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1. Define solid solution. Give types of solid solutions.

2. What is subtitutional solid solution?
3. What is interstitial solid solution?
4. What is phase diagram?
5. State the types of phase diagrams
6. State the properties of austenite.
7. What is peritectic reaction?
8. State the invariant reactions in iron carbon diagram
9. Write the eutectic transformation in iron carbon diagram
10.What is partial eutectic system?
11.State the properties of ferrite.
12.State the structural changes while cooling of pure iron.
13.State the properties of cementite
14.What is meant by upper critical temperature?
15.Write the eutectoid reaction in Fe-C diagram.
16.Differentiate hypoeutectoid and hypereutectoid steel
17.What is steel? State its types
18.What is cast iron? State its types
19.Differentiate steel and cast iron
20.Define Hume Rothery rule.
1. With the help of neat sketch explain the types of solid solution?
2. Draw the iron and iron carbide diagram and explain the transformations
3. Draw the iron carbon equilibrium diagram and explain the transformation for a steel
containing 1% carbon
4. Draw the Iron carbon equilibrium diagram and explain the transformation ofr a steel
containing 1.2% C
5. Draw the iron and iron carbide diagram and explain the transformation for a steel containing
0.5% carbon.


1. What is process annealing?
2. What is meant by CCR?
3. What is meant by non equilibrium cooling?
4. Name the structures produced in annealing and hardening
5. What is spheroidise annealing?
6. What is meant by upper critical temperature?
7. What is meant by non equilibrium cooling?
8. What is meant by Hardenability?
9. What is the medium used in carbonitriding?
10.State the types of carburizing.
11.State the merits of case hardening
12.What is a jominy distance?
13.State the Carbonaceous materials for solid carburizing
14.What is process annealing?
15.Define case depth
16.What is meant by case hardening?
17.Write the medium used in gas carburizing process
18.What is skin effect?
19.Differentiate hardness and hardenability
20.What is meant by surface hardening?
21.What is meant by hot hardness?
22.Define flame hardening
23.Define induction hardening
24.What is meant by isothermal reaction?
25.Write the medium used in nitriding process.

1. Explain the Jominy end quench test with neat sketch
2. Explain the following process with sketch: Flame and Induction hardening
3. Describe the following heat treatments: i) Annealing ii) Normalizing iii) Hardening iv)
4. Explain the construction of TTT diagram
5. Explain austempering and martempering process with neat sketch
6. Explain the following process: Nitriding and Carbonitriding
7. Explain the different types of carburizing process
8. Explain the CCT diagram

1. List out the carbide forming elements
2. What is meant by maraging steels?
3. State the properties of spheroidal graphite iron
4. State the different types of tool steels
5. Write the salient properties of non-ferrous metals
6. State the properties of austenite stabilizers?
7. List out the ferrite stabilizers
8. What is the effect of (Mn, Si, Cr, Mo, V, W, Ti) on steel?
9. What is an HSLA steel?
10.State the properties of White cast iron
11.State the properties of Titanium
12.What are Tool steels?
13.State the properties of Gray cast iron
14.State the properties of Al
15.Write the composition of duralumin and brass
16.Differentiate brass and bronze
17.Write short notes on the types of stainless steel
1. Describe the effect of alloying elements on steel
2. Discuss the composition, properties & typical application for following material
i)Tool steel ii) Stainless steel
3. Discuss the composition, properties & typical application for following material
i)Gray CI ii) White CI iii) Malleale CI iv) Ductile iron
4. Discuss the composition, properties & typical application for following material
i)Cu ii) Ni iii)Al iv)Ti v)Mg vi)Lead vii)Tin
5. Factors to be consider for selection of materials


1. What are the synthetic polymers?
2. What is polymerization?
3. What is the difference between Addition and condensation polymerization?
4. Define degree of polymerization ?
5. Differentiate Thermoplasts and Thermosets polymer?
6. Define ceramics?(BT-1). 9. Discover any properties of ceramics?
7. What is composite material?
8. Write an example for composite material?
9. What are the different types of composites?
10.What is matrix and reinforcement?
11.Draw the molecular structure of polyethylene and polyprophelene ?
12.Write the molecular structure of phenol- formaldehyde (PF) polymer & Urea –
formalehyde(UF) polymer ?
13.Give the example for metal- matrix composites and ceramic-matrix composites ?
14.With property and application, explain the following polymers a) PVC b) PMMA ?
15.What are the PEEK and PET polymers? What are their uses ?
16.What are the uses of alumina ?
17.Summarise any four common engineering polymers ?
18.What are the important of alumina and silicon nitride?
19.List the advantage and limitations of composites materials.
20.Draw the molecular structure of PAI

1.Describe the molecular structure, properties and application of the following polymers.
(i)Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
(ii)Polystyrene (PS)
(iii)Polyether etherketone(PEEK)
(iv )Poly carbonate(PC)
(v)PolyphenyleneSulphide (PPS)
2. Describe the molecular structure, properties and application of the following polymers
(i)Poly methyl methacrylate (PMMA)
(ii)Poly ethylene (PE)
(iii)Polyethylene terephthalate (PET)
(iv)Acryl nitride butadiene styrene.(ABS)
(v)Polyphenylene Oxide (PPO)
3. Describe the molecular structure, properties and application of the following polymers.
(i)Polypropylene (PP)
(ii) Urea formaldehyde
(iii) Poly tetra fluoro ethylene (PTFE)
(iv)Polyamide imide (PAI)
(v) Phenol formaldehyde
4. Describe the properties and application of the following ceramics materials
(ii)Silicon carbide
(iii)Silicon nitride

5. Explain the following composite materials

i) Laminar composites
ii) Fiber reinforced composites
iii) Particulate reinforced composites


1. Define endurance limit in fatigue test.
2. What properties are determined from tension testing of metallic products?
3. In general, HCP metals are hard and brittle while FCC metals are soft and ductile. Why?
4. Define slip
5. Define twinning
6. What is a fracture?
7. Write types of fractures
8. What is the use of S-N curve?
9. Write down the various mechanical test.
10. Write down the different types of hardness test
11. Define high cycle fatigue
12. Define low cycle fatigue
13. What is meant by slip system
14. Differentiate slip and twinning deformation
15. What is meant by toughness and resiliance
16. Define Hook’s law
17. Write down the formula for find out the BHN and VHN
18. What is meant by creep failure?
19. What is meant by fatigue failure?
20. Define: Axial fatigue, bending fatigue, rolling fatigue, torsional fatigue

1. Describe with neat sketch fatigue test
2. Describe with neat sketch creep test
3. Explain the mechanism of plastic deformation by slip and twinning with neat sketch
4. Explain the testing procedure for different types of hardness tests and mention the
advantages and limitations
5. Describe the procedure of Charpy and Izod impact testing and the properties obtained from it
6. Explain the method of testing the materials for fatigue and how is the fatigue data presented
7. Draw a typical creep curve and explain the various stages of creep
8. Compare and contrast the Brinell, Vickers and Rockwell hardness tests.
9. Explain the tensile test with stress strain diagram
10.Discuss characteristics of ductile fracture and brittle fracture with suitable examples

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