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Discussion of Findings43

Chapter 4


This chapter presents the discussion of findings based on

the objectives and statement posed in the previous chapters.

The collected data and then processed in the response to the

problems in the assessment of the proposed system by the

guidance counselors of Manaoag National High School.

Current Procedures Involved in the Existing Pre-Career

Assessment Examination for Manaoag National High School

The proponents conducted an interview with the guidance

counselors to gather data and identify the procedures involved

in the Pre-Career Assessment Examination for Manaoag National

High School.

The Manaoag National High School currently uses the paper

and pen methodology to record information. As a result, the

institution found that it is more difficult to locate


The following were the current procedures done by the

guidance counselors of Manaoag National High School:

Guidance Counselor Examination Papers Distribution. The

guidance counselor assemble and arrange the students to their

proper seats and distribute the examination papers according

to the instruction given by DepEd.

Discussion of Findings44

Students Filing Information. The students are advised to

fill out all the forms that needed to get their personal

information for their identification and confirmation


Students Take Examination. The students are gave time to

answer the specific examination.

Guidance Counselor Collect Examination Papers. After the

student take their exam the examiner or guidance counselor are

going to collect the examination paper according to the

arrangement while distributing examination papers.

Figure 2 shows the manual managing and record keeping

procedures of the Career Assessment Examination for Manaoag

National High School.

Discussion of Findings45

Figure 2

Record-Keeping Process of Career Assessment Examination for

Manaoag National High School


Student fill out Information

(Such as Name, Address and

Students Information

Guidance Counselor will

check missing information
and errors

Yes Completely sign No

up Information

Students’ Examination

Guidance Couselor collect

documents and send papers
to higher offices.

DepEd will check and Students’ Examination

release results. Results

Discussion of Findings46

Difficulties Encountered in the Existing Career Assessment

Examination for Manaoag National High School

Based on the data gathered from the interview conducted

with the guidance counselors. The following are the problems

that encountered by the school.

Handwriting Issues. Most of student’s handwriting was

hard to understand so data record is inconsistent and hard to


Information Redundancy. The students information are

sometimes misplace and it can cause them on creating a new

file for the information of the same student.

Time Consuming in Preparing Reports. Since the adding and

recording done manually, the procedures take much time

compared to a computerized Career Assessment. Aside from this,

the updating of transactions and record keeping of students

details managed poorly.

Difficulty in Retrieving Student’s Records. Records were

still done using old files which have to be shelved once that

the file was full and then replaced with another and so when

the needs comes to get the information on certain transaction

files, personnel or the guidance counselor have to look

through the old files manually.

Features of the Proposed System

Discussion of Findings47

The development of Career Assessment Examination for

Manaoag National High School aimed to provide the following


User Access. The students and guidance counselor give the

login credentials to access the system and will be

authenticated. In the feature, the details of the users will

be checked and validated before the user can access the


Level of Accessibility. These are limits of access in

each of the users. The proposed system has two (2) user access

levels, the student and administrator.

Computerized Examination. The student will take the

examination using PC’s provided by the MNHS. The students will

answer the questions provided by the Admin.

Generation of Reports. The system will save all the test

results and details of examinee. After the examination the

guidance counselor will print the results of the student


Acceptance Level of the Proposed System

The preliminary evaluation of the proposed career

assessment examination focused in terms of its completeness,

accuracy, reliability, timeliness and security (CARTS).

Three (3) employee of Manaoag National High School Unit

assessed the completion of Career Assessment Examination for

Discussion of Findings48

Manaoag National High School. The proponents present the

developed system to the Staff and Personnel to rate.

Completeness. Table 3 shows the perception of the

evaluators on the system with respect to its completeness. The

respondents agree on the completeness of the system as

reflected in the weighted mean of 3.52.

Table 3

System Evaluation According to Completeness

Statement Mean Description

1. The system works well. 3.46 Strongly Agree
2. It is easy to use. 3.56 Strongly Agree
3. I found the system
unnecessarily complex. 3.61 Strongly Agree
4. I think I do not need
technical support. 3.5 Strongly Agree
5. I found the various functions
in this system were
consistent in this system. 3.5 Strongly Agree
6. There was consistency in the
system. 3.61 Strongly Agree
7. I felt very confident using
the system. 3.5 Strongly Agree
8. I would imagine that most
people would learn to use 3.46 Strongly Agree
this system quickly.
Weighted Mean 3.52 Strongly Agree

Accuracy. Table 4 shows the perception of the evaluators

on the system with respect to its accuracy. The respondents

agree on the accuracy of the system as reflected in the

weighted mean of 3.54. However, they agree on overall

correctness and good balance of graphics versus text.

Table 4
Discussion of Findings49

System Evaluation According to Accuracy

Statement Mean Description

1. It is easy to find my way 3.6 Strongly Agree
around the system.
2. I can get information quickly. 3.61 Strongly Agree
3. It is fun to explore the
system. 3.5 Strongly Agree
4. The user can easily navigate
from one last task to another. 3.45 Strongly Agree
5. It is easy to remember where
to find things. 3.67 Strongly Agree
6. Information layered effectively 3.42 Strongly Agree
on different screens.
Weighted Mean 3.54 Strongly Agree

Reliability. Table 5 shows the perception of evaluators

on the system according to the reliability of the system. The

respondents agree on getting information quickly and

dependable of information as reflected weighted mean of 3.54.

Table 5

System Evaluation According to Reliability

Statement Mean Description

1. The system provides clear 3.45 Strongly Agree
2. Information is easy to 3.6 Strongly Agree
3. It is easy to input
information into the
electronic records.
4. Screens have the right amount 3.6 Strongly Agree
of information.
5. The system effectively 3.54 Strongly Agree
communicates the company’s
6. The information is relevant 3.51 Strongly Agree
to my professional needs.
7. Data manipulation 3.5 Strongly Agree
efficiency was observed in
the system.
8. The system reflects 3.61 Strongly Agree
Discussion of Findings50

progressive, leading edge

9. The data that has been kept 3.57 Strongly Agree
in the database is exactly
the same data when
Weighted Mean 3.54 Strongly Agree

Timeliness. Table 6 show the perception of evaluators on

the system according to timeliness factor of the system. The

respondents agreed and reflected with a weighted mean of 3.55.

Table 6

System Evaluation According to Timeliness

Statement Mean Description

1. Response time is satisfactory 3.61 Strongly Agree
with respect to selected
system functions.
2. Information can be available 3.5 Strongly Agree
in real time period.
3. It is easy to input 3.57 Strongly Agree
information into the
electronic records.
4. Screens have the right amount 3.46 Strongly Agree
of information.
5. The system effectively. 3.6 Strongly Agree
Weighted Mean 3.55 Strongly Agree

Security. Table 7 shows the perception of evaluators in

the system according to the security purposes. The respondents

strongly agree on security factor of the system as reflected

weighted mean of 3.1. The respondents consider that the system

meets the Manaoag National High School Guidance Counselors

requirements operations.

Table 7
Discussion of Findings51

System Evaluation According to Security

Statement Mean Description

1. The system facilitates the work 3.56 Strongly Agree
in the student’s
information of records.
2. The system facilitates works in 3.42 Strongly Agree
the sector of guidelines and
3. It enables in adding, viewing, 3.65 Strongly Agree
and modifying student’s
4. The system simplifies record 3.51 Strongly Agree
keeping of records.
5. It reduces occurrence of frauds. 3.46 Strongly Agree
Weighted Mean 3.52 Strongly Agree

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