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Chapter 1

pg. 1


It is a fact that people are dwelling in a world of swift advancements and it applies to the digital
technologies as well. It could be identified easily as the digital world receives major modifications
quickly & constantly. The whole globe has been compelled to change as per the updates happening
in terms of digital technology. The world is nowadays firmly connected than ever before, the
concept of global as a village has been able to materialize with the ability of the digital generation;
means currently most of the people across the globe is having access to the market everywhere
across the globe with the help of digital technology. For example, anyone can purchase products
through if you have an internet connection, which is an online retailer giant that
allows people from any part of the world to access to many of the sellers across the globe. It is
basically with the help of digitalization that the small corporations have been able to go globally
and to get related with the worldwide clients and manage the operations at the remote areas thereby
allowing the firms to operate in most part of the world. And the massive firms also had been able
to save a good amount of money by fending off marketing fee, travelling expense and assembly
charges with the help social media and internet marketing, video conferencing and e-mails that's
much quicker and inexpensive than the conventional practices. The use of digital technology in
commercial enterprises has been increasing constantly and as per current situation we could deduct
that it will be increasing in greater numbers in the coming years.

Industry profile
Public transportation consists of a variety of services including: buses, trolleys and light rail,
commuter trains, streetcars, cable cars, van pool services, paratransit services for senior citizens
and people with disabilities, ferries and water taxies, and monorails and tramways. The American
public showed its support for public transportation as 76% of all ballot initiatives for public
transportation passes throughout the country in November 2008, even as the economy slowed. In
2007, Americans took 10.3 billion trips on public transportation, the highest ridership level in 50
years. 34 million times each weekday, people board public transportation. Since 1995 public
transportation ridership is up 32 percent. Public transportation enhances local rural economic
growth in many ways, increasing the local customer base for a range of services such as shopping
malls, restaurants, medical facilities and other transportation services. For every dollar spent, the
average household spends 18 cents on transportation, and 94 percent of this goes to buying,

pg. 2

maintaining and operating cars. Public transportation provides an affordable, and for many,
necessary alternative to driving. Americans living in areas served by public transportation save
$18 billion annually in congestion costs. Approximately 12 percent of public transportation users
are enrooted to schools. Educators and concerned parents rely on expanded public transportation

The share of public transport is decreasing in India. The federal government has recently published
the results of the mode of transport people take to commute to work for the latest Census 2011 data
in March 2016. According to the survey more than 50% of the workforce (excluding domestic and
agriculture) continue to work at home or travel to their workplace by foot in the absence of
adequate transport facilities. Citizens are largely dependent on private transport. The share of
public transport is just 18.1% of work trips. The data indicates that there is lack of public
transportation facilities and citizens are largely dependent on private modes of transport, such as
bicycles (26.3 million) and motorcycles (25.4 million) in rural and urban India. More people use
motorcycles than travel by bus (22.9 million). In 2015 the number of daily trips using a motorcycle
for commuting was 35 million (excluding personal trips); this is based on the increase in vehicle

Statement of the problem

“With the help of technological advancements, it is easy to run business more efficiently, but it
seems that most of the local business are still not operating as it should in the modern era.”
Therefore, it would be relevant to conduct a study about how good the public transportation
organizations make use of technologies so that we’ll understand the short comings and act
accordingly to make things easier, efficient as well as more appealing to people who use public

pg. 3

Scope of the study

The part of digital technology seems to be showing a big revolution in the market. The digital
technology has entered into each and every aspect of globe, especially in the business. As the whole
globe is going or tend to go for globalization, the world is now seeming to be more connected with
digital technology. The concept of the globalization to make the globe as a single village has been
able to acquire with the digital technology up to an extent. With the digital technology the
communication seems to be faster, cheaper, reliable and accessible to everyone had made a serious
impact in the businesses. This had really made the organization to change their strategies. Almost
all companies across the globe are being using many or some of the digital technology directly and
indirectly to function their business. At presently the digital technology had become an
unavoidable function of the business. Many large organizations have been able to control their cost
by millions or billions by avoiding unnecessary travelling, meeting expenses and also saves time
of the managers. This study is to analyze the impact of the digital technology that has been made
on the effectiveness in providing customer experience in public transportation sector.

• How effectively digital technology is utilized in making the operations efficient in Public
Transportation sector.
• Are customers exposed to the current technologies in public transportation?
• To realize the impact that had made by the digital technology in delivering the best service
for the travelers in Public Transportation sector.
• To understand what is lacking in public transportation sector currently.

• There is no relationship between profession and availability of own private vehicle
• There is no relationship between gender and frequency of use of public transportation
• There is no relationship between income and payment method used while using public
• There is no relationship between age and most likely method to book public transportation.
• There is no relationship between frequency of usage of public transportation and
availability of own private vehicle.

pg. 4

• There is no relationship between most obvious thought about public transportation in the
area and payment methods preferred most while using public transportation. There is no
relationship between profession and most obvious thought about public transportation in
the area.
• There is no relationship between preference of users while using a public transportation
mostly and most obvious thought about public transportation in the area.

According to Clifford Woody, research comprises defining and redefining problems, formulating
hypothesis or suggested solutions, collecting, organizing and evaluating data, making deductions
and reaching conclusion and further testing the conclusion whether they fit into formulating


Research methodology is the systematic, theoretical analysis of the procedures applied to a field
of study (Kothari, 2004). The process used to gather statistics and facts for the cause of making
decisions. The methodology may include eBook research, interviews, surveys and different studies
strategies, and could include both past and present records. A Methodology does not set out to
provide solutions but offers the theoretical underpinning for understanding which procedure, set
of procedures can be applied to a specific case.

Sample Size, Area of Study and method of Data Collection:

The type of research approach is used in this research is Descriptive and Exploratory methodology
and will take the convenient Sampling Method. I like to take a questionnaire as a tool of data
collection from the consumers of public transportation to cover the objectives of my study. I will
cover 100 samples for this purpose from the consumers.

Method of Analysis:

To present and classify the collected data, necessary tables and graphs are used. Analyses figures
are directly interpreted with idea of company from other external sources. Also, tools like mean

pg. 5

and standard deviation are used. IBM software SPSS version 20 is used for further analysis tools
like correlation, ANOVA and regression is used with respective graphs.

I have spent around 1000 rupees for the completion of this project as the data collection was bit
risky and the software I used was paid version but that was supplied by my tutor, so higher expense
was not there.

Limitations of the Study

• As this is a wide topic and people might be not familiar with latest advancements, it was
difficult for me to make them understand some terms in the questionnaire.
• It was little bit hard to get some people to fill the questionnaire as they wanted to know
my purpose.
• I cannot say that data I have collected is accurate or absolutely true as there are millions
of people who use public transportation and I just got 100 samples only to complete this
research, therefor it was not easy to conclude on some points.

pg. 6

Review of Literature

pg. 7

In the course of recent years Dublin Transport has reliably embraced innovation to enhance their
client encounter. Some ongoing cases of this incorporate the dispatch of Constant Traveler Data
(RTPI) in 2011. RTPI gives up to the moment data on their transport timetables. With more than
96% exactness on RTPI, Dublin Transport clients advantage from outstanding amongst other
performing frameworks around the world. The presentation of the official Dublin Transport cell
phone application which has more than 1.5 million downloads to date, has additionally made public
transport easier to use. It furnishes their clients with speedy, easy to use data by conveying exact,
ongoing, benefit data straightforwardly to cell phone and handheld gadgets. In 2014, Dublin Bus
ended up one of the principal public transport administrators in Europe to have free Wi-Fi over its
whole caravans for clients. In a data hungry society, Dublin Bus has completely grasped online
life channels to build commitment with and improve benefit conveyance to their clients. Dublin
Bus is as of now dynamic on Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, LinkedIn and Instagram. Looking
further into the future, innovation can possibly altogether increment open transport use in Dublin.
The accessibility of information and the broad utilization of cell phones empowers them to better
comprehend our client’s needs. Tackling this innovation and utilizing it to grow new, imaginative
administrations is a key piece of the organization's vision to help make a world class open transport
arrange in Dublin. The advantages incorporate upgraded urban living openings, decreased
blockage, etc.
Public transport assumes a key part in empowering the modular move from the private vehicles to
public transport. A standout amongst the most powerful receptions of innovation to help is
Mobility as a Service (MaaS) or coordinated mobility platforms. MaaS is an energizing
advancement in the business utilizing accessible information and cell phones to furnish potential
clients with a custom fitted transport alternative for their particular needs. This innovation gives
open transport clients a solitary interface for all open transport choices (by means of their cell
phone). Payment is via a single account and bundled, regardless of what method of transport is
utilized. Paying for public transport journey keeps on being a boundary to use for a few. Making
the payment easier and influencing it as simple as feasible for clients to pay their toll to will help
with accomplishing slowly transformation. The takeoff of smart card innovation has been generally
welcomed by clients to date. Future improvements around there will help with making payment

pg. 8

choices as consistent as workable for Dublin Bus client with the capacity to utilize bank cards, cell
phones, smartwatches and Leap cards, among different things, to pay for your open transport

As per TIM SANDLE, the technological advancements not only make the buses electric; the
transport authorities are nowadays trying to abstract out the full advantage of it by effective use of
digital technology. For example, ticketing; connecting routes and making network with other
mechanisms. The E-tickets have helped the authorities to effectively abolish the idea of paper
tickets in many cities. For example, in U.K, the bus companies allow the passengers to pay for the
ride using a credit card or through applications. There is certain level of flexibility provided by
these kinds of apps such as allowing one person to send and unused ticket or credit to a friend.
Today’s travelers would want to shift quickly and easily from buses and trains to other modes of
transport like car-sharing services or rental bicycles. Therefore, as an example, with help of a
cloud-based intermodal transport control system, made by the telephonic company T-Systems,
which enables the management of a particular region’s entire bus, train and tram network. This
have practically made possible in Germany’s Ruhr region. The approach of the workforce will
need to change to accommodate the digital transformation of transport, according to a report by
Deloitte. Staff, for instance, will need adopt ‘digital uniforms’, so that they have the information
to support customers at hand. This means connected devices with real-time updates. With the help
of digital technology, the systems are getting more robust and logical.

As per Laurent Kocher, for as far back as decade, new information and technology advances have
significantly affected passenger's portability habits. Today, advanced mobile phones are extending
their compass in both the quantity of clients and versatile capacities. Computerized, and now
portable innovation, have progressively disturbed successful ventures and industries. These
progressions set aside opportunity to achieve the transportation business, yet the move in the
advancements in the public transportation systems is going on now. In the meantime, the capacity
to assemble travel versatility information from cell phones and push data back to clients is
changing everything from operations to the commuter’s journey experience. Innovation in mobile

pg. 9

technology is additionally at the cause of another transportation environment of inventive players,

from data innovation organizations to ridesharing players and application makers. And Apple Pay,
Samsung Pay or Google Wallet, everything is such a great amount of convenience with electronic
payments. Among the upsides of going cashless it is worth to feature two of them: the convenience,
there is not any more the need to carry a good amount of money, a few credit cards or even remain
in the line for ATM withdrawals. Also, bring down risk especially evident while travelling abroad,
where the loss of money can cause an incredible bother. Once completely incorporated one doesn't
need to stress over credit card fraud or changing cards.

Travel riders love utilizing their cell phone to buy rides. In any case, only a couple of organizations
have grasped the innovation up until now. In 2013, Americans took 10.7 billion trips through public
transportation, the most astounding number in 57 years, as per the American Public Transportation
Association. For quite a long time the statistic profile for the typical transit rider was somebody
who was low payed and regularly had no different methods for transportation. As it were,
individuals who utilized public transportation did as such in light of the fact that they needed to,
not because they wanted to. In any case, since 1995, public transportation ridership has grown 37.2
percent, almost double the measure of the nation's population development at 20.3 percent, as
indicated by APTA. Plainly another age of people who use public transits has ventured forward.
A considerable lot of them are supposed "decision riders" who have different choices to get around
other than public transports and prepares yet incline toward utilizing public transport. To keep
these decision riders returning, specialists say that travel offices must offer a ride that is
dependable, quick and clean. They likewise need comfort.

One way that public transport authorities can make the day by day travel helpful for riders is with
versatile or mobile ticketing. With roughly 91 percent of grown-ups utilizing a cellphone, as
indicated by Pew Research, the push to gather fares by means of an application on a cell phone is
amazingly appealing to public transport offices. Not exclusively does the innovation make it
simple for individuals to get rides, yet mobile ticketing additionally brings down the cost of passage
accumulation since riders pay for the fare equipment which is the cell phone, not the office. In a
2013 Accenture overview of public transport riders in nine noteworthy urban communities, the

pg. 10

greater part of respondents said they would pay more per ride for tech upgrades like paperless
ticketing, and 75 percent said travel would be simpler with electronic ticketing.

Public transport associations confront critical difficulties. Locally, provincially and broadly, the
most well-known routes are attempting to keep pace with demand. Basic infrastructure is regularly
working at the cutoff points of limit. Indeed, even minor part blames or startling resource downtime
can have an enormous and enduring gradually expanding influence, with delays affecting trains,
transports, metros and trams for a long time. Be that as it may, later on, mass transportation players
will have to accommodate growing quantities of travelers inside the current street and rail network.
Productive, continuous transportation administrations will be essential to satisfying an always
complex order with restricted resources.

In the meantime, client desires are on the ascent. During the age of real-time conveyance, they are
searching for brilliant arrangements that empower flawlessly planned travel over various methods
for transportation. They need to move without any difficulty from trains and transports to auto
sharing administrations or rental bikes. Furthermore, they need to design their trip on the web or
with a cell phone application. Additionally, they expect more exact, timelier data on flight and
landing times of trains, cable cars and transports, in addition to moment warning of postponements,
with guidance on elective travel alternatives. Transportation administrators must react with best in
class multi-purpose administration frameworks that make traveling and different types of
movement a straightforward, dependable, adaptable and to provide appealing experience.

Innovations in mobile technologies are a key part of more productive public transportation
systems. In an ongoing Economist Intelligence Unit report, Clearing the path for more livable
urban communities (EIU, December 2014) 83% of transport administrators say that coordinating
portable advances is their best key or a key need. Such advancements contribute in three urgent
regions: routing and stream administration, payment and ticketing frameworks, and the
arrangement of information to people in general. Open transport systems need to keep running on
time and be effective by being efficient. Programmed passenger checking system can tally
individuals boarding and landing 24 hours every day. At the point when joined with geolocation

pg. 11

information from GPS the subsequent information can be utilized to help travel operators oversee
routes and timetables. Information can be sent to servers for investigation progressively or when
transports are garaged, and exploratory modifications to routes and timetables can be evaluated
rapidly and effortlessly.

Cashless ticketing has numerous benefits both for travelers and transportation providers. Travelers
don't have to keep liquid cash, and with cards that can top themselves up consequently there is no
compelling reason to add pre-installments to card. Less expensive admissions with pre-pay and
contactless solutions are a motivation to take-up, similar to various travel systems legitimacy and
cards' capacity to figure and charge the least expensive conceivable fares. When travel
administrators begin giving clients up-to-the-minute data about administrations and with cashless
payment systems, once they begin utilizing programmed directing and other transit administration
advances, there is no chance to get back. Ticketing and remission by means of NFC prepared cell
phones could create over the thriving wearables division, different contactless remission systems,
for example, Apple Pay could be tremendously evolving. In-travel information gathering system
can turn out to be more boundless and more refined. The more travel suppliers comprehend patterns
of movement, the better these can be delivered for.

The significant advancement in 2018 will be innovation changes to take into account a more
consistent, "frictionless" utilization of public transits in urban regions. An innovation driven idea
rapidly picking up store in the travel business worldwide is called Mobility as a Service (MaaS).
This approach imagines packaging transportation choices in urban territories like link
organizations currently package TV, phone and web for one month to month membership expense.
In Helsinki, Finland, for instance, occupants can utilize a cell phone application called "Impulse"
to plan and pay for all methods of open and private transportation, for example, transport, prepare,
taxi, carshare or bikeshare. A traveler can enter their goal, a favored method of travel, or blend of
modes if necessary, and travel. Travelers can pre-pay for the service as a major aspect of a month
to month membership or pay as you go utilizing a payment account. As long-established transport
and metro ridership in the United States has declined in the course of recent years, travel
administrators are hoping to change their plan of action and grasp these new advances to contend

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in the new portable commercial center. Other governments are also attempting the MaaS approach,
as well. Urban areas like Paris, Las Vegas, Denver and Los Angeles are steering different nearby
forms of MaaS that consider constant travel conditions, client inclinations (e.g. time and
accommodation versus cost) and consistent versatile payment methods.

Digitalization is compelling public transport administrators and authorities to reclassify their

business models. For most, this is a critical test. Over evolving administration, grasping
digitalization infers genuine expenses, regardless of whether through the obtaining of new staff
profiles or interest in new innovations. It's a given that cyber threats increment the more digitized
the area moves toward becoming. Over this, rising players are putting pressure on conventional
open transport players to up their level of game. The exponential development of information is
both a gift and a revile. There is little uncertainty that open transport is quick turning into an
information driven business, yet it for the most part does not have the learning, know-how,
procedures and instruments to benefit as much as possible from the gold-mine it is perched on.
Besides the continued debate around the governance and ownership of data, unlocking the potential
of data is key to making the most of digitalization. The public transport division faces a colossal
test in adjusting to confront these progressions, and there is no opportunity to lose. Be that as it
may, in the event that it prevails with regards to changing itself to a provider of the developing
desires for clients, open transport will flourish, urban versatility will enhance, with immense
advantages to society.

Public transportation framework is on the cusp of another innovative upheaval, empowered by the
juncture of different computerized advancements. Versatile availability presently permits
continuous data stream amongst commuters and transport providers in both directions. Keen
calculations can process this data quickly and produce timetables and routes of transport and
prepare benefits powerfully to give better and more focused services, at less cost. Man-made
brainpower diminishes the requirement for human mediation, permitting public transport services
to be given all the adaptably and proficiently. Indeed, even as new public transport administrations
develop, there is a parallel push to "line" these administrations together. Mobility as-a-Service

pg. 13

(MaaS) was first advanced in Finland. The thought was to enable a traveler to design, execute and
pay for various legs of an open transport travel with a solitary mobile application. This limit bother
and holding up time, influencing a public transport to be feel like a private transport one. We are
at a captivating crossroads in people in public transport scene. While developing advances offer
uncommon openings, we will likewise need to advance our approaches, arranging and
administrative structures to outfit the most advantages for travelers. This procedure will essentially
include some level of experimentation. In any case, without a proper biological system, such
innovations will remain close to a fascinating interest.

Digital solutions are crucial for public transportation systems and data is getting to be basic for
any service planning. The key factors, for example, traveler demand; travel demand; service hour;
and service recurrence have awesome effect on the consumption and income of any specialist or
administrator. IT devices can likewise refine forms and enhance effectiveness. Brilliant
transportation frameworks ought to have armada administration, ticketing, security observation,
activity management and real time passenger data. The recent 'Policy Road Map for City Bus
Systems in India'6 study recognized that the greater part of the city's transport administrators is as
yet falling behind in the usage of the IT system to full advantage. The review uncovered that nine
out of 12 urban areas have actualized a vehicle tracking system and 11 out of 12 have executed
electronic ticketing machines (ETMs). In any case, no urban communities have yet actualized
'arranging and planning' or 'terminal administration' frameworks; with the majority utilizing
manual frameworks for such tasks. The accessibility of ongoing data is similarly critical for
commuters to design their excursion. Without great quality information, workers aren't ready to
acquire exact administration data.

Since 2016, Helsinki inhabitants have possessed the capacity to utilize an application called Whim
to plan and pay for all methods of open and private transportation inside the city. Be it via train,
taxi, bus transport, carshare, or bikeshare. Anybody with the application can enter a destination,
select his or her favored method of arriving there or, in cases where no single mode covers the
door-to-door journey, a combination thereof and go. Clients can either pre-pay for the service as a

pg. 14

major aspect of a month to month portability membership or pay as they go utilizing a payment
account connected to the service. The goal is to make it so convenient for users to get around that
they opt to give up their personal vehicles for city commuting, not because they’re forced to, but
because the alternative is more appealing. According to Sampo Hietanen, the visionary behind
Whim, “We want to prove that we can beat the service level of a car. Or at least be comparable to
it. We want to show that people want it, not just that we can do it.” MaaS depends on an advanced
stage that incorporates end-to-end trip arranging, booking, electronic ticketing, and installment
benefits over all methods of transportation, open or private. It's a checked takeoff from where most
urban areas are today, and from how versatility has been conveyed as of not long ago. Instead of
locating, book, and pay for every method of transportation independently, MaaS stages let clients
design and book way to-entryway trips utilizing a solitary application.

Public transport is changing by utilizing Digital Technology, from utilizing paper tickets to
associated administrations; to data applications and the usage of advertising space. Transport
authorities are making utilization of this advanced innovation as it’s not just transports that are
turning electric. Making utilization of this through Ticketing, interfacing courses and liaising with
different transports. Paper tickets has officially halted in numerous urban areas inside the UK, for
instance a great deal of transport organizations currently let voyagers pay for their trip by means
of Credit card or through an application on your mobile phone. A couple of Apps even let you send
any unused transport tickets or accessible credit to a companion. For me I think paying for open
transport by means of Phone, Apps or charge card is more simpler and having the capacity to pay
for another person's ticket by means of your own mobile phone is exceptionally helpful, I discover
this a great deal less demanding and a snappier way. I discover acquiring train tickets by means of
your mobile phone or online is a great deal snappier instead of go specifically to the station to buy
these before your trip. Also, reserving and following your taxi's and having the capacity to pay
through their application is useful as well.

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Chapter 3
Data analysis and Interpretation

pg. 16

1. Gender

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative


Male 74 74.0 74.0 74.0

Valid Female 26 26.0 26.0 100.0

Total 100 100.0 100.0

Valid 100
Missing 0
Mean 1.2600
Std. Deviation .44084

Interpretation: From the study, the majority of the respondents are males but I cannot conclude that
males are the majority in using public transportation.

pg. 17

2. Age

Valid 100
Missing 0
Mean 4.7800
Std. Deviation 1.08786

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

56-65 years 2 2.0 2.0 2.0

41-55 years 12 12.0 12.0 14.0

25-40 years 24 24.0 24.0 38.0
21-24 years 30 30.0 30.0 68.0

13-20 years 32 32.0 32.0 100.0

Total 100 100.0 100.0

Interpretation: From this graph it is understood that the use of public transportation is highest
between the people of age group 13-20 years and the second is 21-24 years. These age group
significantly means that the usage is more between students as they have presumably no job
currently and they wish to travel frugally.

pg. 18

3. Profession

Valid 100
Missing 0
Mean 3.5000
Std. Deviation 1.29099

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative


Office job 12 12.0 12.0 12.0

Business 12 12.0 12.0 24.0

House Wife 10 10.0 10.0 34.0

Valid Student 48 48.0 48.0 82.0

Daily wage worker 16 16.0 16.0 98.0

Others 2 2.0 2.0 100.0

Total 100 100.0 100.0

Interpretation: From this graph it could be deducted that majority of the respondents are students,
then comes the daily wage workers and people engaged in office jobs and business comes next.
There was only little number of house wives and others.

pg. 19

4. Income

Valid 100
Missing 0
Mean 2.5600
Std. Deviation .80804

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative


10,000 or less 4 4.0 4.0 4.0

10,000-25,000 50 50.0 50.0 54.0

25,000-50,000 34 34.0 34.0 88.0
50,000-10,0000 10 10.0 10.0 98.0

10,0000 or more 2 2.0 2.0 100.0

Total 100 100.0 100.0

Interpretation: Out of hundred people, the half of them earns between 10,000-25,000 per month.
34 people earns between 25,000-50,000 and then it is only 10 people earns between 50,000-
10,0000. There’s only 2 people earns more than a lakh and 4 people with less than 10,000.

pg. 20

5. How often you ride the public transport

Valid 100
Missing 0
Mean 1.9800
Std. Deviation .90988


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative


Daily 40 40.0 40.0 40.0

Once or twice a week 24 24.0 24.0 64.0

Valid Occasionally 34 34.0 34.0 98.0

Not at all 2 2.0 2.0 100.0

Total 100 100.0 100.0

Interpretation: From this data is clear that 40 out of 100 people relay on public transportation on a
daily basis, 24 people use it once or twice a week and 34 people use it occasionally and two people
never uses it.

pg. 21

6. Do you have access to own vehicle?

Valid 100
Missing 0
Mean 1.4000
Std. Deviation .49237


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative


Yes 60 60.0 60.0 60.0

Valid No 40 40.0 40.0 100.0

Total 100 100.0 100.0

Interpretation: Out of 100 respondents 60 people have accessibility to own vehicle and 40 people
are not having their own vehicle for commutes.

pg. 22

7. If your car or bike is not available, how would you prefer to travel most?
Valid 100
Missing 0
Mean 1.7000
Std. Deviation .46057


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative


Cab or Taxi 30 30.0 30.0 30.0

Valid Bus or Train 70 70.0 70.0 100.0

Total 100 100.0 100.0

Interpretation: From this graph it is clear that majority of the people prefers to travel in bus or train
when their own vehicle is unavailable and only 30 people likes to travel in cab or taxi.

pg. 23

8. How do you normally pay while using public transport?

Valid 100
Missing 0
Mean 1.4800
Std. Deviation .85847


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Cash 76 76.0 76.0 76.0

Valid Online payment 24 24.0 24.0 100.0

Total 100 100.0 100.0

Interpretation: From this graph it was easy to deduct that while people use the public transportation, 76
people out of 100 prefers to pay with liquid cash and 24 people prefers to pay it online. Smart trip cards or
other methods are not at all used by any one of them.

pg. 24

9. Do you have access to Automated fare collection system or technology?

Valid 100
Missing 0
Mean 1.6400
Std. Deviation .48242

Use of automated fare collection system

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative


When available 36 36.0 36.0 36.0

Valid Not at all 64 64.0 64.0 100.0

Total 100 100.0 100.0

Interpretation: From this graph we could understand that auto mated fee collection system isn’t
very popular among the people as 64 out of 100 people says they not at all uses it and 36 people
uses it when available. Which means this facility is not common with everyone who uses the public
transportation as this is not provided by the service providers.

pg. 25

10. What do you think about public transportation in your area? Select most obvious one.

Valid 100
Missing 0
Mean 3.1200
Std. Deviation .81995


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative


Fares too expensive 2 2.0 2.0 2.0

Limited bus service 22 22.0 22.0 24.0

Less linkage with latest

Valid 38 38.0 38.0 62.0

Commute is complicated 38 38.0 38.0 100.0

Total 100 100.0 100.0

Interpretation: This graph indicates about the thought of people about public transportation in their
area. Only 2 people think that the fares are expensive, 22 people are having the opinion that their
area lacks enough bus service and 38 people thinks that the public transportation lacks a good
linkage with the digital or mobile technologies and again another 38 people said that the commute
is complicated.

pg. 26

11. How often you use apps or websites to book bus

Valid 100
Missing 0
Mean 2.1600
Std. Deviation .76171


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative


Whenever possible 22 22.0 22.0 22.0

Occasionally 40 40.0 40.0 62.0

Not at all 38 38.0 38.0 100.0

Total 100 100.0 100.0

Interpretation: This graph shows about the frequency or usage of apps and websites to book tickets
by the people while they use public transportation. 40 people occasionally make use of these while
22 people uses it whenever possible and 38 people never uses or book tickets with help of apps or
websites. This might be because of lack of integration for local commutes.

pg. 27

12. Which of these aspects matters most to you while booking tickets online?

Valid 100
Missing 0
Mean 2.2800
Std. Deviation 1.11988


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative


Fund transfer and refund policy 30 30.0 30.0 30.0

Lack of bus or train routes 34 34.0 34.0 64.0

Valid Expensive fares 14 14.0 14.0 78.0

Other 22 22.0 22.0 100.0

Total 100 100.0 100.0

Interpretation: This graph indicates the most annoying aspect of customers while they book the
tickets online while they try to make use of public transportation. Out of 100 people 30 people
have concern with fund transfer and refund policies and 34 people think that they lack bus or train
routes and 14 people think that it is expensive to book tickets online and 22 people are having other

pg. 28

13. Select most likely method used to access the such apps or websites

Valid 100
Missing 0
Mean 2.2200
Std. Deviation .92747


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative


Smart phones 34 34.0 34.0 34.0

Laptop 10 10.0 10.0 44.0

Conventional method 56 56.0 56.0 100.0

Total 100 100.0 100.0

Interpretation: From this graph it is able to conclude that people mostly uses conventional physical
method used most as 54 people book this way and 34 people make use of mobile and 10 out of 100
people use laptop.

pg. 29

14. What would you like to have while using a public transportation mostly?

Valid 100
Missing 0
Mean 1.9600
Std. Deviation 1.20538


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative


Free Wi-Fi 52 52.0 52.0 52.0

GPS tracking facility 18 18.0 18.0 70.0

TV 16 16.0 16.0 86.0

Air conditioner 10 10.0 10.0 96.0

Others 4 4.0 4.0 100.0

Total 100 100.0 100.0

Interpretation: This graph shows what people wanted when they use public transportation. And it
shows that out of 100 people 52 wanted free wi-fi facility and 18 wanted tracking facility of the
transit, 16 people wants TV and 10 wanted A/C. And 4 people wants something else.

pg. 30

15. Will it would be helpful for you to have apps to make your daily commutes in public
transportation easier?

Valid 100
Missing 0
Mean 1.6200
Std. Deviation .48783


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Yes 38 38.0 38.0 38.0

Valid No 62 62.0 62.0 100.0

Total 100 100.0 100.0

Interpretation: This graph shows that out of 100 people 62 people wouldn’t like to make use of
apps which links to public transportation in their daily local commutes and rest of the people would
like to have the assistance of apps.

pg. 31

Null Hypothesis: There is no relationship between profession and availability of own private


Profession Availability_of_p

Pearson Correlation 1 .222*

Profession Sig. (2-tailed) .026

N 100 100
Pearson Correlation .222* 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .026
N 100 100

*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

Interpretation: The given value is 0.222, which means the given hypothesis is rejected as the result
is not equal to zero. And there is a positive correlation between the profession of people and
availability of private vehicle.

pg. 32

Null hypothesis: There is no relationship between gender and frequency of use of public


Gender Frequency_of_u

Pearson Correlation 1 -.037

Gender Sig. (2-tailed) .713

N 100 100
Pearson Correlation -.037 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .713
N 100 100

Interpretation: The given value is -.037, which means the given hypothesis is rejected as the result
is not equal to zero. And there is a slight negative correlation between the gender of the people and
frequency of usage of public transportation.

pg. 33

Null hypothesis: There is no relationship between income and payment method used while using public


Income Payment_metho

Pearson Correlation 1 .133

Income Sig. (2-tailed) .188

N 100 100
Pearson Correlation .133 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .188
N 100 100

Interpretation: The given value is 0.133, which means the given hypothesis is rejected as the result
is not equal to zero. And there is a positive correlation between income of the people and payment
method preferred most by them while using public transportation.

pg. 34

Null hypothesis: There is no relationship between age and most likely method to book public


Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Between Groups 16.293 4 4.073 5.619 .000

Within Groups 68.867 95 .725
Total 85.160 99

Interpretation: The given significant value is less than the base value .05, therefor the null
hypothesis is rejected. There is relationship between the age of people and most likely method used
to book ticket while using public transportation.

pg. 35

Null hypothesis: There is no relationship between frequency of usage of public transportation and
availability of own private vehicle.


Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Between Groups 26.460 1 26.460 46.722 .000

Within Groups 55.500 98 .566
Total 81.960 99

Interpretation: The given significant value is less than the base value .05, therefor the null
hypothesis is rejected. There is relationship between the frequency of usage of public
transportation and availability of private vehicle.

pg. 36

Null hypothesis: There is no relationship between most obvious thought about public
transportation in the area and payment methods preferred most while using public transportation.
There is no relationship between profession and most obvious thought about public transportation
in the area.


Sum of df Mean F Sig.

Squares Square

9.057 3 3.019 1.859 .142
Within Groups 155.943 96 1.624

Total 165.000 99
9.649 3 3.216 4.877 .003
Payment_method_preff Groups
ered_most Within Groups 63.311 96 .659

Total 72.960 99

Interpretation: The given significant value is .142, which is greater than the base value .05, therefor
the null hypothesis is accepted. There is no relationship between the profession and most obvious
thought about public transportation in the area of people.
The given significant value is .003 which is less than the base value .05, therefor the null hypothesis
is rejected. There is relationship between the payment method preferred most and most obvious
though about public transportation in the area of people.

pg. 37

Null Hypothesis: There is no relationship between preference of users while using a public
transportation mostly and most obvious thought about public transportation in the area.

Variables Entered/Removeda

Model Variables Variables Method

Entered Removed

1 blic_transportai . Enter

a. Dependent Variable:
b. All requested variables entered.

Model Summary

Model R R Square Adjusted R Std. Error of the

Square Estimate

1 .036a .001 -.009 1.21073

a. Predictors: (Constant),


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Regression .186 1 .186 .127 .722b

1 Residual 143.654 98 1.466

Total 143.840 99

a. Dependent Variable: Most_wanted_facility_when_using_public_transportation

b. Predictors: (Constant), Most_obious_thought_about_public_transportaion_in_your_area

pg. 38


Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized t Sig.


B Std. Error Beta

(Constant) 2.125 .479 4.440 .000

_public_transportaion_in_yo -.053 .148 -.036 -.356 .722

a. Dependent Variable: Most_wanted_facility_when_using_public_transportation

Interpretation: The given significant value is greater than .05, which means the hypothesis is
accepted. And there is no relationship between preference of users while using a public
transportation mostly and most obvious thought about public transportation in the area.

pg. 39


pg. 40


From the above conducted research, I was able to identify that even though the digital technological
advancements are very keenly happening in the world, it has not been able to fully integrated to
public transportation sector, at least in smaller towns because my research was conducted by taking
100 samples and most of the people who attended the questionnaire was from the locality itself. In
the conducted locality the integration of digital technology to public transportation is not that much
popular as people nowadays still uses the old traditional methods to pay and book the public transits
most. This is also because the local commutes are not at all linked to any technological
advancements in the locality.

The most popular automated fare collection system is not very popular or identified by the people
the service is not implemented in the conducted area as 64 people said that they not at all familiar
or uses that technology. Fund transfer and refund policies and lack of bus or train routes as per
traveler’s demand are being noted by majority of the people who attended the questionnaire. And
some people even pointed that the linkage of digital technology is very less on the public
transportation sector. People prefers to have internet connectivity while using the public transits
and they would be glad to use the apps which allow them to track the transit or know about the
delay’s and other related things about their journey. I was able to realize that there is relationship
between the frequency of usage of public transportation and availability of private vehicle by using
the tool Anova.

People would be travelling in bus or train if there is no private vehicle available but that time things
might be not going the way the customers intends as the technology advancements still isn’t
popular in the semi urban areas like Valanchery and Kottakal. I was able to find that there is a
positive co relation between the profession of the people and availability of the private vehicle
with them. And there is a positive correlation between income of the people and payment method
preferred most by them while using public transportation. There is relationship between the age of
people and most likely method used by people to book ticket while using public transportation.
These things was able to identify by using tools such as Correlation and Regression.

pg. 41


Mobility as a Service (MaaS) is the key to attract people into using the public transportation. People
does like travelling in public transits but they thing which pulls them back is difficulties in the
journey in a public transport like lagging, less linkage with passengers through mobile phone etc.
Get people mobile apps which not only offer detailed trip-planning services but also real-time
arrival information. Even though majority of the people who said they won’t need an app in helping
their day to day travel, we could not reject the idea of digitalizing it fully as we cannot conclude
my research as a perfect one as I took only 100 samples and it will not be ideal to conclude it

Make ticketing more flexible by allowing it in a combination or smart card, contactless bank card
and mobile device. Not only is this type of ticketing more convenient for customers, saving time
to buy and collect, it can also guarantee that passengers always pay the cheapest fare as the
providers could automate the process and cut cost of people associated with distribution and
verification of tickets which improve customer experience and support.

For the industry this kind of digital use of tickets will help to streamline and automate processes
such as refunds for delays. The data that smart tickets produce will allow providers to better
understand how customers use the services, which will help them improve timetable and resource
planning with the passenger at the center.


The main objective of the study was to identify ow effectively digital technology is utilized in
making the operations efficient in Public Transportation sector. No matter what is happening in an
area of the big world, the world is changing as per needs and wants of the consumer. More digital
technology-based innovations are applied and successfully runs the public transportation sector in
many parts of the world. These innovations are making things easier for the people and that’s why
people are feeling reliability to use the public transit rather than using private vehicle. All know
the fact that usage of public vehicle reduces risks but they opt to not use it as it was not these much
updated as now. I wish people and the public transportation authorities in the sub urban areas to

pg. 42

bring in the innovations to make life easier for the people to use the public transportation
effectively. Currently the linkage and effectiveness of digital technology in public transportation
is par or may be called below par level as we understood that from the analysis of the outcome
provided by the users.

pg. 43

1. Gender

 Male
 Female

2. Age group

 66 years or more
 56 – 65 years
 41 – 55 years
 25 – 40 years
 21 – 24 years
 13 – 20 years

3. Profession

 Government Official
 Business
 House Wife
 Student
 Daily wage worker
 Others

4. Average income per month

 10,000 or less
 10,000-25,000
 25,000-50,000
 50000-10,0000
 10,0000 or more

5.How often you ride the public transport

 Daily
 Once or twice in a week
 Occasionally
 Not at all

6. Do you have access to own vehicle?

 Yes
 No

7. If your car or bike is not available, how would you prefer to travel most?

pg. 44

 Cab or Taxi
 Bus or Train

8. How do you normally pay while using public transport?

 Cash
 Smart Trip card
 Online payment via apps
 Other (Specify)

9. Do you have access to Automated fare collection system or technology?

 Yes
 No

10. What do you think about public transportation in your area? Select most obvious one.

 Fares too expensive

 Limited bus service
 Less linkage with latest technical innovation
 Commute takes too long

11. How often you use apps or websites to book bus

 Whenever possible
 Occasionally
 Not at all

12. Which of these aspects matters most to you while booking tickets online?

 Fund transfer and refund policies

 Lack of bus or train routes
 Expensive fares
 Other

13. Select most likely method used to access the such apps or websites

 Smartphones
 Laptop
 Other devices

14. What would you like to have most while using a public transportation mostly?

 Free Wi-Fi
 GPS tracking facility
 TV
 Air conditioner

pg. 45

 Other (Specify)

15. Will it would be helpful for you to have apps to make your daily commutes in public transportation

 Yes
 No

pg. 46
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pg. 48

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