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The word “Sexuality Education” is broader term “Reproductive Rights”, which

highly inhibitory and repulsive to many includes:
educated individuals, moreso after sexuality
• The right to education and access in
education was proposed a few years ago
order to make reproductive choices
by the Central Government of India. It
free from coercion, discrimination and
came under criticism with many State
governments such as Gujarat, Madhya
Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Rajasthan • The right to access quality reproductive
banning sexuality education for adolescents health care.
or their refusal to incorporate it into the
• The right to receive education about
school curriculum, stating that the study
contraception and sexually transmitted
material was too explicit or was against the
social and moral values of the country.1
• The right to legal or safe abortion.
A few educationists, medical personnel
and other advocates of Sexuality Education • The right to birth control.
representing reputed NGOs, such as the
FPAI, IPPF, etc., have in subtle ways, • Freedom from coerced sterilization,
introduced sexuality education, with abortion, and contraception,
considerable criticism to their efforts, • Protection from gender-based practices
under the title “Gender Education”, such as female genital cutting and male
“Health Education”, “Life Education” or a genital mutilation.
Vipan B Kumar, Associate Professor and Head Department of Psychology, R.D.National College,
Bandra, Mumbai – 400 050, India and Pratibha Kumar, Assistant Professor, Department of
English, Government MahakoshalAutonomous Arts and Commerce College, Jabalpur, Madhya

Vol. 57, No.2, December - 2011 23

Sexuality education is the process of sexuality shows that regardless of age and
acquiring information and forming attitudes education all the respondents expressed the
and beliefs about sex, sexual identity, need for introducing sexuality education
relationships and intimacy. It aims at into the academic curriculum. 7 Easter
reducing the risks of potentially negative Thamburaj et al8 also found that students
outcomes from sexual behavior, like in public (63.06%) and private schools
unwanted or unplanned pregnancies and (48.80%) felt that sexuality education should
infection with sexually transmitted diseases, be included in the curriculum.
and to enhance the quality of relationships.
Sexuality education programs have
Sexuality education includes but is not been found to have beneficial impact.
limited to the following topics: Thakor and Pradeep9 found that the sex
• The human sexual anatomy education program resulted in knowledge
• Sexual reproduction gain and desired change in attitudes. The
need for sex education has been perceived
• Reproductive health
by various NGOs as well as international
• Reproductive rights and responsibilities organisations working in the field of
• Emotional relations human health and education. Majority of
school teachers (73%) were found to be in
• Contraception and
favour of imparting sex education to school
• Other aspects of human sexual and non- children.10
sexual behavior
The adolescents are quite inquisitive
The skills young people develop as about the changes taking place in their
part of sexuality education are linked
body and want to know about sex and
to more general life-skills. Being able to
sexuality. Social taboos associated with
communicate, listen, negotiate with others,
the topic restrain them to ask their
ask for and identify sources of help and
parents or elders. In such a situation
advice, are useful life-skills which can be
applied to sexual relationships. Effective it is difficult for them to get correct
sexuality education develops young informat ion ab out t he anat omy of
people’s skills in negotiation, decision- the human body and sexuality. They
making, assertion and listening. Other often depend on their peers who are
important skills include being able to equally ill-informed. The absence of
recognise pressure from other people and proper knowledge makes them even
to resist it dealing with and challenging more curious towards sexuality and the
prejudice, and being able to seek help opposite sex. Many of them try to find out
from adults - including parents, care about sexuality through experimentation
givers and professionals - through the which further worsens the situation due
family, community and health and welfare to incorrect knowledge. If they are given
services.2 proper information regarding their body,
The need for sexuality education has sexuality and HIV, they would be able to
been expressed from time to time some take care of their health and body in a
researchers3,4,5,6 have observed that 87.2 better way. Their decisions would be more
percent of adolescent girls from high mature and rational. By denying sexuality
school and junior college wanted sexuality education young children grow up being
education to be a part of the regular high ashamed, confused and uninformed about
school curriculum. Similarly, a survey themselves and their bodies. They are also
done with 959 adolescent girls on issues of rendered far more vulnerable.

24 The Journal of Family Welfare

Some figures worth considering that adaptation to environment, quality of life
highlight the need for sexuality education and helps to live optimally by choice. It
are: would not be an exaggeration to state
• 16% women aged between 15-19 years that the right to life includes the right to
are mothers. (National Family Health sexuality education as well as reproductive
Survey (NFHS – 3 (2007).11 rights. Hence, it is a human right
which needs to be enshrined. Sexuality
• Over 35% of AIDS cases reported are Education is a basic requirement as lack of
below 25 years of age and 50% of new information and/or knowledge related to
infections are between 15 and 24 years sexual anatomy, its functioning, and other
old. (UNICEF, 2010).12 related details can endanger human life
• Around 2.27 million people are currently and health.
living with HIV (UNGASS, 2010).13 Sexuality education is also needed to
• In India the rate of teenage pregnancy is understand the impact of environment
any where between 8% to 14 % (Bhalerao on human sexual health. A review study
et al 1990, Mahavarkar, Madhu, Mule, by Kumar and Kumar 18 has pointed
2008).14,15 out the influence of environment on
human sexual and reproductive health and
• Incidence of Breast Cancer, Cervical highlighted the need to include the topic
Cancer, gynecological disorders, skin of “Environment and Sexuality” in courses
disorders are increasing among the on Environment Education and Sexuality
youth. One in 22 women in India are Education in India.
likely to suffer from breast cancer during
her lifetime. Breast cancer is the most Though the Government of India and
common cancer in women in India its agencies have advocated sexuality
(Khan et al 2010).16 education and prepared a program
for its implementation, the inhibition
• A quarter to a third of India’s young associated with the word “sex” as well as
people indulge in premarital sex. preconceived irrational fears and increasing
(Sharma, R, 2001).17 resistance from political opponents have
• Myths regarding sexuality issues, even scuttled the said programme. Twelve
among the elderly and educated people, Indian State Governments had gone against
can be seen by going through some of the Adolescent Education Programme
the popular columns in the newspapers, introduced by the Central Government in
such as Dr. Mahendra Watsa’s column in association with the National AIDS Control
Mumbai Mirror. Organization (NACO) and the United
Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), which
With easy access to internet resources, provoked the Minister for Women and
mobile and other telecommunication Child Development, Renuka Chaudhary, to
gadgets information about sex, sexuality term India ‘a nation of hypocrites’.
and related topics is easily accessible
One of the main reasons for banning
without censorship. This information, in
sexuality education was that the contents
many cases, is misleading, unorganised,
of the sexuality education programme,
incomplete and unscientific leading to
prepared by the Government was explicit
health issues and socio-legal problems.
and contrary to Indian culture and morality.
Hence, sexuality education is needed in
Critics of the programme opined that
such changing times.
sexuality education in schools will increase
Sexuality education is a human risky behaviour amongst adolescents
rights issue as it impacts general health, and young people. It would encourage

Vol. 57, No.2, December - 2011 25

promiscuity, experimentation, and so on. Broadly interpreted the right to sexuality
However, such fears are irrational and education is enshrined in the Indian
far from reality. It has been observed that constitution as well as the international
sex education does not encourage young covenants and agreements. Article 21 which
people to have sex at an earlier age or deals with right to life or personal liberty
more frequently. (Grunseit & Kippax, and Article 21–A of the Constitution dealing
1993).19 On the contrary, the study revealed with ‘free and compulsory’ education, as
that sexuality education delays the start well as the Directive Principle of State
of sexual activity, reduces sexual activity Policy under Article 45 of the Constitution
among young people and encourages can be interpreted as covering the right
those already sexually active to have to sexuality education. Furthermore,
safer sex. Published reports of United Article 51–A (k) imposes a ‘fundamental
Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF),12 duty’ on parents to provide educational
UNAIDS,20 United Nations Population Fund opportunities to their children in the age
(UNFPA),21 support the effectiveness of group of six to fourteen years, which
sexuality education programmes in the US can also be interpreted as including the
and other parts of the world. opportunity to have sexuality education.
The Central Government in India has Two case laws with regard to court
not taken any further action with respect to judgments on sexuality education are
states banning sexuality education program worth noting. The first is the judgment of
proposed by it. The Central Government the Supreme Court of India which decided
has justified its inaction by pointing out that sexuality education in schools cannot
that under the federal structure of the be brought under the ambit of fundamental
Indian Constitution, Education and Health rights by making it a part of the right to
are both subjects that can be exclusively education, while dealing with a Public
legislated upon and executed by State Interest Litigation, which had suggested
Legislatures and Governments. However, making sexuality education in schools
the Central Government has forgotten that compulsory. The NGO, Nari Raksha Samiti,
under international law, federalism or any had submitted that sexuality education
other such argument is not an excuse for the in school curricula could play a role in
violation of international commitments. This checking the rise of rape cases. Though
rule has been codified by the 1969 Convention agreeing with the suggestion, the bench
on the Law of Treaties and the 2001 Draft said it cannot be given the status of a
Articles on State Responsibility prepared by fundamental right on the same footing as
the International Law Commission. Further, the right to education itself.23
the Indian Constitution empowers the Central
The second judgment is that of the
Government to make any laws or take any
European Court of Human Rights in
executive action if it is in furtherance of its
the case of Kjeldsen, Busk Madsen and
international commitments – regardless of
Pedersen v. Denmark (popularly known
whether such a matter is a State subject under
as the Pedersen Case,1976). The applicants
the federal structure.
were parents of children who were going to
Lack of compulsory comprehensive State primary schools in Denmark. As per
sexuality education in schools, according the Danish Constitution, all children have
to the Report of the United Nations Human the right to Free Compulsory Education
Rights Council Report, violates the human in State primary schools. The State had
rights of Indian adolescents and young introduced compulsory sexuality education
people as recognized under international in State primary schools as part of the
law.22 curriculum. This change in curriculum

26 The Journal of Family Welfare

was introduced by a Bill passed by the the right to sexuality education as one
Parliament. There were guidelines and of the important human rights. The
safeguards against: International Conference on Population
and Development (ICPD) and Programme
● Showing pornography.
of Action (PoA), 1994 (often known as
● Teachers giving sexuality education to the Cairo Declaration) - The ICPD PoA
pupils when they were alone. - was the first and most comprehensive
international document to embody
● Giving information on methods of sexual
concepts of reproductive and sexual
health and rights. India is one of the
● Using vulgar language while imparting signatories to the 1994 United Nations
sexuality education. International Conference on Population and
Development (ICPD). At this conference,
The applicants, who were parents “Five Year Review member states” of
of school going children, gave several the UN, including India, affirmed the
petitions to have their children exempted Sexual and Reproductive Rights (SRRs) of
from sexuality education in concerned State adolescents and young people. Therefore,
schools. However, these requests were not as a part of their commitments under the
met and all of them withdrew their children ICPD agenda, governments, including
from the said schools. The applicants India, are obliged to provide for free and
argued that the Denmark Government had compulsory comprehensive sexuality
violated Article 2 of Protocol No. 1 to the education for adolescents and young
European Convention on Human Rights, people.21
which states: “No person shall be denied
the right to education. In the exercise of Article 24, 28 and 29 of the Convention
any functions which it assumes in relation on the Rights of the Child,25 has important
to education and to teaching, the State provisions related to education of children
shall respect the right of parents to ensure which can include the right to sexuality
such education and teaching in conformity education. General Comment No.3 on
with their own religions and philosophical HIV and AIDS of ‘The Committee on the
convictions.” The State argued that Article Rights of the Child’ states that effective
2 would cover only religious instruction HIV/AIDS prevention requires States to
and not all forms of instruction. The Court refrain from censoring, withholding or
rejected this argument and held that any intentionally misrepresenting health-related
teaching should respect parents’ religious information, including sexual education
and moral convictions. However, the Court and information, and that, consistent with
also held that Article 2 would be violated their obligations to ensure the right to life,
only if while imparting sexuality education, survival and development of the child
the teachers advocated sex at a particular (Article 6), State parties must ensure that
age or particular type of sexual behaviour. children have the ability to acquire the
Moreover, the parents still had the freedom knowledge and skills to protect themselves
to educate their children at home to and others as they begin to express their
instill their own religious convictions and sexuality.
beliefs and therefore, imparting sexuality
The Committee on the Elimination of
education per se was not a violation of
Discrimination against Women (CEDAW),26
Article 2.24
has called on state parties to take steps
International conventions and legal under the right to health, in particular to
instruments, to some of which India is “prioritize the prevention of unwanted
also a signatory, have strongly, advocated pregnancy through family planning and

Vol. 57, No.2, December - 2011 27

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Vol. 57, No.2, December - 2011 29

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