Reviewer in 21st Century Literature

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Reviewer in 21
century literature
Literature in the Philippines

Written works
- Prose and poetry
- Articles and journals

21st century skills

 Collaboration and teamwork.
 Creativity and imagination.
 Critical thinking.
 Problem solving.

The Literary Forms of Philippine Literature

1. Pre-Colonial Times (--BC to 1564)
 Based on oral traditions
 Crude on ideology and phraseology

Literary Forms
 Oral literary
 Folk Songs
 Folk Tales
 Epics

2. Spanish Colonization Period (1565 – 1863)

A. Characteristics
 religious and secular.
 Spanish as the medium of communication.

Literary Forms
A. Religious Literature
 Pasyon
 Senakulo

B. Secular (non-religious) Literature

 Awit
 Korido
 Prose Narratives

3. American Colonial Period

A. Period of Apprenticeship (1910-1930)
B. Period of Emergence (1920-1930)
4. Contemporary Period (1986-present)
 Personal and intentional
 Socially committed
 Gender and ethnic related

Literary Forms
 Poetry
 Prose
 Short Stories
 Novels
 Essays
 Blog

Literary Approaches

Literary- concerning the writing, study, or content of literature, especially of the kind
valued for quality of form.

Approach - a way of dealing with something

- point of view of the text.

1. Formalism
 New Criticism

 “the words on the page.”

 figures of speech, symbols, and plot

 Rhyme, meter, rhythm
2. Structuralism
 Text
 Author
 Social and cultural context
 Binary opposition

3. Marxism
 Money, power, control, social institution
 Social Relationship
 Disparities between economic classes
 Dominant Ideology

4. New Historicism

 People’s personal biases and assumptions

 Author
 Ideas circulating at that time
 Cultural Environment

5. Poststructuralism: Deconstruction
 Instability and Plurality in meanings

6. Feminism
 Human identity as critical framework

 “Reading as a woman”

 Gender
 Issues of socio-economic class and race

Poetry - is said to aspire to the condition of music, hence its rhythmic quality.
Literary Journalism

Literary - concerning the writing, study, or content of literature, especially of the

kind valued for quality of form.

Journalism - the activity or profession of writing for newspapers, magazines, or news

websites or preparing news to be broadcast.

Journalistic Writing
 to inform,
 to persuade,

 to entertain

Journalistic Writing
 Traditional Journalism
 Accurate/ Objective
 Concise and Clear

5 Ws
 Who
 What
 Where
 When
 Why

Literary Journalism
 Personal point of view
 Creative nonfiction
 Narrators are more like sociologist.
 Blogs.
 Magazine.

The primary function of journalism is to inform the public by reporting on local,

national and global news and events. Given that, journalists strive to write articles
that have wide appeal and can be easily understood.

 Fictional work of relative brevity
 Under 1500 words
 Romance, Thriller, Comedy, and Fanfiction

 Entertain
 Inform/ Give advices
 Raise awareness


 Public service ad messages in the public interest disseminated by the media
without charge.
 Raise awareness
 Change public attitudes and behaviors towards a social issue.

TEXT TULA or Textula

 Traces its origins to the traditional tagalog form of poetry called Tanaga
 Frank Rivera
 Employs communication technology in the sharing of Tanaga
 4 lines with 7/ 8 syllables each
 metaphorical

Rhyme schemes
 Basic or AAA Rhyme Scheme
 Enclosed or ABBA Rhyme Scheme (known as inipit in Filipino)
 Alternate or ABAB Rhyme Scheme (known as salitan in Filipino)
 AABB Rhyme Scheme (known as sunuran in Filipino)

 Entertain
 Inspire
 Inform relevant issues
 Express feelings and thoughts

Lyrical essay - a lyric is a poem that expresses personal emotions. The lyrical poem is
a form of creative nonfiction that combines both prose and poetry.

Photographic essay - is a series of pictures that evokes emotion, conveys an idea or

tells a story.

Types pf photo essay

1. Narrative Photo Essay - tells a story through a sequence of events or actions
- they may follow an individual or activity over a period of
time and present this story in chronological order.

2. Thematic Photo Essay - focuses on a central theme and presents photos relevant
to that theme.
Elements in creating photo essay
1. The story
2. The range of photos
3. The order of the photos
4. Information and emotion
5. Captions

“Sometimes we finish the exam, and sometimes

the exam finishes us”

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