Advt-Recruitment of Executives-Finance-Marketing-Pr-Cc PDF

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varerant () NALCO National Aluminium Company Limited {A Government! inci Entorpis) Pit, Naleo Bhawan, Nayapall Bhubaneswar - 751 013, Odisha, India CIN: L272030R1981G01000920 ‘ANAVRATNA COMPANY National Aluminium Company Limited (NALCO), a Navraira Central PSU ard one of fog Alumina ~ Aluminum Complex of Asia, Raving Stat ecnnology, wits is present tumover of more than Re.0200 Crores ls ging for furher row and expansion within Inia &aeross the globe. The Company being prominent reign exchange eamer forthe County also enjoys Premier Trading Hourestatusin the eld of export and has won many prastlous awarés for ts excallat performance wih Sgnifcan value addon tis shareholders. The plans and offcas are mulicatonal win ts Gorporato Office at Bhubaneswar. Ocisha. The Company bel Jganizatonal excolonco though competont human resources and practices having people conte" aporoacn. Toacave isision tobe apromior andintograed company ie largest ing NEEDS EXECUTIVES the Aliminim valve chain wih strategie presenee I Mining oth domestc & global Metals and Energy sectors, NALCO vf looking for committed, promising and resi ronted candidates forte following positions 01 Discipline, Post, Grade, Vacancy, Qualification & Experience ofthe At yes in achieving Discipline] Post & Grade No.of Post) ‘Qualification & Experience: Finance & Jaccounts ast, Manager (E02) Dy. Gonora Manager £07) 03 (UR) 01 (UR) [Essential [Degree in any discipine with carci) JOR taBA with specialization In Finance Management. lExperience Should have work oxperencein relevant lielé as an Exoc.ive /oficern Govt. JPSUs or reputed !eadingorganizatone for @ period as mentored at Parez Expose in ales accounting, teasery luna management. & Investment Jroposal. negotiation! aiscount of bil leasing, project accourting, MS. | analyes, budget contol, complaton of lanncal accounts and aud thereo, direc J ndrect taxation, tender procedures, Jcomputerized accounts, isi Jmarnagoment ete, destable. Work Jexpenence in ERP environment wil be preteen IMarietng as, Wanager (202) Dy. Manager (203) Manager (£04) Asst. General Manager £05) Dy. General Manager (£07) 03 (UR) 02 (UR) 1 (UR) 01 (UR) 01 (UR) lEssentia. [Degree in Engg oranydscipine Desirabie: Degree ar Recognized PG Diploma in JManagement majoring in Marketing cr Export Management (Duration of nates nan 2 year orl ime regular course of lyear. OR NBA wih specialization Marketing Export. Management | Duration afnaties than 2years) lExperience: Should ave work experience in relevant lilt as an Exec.ive !OFicern Govt. JPSUs orrpted leading marufactrng| Jproduction 1 Mining 7 Industrial Jrganizations fr a period as menioned| Jat Para-2. Exposure. in commercial Jmanagerent tuncions viz; marketing materials, dispates, trafic, shiping Hranspor. production planning, produc Jdevelopment, product rong, "marke laccesement, market forecast Jormulation "and implementaton a Jmarketing “schemes, sales. strategy, Jcustomer base analysis, expor Jmarketing, sals cistiouton, customer rlatostogaimaters, les dosradle, IPabie Relation & Corporate \Gomman- Sr Manager eo) or UR) lEssential Degree n any discipine. Desirable Recognized Degree In Fine Ars. ipioma in Computer Graphic Designing JOR PC Diploma in Jouralism OR Mass |Communicaton OR Creativ Wing, lExperiance: [Should have work experience as an Execute | Offear for a. period 2 mentioned at para-2 nthe relevant area Jotmanty of “graprie design, coneap Jseign, MATTE” painting, develoning creative projects [Cancidates having experience as an ats lnGow. 7 PSU 7 Prvate organization | nsttte willbe preteres ast, Nanager (02) Dy. Manager 03), oa UR) Essential Degree nany discipine. Desirable Recognized PG Diploma in Joumalsm] JOR Nase Communication OR Create wring, [Candidates naving Degree / Diploma i [Computer Graphics 1 Designing [Animation would prefered lExporionce: JShouls have work experence as_ ar ExecttvelOfioarn Gow PSU reputed leading Prnt & Eloctonic Media having jexposure in the areas of media management ble relation corporate |communeaton or @perioa as mentored lstPare2 |The candidate having work experience in the areas of ceveloping and implementing ‘brand image dulng| Jstategy, managing and bullding olaionshios with print and visual cia Jediting and. publishing. in-house ragaznes newdetters/jourals/ news| Hestures articles / press releases et. Jowganizing exhibtions, tad fast pro-active rotatonship with intemal and Jextomal stake halers, cave writing in English, inci and Odiya. wil be sirable, [ws posts are horaoraly reserved Tor PWD catogory 2, Scale of Pay, Experience, Age [SLNo\] Post & Grade | Scale of Pay Minimum [Comparable ]Max Age relevant lercfor. |(Ason Jeuruatve |eligibity of |11.102018) lexecutive. |eandidates [Experience |trom Private \Ason |rother 11.10.2018, |seetors (in inyears) [Lakrs) 7 w @ w wi w 01. | _JeManagor | Reso000.t80000 [01 10 (0%) 2] Assi. Manager| Re 70000200000 | OF 7 i€02}. 46 years 05 | Dy Manager | Rewo000720000 | OT 7% ©) Di] Manager (E) | Rewooooza0000 | 1 7 05. | Se Manager | Re.100000-260000 | 12 2 (5) 5¢ years D5] Asst. General | Re-120000-200000 | 15 % Manager (£06) OF | Dy General [Ra r2o00e780000 | 79 7 | we Manager (E7) years The exoerience required for Et grade fsup to one year. Candidates applying for E28. above grade shoul possess minimum cumulative execuive experience asincicates ‘agains tho immediate lower grade mentioned al column (wv) othe above table, In tase the emolimentsiCTC andlor the experience ls ss than the amount andor Peto as mentioned against the grade, the canddature may be considered fr the ext lower grade a perrequrement Incase of candidate gating selected nparale! (grades, protection of notional senicnty may be extended in case of deserving andidates. subject to suitably and specie recommendaton of selection 03, Tho candidates should be in immediate lower below favel as on the date of asvertsement io be elighle for any postion. The immediate lower lvelinrespoct of fandldates working in CPSEs would be evaluated based onthe pay scale nthe manner thal there Is no intermesary gradefpay scale jump as per OPE scale Structure is involved. In case of cancidates from other sectors including private Soctot, th below lovel experience wil be evaluated based on the emoliments ‘raw by th candidates (as on tho dato of appcaion) supplemented by authentc roo! thereat. ‘Such emoluments shall be compared wih that of Naleo ether Component wige vie; basie pay, OA, Perks, Alowancos ele, of cumulalvo CTC 36 rmentoned at Colum of Para-2, The intemal candidates may be considered along with other candidates provided thoy ae in the immekate lower grado and there wil be no upper aga mt. However, tr cases willbe governed as per the rules of the company. (04, Compensation: In adciton to Basle Pay and DA in IndustialDA pat, the other bene shallinclude Perks (35% of base pay), Peformance Related Pay based on the Company’s as wel a individual pearance, Compary accommodation oF HRA, Mecical faces for self and family, Past Retement Medical Beneft, Leave Encashment, Pension as per NPS, Contibutory Provident Fund, Group Insurance, CGratuly ete. as por Company's. ‘GENERAL CONDITIONS Selection Process + ThoAssessment of shot-lsted candidates applied against any post at 1 Grad wil bbe mage through Wrtten Test & Personal Interview having weigtage 8S% & 75% respectively. For the posts al E02 to EOS Grados, tho assossmont wil bo made through Group Discussion and Personal Infriew withthe weightage of 25% ang 75% respectively. Candidates shortlsted for any oer grades wil be assessed ‘trough porsoralinterviow only + Based on the performance in Group Discussion andlor personal interview, organizational requirement, vacancies lo be operated, tho candidates wil bo selected. ‘© Inthe ovont of number of short-sting candidatos boing large, the managoment reserves the right to rlse the minum elgiiity standardsicrira by taking Iso ‘Account te quaiicaon andor experience to reset the numberof candidates fr assessment. Medical Fitness: 4 The final placement of the candidate Is subject to their medical finess 8 per Company's standard and oer ong formalities + The selected candidate needs to be medically ft as per medical rues of the Company No relaxation in neath standards as indicated in te medical re ofthe Company isalowed, Placement ‘”"Durng the probation period andlor ater absorption, selected executives wil be posted inthe NALCO establishments anya/nere In india & i anstorabe as perth frgerizatonal requirement. The selected executives may be assigned jobs! functlons! assignments eated 9 their area as per the raqurement ofthe Company. “The doctors wilba placed a tho company/shespitals at Damanje (Koraput) ander Angulas perrequrement Reservation & Relaxation | ‘9 Reeervationsielaxaions for SC/STIOBC (non-creamy layer) / PWD (degree of sabilly 40% or above) candidates as per Goverment guidelines are applicable Incase of increase or cecrease nthe number af ealpost, he number ofraearvad catagory posts willvarynaccordance othe Govt. guidelines '¢PIVD cancidates woul be required to furnish val dsablty cetficate duly stamped ard signed by a medical panel empowered for the purpose and should comprise of 3 ‘mecica practitioners of Gov hospital or mecca boar attached t Special Employment Exchange or re handicapped. ++ Appoinimentto some ofthe vacancies willbe afredt the PWD candidates afer considering the nature of elles a esponstoies ofthe assignment, locaton ete. and also oneiderng thatthe dsably isnot kay to interere with the performance and without possible deteroration of hisher heath, However, the fal appointment and placement \would b based on candidate's medical ness wh respect tothe ob othe isrtfeg posts, ‘© Category SCISTIOBCIPW>D once filed inthe ofine appicaton form wilnot be changed. The Reserved Category candidates are required to submit requisite crticte nthe proscribed format of Gov. of nia, issued by te CompetentAuthory, lthetime o persona interview, calla for. ++ Ite SCISTIOBCIPWO cereale nas been ss.edin a language other tan Englishina, the canidates willbe required to submt.asel-corid vanslaed copy ofthe same ‘ther nEngishorHind ‘® Tha ORC candidates who belong to “Creamy Layer" are nat anil for concession admissible o O3C catagory and such candidates nave to indicat their catagory as Unreserved (UR), The OBC (Non-Creamy Laver) canddates are requlfedosuamtequisitecatfcaten prescroea format of Government of naa, ama Competent Autry Issuedin he curent year. Thename othe caste and communtyindeatedn tre OBC (Non- Creamy aye eaticale must appeat nthe Cetra st of Othe: Backward Cases. Further, OBC candidates wilhave to give a sl-uncertaking ndeating rat they belong lo OBC (Non- Creamy Layer catogoryalsoatthetime of porsonal interview called for. '® Since he adverisee posts ae of unreserved category, there would not be any relaxation of ag or standaré for SCISTIOBC candidate, The upper age lite elaxed by ‘0yearsfor PWO candidates. However, the maximum upper age imitinrespect of PWD candidates 8 years. ‘Relaxation of fe yoars in age wil bo extended tothe candidates who had ercnarly been domiciled in the Stato of Jameva & Kashmir from 01.01.1980 to 31.12.1989. x. ‘Senicemen and chlerenaly members ofthose who dedin the ross of 1984 wll gt age relaxation as per drecives of Gav. cf naa provided meting wih ater advertised specfeations Howto Apply: '¢ Tho candidates noes to apply ontne inthe caroor section of NALCO wobsite (www from 21.08.2018 o 11.10.2018, Candidates should cick onthe online application ink, read theinstuctons carefull and tient oni appeation form giving accurate informatie. ifthe online appieatonisnot succosstlly completed candidate Is required register again Appliatonsreceved trough another made would natbe accepted and summary ejected '* Noraquestwith espect‘o change in any data entered by the candidate willbe entertained once the online application submitted succasstly. Wile applying online, candidate ‘needs to uploac the scanned copy of thir recent passport size colour photograph signature. n case the candidate is called for personalinieviow,helshe wil be roqied to produce riser original catfcat and oer relevant documents as antonedin ve anine application form, '® Tho downloaded application wth setl-atosted photocopies ofa tre documents in suppor of te infermation given by the candidate in tei onsine application should reach Recruitment Cl, HRO Dopartmant, Natonal Aluminium Compary Limited, NALCO Bhawan, P/1, Nayapall, Bhubaneswar ~ TS1013, Odsha by post immediately ator submission af online apalcation. Name af repost api for shouldbe super scribed onthe envelop used fr sending thar copy ofthe application. No appcation wll Fecelved by hand, Ne marual paper application will entertained decty unless reqisteredand applied anine. The application mustreach the address along wih self atested opy ofall documents nsupporifther age, qualifeaton, experience, pay scale! monn emoluments/CTC, et. by 17 10.2018. ‘® ltmay be nate that a cancidate's application only in of copy wil ot be entertained and wll e rejected summarly the hard copy ofthe application form along wih oer ‘equi sal atested photocopies oftherelevant documents snotrecsivedon arbeforet7 10.2078 12 NALCOwilnotbe responsbie for any candate orn being able to submitter onine application within the lal date on account eystem errororforany other reasons, ‘@ Acandidate can apply for one post only. Candidates applying or more than one pos willbe considered forte lower grade/post ‘© Onlyindian Nationals are eligible to apply Instruction othe Candidates ‘2 The candidate should enue that hele fils the elgiblty ceria and other conditions as mantonedin this advertisement, Mere submission of appeation or meeting the aaverized speciation does not ene the candidates eli for the pos. Incase ts detected at any siage of recuiment selecton/even after appointment that the fandidate does not fui the elgiblly norms andlor that nelshe has fumished any incorrecvalse information or has suppressed any material fac(s), hisher ‘andidatsrelappentmentwilautomabcaly tard cancelled, athe candi¢atirelappointment would be deemeste be vos ab into. ‘¢ Theemalldmertionedinthe appicaton frm must remain valfor one year Altar communication with he candidates wiltake place trough e-mallony. NALCO willnot be for any lossinon-dolvar of e-maitany obyer communication sont, dueto rvalllrongia or due to any oye reason, ‘¢Theinterested cand date fuling the spectfcatons may also apoly fo deputation wth permanent absorption tnough proper channel as per Govt. qudeline Candidates workingin PSUsIGovt shoule general appl through proper channelor produce No Objecton Cera athe timeofintervew. However, incase offaing inthis ‘regard, the candidate wouldonly be allowed jin, seloctd, after formal release order rom his presentorganzaton |&Canddates wilbe reimbursed Ind class AG(looper to and fo Yaintbus fare rom thoi communicalionadaross montinedtin the on-line application for attending the interview for E12, £3 84 grades bythe shortest route on production of ekts/proot of joumey. ‘The candidates for ES grade and above woud be erie to Economy Air Fare, No ‘hangein communication addresswilbe entertained at later stage for tne purpose of reimbursement of TA 1+ NALCO reserves the ightto raise the minimum ellibiy standards. The Managment reserves the ight fl up or nottofilupany of te above postions without assigning any Teason whatsoever NALCO also reserves the rgh to cancoltesirc’mod ater te recruitment process and also reserves the ight oincrease/secrease the post advertised eedariseswihoutissuingany ure notice or assigringany reason whatsoever ++ Canvassingby acandidate nany orm shall dsqualtyhsher caraidatre. ‘> Anydlepute wth egardtothe sacrecnstmentwil be setlad within tha uredction of hubaneswar only. ‘Nolo: This adversement supersedes allpasl advertisements madefor he above postions including ater positons made forlaleal induction ImportantDates: 1 Opening of anne submission of pplication 21.09.2018 2. Lastdale of submission of online application 1-10-2018 3. Lasteateforrecept ornare copy af application alongwith requisite documents 17.10.2018 CARTE ‘Ass. Goneral Manager (HAO)

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