a suntan as an intervention as silly, there
are reasons to withhold strong denials of it. After all, treatment research has
demonstrated that exposure to sunlight improves some mood disorders (sea-

sonal affective disorder; Lee et al., 1998). Establishing that sunlight can im-
prove at least one clinical dysfunction makes this intervention more "legiti-
mate" intellectually. Once the mechanisms of the change are identified, the in-
tervention may move from legitimate to highly respectable. As mental health
professionals, we hesitate to move too far afield in seeking interventions. A
worry is that right behind this intervention might be others: the weather,
sunspots, and full or not-so-full moon. Of course, as scientists, one can only
welcome replicated news of any such influences. For now, without a set of stud-
ies to establish such influences, the broader question still has merit: what "in-
terventions" other than those in psychotherapy have been shown to improve so-
cial, emotional, or behavioral problems?
The examples show that psychotherapy is only one way to improve adaptive
functioning of children and adolescents and to ameliorate clinical dysfunction.
It is important to identify other such efforts that share the same goals, especially
if these efforts have supporting evidence. The application and effectiveness of
psychotherapy might be improved with an understanding of other interventions
and their effects. What mechanisms are involved when quite separate interven-
tions (medication, education, psychotherapy) produce positive change in social,
emotional, and behavioral adjustment? Different interventions (exercise, nutri-
tion, psychotherapy) may not work through the same mechanisms. Just as many
different influences can lead to a similar outcome (e.g., depression, anxiety),
many different influences might also lead to change in social, emotional, or be-
havioral problems. Yet there may be common mechanisms among quite differ-
ent interventions or similar moderators of change among the different influ-
ences and interventions. Models of change might be greatly informed with
consideration of psychotherapy within the broader context of influences on
clinical dysfunction and development.

Earlier chapters have discussed several issues that affect research, for example,
the need for more conceptually based research, for a systematic model to chart
a course for progress and accumulation of research findings, and for changes in
clinical work to not only improve patient care but also contribute to the knowl-
edge base. I present several specific recommendations to achieve research
Table 11.1 presents three sets of recommendations summarizing prior dis-
cussions of what needs to be changed. First, the emphases and focus of therapy
studies ought to change. The recommendations focus on the conceptual under-
pinnings of psychotherapy, the range of questions one can address, and novel
models of delivering treatment. These recommendations emphasize expanding
current research foci.
Second, we need research that provides the underpinnings for evaluation of
treatment in clinical practice. The second set of recommendations presented in
table 11.1 provide the tools essential for clinical work. Clinical practice ought
to be changed to improve the quality of patient care. Key changes that can im-
Table 11.1 Recommendations to Improve Child and Adolescent
Psychotherapy Research
A. Treatment Research • Improve and test conceptual models of treatment
to relate treatment foci and procedures to what
is known about the clinical dysfunction
• Explore a broader range of models of delivering
treatment (e.g., high strength, amenability to
treatment, continued care)
• Test a wide range of questions about treatment,
particularly those related to predictors, mod-
erators, and mediators of therapeutic change
• Expand the range of outcome domains of child
(e.g., symptoms, impairment, prosocial func-
tion) and family (e.g., parents, family func-
• Identify whether changes affect functioning in
everyday life
• Evaluate treatment characteristics such as dis-
seminability, cost, and acceptability
• Improve methodology of treatment studies by
assessing interim changes (rather than pre
and post only) and follow-up, increasing
power, evaluating adherence, and relating
treatment delivery and therapeutic processes
to outcome.
B. Underpinnings of • Develop measures that can be used in an
Evaluation in Practice treatment process as conducted in clinical
• Validate the measures to ensure that their
repeated administration is readily interpret-
able and that they reflect changes in every-
day functioning
• Establish measures that correlate with more
comprehensive assessment batteries and mea-
sures of diverse domains
• Record assessments for clinical use and data
reduction methods in manuals
C. New Methods • Explore N = I research methods as a way of
evaluating treatment
• Explore qualitative methods as a resource for
models of change, new measures, and new
• Conduct focused status report reviews of the lit-
erature (rather than the usual narrative and
meta-analytic reviews) that chart specific
progress made since prior reviews in relation
to concrete questions.


prove patient care and increase accountability can also serve to develop the
knowledge base. Clinical practice is a critical resource we can draw from. Of
course, in clinical work, we must move away from "clinical evidence" and
"clinical experience," two terms just a step removed from "anecdotal evidence"
and "in my opinion." There are methods for systematically evaluating clinical
practice, although they are not available in valid or user-friendly forms.
Third, therapy research would benefit from expansion of the methods used
to evaluate therapy. Our deep appreciation of group studies and the randomized
controlled clinical trial is warranted, and these comments in no way demean
current methods (even though de-mean and de-standard deviation from such
studies say nothing about de individual). The third set of recommendations pre-
sented in table 11.1 fosters expanded methods of evaluating therapy. Qualitative
research, N = 1, case-control studies that use databases from clinical services,
and longitudinal studies of development might be used to elaborate the process
of therapeutic or developmental change. Such research would greatly enrich the
knowledge base about intervention effects. For example, qualitative research
could greatly improve our understanding of the client's experience, the impact
of therapeutic change, and the sequence of changes over the course of treatment
(Webster-Stratton & Spitzer, 1996). Methodology is not merely a way to an-
swer a question but contributes itself to the answer. Novel methods, just like
novel questions, can lead to new insights about treatment.
Although research in the recommended areas would advance research,
progress would benefit from periodic evaluation and status reports. We need a
blueprint for treatment development to serve as a guide. I suggested one blue-
print to address a range of conceptual issues and research questions in relation
to a particular treatment. Clearly two qualifiers are essential. First, the particu-
lar model I have provided obviously is not the only one that can be proposed.
Yet the meta-issue is the point, namely, that a systematic plan would be very
useful for treatment development, progress, and evaluation. We expect periodic
reviews of the literature to reflect progress, but they cannot unless the studies
they include address the critical questions.
Second, not all research needs to follow a blueprint. There is no need for
rigidity. Even with a model for research, there is always an important role for
creative and innovative research that changes how treatment is conceived, pre-
sented, and evaluated. Indeed, such research may even compel changes in the
blueprint itself. Adoption of an overall blueprint might generate trepidations.
Perhaps a detailed plan would foster rigid or narrowly focused research. Yet the
impetus for proposing a model of therapy research was the lamentable unifor-
mity and narrowness of current research. The proposed model of research does
not set the only path for research. Indeed, the model is intended to expand meth-
ods and topics of study.
Significant departures from current research paradigms will be very difficult
to make. For example, one recommendation suggests expanding the methodol-
ogy of treatment studies to include more single-case experimental studies and
more studies using qualitative research methods. This is lofty but not realistic

because most graduate training in clinical psychology, psychiatry, or social

work, whether pre- or postdoctoral, does not expose trainees to such method-
ologies. We can continue with the current methods, but the questions we pose
must become more inspired, theoretically informed, and novel. Very little in the
recommendations is out of reach. Indeed, part of the frustration in evaluating
the psychotherapy literature results from gross oversights, as in the absence of
efforts to understand how change is produced or few tests of strong versions of
treatment. Perhaps more frustrating is the trajectory. A decade or two has
elapsed without real progress on key questions. Is there any reason to believe
that the next two decades of progress will be very different?

I have outlined a research agenda for child and adolescent therapy research. On
the one hand, the agenda could be conceived as merely a redirection of current
efforts to expand the questions being addressed. That is, perhaps some might
perceive the research advocated here as minor tinkering with current research
priorities. Indeed, more theoretically informed and clinically relevant research,
greater efforts to understand rather than merely to describe or demonstrate treat-
ment effects, and more sophisticated questions about treatment would meet
many of the concerns voiced in previous chapters.
On the other hand, the agenda could be conceived as a more radical depar-
ture. The research advocated here would be not a mere expansion of current
work but a more systematic and thoughtful accumulation of knowledge.
Charting progress is a task not merely for historians but also for planners. We
could plan better the type of research we want or believe is needed and try to
move toward that. More of the same research that characterizes current studies
of child and adolescent therapy will not lead us very far, or at least will not lead
us to the knowledge we need for effective treatments. There are three questions
to guide us, as noted previously. What do we wish to know about therapy and
its effects? What do we already know? What needs to be accomplished to fill
in the gap between what we wish to know and what we already know? Without
addressing these and periodically reevaluating progress, research may continue
to wander.
Efforts to modify psychotherapy research in ways discussed in this book re-
quire changes in the infrastructure that supports the status quo. First, clinical
practice ought to be revamped. Increased accountability for a client's individ-
ual care ought to emerge from concerns for the patient rather than for re-
imbursement issues. Accountability in clinical practice may also provide op-
portunities for increased candor about the status of treatments provided to the
clients. Although most treatments in use have never been evaluated, I do not
mean that they ought not to be used. For some problems, there are no empiri-
cally supported treatments; for other problems, empirically supported treat-
ments may not be feasible or may have already failed. Clients might be in-
formed that a given treatment is experimental because no firm data support it
or the application the clinician is considering. Apart from the virtues and ethics

of such candor, this approach sets the stage for the importance of systematic
evaluation. Evaluation in clinical work begins with the priority of clinical care.
Although the evaluative information can be used to make decisions that aid the
client, the data from accumulated cases may also contribute to the knowledge
Part of the infrastructure that needs to be changed includes graduate and
postgraduate training. Among the latest developments in training in clinical
psychology, for example, is the focus on empirically supported treatments.
Programs (e.g., predoctoral and postdoctoral internships or residencies, gradu-
ate training programs) pride themselves for being at the cutting edge if they en-
dorse treatments that have evidence in their behalf. This certainly is an advance,
but it raises the embarrassing question about what have we been doing before.
Systematic evaluation of clinical practice is underdeveloped, and what has
been developed is too new for us to expect widespread implementation (e.g.,
Clement, 1999; Wiger, 1999). Far too few measures have been validated for
clinical work. Clearly, new methods for clinical evaluation should be intro-
duced into graduate training.
There are many obstacles to making advances in research. Research is dif-
ficult to do, and treatment research has some added challenges. What is amaz-
ing is how much research is completed. This book calls for a broader look at
what has been accomplished, what needs to be accomplished, and the inter-
vening steps to meet the goals of research. There is no need to view this goal
as rigid. Plans can change and ought to in light of new information. However,
changing an existing plan to accumulate knowledge is quite different from pro-
ceeding without a clear plan at all. This book was designed to lobby for more
systematic progress and to illustrate the form it might take in future research.
Appendix A

List of Child and

Adolescent Psychotherapies

The list that follows consists of psychotherapy techniques in use with children
and adolescents. The final count of the treatments included in the list (551 tech-
niques) cannot be considered to be the "real" number of treatments applied to
children and adolescents, for reasons described further later. The count merely
suggest the plenitude of treatments. The search process itself suggested that the
number continues to grow.
The list hints at broad issues discussed throughout this book. For example,
I discuss the importance of the conceptual basis of treatment. Although the
names of many treatments suggest their conceptual origins, others reflect dif-
ferent origins (e.g., television show characteristics) with less clear conceptual
ties. Also, I discuss the questions that ought to guide therapy research. As the
list of treatments shows, it would not be possible or indeed desirable to inves-
tigate the efficacy of all of the treatments currently available. Indeed, the num-
ber of treatments suggests, to me at least, that a better focus for research is mod-
els of change, that is, how treatments work.

Treatments were included in the list if they were applied to youths (18 years of
age or younger) and the application was documented in a publicly available
source. The sources for identifying treatment were computerized databases,
published books, and journal articles. For the computer database searches, key
search words were drawn from meta-analyses of child and adolescent therapy.
Among key terms included in the search were child therapy, adolescent ther-
apy, client-centered, counseling, cotherapy, insight-, intervention-, model-,
modified-, operant-, paradox-, psychoanaly-, psychodrama-, psychothera-, re-
inforce-, respondent, roleplaying, therap-, training, transactional, treatment. In
addition, several of us working on this list (see below) consulted many books
that reviewed child and adolescent therapy. Although all sources could not be
listed here, key texts from which many of the treatments were drawn are listed
at the end of this appendix.
To be included in the list, a treatment had to be documented and applied to
children and/or adolescents. When there was ambiguity about the treatment or


the application, the material was read by more than one person. Treatments that
were not clearly applied to children or adolescents or were insufficiently de-
scribed were omitted. Ambiguities emerged in constructing this list in part be-
cause of similar and overlapping treatments. Several decision rules were
adopted. Synonyms for a given technique were occasionally identifiable. When
these seemed clear (e.g., assertion training and assertiveness training), only one
term was used for the list, and the other name of the treatment was placed in
parentheses. In some cases, one or more techniques (e.g., covert modeling, par-
ticipant modeling) appeared to be subtypes of a broader category (e.g., model-
ing). In other cases, a broad category term (e.g., play therapy) included many
different approaches, each based on and modified by a conceptual view (e.g.,
Jungian play therapy, Gestalt play therapy). We excluded most such variants
unless the approach appeared to involve distinct procedures and conceptual
views (e.g., sandplay therapy, family play therapy). As a general rule, we did
not include all possible treatments and variants and made an effort to eschew
redundancies. In keeping with the focus of this book, interventions were ex-
cluded if they were based on biological or medical techniques (e.g., nutrition,
psychopharmacology) or focused exclusively on educational, academic, or
communication (language, speech) objectives.
Dilemmas and ambiguities emerged early in identifying treatments from a
vast literature, and these deserve further comment. We used various dilemmas
as opportunities to reformulate guidelines and rules for coding the treatments.
Yet, the absence of full details of many treatments made their evaluation diffi-
cult. Also, deciding when two variants of the same treatment ought to be dis-
tinguished, and when seemingly identical treatments with different names
ought not to be, influenced the final count. Separate entries on the list that fol-
lows were included if a distinction could be made in the procedures. Because
of the difficulties in distinguishing various techniques and the absence of data
on interjudge agreement on the decisions, the specific count and entries must
be viewed cautiously.
Presented as an indication of the vast array of interventions, the list very
likely underestimates what is currently available and in use. Indeed, in the late
stages of preparing this book for publication, I could still continue to identify
newly proposed treatments (e.g., Metcalf, 1998; Rowan & O'Hanlon, 1999).
The point made in chapter 3 about the proliferation of treatments is under-
scored by such entries. The list includes identifiable techniques and does not
provide any indication of the extent to which any particular technique is in
The process of identifying treatments spanned 5 to 6 years. During this time,
several individuals contributed significantly. Susan Breton and Tricia Zawacki
oversaw critical facets of identifying treatments, coding and training others to
code the resources, assisting with decisions about categories of treatment, help-
ing to make distinctions among treatments, among related matters. I appreciate
their remarkable efforts. Several others were pivotal in completing the reading
of multiple sources, identifying treatment, and raising critical issues about treat-

ments: Erica Atkeson, Todd DeSimone, Mara Folz, Gaby Grebski, Jonathan
Hart, Jennifer Hoffman, Andrea Jones, Mimi Lin, Willis Sautter, Heather Slay,
Joe Spinazzola, and Rachel Zucker. I am grateful to each person for their care-
ful work.


1. Activation therapy 36. Background music bridge program

2. Active play therapy (Background music)
3. Activities planning 37. Barb technique
4. Activity group therapy 38. Behavioral consultation
5. Activity-intervention group psycho- 39. Behavioral contracting
therapy 40. Behavioral engineering
6. Activity-interview group psycho- 41. Behavioral family therapy
therapy 42. Behavioral group therapy
7. Adelaide Johnson's therapy 43. Behavioral rehearsal
8. Adolescent relapse prevention 44. Behavioral weight control therapy
9. Adlerian family therapy 45. Bell and pad conditioning
10. Adlerian group parent education 46. Bereavement counseling
11. Adlerian group therapy 47. Bibliotherapy
12. Adlerian psychoanalysis 48. Biofeedback
13. Adlerian psychotherapy 49. Blindfold treatment
14. Age game 50. Boogeyman intervention
15. Aggression replacement training 51. Brief focal therapy
16. Aikido 52. Brief immobilization
17. Alf group 53. Brief intervention
18. Analysis-reeducation therapy 54. Brief parental counseling
19. Analytic play therapy group 55. Brief psychotherapy
20. Anger control training 56. Brief structural therapy
21. Anger coping group training 57. Brinich's therapy
22. Animal-facilitated child therapy 58. Broad-spectrum behavior therapy
23. Anti-suggestion 59. Caring community
24. Anxiety management training 60. Carkhurf-model counseling
25. Appropriate peer models in counsel- 61. Catalyst therapy
ing groups 62. Chess therapy
26. Art therapy 63. Children's divorce groups
27. Assertiveness training 64. Children's feedback game
28. At ease therapy 65. Child-centered education-support
29. Attribution retraining group
30. Audiotaped group hypnotic sugges- 66. Child-centered therapy
tions 67. Child-focused strategic therapy
31. Autogenic training 68. Circle game
32. Automated systematic desensitiza- 69. Classroom management (precision
tion teaching)
33. Aversive conditioning 70. Classroom meeting
34. Avoidance training 71. Coaching
35. Awareness training 72. Cognitive and autonomic group

73. Cognitive behavioral program 112. Covert response cost

74. Cognitive behavioral therapy for 113. Covert sensitization
the treatment of anxiety 114. Co-therapy
75. Cognitive control therapy 115. Creative aggression therapy
76. Cognitive developmental interven- 116. Creative characters
tion 117. Creative drama groups
77. Cognitive emotion psychotherapy 118. Crisis intervention
78. Cognitive family therapy 119. Cue-controlled relaxation
79. Cognitive mediation 120. Cuento therapy
80. Cognitive perceptual treatment 121. Dallas and Houston juvenile fireset-
81. Cognitive problem-solving approach ters program
(Problem-solving skills training) 122. Dance movement therapy
82. Cognitive therapy 123. Day treatment
83. Color-your-life technique 124. Developing understanding of self
84. Communication therapy and others
85. Community-based treatment 125. Developmental approach
86. Community treatment groups 126. Developmental facilitation groups
87. Companionship therapy 127. Developmental group counseling
88. Compositional plays 128. Developmental play
89. Comprehensive family therapy 129. Developmental therapy
90. Computer games therapy 130. Dialectical psychotherapy
91. Computer-assisted behavioral 131. Differential attention
health counseling 132. Direct decision therapy
92. Concurrent family therapy 133. Directed daydream
(Concurrent parent/child therapy 134. Directive therapy
with same therapist) 135. Discrimination training
93. Concurrent individual and family 136. Divorce therapy
therapy 137. Drama therapy
94. Conflict resolution therapy 138. Dream content conceptualization
95. Confrontational-educational group 139. Dry bed training (bell and pad con-
96. Confrontational/reality therapy ditioning)
97. Conjoint family therapy 140. Duo therapy
98. Conjoint infant and parent treat- 141. Dyadic psychotherapy
ment 142. Dynamic counseling
99. Conjoint play therapy 143. Ecosystemic approach to family-
100. Contact desensitization school problems
101. Contingency contracting 144. Ego-supportive child therapy
102. Contingency management 145. Elementary learning disability
103. Coordinated group psychotherapy process group
of children and parents 146. Emotional imagery training
104. Coping with depression course for 147. Emotive imagery
adolescents 148. "Employer-employee" relationship
105. Cornerstone treatment treatment
106. Corrective denouement play 149. Encounter therapy
107. Corrective social interaction therapy 150. Encouragement therapy
108. Correspondence training 151. Eriksonian therapy
109. Court alternative program 152. Essexfields social treatment
110. Covert conditioning 153. Exaggeration therapy
111. Covert modeling 154. Excommunication

155. Experiential group treatment 202. Glasser's classroom meeting

156. Experiential psychotherapy 203. Glove wearing therapy
157. Expressing affection 204. Go-between process in family ther-
158. Expressive arts therapy apy
159. Facial screening 205. Graphing techniques (Cognitive-
160. Fair play therapy emotional psychotherapy)
161. Fairy tale therapy 206. Green stamp therapy
162. Family art therapy 207. Greenhouse program
163. Family context therapy 208. Group affection activities
164. Family contract game 209. Group anger control training
165. Family council 210. Group art therapy
166. Family crisis intervention 211. Group assertiveness training
167. Family ecological treatment 212. Group contingency
168. Family enrichment programs 213. Group counseling
169. Family network intervention 214. Group desensitization
170. Family play therapy 215. Group hypnosis
171. Family psychotherapy 216. Group progressive relaxation train-
172. Family reconstruction ing
173. Family scripts 217. Group role-playing treatment
174. Family systems therapy 218. Group theraplay
175. Family theraplay 219. Group therapy
176. Family therapy 220. Growth-centered group counsel-
177. Family therapy lunch session ing
178. Fantasy communications 221. Guided fantasy
179. Fantasy manipulation therapy 222. Guided group interaction
180. Fantasy realization ceremonies 223. Habit reversal
181. Feedback 224. Hakomi therapy
182. Feeding program 225. Handling death of a parent tech-
183. Feelings are in nique
184. Filial therapy 226. Hierarchical implosive therapy
185. Flooding 227. High schoolers as therapists ther-
186. Florida parent education program apy
187. Focal treatment unit 228. Highfields community therapy pro-
188. Focusing technique ject
189. Fold-over approach 229. Holistic counseling
190. For instance 230. Honesty pays
191. Fostering an authority dependency 231. Horticultural therapy
relationship 232. Hospital-based treatment
192. Free and sheltered space 233. Human development program
193. Full cleanliness training 234. Human relations training
194. Functional analysis approach 235. Hypnointrospection
195. Functional family therapy 236. Hypnotherapeutic intervention
196. Functional movement training 237. Hypnotic relation
197. Game of insults (Talking the 238. Imagery interaction play technique
dozens) 239. Impasse/priority therapy
198. Games analysis treatment 240. Implosive therapy
199. General alternative response 241. Incidental learning
200. Gestalt therapy 242. Incompatible response training
201. Getting it together 243. Indirect hypnotic therapy

244. Individual education (Corsini, 4R 285. Mirror group therapy

system) 286. Mirror image therapy
245. Information feedback 287. Modeling
246. Initiative games 288. Modeling with guided participa-
247. Inpatient family intervention tion
248. Insight-oriented psychotherapy 289 . Modifying impulsiveness
249. Instant print photography in psy- 290. Morita psychotherapy
chotherapy 291. Mother as therapist therapy
250. Integrative psychotherapy 292. Mother as therapeutic intermediary
251. Intensive psychoanalytic group 293. Mother-infant games
therapy 294. Mother involvement
252. Intensive psychoanalytic psy- 295. Multimodal therapy
chotherapy 296. Multiple family therapy
253. Intermediate communication 297. Multiple impact family therapy
254. Interpersonal problem-solving 298. Multisystemic therapy
skills training with puppets 299. Music therapy
255. Interpersonal process recall 300. Mutual storytelling (Story-telling
256. Interpersonal psychotherapy reconstruction therapy)
257. Interpersonal skills training 301. Naikan psychotherapy
258. Interpolated reinforcement 302. Narrative psychotherapy
259. Interpretation Interpretive group 303. Natural high therapy
therapy 304. Negative practice
260. Intervention with children who set 305. Network therapy
fires 306. New identity process
261. Keep it clean 307. No-interview intervention
262. Kinetic group psychotherapy 308. Non-aversive approach
263. Kinetic psychotherapy 309. Nurturing parent program
264. King tiger therapy 310. Obscene language as therapy
265. Kleinian technique 311. Ojeman's causal approach
266. Konstantareas and Homatidis' 312. Omission training
group therapy 313. Oneness group
267. Letter writing 314. Oneness psychotherapy for parents
268. Let's pretend hospital 315. One-shot interview
269. Levine's approach (to encopresis) 316. Operant conditioning
270. Life is for everyone 317. Operant verbal mediation training
271. Life skills counseling 318. Operantly structured fantasies
272. Life-space interviewing 319. Organic process therapy
273. Logotherapy 320. Overcorrection
274. Long-term therapy 321. Pair therapy
275. Magic circle program 322. Pal program
276. Making life books 323. Paradigmatic psychotherapy
277. Managing suicidal children 324. Paradoxical approach with family
278. Marathon therapy 325. Paradoxical intervention treatment
279. Marionette therapy 326. Paradoxical letters
280. Massed practice 327. Parallel group therapy
281. Meditation 328. Paraverbal therapy
282. Mental imagery 329. Parent adolescent relationship de-
283. Metaphor therapy velopment
284. Milieu therapy 330. Parent and toddler training

331. Parent counseling program 371. Programmed text

332. Parent counseling-teacher consulta- 372. Project re-ed treatment
tion 373. Provocative therapy
333. Parent education 374. Pseudologia fantastica
334. Parent effectiveness training 375. Psychoanalysis
335. Parent group didactic training 376. Psychoanalytic family therapy
336. Parent guidance 377. Psychoanalytic group therapy
337. Parent involvement program with 378. Psychoanalytic parent education
reality therapy 379. Psychoanalytically oriented milieu
338. Parent management training (Parent therapy
training, Parent behavior manage- 380. Psychodrama
ment training) 381. Psychodynamic group therapy
339. Parent managing 382. Psychodynamic treatment
340. Parent-mediated intervention 383. Psychodynamically oriented inpa-
341. Parent-child interaction training tient treatment
342. Parents' self-monitoring 384. Psychoiconography
343. Parent-tutor therapy 385. Psychoimagination therapy
344. Passive play therapy (Relationship 386. Psychological competence-based
therapy) therapy
345. Past lives therapy 387. Psychomotor therapy
346. Patient-selected photographs and 388. Puppet therapy
positive self-statements 389. Puppet therapy in groups
347. Peer group socialization therapy 390. Pure reactor analysis family ther-
348. Peer-mediated interventions apy
349. Peer therapy 391. Rachman's group psychotherapy
350. Personal construct psychotherapy 392. Radical psychiatry
351. Person-centered family therapy 393. Rage reduction treatment
352. Pet psychotherapy 394. Rapid treatment
353. Phenomeno-structural psychother- 395. Rate
apy 396. Rational behavior therapy
354. Phototherapy 397. Rational emotive education group
355. Physical challenge activities 398. Rational emotive family therapy
356. Placebo plus reassurance 399. Rational emotive parent training
357. Planned activities training 400. Rational emotive therapy
358. Play group therapy 401. Reactor analysis family therapy
359. Play interview 402. Reality group therapy
360. Play process 403. Reality integrative therapy
361. Play therapy 404. Reality therapy
362. Poetry therapy 405. Reattachment therapy
363. Positive connotation 406. Reciprocity training
364. Prescription of an ordeal 407. Reconstruction
365. Pretend play therapy 408. Redecision therapy
366. Pre-verbal play 409. Reduction in parental attention
367. Primal therapy 410. Reevaluation counseling
368. Primary relationship therapy 411. Refraining
369. Problem-solving communication 412. Regional intervention program
training 413. Rehm's self-control treatment
370. Programmed communication ther- 414. Reinforced practice
apy 415. Reinforcement-and-strategy training

416. Relationship enhancement therapy 459. Serial drawing

417. Relationship group treatment 460. Shadow therapy
418. Relationship therapy 461. Shaping
419. Relationship-implosive therapy 462. Short-term family therapy
420. Relaxation training/therapy 463. Sibling-mediated procedures
421. Release therapy 464. Silence treatment
422. Repairing ego deficits 465. Simultaneous semipermeable
423. Response cost lottery groups
424. Response-cost procedure 466. Situation/transition group in school
425. Responsibility reinforcement 467. (Slavson's) activity group psy-
426. Restricted environment stimulation chotherapy
therapy 468. Social conception modification
427. Restructuring role functions within 469. Social learning-based family ther-
a family apy
428. Retention control training 470. Social network family therapy
429. Rituals 471. Social reinforcement
430. Role play 472. Social skills training
431. Sandplay therapy 473. Social system therapy
432. Satiation training 474. Social work group
433. Say-then-do training sequence 475. Sociodrama
434. Scared straight 476. Solution-focused group therapy
435. School-home motivational system 477. Solution-oriented therapy
436. Self-administered aversive condi- 478. Special kind of love
tioning 479. Sphincter-control training
437. Self-concept group psychotherapy 480. Split-session co-therapy
438. Self-control therapy 481. Sports group
439. Self-control strategy using song 482. Squiggle-drawing game
lyrics 483. Staggered wakening procedure
440. Self-control training 484. Stimulus control
441. Self-control triad 485. Stimulus substitution
442. Self-hypnosis 486. Stop and go play therapy group
443. Self-instruction 487. Storytelling
444. Self modeling 488. Storytelling reconstruction therapy
445. Self-psychological parent education 489. Storytelling therapy
446. Self-punishment 490. Strategic family therapy
447. Self-puzzle 491. Stress inoculation training
448. Self-reinforcement 492. Stress reduction procedures
449. Self-selected adolescent peer group (Palliative vs. Direct action)
therapy (Office network therapy) 493. Structural analysis
450. Self-verbalization 494. Structured approach
451. Sense-of-industry 495. Structured fantasies
452. Sensitivity training 496. Structured learning therapy
453. Sensory deprivation 497. Structured therapeutic game
454. Sensory extinction method
455. Sensory integration 498. Student volunteers therapy
456. Sensory integrative therapy 499. Suggestive therapy
457. Separation (Treating the "mama's 500. Symbolic modeling
boy") 501. Symbolic-experiential family ther-
458. Separation-relevant play apy

502. Symptom discouragement 527. Transnational analysis

503. Symptoms-as-healers therapy 528. Transactional analysis in groups
504. Systematic desensitization 529. Transference parenting
505.Systemic contracting 530. Treatment foster care
506. Systems family approach 531. Triad therapy
507. Systems model (with family and 532. Triadic behavioral approach
schools) 533. Turtle technique
508. Talking-feeling-and-doing game 534. Twenty-four hour therapy
509. Task-oriented group therapy 535. Understanding dynamics between
510. Teacher-mediated peer feedback family members
511. Teaching family model (achieve- 536. Unstructured group therapy
ment place) 537. Unstructured parenting group
512. Teaching mother 538. Use of two houses in play therapy
513. Televised feedback for parents 539. Values clarification group
514. Theme-centered interactional 540. Verbal group therapy
groups 541. Verbal sharing
515. Therapeutic ally 542. Video therapy
516. Therapeutic community 543. Whittling away
517. Theraplay 544. Wholistic family therapy
518. Thou and I 545. Wild and crazy interventions
519. Thought stopping technique 546. Work box
520. Time limits 547. Work penalty system
521. Time-limited discussion groups 548. Year-long observational group
522. Time-limited psychotherapy 549. Yoga and awareness training (Body
523. Time-out procedures cathexis)
524. Token economy 550. Zaraleya psychoenergetic techni-
525. Traditional group social work que
526. Trance therapy 551. Z-process attachment therapy


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Appendix B

in a Nutshell

Methodology: Quick Overview

Rationale behind It All
Basic Major Designs
Commonly Used Control Groups
Guidelines for Making Your Study Great
Quickie's Rules
Tell Yourself a Story
Answer the Questions
Final Comments

Some psychologists spend much of their lives studying and writing about
methodology, and as a result there are always lots of books written on the topic
(Kazdin, 1998b; Kendall, Butcher, & Holmbeck, 1999; Rosenthal & Rosnow,
1991). Think about it; would any rational person want to spend much of life
that way? I wouldn't. At the same time, methodology is important if one is a
scientist, so one cannot neglect its many critical lessons. Admittedly, it is use-
ful to grasp its many lessons but equally essential to avoid the drudgery of long
hours, life-long study, and extensive reading. You may think this is impossi-
ble—like it seems impossible to eat rich desserts without gaining weight. But
it is possible (e.g., do not swallow, use a fistula), and this appendix conveys
In the material that follows, my methodology course is presented in full.
Several professionals have mastered this material as part of my workshops.
While no one from one of my workshops has ever been able to get one of their
studies published, no one has been sued either. In the United States, this is a ter-
rific accomplishment. (Also, publication is slightly different from good science
and my Instant Publication workshop is designed to address that topic. Be on
the lookout for my combined 2-day workshop, "Methodology and Publication
in the Social and Not-so Social Sciences." This is 2 days of continuing educa-
tion credit but the whole business lasts 3 hours—1$ without lunch.)



Rationale behind It All
We conduct research to uncover relations between variables that otherwise
could not be readily detected and to test hypothesized relations. Without con-
trolled research, potential relations between variables are usually too difficult
to decipher. Research methods serve as a tool to help unravel the relations of
interest. Methodology consists of those principles, practices, and procedures
used in the study to help draw inferences about the variables of interest.
Research design as part of these practices consists of the ways in which the con-
ditions are arranged so that the specific comparisons of interest or predictions
can be tested. The design helps to structure and to simplify the situation in
which the influence of many variables, often operating simultaneously, can be
separated from the variable(s) of interest to the investigator. Experimental de-
signs are often used in which conditions are carefully controlled and varied by
the investigator to maximize clarity. Without such simplification and isolation
of variables, many, if not an unlimited number, interpretations could explain the
results. Research is designed to help rule out or make implausible different in-
terpretations that might explain a particular phenomenon. From a methodolog-
ical standpoint, the better the design of a study, the more implausible it makes
explanations of the results that compete with the explanation the investigator
wishes to advance.
The purpose of research is to reach well-founded (i.e., valid) conclusions
about the effects of a given intervention and the conditions under which it op-
erates. Several domains of influences can interfere with drawing valid infer-
ences. The main influences have been codified as types of experimental valid-
ity (Cook & Campbell, 1979). Four types of experimental validity have been
identified: internal, external, construct, and statistical conclusion validity. Table
B.I lists each type of validity and some of the problems that can threaten each.
The task is to use methodology, research design, and statistical evaluation to

Table B.1 Types of Experimental Validity and

Questions They Address
Internal Validity To what extent can the intervention, rather than
extraneous influences, be considered to ac-
count for the results, changes, or group dif-
ferences? Validity is threatened when the
results can be explained by history, matura-
tion, repeated testing, changes in the measure
in some way, regression toward the mean,
selection differences/biases among groups,
attrition, special influences affecting one
group but not another, diffusion of treatment,
and special treatment or reactions of control

Table B.1 (continued)


External Validity To what extent can the results be generalized to
people, settings, times, measures, and charac-
teristics other than those in this particular
experimental arrangement? Validity is threat-
ened when the results are restricted because
of special characteristics of the sample, stim-
ulus conditions of the experiment or setting,
reactivity (awareness of participating in a
study or of the measurement procedures), the
way in which the intervention was presented
(e.g., in the context of multiple treatments),
novelty effects, and test sensitization (the
results due in part to the measures that influ-
enced receptivity to the intervention).
Construct Validity Given that the intervention was responsible for
change, what specific aspect(s) was the
causal agent; that is, what is the conceptual
basis (construct) underlying the effect?
Validity is threatened when group differences
could be explained by differential attention
and contact with the subjects, experimenter
expectancies, cues of the experimental situa-
tion, single operations (e.g., one therapist)
and narrow stimulus sampling that cannot be
separated from the intervention.
Statistical Conclusion To what extent is a relation shown, demon-
Validity strated, or evident, and how well can the in-
vestigation detect effects if they exist?
Validity is threatened by low statistical
power, variability in the procedures, subject
heterogeneity, unreliability of the measures,
restrictive or lenient error rates due to multi-
ple tests.
Many readers no doubt would like more detail. See Cook & Campbell (1979), Kazdin (1998b),
Rosenthal & Rosnow (1991).

address, rule out, or make implausible many alternative interpretations that

these types of validity represent.
Threats to validity vary in their subtlety and ease of control. For example,
internal validity threats include a variety of influences that might explain those
differences the investigator attributes to the intervention. Historical events,
maturational processes, repeated testing (where there is a pre- and posttreat-
ment assessment), regression toward the mean, and related factors lead to
changes over time and possible group differences. These factors generally can

be controlled experimentally by assigning subjects randomly to groups, as-

sessing subjects in the same way, and including a group that does not have the
intervention so that influences occurring over time and experiences can be sep-
arated from the intervention. These are rather basic requirements and are met
in most studies of psychotherapy.
Other types of validity raise more subtle influences. For example, statistical
conclusion validity refers to those factors related to evaluation of the data.
Many such issues such as selection of measures, sample size, and selection of
statistical tests too can influence conclusions. Each type of validity raises crit-
ical points; not all potential threats to validity can be addressed in a given study
because attention to one often has direct implications for another. For example,
selecting homogeneous subjects (rather than all who volunteer to receive treat-
ment), delivering and monitoring treatment in a rigorous way, and using thera-
pists who are carefully and uniformly trained in the treatments may provide an
excellent test of the treatment. As rigor, control, and monitoring procedures in-
crease, the generality of the results (external validity) may be raised as an is-
sue. Can the results be obtained when certain constraints, controls, and rigor are
relaxed? The answer may be important depending on the purpose and research
questions underlying the original study. In any given study of therapy, the pri-
ority accorded a particular type of validity and threat to validity may vary. For
this reason, methodology requires appreciation of the underlying concepts
rather than application of design prescriptions and practices.
Types of experimental validity also illustrate the critical interplay between
methodological and substantive issues in psychotherapy research. Consider the
notion of construct validity, as highlighted in table B. 1. An investigator may pro-
pose that cognitive therapy is effective for depression and complete a study com-
paring this treatment with a no-treatment control. At the end of the study, assume
that the treatment group is significantly (statistically) different from the no-treat-
ment group. The investigator may wish to discuss the impact of cognitive ther-
apy and perhaps even how cognitive changes lead to changes in depression. With
the usual procedures and controls (e.g., random assignment, group equivalence
prior to treatment), the threats to internal validity are largely controlled. Given
the design, issues of construct validity (interpretation of the basis for the differ-
ences) emerge. The treatment group may have changed for a variety of reasons
(relationship with the therapist, catharsis, behavioral "homework" assignments)
that have little to do with cognitions. Other groups added to the design (that in-
clude these other components so their impact can be separately evaluated) and
various assessment procedures (the study of cognitive changes over the course
of treatment and their relation to outcome) could clarify construct validity. In
short, the substantive questions and conclusions about treatment very much de-
pend on the control conditions and assessment procedures of the study.

Basic Major Designs

The design involves how the conditions are arranged and presented to the par-
ticipants. Almost all studies of treatment are based on group designs and are

true experiments. Group designs are—guess—when there is more than one

group in the study and the results are based on comparing groups. Typically,
statistical comparisons are made by testing whether groups that received dif-
ferent treatments or different treatment and control conditions differ statisti-
cally. True experiments include all designs in which the investigator has maxi-
mum control over the situation and can assign participants to conditions
randomly. When, how, and to whom treatment is delivered can be controlled.
In group experimental designs, random assignment is pivotal because it
increases the likelihood that groups are equivalent on a number of variables that
might influence the results. When groups are compared after receiving treat-
ment or control conditions, any differences do not likely reflect differences ev-
ident before treatment was given. That is, groups probably are equal on all sorts
of things that could threaten validity. Sometimes conditions can be assigned
randomly to settings such as clinics or schools, rather than assigning subjects
to conditions, and that works too.
Usually, group designs that are true experiments include administration of a
pretest in which all cases are assessed on a battery of measures. Participants are
assigned to conditions, complete treatment, and then complete the posttreat-
ment assessment. The investigator can compare groups on the pretreatment as-
sessment to determine whether they are equivalent. A true experiment does not
require measures provided at pretreatment, but this is the most common ver-
True experiment is a term used in research in general. In the context of in-
tervention research (treatment, prevention), randomized controlled clinical
trial (or RCT) is a term used for a group design and true experiment. An RCT
is considered to provide the strongest basis for drawing inferences about treat-
ment. This design is used routinely in treatment research for all sorts of disor-
ders (depression, cancer, and heart disease) and all sorts of treatments (psy-
chotherapy, drugs, and surgery).
Well, if there are group designs and true experiments, this means there must
be something else.2 There is. In addition to group designs, there are single-case
designs. These designs are characterized by investigation of a given individual,
a few individuals, or one group over time. There are many variations (ABA de-
signs, multiple-baseline designs, changing-criterion design), and many are re-
ally useful for evaluating treatment. Because these are true experiments, they
can lead to strong inferences. There are many books on these designs (Barlow
& Hersen, 1984; Kazdin, 1982; Krishef, 1991).
The underlying approach toward research for group and single-case designs
is identical, namely, to implement conditions that permit valid inferences about
the independent variable. However, single-case research accomplishes this goal
somewhat differently. Typically, one or a few subjects are studied. The depen-
dent measures of interest are administered repeatedly over time (e.g., days or
weeks). The manner in which the independent variable is implemented is ex-
amined in relation to the data pattern for the subject or group of subjects over

Single-case designs can be used to evaluate the impact of a given interven-

tion or multiple interventions experimentally. Although single-case experi-
mental designs can look at the effects of treatment with the individual case, the
designs can be readily extended to handle large groups of subjects. Like group
designs, there are many different single-case designs, with their own require-
ments, advantages, and obstacles. Methodologically, these designs are every bit
as rigorous as any group experiment in ruling out threats to experimental va-
lidity. Unfortunately, the designs are underused in the context of treatment re-
search and clinical practice (see Hayes, 1981; Kazdin, 1993b).
In addition to true experiments, there are quasi-experiments. Occasionally
the investigator cannot control all features that characterize true experiments.
Some facet of the study such as the assignment of subjects to conditions or of
conditions to settings (e.g., to schools, communities) cannot be randomized.
Quasi-experiments are designs in which the conditions of true experiments are
approximated (Campbell & Stanley, 1963). For example, an investigator may
compare two different treatments (e.g., special new and improved treatment
versus standard treatment), but they are conducted at two different clinics.
Families cannot be randomly assigned because the clinics draw on different
segments and locations within the community. Even if similar screening crite-
ria to recruit cases for the study exist at the different clinics, this is not the same
as random assignment.
Quasi-experiments often have several advantages because they are in set-
tings or under circumstances where key hypotheses need to be tested. However,
they are obviously not as strong as RCTs. The investigator conducting a quasi-
experiment has to be more methodologically skilled and knowledgeable be-
cause the strength of the designs depends more heavily on using additional con-
trols, comparison conditions, and data analyses to extract valid inferences.
Make no mistake, quasi-experiments can draw truly strong inferences. In fact,
most sciences (e.g., astronomy, geology, economics, anthropology, sociology,
political science, and proctology) come up with new knowledge without using
true experiments, random assignment, and the like. Quasi-experiments can be

Commonly Used Control Groups

Control groups include some conditions to address one or more interpretations
of the results that the investigator wishes to eliminate. These groups usually ad-
dress some of the threats to validity—especially internal or construct validity.
There are four commonly used groups in treatment studies: no-treatment, wait-
ing list, nonspecific treatment, and standard or routine treatment groups.
First, in the no-treatment control group, participants assigned to this group
receive—you guessed it—no treatment during the period in which other par-
ticipants are receiving treatment. Treated subjects usually receive pretreatment
assessment, treatment, and posttreatment assessment. No-treatment subjects re-
ceive only the two assessments. Thus, if the passage of time or merely taking
the measures on two occasions, before and after, leads to improvement, the no-

treatment group will control for this effect. Two assumptions are made: (1) par-
ticipants were initially assigned randomly to treatment or no-treatment groups
so that the groups did not start out differently, and (2) the time between pre-
treatment and posttreatment assessment was the same for the two groups.
Assume for a moment that the treatment group shows a much better outcome
than the no-treatment group. The no-treatment group provides sort of a base-
line against which treatment can be evaluated. The group is interesting for other
reasons as well. Does a no-treatment group improve? Perhaps it does for some
clinical problems more than others. This is useful to learn too. Use of a no-treat-
ment group as a basis for comparison permits the investigator to address the
most fundamental question about a treatment. But the group is difficult to use
with genuine clinical samples and raises ethical issues because treatment is
Second, a variation of the no-treatment group is the waiting-list control
group. This group completes preassessment and postassessment and receives
no treatment during the intervening period. So far, of course, this is just the
same as the no-treatment group. But, this group is promised that after the sec-
ond assessment is completed ("post" treatment), treatment will be provided.
This group handles some of the ethical concerns of the no-treatment group.
Instead of not providing treatment, the group has delayed treatment. Also,
methodologically, a waiting-list group raises other good and bad news. The
good news is that after this group finally receives treatment, measures can be
repeated to see if the group changed. Thus, there are three assessment periods
for this group: pretreatment assessment (followed by no treatment), "posttreat-
ment" assessment (and the end of the no-treatment period; after this assessment
treatment is now given) and postassessment 2 (after the treatment is completed).
If treatment is effective, one would expect little or no change between the first
two assessments and a lot of change between the last two assessments. The
downside of using this group is when the investigator wants to evaluate follow-
up. At follow-up this group now is in the treatment condition, and one can no
longer compare treated and nontreated cases.
Third, a nonspecific treatment control group, also called attention-placebo
control group, is sometimes used. This group is designed to control for many
common factors associated with coming to treatment such as attending ses-
sions, believing one will get better, and hearing a therapist say or do good or
reasonable things. The group is not intended to provide "real" treatment, but to
give the appearance of a "real" treatment—interesting distinction. Usually the
investigator invents some procedure that may seem credible but is not intended
to produce therapeutic change. Examples might include just talking about daily
activities, listening to tapes of some kind, and completing some bogus proce-
dures or tasks. These are presented to participants as if they were therapy and
designed to improve the problem. The group is intended to address construct
validity issues and help the investigator explain why treatment does and does
not work. If the treatment group is better than the nonspecific treatment control
group, so the thinking goes, then there must be something quite special about

the treatment. Merely attending sessions or believing one is receiving therapy

is not enough.
There are problems with this group. The main one is no universal agreement
about what a fake treatment would be and hence what to give to this group. In
fact, in designing a fake treatment that is believable to the participants, one has
likely stepped on the conceptual toes of several colleagues who consider the
"fake" therapy a real intervention. In addition, a major view of therapy is that
nonspecific features are the therapeutic ingredients—meeting with a therapist,
hearing an explanation about one's problems, and working on a plan of action
to solve them could be the essence of treatment (Frank & Frank, 1991). For in-
dividuals in crisis or experiencing stress, engaging in procedures delivered by
a credible source (e.g., therapist) might mobilize hope and initiate a process of
therapeutic change.
Not many investigators like this group. There are obvious ethical issues in
providing a "fake" treatment to subjects. How to present informed consent to
this group also is problematic. Can you imagine telling the prospective client
that "one of the conditions to which you may be assigned is not a real treatment,
but we have worked hard to fool you"? Me neither. Actually, the next group is
an alternative way to address and to control for the influence of common fac-
tors associated with treatment.
Finally, standard care, also referred to as routine treatment or treatment as
usual, is often used as a control condition. This group refers to the treatment
that is routinely provided for the particular clinical problem under investiga-
tion. For example, if the investigator wishes to treat childhood depression or
adolescent substance abuse, he or she finds out locally what the usual treatment
is (e.g., in local clinical settings or nationwide) and then uses this intervention
as part of the study. The interest of the investigator is in some other treatment,
so the standard intervention serves as a comparison. Standard care controls for
changes over time (and threats to internal validity to which no-treatment and
waiting-list control groups are directed) and also the nonspecific factors asso-
ciated with treatment (to which the nonspecific treatment control group is di-
rected). Standard treatment participants come to treatment, receive a "real"
treatment, and any related components that can lead to change as part of the
treatment (e.g., relationship with a therapist).
Standard care is a great comparison group because it overcomes most of the
problems raised by each of the previous groups. First and foremost, the group
handles the main ethical issues mentioned previously. (It raises a new ethical
issue—what is used as standard care in many places might be very hard to jus-
tify.) No treatment is withheld, nor is a fake treatment being couched as a real
treatment. Also, use of the group answers a critical treatment question: Is my
new and improved treatment better than business as usual (i.e., standard treat-
ment)? Finally, routine treatment is a much better baseline for evaluating inter-
ventions than no treatment. If a family seeks treatment, the standard treatment
is what they are likely to get. We want to know if standard treatment leads to
any changes and if some other treatment is any better.

Methodology, like so much of life, is a matter of trade-offs. So there are ob-

stacles in using standard treatments as a comparison group. To begin, standard
treatment is actually unstandardized. In clinic settings, there is no monitoring,
regular supervision, treatment manual, treatment integrity, and so on. Standard
or routine care is an umbrella term for "what we do here" (at this clinic) or,
worse, "what I do" (in private practice). In an experiment, the investigator will
have difficulty in specifying the standard treatment so that others might repli-
cate the procedure. Routine care at many clinics is a conglomeration of many
different elements of different treatments, as the heart may prompt. Others could
not replicate this standard care. Those who would want to replicate that might
want to attend a few sessions of MA (Masochists' Anonymous) in advance.
A second and related problem is the variability in administering this treat-
ment. There is a lot of leeway among therapists administering routine care in
terms of the range of procedures that are used, how they are used, and in what
proportions. Variable procedures can easily undermine an investigation and ob-
scure treatment differences (i.e., reduce the likelihood of statistically significant
differences) when such differences really exist.
A third problem is that when this condition is used, the study often is a quasi-
rather than true-experiment. In an investigation, therapists at a clinic who do
the "what we do here" treatment are compared with other therapists who do the
main treatment being evaluated. In this situation, it is often hard to determine
whether group differences are due to therapist, setting, or treatment differences.
If standard care is one of the conditions in a true experiment, this concern is of
course surmounted.


The above is background but is too abstract to help you do your study. There
are three sets of guidelines presented below that are intended to improve your
treatment studies and, if I may say so myself, to make them great. Although
they overlap slightly, use of any two of them is guaranteed to improve the qual-
ity of your research. (In fact, in my workshops for the past 10 years, I am so
sure of this that I provide a full money-back guarantee to any one who has taken
my workshop gratis and has applied these guidelines to a longitudinal study
lasting at least 12 years. The success of these guidelines is a matter of public
record; after 8 years of litigation, I have not had to return a cent.) Remember,
of the three guidelines, use two. (Some workshop attendees have used all three
guidelines, and their studies have been rejected for publication for being too
well designed for the journals to which they were submitted.)

Quickie's Rules
The first set of guidelines consists of several simple rules to follow in thinking
about, planning, executing, and writing up the results of your study. Table B.2
presents these rules. An acronym can be formed from the first word of each rule
to provide a clever mnemonic to remember these rules—that acronym is TMTE
(pronounced "Turn-tee")- (The reader will immediately recognize that this term

is drawn from the mythological god Humpty Tumtee, who was responsible for
all methodology and data evaluation in the underworld.) The rules are straight-

Tell Yourself a Story

Another set of guidelines begins by acknowledging that a study—an investi-
gation—is a story. That is, it has a beginning and an end and a consistent theme

Table B.2 Quickie's Rules for Improving Your Study

T 1. Tell the What and How Operationalize everything and be explicit
about any working definitions, what
you will do (or in the write-up, what
you did) and how you do it. This will
make explicit many issues, including
key concepts or constructs and whether
some are better than others. Also, oth-
ers need to know the underlying con-
cepts and what they mean in your
M 2. Measure as Much as Carefully assess to describe the sample
You Can and to evaluate what happened during
(characteristics of the procedures) and
after treatment (outcome). Measure
components to describe (what, who)
and to explain (why, how), and think of
your measures as serving one or more
of these purposes.
T 3. Tell the Why Give the rationale for all decisions, in-
cluding the hypotheses as well as se-
lection of the design, sample, mea-
sures, and conditions. All should
serve the purpose of the study.
Explaining why is the conceptual glue
that binds different facets of the de-
sign. If there is no well-founded ration-
ale, have a compelling back-up excuse;
otherwise, rethink the study.
E 4. Evaluate and Analyze Only Stay focused on the analyses of the re-
What You Need to sults—test specific hypotheses and pre-
dictions—and do not wander or give
all the data analyses and address unre-
lated topics. Who needs it? If
there is some provocative or fascinat-
ing accidental finding, toss it in, of
course, but keep the original focus

or set of themes throughout. Planning, executing, and writing up a study all re-
flect the story. Doing a good study is telling a good story. Many of us are not
good storytellers, but we could be if much of the story was written and we had
to fill in key parts of the story. Another way to design a good study is to tell the
Table B.3 presents the story. Here is how it is used. Take the story in a pri-
vate room and you can talk out loud without being threatened with hospital-
ization or heavy medication. As you talk, merely complete the multiple-choice
questions (circle the choices in parentheses) or fill in the options (as indicated
by a blank space underlined in the text) to complete the story. The completed
story will consist of a well-designed study.
The storytelling procedure is designed to be self-administered privately. The
storytelling procedure has been useful for extremely shy and withdrawn indi-
viduals who complete this in the privacy of their own homes or extremely ex-
traverted and outgoing individuals who do this in the presence of others (col-
leagues or advisors). Private and public uses seem to work equally well,
although admittedly the right comparative study has not been done.

Table B.3 Tell a Story: Guidelines for a Well-Designed Study

Directions: The story is designed to be read aloud by the investigator in a private set-
ting. Read each sentence slowly and complete the questions. There are multiple-
choice questions, indicated by parentheses, where you are required to circle or under-
line one of the options and fill-in questions, indicated by a blank underline, where you
are required to write in what you will do. Years of use of these guidelines have shown
that the quality of the final study is deleteriously affected if the answer format is vio-
lated (i.e., if the investigator writes in answers for the multiple-choice parts and circles
the blank underlines). Please begin reading slowly and mellifluously now.

Well, I am finally going to begin a study. This is going to be an important study be-
cause other studies that even come close to this have not [fill in].
Probably this study, if I ever get it done, will contribute to (the knowledge base, sci-
ence, humanity, my career [circle one]) in at least two ways: (1)
and (2) , and I know I am being modest. The field is really fortunate
to have me to do this study. I am a pretty amazing (gal, guy, person with an identity
problem). Basically, I have these (2, 3,4) (predictions, hypotheses) and they are:
2) [add 3,4 as needed]
I even imagine how I shall analyze the data to test these. Probably to test these I shall
use [list some statistical tests or analysis]. Of course, this is just
tentative, but I am pretty cool to even think of the data analyses at this point.
The subjects for this study are going to be . I chose this sample,
not because they are just convenient or because my advisor or colleague has them
around—everyone does that and I actually was tempted. But hey, no, not me, these
subjects are important because . I am going to use lots of subjects
and in fact my sample size (God willing) will be . Of course, I did
Table B.3 (continued)

not pull this number out of the air. I looked at a book on power. The first book (The
Power Broker) did not help, but one on statistics did. I estimate I will need a sample
of this size to have a chance to find differences if they exist. To be honest, I hope this
sample helps me find differences even if they don't exist. A big sample can't hurt ei-
ther of these goals. For the subjects to be included they have to meet these (2, 3,4)
criteria: (1) , (2) , and (3) .I
will exclude them if they meet these (2,3,4) criteria: (1) ,
(2) , and (3) or have an "attitude problem." To
measure these criteria, I will look at them, ask them a few questions, or give them
these measures .
Speaking about measures, I am going to use a lot. Actually, I care about
these constructs: , [add as
needed]. For the first construct, these measures will be used ; for the
second construct, these measures will be used (etc.). I am also
throwing in these measures because they (are interesting, are used a lot in this area,
may explain why the results come out the way they will, are being a pushed by my ad-
visor, colleague, mother).
The main treatment I will be using is . I will be using
(guidelines, manual, book on treatment) that I (got from a researcher who developed
this treatment, a credible imitator; or I invented myself). This is a reasonable version
of the treatment. Treatment will be given to participants for a period of
hour(s), for weeks for about
sessions per week. I am going to train the therapists, establish criteria to decide
when they are trained, and then monitor the delivery of treatment during the study.
How am I going to do the monitoring? Well, I plan to and
. I will get some measures of treatment integrity to see that my
efforts are not in vain and to see if I or anyone else ought to believe the results. I plan
on a measure that consists of .
Oh. I almost forgot. This will be a (between-group study, single-case study)
and I plan on having [fill in no.] (groups or subjects). As applica-
ble, if a group study, the treatment groups include . There will be
(0,1,2) control groups and these include , . Many
people just throw in a control group without being to clear as to why. Not me. My
control groups are designed to control for threats to validity and of
course are essential to test the hypotheses.
Here is what happens to a subject when he or she comes to this project.
First, we give a big (interview, welcoming speech, assessment battery) then of course
seek informed consent. Yes, my study has already been approved by the ethics com-
mittee and I have the forms finally resolved to pass muster. My God, getting the word-
ing right and final approval for the consent forms was (bizarre, no picnic, a breeze be-
cause I copied my advisor's forms). Then the subject will (complete, come back for)
assessments. I will then assign subjects (randomly, as the heart may prompt) to condi-
tions. Treatment begins, is then completed, and then followed by posttreatment assess-
ment (right after the last session, on the same day, within one week).
As is my style, I shall probably analyze the data with every statistic I have
ever learned and no doubt click my mouse on a few that I have no idea about. Hey—


Table B.3 (continued)

how can one learn without trying new things? But I shall provide very specific tests of
my hypotheses with focused statistical tests and present these so the reader can see the
hypothesis, the tests, and my conclusions. Clarity is not my forte, and people have
been on me for that. If the results show anything else interesting, including possible
confounds, I shall present that too but probably sequester that (whatever that means)
from the section that gives the main findings.
There will be so much richness and depth to my study, and my work in gen-
eral, that I probably ought to begin my discussion of the results with a brief overview
or statement of the main findings. Then I shall try to (describe, explain) a key finding
or two in more detail. As soon as I can, I shall make comments about (how this relates
to, builds on) other work. If there is any (theory, other areas of research outside my
topic) to which I can relate the study, I shall (toss, squeeze) that in as well.
I also will make a few comments about the limitations of my study. Given
how I have designed this study and my own personal skills, this could be a very brief
section. But no study is perfect and real limitations are always present. In writing this
section, I shall try not to (get too defensive, righteous about how I chose to design the
study). In the remote chance that there are serious limitations of the study, more likely
than not I shall (blame my advisor, remind readers of my difficult childhood, use a
small font when this section is run off on my printer).
Finally, if space allows, I shall talk about the next study that ought to be
done to build on my work. This future work ought to be an important study and not
merely a test of generality to a different sample or setting. Something really (meaty,
inspiring, conceptually interesting) in this paragraph will suggest a new "story" that
needs to be told. Who knows, maybe I'll even (do that study, rest on my laurels) after
completing this study.
The End

Answer the Questions

The third and final set of guidelines is in the form of questions. Frankly, I pre-
fer this method the least, because I always get defensive when questions are
fired at me. Also, all the questions to follow are essay or short-answer ques-
tions. This is intimidating. The previous (tell a story method) has multiple-
choice and fill-in questions and is more in keeping with my own ability.
Nevertheless, the answer-the-question-method is great all by itself, and my per-
sonal limitations ought not to hamper use by others.
A well-designed study has to answer many questions. Table B.4 presents the
key questions. Some of the answers are obvious. So, for example, for the ques-
tion that asks about who the subjects are, the investigator cannot simply say, "I
don't know" and go on to the next question. Also, the question about why this
study was done or the purposes of the study has some wrong answers (e.g., "no
one has done this before" or "I think this is an important clinical problem").
Compelling answers are needed. The advantage of the questions is that they
raise most of the issues that need to be adequately resolved. Once they are ad-
equately resolved and addressed, the study ought to be terrific.
Table B.4 Questions to Guide Planning a Treatment Study

Directions: Answer each of the questions on a separate sheet. They are short-answer
essay questions and answers like "true," "false," "yes," or "no," are frowned upon.
What is the background and context for the study?
What in current theory, research, or clinical work makes this study useful, important,
or of interest?
What is different or special about the study in focus, methods, or design to address a
need in the area?
Is the rationale clear regarding the constructs (independent and dependent variables)
to be assessed?
What specifically are the purposes, predictions, or hypotheses?
Are there ancillary or exploratory goals that can be distinguished as well?
Who are the participants and how many of them are there in this study?
Why was this sample selected in light of the research goals?
How was this sample obtained, recruited, and selected?
What are the subject and demographic characteristics of the sample (e.g., gender, age,
ethnicity, race, socioeconomic status)?
What, if any, inclusion and exclusion criteria were invoked, that is, selection rules to
obtain participants?
How many of those subjects eligible or recruited actually were selected and partici-
pated in the study?
Was informed consent solicited? How and from whom (e.g., child and parent), if spe-
cial populations were used?
What is the design (e.g., group, true-experiment) and how does the design relate to the
How were participants assigned to groups or conditions?
How many groups were included in the design?
How are the groups similar and different?
Why are these groups critical to address the questions of interest?
Where was the study conducted (setting)?
What measures, materials, equipment, or apparatus were used?
What is the chronological sequence of events to which participants were exposed?
What intervals elapsed between different aspects of the study (e.g., assessment, treat-
ment, follow-up)?
If assessments involved novel measures created for this study, what data can be
brought to bear regarding pertinent types of reliability and validity?
What checks were made to ensure that the conditions were carried out as intended
(treatment integrity procedures, measures)?
What other information does one need to know to understand how participants were
treated and what conditions were provided?


Table B.4 (continued)

What are the primary measures and data upon which the hypotheses or predictions de-
What analyses are to be used and how specifically do these address the original hy-
potheses and purposes?
Are the assumptions of the data analyses met?
If multiple tests are used, what means are provided to control error rates (increased
likelihood of finding significant differences in light of using many tests)?
If more than one group is delineated (e.g., through experimental manipulation or sub-
ject selection), are they similar on variables that might otherwise explain the results
(e.g., diagnosis, age)?
Are data missing due to incomplete measures (not filled out completely by the partici-
pants) or due to loss of subjects? If so, how are these handled hi the data analyses?
Are there ancillary analyses that might further inform the primary analyses or ex-
ploratory analyses that might stimulate further work?
What are the major findings of the study?
Specifically, how do these findings add to research and support, refute, or inform cur-
rent theory?
What alternative interpretations, theoretical or methodological, can be placed on the
What limitations or qualifiers are necessary given methodological and design issues?
What research follows from the study to move the field forward?
Specifically what ought to be done next (e.g., next study, career change)?

A well-designed study means that the question(s) was important, the methods
get at the question in a reasonable way, and the analyses and interpretations re-
late directly to the questions. This means that there is a common focus through-
out. This is why it is useful to ask oneself throughout, why am I doing this?
Once answered, the next question is, will this way of doing it serve the goal?
Methodology can be abstract and otherwise uninteresting. Guidelines were
provided to help design a good study and included three methods: Useful Rules,
Tell Yourself a Story, and Answer the Questions. As a reminder, use any two of
the methods for designing your study. Why two? Because a basic lesson of
methodology is that any one method is likely to be imperfect; two or more be-
gin to overcome the limitations of any one method. Good luck in your research,
but now you do not need to rely so much on luck.
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Chapter 1
1. The case has many nuances that make its historical use as the basis for the devel-
opment or effectiveness of talk therapy a bit odd. For example, talk therapy was com-
bined with hypnosis and rather heavy doses of medication (chloral hydrate, a sleep-in-
ducing agent) used on several occasions when talk did not seem to work (see Dawes,
1994). Thus, the therapy included more than just talk. Also, the subsequent hospitaliza-
tion of Anna O raises clear questions about the effectiveness of the combined talk-hyp-
nosis-medication treatment. Yet the historical influence of the example still stands. There
is, of course, no reason to select case examples from any particular treatment approach
to convey the impact of a dramatic case in the absence of consistent empirical support.
The famous case of Little Albert, in which fear was induced in an 11-month-old infant,
advanced the view that fears could be conditioned (learned) (Watson & Rayner, 1920).
The case had great impact even though there was great difficulty in replicating the ef-
fects of this demonstration (see Kazdin, 1978b).
2. The focus of the book is on therapy for children and adolescents. Throughout the
book, the term children will be used genetically to refer to both children and adoles-
cents. I will address age and stage of development more specifically and use separate
terms as appropriate.
3. The terms client and patient are occasionally distinguished in discussions of psy-
chotherapy. The differences reflect varying approaches and views of the entire enterprise
of therapy, the nature of the problems that participants experience (e.g., problems of liv-
ing or mental "illnesses"), and the manner in which they should be conceptualized and
treated. I use the terms interchangeably to refer to the person who comes to or is brought
to treatment and is identified as needing intervention.
Chapter 2
1. Prevalence refers to the number of persons with the problem (e.g., psychiatric dis-
order) at a given point in time. Incidence refers to the number of new cases within a
given period of time. Prevalence is highlighted here to convey the scope of the mental
disorders and other problems among children and adolescents.
2. Occasionally, I shall refer to a clinic where I work, the Yale Child Conduct Clinic,
an outpatient treatment service for children and families. Children seen at the clinic are
between 2 and 13 and are referred for oppositional, aggressive, and antisocial behavior.
Treatments provided at the clinic include variations of cognitive problem-solving skills
training and parent management training (see Kazdin, 1996c).
3. A syndrome is a constellation or group of symptoms that go together. For exam-
ple, major depression includes many individual symptoms such as sad affect, loss of in-

258 NOTES TO PAGES 29-66

terest in activities, changes in eating and sleep, feelings of worthlessness, and so on.
Depression can be delineated as a syndrome because a particular set of symptoms go to-
gether. Subsyndromal means that individuals may have only some of the symptoms that
define a disorder and do not meet diagnostic criteria. In some sense, one could say that
all people who do not meet diagnostic criteria are subsyndromal because they likely have
some symptoms of some disorders to some degree. Yet the point of identifying subsyn-
dromes is to delineate individuals who experience impairment or untoward conse-
quences even though they do not quite meet the diagnostic criteria. This delineation as-
sumes special importance because the cutoff point for meeting diagnostic criteria is
rather arbitrary.
4. Status offenses are usually referred to as delinquent acts, index offenses are usu-
ally referred to as crimes or criminal activity, with the implication of greater severity of
the act. Offense is a more generic term used to encompass any of these illegal acts (U.S.
Congress, 1991).
Chapter 3
1. Approach (general conceptual orientation) and treatment (the intervention used
in therapy) are two of the three concepts often used in describing therapy. The third con-
cept is therapy technique, which refers to concrete and more circumscribed practices that
are applied. For example, in child therapy, using play, role-playing, or games in a ses-
sion might be referred to as technique. Although techniques often are associated with
particular treatments and approaches, they often have general applicability. Thus, the
use of games and play is a technique that spans different treatments and indeed differ-
ent approaches. The terms approach, treatment, and technique are not used carefully or
consistently among mental health professionals. The most consistent of the terms prob-
ably is treatment, which usually conveys much about the conceptual orientation and the
procedures or techniques used to produce therapeutic change. If the reader is slightly
confused, then he or she may have grasped the field perfectly.
Chapter 4
1. It is important to mention in passing that "much better off" here refers to magni-
tude of the experimental effect as measured in standard deviation units. It does not fol-
low that these differences are translated into clinically important differences. A large ES
might result in a study of obesity, if everyone in the treatment group lost 3 pounds (1.35
kilograms) and everyone in the control group did not change at all. If everyone in the
study were 50 pounds overweight (22.50 kilograms), then no one would have necessar-
ily improved in an important way. Clinical significance is different from statistical sig-
nificance and effect size. Among the three concepts, effect size and clinical significance
are the most often confused (e.g., Matthey, 1998); although both refer to magnitude of
effect in some way, clinical significance is intended to consider whether treatment makes
a difference and includes its own methods of calculation (Kazdin, 1998b). The topic of
clinical significance is addressed later.
2. The number of meta-analyses is large and growing constantly. In the comments
made here, I have several examples in mind (e.g., Baer & Nietzel, 1991; Casey &
Berman, 1985; Durlak, Fuhrman, & Lampman, 1991; Hazelrigg, Cooper, & Borduin,
1987; Hoag & Burlingame, 1997; Kazdin, Bass, et al., 1990; Prout & DeMartino, 1986;
Prout & Prout, 1998; Saile, Burgmeier, & Schmidt, 1988; Shadish et al., 1993, 1997;
Weisz, Donenberg, Han, & Kauneckis, 1995; Weisz, Weiss, & Donenberg, 1992; Weisz
et al., 1987; Weisz, Weiss, Han, Granger, & Morton, 1995).
3. The statistical issues, rationales, and formulas underlying the different methods
NOTES TO PAGES 68-96 259

of computing effect size are elaborated elsewhere (Hedges & Olkin, 1985). The impact
of using one method (weighted or unweighted) on the conclusions reached about the ef-
fects of treatment has been nicely elaborated by Weisz, Weiss, et al. (1995), who evalu-
ated a set of studies using both methods. Conclusions vary considerably regarding fac-
tors that influence treatment outcome. Examples of this variation are highlighted in this
4. Of course, there is no single number that one can fix at a point in time; the pre-
cise number depends on how the pertinent literature is searched (e.g., key words), the
scope of search (e.g., journals in English and other languages), and other factors (e.g.,
definition of therapy, age range of the children).
Chapter 5
1. As an illustration, practice guidelines for the treatment of child and adolescent de-
pression note that, in clinical experience, psychodynamic psychotherapy is useful
(AACAP, 1998). This conclusion is mentioned in the context of treatments (medication,
cognitive-behavior therapy) that have supportive evidence. On the other hand, the guide-
lines also note that much of the evidence for empirically supported treatments for child-
hood depression has focused on mildly depressed children and has provided little fol-
low-up data. These points qualify the conclusions about the effectiveness of some
treatments that might meet criteria for empirically supported therapies. Stated another
way, research reviews of treatments are unfettered by the concerns of clinical practice.
2. The American Psychological Association, the world's largest organization of psy-
chologists, consists of over 155,000 members. Within the organization, groups or divi-
sions focus on areas and themes within the discipline. The Division of Clinical
Psychology formed the TFPP, which completed the initial report for the division (TFPP,
1995) and has continued this work (Chambless et al., 1996, 1998). The findings, rec-
ommendations, and listed procedures that are empirically supported are not endorsed
with any official imprimatur of the American Psychological Association.
3. Quite unrelated to the evaluation of therapy, there have been extended discussions
about the use of statistical significance as the primary basis for drawing inferences in re-
search (see Kirk, 1996; Schmidt, 1996). Although not discussed here, the issues are very
relevant to identifying empirically supported treatments because the absence of signifi-
cant differences between groups does not mean that two treatments are equally effective
and—maybe even more misleading—the presence of significant differences does not
necessarily mean that one treatment is better (more effective) than the other (see Kazdin,
Chapter 6
1. I kept changing these selection criteria in order to include my own work. No mat-
ter how low the standards were set, my own work never qualified. I am hoping to pre-
pare an article on uncontrolled studies and empirically checkered treatments, which will
feature my work prominently.
2. Additional comments are warranted because of the care with which the term
causal relation must be used. The research has shown that inept parenting practices are
not merely a correlate or antecedent (risk factor) for conduct problems. Rather, they are
causally related insofar as they lead directly to the behavior. Also, when specific par-
enting practices are altered, child behavior improves. To state that inept parenting is a
cause of conduct problems in children does not mean that this is the only cause or that
such parenting practices are a necessary or sufficient cause of the behaviors (see Kazdin,
Kraemer, Kessler, Kupfer, & Offord, 1997).
260 NOTES TO PAGES 113-173

1. Scores of treatment manuals are available within the public domain for such treat-
ments as individual psychotherapy (Lord, 1985), psychoanalytic and psychodynami-
cally oriented therapy (Kernberg & Chazan, 1991), parent management training
(Forehand & Long, 1996; Sanders & Dadds, 1993), cognitive-behavior therapy (Clarke,
Lewinsohn, & Hops, 1990; Finch, Nelson, & Ott, 1983; Kendall et al., 1990), multisys-
temic therapy (Henggeler et al., 1998), functional family therapy (Alexander & Parsons,
1982), social skills training (King & Kirschenbaum, 1992; Michelson, Sugai, Wood, &
Kazdin, 1983), as well as combined treatment packages such as reinforcement practices
and cognitively based treatment (Home & Sayger, 1990). Abbreviated manuals of sev-
eral treatments beyond those mentioned here can be found in a compendium (LeCroy,
2. Statistical significance evaluates the extent to which the results of a study (e.g.,
differences between groups or changes within groups) are likely due to genuine rather
than chance effects. A statistically significant difference (e.g., p < .05) indicates that if
the experiment were conducted repeatedly, the finding would occur 5 out of 100 times
on a chance basis, if there were no real difference between groups (i.e., the null hy-
pothesis is true). Magnitude of effect is a measure of the strength of relation between the
independent and dependent variable and is quite different from statistical significance.
There are many indices or measures of the strength of the relation, including omega2
(<o2), eta (TJ), epsilon2 (e2), and Pearson product-moment correlation (r, r2) and in mul-
tiple regression (R, R2) (see Haase, Ellis, & Ladany, 1989; Kirk, 1996; Rosenthal, 1984;
Rosenthal & Rosnow, 1991). As mentioned previously, those most familiar in psychol-
ogy are effect size (ES or 8) and correlation (r). The relations between statistical signif-
icance and magnitude of effect enjoy all the expected permutations (e.g., an effect can
be statistically significant but show an extremely small relation, or not be significant sta-
tistically but show a quite strong relation, and so on) (see Kazdin, 1998b). Magnitude
of effect does not necessarily mean that the effect makes a difference to individuals, is
important in some practical way, or can be seen in everyday life. For example, if every-
one in the treatment group improves in one or two symptoms (out of several), but every-
one in the no-treatment group stays the same or becomes worse, the strength of the re-
lation between treatment and therapeutic change (effect size) might be very large. Yet
none of the treated cases may have improved in a way that affects their lives. Clinical
significance is reserved for these latter differences and effects.

Chapter 9
1. The term participants is currently recommended to refer to the persons who serve
as subjects in a study (American Psychological Association, 1994). However, in psy-
chotherapy research participants can include subjects and therapists and both can con-
tribute to the results and the conclusions. For present purposes, the terms subjects,
clients, patients, cases, and families are used to refer to the recipients of treatment (chil-
dren, adolescents, and their families). Those who deliver the treatment will be referred
to as therapists or therapeutic agents.
2. The level of power that is "adequate" in research is based on convention about
the margin of protection one should have against falsely accepting the null hypothesis
(i.e., concluding that there are no differences when there really are differences). Cohen
(1965) recommended .80 means as the level of power for research; this means that the
chances are 8 in 10 that differences will be found if they exist across a series of studies
testing for the difference. Although power ^.80 has become a reference point for re-
NOTES TO PAGES 196-245 261

search, higher levels (.90, .95) are often encouraged (see Friedman, Furberg, & DeMets,

Chapter 10
1. Another methodological approach provides leads for evaluation in clinical work.
Qualitative research methods provide systematic and rigorous ways of examining the
individual in detail, using description and inference. In contrast to the anecdotal case
study, qualitative research consists of systematic methods for extracting data, for vali-
dating inferences, and for replicating effects. Qualitative research methods are rarely
taught in psychology, psychiatry, or social work programs, at least in the United States.
Although qualitative research methods are beyond the scope of this chapter, the inter-
ested reader may wish to consult overviews of applications of qualitative methods to
clinical work (Kazdin, 1998b; Krahn, Hohn, & Kime, 1995; Trierweiler & Strieker,
1998) and to child therapy (Webster-Stratton & Spitzer, 1996) or comprehensive de-
scriptions of the methodology (e.g., Denzin & Lincoln, 1994; Miles & Huberman,

Appendix B
1. Dr. Quickie currently consults and is in private practice. Actually, the practice is
a little too private; at this moment, he does not have any clients. Because of the fore-
closure of his post office box, please direct all correspondence to him in care of Alan
Kazdin. Dr. Quickie gratefully acknowledges grant support from the Rapid Eye
Movement Foundation, the Very Brief Psychotherapy Foundation, and the Rapid Transit
2. The terminology of research design makes no sense. Consider just a few of the
problems. If there are true experiments, why aren't there/a/,se experiments? Also, there
are single-case designs but no married-case designs. Sounds like a clear case of method-
ological discrimination to me. There are randomized controlled clinical trials galore, but
none of the permutations are mentioned in public (e.g., randomized uncontrolled non-
clinical trial [RUNT] or the nonrandomized uncontrolled clinical trial [NUCT]—leav-
ing aside my personal favorite, the nonrandomized uncontrolled nonclinical trial [or
NUNT], and all the others).
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Author Index

Ablow, J.C., 45 Bank, L., 100-101

Achenbach, T.M., 47, 165,199,205 Banken, D.M., 148
Addis, M.E., 114,136,166 Barclay, D., 120
Adler, N.E., 220 Barkley, R.A., 13, 33,52,56,71, 81,
Ageton, S.S., 30 156,210-211
Agteros, T., 63 Barlow, D.H., 143,166,187-188,191-
Aiken, L.R., 199 195, 245
Alexander, J.F., 260 n. 1 Baron, R.M., 10,166
Alicke, M.D., 56 Barrett, C.L., 58
Alington, D.E., 203 Barrett, P.M., 92
Aljazireh, L., 148 Barrnett, R.J., 112
Alldred, E.N., 220 Barrowclough, C., 123
Allen, K.D., 148 Bass, D., 47,49,56,66,69,76,80,
Allison, D.B., 174 87,112, 119, 121-122,124-125,
Allport, G.W., 191 128, 137-138, 140,173-174,
Alter, C, 195,199 258 n. 2
American Academy of Child and Bates, J.E., 135
Adolescent Psychiatry, 75, 211, Bechterev, V.M., 187
259 n. 1 Becker, R.E., 169
American Psychiatric Association, 8,13, Bell-Dolan, D., 185,211
19,75 Bellinger, D., 220
American Psychological Association, Ben-Porath, Y.S., 199
75-76, 180, 259 n. 2,260 n. 1 Bender, P.M., 28,123
Amir, Y, 132 Bergin,A.E., 8,57,59,71, 188
Ammerman, R.T., 52, 73, 88 Berman, J.S., 56,59,65, 121,124,
Anderson, T., 136 258 n. 2
Andrews, D.W., 101, 140 Betan, E.J., 162
Andrews, J., 95-96 Beutler, L.E., 16, 73, 86,115,171
Arndorfer, R.E., 148 Biederman, J., 220
Asher, S.R., 143 Bird,H.R., 110,142
Auerbach, A., 220 Blanchard, E.B., 117
Austin, N.K., 171 Blaske, D.M., 103
Ayers, W.A., 56, 73,128 Bloom, J.R., 5
Bloom, M., 195, 199
Baer, D.M., 194, 201 Boland, J., 203
Baer, R.A., 258 n. 2 Bongar, B., 16


Book, J., 25 Clement, P.W., 143, 168, 199, 203, 205,

Borduin, C.M., 50,103,106,258 n. 2 208,228
Borkovec, T., 85 Cobham, V.E., 50,93,105
Boyle, M.H., 24, 27,99,142, 220 Cohen, J., 25,62,173-174,177,260 n. 2
Breiling,J., Ill Cohen, L.H., 187
Bremer, B.A., 148 Cohen, P., 25
Bremner, R., 99 Cohen, Y., 25
Brent, D., 73,126 Coie, J.D., 143
Brestan, E.V., 79,98-99 Colliver, J.D., 24
Breuer, J., 4,192 Consoli, A., 3
Brody, N., 68 Cook, T.D., 61,66,242-243
Brofenbrenner, U., 48 Cooper, H.M., 258 n. 2
Brondino, M.J., 103 Cooper, J.O., 100
Brooks, C.H., 4 Cooper, L.J., 148
Brooks-Gunn, J., 211 Cornes, C., 85
Brown, G.S., 205, 208 Costello, C.G., 191,207
Brown, J., 63 Costello, E.J., 23
Brown, L.K., 25 Cotten, J.K., 68, 128
Brownell, K.D., 117,223 Cou6, E., 4
Buckner, J.C., 81 Cowan, C.P., 46
Bukstein, O., 27 Cowan, P.A., 46
Burgmeier, R., 258 n.2 Cristol, A.H., 162
Burke, D.M., 158 Crits-Cristoph, P., 220
Burke, R.V., 98-99 Cronbach, L.J., 8,59
Burlingame, G.M., 69,258 n.2 Crowley, M.J., 26, 85
Butcher, J.N., 199,241 Cuijpers, P., 95, 106
Butler, S.F., 187 Cunningham, C.E., 99, 147
Cunningham, P.B., 50, 106-107
Campbell, B.D., 3
Campbell, D.T., 242-243,246 Dadds, M.R., 49-50,92-93,98, 100,
Caplinger, T.E., 82 111, 260 n.l
Caron, C, 25 Davidson, P.O., 191, 207
Casaer, P., 123,220 Davison, G.C., 192
Casey, R.J., 56, 59,65,124,258 n. 2 Dawes, R.M., 73,188, 257 n.l
Caspi,A.,219 DeMartino, R.A., 258 n. 2
Catalano, R.F., 123 DeMets,D.L.,261,n.2
Cautela, J.R., 187 Denzin, N.H, 261 n. 1
Cerny, J.A., 166 DeRaad, A.O., 148
Chamberlain, P., 98-99 DeRisi,W.J., 171
Chambless, D.L., 56-57,73, 77, 80, 88, Diament, D.M., 98
206,211,259 n.2 Dickey, B., 203, 208
Chazan, S.E., 260 n. 1 DiClemente, R.J., 27-28,31
Chesney-Lind, M., 81 DiGiuseppe, R., 203
Chow, S.L., 176 Diguer, L., 84
Christensen, L., 219 Dishion, T.J., 96,98, 101,135, 140,
Chronis,A., 81 216-217
Clark, L.A., 25 Dobson,K.S., 114, 137
Clarke, G.N., 79,93, 95, 185,260 n.l Docherty, J.P., 112
Cleckley, H.M., 192 Dodge, K.A., 135,221

Dollard,!., 187 Forgatch, M.S., 96,100, 140

Domar, A.D., 220 Foster-Johnson, L., 25-26
Donenberg, G.R., 64-65,128,258 n. 2 Foxx, R.M., 148
Dopp, J.M., 222 Frame, C.L., 162
Drotar, D., 222 Frank, E., 84,153
Dryfoos, J.G., 28, 29 Frank, J.B., 174,248
Duchnowski, A.J., 199 Frank, J.D., 174,248
Dumas, I.E., 98 Frazer,!., 154
Dumont,E, 188,190 Freedheim, D.K., 16
Dunne, I.E., 75 French, N.H., 148
Durac, J., 63 Freud, S., 4,192
Durlak, J.A., 68, 80,112,121,128,140, Friedman, L.M., 261 n. 2
210-211, 258 n. 2 Friedman, R.M., 29
Dyer, J.F.P., 203 Frommelt, G.M., 112
Fuhrman, T., 258 n. 2
Eagle, M.N., 35 Furberg, C.D., 261 n. 2
Edwards, A.L., 8,59
Eisenberg, L., 58 Gagnon,R., 114,136
Elbert, J.C., 56-57,77-79, 88,106 Garb, H.N., 188
Elliott, D.S., 30 Garfield, S.L., 5,8,57,68,71,77, 86,
Elliott, R., 174 187
Ellis, M.V., 260 n. 2 Garwick, G., 199,205
Epstein, M.H., 199 Gaston,L., 114,136
Evens, W., 195,199 Gatsonis, C.A., 220
Eyberg, S.M., 79, 98-99 Gaw,A.C, 122
Eysenck, H.J., 56-57,63,69-71,73 Gentile, C, 138
Ghannam, J., 203
Fahey, J.L., 222 Gigerenzer, G., 132
Falloon, I.R., 123 Glanz, M.D., 24
Faraone, S.V., 220 Glass, G.V., 56,63-65
Farrington, D.P., 30 Goldman, A., 58
Faulkner & Gray, 199 Goldstein, S., 81
Feldman, R.A., 82,167,171 Gorman, B.S., 174
Feldman, S.S., 162 Gorman, J.M., 73, 77-79,88, 106, 211
Fensterheim, H., 74 Gorsuch, R.L., 205
Figlio, R.M., 30 Gotlib, I.H., 27, 119,214
Finch, A.J., Jr., 260 n. 1 Gottheil, E., 5
Fincham, F.D., 124 Gottman, J., 193,202
Finckenauer, J.O., 81 Cowers, S., 154
Firth-Cozens, J., 84 Graber,J.A.,211
Fischer, J., 195,199 Grady, K.E., 73
Fiske, D.W., 60 Grady-Fletcher, A., 114
Flannery-Schroeder, E., 91 Graham, J.R., 199
Foley, S.H., 85 Graham, P., 44
Follette, V.M., 73 Granger, D.A., 71,258 n. 2
Fonagy, P., 63, 73, 87,104,211 Graves, T.J., 120
Foote, F.H., 39 Grawe,K., 115
Ford, M.E., 162 Graziano, A.M., 98
Forehand, R., 98,100,137, 260 n. 1 Greenbaum, P.E., 25-26

Greenhill, L.L., 79 Howard, B., 91, 93

Greenstein, J.J., 29 Howard, K.I., 180
Grissom, R.J., 63 Howell, C.T., 47
Gruenberg, E.M., 58 Hsu, L.M., 164
Grych, J.H., 124 Huberman, A.M., 261 n. 1
Huey, S.J., 128
Haase, R.F., 260 n. 2 Huizinga, D., 30
Hadley, S.W., 119
Halikas, J.A., 26 Ingersoll, B.D., 81
Hammen, C, 25-26, 111, 218 Institute of Medicine, 23
Hammond,M., 98, 111
Hampe, I.E., 58 Jacobson, N.S., 114, 166, 169
Han,S.S.,71,258n. 2 Jacobus, S.J., 203
Hanf, C., 97 Jayson, D., 154
Hanley, J.H., 103 Jensen, P.J., 13, 31, 73, 126, 210
Hansen, W.B., 27,33 Johndrow, C., 148
Harrington, R., 26,31,154 Johnson, J.H., 52
Hartmark, C., 25 Johnson, M.K., 29
Hautzinger, M., 93 Johnson, S., 68,128, 153
Hawley, K.M., 84, 86 Johnson, S.B., 57,79
Hayes, S.C., 73, 143,195,246 Johnston, J.M., 192
Haynes, S.N., 187, 208 Johnston, L.D., 28
Hazelrigg, M.D., 258 n. 2 Jones, E.E., 203,208
Hechtman, L.T., 153 Jones, J., 220
Hedges, L.V., 66, 259 n. 3 Jones, M.C., 192
Heimberg, R.G., 169
Heinicke, C.M., 50, 120, 124 Kaelber, C., 19
Heller, K., 85 Kane, M.T., 93
Henggeler, S.W., 50,101-104,106, 114, Kanfer,F.H., 188, 190
121, 137,153,179,260 n . l Karasu, T.B., 8
Henin, A., 91 Kasen, S., 25
Herink, R., 8 Kaslow, N.J., 79
Herman, S., 120 Kauneckis, D., 258 n. 2
Heron, T.E., 100 Kavanagh, K.A., 96
Hersen, M., 52, 73, 88, 191,193-194, Kazdin, A.E., 16,23-26,29,37,56-57,
211,245 62-63,66,73,76,78-80,95,97-100,
Hervis, O., 39 106,124-126,128,137-138,140,143,
Heward, W.L., 100 151-153,165,173-175,178,185,
Hibbeln, J.R., 219 191-196,205,221,245-256,257 n.l
Hibbs, E., 13,73, 88,126, 210 Kazrin, A., 63
Hoag, M.J., 69, 258 n. 2 Keisner, R.H., 73,187
Hoagwood, K., 73, 88,126 Kenardy, J., 120
Hohn, M.F., 261 n. 1 Kendall, P.C., 56-57, 80, 88,90-93,
Holland, L., 26 106,118, 156, 206,213, 241, 260 n. 1
Hollon,S.D.,77,211 Kenny, D.A., 10, 166
Holmbeck, G.N., 10,166,241 Kernberg, P.P., 260 n. 1
Hood-Williams, J., 58 Kessler, R.C., 259 n. 2
Hops, H., 93, 95,260 n. 1 Ketterlinus, R.D., 27-28, 33
Horgen, K.B., 223 Kiesler, D.J., 59, 84
Home, A.M., 260 n.l Kime, C., 261 n. 1

King, C.A., 260 n. 1 London, P., 38

King, L.W., 171 Long, N., 100,137,260 n. 1
King, N.J., 79 Long, P., 98
Kiresuk, T.J., 199,205 Lonigan, C.J., 56-57,77-79, 88,106,
Kirk, R.E., 259 n. 3,260 n. 2 206,211
Kirkby, R.J., 124 Lopiano, D.A., 223
Kirschenbaum, D.S., 260 n. 1 Lord, J.P., 260 n. 1
Klein, R.G., 111 Lovaas, O.I., 82,124,149
Kleinmuntz, B., 188 Luborsky, L., 56,69,80,84,115,174,220
Klinteberg, B.A., 30 Luster, T., 169
Klosko, J.S., 166 Luthar, S.S., 220,222
Klotz, M.L., 56 Lynam, D., 221
Koemer, K., 166
Kelvin,!., 120,171 Machado, P.P.P., 115
Koocher, G.P., 49 Maddahian, E., 123
Kraemer, H.C., 5, 31,259 n. 2 Magnusson, D., 30
Krahn, G.L., 261 n. 1 Maletzky, B.M., 203
Kratochwill, T.R., 13,52, 56,195,210 Mann, B.J., 103
Krause,M.S., 180 Marciano, PL., 50,95
Krishef, C.H., 193-194,245 Marks, I., 3,145
Kroll, L., 154 Marlowe, J.H., 100
Kupfer, D.J., 84,153, 259 n. 3 Marquis, J.N., 203
Kupfersmid, J., 176 Marrs, R.W., 145
Kurtines, W.H., 39 Maser,J.D., 19, 111
Kutash, K., 199 Mash, E.J., 13,16,33,45,52, 56,71,
Ladany, N., 260 n. 2 Mass, R., 203
LaGreca,A.M.,45,212 Matt, G.E., 53,66-67
Lamb, M.E., 27, 28, 33 Matthey, S., 258 n. 1
Lambert, M.J., 8, 59, 196, 205, 208 Mazurick, J.L., 124, 178
Lampman, C, 258 n. 2 McCluskey-Fawcett, K., 162
Last, C.G., 52, 73, 88, 111 McConaughy, S.H., 47
Lazarus, A.A., 192 McCullough,M.E.,221
Leaf, R.C., 203 McEachin, J.J., 82, 121, 149
LeCroy, C.W., 260 n. 1 McEachran, A.B., 85
Lee, T.M., 224 McHugh,T.A.,49,98, 111
Lemsky.C, 187 McLellen, T., 84
Lerner, R.M., 48 McMahon, R.J., 100
Levin, J.S., 221 Measelle, J.R., 46
Leviton, A., 220 Meehl, P., 176,188
Levitt, E.E., 56-58,70 Meller, I.E., 26
Lewinsohn, P.M., 27, 79,93-96,211, Melton, G.B., 103
260 n. 1 Menard, S., 30
Lewis, M, 33 Metcalf, L., 230
Liberman, R.P., 171 Meyers, A. W., 120,145
Lincoln, Y.S., 26 l n . 1 Michelson, L., 68,260 n. 1
Linden, W., 185 Michienzi, T., 138
Lipman, E.L., 220-221 Milberger, S., 220
Little, R.J.A., 180 Miles, M.B., 261 n. 1
Loeber, R., 30 Milin, R., 26

Miller, G.E., 50, 98, 179, 222 Pavlov, I.P., 187

Miller, L.C., 58 Peace, A., 142
Miller, N.E., 187 Pedulla, B.M., 49
Miller, T.I., 56 Peet, M., 219
Minnett, A.M., 3 Pekarik, G., 50,178
Mintz, J., 205,220 Pelham,W.E.,Jr.,81
Moffitt,T.E.,30,219,221 Pennypacker, H.S., 192
Morgan, A., 98 Perez-Vidal, A., 39
Morris, R.J., 13,52,56,210 Persons, J.B., 86
Morse, C, 26 Peterson, L., 86, 185,211
Morton, T, 71,258n. 2 Petrila,A.,25-26
Murdock, M., 68 Pettit, G.S., 135
Myers, H.F., 222 Phillips, E.L., 178
Phillips, M.A., 169
Nathan, RE., 73,77-79, 88,106, 211 Pickles, A., 26
National Institute of Mental Health, 8 Piersel, W.C., 195
Navarro, A.M., 63,66-67 Ponton, L.E., 27, 33
Needleman, H.L., 219-220 Powell, L.H., 5
Nelson, R.O., 143 Primavera, L.H., 174
Nelson, W.M., 260 n. 1 Prinz, R.J., 50,98,179
Neufeldt, S.A., 115 Prioleau, L., 68
Newcomb, M.D., 28, 123 Prout, H.T., 258 n. 2
Newman, D.L., 219 Prout, S.M., 258 n. 2
Newman, M.G., 3,120,145
Nezu,A.M., 188,190 Quinton, D., 26
Nezu,C.M., 188,190
Nicholson, R.A., 121 Rachman, S.J., 85, 169
Nietzel, M.T., 258 n. 2 Racine, Y.A., 142
Nigg, J.T., 203 Ragsdale, K., 86
Rahdert, E., 24
O'Hanlon, B., 230 Ramsey-Klee, D.M., 120,124
O'Malley, S., 85 Rapee, R.M., 92
O'Donnell, C.R., 82 Rasbury, W.C., 52
Offord, D.R., 24,27, 31,42,119,142, Raw, S.D., 74
165,214,220,259 n. 3 Rayner, R., 192,257 n. 1
Olkin, I., 66, 259 n. 3 Redner, R., 169
Ollendick,T.H.,79,211 Regier, D.A., 23
OPTAIO™, 204 Reid, J.B., 96,100,135
Orlinsky, D.E., 115,180 Reimers, T.M., 148
Ott, E.S., 260 n. 1 Reynolds, S., 25
Otto,R.K.,29 Roberts, M.C., 162
Panichelli-Mindel, S.M., 90-91, 106 Robins, L.N., 23, 123,153
Parkin, R., 3 Rodgers, A., 56,73,128
Parks, B.K., 115 Rogers, S.J., 82,150
Parsons, B.V., 260 n. 1 Rohde, P., 93,95
Parsonson, B.S., 194, 201 Rojas, M., 25
Patterson, G.R., 96,98-101,135,140, Rosen, G.M., 145
216-217 Rosenthal, R., 202,241,243,260 n. 2
Patzer, G.L., 158 Rosnow, R.L., 202,241,243,260 n. 2
Paul, G.L., 8, 59 Rossi, J.S., 173

Roth, A., 63, 73, 211 Sidman, M., 192

Rounsaville, B.J., 85 Siegel, B., 82
Rowan, T., 230 Siegel, L.J., 52
Rowland, M.D., 50,106 Siegel, T., 47,49,66, 87,138,178
Rubin, D.B., 180 Silberschatz, G., 86
Rudolf, K.D., 25-26,218 Silva, P.A., 219
Ruma, P.R., 98-99,101 Simonian, S.J., 148
Rutter, M., 25-26,44,123,220 Singer, B., 56
Siqueland, L., 93
Saile, H., 258 n. 2 Skinner, B.F., 97,192
Salter, A., 187 Sloane, R.B., 162
Sanders, M.R., 50,100, 260 n. 1 Smith, D., 188,190
Sanford, M.N., 142 Smith, M.L., 56,59,61,63-65
Santisteban, D.A, 149 Smith, R.S., 222
Santrock, J.W., 3,145 Smith,!., 82,150
Sargent, M.M., 187 Smyrnios, K.X., 124
Sas, L., 138 Smyth, J.M., 146
Satterfield, B.T., 30 Snyder,D.K., 114
Satterfield, J.H., 30 Sorenson, R.L., 205
Sayger, T.V., 260 n. 1 Southam-Gerow, M.A., 91,156
Schefft, B.K., 188,190 Spence, S.H., 50,93
Schell,A.M.,30 Spiegel, D., 5,220
Schell,A.S.,220 Spirito, A., 25
Scherer, D.G., 103 Spitzer, A., 226,261 n. 1
Schering-Plough, Inc., 223 Stake, R.E., 191
Schmidt, F.L., 259 n. 3 Stancin, T., 222
Schmidt, L.R., 258 n. 2 Stanley, J.C., 246
Schoenborn, C.A., 23 Staples, F.R., 162
Schoenwald, S.K., 50, 106 Statistical Solutions, 174
Schuchmann, L.F., 98 Stattin, H., 30
Schutz, C, 148 Stiles, W.B., 84, 174
Schwartz, S., 50 Stoff,D.M., Ill, 122
Sechrest, L.B., 169, 187 Stolar, M.J., 50
Sederer, L.I., 203,208 Stoll,A.,219
Sedlmeier, P., 132 Stouthamer-Loeber, M., 221
Seeley,J.R.,27,93,211 Strassman, L.H., 58
Seligman, D.A., 84 Strauss, C.C., 162
Serketich, W.J., 98 Streuning, E.L., 25
Sexton-Radek, K., 187 Strieker, G., 73,187, 261 n. 1
Shadish, W.R., 86,112, 127, 139,212, Strupp, H.H., 119, 136, 187-188
258 n. 2 Sugai, D.P., 260 n. 1
Shapiro, D., 65 Sugden, D.A., 220
Shapiro, D.A., 65, 84, 174 Szapocznik, J., 39,50, 66,116,148,179
Shapiro, M.B., 199,205,207
Sharon, I., 132 Talley, P.P., 187
Shaw,B.R, 114,137 Target, M., 87, 104
Shaw, S., 3 Tarnowski, K.J., 148
Sheinkopf, S.J., 82 Tarrier, N., 123
Sherick, R.B., 148 Task Force on Promotion and
Shope, J.T., 27 Dissemination of Psychological

True-Procedures, 73, 76-77, 79, Weinrott, M.R., 100

259 n. 2 Weise, R.E., 19
Tassinari, R., 166 Weiss, B., 56,65-69,71, 85,128,185,
Taylor, C.B., 3,120 258 n. 2, 259 n. 3
Taylor, H.G., 222 Weiss, G., 153
Terdal,L.G.,45,211 Weissman, M., 85
Teri, L., 93 Weisz, J.R., 56,59, 63-69, 71, 78-79,
Tharp, R.G., 122 84-86, 121,124,128, 139,185, 258
Thigpen, C.H., 192 n. 2, 259 n. 3
Thomas, C, 66 Wells, A.M., 68, 128
Thompson, M.P., 79 Werner, E.E., 222
Thompson, R.W., 98-99 West, S.G., 169
Thoresen, C.E., 5 Wheeler, T., 81
Todd, D.M., 203 Whelan, J.P., 120
Tracy, P.E., 30 Whipple, K., 162
Treadwell, K.R.H., 90-92 White, J.W., 81
Trierweiler, S.J., 261 n. 1 Wierson, M., 98
Tublin, S.K., 162 Wierzbicki, M., 50, 178
Tuma,A.H., 191 Wiger, D.E., 199, 208, 228
Williams, C.L., 199
United States Bureau of Census, 5, Williams, G.M., 220
23-24 Wills, R.M., 114
United States Congress, 4-5, 23-24, Wilson, D.B., 81
27-28, 33, 258 n. 4 Wilson, G.L., 148
United States Department of Health and Wilson, G.T., 56, 114, 119, 136, 148,
Human Services, 80 156, 169
Windle, M., 27
Valdez, J., 148 Wodarski, J.S., 82
Van Kammen, W.B., 30 Wolfe, D., 138
Velez, C.N., 25 Wolfe, V.V., 138
Wolfgang, M.E., 30
Wacker, D.P., 148 Wolitzky, D.L., 35
Wadden,T.A., 117 Wolpe,J., 187
Wade, S.L., 222 Wolraich, M.R., 81
Wagner, E.F., 84 Wood, R.P., 260 n. 1
Wahler, R.G., 98,218 Woody, G., 84
Walrond-Skinner, S., 5 World Health Organization, 19
Waltz, J., 166 Wren, F.K., 185
Warman, M., 91 Wright, H.A., 220
Warren, M.P., 211
Wassell, G., 49, 85, 111, 115,124, 151, Yates, B.T., 146
168, 178 Yeates, K.O., 222
Watson, D., 25 Yeaton, W, 169
Watson, J.B., 192, 257 n. 1 Yin, R.K., 191
Webster-Stratton, C.,49,98-99, 111, Yorkston, N.J., 162
145, 226,261 n. 1 Yule, W, 44
Weersing, V.R., 128
Weinberg, N.Z., 24, 26, 28 Zhu, S., 145
Weinberger, D.A., 162 Zill, N., 23
Subject Index

Academic Performance, 22-23,142- continuous, 143,167-168,193-194,

143,221 197,200-201
Acceptability of Treatment, 12,144, correspondence among measures, 11,
147-148 47,83,116-117,165,196
Adjustment Disorder, 21 multiple methods, 165-166,199
Administration of Treatment, 166,170- outcome, 116-121,141-143,165
173 parent report, 46-47
treatment effects and, 84-85,114- self-report, 45-47, 211-212
115,137 social impact measures, 103,118-120,
See also Treatment Integrity 142,147
Amenability to Treatment, 150-151 symptom reduction, 116-117,141-142
Antisocial Behavior. See Conduct therapist ratings, 58
Disorder, Delinquency timing of, 120-121
Anxiety Disorder, 25-26,43,79,90-93, At-risk behaviors. See Problem
214 Behaviors
treatment of, 79,90-93, 105, 147,192 Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder,
Approaches to Treatment, 34-40, 67- 18, 24-26, 79, 81, 125, 135, 149,
68, 133 152-154,219,223
action-oriented therapies, 38 treatment of, 6, 79,81
behavioral therapies, 35-40,64 Attention-Placebo Control Group. See
cognitive-behavioral therapies, 36-37 Nonspecific Treatment Control
defined, 34-35 Group
distinguished from treatment and tech- Attrition, 50, 121, 124, 149,178-180
nique, 35 factors that influence, 98,149
existential/humanistic therapies, 37 minimizing, 179
experiential therapies, 36, 38-39 Autistic Disorder, 22-23,25,43, 82,97,
family therapies 36, 38-39 149-150
insight-oriented therapies, 38 Autosuggestion, 4
integrative/eclectic therapies, 37,41,
57,74,113 Behavior Modification. See Behavior
psychoanalysis, 35-40 Therapy
psychodynamic therapies, 36 Behavior Therapy, 35-40,64,79,96-
Assessment, 45-47, 83,141-142,164- 101,112, 133
169,175,196-201,211 Bibliotherapy. See Self-help
client reactions to treatment, 167 Biological Interventions, 6-7, 81,223,
clinical practice and, 190, 196-207 230


Booster Sessions, 94-95, 148 Clinical Significance, 92, 95,98, 117-

Broad-based Treatments, 150, 152-153 120,125, 202,213,217,258 n. 1
interpretation of, 119-120, 213-214
Case Study, 4,191-192,257 n. 1 magnitude of effect and, 177
contributions of, 192 measures of, 118-120,177
idiographic versus nomothetic, 191 statistical significance and, 119,258 n. 1
limitations of, 191 Clumsiness, 220
method of data evaluation, 143,190- Cognitive Behavior Therapy, 36, 80, 90-
192 96
Challenges of Treating Children and treatment of anxiety, 79,90-93, 105
Adolescents, 43-51 treatment of depression, 93-96
assessing dysfunction, 45-47 Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of
focus of treatment, 48-50 Anxiety, 79,90-93, 105
identifying dysfunction, 43-45 background and underlying rationale,
motivation for seeking treatment, 47- 90-91
48 characteristics of treatment, 91
remaining in treatment, 50 evidence for, 91-92
Child and Adolescent Disorders, 17-24 overall evaluation, 92-93
cut off points, 27,112, 258 n. 3 Cognitive Processes, 90-94
identifying, 43-45 Community-based Treatment, 99
impairment and, 110,142 Comorbidity,25-26,92, 111, 151, 122
prevalence of, 23-27 Comparative Outcome Research, 160
Child Behavior Checklist, 46,199,203, Computers, 3,145, 200,204
205 psychotherapy and, 145-146
Childhood Depression. See Depression Conceptualization of Treatment, 135-136
Children and Adolescents, 109 Conduct Disorder, 18,24-27, 79,98-
clinically referred, 109-112 99, 125,149,151, 153-154, 161,
services for, 4-5 214
special challenges in treating, 43- treatment of, 96-104,178
51 Construct Validity, 242-244, 247
Client-centered Therapy, 37 Constructive Treatment Strategy, 160
Client Reactions to Treatment, 144,147- Context, 48-50,101-102, 110-112,
148 140,142
Clinical Judgment, 86,188 Continued Treatment, 150, 153-154
normal biases of, 188-190 Control Groups, 58,181,246-249
Clinical Practice, 73-75, 80, 87,113, ethical issues raised by, 181,246-249
126-127, 137-139,143,186-207, no treatment, 77, 181-184,244, 246-
224-228 247
clinical judgment, 86,188-190 nonspecific treatment, 77,183-184,
contributions to knowledge, 138,196, 213, 246-248
199,202-203 routine treatment, 77, 246, 248-249
data evaluation in, 143,190-192, waiting list, 76,92-93,95, 109,181-
201-203 184, 246-247
steps for evaluation of, 196-202 Conventional Model of Treatment, 149-
hiatus with research, 73-74,85-86, 150,154
126,187-190 Coordination Disorder, 18. See also
model of assessment and evaluation, Clumsiness
196-202 Coping with Depression Course for
See also Clinical Judgment Adolescents, 79,93-96

background and underlying rationale, clinical significance and, 83

93-94 computing, 62,66-67,162
characteristics of treatment, 94-95 defined, 62
evidence for, 95 meaning of, 62-63
overall evaluation, 95-96 statistical significance and, 61-62, 83,
Costs of Treatment, 98,103,144,155, 177
167 Effectiveness, 11,73, 126,138
assessment of, 144, 147-148 efficacy versus, 73
Effects of Psychotherapy, 55-107
Data Analyses, 201 -202 allegiance of the therapist, 69, 80
end-state analyses, 180 Efficacy, 73, 85-86,126,138,213
See also Power, Statistical effectiveness versus, 73
Significance studies of, 73,213
Delinquency, 25,29-31, 81-82,258 Elimination Disorders, 19,44
career criminals, 30 Empirically Supported Treatment, 56,72-
distinguished from psychiatric disor- 87,90,112,120,140, 211, 217,259
ders, 29-30 child treatments, 78-80
prevalence of psychiatric disorder, 29 criteria for determining, 75-80,84
treatments for, 29, 81-82,90,100- impetus for identifying, 73-75
104,153-154 issues in identifying, 77,80-81
Depression, 20,25-27,75, 79,93-96, multiple proposals for defining, 73,
135,149,153-154, 165,214,218, 75-77
223,259 n. 1 practice guidelines and, 75,259 n. 1
changes with development, 21-22 Task Force on Promotion and
treatment of, 93-96,153-154 Dissemination of Psychological
Diagnosis of Childhood Disorders, 17- Procedures, 73,76-79,259 n. 2
23 Empirically Validated Treatment. See
criteria for, 24,26,118-120, 258 Empirically Supported Treatment
identification of dysfunction, 43-45 Encopresis, 44
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of End-state Analysis, 180
Mental Disorders (DSM), 8-9,13, Enuresis, 44, 135
18-21,77,91 Ethical Issues, 180-184,201
Diet, 81,219 control groups and, 181-182
behavioral problems and, 81 informed consent, 180-181,187
Diffusion of Treatment, 171,242 informing clients about treatment,
Dismantling Treatment Strategy, 160 180-181
Disorders First Evident in Infancy, using treatments of questionable effi-
Childhood, or Adolescence, 17-19 cacy, 183
Dissemination of Treatment, 96,144- withholding treatment, 181-182
148 Evidence-based Practice. See Empirically
Dropping Out of Treatment. See Attrition Supported Treatments
Duration of Treatment, 98, 124-125, External Validity, 242-244
148,153-155 Externalizing Behavior, 22,43,47, 90,
Eating Disorders, 20, 25 Experiential Therapies, 37
Eclectic Therapy, 37,41,57, 74, 113, Expressed Emotion, 123
Effect Size, 61-70, 83, 173,177, 213, Family Therapy, 36-40,112,133
258 n. 1, 260 n. 2 Feeding Disorders, 19

Follow-up, 69, 82, 92-93, 95, 98-99, Medication, 79, 146-148, 153, 230
101, 103,120-121,149-150, 168- Mental Disorders. See Psychiatric
169, 247 Disorders
assessment of, 121,125 Mental Retardation, 18, 22,43,97
importance of, 120-121 Meta-analysis, 56,60-70, 83, 86,112,
timing of, 120-121 117,126-127, 158, 165,203, 210,
258 n. 2
Group Therapy, 38, 65,67,145 conclusions from, 63-65,69-70,
126-127, 210
Health Maintenance Organizations, 12,74 defined, 61
High-strength Treatment, 149-151 effect size, 61-63
Hyperactivity. See Attention Deficit- interpretation of, 61-63, 66-67
Hyperactivity Disorder limitations of, 65-70, 117
Hypnosis, 4 strengths of, 68-70
treatment approaches and, 67-68
Identification of Clinical Dysfunction, Methodology, 157-184, 188,226,241-
43-45 255
referral of children, 43,110 assessment issues, 164-169
Impairment, 17, 27, 97, 110-111,115, experimental validity, 242-244
142,211 planning a study, 249-255
relation to symptoms, 110, 142 questions to address, 159-161, 253-
Incidence, 257 n. 1 255
Individual Therapy, 38 random assignment, 153-164
Insight-oriented Therapy, 38,57,73, 86- sampling issues, 161-164
87,90,112,152 statistical issues, 173-177, 259
Intelligence Quotient, 18,164, 219-221 therapist issues, 171-173
Internal Validity, 163,242-244 threats to validity, 242-244
Internalizing Behavior, 22,43, 57,90 Minnesota Multiphasic Personality
International Classification of Diseases Inventory, 199, 203
(ICD), 19 Model of Developing Effective
Treatments, 132-155,226
Juvenile Delinquents. See Delinquency evaluating characteristics of treatment,
Learning Disorders, 18,22-23 expanding models of treatment deliv-
ery, 148-155
Magnitude of Effect, 61-62,117,173- expanding outcome criteria, 141-143
177 range of treatment questions, 140-141
clinical significance and, 117,177, steps toward progress, 132-133
258,260 Modeling, 79,91
effect size, 60-70,176,258-259 Models of Delivering Treatment, 148-
measures of, 60, 260 155
statistical significance and, 61,173- amenability to treatment, 150-151
177,258, 260 n. 2 broad-based treatment, 150,152-153
See also Effect Size continued treatment, 150,153-154
Marital Conflict, 49,98,102-103,114, conventional treatment, 149-150, 154
124, 222 high-strength treatment, 149-151
Mechanisms of Change. See Mediators periodic monitoring and intervention,
Mediators, 10-11,42-43, 105-106, 150,154
125-127,136,165-166,224 Moderators, 10-11, 85,93,95,98-99,

105-106, 121-125, 127, 133, 137- characteristics of treatment, 97-98

139,151,165-166 evidence for, 98-99
child characteristics, 85,95, 98, 122- overall evaluation, 99-101
123 video-based, 99-100
parent, family, and contextual charac- Parents, 46,93, 115
teristics, 85,98, 123-124 psychopathology of, 46,49,93,98,
therapist characteristics, 84-85, 115, 103,105,111,123-124,219
124-125 treatment and, 93-98,103,105,115,
Motor Skills Disorder, 18. See also 123-124
Clumsiness Participants. See Subjects
Multisystemic Therapy, 79,101-104,152 Pervasive Developmental Disorders, 18,
background and underlying rationale, 153
101 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, 20
characteristics of treatment, 101-103 Power, 162,173-177,179,243,252,
evidence for, 103 260-261 n. 2
overall evaluation, 103-104 defined, 173
methods to increase, 174-179
Narrative Reviews of Psychotherapy, 56, treatment evaluation and, 173-174
59, 66, 83 Prevalence, 23-24,26-31,220
historically significant, 57-59 defined, 257
No-treatment Control Group, 77,181- delinquency, 29-30
184, 244, 246-247 indeterminancies in evaluating, 24
Nonspecific Treatment Control Group, problem and at-risk behaviors, 27-29
77,183-184,213,246-248 psychiatric disorders, 23-27
Nutrition. See Diet Prevention, 6, 30-32,146-147
Problem Behaviors, 27-29
Obesity, 177,258 Problem-Solving Skills Training, 79,
Operant Conditioning, 35, 97, 100, 192- 152,257 n. 2
193 Processes of Change, 125-126,133,136
Oppositional Defiant Disorder, 79, 90, Professional Issues, 206-207
96, 98-99, 139-140, 257 training, 74, 206-207, 228
Outcome, 60, 83,95,141, 143, 168,199 Prosocial Functioning, 109,116,142-
assessment, 66,116-121,141-143 143, 216
correspondence among measures, 66, relation to symptoms, 116
83 Protective Factor, 123, 143
criteria to evaluate, 141-143 Psychiatric Disorders, 17-24,127, 220
physical health, 5, 220 changes with development, 21-22,
selecting measures, 198-199 24-25
Overactivity. See Attention Deficit- prevalence of, 23-24
Hyperactivity Disorder types of, 17-23
Psychoanalysis, 35-38,57,133
Parametric Treatment Strategy, 159-160 Psychodynamic Therapy, 36-38, 57, 73,
Parent-Child Interaction, 96-97, 140, 86-87,90, 112,152,259 n . l
216-218 Psychotherapy, 3-5
parent expectations, 44 approaches to, 34-40,67-68
Parent Management Training, 79,96- defined, 5-7
101, 135, 139-140, 152, 257 n. 2 goals of, 6-7,11
background and underlying rationale, means of, 6
96-97 research versus practice, 126

Psychotherapy (continued) Risk Factor, 93,122-123, 134, 143,178,

treatments currently in use, 40-41, 259 n. 2
See also Psychotherapy Research, Sampling, 161-164
Treatment Techniques assessing sample characteristics, 164-
Psychotherapy Research, 41-43,131- 165
148,210 recruited versus referred, 109-110
goals of, 7-10,108,215 Schizophrenia, 21-23,123
limitations of, 108-127,212-214 Self-help Manuals, 3,139,145
model to guide, 131-140 Self-report, 45-47, 211-212
progress of: pro and con, 210-214 Sex Differences, 24-25,122-123
questions that guide, 7-11,59-60, Sexual Abuse, 138
121-126,132,140-141, 215,227 Single-Case Experimental Designs, 68,
recommendations, 214-227 76,137,192-196,200,225-226,
social context of, 11-13 245-246,261 n. 2
strengths of, 210-212 data evaluation, 193-195,201-202
key components of, 193-195
Qualitative Reviews. See Narrative limitations of, 195-196
Reviews of Psychotherapy Socioeconomic Disadvantage, 49, 98,
Qualitative Research, 226,261 n. 1 111,164,220-222
Quantitative Reviews, 56 Specification of Treatment, 169-170. See
box-score method, 56 Treatment Manuals
meta-analysis, 56,60-70 Statistical Conclusion Validity, 242-244.
See also Meta-analysis See also Power
Quasi-experiments, 164,246,249 Statistical Significance, 83,173-177,259
Randomized Controlled Clinical Trials, clinical significance and, 83, 260
86,92, 98-99,137,140, 245-246 n.2
Recommendations for Research, 214-228 magnitude of effect and, 83, 176-177,
basic research on child dysfunction, 260 n. 1
133-134,216 See also Data Analyses
conceptualization of treatment, 216-217 Strength of Treatment, 170
describing clinical dysfunction, 216 duration, 148,153-155
extratreatment influences, 218 Subjects, 109,161-164,260 n. 1
replication, 76,92,184,196, 202 assignment to conditions, 163-164
stronger tests of treatment, 217-218 clinically referred, 109-110
Referral of Children for Treatment, 109- homogeneity and heterogeneity of,
110 162-163
Reinforced Practice, 79 recruitment and selection of, 109-112,
Relationship Therapy, 87,112 161-162
Religion, 221 Substance Use and Abuse, 20,24, 27-29,
Replication, 76,92,184,196,202 122-123,223
Representativeness of Treatment, 169 Substance-Related Disorders, 20,24-26,
Residential Treatment, 31 75
Reviews of Treatment Research, 56-57 Subsyndrome, 26-27,119,258
empirically supported treatments, 72- Suicide, 25,27
87 Symptoms, 4,19-23,257-258 n. 3
meta-analyses, 60-70, 258 prosocial behavior and, 116
narrative reviews, 56-59,66, 83 reduction of, 116-117

Syndrome, 28-29,257-258 n. 3 process/mechanism strategy, 160

Systematic Desensitization, 39,79 treatment package strategy, 159-160
Treatment Integrity, 84-85,103,114,
Talk Therapy, 4,192,257 166-167,170-173,198
Temperament, 219,222 breakdown of, 167
Theory, 105,127, 134-136,138,140, procedural specification and, 198
158,216-217, 224-225 treatment differentiation and, 166
importance of, 140 Treatment Manuals, 80, 84-85,93,96,
Therapeutic Agent, 115,260 n. 1 100,104,113-114,136-137, 169-
Therapeutic Relationship, 115,204 170
Therapist, 84,114-115,164,260 n. 1 examples of, 93,96,100,104,260
adherence to treatment, 114-115, treatment integrity and, 114
136-137 Treatment Package Strategy, 159-160
characteristics of, 164-165,171-172 Treatment Techniques, 35,258 n. 1
experience, 85,172 action oriented, 38,102
evaluating the impact of, 171-172 behavior therapy, 35-40,64, 79,96-
supervision of, 114,166,170-171 101,112,133
treatment evaluation and, 85 client-centered therapy, 68, 87,90
training, 172-173 cognitively behavioral treatment, 79-
Therapist Characteristics. See Therapist 80,90-96,112,133-134,154
Therapy Research. See Psychotherapy combined, 113,152-153,187
Research community-based, 99,147
Tic Disorders, 19 coping with depression course, 79,
Training, 74,206-207,228 93-96
Treatment, 3-7 eclectic, 37,41,57,74,113,152
approaches to, 34-40,67-68,133 family therapy, 36-40,112, 133
combined, 152-153 flooding, 39,147
conceptualization of, 133 -135 group, 38,65,67,145,192
defined, 40 in clinical practice, 85
duration of, 124 in research, 85
eclectic, 37,41,57,74,113,152 insight-oriented therapy, 38,57,73,
list of available treatments, 231- 86-87,90,112,152
237 list of, 229-237
proliferation of, 8, 40-41 multisystemic therapy, 79, 101, 104,
representativeness of, 169 152
specification of, 169-170 nondirective therapy (see Client-cen-
strong tests of, 170 tered Therapy)
Treatment Administration, 126 parent management training, 79,96-
characteristics of, 113-115 101
cherapeutic agent, 115 play therapy, 90,152,230
videotape, 96,99-100,139 problem-solving skills training, 79,
Treatment Evaluation Strategies, 159- 152,257
161 psychoanalysis, 35-40,57, 133
comparative outcome strategy, 160 psychodynamic therapy, 36-38,
constructive strategy, 160 57,73,86-87,90,112,152
dismantling strategy, 160 relationship therapy, 87,112
generality strategy, 160 systematic desensitization, 39, 79
moderator strategy, 159-160 True-Experiments, 194-195, 245,249,
parametric strategy, 159-160 261 n. 2

True-Experiments, (continued) alternatives to, 9 -11, 59 - 60

randomized controlled clinical trials, problems with, 8, 55-56
86, 245-246 Uniformity Myth, 59, 66, 84,112, 149

"Ultimate Question" of Psychotherapy, Waiting-List Control Group, 76,92-93,

7-10,55 95,109,182-184, 246-247

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