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Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Automatic Control

Monitoring of Mechanical Properties of Gypsum Using

the Impulse Excitation Method
Department of Mechanics, Faculty of Civil Engineering
Czech Technical University in Prague
Thákurova 7, Praha 6, 166 29

Abstract: - The paper presents results of gypsum mechanical properties monitoring using non-destructive
impulse excitation method. The advantage of the method is that the same specimen can be tested in different
time instants repeatedly without any damage. The first 14 days are the most important for material properties
evolution. After that time, the mechanical properties are not changing significantly. The article describes the
development of mechanical properties (Dynamic Young’s Modulus, Dynamic Shear Modulus, Poisson’s ratio)
of grey gypsum during its hardening.

Key-Words: - gypsum; impulse excitation method; Young’s modulus; shear modulus

1 Introduction [5]. Three gypsum specimens were made for the

The gypsum has been used as a building material for purpose to monitor and identify the gypsum
several thousands of years. At present time, it is mechanical properties evolution in more detail.
used in plasterboards. They are used in new
constructions and also during reconstructions. From
the view of experts and also general public, the 2 Material and Specimens
gypsum is a material, which is used in the building The grey gypsum produced by Gypstrend co. Ltd.
industry for its excellent usage properties (fast was used for making the specimens. It is composed
hardening, good mechanical and thermal properties of two different dehydrates. These two components
and good workability) but only in interiors.
are natural gypsum and gypsum from chemical
The little knowledge of this material does not
industry mixed in one-to-one ratio. Water/gypsum
allow extending its use in exteriors. From the
chemical view, it is calcium sulfate dihydrate. The ratio equal to 0.71 was used for making the
gypsum binder can contain also other modifications specimens and it corresponds to the gypsum paste
of the system calcium sulfate – water [1]. Therefore, with normal consistence.
it is interesting to investigate this material also on For the purpose of this test, three identical
microlevel and to determine the content of the gypsum specimens of dimensions 40× 40 × 160 mm
gypsum phases in the investigated gypsum using the were made in a stainless mould with three sections.
nanoindentation technics [2]. The problem with These specimens were put off the mould after
gypsum usage starts to be complicated when the twenty minutes and the experimental measurement
additives are added to the gypsum mixture to of the Dynamic Young’s Modulus, Dynamic Shear
improve the chosen properties [3], [4]. Modulus and Poisson’s ratio started immediately.
The time dependent changes of the silicate based
materials has been tested for several years at the
workplace of authors. From the view of the 3 Impulse Excitation Method
mechanical properties evolution, the behaviour of The Impulse Excitation Method (IEM) was chosen
the gypsum is specific and different from the other for determination of dynamic Young’s modulus,
porous building materials based on cement or lime shear modulus and Poisson’s ratio because of its
binders. Especially, it is very fast creation of a solid non-destructive character. This method is quick, the
structure (removing of the gypsum from the mould measurement line is small enough and mobile. The
30 minutes after mixing gypsum binder with water) mechanical characteristics were determined based
and also non-traditional decrease of the mechanical on the equation for vibration of the isotropic beam
properties in the first week after making the gypsum with continuously distributed mass, based on

ISBN: 978-1-61804-142-5 163

Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Automatic Control

measured resonant frequencies of longitudinal, where: Edl is the Dynamic Young´s Modulus [Pa], fl
flexural and torsional vibration of the specimens, is the fundamental longitudinal frequency [Hz], b is
dimensions of the beam and its mass. the width of the specimen [m], t is the height of the
The measurement line (Fig. 1) consisted of the specimen [m], l is the length of the specimen [m], m
acceleration transducer Brüel&Kjær of Type 4519- is the mass of the specimen [kg].
003, the impact hammer Brüel&Kjær of Type 8206,
the vibration analyzer Brüel&Kjær Front-end 3560-
B-120 and program PULSE 13.5. The vibration was
induced by the strike of the impact hammer. The
waveforms of the excitation force and the
acceleration were recorded and transformed using
Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) to the frequency
domain. The Frequency Response Function (FRF)
as the ratio of acceleration to the excitation force
was evaluated from these signals using the vibration
analyzer and program PULSE 13.5. The test was
repeated four more times for each specimen and the
averaged function FRF was saved. From an
averaged FRF, the fundamental longitudinal Fig. 2 Test arrangement for the longitudinal
resonant frequency was determined for each vibration

3.2 Dynamic Young’s Modulus – Flexural

Another way how to determine Dynamic Young´s
Modulus is flexural vibration. The specimen was
simply supported in the distance 0.224 of the span
on both ends, the fundamental flexural nodal
positions (Fig. 3). The acceleration transducer was
placed at the end of the specimen on the upper
surface (Fig.3 – right side). The opposite end of the
surface was struck by the impact hammer (Fig.3 –
left side).

Fig.1 The measurement line – Brüel&Kjær

3.1 Dynamic Young’s Modulus –

Longitudinal Vibration
The specimen was supported in the fundamental
longitudinal nodal position in the middle of its span
(Fig. 2). The acceleration transducer was placed at
the centre of one end surface of the specimen (Fig.2
– right side). The opposite end surface of the
specimen was struck perpendicular to the surface by Fig. 3 Test arrangement for the flexural vibration
the impact hammer (Fig.2 – left side).
The mass and dimensions of the specimen were The mass and dimensions of the specimen were
measured, the FRF was evaluated and the dynamic measured, the FRF was evaluated and the Dynamic
Young’s modulus Edl was determined [6-7] using Young’s Modulus Edf was determined [6-7] using
the relation the relation

4lmf l 2 0.9465l 3 mf f2T1

E dl  (1) E df  (2)
bt bt 3

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Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Automatic Control

where: Edf is the Dynamic Young´s Modulus [Pa], ff 3.4 Poisson’s Ratio
is the fundamental longitudinal frequency [Hz], b is The Poisson’s ratio can be determined from Edl or
the width of the specimen [m], h is the height of the from Edf based on the equation
specimen [m], l is the length of the specimen [m], m
is the mass of the specimen [kg] and T1 is the d  ( Ed / 2Gd )  1 (5)
correction factor for fundamental flexural mode to
account for finite thickness of bar and Poisson’s Because the correction factor T1 in the equation
ratio [6]. (2) depends on the µd, an iterative process has to be
used for µdf and Edf determination. As the first
approximation can be used µdl calculated from Edl.
3.3 Dynamic Shear Modulus – Torsional The iterative process of equations (2) and (5) can
Vibration stop when the values of µdf for the previous and the
The dynamic shear modulus was determined based next steps will not differ more than 1%.
on the torsional vibration. The specimen was
supported in the middle of the span, the fundamental
torsional nodal positions (Fig. 4). The acceleration 4 Results
transducer was placed at the end of the specimen in The first established value was the Dynamic
the right upper corner of the side surface (Fig.4 – Young’s Modulus determined from the longitudinal
right side). The opposite left lower corner of the vibration (Fig. 5). As it can be seen in Fig. 5, value
same side was struck by the impact hammer. of Dynamic Young’s Modulus Edl increased from
the average value 3.8 GPa to 3.95 GPa in the first 3
hours after production of the specimens. Then the
values a little bit decreased and during the next two
days the value of Edl remained relatively stable
between 3.7 GPa and 3.9 GPa. After two days, the
values started to increase very rapidly and they
increased to the time of seven days then they
became stable or increased very slowly.
During the last ten hours of laboratory tests, the
maximal release of free humidity occurred. Initial
weight of the specimens was about 395 g and it
Fig. 4 Test arrangement for the flexural vibration
decreased to the values about 270 g.
The second variant of Dynamic Young’s
The mass and dimensions of the specimen were
measured, the FRF was evaluated and the dynamic Modulus determination was the flexural vibration
shear modulus Edf was determined [6-7] using the (Fig. 6).
relation As it can be seen from the comparison of the
Fig. 5 and the Fig. 6, both results correspond very
4lmf t 2 well. Only the values determined from the flexural
Gd  [ B /(1  A)] (3) vibration are a little bit less accurate than the results
from longitudinal vibration.
where: Gd is the dynamic shear modulus [Pa], ft is
the fundamental torsional frequency [Hz], b is the
width of the specimen [m], t is the height of the
specimen [m], l is the length of the specimen [m], m
is the mass of the specimen [kg], A is the empirical
correction factor dependent on the width-to-
thickness ratio of the specimen and B is defined as

 b/t t /b 
B 6 (4)
 4(t / b)  2.52(t / b)  0.21(t / b) 

Fig. 5 Dynamic Young´s modulus Edl

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Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Automatic Control

5 Conclusion
The article presents the results of an experiment
during which the development of Dynamic Young’s
Modulus, dynamic shear modulus and Poisson’s
ratio of three gypsum specimens were monitored.
Several changes occurred during evolution of
these characteristics after production of the
specimens and starting their hardening. There is
visible increase of values at the beginning (Fig. 5-7
– right side). Then the values of mechanical
properties started to decrease a little bit. At the end
Fig. 6 Dynamic Young´s modulus Edf of monitoring, when the specimens lost about 100
grams of their weight, the values started to increase
very rapidly. The effect, which influences
mechanical properties evolution, is the water
content in a specimen. It is necessary to add more
water to a specimen during its making because of
workability then it would be necessary for theoretic
hydration. Next processes are probably related to the
formation of the solid structure during the first day.
Resulting values of Poisson’s ratio varies
because they are very sensitive to inaccuracies
during measurement of Ed and Gd. Even small
uncertainty of determination Ed and Gd influences
Poisson’s ratio significantly. The average value
Fig. 7 Dynamic shear modulus Edl
seems to be constant from the beginning of the
measurement to the end. The average value is 0.33.
The trend of mechanical properties evolution was
The changes of dynamic shear modulus are
monitored earlier but in comparison with literature
presented in the Fig. 7. The changes at the there was not done such amount of measurements in
beginning of the gypsum hardening are not bigger
such short intervals. The most of previous
than the inaccuracy of the used method. In the final
measurements were done using classic static
stage of measurements, increase of Gd values occurs
methods, the results of which are dependent on
similar to the case of Ed measurements. Gd values
technological discipline during specimen
increased by 17 % to 1.75 GPa during weight loss of preparation and during testing but they are also
the last 10 g of free humidity from the gypsum
dependent on conditions where they are placed
(especially on temperature). The trend of
Based on the calculated values of Ed and Gd, the
mechanical properties evolution was verified
Poisson’s ratio was calculated for each measurement
nondestructively on the same specimens for the
of the specimen (Fig. 8). whole time. Thus the above mentioned effects and
problems during static testing were eliminated.

This outcome has been achieved with the

financial support of the Ministry of Education of the
Czech Republic under the No.: MSM 6840770031

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ISBN: 978-1-61804-142-5 167

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