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Advances in Engineering Software 90 (2015) 183–201

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Advances in Engineering Software

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A critical analysis of Building Information Modelling systems used

in construction projects
F.H. Abanda∗, C. Vidalakis, A.H. Oti, J.H.M. Tah
School of the Built Environment, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, OX3 0BP, UK

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Building Information Modelling (BIM) is now a global digital technology which is widely believed to have the
Received 14 May 2015 potential to revolutionise the construction industry. This has been mainly a result of worldwide government
Revised 23 July 2015
initiatives promoting BIM uptake to improve efficiency and quality in delivering construction projects. This
Accepted 30 August 2015
push has been accompanied by the release of a tremendous amount of BIM software systems which are now
available in the market. Although this can be seen as a positive development, one cannot ignore how it has
Keywords: overwhelmed many professionals who cannot easily distinguish between the uses of these software systems.
BIM Previous studies about different BIM systems have generally been limited in scope focusing predominantly on
Classification operational issues. This study aims to conduct a comprehensive and critical appraisal of a wide range of BIM
software systems currently being used in managing construction project information. To achieve this, five
main methods are adopted. These include a systematic review of the literature, a structured questionnaire
Plug-ins survey, action learning, focus group discussions and email surveys. It has to be noted that, although it is
impossible to examine the totality of BIM systems, the study adopts a holistic approach looking at most
of the major BIM system categories and 122 application examples which are common in the architecture,
engineering and construction (AEC) industry.
© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Background to be made about their respective use. For example, the US Depart-
ment of Energy has published a list of 417 energy simulation software
In recent years, many governments have been promoting the use applications for buildings (
of Building Information Modelling (BIM) as a means of facilitating tools_directory/). Although not all of them are directly linked to BIM,
collaboration and improving delivery efficiency and project quality. a basic knowledge of most of them is required in order to confidently
While BIM has been around for a while, recent advances in Informa- establish how well they fit with a particular BIM software system.
tion and Communication Technologies (ICT) have given researchers Key to this issue is the degree of communication or interoperability
and policy makers in construction a renewed impetus to push for between software systems. Also, the number of software manufac-
further adoption of the concept. Over the past three decades, soft- turers (for example Autodesk, Bentley, Dassault Systèmes, Synchro
ware suppliers have flooded the market with numerous BIM soft- Ltd, Vico, Onuma Systems, Graphisoft, Teckla, etc.) is skyrocketing.
ware packages dealing with different types of construction infor- Although it is not so straightforward to determine the global number
mation. This has led to end-users facing significant challenges as of BIM suppliers and software types, from buildingSmart resources
to which software systems to use, in which type of construction (, about 75 organisations sup-
domains/activities/and how to effectively use the chosen software port the Industry Foundation Classes (IFC). These organisations pro-
packages(s). Indeed, the requirement to understand the various ap- vide the market with at least 150 BIM software packages that are
plications of BIM systems cannot be underestimated. Perhaps, this IFC compliant. This implies that, worldwide, there are at least 150
explains why BIM systems, their applications and exchange formats BIM software packages. In addition, often, BIM applications are costly
are now required as part of the pre- and post-contract BIM execution and are out of reach for several individuals and companies especially
plans [56,57]. Furthermore, the plethora of BIM software applications small and medium size enterprises (SMEs). In an NBS [48] report, 67%
in the market poses a great challenge for any meaningful decision(s) of BIM users and 64% of non-BIM users confirmed cost was a major
barrier to BIM uptake. Certainly, the initial costs related to obtaining
a BIM software package is not the only cost of investing in BIM. How-

Corresponding author. Tel.: +44 1865483475; fax: +44 01865483475. ever, it needs to be highlighted that it represents a significant portion
E-mail address:, (F.H. Abanda). of it.
0965-9978/© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
184 F.H. Abanda et al. / Advances in Engineering Software 90 (2015) 183–201

The plethora of software packages, software interoperability chal- 2. Research methods

lenges and high implementation costs, is accompanied by a lack of
peer-reviewed literature on BIM software systems. This could pos- To achieve the aim of this study, a mixed research methods ap-
sibly explain many of the challenges facing the construction pro- proach has been used as illustrated in Fig. 1.
fessionals in the uptake of BIM. A series of surveys by the National The rationale for adopting such an approach is fivefold. First, it
Building Specification [44–48] has revealed that the lack of knowl- allows the triangulation of data and assures its validity. Secondly, the
edge about different BIM software packages is a major barrier to their various methods used are complimentary; one method strengthen-
adoption. ing the other. Thirdly, mixed research methods make it possible to
Therefore, there is a need to investigate and provide a comprehen- elicit supplemental data which bolster research effectiveness [41].
sive study about the use of emerging BIM software systems in man- Fourthly, the approach is particularly helpful to explain complex or
aging construction projects. The most important assessment criteria contradictory survey responses [22]. Lastly, using various research
to be considered are cost of software, interoperability format, domain processes can also lead to unexpected or emergent themes and
of application and use. information that would not have otherwise come to light [22]. Each
To facilitate understanding, this work is divided into seven sec- of the methods adopted will be discussed in greater detail in the
tions. Section 1 presents the background and context of this study. ensuing sections.
In Section 2, the research methods used to achieve the aim of
this study are discussed. In Section 3, the concept of BIM is in- 2.1. Literature review
troduced to facilitate understanding. A state-of-the-art classifica-
tion of BIM systems is undertaken in Section 4. The findings of The purposes of a literature review are many [50]. Gall et al. [30]
this study are reported in Section 5. In Section 6, challenges en- argued that a literature review can delimit the research problem,
countered during the process of BIM software systems identifica- seek new lines of inquiry, avoid fruitless approaches, gain method-
tion are discussed. The paper is concluded by a way of summary in ological insights, identify recommendations for further research, and
Section 7. seek support for grounded theory. For the purpose of this study,


Literature Review
Search engines It was not so straight forward to
e.g. Google establish whether some of the
software packages were BIM
Vendor websites software or not. Hence, we opted to
watch tutorial on YouTube, read
Peer-reviewed professionals’ blogs, read
journals customers’ reviews and products’

Potential list of
List of potential Potential list
plug-ins and
software of Cloud BIM The use of YouTube, blogs
excahnge formats
Product and reviews provided an
YouTube additional screening or
filtering layer that led to the
Filter Filter Filter identification of mostly BIM
software systems.
Blogs reviews

Group 1 software
List of BIM Typical BIM systems at this stage
Software were BIM authoring tools
Questionnaire Group 2 software
survey packages


BIM library
Focus group

Action learning

The final outcome here is a

Survey combination of of BIM
Plugins and authoring tools, BIM library/
exchange Mobile/Cloud BIM and
Emails survey formats Plugins/file exchange formats

Fig. 1. Research framework.

F.H. Abanda et al. / Advances in Engineering Software 90 (2015) 183–201 185

two categories of literature were considered: peer-reviewed and grey ods [15,32,49]. Therefore further search was conducted on YouTube
literature. to find out if there were tutorials, examples or other information link-
With regards to peer-reviewed literature, an extensive review ing the application to any built environment related domain. Blogs
about the different BIM systems was undertaken. Given the nascent and reviews about the software were also examined. These sources
nature of BIM, with new software systems being developed, a sys- provided greater insights about the software packages from a profes-
tematic approach was adopted. This consisted a search of relevant sional perspective. Observing from YouTube videos, how the different
terminologies using the Google search engine; peer-reviewed jour- software systems work allows for validating the information gath-
nal databases and leading BIM research organisations’ websites. ered from peer-reviewed literature and vendors’ websites. Blogs and
The main sources searched included Google Scholar, ScienceDirect, reviews about the different software systems further reinforced and
Emerald and the National Building Specification. The search yielded validated facts gathered from the vendors’ websites and YouTube.
the following studies: Having elicited a list of software applications through an extensive
literature review and by exploring various social media sources, it
a. Kurul et al. [35] reviewed 10 BIM software packages;
was imperative to actually establish if the different BIM software sys-
b. Abanda and Tah [1] investigated the potential of some open
tems were the most commonly used in construction. This led to the
sourced BIM software;
use of another two research methods; a questionnaire survey and fo-
c. Crawley et al. [19] conducted a comparative study of 20 building
cus group discussions. This served as an opportunity to further elicit
energy simulation tools;
other BIM software that might had been missed through the litera-
d. Ruiz [58] and Kia [33] reviewed some BIM authoring software
ture review method.
e. Wu et al. [64] reviewed four BIM cost estimating software pack-
2.2. Questionnaire survey
ages focusing on the technical and process approach of cost esti-
The literature review discussed in Section 2.1 resulted in the iden-
f. [2], El-Ammari [27], Bynum II [13], Ren [52], Lennert [37], Fernan-
tification of a number of BIM software systems. However, these were
des [29] and Ruiz [58] have all conducted research that involved
not linked to the relevant construction domain. Thus, a question-
the use of a few BIM software packages in their respective masters
naire was designed capturing different aspects of BIM systems and
distributed to participants who attended the FutureFit Built Assets
g. NBS [44–48] conducted surveys that altogether identified six BIM
project Research Workshop at Oxford Brookes University. Although,
software packages.
the survey was part of a wider study, it provided valuable informa-
From the analysis of the sources mentioned in a–g, it emerged tion in terms of software types, interoperability formats, domain of
that there is paucity of peer-reviewed literature about different BIM BIM application (e.g., architecture, structural, facilities management,
software packages. Also, the software applications discussed in the etc.) and uses of BIM (visualisation, embodied energy analysis, cost
aforementioned literature are too few compared with the quantity estimation, etc.). Altogether, three workshops were run with inter-
currently available in the market. Furthermore, the limited number vals of 2–3 weeks each. These intervals provided opportunities to
of studies which focus on BIM software tend to focus on one aspect of conduct preliminary analysis and provide feedback during successive
BIM as a technology (e.g. Abanda and Tah [1]) or construction prac- workshops.
tice (e.g. [19,35]). This approach is useful as it offers more focus and
understanding into specific aspects of BIM. However, the underlying 2.3. Focus group discussions
principle of BIM is collaboration which reflects what the reality in
the construction industry should be. This means different profession- Based on the questionnaire survey feedback, focus group discus-
als tend to use different software at different stages of construction sions were organised during the last workshop to capture different
to address different domain-specific challenges. For example, at the qualities of BIM systems. During the workshop important aspects
design phase, the application of a design BIM software (e.g. Revit) such as BIM library, Mobile BIM and Cloud BIM were highlighted
is required while at the operation phase, knowledge of a BIM facil- as main aspects of BIM systems. This validated what the literature
ities management software is necessary. Firms considering investing review had revealed. Furthermore, participants identified the chal-
in BIM need to know the different software required in completely lenges faced with exchanging information with project partners who
delivering a project. As argued by Gall et al. [30] one of the goals of might use a different BIM application. An investigation about the dif-
a literature review is to gain methodological insights. The third find- ferent software compatible file formats and plug-ins yielded very
ing from reviewing the afore-cited literature is the use of a single re- little and ambiguous information. As a result, action learning tech-
search method to identify different BIM software systems. For exam- niques and an email survey were conducted.
ple, NBS [44–48] used a structured closed questionnaire to identify
common BIM software systems. 2.4. Action learning techniques
With regards to grey literature, vendors’ websites and social me-
dia sources were reviewed. Given the limited number of BIM sys- The term action learning was coined by Revans [54] and refers to
tems uncovered using peer-reviewed sources, a systematic search a practical group learning and problem-solving process. The idea is
was performed by using computer-aided design (CAD)/BIM software that the group meets regularly in a setting where group members are
manufacturers’ websites. Then, vendors’ websites were visited to ob- encouraged to learn and share from experience [20]. In this case, ac-
tain further information about the systems. A similar approach was tion learning techniques were adopted especially because from the
utilised by Crawley et al. [19] to investigate 20 BIM energy simula- literature review it emerged that file types and software plug-ins are
tion software packages. The information retrieved from the various rarely discussed on vendors’ websites. To determine file types, au-
websites included software cost, file formats, interoperable file for- thors started the installed software or trial version if available and
mats and whether the system is used for building designs. The latter went to “Save As” from the File menu to determine the available file
was a particular challenge since from the vendors’ websites it was types. In other cases, the “Import” and “Export” function under the
often unclear whether the software is used by the AEC industry. To file menu was used to identify the different input and output file for-
deal with this challenge, further research was conducted using so- mats. With regards to plug-ins, some were installed to ensure com-
cial media tools. The potential to easily harnessed information from patibility with the system as many do not come as part of the main
social media sources has given birth to social media research meth- software installation package. COBie Extension for Autodesk Revit is
186 F.H. Abanda et al. / Advances in Engineering Software 90 (2015) 183–201

Table 1
Criteria for inclusion and exclusion.

i Literature: Peer-reviewed literature sources “Highly potential” candidate

ii Literature review: Grey literature (vendors website) “Highly potential” candidate
iii IFC compliant “Highly potential” candidate
iv Literature review: Grey literature (other sources) If it is observed from YouTube to follow BIM workflow, then it is a “highly potential” candidate. For any other
sources, then it needs to be confirmed by at least one of the methods v and vi
v Questionnaire “Potential”, but some needed to be confirmed through vi
vi Focus group discussions “Potential”, but some needed to be confirmed through viii
vii Action learning This technique was used to identify the file formats and different plug-ins of BIM software systems. As such it
was based on the software identified through the literature review, questionnaire and focus group
viii Email surveys This was used to identify file formats and different plug-ins of BIM software systems.

a clear example where the plug-in requires to be installed separately and collaborative way of working that is underpinned by digital tech-
after Revit has been installed. nologies which support more efficient methods of designing, creat-
ing and maintaining the built environment [18].” What emerges from
2.5. Email survey these definitions is that BIM is not a piece of software nor a new con-
cept. The concept of collaboration dates back many generations and
An email survey was sent to some selected vendors to establish has been promoted since the works of Alfred Charles Bossom. Alfred
the different file formats and plug-ins supported by their software was an English architect who went to the USA in the early 20th cen-
packages. tury, where he was involved in the design of skyscrapers. While in
In summary, the results of this paper are based on the findings of a the US, he found out that contractors in the USA were able to build
literature review (including manufacturers’ websites, peer-reviewed faster than their counterparts in the UK, but at the same cost, and as
and grey literature), a structured questionnaire, feedback from fo- a result they were more profitable and were able to pay higher wages.
cus group discussions and an email survey. The combination of these Upon his return, he argued that construction was a process like any
method facilitated categorising the different BIM systems discussed other and that if all the parties worked together it could be planned in
in Section 4. It was therefore important to establish criteria for inclu- advance and then carried out to an agreed schedule [11]. Similar crit-
sion and exclusion (see Table 1). In addition to the methods criteria, icisms have followed Alfred’s publication, most notably: the Latham
IFC compliant BIM software was also considered as a criterion as IFC Report (1994); the Egan Report (1998); the Government Construction
is key to interoperability. Strategy (2011) and Construction 2025 (2013). The Landscape Insti-
Using the criteria in Table 1, care was taken not to duplicate previ- tute sums BIM as a continuation of collaborative working within the
ous efforts; which was also beneficial in the sense that the summary built environment sector supported by a range of software [36].
table (Table 2) is not overloaded with too many fields. Furthermore, As a summary, BIM consists of at least three dimensions: process,
efforts were made to ensure that the list of chosen BIM software technology and people. Arayici et al. [4] argued that the strategic ap-
applications was representative so as to avoid many BIM software proach to BIM adoption should incorporate equally all these dimen-
systems being grouped into one category. For example, it would be sions. Based on preceding literature, the concept of BIM as a process,
valuable to have three BIM software packages related to design, cost driven by and involving people, dates back earlier than 1934. Prior to
estimation and energy simulation than to have all the three belong- 1934, limitations in computer power and unfriendly user-interfaces
ing to one category. That is why the word “potential” has been used in were drawbacks to technology or software underpinned by BIM work
Table 1. flow or metaphor. One of the earliest theories that supported BIM
metaphor was proposed by Engelbart who in 1962 gave an uncanny
3. What is Building Information Modelling? vision of the future architect in his paper Augmenting Human Archi-
tect [28]. In the mid-1970s the Building Description System, which
BIM is being hailed as a solution to overcome everlasting chal- was the first software application describing individual library ele-
lenges, facing the AEC industry, often associated with traditional ments which could be retrieved and added to a model was developed
working practices. In the US, BIM has been defined differently by by Charles Eastman at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
leading organisations including the National BIM Standard-United [24–26]. By the 1980s, computer-aided-design systems for exploring
StatesTM [43] and the American Institute of Architects [3]. In the how construction information can be managed and integrated started
UK, the joint definition from the Royal Institute of British Archi- to emerge. An example is MicroStation that was first released in 1980.
tects (RIBA), Construction Project Information Committee (CPIC) and In 1993, Eastman developed another simulation tool known as the
buildingSmart which states that “BIM is a digital representation of Building Design Advisor, at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
physical and functional characteristics of a facility creating a shared While the developments in the US (i.e. works of Engelbart, Build-
knowledge resource for information about it forming a reliable basis ing Description System, Building Design Advisor and MicroStation)
for decisions during its life cycle, from earliest conception to demoli- were rapid, two programming geniuses emerged from the then Soviet
tion” is widely used amongst professionals. Block. These were Leonid Raiz and Gábor Bojár, who went on to be the
This paper acknowledges the subtle differences between BIM defi- respective co-founder and founder of Revit and ArchiCAD. ArchiCAD
nitions and their context of application. However, it needs to be high- was developed in 1982 in Hungary by Gábor Bojár, a physicist who re-
lighted that a common feature in all definitions is that BIM is a pro- belled against the communist government and began a private com-
cess, facilitated by BIM software systems and driven by people. This is pany [10]. Using similar technology as the Building Description Sys-
also suggested by definitions provided by Mott MacDonald [42] and tem, the software Radar CH was released in 1984 for the Apple Lisa
the Construction Industry Council (CIC) [18]. Mott MacDonald, a man- Operating System. This later became ArchiCAD making ArchiCAD the
agement, engineering and development consultancy, defines BIM as first BIM software that was made available on a personal computer
“a coordinated set of processes, supported by technology that adds [10]. In 1997, Leonid Raiz and Irwin Jungreis founded Charles River
value through creating, managing and sharing the properties of an Software in Massachusetts, USA [10]. They hired an expert to develop
asset throughout its lifecycle [42].” CIC defines BIM as “an innovative a superior software to AchiCAD. This led to the development of Revit
Table 2
BIM software systems.

Specific applications Import Export Plugins Availability website

ArchiCAD It allows architects to freely explore design ideas without IFC, IFCXML, .IFCZIP, IFC, IFCXML, .IFCZIP, The Google Earth Ca
compromising on documentation precision and DXF, DWG .NWC, DXF, DWG Connection (GEC)
quality. It is used in designing in 3D. Add-On package
enables integration
Earth, SketchUp and
3D Warehouse and .skp file
Cadimage It enhances the ability to model 3D in ArchiCAD. For Exchange 3D models between collaborative team ArchiCAD C
example, it provides the freedom to explore a greater using the power of the IFC (Industry Foundation

F.H. Abanda et al. / Advances in Engineering Software 90 (2015) 183–201

variety of door and window styles with a variety of Classes) file format.
panels, opening methods, trims and sills.
3ds MAX 3D modelling and animation. 3ds, DWG, DXF 3ds, DWG, DXF AR-media for C
Augmented Reality 3ds-max/overview
Revit Design building and its components. DWG, DXF, RVT, IFC, DWG, DXF, RVT, IFC, COBie plugin, BIM 360 C
gbXML gbXML Glue, IES, BIMLink, revit-family/overview
Vectorworks Architecture Design in 3D with free-form surface and solids modelling DXF, DWG, IFC DXF, DWG,IFC DeckWorks, Savvy C
(Nemetschek) tools. Also possible to merge 2D and 3D. Sequencer
Maya Provides a comprehensive creative feature set for 3D DWG, VRML2 .x3d, VRML2 CATIA C
computer animation, modelling, simulation and maya/overview
rendering on a highly extensible production platform.
MicroStation 2D and 3D CAD and information modelling software for DXF, DWG, 3DS DXF, DWG, 3DS, IFC Bentley Descartes C
the architecture, engineering, construction, and facility i-model for Revit Products/MicroStation/
operation. May also be used for roads and rail, bridges,
buildings, communications networks, water and
wastewater networks, process plants and mining.
Digital Project Designer High performance 3D and BIM modelling for DXF/DWG, IFC DXF/DWG, IFC Digital project C
architectural design, engineering and construction. Extensions
SolidWorks SOLIDWORKS solutions cover aspects of product DXF/DWG, IFC, 3DS DXF/DWG, IFC, 3DS Synergis Software C
development process including workflow-design,
verification, sustainable design, communication and
data management.
DDS-CAD Architecture and It is designed for architects, building contractors and IFC, IFCZIP, gbXML, DXF, IFC Polysun Inside C
Construction producers/marketers of prefabricated houses. The DWG
architectural module assists with outlines, design
criteria, general and detailed planning as well as
automatic quantity billing. The construction module
deals with construction and structural details. Its
capabilities include the generation of relevant
production drawings (including 2D and 3D), including
cutting bills and complete bill of quantities and
transfers data directly to production lines for cutting
and assembly.
4MSA IDEA Architectural Provides a smart model shaping and high design DWG, DXF, DWG, DXF, IFC 3DS import for C
Design (IntelliCAD) accuracy, directly applied to the real 3D building IntelliCAD is a 3D press-releases/bid/44099/IDEA-
model. Studio® 3DS file IntelliCAD-Based-Architectural-BIM
import plug-in for
(continued on next page)

Table 2 (continued)

Specific applications Import Export Plugins Availability website

Edificius 3D architectural design. DWG, DWF, 3DS DWG, DWF, 3DS Edificius integrates a UPP
specific SketchUp edificius/features.html
Infrastructure and civil engineering
AutoCAD Civil 3D Civil design and documentation solution for DXF, DWG, LandXML DXF, DWG, LandXML, i-model plugins, C
infrastructure professionals can better understand DGN Pictometry, autocad-civil-3d/overview
project performance, maintain more consistent data earthmine
and processes and respond faster to change.
Infrastructure Design Suite Civil engineering software combines the tools to plan, DWG DWG i-model plugins, C
design, build and manage civil and utility Pictometry, infrastructure-design-suite/overview
infrastructure. Extends the capabilities of the earthmine
capability civil design and documentation solutions.
Tekla Civil Powerful product model and comprehensive editing DWG, DXF, DGN, DWG, DXF, DGN, Add-in for Revit C

F.H. Abanda et al. / Advances in Engineering Software 90 (2015) 183–201

tools for managing infrastructure data. LandXML LandXML civil
GEOPAK Civil Engineering Powerful and flexible suite of integrated tools for GPK, TIN, CSV, GPK, TIN, LandXML, i-model plugins C
Suite field-to-finish design of transportation and civil LandXML, MS Access Products/GEOPAK+Civil+Engineering
infrastructure projects. +Suite/
Structural engineering
Tekla Structures For modelling stadiums, offshore structures, plants and Supported formats include, for example, SDNF, Tekla Add-In for Revit C
factories, residential buildings, bridges CIS/2, and IFC. 2013- 2015 tekla-structures
and skyscrapers.
STAAD.Pro (Bentley) A structural engineering professional’s tool for analysis STD, 3D DXF, CIS/2 STD i-model plugins C
and design of steel, concrete, timber, aluminium, and Products/STAAD.Pro/
cold-formed steel design of virtually any structure
including culverts, petrochemical plants, tunnels,
bridges, piles, and much more through its flexible
modelling environment, advanced features, and fluent
data collaboration.
AECOsim Building Designer A single Building Information Modelling (BIM) software IFC IFC i-model plugins C
V8i application for multi-discipline teams. It enables Products/AECOsim+Building+Designer/
architects, structural, mechanical, and electrical
engineers to design, analyse, construct, document, and
visualise buildings of any size, form, and complexity.
Allplan Engineering For structural detailing that supports the entire design IFC, DWG, DXF, DGN IFC AR-media C
(Nemetschek) process, from the initial architectural design through software/engineering/allplan-
to the finished general arrangement and reinforcement engineering.html
Revit Structure Create and manage structural analytical model. DWG, DXF, RVT, IFC, DWG, DXF, RVT, IFC, i-model plugins C
gbXML gbXML revit-family/overview
Advance Design (Graitec) Structural analysis and design of Reinforced Concrete and GTC (Graitec BIM file), IFC, DXF Add-in for Revit C
Steel structures. IFC, DXF
Advance Concrete Advanced structural concrete engineering, detailing and Revit and Graitec DWG Advance Revit Plugin C
(Autodesk) fabrication built on Autodesk product (AutoCAD) Advance Design files,
platform. DWG, DXF, RVT, IFC
Advance Steel (Autodesk) Advanced structural steel engineering, detailing and DWG, DXF, RVT, IFC, DWG Advance Revit Plugin C
fabrication built on Autodesk product (AutoCAD)
Robot Structural Analysis Provides engineers with advanced building simulation DWG, DXF DWG, DXF Dynamo C
and analysis capabilities for large, complex structural robot-structural-analysis/overview
modelling with bidirectional link with Revit Building
(continued on next page)
Table 2 (continued)

Specific applications Import Export Plugins Availability website

Building services
MagiCAD Design and calculation capabilities for heating, cooling, DWG, RVT, IFC, IFC, Spreadsheet Voids Manager for Revit C
ventilation, air conditioning and water systems, as well Spreadsheet
as sewer, sprinkler and specialist systems, including
energy-efficiency calculations. Coordination and clash
Revit MEP Accurate design of MEP (mechanical, electrical, DWG, DXF, RVT, IFC, DWG, DXF, RVT, IFC, i-model plugins C
plumbing) and HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air gbXML gbXML revit-family/overview
AECOsim Building Designer AECOsim Building Designer provides electrical engineers DWG, DXF,IFC DWG, DXF,IFC i-model plugins C
for Electrical Engineers with key features that help them improve project Products/AECOsim+Building+Designer/
quality, reduce risk, and save money in the design and AECOsim+Building+Designer+
documentation of building electrical systems. Electrical+Engineers+Software.htm
Clima-Win Thermal calculations. gbXML, IFC, Neutral XML, Excel, NBDM, Plug-in for Revit, C
Building Data Passive House ArchiWizard espaceclient/produits/climawin/

F.H. Abanda et al. / Advances in Engineering Software 90 (2015) 183–201

Model(NBDM) Planning Package
AECOsim Energy Simulator Design, simulate, and analyse Building Mechanical gbXML, DXF, DWG i-model plugins C
v8i Systems, Environmental Conditions, and Energy Products/AECOsim+Energy+Simulator/
Performance. It is capable of performing, simulation,
and analysis of building mechanical systems,
environmental conditions, and energy performance.
Used in both design and retrofit work, the software
contributes to better-performing, more sustainable
buildings that consume less energy; provide greater
occupant productivity, comfort, and safety; and control
lifecycle operational energy costs for their owners.
DDS-CAD Electrical For design of complete electrical installations and ArchiCAD, Allplan, DWG, DXF, IFC, gbXML Polysun Inside C
distributor documentation, including lightning Vectorworks Bentley,
protection and fire & security systems. or Revit, IFC, DXF,
DDS HVAC & Plumbing For plumbing, heating, air conditioning and ventilation. ArchiCAD, Allplan, DWG, DXF, IFC, gbXML Polysun Inside C
Integrated calculations and advanced control features Vectorworks Bentley,
facilitate optimal mechanical and plumbing design. or Revit, DWG, DXF,
Project management/design coordination
Calcus Cost analysis, What-if simulation, Carbon Footprint IFC MS Excel C
Analysis (CO2), Lifecycle Cost Analysis (LCC).
Tocoman Quantity Quantity take-off, cost estimating, visualisation. IFC Export to MicroSoft iLink add-on for Revit, C
Management Solution Project ArchiCAD and Tekla
Synchro Clash detection, scheduling optimisation (4D). DWF, IFC IFC, Primavera P6, MS Primevera API Revit C
Project XML, MS Excel plugin Projectwise
plugin MicroStation
plugin SketchUp
Vico Coordination, quantity takeoff, cost estimation (5D), IFC, DWG, DXF XML Plugin for Revit C
project scheduling, and production control.
Causeway Professional Software provides a range of modules for all aspects of C
Design Suite (PDS), earthworks design and quantification, development news-tags/professional-design-suite
site infrastructure design and highway design.
BIMMeasure Provides the ability to measure directly from federated or Supports DWF, DWFx, IFC C
individual models and drawings whether presented in
2D, 3D or BIM format. new-bimmeasure-solution
Navisworks Integration, analysis and communication tools help IFC, DWF 3D DWF, DWFx, Google Simlab 3D PDF Exporter C
teams co-ordinate disciplines, resolve conflicts and Earth KML navisworks/overview
plan projects before construction or renovation begins.
(continued on next page)

Table 2 (continued)

Specific applications Import Export Plugins Availability website

AutoDesk QTO Cost estimating software helps make material costing DWF CSV, Txt SageTimberline Office C
faster, easier, and more accurate. Estimating
PriMus Provides an opportunity to generate bills of quantities, MS Excel, IFC UPP
price lists and rate analysis software. primus/index.html
PriMus-To Provides an opportunity to perform quantity take-offs DWG UPP
directly from a CAD or Raster drawing. primus-to/features.html
Digital Project Manager 3D model review, Quantity take-offs, 4D modelling and DWG, DXF, IFC DWG, DXF, IFC C
schedule integration, Project collaboration.
Innovaya Visualization, Coordination – 4D Scheduling, Quantity RVT Innovaya Composer for C
Takeoff – 5D Estimating. Revit
Bidcon BIM The software allows you to take off the quantities you IFC Asta Project
need from an IFC model and share the bill of quantities
with Asta PowerProject BIM. bim/
Glodon Takeoff for Glodon TAS is a quantity takeoff software that enables DWG, IFC MS Excel C

F.H. Abanda et al. / Advances in Engineering Software 90 (2015) 183–201

Architecture and the editing of BIM models.
Structure (Glodon TAS) iid=12
Glodon Takeoff for Glodon TME is quantity takeoff software for MEP. DWG MS Excel C
Mechanical and Electrical
(Glodon TME) iid=11
RIB iTwo RIB iTwo is planning, estimating, cost management and IFC, PowerProject, PowerProject, C
project controls. It offers the additional possibility of Primavera, MS Project Primavera, MS Project en/landingpage/rib-itwo.html
rule-based dovetailing of quantity takeoff with work
specifications and cost estimations.
Facilities management
Bentley Facilities Supports the management of organizational spaces, DWG, COBie, IFC C
corporate assets, and facility-related documents for GB/Products/Bentley+Facilities/
better utilised buildings, on time and on budget.
ArchiFM It can be regarded as a well-organised website containing IFC IFC C
current property data, maintenance tasks with the
possibility to perform their live, direct editing.
ArtrA Our solution uniquely links a 3D model to asset MS Excel, IFC MS Excel C
information in an intuitive interface, enabling users to
accurately explore, track, and manage project and
plant information using powerful linking, reporting
and visualisation.
Maximo Asset Management solutions give you a single point of IFC, DWG Vetasi C
control over all types of assets. Control assets such as products/en/maximoassetmanagement/
production, infrastructure, facilities, transportation
and communications.
ArchiBus ARCHIBUS turns BIM, GIS and Mobile into powerhouses IFC IFC ARCHIBUS Smart Client C
that accelerate understanding of your real estate Extension for Revit,
portfolio, workspaces, and operations, and speeds ARCHIBUS Geospatial
business processes. Extensions for ArcGIS
SysQue Enables designers and contractors to design in RVT MS Excel, .txt Revit C
Autodesk® Revit® MEP with real-world,
manufacturing-specific content that’s ready for
fabrication and meets detailing, fabrication,
manufacturing, and installation requirements.
Ecotect Online energy, water, and carbon-emission analysis gbXML, DXF, 3DS, OBJ gbXML GECO (Links Rhino and C
capabilities integrate with tools that enable you to Ecotect) analysis/
visualise and simulate a building’s performance within
the context of its environment.
(continued on next page)
Table 2 (continued)

Specific applications Import Export Plugins Availability website

Green Building Studio Enables architects and designers to perform gbXML PDF, JPEG Plug-in link with Revit C
whole-building analysis, optimise energy
consumption, and work toward carbon-neutral
building designs earlier in the process.
Graphisoft EcoDesigner his enables designers to fully utilise and further extend ArchiCAD files gbXML, Dedicated green C
STAR ArchiCAD’s built-in building energy modelling IFC translator ecodesignerstar.php
capabilities, with high-end building energy
performance simulation and reporting without leaving
IES VE Environmental performance of buildings. IFC, DXF, gbXML gbXML, DXF Revit C
Design Builder This enables the whole design team to use the same gbXML DXF Revit C
software to develop comfortable and energy-efficient
building designs from concept through to completion.

F.H. Abanda et al. / Advances in Engineering Software 90 (2015) 183–201

Vasari Vasari goes further, with integrated analysis for energy DWF, DXF, SKP Dynamo
and carbon, providing design insight where the most
important design decisions are made.
Riuska Compliance checking, comparison of: indoor climate IFC IFC C
quality levels; architectural solutions (windows, riuska/
window protection, façade solutions), analysis of
problematic spaces, Energy consumption of buildings
and building systems.
EnergyPlus Energy simulation, thermal design and analysis. IFC, gbXML, ASCII Open Studio plugin for F
SketchUp, Energy energyplus/
plugged for AutoCAD
BEopt Evaluation of residential building designs and identify XML XML F
cost-optimal efficiency.
BEES Automated approach for measuring the life-cycle XML XML, CSV, VRML F
environmental and economic performance of a BEESSoftware.cfm
building product.
DDS-CAD PV Planning of PV systems in 2D and 3D. DWG, DXF, IFC DWG, DXF, IFC C
IDA ICE Study of the indoor climate of individual zones within a IFC, DWG, DXF, DWF, DWG, DXF, DWF None C
building, as well as energy consumption for the entire 3ds
GIS-BIM system
ArchGIS for Desktop Create, analyse, store, and share information in powerful DWF, DXF, DWG, 3DS, DWF, DXF, DWG, ArcGIS 3D Analyst, C
and efficient ways. CityGMLandXML, IFC CityGML arcgis-for-desktop
FME Extract data from many BIM systems and convert them support for several BIM formats and applications FME Exporter for Revit C
into different formats for other purposes. including Autodesk Revit, Trimble SketchUp and
the IFC, plus hundreds of others across data
Bentley Map v8i Is an engineering-accurate, 2D/3D desktop GIS that IFC C
provides infrastructure professionals with the right GB/Products/Bentley+Map/
geospatial tools to create, maintain, analyse and share
spatial information.
BIM visual programming software
Dynamo provides a powerful computational design platform to Add-on for Revit and F
support these types of complex, iterative, Vasari
performance-based energy modelling workflows. dynamo-for-bpa.html
Grasshopper Allows for the real time analysis of energy performance F
and thermal control. pae-lab
(continued on next page)

Table 2 (continued)

Specific applications Import Export Plugins Availability website

Cloud BIM
Trimble Connect formerly Trimble Connect is a new way for designers, builders, DWG, IFC DWG, IFC SketchUp F(with a limitation),
known as GTeam owners and operators to collaborate, share and view C for most
project information. functionalities
bimsync Share and collaborate on your BIM models right in your DWG, IFC C
BIM 360 Glue For cloud-based online collaboration that simplifies DWG, IFC C
multi-discipline model coordination and clash
detection. Aids the real time collaboration and 360-glue/overview
coordination of construction process from the office or
mobile devices.
BIM 360 Field BIM 360 Field is construction field management software DWG C
that combines mobile technologies at the point of
construction with cloud-based collaboration and 360-field/overview

F.H. Abanda et al. / Advances in Engineering Software 90 (2015) 183–201

BIMStorm BIMstormTM allows all the experts to collaborate in IFC, BIMXML, COBie2 BIMXML, IFC, COBie2 Revit C
decision making in real time.
SimpleBIM Facilitates the filtering and editing of components to IFC IFC, MS Excel IDA-ICE C
make them more useful to end-users.
BIMcollab BIMcollab centralises issue management in the cloud, BCF2.0 BCF2.0 Direct link with Revit F: Limited version
simplifies this process and offers a structured way of
storing, sharing and managing issues. BIMcollab
BCF Manager Filters issues by milestones, deadlines or phases to help BCF BCF Revit F
you prioritise your tasks. Manager/BCF-Manager
Aconex Connected BIM It brings teams, model data and project data together on IFC, COBie DWG, DWF Revit C
a single online collaboration platform. It facilitates the management
sharing, visualization, coordination, review and
mark-up of projects, where project partners can
contribute directly from a web browser.
Common data environment
BIMXtra A cloud based collaborative workspace to view, edited .RVT, MS Excel, IFC COBie C
and compiled project information into intelligent
revision controlled information.
4Projects Secure online collaboration solutions for the building IFC COBie IFC Viewer C
and infrastructure sectors.
A360 Autodesk A360 enables design and engineering centric IFC, RVT, DWF, NWC C
project teams to work efficiently together in one
central workspace.
Asite Collaboration platform enables automation of workflows Revit C
throughout the building lifecycle – from concept to
M-Six or VEO Easily associate models to documents and photos to Revit AutoCAD MS Excel C
create a shared digital facilities operations handover.
Mobile BIM
BIMx Visualisation and interaction with models in mobile ArchiCAD Share the same model F
phones. with annotations building-information/id452706864?
through emails mt=8
Buzzsaw Visualisation and interaction with models in mobile DWG, DWF, DXF Share the same model F
phones. with annotations
through emails id432154780?mt=8
Field3D Visualisation and interaction with models in mobile Field3D (.F3D) file Field3D (0.F3D) file F
phones. field-3d
Autodesk A360 Visualisation and interaction with models in mobile DWG, RVT Share the same model F
phones. with annotations id874184071
through emails
(continued on next page)
Table 2 (continued)

Specific applications Import Export Plugins Availability website

SmartReality It is a construction mobile app for augmented reality BIM IFC, DWG C
used in visualizing construction projects in 3D and 4D
on any iOS or Android device.
Constructware Field Visualisation and interaction with models in mobile DWG, DWF, DXFTM Share the same model F
phones. with annotations constructware-field/id477108945?mt=8
through emails
Tekla BIMSight Note Visualisation and interaction with models in mobile IFC Share the same model F
phones. with annotations mobile/iOS.jsp
through emails or
Trimble ProjectSight A cloud-based solution for managing construction IFC MS Excel C
project logistics, budgets, estimates, schedules, aspx?id=010615a
coordination and change in both 2D and 3D datasets
from field or office.
BIM Browser It allows the inspection of models stored on a BIMserver. IFC F

F.H. Abanda et al. / Advances in Engineering Software 90 (2015) 183–201

BIManywhere It is a visual BIM collaboration platform for construction DWG Navisworks, AutoCAD C
and facilities management.
BIM visualisation software
xBIM Xplorer visualisation of IFC/BIM. IFC files ifcXML F
4BIM A browser-based viewer for 3D BIM models. Support IFC model files, as well as secondary
support for industry standard 3D BIM formats. studies/4-bim
Autodesk Design Review Visualisation and interaction with 2D and 3D models. DWF, DWG, DXF DWF, DWG, DXF Add-in for Firefox and F
Chrome for viewing
DWF files
DDS-CAD OpenBIM Viewer Visualisation of IFC/BIM. IFC, BCF, gbXML, DWG, IFC, BCF, DWG, DXF F
BIM Surfer Visualisation of IFC/BIM models based on WebGL. can be IFC IFC Also possible to use as a F
used as standalone or as a plugin for plugin for
Solibri Model Viewer Visualisation of IFC/BIM. IFC, DWG IFC, PDF, RTF and Excel F
BIM vision BIM Vision is a freeware IFC model viewer. It allows to IFC does not export files Datacomp Sp. z o.o F
view the virtual models coming from CAD systems like
Revit, Archicad, Advance, DDS CAD, Tekla, Nemetschek
VectorWorks, Bentley, and others without necessity of
having commercial licenses of these systems or having
each of particular vendor’s viewer.
3D Repo It is a multi-award winning open source 3D BIM version It supports more than 42 file formats (e.g. .DXF, F
control system. .3DS)
Navisworks Freedom Allows viewing of models. .NWD and 3D DWF files does not export files F
BIMer BIMer allows you to share BIM models online through a BIMer provides support for IFC 2×3 and zipped IFC C
web browser. No installation is required. 2×3 files.
BIM product library
Autodesk Seek An online source for product/model specifications. DWF, DWG, DXF, PDF DWF, DWG, DXF, PDF F
BIMObject An online source for product/model specifications. RVT, ArhiCAD file RVT, ArhiCAD file, F
NBS Library An online source for product/model specifications. ArchiCAD, Bentley IFC, ArchiCAD, Bentley IFC, F
Revit, Vectorworks Revit, Vectorworks
Revit City An online source for product/model specifications. RFA RFA F
Trimble 3D Warehouse An online source for product/model specifications. SketchUp file DXF, DWG, VRML, F
(continued on next page)

Table 2 (continued)

Specific applications Import Export Plugins Availability website

UK Ministry of Justice Still underdevelopment.

AirBus BIM Library Building and manufacturing online product library for IFC, RVT IFC, RVT F
designers. Contains wide range of most manufactures
datBIM Online product catalogue for designers and suppliers to datBIM data contained into your Revit project may Plugin for Revit F
make orders. be exported by Revit according to usual
procedures, using standard exchange formats:

F.H. Abanda et al. / Advances in Engineering Software 90 (2015) 183–201

Model servers
Eurostep Model Server It is a computer application that provides a shared, IFC IFC C
persistent product data repository, product data
management services, and data access interface(s) for
multiple, concurrent client applications over the
EDMmodelServerTM for IFC Includes necessary tools for managing data sharing in a IFC IFC C
building project including a check-in/check-out
EDMserverTM A multi-user database management system for web IFC IFC C
service (Internet) and TCP/IP implementation of ISO
10303-11: ESPRESS data models.
BIMServer to easily build reliable BIM software tools. IFC IFC F
Onuma Model Server Web Enabled Multi User Access to BIM. IFC IFC Add-ons with Revit and C
ArchiCAD BimDataApi.php
Building products, equipment and fabrication
Inventor Offers professional-grade tools for 3D mechanical design, 3D DWG or DXF DWG, DWF Connection with Revit C
documentation, and product simulation. through BIM inventor/overview
Exchange tool
Product Design Suite Product Design Suite is a comprehensive 3D product DWG DWG C
design software solution that delivers simulation,
collaboration, visualization, and Digital design-suite/overview
Prototyping tools to complete your entire engineering
Factory Design Suite Combines factory-specific design, visualisation and DWG DWG C
analysis tools with interoperable, cloud-based
workflows, to help improve efficiency, accuracy and design-suite/overview
SpaceClaim Manufacturing SpaceClaim enables manufacturing engineers to work DWG, DXF, Inventor file DWG, DXF, CATIA ANSYS Workbench C
with any CAD data to prepare models for types
manufacturing and create tooling with ease. spaceclaim-manufacturing/
C: Commercial.
UPP (Free Use Pay Print): With Free UPP software, use, program updates, training and support are completely free. The customer pays only when needing to print (a very convenient cost for each A4 sheet), and with no expiry date.
F.H. Abanda et al. / Advances in Engineering Software 90 (2015) 183–201 195

in 2000 which was later on bought by Autodesk in 2002 [10]. Re- building data. Such data is generally not available in the early stages
vit revolutionised the BIM world by creating a platform that utilised which are often characterised by unstructured and incomplete data.
a visual programming environment for creating parametric families Visual programming provides the opportunity to leverage on emerg-
and allowing for time attributes to be added to components. This en- ing BIM in capturing complex and unstructured data for non-regular
abled a ‘fourth-dimension’, time, to be associated with the building geometric objects for performing energy analysis. There are now
model [10]. From 1984, when ArchiCAD first appeared in the market, emerging specific BIM software systems for addressing this challenge.
the BIM software market has experienced tremendous growth. This A very popular example is Dynamo used in performing building en-
paper focuses on one of the three BIM dimensions, i.e. technological ergy analysis [5].
aspects and software systems only.
Key to collaborative practices is the need to exchange project doc- 4.2. Cloud BIM
uments; either graphical or non-graphical. The exchange of project
documents is enshrined in the concept known as interoperability. The Storing data on individual computers can be very expensive. This
literature refers to, at least, four types of interoperability. These in- practice would also defeat the whole purpose of BIM; that of fostering
clude syntactic, technical, semantic and organisation interoperabil- collaboration amongst professionals. Cloud computing refers to using
ity [9,16,17,53,55]. This study looks at syntactic interoperability. Sim- processing power and storage space on a virtual server that is man-
ply, this refers to the ability of two or more separate systems or aged in a remote datacentre and which can be access over the inter-
software programmes to communicate and exchange data (or infor- net [8]. With stiff competitions among major vendors such as Ama-
mation) with each other and use the data that has been exchanged zon, Microsoft and Google, cloud computing technologies is getting
[9,55]. The successful information exchange between systems de- mature, more reliable, cheaper and simpler to use. The technology is
pends on the data file formats that facilitate the importing and/or already filtering into construction and research on cloud BIM integra-
exporting into/and from other software systems. In general, different tion for improving construction processes is becoming widespread.
file formats common with BIM can be categorised into four types. The Redmond et al. [51] explored how information exchange can be en-
first file types are native file formats usually restricted to a particular hanced using cloud BIM. Jiao et al. [31] developed a video-based on-
type of software. For example, a building modelled in Revit will by line augmented reality environment and a pilot cloud framework
default assume the .rvt, native Revit file extension. The implication of that utilises web3D technologies in rendering on-site images and
keeping files in this format means that only Revit software can read registered with virtual objects. This was further extended through
this type of files. However, it is important to note that there are cases federation of BIM and business social network services (BSNS). Wu
where within the same software, files with same native extensions of and Issa [63] integrated BIM and cloud computing to automate the
older version cannot read higher or more recent versions. For exam- leadership in energy and environmental design (LEED) process for
ple, a model created in Revit 2015 cannot be opened in Revit 2014. green building certification. For other applications of cloud BIM, see
If systems are to be truly interoperable, they should communicate at Wong et al. [62].
least between different versions of the same system. If other software
packages are to read Revit files, they must be specially designed to do
4.3. BIM common data environment (CDE)
so. The second category is file formats that facilitate the exchange of
models between similar authoring software. The most popular is the
The British Standard 1192:2007 defines a CDE as “a single-source
IFC. The third category of files is aimed for use in specialised appli-
of information for any given project, used to collect, manage and
cations. Currently, the most popular is the green building Extensible
disseminate all relevant approved project documents for multidis-
Markup Language (gbXML) which is widely used for building energy
ciplinary teams in a managed process”. It may use a project server,
analysis. The fourth category is plug-in. In computing, a plug-in (or
extranet, a file-based retrieval system or other suitable toolset. The
add-in, extension or add-on) is a software component that adds a spe-
project documents stored in a CDE contain both graphical and non-
cific feature to an existing software application. For example, there is
graphical data for and from the whole project team. This single data
a Vico plug-in in Revit, that allows Vico to read models developed in
source facilitates collaboration amongst project team members; thus,
Revit. Another example is the Construction Operations Building infor-
avoiding duplication and mistakes.
mation exchange (COBie) often used in facilities management. There
is a COBie Extension or plug-in that allows Revit software to be able
to generate COBie spreadsheet. 4.4. Mobile BIM

4. BIM systems: a state-of-the-art classification Recent trends in BIM are to tap into already existing emerging
mobile technologies to exchange construction project information.
The traditional construction domains were considered in cate- These technologies are already matured and latest brands (iPhone 6)
gorising the different BIM systems. These included architecture, in- are popping up in the markets. BIM is currently being embedded in
frastructure and civil engineering, structural engineering, building mobile technologies and can be used to seamlessly collect, track and
services, project management/design coordination, facilities man- share field data amongst project stakeholders. Wong et al. [62] ar-
agement, sustainability and geographical information systems-BIM gues that in the future, integrating mobile based applications (e.g.
(GIS-BIM). Furthermore, based on workshops feedback the following iPad, smart phone) with real-time cloud-based collaborative BIM will
categories were examined. greatly facilitate the collection of instantaneous feedback design de-
cisions and plans. In Sweden, Skanska reported the use of iPad in
4.1. BIM visual programming software sharing construction information reduced the number of journeys to
site by half [21]. Hence, recent interest in research about mobile BIM
Generally, sustainability performance analysis tends to focus on [38,40,61] does not come as a surprise.
buildings with complete information including well-defined geomet-
ric features (e.g. rectangular roofs, rectangular walls and square win- 4.5. BIM visualisation software
dows). Research about the use of BIM systems in performing whole-
building energy analysis on structures with curve and complex A major strength of BIM models is that it can easily be visu-
surfaces is scarce. This is partly because most BIM energy simula- alised while various option can be explored and investigated. This
tion software systems are only able to handle simple well-established allows for decisions to be made in virtual models before on site
196 F.H. Abanda et al. / Advances in Engineering Software 90 (2015) 183–201

implementation. Sampaio et al. [59] noted that it is increasingly im-

portant to incorporate virtual reality 3D visualisation and decision
support systems to perform real-time interactive visual exploration
tasks. BIM visualisation research is also gaining momentum in the re-
search community [60]. There are two categories of BIM visualisation
software, the first often embedded in BIM authoring software while
the second being independent of BIM software. The latter family of
products is often called BIM viewers and can be more sophisticated
than the former. The focus of this paper is on BIM viewers.

4.6. BIM product library

A great advantage of BIM is that objects can be modelled and re- Fig. 2. Research methods outcome for BIM modelling software.
used in the design of buildings or in other applications. These objects
are generally stored in a library or repository within BIM software
folders or in the cloud. For example when Revit is installed a family
of objects is also installed in one of the installation folders. These ob-
jects can be used at any time and can be re-modified before used in
different applications. This field is also an area which has started re-
ceiving interest from the research community [12]. In this study only
cloud based repository are investigated.

4.7. BIM servers

BIM servers are software solutions for BIM based team collabo-
ration developed for AEC professionals. Given the fragmented nature
of the construction industry, it seems very difficult, or even impossi- Fig. 3. Research methods outcome for BIM plug-ins.
ble, to carry out all project activities in using a single software sys-
tem. Hence, BIM servers are robust platforms that provide develop-
It is important to note that the plug-ins correspond to 71 of the
ers a solid foundation to develop their tools to solve different types of
identified systems. No plug-ins were identified for the remaining 51
problems encountered in their projects (
systems. However, this does not mean that they did not have any,
but rather that no relevant information was available. In cases where
4.8. Building products, equipment and fabrication the existence of corresponding plug-ins could not be established the
cell under the plug-in column in Table 2 was left blank (e.g. ArtrA).
This category consists of BIM software used for designing, visual- Through email surveys, feedback was received though that categor-
ization, as well as simulating building products and building equip- ically confirmed that IDA ICE (see Sustainability section in Table 2)
ment before they are built. does not have a plug-in. In this case “No plug-in” is stated in the
In addition to the different categories, the BIM systems were eval- relevant cell in Table 2. With regards to input and output files, all the
uated against four main criteria as listed below: input and output file formats were uncovered and explicitly included
• Specific application (i.e. how it is being used). in Table 2. However, from vendors/manufacturers websites it was
• Given that interoperability is key to collaborative practices, the file not possible to state with certainty the input or output files for some
input and output formats were investigated. Input file types are of the applications (such as for example Cadimage, Tekla Structures,
files that a BIM system will accept during importing while output BIMMeasure, FME, 4BIM, 3D Repo and datBIM). This was because
files are files that a BIM system is able to share with other BIM vendors/manufacturers include generic statements similar to “the
systems. software support X many file formats”, X belonging to the set of natu-
• The availability of the BIM systems. The intention was to provide ral numbers. Given that file formats depended on the main software,
the cost of each software package. However, many BIM manufac- we will present statistics only for the main BIM software and plug-ins.
turers do not usually provide the cost on their websites, or when Based on Figs. 2 and 3, only 15% of the main BIM software applica-
they do so, it can be unclear whether the cost includes an annual tions and 3% of plug-ins were obtained from peer-reviewed literature.
licence renewal fee. Therefore, incorporating specific cost data While 66% and 53% was obtained through grey literature, principally
could be misleading; instead, a simplified approach was used to from vendors/manufacturers websites. Given the high proportion of
denote whether or not any cost value is associated with a type software applications obtained from grey literature, the question-
of software. The term availability was used as a criterion as to naire and focus group discussions can be suggested as particularly
whether the software is commercial (C), freely (F) available to the appropriate methods in confirming data validity. Furthermore, action
public, or in a pay-as-print mode (denoted UPP). This information learning was used to establish the validity of some of the identified
was easily obtained from supplier websites. plug-ins. For example, the literature review did not reveal whether
• Links to supplier websites: This is to provide readers with an op- Clima-Win has a plugin or not. However, after installing and explor-
portunity to further explore a particular BIM system. ing the software it emerged that it had an in-built plug-in. In addition
to the findings presented in Figs. 2 and 3, specific findings from the
5. Key findings and discussions different research methods will be discussed in the ensuing sections.

5.1. Overall findings 5.2. Findings from the literature

Using the discussed research methods, 122 major BIM software Most cloud BIM software packages have their equivalent mobile
systems and 71 plug-ins were identified as presented in Table 2. BIM or mobile apps. Some examples are Autodesk A360 and Buzzsaw
F.H. Abanda et al. / Advances in Engineering Software 90 (2015) 183–201 197

which are both cloud BIM and mobile apps. These have been classi- following or aligning with BIM principles, then that is good practice
fied in Table 2 under Cloud BIM and Mobile BIM sections respectively. and should be commended. However, this does not make the soft-
However, in other cases only the mobile apps have been considered ware a BIM software package as it may be clearly limited in some BIM
and listed in Table 2. Also, it emerged that while most mobile apps capabilities. For example, if changes are made in a sectional drawing
were free, their cloud equivalents were mostly commercial and gen- in AutoCAD Architecture, these changes might not be automatically
erally relatively expensive. updated in the different views; an essential BIM software package
5.3. Findings from blogs and reviews
5.4. Findings from the questionnaire
Although, there is a growing level in the understanding of BIM,
it appears there is still some confusion amongst professionals about It is now common to find studies reporting surveys on the as-
which software packages are BIM software systems. For example in sessment of various aspects of BIM implementation. While some may
AutoCAD Architecture [6], a useful argument is mounted defending be one-off academic or industry based research to ascertain the BIM
the capability of AutoCAD Architecture as a very powerful modelling adoption benefits [14,23], others such as McGraw-Hill Construction
and drafting tool that can also be used in organising information. [39] and National Building Specification (NBS, [44–48]) are periodic
The discussion ended with individuals wondering why Autodesk is investigations to benchmark progress made in BIM adoption. The NBS
not marketing AutoCAD Architecture as BIM software. This discus- 2014 report [48] investigated in particular the use of 10 BIM author-
sion is similar to that about AutoCAD MEP in AutoCAD MEP [7], where ing tools to gauge the level of BIM adoption in the industry. Although
some professionals are arguing in favour or against AutoCAD MEP be- three of the tools are Autodesk products, it is interesting to note that
ing considered as BIM. This argument also emerged in one of the fo- the 7% of over 1000 respondents indicated that they use other BIM
cus group discussions when participants argued that AutoCAD Archi- authoring tools. This clearly portrays that there are still some design
tecture is a BIM software. Interestingly, three workshop participants and modelling software tools yet to be captured in the literature given
who use Vectorworks (see the Architecture section in Table 2) still that close to 80% of the respondents indicated they create BIM objects
wondered whether it was a BIM software or not. Thus, a general find- in-house and re-use them.
ing is that, while the definition of BIM is clear in books, its practical The options of modelling tools from different vendors/
definition is still very vague and subjective depending mostly on pro- manufacturers were extended to 17 in the survey conducted as
fessionals’ ability to use the software. Is it the software that is part of part of this study. Although this number is still not exhaustive, as
a BIM process or the way the software is used? If a software applica- typical of recent surveys it ensured that the common BIM-enabled
tion developed with a BIM work flow or metaphor (e.g. Revit) is used tools were captured as seen in Fig. 4. This list was added to the
without embracing a BIM philosophy, then the whole concept of BIM software inventory list of Table 2.
is defeated. However, that does not stop Revit from being a BIM soft- A cross examination of Fig. 4 yields the revelations that more than
ware. On the other hand if a software developed with an AutoCAD 75% of the companies have little experience or no knowledge at all
workflow (e.g. AutoCAD Architecture) is used in an intelligent way of any of the 17 BIM software applications considered in the survey.



Revit suite


Digital Project Designer


Bentley systems
No Knowledge
ONUMA System
Green Building Studio
Ecotect Very good

Tekla High level







0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Fig. 4. Knowledge of BIM packages.

198 F.H. Abanda et al. / Advances in Engineering Software 90 (2015) 183–201

Lack of understanding by clients 10 15 40 23 13

Lukewarm atude towards BIM by clients 13 20 40 15 13

Lack of clear definion of new BIM roles 5 30 33 25 8

Legal/Property Idenficaon Informaon/
11 37 26 24 3
Intellectual Property Rights
Inconsistent or mulple protocols 5 24 39 18 13
Lack of knowledge 5 18 28 35 15
Slightly significant
Lack of in-house skills 3 15 26 36 21
Moderately significant
High set-up cost 3 13 21 51 13 Very significant

High cost of licensing fee 3 8 31 46 13 Crucial

High cost of obtaining soware 3 8 33 41 15

Lack of interoperability between soware 5 13 33 38 13

Overwhelming quanty of soware 10 24 32 22 12

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Fig. 5. BIM implementation barriers.

Looking beyond this revelation makes it apparent that the consider- interoperability was a barrier. Of the 13, 4 considered this a crucial
ations around these commonly featured tools bring the ‘technology barrier while 9 indicated that it was a very significant barrier. Fur-
aspect’ of BIM into focus and the tendency to ignore the ‘processes thermore, another parameter was used; “the relative level of knowl-
aspect’. It is therefore imperative for BIM tools featuring in assess- edge of use of 4D/5D BIM software” (e.g. Navisworks) (factor 4) to
ment surveys to be holistic in terms of technology and process. Such measure the level of understanding of interoperability. Of the 16 out
an approach would help to achieve a more realistic picture of how 56 respondents that had at least “moderate” expertise of Navisworks,
the BIM concept has actually been already enshrined in the industry. 15 of them thought interoperability was “crucial” and 1 suggested it
Based on this suggestion, BIM software packages in the construction was “very significant” as a barrier to the uptake of BIM. This clearly
sector can be said to be numerous and likely to continue increasing indicates that the lack of knowledge about BIM has not influenced the
in number with advances in technology. This is partly due to the frag- understanding of interoperability as a barrier.
mented nature of the industry and the need for specialty applications
in the various professional domains. Technology is yet to advance to 5.5. Findings from focus groups discussions during the workshops
the level of developing some all-purpose software. As a result, many
software packages are tailored towards specific needs of professional Commencing from the BIM implementation barrier of ‘Lack of
domains. Although, this may appear to be a complementary progress knowledge’; with at least 50% of respondents acknowledging it to
of the industry, it could also be a source of confusion for profes- be very significant in Fig. 5 is a corroboration of results indicated
sionals who struggle to identify appropriate BIM software applica- by Fig. 4. As discussed earlier, BIM understanding should cover both
tions and implementation pathways. As the survey results illustrate process and technological aspects. However, it was evident from the
(Fig. 5), overwhelming quantity of software systems also poses a chal- focus group discussions that professionals generally feel BIM knowl-
lenge and barrier to BIM implementation. edge is all about the operation of BIM-enabled software tools. For ex-
At least 34% of the respondents indicated that a huge number of ample, some of the participants already had BIM related mobile apps
software available in the market is a significant and crucial barrier such as Autodesk A360 cloud in their phones and tablets to support
to the uptake of BIM. This proportion increased to 51% of respon- collaborative working BIM processes. Still, the same individuals felt
dents for software interoperability related barrier which on one hand that they are fully unaware of the software potential and difference
is a function of the increasing number of software and on the other; from others. Besides escalating costs of software licences, the issue of
handicap from advances in technology. This finding is one of the basis proliferation of BIM software was also mentioned as a challenge. In-
upon which this study was grounded. deed, it is rather difficult to know which software is best coupled with
In practice some factors may be related to each other or one the task of achieving a balanced cost regime. Although, many vendors
may have an influence on the other. For example, respondents who will offer trial periods of about a month, this is hardly enough to ex-
might have suggested “lack of interoperability between software” plore all plausible capabilities of software products.
might have done so simply because they “lack knowledge about the Another interesting issue that unfolded from the discussions is
software”. To ensure this was not the case, another parameter was the need for hands-on training on the operation of BIM software
included in the questionnaire about the “relative level of familiarity” packages. The groups admitted having attended a number of semi-
with BIM interoperable standards. A great deal of research explores nars and workshops promoting BIM without improving their knowl-
relationships between two or more variables. While the univariate edge of BIM software operations. It is therefore important to note
statistical procedures have their place in the analysis of practically that BIM training should also consider exploring hands-on BIM op-
any data (e.g. Figs. 2–5), many research questions require methods eration sessions. In this way participants could have a first-hand ap-
which help assess the interrelationships or correlations between dif- preciation of the advantages of BIM without exorbitant cost implica-
ferent variables. Using this technique it was established that 13 out of tions. Focus groups participants were also worried about the extent to
56 respondents who had “basic” (on a scale of “excellent, very good, which a BIM approach can trickle down the various tiers of construc-
good, basic, none”) familiarity with IFC and gbXML, thought lack of tion supply chains. Since the approach depends highly on computer
F.H. Abanda et al. / Advances in Engineering Software 90 (2015) 183–201 199

knowledge; many systems, fieldworkers and tradesmen are still op- appraisal include the different domains of use of BIM software sys-
erating following traditional ways of carrying out daily tasks. As such tems, how BIM software systems are being used and whether BIM
there will always be some gaps even when a member of a supply software systems are free or not. To this end, 122 BIM software sys-
chain is BIM ready as it is not possible to collaborate alone. tems were reviewed and classified according to the aforementioned
criteria. For example, Clima-Win was classified under: Building Ser-
5.6. Findings from action learning and email surveys vices domain; Specific applications: thermal calculations (meaning a
tool used for building thermal calculations); Input files: gbXML, IFC,
Action learning technique was used to identify the file formats etc. (files that can be read by Clima-Win); Output files: XML, Excel,
and different plug-ins of BIM software systems. As such it was etc. (files that can be exported by Clima-Win); Plug-ins: Plug-in for
based on the software identified through the literature review, ques- Revit (Clima-Win plug-in can be installed in Revit and thermal calcu-
tionnaire and focus group discussions. Using this technique led to lations performed Revit); Availability: C (C for commercial to mean
the exclusion of some BIM software systems. For example, CA- it is not free). Given that the authors are not aware of any compre-
TIA ( was excluded be- hensive study of this nature, web links for the different BIM software
cause authors could not find a trial version to explore the different file systems were also provided. Similarly, these criteria were applied on
formats and plug-ins functionality. Also, through the literature it was all software applications presented in structured Table 2.
not easy to identify some of the plug-ins for the different BIM soft- One potential take-away from this study is enshrined in the ques-
ware systems. Also, through the focus group discussions, only 7% of tion often heard from professionals during BIM workshops or sem-
additional plug-ins listed in Table 2 were identified. To address this inars. The question is “which BIM software should I use?” From our
issue an email was sent to software developers’ technical directors experience, many construction firms have often invested in BIM soft-
and/or departments. This led to the identification of an extra 30% of ware systems that perform similar functions. For example, a firm
the plug-ins listed in Table 2. could be investing in Revit, ArchiCAD and Vectorworks at the same
time. While each of these software systems have their pros and cons,
6. Challenges encountered in the classification process all of them can be employed in a BIM project differently to achieve
the same goal. Each one of them also has its strengths when cou-
The first challenge was that, in some cases the vendor’s web- pling with other software systems such as 4D and 5D simulation soft-
site did not explicitly state whether a particular software system is ware (i.e. interoperability and collaboration). While this study, par-
a BIM tool or not. In these cases the systems are not included in ticularly Table 2 does not offer a panacea solution, it offers some ba-
this manuscript. This challenge was exacerbated further due to the sis to start from. We strongly propose two pieces of advice to com-
fact that grey literature information often contradicted information panies interested in adopting BIM. First, that a firm should think of
published by the vendor. For example AutoCAD MEP is stated as a its supply chain partners and the type of construction activities they
BIM software in Kiviniemi et al. [34], while on the vendor’s web- are involved and then invest in software systems compatible with
site ( it those used by its supply chain partners. Secondly, for large firms, they
is not explicitly stated to be a BIM software. It is important to note should consider the lifecycle of projects and purchase software that
that AutoCAD MEP is capable of doing what BIM tools can do; al- aligns with the project life cycle. Investing in two or more BIM soft-
though there are some subtle differences between the two. In many ware systems used in the same phase is not generally helpful, rather
instances, in AutoCAD MEP, views have to be manually generated it is better to invest in different BIM software systems from different
while in all BIM software views are generated automatically. In this phases of construction. In both cases interoperability is key and this
manuscript, AutoCAD MEP was not considered as a BIM software. study will serve as a good starting point.
Secondly, most software systems have multiple uses, which are Although the list of BIM software suggested in this paper is not
relevant to different professional domains. The key challenge was exhaustive, an effort was made to cover key construction domains.
how to classify such systems. To overcome this challenge, the au- By doing so, the study compliments others that have often focused
thors chose one main domain for which the software is used and then on mostly one category of BIM software systems (e.g. BIM authoring
listed its other uses under the specific application column of Table 2. tools or only energy simulation tools).
For example, Calcus is a cost estimation software application which is To conclude, one major challenge in this emerging domain is that
also used as a carbon footprint analysis tool. This was categorised as a of trust. To what extent can one believe the information provided
project management tool while its applications including its use as a about the functionalities and capabilities of software by their re-
carbon footprint analysis tool were listed in the application column. spective vendors/manufacturers as presented on their websites. For
Thirdly, several suppliers’ websites included a broad statement open source BIM software systems it was easy to verify this by sim-
about the type of file formats supported by the promoted software”. ply downloading and trying out the application. For commercial soft-
As a result it was particularly unclear whether the software actu- ware, despite the availability of trial versions, it is a huge challenge
ally imports, exports or does both. In these circumstances, the state- as most trial versions are usually limited in scope. The authors sug-
ment or file formats was put across the Import and Export columns of gest with confidence that one way to overcome this challenge is for
Table 2. Some examples are AECOsim Energy Simulator v8i, Tekla users to provide feedback and ratings for different BIM systems. Given
Structures, FME and datBIM. the complexity of the construction sector and supply chains the clas-
sification table incorporated in this paper should be upgraded and
7. Conclusions expanded to include other factors that can further support decision-
making. Lastly, it is important to note that, most of the information
Although collaborative practices in the construction sector have related to the plug-ins discussed in this paper was mostly retrieved
been encouraged with little success, emerging BIM systems provide from vendors’/manufacturers’ websites. Given the important func-
great opportunities to overcome this everlasting industry-wide chal- tion of plug-ins in terms of interoperability, the next step of this study
lenge. Ultimately, this depends highly on the effectiveness of infor- is to conduct a detailed appraisal of the potential of plug-ins in fos-
mation exchange and relevant capabilities. This is the underlying con- tering interoperability. As a word of caution, readers should read this
cept of the interoperability of BIM systems. work taking into account the context of time. This is because the
The main aim of this study was to appraise a significant number rate of development of BIM software systems is astonishing and ven-
of common BIM systems available in the market using interoperabil- dors/manufacturers may develop or improve other aspects that have
ity as the main criterion. Other secondary factors considered in the not been considered in this study.
200 F.H. Abanda et al. / Advances in Engineering Software 90 (2015) 183–201

Acknowledgements [27] El-Ammari, KH, (2006). Visualisation, data sharing and interoperability issues in
model-based facilities management systems. A thesis presented in the partial ful-
fillment of the requirements of the degree of Master of Applied Science in the
Part of this study was funded through the FutureFit Built Assets Department of Building, Civil and Environmental Engineering at Concordia Uni-
programme part of the EU funded BIM programme. FutureFit offers versity, Canada.
free business support to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) [28] Engelbart DC, (1962) Augmenting human intellect: a conceptual framework. SRI
Summary Report AFOSR-3223 Prepared for: Director of Information Sciences, Air
located in the South East of England. Force Office of Scientific Research, Washington DC, Contract AF 49(638)-1024 SRI
Project No. 3578 (AUGMENT, 3906).
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