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Residence Agreement

The University assumes no responsibility for failure to perform any terms or conditions due to
any force majeure. For purposes of student living the term “force majeure” shall
mean fire, earthquake, flood, act of God, strikes, work stoppages or other labour disturbances,
riots or civil commotions, litigation, war or other act of any foreign nation, plague, epidemic,
pandemic, power of government or governmental agency or authority, or any other cause like or
unlike any cause mentioned above, which is beyond the control or authority of MUJ.


1. Each student shall be responsible for the furniture and electrical fittings provided
in his/her room. Before proceeding home during vacations or while vacating the
hostel upon his/her completion of one year, each resident should get the
electrical fittings of her room checked by the hostel care taker and hand over
charge to her. The students whose applications are accepted for hostel
admission of the next year will make due arrangements to keep his/her
belongings (only locked) at safe place centrally in the Hostel before leaving for
home. Please note that no loose luggage/ cartons/ bundles etc. will be kept in
cloak rooms.

2. In case of damage to any building, furniture or other hostel property by

misuse/neglect, the cost of repairing and/or replacement will be recovered from
the student(s) known to be immediately responsible, but, if the person(s) causing
the damage are unknown, the cost can be recovered equally from all the
residents of the hostel.

3. No hostel resident is permitted to use electrical appliance of any kind

whatsoever, such as Washing Machine, Music Systems, induction heaters,
electric kettle, iron etc. in their rooms, unless specifically permitted due to special

4. No hostel resident is permitted to invite anyone into the hostel premises or keep
anyone in his/ her room under any circumstances. Defaulters shall be
immediately expelled from the hostel and may also suffer severe penalty
including expulsion from this University.

5. Any association, active or passive, by any hostel resident with any unlawful
organization, consumption of alcohol, drugs or any other intoxicant by
whatsoever name or possession of any kind of ammunition or weapon of assault
or any other illegal possession by whatsoever name called is strictly prohibited.

6. All hostel residents shall strictly adhere to the mess and other timings (i.e. of
entry, exit etc.) of the hostel as may be prescribed from time to time.

7. No hostel resident is permitted to cook any food in the hostel building.

8. All hostel residents shall pay the hostel fee as prescribed from time to time within
the period specified. Putting up a notice on the notice board of the hostel or at
the University shall be considered adequate for the information of all concerned.
No separate communication shall be sent to any hostel resident.

9. No hostel resident is permitted to entertain any visitor without the consent of the
caretaker and in any other room of the hostel other than the recreation room.

10. Hostel residents are forbidden to engage any person form within the hostel or
outside to carry out personal services.

11. Every hostel resident entering/leaving the hostel is necessarily required to enter
his/her time of entry/exit in the register maintained at the gate with the security
guard or take permission from the warden.

12. All residents are to keep their rooms in a clean and orderly manner at all times.

13. It is obligatory for every hostel resident to seek prior permission from the warden/
Faculty in-charge for leaving station during the period the University is
functioning (including the weekend or any other holiday) and even when the
University is closed for vacation. The student is required to submit his/her
request at least 2 days in advance to the chief warden of the Hostel on a form
the warden In-charge will verify request from the students Parent/Guardian
before allowing the students permission. This will be endorsed by the care taker
on the respective student’s application. In case chief warden of the Hostel
is not satisfied with the authenticity of the tele-conversation with the parents/
guardians, a fax would be requested before allowing the student to leave hostel.

14. The Hostel Committee may at its discretion appoint one or more residents of the
hostel to serve as a coordinating link between the caretaker and the residents.

15. Any hostel residents, who is suffering from a serious communicable disease or
any ailment, which requires constant medical attention may have to vacate the
premises unconditionally, immediately on having knowledge of the
disease/ailment, so as not to endanger other inmates.

16. The rooms, common areas and surroundings should be kept clean and hygienic.
Notices shall not be pasted on walls and walls shall not be scribbled on.

17. Students should bring to the notice of the help desk, through the caretaker, all
routine maintenance works (Civil, Carpentry and Electrical), to be carried out in
their rooms.

18. Students should co-operate in carrying out maintenance work and vacate their
rooms completely when the Hostel Management requires the rooms for this
purpose. On such occasions, the management will try to provide alternate
accommodation. If any maintenance work is to be carried out when the room is
under occupation, it is the occupant’s responsibility to make the room
available for the same.

19. The students should not screen pirated/ unauthorized/ unlicensed/ obscene
material in their computers and common rooms. Any violation will be dealt
severely. Authorities will decide punishment for the same.

20. The resident shall not move any furniture from its proper allotted place and also
not damage them in anyway. If there are any additional items other than the
above belonging to the hostel in a room, the occupant of the room shall hand
over them to the Warden, failing which he/she will be charged a penal rent as
decided by the Warden.

21. The resident shall not remove any fittings from any other room and get them
fitted in his/her room.

22. The residents are required to sign a Hostel Undertaking form, in case of any
damage; the cost and a fine amount proportional to the damage shall be levied
by the Hostel Management.

23. Any student who is found to be indulging in immoral activities /drug

abuse/undesirable activities such as physical assault, damage to property, etc.,
he/she will be brought before the Disciplinary Committee of the University and
shall be liable to the following punishments:-

1. Expulsion/ Rustication from University/ Hostel.

2. A record of his / her misconduct will be made in the personal file.

3. The cost of damage will be fully recovered from him / her together with

4. He / she will also be fined commensurate with the offence committed.

5. The privilege of appearing for campus interviews will be denied.

6. No recommendations will be given to him / her for studies abroad.

24. The uses of audio systems, which may cause inconvenience to other occupants,
are not allowed.

25. When the students go out of their room they should switch off all the electrical /
electronic appliances, and keep it locked (at all times). Violation will attract
suitable penalty and punishment as decided by authorities.
26. Students monthly electricity bills adjusted from the utility bill deposit on actuals

27. Students admitted to the Hostel shall on the first day of admission fill the
Personal Details form available with the chief warden and in case of change of
permanent address or any other detail. He/She shall inform the authorities

28. Air conditioning in the room will only be available during non-academic timings.

1. When the university has full day holiday, the AC will be functional full day
in hostel rooms.

2. After university timings. (6pm to 7am)

29. Hot water will be available in the rooms as per following timings:

1. Morning : 6am to 9am.

2. Evening : 6.30 pm to 9.00 pm.

30. In case of water shortage in the premise and from intake sources, the supply to
bathroom showers will be disconnected. Students are requested to use bucket
and mug for bathing and help in reducing wastage of water.

31. Laundry services are provided in the campus. Washing and drying clothes in
rooms is strictly prohibited. Doing so may attract punishment/penalty.


1. No female visitor will be allowed entry into the boy’s hostel. Similarly no
male visitor shall be allowed to enter girl’s hostel. Only such visitor(s) will
be allowed to meet a resident if his/her name has been submitted by the
resident’s parents /guardian as an approved visitor.

2. Visitors are permitted to visit a resident only on Holidays & Sundays (8 a.m. to 7
p.m.) & Weekdays (5 p.m. to 7 p.m.). Visitors are allowed only up to the visitor
lounge, residents should ensure they are not taken to the residents living area.

3. Every visitor entering the hostel must necessarily fill and sign the visitors book
kept with the security guard. Every hostel resident is to ensure that her visitor
has complied with this requirement.

4. It shall be responsibility of every hostel resident to ensure that his / her visitor
leaves the hostel premises by the time stipulated for the purpose. He/she shall
also ensure that his/her visitor conducts himself / herself in a disciplined manner.
The caretaker may allow the parents/ guardians to meet their ward only in the
Central Recreational Area and for a limited time only.

5. A visitor of any hostel resident who disturbs the peace and dignity of the hostel
or contravenes any of its rules and regulations shall be denied any further right
to visit the hostel and immediately be asked to leave the Hostel & his or her ward
may also be punished suitably.

6. All visitors to the hostel including the parents/guardians will have to make
necessary entries in the visitor’s entry register available at the hostel
entrance with the security guard.


1. General damage to the hostel property will be the collective responsibility of all
the residents and they will be required to make good such damage, if the
students who caused the damage could not be identified.

2. Residents should not indulge in practices / activities, which may endanger their
own personal safety as well as others.

3. Residents will be personally responsible for the safety of their belongings.

4. Residents are duty bound to report to the Warden in case they notice any
unwanted incident or undesirable activity going on in the hostel or on the

5. Limited parking is provided for in the dedicated parking area. You need a permit
to park a car, motorcycle or scooter. Permits are for a lot or zone, not to a
specific parking space. Parking & Transportation Services sells all parking
permits. You may arrange to purchase your permit by person at the Parking and
Transportation office. Please note, there is no grace period for parking
enforcement. Parking fee for car Rs.2500 and motorcycles Rs.500. No vehicles
are allowed inside the hostel complex, it is a smoke free campus.

6. Students should not arrange any functions or meeting within the hostel or
outside or within the University campus without specific permission of the Deputy
Registrar/Registrar. When any function is allowed, the warden of the Hostel shall
always be present throughout the function.

7. Residents are required to be conscious of the environment in which they live by

keeping it clean, healthy and presentable. Students should not throw litter

8. The residents of the hostel are responsible for the safe keeping of their personal
belongings. They are advised to keep under lock (preferably a branded one) all
valuable items such as Laptop, Mobile Phone, etc. and lock the room even when
they are out for a short period.

9. Any case of theft should be reported promptly to the Hostel In charge. However,
hostel authorities will not be responsible for any theft.

10. The jurisdiction of MUJ University is confined to the campus/hostel premises. If

our students create law and order problems outside the campus/hostel premises,
they are answerable to the police.


1. Any hostel resident who may have a complaint / suggestion of any kind may
record the same by logging into My Campus Days Portal. The warden will take
up the case with the Hostel In-charge at the earliest who will take proper action
in the matter.

2. A Suggestion Box will be kept for the inmates of the hostel. The keys of this box
will be kept with the Hostel In-charge. The box will be opened fortnightly. The
complaints / suggestions will be attended to by the Hostel Committee and the
decisions will be put up on the Notice Board.

3. In case of complaint is not attended despite providing a reasonable time period,

the complaint may be submitted in writing to the Deputy Registrar / Registrar.

4. All suggestions for improvement shall be placed before the Hostel Committee
and depending on their reasonableness, if approved by the said committee in the
interest of all concerned, they shall be implemented.


1. Cleanliness will be maintained in the hostel premises at all time. The Executive
Housekeeper will regularly visit the hostel and see that proper cleaning
standards are maintained. Meetings will be arranged at least once a month with
the Non Resident Hostel In-charge, Matron / Warden, Students representatives
and Housekeeper in order to look into any problem or give suggestions on


1. The Hostel has First Aid and primary health kit for its residents. However, in case
of any medical emergency that may require hospitalization, the student will be
moved to the nearest hospital and the local guardian / parent shall be informed
accordingly. In such a situation, all medical and other expenses of the treatment
/ wellbeing of the student shall be payable by the respective parent. The detailed
procedure and emergency phone numbers are available at the help desk.

1. In the event of an emergency, like fire, theft, housebreak, electricity/ water

failure, etc., the resident warden has all the necessary telephone numbers for
contacting the appropriate agencies/ offices.


1. The Hostel has 24 hours security arrangement with a fully trained Guard at the
main entrance and round-the-clock vigil in and around the hostel. The Guard has
a register in which he maintains record of the boarder’s exit and entry as
well as visitor’s timings.


1. The hostel mess provides wholesome and nutritious food to the inmates –
breakfast, lunch, and dinner – in a neat and hygienic manner. The Dining
Hall, kitchen, cooking utensils and serving utensils are properly cleaned regularly
before and after use. The warden personally inspects all arrangements daily.
The food served will be strictly vegetarian. A committee will be formed whose job
will be to keep a close watch on the quality of food served to the inmate’s
every day. This committee would include:

1. Non Resident Hostel In-charge

2. Warden

3. 2 Student Representatives

10. Mess Rules:

1. The mess timings are as follows and the students should strictly adhere to these
timings (subject to change in consultation with mess committee from time to

1. Breakfast: 7.45 a.m. to 9.30 a.m.

2. Lunch: 12.30 noon to 2.30 p.m.

3. Hi Tea: 4.00pm to 6.00 PM

4. Dinner: 7.30 p.m. to 9.00 p.m. (winter)

5. Dinner: 8.00 p.m. to 9.30 p.m. (summer)

2. The system of self service will be followed in all the messes.

3. The quantity of food will be unlimited except in the case of special items.

4. Any absence of a student from the mess exceeding 24 hours, advance intimation
must be given by the student to the Hostel Manager / Caterer in the prescribed
form so as to regulate the supply of provisions even though the student is not
eligible for mess reduction.

5. Students proceeding on medical Leave from the campus should produce the
Medical Certificate issued by the College Medical Officer at the time of their

6. Students other than the Mess Committee Members are not permitted to enter the
kitchen or store room of the mess on any account.

7. Students are not permitted to cook any food on their own accord in the messes
or in their rooms..

8. Students on no account whatsoever will be permitted to take food outside the

mess. Nor can they take mess utensils such as plate, spoon, tumblers, etc., to
their rooms. If any student found violating the rule will be charged for a penalty.

9. No food will be served in the rooms of the hostel for any student unless a
certificate is produced form the University Medical Officer to the effect that the
students’ condition requires the food to be served in their rooms.

10. No diner shall waste food. Paying mess bill does not entitle a diner to waste

11. Assist in maintaining the mess and surroundings neat and clean. No notices
shall be pasted on walls. The diners should not remove notices put up on the
notice boards.

12. All diners shall interact with the mess staff in the dining hall in a courteous

13. After eating food, diners shall leave the cup, plate, waste food etc. in the
designated bins.

14. Incase the University remains closed for five or more than five days, the Mess
shall remain officially closed and will not be bound to serve any food to the
Residents in that period.

15. If any diner is medically ill and requires a special diet (e.g. light/Oil-less food) he /
she can request the warden to arrange for the same at the mess.

Ragging of students admitted to the university is totally banned. Any violation of this by the
students will be dealt with very severely

1. For your understanding, ragging which is CRIMINAL & NON-BAILABLE offence

is defined in legal parlance as, “Display of noisy, disorderly conduct doing
any act which Causes or is likely to cause physical or psychological harm or
raise apprehension or fear, shame or embarrassment to a student in any
academic Institution and includes:- Teasing, abusing, of playing practical jokes
on or causing hurt to such student; or asking the student to do any act or perform
something which such student will not in the ordinary course be willing to
do”. Excerpts from the Directions of Hon’ble Supreme Court of
India in respect of curbing ragging in Educational Institutions.

2. The Head of the institution (Vice-Chancellor/ Director/ Principal, etc.) Should take
immediate action on receipt of the recommendation of the Disciplinary
Committee. He can also take action suo motto if the circumstances so demand.

3. Fresher’s should be encouraged to report incidents of ragging. Those

who do not do so even when being witnesses or victims, should also be
punished suitably.

4. When the persons committing or abetting the crime of ragging are not identified,
collective punishment could be resorted to as a possible deterrent measure, as it
would ensure community pressure on the potential raggers not to indulge in
ragging. All senior students, hostellers and day scholars, are required to sign an
Anti-Ragging Undertaking form.


1. Smoking is prohibited in and around the University residences, including interior

common areas, individual rooms and apartments, covered walkways, outdoor
areas where smoke may drift into buildings, and during organized indoor or
outdoor events. This policy applies to residents, their family members, and their
guests; residents are responsible for ensuring family members and guests abide
by this policy.


1. Keeping pets of any kind (including fish, hamsters, etc.) in or about University
residences is prohibited. Violations may result in an administrative fee per day
until the pet is removed, plus cleaning fee if necessary, and possible loss of
Student living privileges.


1. All students who live in on-campus housing, may sign up for in-room network
connections which is part of the fee paid at the time of admission, for more
information do get in touch with the student leaving help desk.


1. All mail are delivered and received at the Help Desk


1. In order to facilitate the smooth functioning of the Hostel a number of committees

would be framed every year wherein the Residents of the hostel will be able to
play an active role in helping the authorities run the hostel effectively. These
committees shall have monthly meetings so that the system is managed in an
effective manner. The committees are listed hereunder:

1. Sports Committee

2. Cultural Committee

3. Maintenance Committee

4. Food CommitteeAs members, these committees would include:

5. Non Resident Hostel In-charge

6. Warden / caretaker

7. 2 Student Representatives


1. Provision for indoor and outdoor games Table Tennis, Chess, Carom, etc. has
been made.

2. A common room with TV and indoor games is available for the inmates.


1. Any breach of these rules will invite an enquiry that will be conducted by the
Hostel Management. If the student is found guilty, then the Hostel Management
will take disciplinary action that it deems fit. Depending on the case, the
management reserves the right to take direct disciplinary action, amounting to
even expulsion at short notice from the hostel.

2. University Access to RoomsThe University reserves the right to enter any room
at any reasonable time for the purpose of inspection, maintenance, or repair, and
at any time in case of an emergency. You may not change the lock or place
additional locks on any door of your room, or any other doors within a residence.
In the event of an emergency, the University may remove students’
belongings for cleaning, repair, storage, and/or protection.

3. These rules have been framed by concerned authorities of the University are
subject to alteration/modification/review at the exclusive discretion of the Board
of Management of the University, either in part or whole, at any time hereafter.
Such amendments, alterations, modification, additions, deletion, if any shall be
binding from the date of their notification by the Board of Management. I have
read and understood all the house rules mentioned above. I further, declare that
I will abide by all the rules and regulations of MUJ. Failure to do so may result in
disciplinary action against me.

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