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Networking Secrets

Boost Collective Presents:

Massive exposure Strategies

Table of contents

Introduction 3

State of the music industry 4

Networking Etiquette 5

Soundcloud networking strategies 7

Facebook networking strategies 9

Exclusive Gift for You 11



The music industry is notoriously Who Are We?
cutthroat. The music business is a cruel Boost Collective is a
Marketing Agency
and shallow money trench, a long plastic based in Canada. We
specialize in Soundcloud
hallway where thieves and pimps run promotion campaigns

free, and good men die like dogs.

and it took us years of
proper networking to
There's also a negative side. make this a possibility.

Success in the music industry requires

Damian Barbu, the co-
founder, was previously
being a talented networker as much as an Electro-House DJ and
Producer, garnering
being a talented musician. Whether thousands of plays on
his platforms as well as
you’re an aspiring artist, rapper. DJ, or receiving support from
major artists such as
producer, successful networking is Raven & Kreyn.

important to working your way into the

Ronan Mulls, our
biz and realizing your dreams. second co-founder is
the CEO of Plus21

This guide will provide you with the

management, currently
managing top DJs &
necessary tactics to network on Producers and setting
them up with shows
Facebook, Soundcloud, and other and record labels. Some
of his artists include
platforms. Rettchit and Funkz.

Ready? Let’s get started.



State of the Music Industry

Before we begin, it is imperative that we discuss the current
state of the music industry as a whole. Whether you’re making
Rap, House, DnB, or Pop, this applies to everyone.

The Music Industry Can be Rough

It is a common myth that good music will be heard no matter
what. From our experience, this cannot be further from the
truth. Plenty of talent goes unheard and mediocre music takes
the stage, across the whole industry. You need to be ruthlessly
networking, marketing, and promoting your music, or this is
nothing more than just a hobby for you.

You Aren’t Just an Artist Anymore.

As an artist, you need to be as good at networking and
marketing as you are at making music. Long gone are the days
where you focus exclusively on making music. An artist
nowadays is a marketer, networker, promoter, graphic
designer, and much more. As a rule of thumb, you should
spend 50% of your time making music and the other 50%
towards these secondary tasks. Sound Like a drag? Because it
is. No worries though, we’ve got a gift for you at the end of this
guide to help you out.



Networking Etiquette
Before we dive into the specific strategies and methods of
networking, it is a necessity to understand these core principles
on how to actually network effectively. These are applicable to all
areas where networking can take place, and must be put to work
in all situations.

Know who you’re talking to.

In the music industry, there are many people that can help you in
various ways. From label execs to music bloggers to managers
and beyond, there’s a long list of people who an artist must build
relationships with in order to reach larger audiences and expand
their brand.

With all these potential helpers, it’s important to know exactly who
you’re talking to and know how to communicate with them
appropriately. For example, when an artist sends their work to a
record label A&R executive, he or she will probably want to be
more professional and direct. That approach may not work with
music bloggers. In fact, many music bloggers simply ignore emails
or messages that are too business-driven. To them, having a
personal relationship with the artist is much more desirable and
often leads to the best outcomes for both parties.

Be yourself.
Okay, this is pretty cliché, but very important still. As a musician,
there’s nothing that spells certain death for your career more than
not having your own identity. What makes an artist easy to sell is
their individuality and creativity, which is why it’s always important
to be yourself.



Follow up
Any musician can agree that you must reach out to individuals that
can help you out via Soundcloud, Facebook, Twitter, or in person.
This is only the beginning though. You need to follow up!

Following up with new connections is a must to maintain a

productive relationship where you can grow. Make sure your follow
up is appropriate to the person you’re talking to. Be formal and
businesslike in an email follow-up with a Label Exec, but be casual
around fellow artists.

In the music industry, networking with other professionals and

industry leaders is how you get your foot in the door. The music
business is arguably one of the most competitive industries out
there. Meeting the right people and forging positive relationships is
vital to the growth of an artist’s career.

Always Give as Much as You Take

This is one of the most important points, and if you’re going to take
anything from this guide, it must be this (and the Secret Gift at the

It is absolutely imperative to provide value to any individual if you

want to get anything in return. Spamming links won’t do anything
whatsoever. You want to create friendships so to say, with as many
artists, label execs and blog owners as possible. Give them value,
and they give you value back. Always follow this core principle!

Take a good look at these core networking principles and follow
them diligently. Apply these effectively with the strategies below,
and you’re on your way to getting the exposure you’ve needed!



Soundcloud Networking Strategies

The lifeblood of the Soundcloud community is interaction. To gain any sort of traction, you
must employ these strategies. These are the most effective yet tedious
somewhatways of going
tedious about
ways of
going moregetting
plays/exposure. Check out your
more plays/exposure. gift out
Check at the endgift
your of at
thisbe moreit may
help you.

Like, Comment, Follow

This is the most obvious way to go about increasing your stats, yet most artists get it wrong.
Here’s how to go about effectively applying this strategy:

1. Visit Soundcloud and search a common keyword in most song titles in your niche. For
example, search ‘Original Mix’ if you’re looking to network with house/EDM producers.
2. Filter these results to find fellow aspiring artists. Set the upload date to be the ‘Past Day’ ,
and pick the genre of the niche you want to network with
3. Now, you’ll have a list of artists like you. Comment effectively, drop a like, and a follow
on the songs you see. I recommend doing 50 a day. Recall our Network Etiquette rule,
before you take, you must give.
4. If you showed meaningful affection to their music, you’ll very likely get the same love

Send Meaningful Private Messages

This can be very effective if used appropriately. Soundcloud has very strict rules on message
your Soundcloud
spamming, and are notorious for deleting Soundcloud account
accounts outnowhere
out of of nowhere if you
if you copy-
paste yourtolink
your link to others
others often.often. Here
Here are are some
some steps steps
to usetothis
this feature
well: well:
1. Find artists in your genre with at least 1k-10k followers. You can use the strategy
previous above
to do this.
strategy to do this.
2. Send them a unique, personalized message and a released song of yours. Many of
these artists were like you at one point, small and wanting to grow. It’s very common for
larger artists to show love to you if you show love first and appear sincere.
3. Maintain contact! It is very important to keep the connection with the larger artist if he
replies back. Be helpful to him, and he’ll help you back.



Reach out to Small Repost Networks

This is a sure-fire way to get a quick little boost in plays and exposure. Avoid reaching out to
repost networks over 10k followers, as they usually charge a fee to repost your music and they
DON’T GUARANTEE PLAYS. You’ll receive a repost on accounts with botted followers.

Instead, reach out to legitimate marketing agencies that offer Soundcloud promotion
campaigns. These agencies have satisfaction guarantees, use professional repost campaigning
methods of promotion, and guarantee you plays. Boost Collective is a good example ;)

To find these small repost networks, simply search ‘Repost’ in the ‘Soundcloud’ search bar.
Filter to channels only, and scroll to the 6th or 7th page to start seeing the smaller accounts.
Open up the accounts and follow the steps to get you a repost. These steps might include
having you to follow some accounts, or to comment on a song. Worth looking into if you want
a bonus 100-300 plays.

Use these strategies consistently and persistently and you’ll begin to see some relatively
meaningful exposure! Again, it’s a lot of work and it may not be the most exciting thing in the
world, but this is the reality of being a successful artist these days.
If you’re not looking to allocate such time and effort and focusing your time on music, it is in
your best interest to look into Soundcloud campaigns from legitimate marketing agencies. At
the end of this guide, we have a little exclusive gift that just might be what you’re looking for.



Facebook Networking Strategies

With over two billion Facebook users, it’s a no brainer to use this platform to your advantage.
Facebook has become the top spot for artists to share music, collaborate, and ultimately
network with all sorts of individuals active in the music industry. Here some strategies you can
put to use immediately and have them work for you!

Facebook Groups
This is one of the top reasons as to why you must use Facebook for boosting your music’s
exposure. Facebook groups can help you get connected with pretty much anyone you need to
succeed. Here’s a step by step method to network effectively!
1. Join 10-20 groups that are in your niche. Simply by searching on Facebook can get you
to some great groups. Try and be specific in your search, for example type “soundcloud
support electro house” rather than just ‘soundcloud networking”. Don’t shy away from
Blog groups and label groups, as they can help you get connected with important
2. Be active and follow the ‘you get what you take’ rule. This is the most important part!
Like people’s post, provide real feedback to people’s music, and always give value
before asking for anything in return. Expect most Soundcloud groups to be primarily
composed of artists spamming their links. Don’t give in! Give them feedback, and ask
them to check your music out. There’s a great chance they will.
3. Engage in conversation and build lasting relationships. If you find an artist that is more
popular than yourself in a Facebook group, shoot him a message and start a casual
conversation. Keep following up to build a beneficial relationship. You guys can help
each other grow and become more successful. Continue building this network not just
with other artists, but with blog owners and other prominent figures in the industry. Yes,
it’s as easy as that.

Take action now!

Search on Facebook ‘Boost
Join our own Facebook Group
Soundcloud promotion’
of Over 1k members.



Create Your Own Facebook Group

This is an advanced tip, but it has proved to work very well. Once you’ve gathered a support
network of at least 50 artists (you have a friendly relationship with 50 artists), it’s time to start a
Facebook Support group with these contacts. Follow this checklist to make this a reality:

My contacts of 50 artists are all in my niche of music and could collaborate well together

I am in a close enough of a relationship with these artists to be able to get them to join

My contacts are willing to follow the set of strict rules (more below) I’ve set in the group

I am willing to keep the group in check and invest at least 30 minutes a day towards this

Sound good? Great, let’s get on the step-by-step!

1. Create a private Facebook Group and invite your network of artists to it. Let them know
beforehand of your intentions with the group.
2. Set strict and mandatory rules the group must follow. It should be the following: ‘before
you post in this group, you must visit the links of the last five posts, comment on their
songs and give a like’
3. Kick any members not following the rules and keep the rules intact diligently. This is
imperative if you want real cohesiveness and exposure for your music.
4. Continue to grow the group slowly to ensure the rules are being followed. You want
this to be a Support Group, not a spamfest of links.

If you followed the steps above, prepare to be amazed at the level of exposure you’ll be
receiving. Every time you post your song in the group, you’ll receive organic likes, comments,
and plays. Continue to nurture the group, and by the time you reach even 100 members you’ll
be getting 20 bonus likes and comments on your Soundcloud song every time you post in the



Wrap Up and Bonus Gift

A Big Thank You!
I have big respect for you reading this guide. It tells me that you’re serious about
making it in the music industry and are willing to give time to read up on how to
get better. I am certain that if you keep up this level of persistence and drive, the
sky is the limit ;)

I attempted to condense years of learning and experience in the few pages of

this guide, and I hope you found value in it. We have plenty of more valuable
info we give out, so stay tuned! Thanks again for your time!
-Damian from Boost Collective

Gift to Get You Further!
I’ve decided to leave you with a little something
to get you closer to your goals and aspirations.
If you’re serious about your music career, this is
for you.

I’d like to offer you an exclusive Soundcloud

Repost Campaign to jumpstart your career. Get
a 1k plays campaign on a song of your choice!

50% off, exclusively PDF Readers.

PDF Special Reg. Price

Order My Gift $9.97 $20.97

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