Warriors of Heaven

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Christopher Terkins
Designer. Christopher Perkins
Editors: Ray VaUese and Penny Williams
Brand Manager: Keith Francis Strohm
Creative Director: Ed Stark
Art Director: Dawn Murin
Cover Ark Brom
Interior Ark Hannibal King
Graphic Design: Matt Adelsperger
vpesetting: Eric Haddock
Special Thank Dave Gross,Mike %linker, and Skip Williams
Project Manager. Larry Weher

Table of conten*s
Celestial Life .............. . 2 Higher Aasimon .............39
Serving the Gods ..........12 Archons ................... .41
WzardSpells .............17 Asuras .................... .52
Clerical Spells ............ .24 Eladrins ....................56
Magical Items .............31 Guardinals ................ .71
Aasimon ................ .33 Appendix 1:Celestial Mounts . .85
Agathinon.. ..............37 Appendix 2 Tables .......... .87


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these beings maintain the sanctity of their lands and further
celestial L i f e the cause of good by opposing fiends and their evil kind.
Certain shining natives of the seven Upper Planes-hdia, Celstials are paradoxical beings, majestic in power yet
Mount Celestia, Bytopia, Elysium, the Beastlands, &rea, gentle in nature, merciful to the repentant and ruthless
and Ysgard-are known collectively as celestials. Not every toward the unredeemable. They are divine heralds, carrying
resident of those planes can claim this distinction, of course; the messages of upperplanar gods to those who need to hear
the aasimon, archons,asuras, eladrins, and gudinals are the them. They are seekers, wandering the planes to find the
only true celestial races. Aasiir, the offspring of celestials good in all things. They are missionaries, ministering to those
and mortals, aren’t as pure-blooded as their noble relatives, in need throughout the multiverse. They are guides, leading
but many sages include them in the celestial roster as well. champions on quests against the forces of darkness. They are
Wurriors ofHenm describes the nature and society of the punishers of malefactors, liberators of the enslaved, and pro-
various celestials and enables players to create heroes of those tectors of the innocent and enfeebled. Celestials look upon
races. Aside from their incredible powers, there’s one major evil as a plague they must crush (or at least hold at bay), and
difference between celestial PCs and those of a typical they always use their powers for the utmost benefit of others.
AD&@ campaign. In most games, the player characters rep- Were it not for the efforts of these e m p p a l beings to
resent the a a m of the cropthat is, their abilities and magic spread peace and harmony throughout the multiverse, the
far exceed those of the common folk. In contrast, celestial PCs fiends would have taken the Blood War to every comer of
begin the campaign as relatively weak members of their existence and cast the cosmos into ruin ages ago. Though the
respective races. Only through their deeds and accomplish- fiends vastly outnumber their upperplanar counterparts, the
ments can they become as powerful and virtuous as their celestials possess amazing powers, and their purity and
higherranking peers. In other words, such characters must unfailingvirtue serve them in good stead against their foes.
earn their places in the celestial hierarchy Few fiends have the conviction to look a celestial in the eyes
For example, a 3rd-level firre eladrin has only a fraction of without exhibiting some sign of fear. Even a dark creature as
the powers available to most firres. However, using the stan- mighty as a pit fiend cannot fully quash a sense of widation
dard level-based advancement system, firre PCs can gain and unease when facing a lesser celestial+en if the fiend
experience, steadily increasing in power until their abilities knows it is more powerful than its foe.
equal or exceed those of typical members of their race. Clearly, celestials present a unique roleplaying challenge.
Another factor that offsets the incredible abilities of the Thefre not perfect beings, although they strive to be. They
celestials is the type of threats they face. Fiends and other hold in their hearts a firm dedication to furthering the cause
honible monsters that prowl the Outer Planes present diffi- of good, viewing themselves as vessels through which Good
cult challenges to even the most magically profiaent upper- (as a force) does its work. Celestial player characters exist to
planar beings. Celestial PCs must contend with foes and uphold the tenets of their alignments and defeat evil wher-
forces capable of obliterating most low-level characters. Raid- ever they find it.
ing a dungeon or holding off a tribe of o m is nothing com- Sometimes, a celestial may question what is most impor-
pared to repelling a pack of vaath on Carceri or rescuing tant. To m e a greater good, such a being may have to com-
petitioners held captive in a baernaloth’s stronghold on the promise or make sacrifices. This fact has meated many
Gray Waste. In short, the dangers that celestial PCs must face schisms within the Upper Planes, as celestials argue and
every day of their lives tend to counterbalance the powers debate about what is right and which sacrifices are too great.
afforded them. But they never allow their arguments to degrade into vie
lence, and they‘re careful to maintain a strong, united front
The gun of playing qood against the ever-present threat of the Blood War.
Even the most chaotic celestials are truthful to themselves,
Celestials are the antithesis of the fiends that inhabit the Lower if not always to others. A ’little white lie” probably wouldn’t
Planes. As much as the baatezu, tanar’ri, yugoloths, and other get a upper-planar being into serious trouble, nor would a
dark races are dour dections and homble personifications of fancifultale that listeners should understand to be fictional.
all that is wicked and debased, the celestials are embodiments Occasionally, however, a celestial sacrifices too much or
of all that is good and pure in the multiverse. They epitomize makes the wrong choice; this can result in repercussions rang-
valor and benevolence, using their tremendous powers to ing from demotion to confinement to the Upper Planes until
imphe others toward acts of charity, m e q , and helpfulness. the offender successfully makes amends. R a d , a celestial
Members of the celestial races are magnificent, empyreal makes a terrible mistake or commits an egregious offense in
beings. They claim as their home that vast expanse of the the name of good and seeks neither repentance nor salvation
multiverse known as the Upper Planes. The summits of for it. Such a fallen celestial faces the worst punishment imag-
Mount Celestia, the wilds of Arborea, the fertile hills of Ely- inable: dismissal from his or her race’s hierarchy and expul-
sium, the twin paradises of Bytopia, the resident harmony of sion from the Upper Planes.Some such beings have
Arcadia, the Beastlands, and Ysgard-these are the realms of continued to act in the name of good as rogues, but others-
the celestials. With vigorous and unwavering determination, no longer able to rely on the support and company of their

further still. It'swhispered that a 2 Asuras are believed to be natives of Ysgard, but they

roam throughout the Upper Planes. While most are chaotic

serve the greater powers of good, good, there are also some neutral good asuras.
lower-ranking fiends can never
hough some of the races enforce The predominant alignment of a celestial race determines
celestials are he-thinking beings the st~ctureof its society, but not necessarily the disposition
ryday (in some cases of each individual. The lawful good archons,for example,
immortal) lives. ,act in accordance with have an orderly social structure with a strict hierarchy and
rigid moral code-each member must follow a defined path
of righteousness. By comparison, the neutral good guardinals
place no innate value on social organization, creating and dis-
solving sodal orders as needs arise. Though the chaotic good
eladrins and asuras have well-defined societies, they do not
impose strict moral guidelines on individuals.
Note, too, that although most archons are lawful good,
they do not all follow the same set of stricture, nor do they
necessarily share a common disposition. Likewise, one
the various celes
shouldn't expect all eladrins to be chaotic or all guardinals to
be neutral. Racial alignment serves as a general guide, but
celestials are as diverse as any other advanced beings--each
exhibits a distinct personality,unique behavior, and personal

polhics on the upper planes

Unlike the destructive scheming and malevolent conspiraaes
of the Lower Planes, the politics of the Upper Planes serve to
reinforce goodness and preserve purity.The celestial races are
more likely to have disputes than conflicts-that is, they tend
to resolve their differences through moderated debates and
even-tempered arguments. Only rarely do they resort to phys-
ical altercations to make their points, though this does happen.
share, regadless of race, station, or The most persistent dispute among celestials is how best to
t, is their general good nature. Malice and deal with the spread of evil. Some believe it's enough to push
s as genuine love and caring are to evil back into the Lower Planes and contain it, while others
Lower Planes.Residents of other want to destroy it utterly, effectivelycleansing the multiverse
the embodiment of "all that of its stink Certain groups argue that evil beings should have
they are beings of tremendous convie a chance to redeem themselves. One particularly radical fac
rs and influence to aid the cause of tion advocates doing nothing and leaving the fiends to destroy
evil. All celestas share themselves. Regardless of which viewpoint is in favor with a
eir specific alignments. particular race, it seems that every celestial on the Upper
begd-aligned, individuals Planes has a personal opinion on this issue. To say that
,or chaotic good, depending archons favor evil's redemption over its annihilation, or that
individual disposition.The following all g u a r d i i enjoy hunting fiends across the Outer Planes, is
p e n t guidelinesfor the celestialraces. to make a sweeping generalization.Such statements seldom
encapsulate the viewpoint of any one individual. Still, it's pos-
PLANE sible to draw broad distinctions among the celestial races.
Aasimar ' 4nyNonevil Any Disputes among aasimon are fairly prevalent, and those
Aasimon Any Good Any Upper Plane noble creatures tend to form political alliances-not just
Archon Lawful Good Mount Celestia among themselves, but with other planar races as well. Aasi-
Asuras Chaotic Good Any Upper Plane mon create cadres based around particular philosophies,
Eladrin ChaoticGood Arborea occasionally finding allies in mortal groups such as the Order
GWrdinal Neutral Good Elysium of the Planes-Militant (a sect pledged to defend Mount Celes-
tia) and the Harmonium (one of Sigil's exiled factions, CUT-
freedom in alignment and location rently based on Arcadia). In general, however, aasimon prefer
of the mortal parenys influence. to cut through bureaucracy and deal with disputes quickly

and efficiently. Even the lowest-ranking members of the race The truth is, though, that the celestials have little involve-
have ready access to their superiors and can rest assured that ment in the war, and they certainly didn’t start it. The infernal
their words are heard, whether or not they are heeded. conflid is the fiends’ own doin-proof that evil destroys
Despite their good intentions, the lawful archons are itself. Most celestials strive only to keep the Blood War from
among the most bureaucratic and political of the celestials. spilling over into the uncorrupted realms20fthe multiverse. If
They have created a strict, closely monitored, hierarchical the celestials truly were pulling the strings of the warring fac-
society b a d on rank and ornamentation. Individuals earn tions to keep the rest of the cosmos safe, they’d be considered
promotions through righteous deeds and faithful service, and failures. The fiends still ravage the Outer Planes and the
the desk for advancement is a driving force of the society. Prime more often than anyone would like,and sometimes
But the archons, unlike other politically and bureaucratically they take the Blood War to other lands, claiming many inno-
inclined beings, never use their stations to dominate and sub- cent lives in the process.
jugate one another. All of them earn their positions, so no one On the other hand, some celestials fear that if the fiendish
has cause to feel bitter or mistreated by the system. The tome fighting were to end, the baatezu and tanar’ri might unite in
archons remain at the top of the hierarchy, but any member of a terrible alliance and try to raze the Upper Planes. This p w
the race can earn that status in time, based on virtuous deeds sibility has led a few of the more independent celestials to
and ideals. encourage or prolong the war, having convinced themselves
Asuras frequently become involved with the politics of that their dubious actions can bring the most good to the
other celestial races, in particular the aasimon. The asuras are most people. Most celestials, however, believe that the Blood
free-roaming warriors who take p a t pride in their combat War will never end-not as long as one baatezu is left to
skills, and they generally despise bureaucracy, Of all the oppose one tanar’ri.
celestiala, they are the most likely to take offense at political
maneuverings. Asuras generally prefer to resolve disputes in The concordance and the parliament
rituals of nonlethal combat. As a group, celestiala champion the betterment of the multi-
Eladrins must often deal with webs of gentle intrigue in verse and encourage the spread of harmony and freedom,
the twilight courts of the tulani,but politics is not a driving both for individuals and for societies. How best to achieve
force in their society, and they detest bureaucracy. It‘s true these goals is a matter of debate and has mated some ideo-
that Queen Morwel, who is neither a dictator nor a tyrant, logical rifts among the various celestial races, as noted above.
holds her people to certain restrictions (such as hiding their But unlike fiends, who use malice and hate to foment wars
true natures from the mortals of the Prime Material Plane), among their own kind, celestials do not turn on each other. To
and it‘s also a fact that the ruling tulani enjoy their palace take up arms and strike down another good being is simply
intrigues. On the whole, though, politics and scheming are of unheard of. So while they do have disputes, the celestiala have
little importance in eladrin society. nothing equivalent to the eternal fiendish battle-though occa-
Politics and bureaucracy never confound the guardinals. sional rumors of holy wars on the Upper Planes should give
Each of their small communities has a chieftain-a guardinal anyone pause for concern. But where the fiends have their
with natural leadership abilities. When a political issue Blood War,their upper-planar counterparts have the Celestial
arises, a respected elder or a designated conunittee resolves Concoxlance--a pact between the races to aid m e another
it after open discussion within the community.Afterward, should any external force seriously threaten the Upper Planes.
the guardinals move on, never rehashing old arguments. The Concordance allows the celestials to present a single har-
Thanks in part to their knack for settling conflicts in a fair monious front against all the evil in the multiverse.
and equitable manner, guardinals are often called upon to Periodically, representatives of the various celestial races
mediate disputes among the other celestial races when, gather to plan a defense against a threatened invasion, or
despite their best efforts, they have failed to reach mutually merely to discuss the status of their planes. That assemblage is
acceptable accords. called the Parliament of the Concordance, or simply the Par-
liament. When it convenes, representatives of the aasimon,
The Blood war iuchons, asuras, eladrins, and guardinals debate the best way
Although it’s impossible to count the number of celestials to implement the Concordance and what role each race should
living on the Upper Planes or the number of fiends dwelling play. These meetings, which are never recorded in any written
in the bottomless reaches of the Lower Planes, most scholars form, are more monumental and aweinspiring than any
acknowledge that the latter are considerably more numerous. prknpmaterial mortal can imagine. Chairing each gathering
However, the fiends‘ capricious and treacherous ~ t u rkeeps
r and coordinating the defense of the Upper Planes is a figure
them at each other’s proverbial throats. This is a handy devel- hown as the Arch-Penitar. Zora Sebirati, a solar aasimon in
opment-tca handy, perhaps. Indeed, some people believe the service of the Egyptian god Ra, currently holds this office,
that the celestials are the secret masters of the Blood War, although the representatives elect a new Arch-Penitar every
subtly turning the baatezu (devils) and tanar’ri (demons) three centuries or so.
against each other to divert their attention from the Upper Some celestials believe that the Concordance is the only
Planes and the rest of the multiverse. hope of destroying evil in the multiverse, but there are others


who believe that the sheer magnitude of such a conflict For example, when not attending the earth goddess
would tear apart the very fabric of the planes. This debate Chauntea on his home plane of Elysium, Lorn the cervidal
often rages during meetings of the Parliament, as the most spends most of his days fishing by a brook that flows into
fervent celestials encourage their peers to strike deep into the the River Oceanus. Lorn favors gem-studded lures, and he
Lower Planes, where evil breeds like a plague. Their detrac- obtains most of his precious stones from an asuras gemcutter
tors counter that any such invasion could force an alliance- who lives in the City of the Star in Amoria, the first layer of
perhaps temporary, perhaps n o t h t w e e n the warring Elysium.
baatezu and tanar'ri, giving rise to an unstoppable force of Although both deeds and diversions are important in their
evil. Other celestials find the very idea of destroying any- daily lives, celestials gain their strength through devotion to
thing (even a fiend) less thanpalatable. Perhaps the most the gods. All celestials are p u n d e d by their faith in one or
heated debate among the celestials involves the so-called more resident deities of the Upper Planes. The celestials are
Ethical Paradox-the belief that good cannot exist without the gods' servants-living extensions of divine influence.
evil, and that to destroy evil utterly would doom the whole They honor their gods by performing duties faithfully and
multiverse. completing special quests to the best of their abititiee. These
Thus, the Concordance remains a powerful force in devout stewards never question the will of the powers they
defense of the Upper Planesand not an excuse to launch serve. The gods only peripherally monitor the activities of
attacks or eradicate the fiends. Meanwhile, the celestial races their mortal worshippem on the Prime Material Plane, but
struggle to keep the Blood War confined to the Lower Planes, they watch the celestials closely. In fact, it's quite common for
where the tanar'ri, the baatezu, and their kin can fight with- deities to intervene in the affairs of their servants, rewarding
out compromising the rest of the multiverse. those who are valorous and obedient and p e g those
who are defiant or less competent.
~ a i l Lyi f e on the upper planes
Celestials don't spend every moment performing good deeds celeshl oaths
and looking for evil to banish. They don't rise each morning Celestials, regardless of alignment, are bound by any Oaths
and make lists of noble actions to perform that day.Of they take.An Oath is p a t e r in scope and far more binding
course, they accomplish much good, but they're just naturally than a general p r o e i t is a solann vow that commits the
predisposed toward benevolence-it's not something they celestial to a particular deed or course of action. An Oath,
must plan for or think about. Thus, when they're not locked once spoken, becomes part of the celestial's being and a
in debate over the latest events of the Blood War or quelling a source of personal power. Any celestial who takesan Oath
threat to the Upper Planes, celestials find plenty of distrac- must fulfillit, even if doing so requires great sacrifice.
tiom to occupy their time. A celestial might swear an Oath for any of several rea-
The truth is that most celestials take special delight in som. A deity could require of Oath of completion when
simple things.For example, Tambrul, a deva who serves as a assigning a celestial an important task.A fiend negotiating
military adjutant to the Norse god Frey on Ysgard, makes for the release of prisoners could make its adversary swear
horseshws for equars whenever he's not engaged in affairs to do it no harm after the release of the captives. A celestial
that concern the Norse pantheon. Zagzagel, the warden archon might voluntarily swear an Oath to protect a comrade, guard
who guards the gates tb the realm of Erackinor on Mount a holy relic for a certain period of time, or slay a monster
Celestia, is renowned for a c h a m h g alehe brews and offers to responsible for a heinous atmcity. Ultimately, it is the celes-
thirsty passersby--many of whom are dwarves with a taste for tial's choice whether to take an Oath, but once made, it is
the good stuff. visitorsto the Upper Planes are often taken binding. Thus, celestials don't swear Oaths without much
aback by the remarkable dichotomy of the celestial lifestyle, consideration, though they sometimes h d themselves in sit-
which can seem rustic one moment and truly majestic the next. uations where refusing to take one could spell disaskr for
Most celestialscan harness incredible might and magic, so them or their comrades.
it stands to reason that sheer power isn't the measure of their A celestial who breaks an Oath for any reason loses a l l
worth to one another or to themselves. Instead, they derive innate abilities, magic resistance, and special immunities.
tremendous personal satisfaction from farming, trainjng ani- Furthermore, the Oathbreaker loses 1 point of Q\atisma-a
mals, telling stories, playhg musical instruments, canring loss that only a god can restore, and then only after a long
stone and wood, and making exquisitely detailed maps, period of atonement.
among many other activities. Crafting items with their own On the other hand, a celestial who fulfiUs or adheres to a
hands gives celestialspeace of mind as well as the satisfaction difficult Oath should gain a substantial reward in tenne of
of doing somethingconstructive. And since they rarely feel a experience points or an inmame in station (as descn'bed in
need to profit from their endeavors, the satisfaction of a task "Ascendance and promotion," below). Ultimately, the Dun-
well done is its own reward. geon Master must determine what sort of reward is appropri-
Some celestials also enjoy pursuing hobbies and interests ate based on the difficulty involved in taking and fulfilling
they acquired during time spent in the company of mortals. the Oath.

active, though subtle role in their lives. Aasimar typically
retain touches of their celestial heritage, and many become
ces (specificallythe aasimon, archons, great heroes.

rtals who have died and gone to

most closely matches thein align-
Ascendance and promofion
A celestial PC who completes a special quest or perfom
some deed that furthers the cause of good gains experience
points for it. Most celestials rise in level accoding to their
character classes (see the experience point tables in the AD&D
Players Hrmdbook), though archons have their own advance-
ment tables (see "Archons"). As they do so,they gain not
only the standard advancement benefits for their classes, but
also higher stations and greater influencein their societies.
Usually,new spell-like abilities, immunities,and the like also
esired, attaining great accompany level inmases for celestial PCs. No training is
s until they become planetars involved in this pmcess--a celestial's newfound skills are
rewards from the gods that manifest immediately. This
r, the gods select particularly inmase in stature and power is called ascendance.
mts from those that come to Mount For the immortal celestials (the aasimon and the archons),
ascendance holds even greater significance, for it involves
physical transfoxmations as well as improved status. Aasimon
P C s begin play as agathinon warriors. Their fimt promotion
o "purer" (and more power- (earned through successful completion of several special mis-
oble rulers of Mount Celestia, sions) changes them into entirely different creatures called
race, second only to the gods devas. With subsequent promotions, they can become plane-
tars, or even solars. Archon PCs start out as lantern archons
ortals become asuras through and, through their valorous deeds, gain the experience
e aasimon and archons, asuras needed to transform into hound,warden, sword, and finally
ranks of a hierarchy to become beings trumpet archons (tome archons are NPCs).
might. They retain the same forms The mortal celestials-the aasimar, asuras, eladrins, and
which are finik+the spark that gives w- o not assume new shapes as they gain experi-
ant them immortality. ence. Much like other AD&Dplayer characters, they measure
t good-aligned elves become ascendawe only in terms of the benefits gained through level
theory accounts for the lam' inavase.
ut the eladrins themselves offer nothing A Dungeon Master can accelerate a character's ascendance
this notion. Their chaotic ~ t u r e by providing special XP awards for acts of inspiratim, valor,
theov, but such is not the case. and charity, as well as for good rokplaying. Bonus XP awards
Eladrins are in fa of a separate species; they are might also be appropriate for completing an adventwe's
.Eladrins are bom on Arborea story objectives. For example, a celestial PC who rescues a
paladh from a bebilith's lair might receive 1,000 bonus xps
for each level of the rescued paladin. Similarly,a DM d d
awardbonus XPs to acharacterwhoinspires a Wto r e f m
his ways or uncovers a shadow fiend who is secretly posses-
tives of primematerial worlds believe ingmembers of the local parish and Mvlngthem to perform
of slain animalsgiven humanoid evil deeds. Even relatively minor good deeds, such as helping
rycawes the guardinals some dis- a group of pilgrims cross a river, comforting a lost child,or
to set the record straight. They're healing an j n j d animal, should entitle the celestial charac-
and raised within their respective ter to a few bonus XPs. It is the player's responsibility to keep
live a long time compared to most an accurate record of the PC's accmplishmenb, but the DM
re not immortal. determines which of those deeds are worthy of XP awards
beings with celestial blood in and how much to bestow.
ring born from unions between When deciding how much experience a character should
descendants of such offspring. receive, the DM should keep in mind the amount needd to
raised by their mortal parents, reach the next level. No single deed should gamer mom than
parents (or ancestors) often play an half the XP that the FC in question would need to advance

from the base of his of her current level to the base of the Aasimon are unique among the celestials in one respect.
next. Nothing a PC does should allow a jump of more than Since devas, planetars, and solars don’t accumulate experi-
one level at a time. ence points for their deeds, they tend to suffer even greater
punishments for their offenses. Those who fail to serve the
cause of good in the manner their superiors expect suffer a
Descendance and the mlling loss of status, innate magical abilities, or both.
Although beings from other planes perceive celestials as Celestial Pcs who continue to fall from grace and decline to
embodiments of all that is good and righteous, the road to the mend their ways are no longer contributing to the cause of
Lower Planes is paved with good intentions. Celestials with good. such unrepentant transgIw90T8 are stripped of their
only the best goals in mind sometimes perform deeds that are innate abilities and brought before the Celestial Tribunal
morally and ethically questionable.When focused on the (detailed below) for judgment. Most offenders have one chance
greater good, even those of pure c d e n c e might overlook to petition for reinstatement by convincing the Tribunal that
the immediate harm their actions could inflict on others.Such they are worthy and not beyond redemption. (Of course, celes-
celestials tread a fine line between righteousnessand villainy. tials who have performed wanton acts of malevolence have no
Most can step back and see the error of their ways, either by opportunity to ask for a second chance.) Those whom the Tri-
themeelves or with the guidance of superiors. A few celestiaLs, bunal deems unfit are cast out of the Upper Planes to wander
however, have ignored their consciences and lost the true the rest of the multiverse without the powers, immunities, and
path, coming to regard morally or ethically untenable situa- allies to which they have grown accustomed.
tions as excuses to commit ruthless, selfish,or capricious acts. Those few offenders who manage to flee the Upper Planes
Celestials who neglect their duties, fail to serve as inspiring and escape judgment and punishment usually end up wan-
examples of goodness, or commit egregious acts of evil come dering the multiverse in disgrace. Sometimes their peers hunt
to the attention of their superiors and their gods immediately them down and ask them to return and face the Wbunal.
Unless the actions in question are categorically deplorable, This decision is purely voluntary; those who comply place
these greater forces seldom act against the transg~~sors themselves at the mercy of the Celestial Tribunal, and those
immediately,hoping that they will realize their errors, repent, who refuse must continue to live in exile, without their god-
and atone on their own. But if the offenders continue down granted powers.
the road to villainy, the gods eventually judge them unworthy
of their powers or stations. Such a transgressor is said to have The celestial Tribunal
fallen from grace and may suffer a decline in station, a loss of The Tribunal is an assembly of celestials charged with deter-
experience points,a loss of powers, or all of the above, at their mining the fate of a peer whose future as an emissary of good
deities’ dimetion. (Gods may at any time take back the innate is in grave doubt. %ically, the Tribunal gathers in a sancti-
powers with which they have gifted their servants if they fied place withjn the dominion of the transgressor’s deity.
decide the recipients are no longer desening.) Judgment in This is a rare Ad momentous event, and those charged with
these situations is swift and often brutal. passing judgment on another celestial never take that respon-
Instead of ascending through the hierarchy of their races, sibility lightly Presiding over the ’Aibunal is a proxy who
celestialswho have fallen from grace descend, losing power speaks the words of the deity and weighs the evidence pre-
and influence (and, in the case of the aasimon and archons, sented. An advocate-usually a celestial unacquainted with
changing forms as well). Their peers neither scorn nor the accused-details the specific wrongdoings that predpi-
ridicule them,however-as charitable beings, celestials tend tated this g a t h e w , then tries to convince the offender to
to rally arbund their fallen fellows and try to help them repent and petition the Tribunal for a chance at redemption.
regainpositions of favor. Offenders who spurn this goodwill Those who do so sincerrly usually receive an opportunity to
and continue to act against the will of their deities suffer fur- make amends,since the proxy p d d i n g over a Tribunal is
ther punishments, until either they reform or their disobedi- invariably merciful. Even so,however, the offender must face
ence warrants expulsion from the Upper Planes. Punishment in the form of a reduction in power and stab.
The Dungeon Master is the finaljudge of how far a celes- Transformativeceleatials revert to their base forms (agathinon
tial PC falls. The DM decides the severity of the punishment for aasimon and lantern &ons for archons) and sufkr a cone
based on the nature of the offense and the offender’s track sponding loss of abilities.Asuras, eladrins, and guardinalslcae
mord. Loss of experience points or the temporary loss of one one level of e x p e r h e (alongwith all the abilities and advan-
or more innate abilities or special privileges is an appropriate tages tied to it) and are confined to aparticular U p p e r h for
penalty for minor sins. More grievous offenses or routine a set period of time. (F,ladrinsmust remain in Arborea for lpol
negligence of duty may warrant the loss of one full experi- years, guardinals in Elysium for one year, and aswas in a plane
ence level (as per an energy drain) or the loss of all innate of the Tribunal’s choice for 100 years.) Such descended celes-
magical abilities, pending atonement. Player characters can tial~,however, may gain back experience through deeds just as
atone for their transgressions and convince the gods to restore theydidbefore,withnopenaltieetoreacquisition.
their powers by earning back their lost experience through Offenders who show no incljnation toward repentance and
good deeds and completing one or more special missions. express no sincere desire to undo their evil ways are forever

I the Lower Planes. Nillis-thur
spoken nevermore. In the swampy layer of Elysium known as Belierin lies a
quickly perish, and the hidden basalt fortress called Nillis-thur. It was here, eons ago,
ts into nupperibo (lawful that some lawful aasimon crafted bodies from mud and
neutral evil) depending imbued them with the spark of celestial life. They named
celestials survive their new their creations the q u m r and charged them with guarding
ns of prominence within the certain celestial treasures kept in NXi-thur. These first
quesar proved themselves able servants, and so pleased were
sense what the fonner celestials once the aasimon with their celestial aides that they created even
more. Soon,however, the situation degenerated.
y mortal paentag?, aasimar aren’t con- The quesar quickly tired of serving the aasimon as virtual
have no right to judgment by a slaves, but their attempts to relate those sentiments to their
o turn to evil are merely ban- creators were met with scorn.The constructs wanted to serve
and left to fend for themselves. good in their own way, but the aasimon wanted loyal, obedi-
ent servants who would follow their instructions. After a brief
armed conflict, guardinal mediators and the resident deities
of Elysium stepped in, and the quesar got their way-for the
e to countless sites worthy of most part. The aasimon left the marshes of Belierin and the
a celestial could spend a lifetime fortress of N W t h u r to their erstwhile servants, but took
gned realms and never set eyes on the with them the secret of quesar construction. Since then, the
quesar have tried and tried to create more of their own kind,
but they lack the abiLity to imbue the new constructs with the
spark of life. The only thing that sustains the race i s the
longevity of its members-quesar have the lifespans of stars.
The quesar aren’t true celestials-at least, not in the eyes of
the aasimon. They are, however, entities of goodness, kind-
ness, and light, as creations of the noble aasimon should be.
Nevertheless, they have refused to associate with the celestial
hierarchy and continue to confine
themselves to Elvsium.


celestialsnever approach them for aid, summon them to remain to this day half-buried statues in the mires of the
join the Parliament, or seek them out for any reason (save great gorgon's home.
curiosity about what they look like). Even the guardhk, Celestial PCs could also visit N W t h u r at the behest of a
who are natives of Elysium,rarely enter Belierin, for although solar or plan eta^ with a request that the quesar join the celes-
thereare gates leading into the Forgotten Layer in that area, tialhierarchy.Perhaps the aasimonhave seen the error of
thereare none leading out. (Supposedly, the guardinals their ways and are now willing to give their fonner servants
sealed off the layer themselves to contain dangerous beasts &means oftheir awn creation. o r perhapsthey really
that they couldn't destroy.) intend to lull the quesar into serving them once again, this
NiIEs-thw has held up poorly under quesar control, and time as advance troops in a strike on a lowet-planar strong-
the other denizens of Belierin avoid it. The atadel is a mon- hold. The Dungeon Master can decide the true nature of the
strous block of basalt. Three of its four comers sport beauti- offer. Even if the aasimon are not d y interested in making
fully sculpted towers, each shaped like a unicorn's spiral amend8 with the quem, the K s might be able to help the
horn. The matching tower that originally graced the fourth latter win a true place in the celestial hierarchy.
corner collapsed during a long-ago earthquake. The qwsar
never repaired the breach, and long exposure to the layer's The Tower of ihe war Triumphani
persistent dampnesshas c a d the tapestries and furnish- Zn a remote corner of Muspelheim (the second layer of
ings inside that portion of the fortress to molder. Ysgard), amid dark, towering mountains and rivers of bright
Within N&thur are a few minor artifacts that the aasi- flowing lava, The Tower of the War 'Mmphant perches atop
mon ordered the quesar to protect. Among them is the Stat of a blackened, sheared-off mountain peak.The Tower is a great
Nature's Awakening, which combines all the powers of a bowl spire made of white basalt, inlaid with spiraling runesof
of commanding water elementals, a brazier of commanding fire ete- silver and gold.Jutting from thisthousand-foot-high, taped
mentak, a censer of controlling air elementals, and a stone of con- cylinder are various protrusions and ledges. Sculpted artfully
trolling emth elnnentals. The staff can also summon a fromspeckled white marble, they resemble trumpeting
dOUblegtrwgth nature elemental (SWMONSTROUS COW &om, featherwingeddragons, and majestic winged
PENDIUM Annual, Volume lltuo [2158])once per day. vallryries. Atop the spire stands a 12-foot-tall,golden statue of
Another item hidden away within the fortress's basalt a solar with wings and arms raised high.
walls is the legendary Hnrp of Ezy h h , a lovingly crafted Built on the site of a great battle between the celestials
golden instrument of unearthly beauty.Beneleth, a monadic and the tanar'ri, this spectacular white edifice is a symbol of
deva and noted composer of music, penned the following good's victory over evil. Fnnn that war lingers a gateway to
tantahing tale about the Harp in a journal later discovemd by the plain of Infinite Portals-the first layer of the Abyss. The
planewalkem "And 90 Ez ykandor stood alone upon the cracked portal itself is a black orifice where the bases of three moun-
mountain with harp in hand. All the planetar's enemies fay van- tains converge. The Tower of the War lliumphant stands
quished around him, their fate entwined in the music of his golden atop one of these mountains; eachoftheothersishometo a
instrument, and a terrible silence befell the torn and hellish land. It silver dragon. These two great wyrms and their brood serve
was the last s o
ud the fiends would ever hear." The Hnrp's strings, as sentinels and guardians ofwhat has been dubbed "the
when pulled, allow the user to raise the dead and slay evil. Black Maw."
( I u s latter power destroys 5 Hit Dice of evil creatures per No one larows for ~ u r how e the portal came to be. It
level of the user within a 60-yard radius.) Celestials and their formed more than amillenniumago,justbefore fiends
creations,including the quesar, are immune to the Harp's started spillinginto Muspelheia AMer the ensuing war, the
detrimentalefkcts. The DMmayflesh out this itemwith victorious de8tials drove the tanar'ri badc through the Black
additional powers and limit hose listed as desired. Maw and prepared to destroy the gate-thenelectednot to
N W T h w can provide many interssting adventure do 80. I~tead, they decided to use the portal forexcursiolls
options for celestial FCs. Their deities or superiom might and Btrilres into the Abyss. Their eveniual goal in this
send them there to recover artifacts, for example. This endeavor WM to liberate (in other woads, seize) the tanar'ri-
would almost certainly involve fighting the quesar, who held town known as Broken Reach, andpeihapstbentire
refuse to relinquish the items they have worn to guard layer with it.
unless the PCs have something to offer in exchange-euch The BlackMaw opens deep inside the chasms of the plain
as a means to create more quesar. pull statistics for the of Infinite Portals,not far from Bmlm Reach. Small groups of
quesar appear in the Manst*ous Supplement of the celestials can sometimes sneak in, avoid the goristro that
PLANBSCAW Plancs of Conflictboxed set.) The heroes might guard the Maw, and make theirway deeper into enemy terri-
face Dther MtiVW Of &&&, amOng them Ma- tozy The tanar'ri don't like it, but either they don't know how
sters of Legend (detailed in the PLANBSCAPB MONSTROUS to callapse the portal, or they prefer to leave it intact for their
COMPW~DIUM Appmriir II 126131). According to rumor, one of ownfutureuse.
the denizens of these marshes is a gorgonthe size of a small The Tower of the War 'biumphant is a gathesing place for
keep with thick, metallic scales that repel all magical attacks. celestials. In fact, it is one of the many places where the Par-
Several g u d h a l s who set out to hunt the beast years ago liament of the Celestial Con- holds meetings. The

structure has no ,only aperhws and windows (most it appears that such a world is in imminent danger of falling
evels for easy access. The to the fiendish legions of the Lower Planes, the celestialspre-
interior consists ous meeting halls and magically cre- pare to stand against the threat. They plan their battles and
ers large enough to contain hundreds launch their forces from the safety of an Empyreal Citadel,
riar and per make up most of the which they construct on the contested world.
uras frequently loiter To build their stronghold, the celestials f b t locate (or
The many protrusions jutting from create, if possible) a portal that connects the threatened world
the main tower s provide winged visitors with with the Upper Planes. Then, in utter secrecy and under a veil
affording a splendid view of the valley of invisibility, they build a fortress around that gate using
if less pleasant-view of the Black materials brought in from the Upper Planes. Over a period of
Maw below. years, through marvels of architectural engineering and
itant and custodian, a magic, they expand the structure both upward and outward
ture in perfect form, until it is complete.
as needed to ensure that it remains An Empyreal Citadel is a gigantic conglomeration of inter-
us to assault. Taalis, Miria, conneding towers, majestic cathedrals, and buttressed
armories. It is as large as any city, and
its peaks rise upward for miles.
Nothing on the Prime Material

Plane can compare with it in
terms of sheer architectural
beauty, and its magnificence
serves to remind the fiends
that the celestials are ready
to defend that world with
their lives. An Empyreal
Citadel can serve as the
launch point for a huge
army; not only can the
struchm itself hold thou-
sands of celestials and
their allies, but several
thousand more can be
waiting in readiness on
the other side of the gate-
way. In the case of over-
has collected a crowded worlds on which
secret construction is
more problematic, the
celestials might build an
Empyreal Citadel on a
moon, in a desert, or

underwater. In any case,
the celestials construct
of sound advic their citadels in places
where the natives would
the Black Maw least expect to find
them-the better to keep
Empyreal Citadels exist
on many worlds, but most
of them have never been
seen by mortal eyes.
Rumor has it that one
,they closely watch exists in the Sea of Dust
il has gained a foothold. If on Oerth, and that the

celestials have deliberately spread warnings about that area's might regard certain high-level celestials as worthy of direct
hostile nature to discourage exploration there. Some suspect communication, but this can only occur after thaw individu-
that the aashon may secretly be building one of t h e strut- als have proven their worth many times over. Those who
. hues under the Great Glacier of Northern FaerQn as well, in manage to serve their primary powers with excellence might
response to strange events that have occurred recently amid someday become proxies themselves, carrying divine words
the nearby ruins of Hellgate Keep. and will to the far reaches of the multiverse.

serving *he gods choosing Q god

A celestial serv& the general cause of good, not necessarily a There are four broad categorizations of deities: demipowers,
specific god. In a sense, celestials are children of the Upper lesser powers, intermediate powers, and greater powers.
Planes,and the good powers are akin to their pamib-or Demipwwrs are often the spirits of mortals whose deeds
perhaps their godparents. Celestials serve and honor the have elevated them to minor divine status. Frequently their
upper-planar deities by performing and inspiring good still-living kin continue to honor them in story and song, pro-
deeds, thinking and spreading righteous thoughts, and com- viding a base for their worship. The newer demipowers are
bating evil. They do these thingsbecause it is their nahw to eager to prove themselves and their abilities, and the smartest
do so,not because they seek to win any one particular god's of them watch the politics of the gods carefully, looking for
favor. There are exceptions, of course-sometimes a celestial ways to gain allies and acceptance within a panthean. A celes-
decides to serve a particular deity to the exclusion of others, tial may select a demipower as a secondary power, but not as
perhaps hoping to become that god's pmxy one day (see a primary power.
"Becoming a Proxy,'' below). Lesser powers are a step up in influence from demipowers,
Although celestials need not pledge allegiance to any par- but they are still servants to the greater and intermediategods
ticular powers, they do receive their innate abilities from spe- of their pantheons, and their thoughts are fathomable. They
cific gods, who function as their "primary" deities. Thus, the typically try to make the most of their positions by attracting
player of a celestial PC must select a primny pow,regardless as many worshipers as possible. A celestial may choose a
of the characters' devotion, as the grantor of hie or her innate lesser power as either a primary or a secondary power.
abilities. The player may,if desired, select a secondmy power as Iratetmdiutepowersoccupythenexthigherrungabavek
well-another god to whom the character maintains some powers on the divine ladder. "heir WOKIS carry strong weight
devotion. In both cases, the primary power is the one the PC with those beneath them,who seldom question their WONIS. But
actually serves. t h e i n m t e p o w e r s know thejrplaa?s4qnevmexert
Celestials need not have exactly the same alignments as tyrannicalcontrolOV~theleaserpowerSOrpUShtheirargu-
their primary powers, but they must share at least one aspect mentswiththegreaterpaverstoofar.Ac&stialmaychaosean
of alignment with those deities. They need not share any inkmediate power as either a primary or a secondary power.
aspects with their secondary powers, but celestials can never Greater powers are omniscient, transcending all others in
serve or honor gods with evil alignments. Those who strive to power and holding absolute sway over the Upper Planes.
be proxies almost always mat* the alignments of their pri- Such deities mate the lesser and intermediate gods, grant
mary powers precisely, but there have been notable excep- them their areas of influence,and oversee the activities of
tions. A few celestials have shown their deities new ways of entire pantheons. A celestial may choose a greater god as a
thinking and thw earned places as their proxies, despite dif- primary power, but not as a secondary power.
femcesinalignment. Note that some celestials are restricted to particular Upper
Celestials use their gods as moral compasses; the deities Planes-for example, lantern archons can't leave Mount
represent a purity of thought and deed worthy of devotion. Celestia. Such Pcs must choose their primary and secondary
The amount of contact celestials have with their primary and powers from among those residing on that plane. See Table
secondary powers varies, as does the nature of those dation- 11:Powers of the Upper Planes in Appendix 2 for a compre
ships. The mightier celestials (solam, tome archons, tulani, hensive listing of deities and their home planes. Other
leonals, and extremely high-level asuras and aasimar) speak sources of informationabout deities include:
to their gods directly,but few others are worthy of standing On Hallowed G m n d (2623),a pLI\Nascllpa accemny that
in the plwrence of divinity. On rare occasions, however, a details hundmds of gods,
celestial of lower station gains a deity's special favor or Legends & Lme (2108)and Deities & Demigch (2013),
accomplishes an impressive task that draws a god's attention. which examine human pantheons (though as of this
As player characters gain experience and advance within writmg, both books are out of print),
the celestial hierarchy, they become more involved with their 9 Monster Mythology (2128), which features gods of non-
gods. Law-level PCs follow the insuctions of their superiors human races, including demihumans (elves, dwarves,
and almost never speak to the powers directly High-level gnomes, and halfiings),
PCS might have open relationships with the proxies of their Faiths 6 Avatars (9516),Powers and Pantheons (9563) and
deities. In exttemely rare cases, primary or secondary powers Demihuman Deities (9585),threevolumes on the deities of

N REAW setting, and the gods work in mysterious ways. Some deities test would-
the Ashes (1064),a boxed set contain- be proxies when they least expect it; a celestial who passes
the powers of Oerth in the GREYHAWK such a test may become a temporary proxy and receive a spe-
setting. cial assignment by which to prove his or her real worth. Some
such tasks may seem utterly mundane, but the god is often
more interested in how the proxy completes the assignment
secominq a proxy than in the task itself. A celestial who thinksthe life of a
aign as the proxy of a proxy consists of one noble deed after another is often a poor
celestial who has candidate for the role.
Proxies are readily identifiable as such, usually because
each bears a godmark. Sometimes this is a physical mark on
the face, forehead, or palm; sometimes it is simply a visibly
divine aura. Usually,celestial proxies are allowed to keep
their original forms, but sometimes their gods 8ee fit to trm-
form them into other beings entirely.
of proxy d v e s an infusion
with it remarkable new abili- Divine gifts
6proxyhood, however, as it involves Upon attaining proxy status, a celestial receives one or more
divine gifts--special powers bestowed by his or her gods.
Some proxies can slay with a glance, heal by touch, call down
desiresandremain holy fh, or perform any number of wondrous taskswith a
mere thought. The nature and limitsof these gifts vary
depending on the deity.A god of healing won’t give a proxy
the ability to cripple or wither foes, while a power of menge
won’t bestow the ability to speak soothing words. The gods
hand out abilities refledive of their portfolios.
known to exisf The divine gifts listed in the shaded boxbelow are exam-
ples of abilities gods may grant their proxies, not a d a t i v e
m e as vessels of divine power for list. DungeonMasters can use thistable as a starting point
usually long enough to complete one when m@hg special skills to proxies. proxies hold particu-
tials who perform their tasks well lar powers only as long as their deities wish; a god can
and higher in the service of their pow- change or remove divine gifts at will.
more responsibility. Those who show a
eir work and prove themselves over d l e n proxies
ome lesser or even greater proxies. Some proxies can’t handle the pressure of representing the
e their gods in a variety of ways, but powers, while others eventually tire of the strain.A proxy
major challenges. They are usually might quit in the middle of a crucial mission or suffer an iden-
spirit to succeed, but not the aptitude. tity crisis. Most good deities react with forgiveness and mercy
in such cases, and many even try to find their broken servants
comfortable and bettemuited places in the celestial hierarchy.
ones gods trust to complete the Of course, not all powers let a proxy who fails them go
missions that absolutely cannot blithely onward to other things.Some gods don’t tolerate
the realms while the gods are away. mistakes, and a proxy who proves to be a spectaculardisap-
pointment could face severe repercussions. Proxies who
deliberately turn against their powers or abandon their duties
must face theii gods’ own wrath (or, failing that, the Celestial
and per (spirit warriors who Tribunal). punishment in such c a w may include the loss of
all divine g i f b and exile from the Upper Planes,or it may be
much worse, depending on the seriousness of the offense and
d devas. The gods of Elysium and the disposition of the deity.
d aasimon of various ranks.
must first prove themselves
oting themselves to advancing The Dea*h of qods
and espousing the right ideals. Gods are immortal,and yet they have been known to die-
a deity will choose a partic- such is the paradoxical nature of the multiverse. However,
fixthe or she may seem- the death of a deity is not exactly an everyday o~~urreflce. A

Heal wounds; resurrect the dead
Create sunburst; rmme darkness; destroy
undead; cause blindness.
Make one mortal fall in love with another;
dissolve hatred.
Magic resistance; grant spellcasting;
remove a wizard’s power.
Mischief Thief skills; create cantrips at will; cause
uncontrollable laughter.
Moon/stars Night vision; travel wherever the moon
shines; cause madness.
Music Perfect pitch; charm or lull with voice;
grant hpiration.
Mvsteries Cast mim at will; know the answer to
puzzle or riddle.
Command the weather; speak with anima
and plants.
Pacifism Destroy weapons; calm aggression.
Pmtection Confer invulnerability to normal
weapons; mystical shield.
Ocean/wateI Walk on water; create storms; overturn
vessels; call sea creatures.
Sky/wind Summon hurricanes; summon cloud chi
iot; command avians.
Technology Use any technology;teach technological
Maximum thief skills;appraise any item;
h o w lies.
T i Time stop; shift though time; turn back
Speak any tongue; pass though stars;
find and open portals.
*e Call on celestial allies; track target
through the planes.
Prodigious weapon speed; knowledge of
any weapon; create shik.
Make money appear and disappear;
create impassable wards.
Bestow wisdom; h o w the best course of

god can die in one of two ways: by losing his or her wor- fill the void or not, as desired. But a celestial whose pri-
shipers and fading into obscurity, or at the hands of other mary power dies loses all innate spell-like abilities and
deities. Gods who do pass on are consigned to the Astral magic until he or she finds another primary power to serve.
Plane, where their husks drift helplessly like tremendous This isn’t always easy; a celestial must prove his or her
islands of rock. worth to the new deity, usually by approaching one of the
The death of an uppepplanar god has many repercus- god‘s proxies and asking permission to perform a task or
sions that affect not only the multiverse, but the other service on behalf of the power. Upon accepting the PC,the
inhabitants of the Upper Planes as well. A celestial PC who new god restores all the character’s lost abilities and magi-
loses his or her secondary power may choose a new one to cal powers.

wnained largely untouched, celestials work tirelessly to w e a l
themselves a portion of evil's hand and, through sublime intervention, avoid future
e best a proxy can hope for is to calamity. Worlds such as T d ,KryM, and Oerth have caught
(including innate celestial the attention of the Layer Planes,but thanksin part to the swift
ly all the proxy's ability scores will response from theupper Planes, they have not yet fallen to evil.
s not unknown, however, for a proxy Of course,the powers of the Upper Planes work in mysterious
to his or her god to perish along with ways, rarely &wing primematerial mortals to wifneas their
actions or M y understand theirmotives.

gods and M o r t a l s
celestials Ion *he prime The desire of the upper-planar gods to ensure the safety and
happiness of their prime-material worshippers is based cm
more than just charitable concern. The worship and service of
mortals is what gives the gods their power, though few real-
of fiends and other minions ize this.The fewer and less devoted a god's worshipers, the
tless worlds, many of them weaker the god. Thus, deities give their servants energy and
strength in the hope of even greater reciprocation.
their celestial servants to guide To ensure the strength of their power bases, the gods
sometimes test the faith of their worshipers on the Prime
Material Plane. If something seriously jeopardizes that faith,
the deities may choose to intervene by sending their avatars,
their proxies, or their emissaries to put matters right. Avatars
are physical manifestations of the gods themselves and
een the forces of good and thoseof evil. appear only in circumstances dire enough to warrant direct
intervention; on Oerth, a pact between the gods prohibits
most avatars. Proxies are elevated beings
- in whom the gods have invested a

serve their gods by choice, but they are not vessels for divine stances warranted their actions. Such violations r a d y q u i r e
power or consdousness. the involvement of the CelestialTribunal, but an offender e t
certainrulesbind &tialpmxiesand eInhaTk while they still have to appear- a superior,a p x y of his or her god,
are on the prime Material plane. These limitationsforbidmost -if the celestial ie very h i g h i n m n k - t h e a d d e i ~ .
formsofdirectinterventionandmandatelow-pmfileactivitia. Eladrins have a special & c t i a While on the Prime
These rules are in place to keep w e l l - e celeetialsfrom Material Plane, they must not, under any circumstances,
meddlingtoomuchinmortal &airs,protea themfrompossible reveal their true forms to the natives. Those who do are con-
c am ,and prevent prime-material natives from learning more fined to Arborea for 1,001years. Only Queen Mowel, the
than they should aboutthe truenature ofthe upper Planes. ruler of the eladrim, can lessen thispunishment, but she does
so only in the most special ckumkws.
Rules of prime-Material conduct Guardinals, on the other hand, are m o liberal. ~ Members
celestialsmay not intervenedirectlyintheaffairsof* of this race are free to reveal their true selves anyhem in the
materialbeings in ways that draw attention to thanseh.esor to multiverse, including on the Prime Material plane. As one
the paterfarces ofthe Upper Planes. The rea80118are threefold. might expect,they exercise this privilege frequently.
&3t, evil gods aE M V@ht i19 their U p p h COlU'le- Celestialsencourageaasimartorefrainfromrevealing
parte. When celestialsboldly efkd changea on a p b m a W their true natures as well, but do not openly punish those
world, the wicked deities takenotice and d t e against what who do so.Siill, aasimar who continually stnrt about prime-
they consider a blatant attempt to drive out evil. To concealthe material worlds, lording their abilities over the common folk,
hand of good,celestials must act M y . might earn the scorn of pute celestials whoview them as
second, primematerialbeings can't always rely on celestials dangerous, hesponsible, or both.
towin their battles. Thge aren't enough of thelatter inthemd-
tiveme to defmd every world against its many and various Inspiring goodness In others
thmits. MortalBneedtheirmheroes,and champions bend not The celestiaLs am neither numerous nor powerfulenough to
to arise in malm8 that rely heady on agents ofthe gods to solve protect the entire Prime Material p l a n e h the onslaught of
problems. Thus, celestials must try to inspire others t o w d ads evil. So long as evil exists,prime-mterial worlds are vulnera-
of courage rather than doing everything themselves. ble. The fiends and wicked gods offer their pawns power in
Third, ~ t i v ofe prime-material
~ worlds should never fully exchange for obedience, and that temptation seduces many
fathom the hue of celestials or the Upper planes, as famil- mortals. Agents of the Upper planes strive to tilt the balance in
iarity tendsto diminieh the sense of awe and majesty that good's favor by visiting worlds in peril, inspirhrgthe natives
these realms and their residents inspire. Prime-material to follow the path of righteousness, and subtly empow-
beings who learn too much are likely to spread their new- them toretake any realms that evilhas alreadyseized.
found knowledge among unworthy creatures who might use This is the primary goal of any celestialon the Prim*to
that information for malevolent ends. What's more, mortals inspire goodness in select individuals who, in tum, can
who experience no awe at the sight of a celestial might some- inspire it inothers. celestielschwse theirtargetsvery caie
day feel similarly unimpresed or irreverent toward their fully,often traveling incognitoto seek out those who seem
gods, and such an offense the gods cannot abide. destined for greatness. Thus,heroes, leadas, and other
The above rules do not in any way preclude celesiials from shapers of history often count OneOrmoE disguisedC e b
melting contacts or participating in events on the PrimeMate- tials among their friends and confidantes.U p p e r - p h
rial Plane. Indeed, they may freely interact with prime-mate- agents also maintain cloae contact with certain 0 t h individ-
rial mortals pmvided that they: uala who display "innerfue," such as majns, attlsts, and
others whose EonviCtiollB and drive to succeed might lead
refrain from using their powers except in dire need, and them to accomplishgreat things.
thendydiscreetly; Some celestialvisitaticm cunsist of little mole thanbrief
refrain from revealing their true natures or true selves appeamms, whileother enwuntem spanmths or even yeare.
(though there are situations in which such a revelation hmany~,celestialsadoptdiS~andpretendtobestal-
would be useful,if not prudent); and Wart cxmpnbm,able lledlmm trusted mentum, or an-bunv-
refrain from providing assistance or information (espe- ingwers.Asnotedabow,celeetiabonthePrime h4aWPlane
ciaUy knowledge of the Upper Planes and their gods) must try toinspireothe~~ towad gooddeedswithout revealing
beyond what is absolutely necessary. theirtNeidentities.~~onoftenmakesthejobdougher
Any &thl who violates these mtriction13kels a strong butul-morerew- amortalswhoknaw
conrpulsionto leturn to theupper manes and repoahis or her they'= talking to the agent of a god tend to eay mything they
infractions.Those whoignore this Ulgeare eventuallylecalkd cantogainfawx,whether or not the words reflect what is in
by their superiors.plmidmmt forceleslid.9 who t a k e t 0 0 ~ - their heart& so Wheiwer possible, celeeblelsrenrain out ofthe
ousahandinprime-materialatfakBusually~dcon&e- spotlight,aUowing it to ahine insteaduponthoeewhom they
ment to their home planes until they caneambacl: the serve, whose deeds canintuminspheothersfvrr egestocome.
confkhce of theirsuperiors or persuade them that clcum- Some &tialstakeit uponthmdves to-evildoers,

but a celestial can know no greater wizard spells
the conscience of a poor soul lured
p r h g him to repent his wicked ways. First Level: twilight touch (El)
Second Level: armor of light (Aa), protection fiom prime
Third Level: dolorous motes (El), shroud presence (El),
windsphere (Gu)
Fourth Level: urns of the tree (Gu),bestow wings (Aa),diffuse
damage (Gu),phuntusmal t e r m (Aa), phuntom
strike (Gu), protection fwm prime 10 'radius
Fifth Level: sturfire (El),summon lesser equar, true a m
Sixth Level: sentinel of light, stunnantle (El)
from the Upper Planes.The ener- Seventh Lev& animate trees (Gu),summon greater equar
alms sustain them and infusethem with Eighth Level: elemental wall (Gu)
ailable to primematerial mortals. Thus, Ninth Level: mantle of the heavens (El)
that a celestial FC who spends too
much time awa upper Planesbe&ptoweaken The
p t e rt heloss. Apply thepenalties
eirst-Level spells
according to thelength of absence. 'Ifvilight Touch (Enchantment)
Level: Wizard 1
Range: Touch
Duration: 1-/level
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Components: V, S
Casting Tune: 1
Saving Throw: None
poison, and so on), plus 1
Class (which can worsen to a By means of this spell, the caster can impart the luck of
estial absent for this long also the faeries to one nonevil being. The recipient gains a +1
to all saving throws. bonus to all saving throws and ability checks for the dura-
tion of the spell.

ves on the Prime Material Plane for five

second-Level spells
Armor of Light (Abjuration)
diIectinteNen restore such losses-not restmu- Range: Touch
D u r a h . 1round + 1round/lewI
Area of Effect: Creature touched
CompentV ~, S, M
Saving Throw: None

This dweomer, f a v d amongdadrim visithrg WRhe

n't "get around," however; many Material Plane, envelops thedpient in a pmb&ve,*
ekers have dedicated their whole lives ingaurauflight.Themmoroffight~lesaauitofda&kg
beyond mortal reach. plate mail, but it hesno matedalform, and ttnre docs hot ES&M
t wizardly or priestly magic may add the recipient's movement or attack capability in any way
llowing list to the grand selec- Armor oflight sheds light equivalentto full dayligtctd
After each spellname in the ~tly~artydmknessspellsor~withwithitagne
m t attack rolls against the mdpientby -4 ( o r 4 for beings who
it. Spells developed ~particularl~sertsitivetObright€ightsuchaSgoblins~drow
Thematerial component forthis spell is a piece of crystal
with a light or continual light spell upon it.

hotection From Prime (Abjuration) saving throws while caught within a cloud may (50% chance
Level: Wizard 2 minus victim’s Intelligence score) miscast any spells attempted
Range: Touch while in contact with it. To exape from a cloud, a victim must
Duration: 2 rounds/level forego all other actions for the r o d and make a successful
Area of Effect: Creature touched savingthnrw vs. spell. Anyone who fails may try again in any
Components: V, S, M subsequentr o d , but a cumulative -1 penalty applies to each
Casting T i e : 2 saving throw attempted after the first.
Saving Throw: None The caster can choose to invoke the dancing motes any-
where within the spell’s 120-yard range and need not keep the
In effect, protection from prime is similar to the clerical pro- individual clouds together. For example, a 4th-level caster
tection fmm evil spell, but it does not function at all on the could create four 10’X 10’X 10’ clouds, targeting three of them
Prime Material Plane and its subject must be a planar creature on a band of enemies ahead and the fourth on a single spell-
or being. Protectionfmm prime creates a magical barrier caster standjng apart from that group. All the clouds must be
around the recipient at a distance of 1foot. This barrier within the spell’s range, and each cloud is stationary once
moves with the recipient and has three major effects. placed.
First, prime-material beings suffer -2 penalties on attack
rolls against the protected creature. A +2 bonus applies to any Shroud Presence (Illusion)
saving throws that such attacks necessitate. Level: Wizard 3
Second, this spell blocks any attempt to possess (asby a mgic Range: 0
jur attack) or ex& mental control over the proteded mttm Duration: 1 tum/level
(asby a vampids charm ability).Note that thisprotection does Area of Effect Caster
not negate the chnrm itself, but it does prevent the exercise of Components: V,S
mental control through the barrier. Likayise,it merely keeps any Casting T i e : 5
possessing life forces from contacting the protected creature; it Saving Throw: None
would not expel one already in place at the time of casting.
Third, the spell prevents direct bodily contact by creatures This modified version of the invisibdity spell enables the caster
from the Priie Material Plane. This causes the natural (body) tobecomeinvisibleandinaudible to anyorallintelligentaF!a-
weapon attacks of such beings to fail and the beings them- tures.At any timeduring the spell’s dudon,thecdstermaydes-
selves to moil, if such attacks require touching the spell ignate One ormOE! S u c h ~ ~ a s a c c e p t i o n s t o t h e e f f e b ,
recipient. Animals or monsters summoned from the Prime uerebybecoaring&le and audible d y t o thea Thus, thecaster
Material Plane are likewise held at bay. canappeartoselededindivid~and~oncon~~wit
This third form of protection ends if the protected individ- thenWhikremaining~andunheardbythOSeanxadthem.
ual tries to force the barrier against or makes a melee attack Orcegranted,thisprivilegecannotbewithdmwnfnnnadeslg-
on the blocked creature. The penalty applied to attacks from nakd individualfor theranainder ofthe spell’sduration,
prime-material beings (the first spell effect) remains active in If the caster makes any attacks, the spell effect ends imme-
any event, however. diately. Shroud presence has no effect on nonhtelligent crea-
To complete this spell, the caster must trace a %foot-diam- tures or undead.
eter circle on the floor (or the ground) with the powdered
bone of a prime-material creature. Windsphere (ConjuratiodSummoning)
Level: Wizard 3
Third-Level spells Range: 120 yards
Duration: 1 round/level
Dolorous Motes (InvocatiodEvocation) Area of Effect: Up to four creatures
Level: Wizard 3 Components: V, S
Range: 120 yards Casting Time: 1round
Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: One 1O’X 1O’X 10’ cube/level
Components: V, S Windsphere summons forth four powerful winds that
Casting Tune: 2 appear as swirling balls of air around the caster. At any time
Saving Throw: Negates during the spell’s duration, the caster can direct one of these
With this spell, the caster can create one or more clouds filled toward a target within 120 yards. The tearing winds surround
with flickeringmotes of light. Creatures caught within a cloud the target creature, deflecting all hurled or projected nonmag-
must make successful saving throws vs. spell or succumb to ical missiles. In addition, any creatures attempting melee
mental anguish,suffering 4penalties to all their attack rob, attacks upon the protected individual suffer 4penalties to
proficiency checks, ability checks, and saving throws for as long their attack rolls and must make a successful saving throw vs.
as they are in contact with the motes. Spellcasters who fail their paralyzation with every attack; failure indicates that the wind

has tom the weap
can direct only
/I from that attacker's grasp. The caster
at a time, but may dissipate
Wing 'Ifrpe Movement Rate Benefits to Recipient
Butterfly fly 18 (D) blink (as the wizard spell of
the same name)
Dragonfly fly 36 (B) +2 bonus to saving throws
against fire-and cold-based
fiourth-Level $yells magical effects
Anns of the 'bee 1 Alteration) Eagle dive attack, gaining +2 bonus
Level: Wizard to hit

Wing 'Ifrpe Movement Rate Benefits to Recipient

parts of a single living tree Hornet fly24(B) +4 bonus to saving throws vs.
magical confinement effects
(such as entangle, hold person,
Saving Throw: No slow, and web)
sctra wingbuffet attack (1/

This spell has no effect on winged creatures. The material

components are a sprinkle of pollen and a feather.
sired weapon type with a touch. The
(+1enchantment) and Diffuse Damage (Alteration)
Level: Wmard 4
from which the Range: 120 yards
Duration: 1turn + 1round/level
arrow +1 or a bolt +1 from a twig, or Area of Effect: 20' radius
character can wield such Components V, S
Casting T i e : 1 round
s, the enchanted Saving Throw:Negates

mselves to the tree, which is not This gpellenables the caster to redistribuk damage to a speci-
fied primary target among any number of designated secondary
targets.Thecasterspedfiesboththeprimaryand the secondary
targets at the time of casting. AU targets must be uvllling: any
carved wood. unwilling or unawam c r e a m are simply excluded from the
effect. The effect centers on and moves with the primary target.
While diffuse h g e is in effect, all damage inflicted upon
Level: Wizard 4 the primary target is divided evenly among all the designated
targets (primary and secondary)within the area of effect.Any
remainder applies to the primary target. Secondary targets
Area of Effect: 1 who move more than 20 feet from the primary target am
exempted from diffused damage for as long as they remain
outside the area of effect.
For example, a wizard casts diffusedamage on a paladin and
chooses the latter's five comrades as secondary targets. Each
time a foe strikes the paladin, the damage is distributed equally
caster must sel among all six characters. So if an opponent struck the paladin
listed below an for 12 points of damage, each of the six adventwxs would
suffer 2 points.But if someone landed a 2@pointblow on the
paladin, each of the secondary targets would s u f k r 3 points of
damage, and the paladin would sustain 5 points (3points from
the division plus the 2 points remaining). Note that the spell
I does not diffuse damage inflicted directly on secondary targets.
The spell ends early if the primary target or any of the sec-
ondary targets reaches 0 hit points. Thus, the best way to cir-
cumvent this effect is not to attack the primary target at all, but
concentrate attacks on the secondary targets.

Phantasmal Terror (Illueion) The phantom strike quires a sucEeBsFu1attack roll to hit its
Level: Wizard 4 target Its THACO is the same as the caster’s (disregardingany
Range: 120 yards Strength bonus), and it inflicts ld10+2 points of damage on a
Duration: 1 round/level successful hit. On any round after the p h f mstrike a , U y
Area of Effect:Up to 4 creatures/level inflicts damage, the target suffers a 4penalty to initiative
Components V, S because of confusion over the source of the attack. The phmr tom
Casting T i e : 4 shike attacks three times (once pernnmd for three rounds)
Saving Throw: Negates before dissipating.

A nonlethal version of the 4th-level wizard spell phanfnsmal Protection From Prime 10’Radius (InvocatiodEvocation)
killer, this dweomer creates vivid illusions of whatever images Level: Wizard 4
would be likely to strike terror into the minds of the behold- Range: Touch
ers. A group of fiends, for example, might we angelic crea- Duration: 5 rounddlevel
tures singing beautiful songs, blowing golden trumpets, and Area of Effect: 10’ radius around creature touched
wielding swords of pun? light. Good-aligned viewers who fail Components: V, S, M
their saving throws might see terrible vile, twisted fiends Casting T i e : 4
erupting from the ground around them, raking at their flesh Saving Throw: None
with viaous claws. The caster need not specify the precise
illusions; the spell draws them from the minds of the viewers. This dweomer creates a globe of protection whose effects
The caster may, however, stipulate which targets within a are identical in all respectsto those of a protection from prime
grwp the spell affects.creaturesof higher level or Hit Dice than spell, except that this version protects a 10-radius sphere and
the caster make their savingthrowswith a +2bonus.Only* has a longer duration and casting time than the lower-level
who fail their saving throwscan actually see these illusions, how- spell. The effect is centered on and moves with the creature
ever; &who succeed or m not designated Grrgets medy see touched. Any protected creature who enters melee with
any affecbed avatures beset by some unseen terror,either squirm- prime-material creatures breaks the spell for all those pro-
ing for freedom or hunkered down in positions of helplessnes. tected. If the recipient of the spell is a creature larger than the
For those who do see the illusion, its visual, auditory, ther- area of effect, the spell ads as a normal protectionfromprime
mal, and olfactory effectsare utterly convincing. Such victims try spell for that creature only.
to squirm fnx of the homrs that have swmmded them and can To complete this spell, the caster must trace a 20’-diameter
perfom no other actions. They defend themselves if attacked, circle on the floor (or the ground) with the powdered bone of
but any real enemy attacks seem to be part of the whatever illu- a prime-material creature.
sory horrors they am experiencing. When the phantasmal term
e x p h , affected matures must again make s u d saving
thmwsvs. spellor flee in fear for 2d6 rounds. There is a50% rifth-Level spells
chance that such a fleeingmature will drop any items canied. Starfire (InvocatiodEvocation)
NonhteKgent ma- and undead m immune to this spell. Level: Wizard 5
Range: 240 yards
Phantom Strike (InvocatiodEvoration) Duration: 3 rounds
Level: Wizard 4 Area of Effect 30 radius
Range: 20 yards components V, S, M
Duration: 3 rounds Casting T i e : 3
Area of Effect:1creature Saving Throw: Special
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 4 This dweomer causes starlike embers to rain steadily from
Saving Throw: None above. The caster must designate both the center of the effect
and the height (10’ minimum) from which the embers fall.
While it is in effect, this spell grants the caster an extra The center may be a fixed location, an object, or a creature. A
range,d attack each round against a single target. The caster living target is entitled to a saving throw vs. spell; success
must choose a creature within range as the unfortunate recip- indicates that the effect instead centers on a space about 1
ient of the effect and may not redirect these attacks during the foot behind the creature. Once designated, these parameters
spell’s duration. remain Hxed for the duration of the spell.
The spell effect manifests as an invisible blunt weapon of +2 The falling embers inflia5d6points of damage per round to
enchantment that attempts to strike the target, seemingly out of unproteaed matures they contact. Anyone caught withh the
nowhere, at the end of each round. The caster need not dired e a of effect must make a saving throw vs. spell (modified by
the “weapon” once it has manifested; it continues to strike at Dexterity); success indicates that the victim suffers only half
the same tatget each m d , freeing the caster for other actions. damage that round. Creatures may leave the area to avoid addi-

and allow its companions to commit an evil act. If it cannot
UT. Hard cover prevent the misdeed or convince them otherwise, it immedi-
ately leaves for its home plane, as above.
If successfully dispelled, the equar immediately gallops
offer no safe haven after the first back to its home plane, taking anyone unfortunate enough to
any such items it contacts. Crea- be in the saddle with it. The steed may also opt to take a rider
or largemetal shields can use who has made a particularly good impression upon its back
,reducingthe damage to half normal to its home plane when the spell duration expires.
with a successful saving throw vs. spell). The material component for this spell is an offering of food
successfully centered on a specific to the taste of the summoned equar (see Equar sidebar). Among
mortals, only thme who have already mastered the mount and
monster s u m m i n g I spells can learn to cast Summon lesser equar.

True Arrow (Alteration)

Level Wizard 5
Range: Touch
no damage on creatures who are immune Duration: 1 day
ho are immune to normal fire but sus- Area of Effect 2d6 arrows or bolts
suffer half damage (or one-quarter Components V, S, M
Casting T i e : 1round
Saving Throw: None
most prime-material worlds, but easily
obtainable from c collectorson the Outer Planes. This spell imbues arrows or crossbow bolts with the power
to fly true at any target the user can see. When fired from a

Level Wizard 5

Area of Effect:

spot within the area of effect. Only one

aster's alignment) answers the call. The

members of the 's p u p ) causes the equar to abandon

swiftly to its home plane without its
sions occur at that time, but if the
quar answers the call.
riders with alignments close to their
est, but may prove to be difficult
be openly critical of any rider actions

proper bow or crossbow, truea m function as mrouts 4. (MV fly 18, MC A), striking opponents with its razor-
Those that successfullyhit their targets disintegrate in magical sharp edge for 2d8+1 points of damage per attack. It can
(but harmless) bursts of light as they cause their damage; those make up to three attacks per round, but no more than
that miss may be reused if retrieved before the spell duration one of those against a single target.
expires. Adverse weather conditions and spells (such as fenther Humanoid: The sentinel takes the form of a 7-foot-tall
fall and gust ofwind) have no effect on the speed or course of human, sprouting pseudopods that resemble a head and
these missiles. A true a m veers around any object or barrier four limbs (MV 15). Each round, it attacks with two fists
(physical or magical) that appears between it and the intended for 3d8+1points of damage each.
target once it is in the air. A minor globe of invulnerucbilify, Jellyfish:The sentinel assumes the form of a 3-foot&-
antimagic shell, or permanent dispel magic zone negates the true mater, undulating plasm with dozens of strands or tenta-
a m spell, but does not protect the vi& from the missile des hanging under it (MV fly 12, MC E). It makes one
itself, which passes through these barriers unhindered. In such attack per round by wrapping these strands around its tar-
cases, the d e r must roll the hit and damage n o d y . get, inflicting ld8+1 points of damage per round *after
The caster may use this spell on nonmagical missiles or may until the spell ends, or until the victimeither falls uncon-
use its +4 to replace any magical bonus already on the arriows. sdous or breaks freewith a successfulStrength check.
The material components for this spell are the arrows to be Star: The sentinel takes the form of a whirling, seven-
enchanted. pointed star measuring 3 feet in diameter (MV fly 48,
MC 8).It attacks one target per round by impaling its
prey on 2d4-1 “spikes“ for ld8+1 points of damage each.
sixth-Level spells Roll each round to determine how many spikes it uses.
Sentinel of Light (ConjuratiodSummoning) Sword: The sentinel takes the form of a floating two-
Level Wizard 6 handed sword (MV fly 12, MC C) that strikes twice per
Range: 20 yards round for 2d8+2 points of damage per hit. These attacks
Duration: 1tum/level may be against the same or different targets, and they
Area of Effect One creature require separate attack rolls.
Components: V, S W m :The sentinel assumes a 2(Ffoot-longtubular form
Casting T i e : 1tum (MV 18) that enables it to constrict one small or medium-
Saving Throw: None sized foefor ld4+1 points of damage per round with a
successful attack. Constriction lasts until the spell ends, or
By means of this spell, the wizard summons a coalescent until the victim either falls unconscious or victim breaks
plasma-based entity from the Positive Material Plane to pro- free with a successful Strength check at a -6 penalty.
tect a designated creature within range for the duration of
the spell. The caster chooses the entity’s form from among Regardless of form, the sentinel cannot pass through solid
the six listed below at the time of casting. Both the sentinel’s objects or harm creahws native to the Positive Material Plane.
form and the recipient of its protection are fixed for the
duration of the spell. Starmantle (Abjuration)
The sentinel remains within 10 feet of its charge at all Level Wizard 6
times. If anyone attacks the spell recipient in melee, the Range: Touch
sentinel retaliates with an attack of its own that same Duration: 1 tum + 2 rounds/level
round, regardless of initiative. Thereafter, it continues to Area of Effect:Creature touched
attack the same target, striking f i s t in every round, until Components: V, S, M
that attacker moves out of the entity’s 10-foot range or Casting Time: 4
other attackers present a greater danger to its charge. The Saving Throw: None
sentinel can sense invisible and Ethereal attackers as well as
those hiding in shadows or otherwise hidden from the This spell creates a spectacular,shimmering glow of protec-
recipient’s view, and it cannot be surprised. Missile and tion around the recipient. The effect resembles a cloak of tiny,
ranged spell attacks do not activate its protection, however, cascading stars that seem to flicker out before touching the
as retaliation would require moving farther than 10 feet ground. The starmantle transforms any nonmagical weapon or
from the spell recipient. missile that strikes it into harmless light, destroying it forever.
The sentinel has AC 0, THACO 5, and hit points equal to Contact with a starmantle does not destmy magical weapons
the caster’s. The M~UIE of its attack depends on the form or missiles or harm living or animated creatures, but the spell
selected, but it always strikes as a +3 magical weapon for recipient is entitled to a saving throw vs. spell each timean
purposes of determining target immunity. opponent scores a hit with such a weapon. Success indicates
that the wearer suffem half damage from the blow.
Disc: The sentinel assumes a flat, disdike shape approxi- The material component for this spell is a pinch of dust
mately 3 feet in diameter. It swooshes through the air from a pixie’s wing.

Eigh$h-Level spells
Elemental Wall (InvocatiodEvocation)
Level Wizard 7 Level: Wizard 8
Range: 10 yards/level
Duration: 1tum/level
h a of Effect: Special
Components V, S
Casting Time: 5
Saving Throw: Special
bility of the same name, this spell This spell conjures a barrier of elemental material. The
causes mature ithin range to animate, acquiring sta- caster selects the shape and elemental composition of the wall
tistics as noted The caster may choose specific trees at the time of casting, but may change the latter as desired on
vailable at the time of casting. The ani- a round-by-mund basis. Should the caster cease concentra-
und to uproot themselves, after tion, the elemental wall maintains whatever composition it
had at that time until the duration expires or the caster termi-
nates the spell, whichever comes k t .
re immune to the effects The barrier can exist in the form of either an anchored
plane or a hemispherical shell. The former covers a 10-foot-
square area for every two levels of the caster and may be up
undead. Use the g Undead table in the DUNGEON to 5 feet thick. The latter is a hemisphere with a maximum
radius of 3 feet plus 1foot per caster level and a thickness of
up to 3 feet. Thus, a 12th-level caster could create a wall span-
ning six 1 0 ’ 10’
~ areas or a hemisphere with a radius of 15
and deanimate. feet (30feet in diameter).
is a root from each The possible choices for composition of the elemental wall
are as follows:
Fire: This wall appears as a sheet of leaping flames. One
5-8 /die; THACO side of it (caster’s choice) sends forth waves of heat, inflicting
2d4 points of damage upon creatures within 10 feetand ld4
points of damage upon those within 20 feet. In addition, the
wall inflicts 2d6 points of damage plus 1 point per caster level
upon any creature passing through it from either direction.
No saving throw applies to damage from this wall.
Ice: This wall is not composed of solid ice; rather it cm-
sists of millions of icy shards whirling about. It radiates a
Level Wizard 7 strong aura of cold on one side (caster’s choice), inflicting
ld6 points of damage to any creature within 10 feet.Any
creature passing through the wall from either direction suf-
fers 3d8 points of damage plus 1point per caster level from
the jagged ice shards. No saving throw applies to damage
from this wall.
Lightning: One side of this wall (caster’s choice) crackles
with lightning, which strikes anyone within 10 feet for 2d6
points of damage per round, or half that amount with a suc-
cessful saving throw vs. spell. Those carrying or wearing
. This version calls a greater equar, metal weapons, shields, or armor are not entitled to saving
and statistics. In all other ways, this throws. Creatures passing through the wall from either direc-
spell resembh imon lesser equar spell. tion suffer 2d6 points of damage plus 1point per caster level.
No saving throw applies to this damage.
Ooze: This wall catches all nonmagical missiles fired or
launched into or through it. Any creature attempting to walk
through the wall must make a successful saving throw VS.
spell or become mired in it. A victim trapped inside the wall
may attempt a new saving throw each round to escaDe, but
no other actions are possible. ~n the meantime, mireci m a -

tures lose all benefits for high Dexterity and are susceptible to
attacks from either side of the wall. A person cannot drown in clerical spells
a wall of ooze.
Smoke:This wall completely obscures vision from one side First Level: protection from prime, protection from silzm
(caster’s choice), though creatures on the other side can see (GU)
through it perfectly. Creatures on the obscured side suffer a Second Level: create healing potion, divine weakness, impart
4penalty to attack rolls against opponents on the other side; resistance, renewed ability
those on the clear side can attack through the wall without Third Level: crown of cold (Ar), crown of radiance (Ar),
penalty. This wall inflicts no harm upon those who come into radiant messenger (El)
contact with it. Fourth Level: aura of terror (Aa), blessed forgetfulness (Ar),
Stone: This wall inflicts no damage, but effectively bars inspiration (Aa),protection from prime
passage. A successful dispel magic can remove the entire wall, lo’radius, vengeful strike, wound transfer
or a disintegrate spell can m o v e a portion of it. Strong crea- Fifth Level: aura of invincibility (Aa), aura of puissance
tures may eventually be able to break through the wall, but it (Gu),aura of valor (Aa),crown offlame (Ar),
takes 150 points of damage concentrated on a specific area to divest (Aa)
create a 5-foot-diameter hole. Sixth Level: blessed concoction, conflagration (Aa), c m
Water:This liquid wall creates a natural visual distortion of brilliance (Ar)
on one side (caster’s choice). Creatures on that side suffer a -2 seventh Level: croum of glory (Ar),holy smite (Ar), ray of life
penalty to attack rolls against opponents on the other side; (Aa), shield of the archons (Ar), slay euil,
those on the undistorted side may attack through the wall spiritdance
without penalty. The water also douses any fk-magical or
mundane-that comes into contact with it. Anyone stuck for
any reason inside a wall of water can drown (see the DUN-
Pirst-Level spells
GEON MASTER Guide). Protection From Prime (Abjuration)
Wind: Winds rage at high speeds on one side of the wall Level: Priest 1
(caster’s choice). Creatures attempting to fire missiles Sphere: Protection
through the wall from that side suffer -6 penalties to their Range: Touch
attack rolls, while those attempting melee attacks within 5 Duration: 3 rounds/lwel
feet of the windy side incur -2 penalties to their attack rolls. Area of Effect Creature touched
Anyone passing through the wall from either side incurs a -4 Components: V, S, M
penalty to all attack rolls, saving throws, and ability checks Casting Time:4
for that round. The wall extinguishes torches and other Saving Throw: None
exposed flames upon contact. Magical fire-based spells lose
half their potency (in terms of range and damage) upon When this spell is cast, it creates a magical barrier that PKI-
passing through the wall. tects the recipient from attack by prime-matenal creatures.
Creatures particularly susceptible to certain elements Aside from the differences in duration and casting time, this
suffer double the listed damage from the appropriate types. spell is identical to the 2nd-level wizard spell protection from
Ninth-Level spells Protection From Silver (Abjuration)
Mantle of the Heavens (Abjuration) Level: Priest 1
Lwel: Wizard 9 Sphere: Protection
Range: 10 yards Range: Touch
Duration: 1turn + 2 rounds/level Duration: 1hour/level
Area of Effect: 1creature/level Area of Effect: Creature touched
Components: V, S, M Components: S, M
Casting T i e : 4 Casting Time: 3
Saving Throw: None Saving Throw:None

This spell grants protection identical to that afforded by Some beings, such as guardinals, are especially vulnerable
the 6th-level spell starmantle to multiple creatures. The to silver weapons. Protection from silver does away with that
caster designates which targets within the area of effect vulnerability for the duration of the spell. Attacks with a
receive the benefit. silver weapon against a protected creature are treated as
The material component for this spell is a pinch of dust attacks with a normal weapon of the same type.
from a pixie’s wing. The material component of the spell is a small silver
needle (5 sp) which the caster must hold.

/I ment remains in effect until the priest terminates the spell. At
that time, all the reallocated magic resistance is immediately
Level: Priest 2 restored to the caster. For example, a priest with 25% magic
Sphere: Healin- resistance could bestow 15% upon one comrade and 10%
Range: Touch upon another. This would reduce the caster’s magic resist-
ance to 0% while the spell is in effect.
The number of creatures the priest can affect is limited
only by range and the amount of innate magic resistance the
caster has.Note that this spell does not allow reallocation of
magic resistance imparted artificiallyby some magical item
(such as a ring of magic resistance or a robe of the archmgii or
caster to transform a single flask or temporary magic resistance.
it water, poison, or even another
on of healing capable of restoring Renewed Ability (Enchanhnent)
o an injured creature who Level: Priest 2
anied and used at a later Sphere: Chann
Range: 0
Duration: Instantaneous
Area of Effect: Caster
Components V, S
Level: Priest 2 Casting T i e : 4
Sphere: Comb,. Saving Throw: None
Range: 30 yards
s + 1round/level This spell can be cast only by c r e a m that already possess
innate spell-like powers, such as aasimar,eladrlns, and guardi-
nals. When cast, renezued ability lets the priest “recharge” one
spell-like power that normally has a limit on its usage over a
given time period. A power can be renewed only if it is identi-
cal in effect to a wizard or priest spell of 3rd level or lower.
For example, an aasimar who can normally use m i m
image once per day can, upon casting renewed ability, employ
y type of weapon. For all practical the power a second time that same day
duces the target’s Strength to 1for the
The victim can still speak and cast spells
cannot do anything
Third-Level spells
Crown of Cold (InvocatiodEvocation)
Level: Priest 3
weakened m a ivine weakness effect ends immediately Sphere: Combat, Elemental
ell to render an enemy harmless without Range: 0
negotiating a truce. Duration: 1round + 1round/lwel
Area of Effect:Caster
Components V, S, M
Casting Time: 5
Saving Throw: None

The m w n of cold surrounds the caster with ripples of cold,

blue light. All innately evil creatures (includingfiends, undead,
evil spirits, and evil faeries, but not evil-aligned characters or
petitioners) within 10 feet of the caster suffer 2d4 points of
damage per round. Even creatures who are usually resistant or
impervious to cold suffer half damage from this effect, and
priest with innate magic resist- those who normally suffer half damage from cold sustain full
ance to share it ings. The caster may bestow damage from it, as the magical energy the spell releases is not
mcrements to as many beings as entkly cold-based. Evil matures (suchas yugoloths) that nor-
desired within this action immediately depletes the mally sufferdouble damage from cold-based attacks suffer 4d4
points of damage per round while within 10 feet of this effect.

The material components of the spell are the priest’s holy A radiant messenger has no substance and cannot be injured.
symbol and a small piece of ice or sliver of cold-wrought iron. However, a successful dispel magic or dismissal spell releases it
to the Plane of Radiance immediately, ending the spell.
Crown of Radiance (InvocatiodEvocation)
Level: Priest 3
Sphere: Sun
Eourth-Level spells
Range: Touch Aura of Terror (Alteration, EnchantmenWhann)
Duration: Until dawn Level: Priest 4
Area of Effeb: Creahm touched Sphere: Charm
Componenk V, S Range: 0
Casting T i e : 3 Duration: 1round/level
Saving Throw: None Area of Effect: Caster
Componenk V, S
Crown of radiance creates a shining light equivalent to that Casting Time: 3
of a continual light spell centered on the recipient and extend- Saving Throw: Negates
ing outward in a IO-foot radius. The visible aspect of the spell
indicates how successful petitioners and archons have been This spell surrounds the caster with a soft aura of shim-
with the paths they have chosen; those who are close to com- mering silver and golden hues.Any evil c r e a m beholding
pleting their paths have bright crowns, while those with far this aura must make a successful saving throw vs. spell at a
to go have tamished ones. -2 penalty or be fearstruck, suffering a 4penalty on all
morale checks while the aura of t e r m remains in effect. Addi-
Radiant Messenger (ConjuratiodSummoning) tional reactions to this effect vary according to the creatures’
Level: Priest 3 Hit Dice: those with 2 HD or fewer flee for ld6+1 rounds;
Sphere: Summoning those with more than 2 HD can do nothing except defend
Range:special themselves for ld3 rounds.
Duration: Special This spell has no effect on nonjntelligent creaturrsand is
Area of Effect: 1summoned globe of light not wen visible to creatures with nonevil alignments.
Componenk V, S
Casting T i e : 3 Blessed Forgetfulness (Alteration, EnchantmentKharm),
SavingThrow: None Reversible
Level priest 4
This spell summons a radiant, quasisentientglobe of light Sphere: Necromantic, Thought
from the Flane of Radiance. This entity can remember and Range: Touch
deliver any message that requires no longer than a single Duration: Permanent
round to convey. The caster must utter the message, then speak Area of Effect Creature touched
the true name and p m t location of the desired recipient. If Componenk V, S, M
the caster lacks one or both pieces of information, the radiant Casting Time: 7
messenger dissipates immediately without attempting delivery. Saving Throw: Negates
Otherwise, once it has the q u i d information, it enters the
n-t source of illumination, thenjumps from light m e to This archon-created spell serves a high purpose: to ease
light s o m e until it reaches the recipient. If the caster and the scarred and injured minds. Blessed forgetfulness negates the
nxipient on the same plane, the radiant messenger reaches injurious effects of failed fear or horror checks and removes
its destinationwithjn one hour, regardless of the p m k dis- any madness suffered from contact with either the howling
tance. An interplanar delivery requires a full day. The caster winds of Pandemonium or the terrors of the Abyss. It does
can use this spell only to deliver a single message; a radiant not cure the effects of magically induced insanity or
messengers can performno other services of any sort. feeblemind, however.
The radiant messenger derives its energy from radiant, illu- The reverse form, winged memory, restores the memory of
minating objects, so it cannot enter an area of total darknes- any creature affected by the river Lethe or the river Styx.It
even to answer the spell’s initial summons. Likewise, the also restores memories lost to a fwget spell or a touch of the
delivery site must have some light source (such as sunlight, a Styx spell. If used on a spellcasting creature with no memory
torch, a candle, or even a pool of reflected light) from which loss, winged memory restores a single, previously cast spell of
the entity can emerge. It cannot deliver a message to anyone first or second level to the recipient’s mind. The target may
in a completely dark room. It also cannot enter dead magic choose the spell recovered. Only recipients other than the
zones or areas protected by antimgic shells. Any radiant mes- caster can gain the spell-restoration effect.
senger that cannot reach the intended recipient of its message The priest must sprinkle a few drops of holy water on the
dissipates without delivering the information. recipient for eithex version of the spell to take effect.

Protection From Prime 10' Radius (Abjuration)
Level Priest 4 Level Priest 4
Sphere: Divination Sphere: Protection
Range: Touch
Duration: 1ro Duration: 1-/level
Area of Effect 10' radius around creature touched
Components: V, S, M
Casting T i e : 7
Saving Throw: None

castercaAlsupondivine aid toleam Aside from the differences in duration and casting time,
solution to one problem. the spell is identical to the 4th-level wizard spell protection
weaknessofaparticular from prime 1O'radius.
the hidden way into a fiendish
wordof amagiditem.%response Vengeful Strike (Necromancy)
tobevagueand subpdtointerpe- Level Priest 4
must make a saving throw vs. spell Sphere: Combat, Guardian
succgsindicatgthatttle Range: 10 yards
failurlXWmSmeanSplieSt Duration: Special
cannotfathomthe tic words ofthe divine Ivspondent. Area of Effect 1creature
lutions to problems that Components: V, S
have none. For ' ,if the caster is somehow teleported to Casting The: 5
and sees no means of escaping the Saving Throw: None
rovide the priest with a solution if
t h m is a hidden means of egress, This dweomer invokes several ghostly wisps of light
priest interprets the (one per caster level) that circle the spell's recipient. The
is usable only once per day. true nature of these luminescent motes manifests only in
r this spell are the priest's holy combat, however. Each time an attacker succeeds in a
wounding or debilitating attack on the spell's recipient,

one of the ghostly wisps lashes out, striking back at the Pifth-Level spells
attacker with an equal amount of damage or an equivalent of In-dbiliq (Abjuration)
effect (no saving throw). Once a mote has returned an Level Priest 5
attack, it vanishes completely. The vengeful strike lasts 1 Sphere: Protection
turn per caster level or until all the motes of light have Range: Touch
been expended. The motes cannot retaliate against non- Duration: 1round/level
damaging or nondebilitating magical attacks. Area of Effect: Creature touched
Components V, S
Wound lkansfer (Necromancy) Casting T i e : 6
Level: Priest 4 Saving Throw: None
Sphere: Healing, Necromantic
Range: 10 yards/level This spell mders its Fedpient immune to hit point damage
Duration: Instantaneous from rummagid melee and missile weapons, as well as injuries
Area of Effect: 2 creatures c a d by f a h g , collapsing stonework,acid, normal fire,
Components: V,S normal cold,normal ekctridty, and other nonmagd, damage
Casting Time: 4 inflictingoccurrences.The aura created by this spell is normally
Saving Throw: None invisible, but appears as a shimmering halo of rainbow hues to
the caster of a detect magic spell. AUMof inoinn'bilify affords no
This spell enables the priest to transfer some or all of protection against magical attacks or spells that inflict damage.
the wounds inflicted upon one willing creature to another
willing creature, so long as both are within range at the Aura of Puissance (Alteration)
time of casting. The caster may, if desired, be either the Level: Priest 5
beneficiary or the recipient of the wounds. Good-aligned Sphere: Combat
priests must be careful about transferring their own Range: Touch
injuries to others, however, as such acts are likely to incur Duration: 1round + 1round/level
the wrath of their gods. (There are situations in which an Area of Effect:Creature touched
injured priest might garner approval to transfer any or all Components V, S
personal damage to another creature. For example, it Casting Time: 6
might be necessary for that priest to survive long enough Saving Throw: None
to perform some noble function or cast another spell in
defense of many innocents. Such situations, however, are Aura of puissance encapsulates one living creature in an
very rare.) sparkling aura of green light that enhances combat skills
This spell transfers up to ld6 points of damage per involving weapon use. While the spell is in effect, the recipi-
caster level from one being to another. Thus, a 7th-level ent gains a +5 bonus to melee and missile attacks. A +5 bonus
priest could use it to move 7d6 points of damage from one also applies to all damage rolls from such attacks. Aura of
being to a recipient within range. The spell removes the puissance affords no additional attacks per round and does -
specified amount of damage from the beneficiary and not improve the recipient's spellcasting ability, unarmed
transfers it to the recipient, with one caveat The recipient combat skill, or chance to perform noncombat actions.
(if other than the caster) must emerge from the trade with
at least 1 hit point remaining. If the transfer involves more Aura of Valor (Enchanbnent)
damage than the recipient can sustain, the spell inflicts the Level: Priest 5
maximum allowed amount on the recipient and applies Sphere: Combat
the remainder to the caster, regardless of amount and Range: 10 yards
result. Thus, an attempt to transfer 12 points of damage to Duration: 1 -/level
a creature with only 4 hit points would result in the recipi- Area of Effect: 1creature per level of caster
ent suffering 3 points and the caster sustaining the Components: V, S
remaining 9 points. Casting T i e : 3
Wound transfer cannot be used on creatures with 0 or Saving Throw: None
fewer hit points, and unwilling targets are immune to the
effect. This dweomer invokes a radiant aura of light around selected
creahires within range. This- 1 imbuesthe Fedpients
with tremendous courage, renderingthem immune to the effects
of natural fear (such as dragon awe) and affording them a +4
bonus to saving throwsvs. magical fear.The caster must desig-
nate the recipients of the spell effed at the time of casting.

crown of Flame ( nvocatiodEvocation)
Level: Priest 5
The spell cannot nullify the creature’s resistance to weapons
of a specific enchantmentlev& for example, it cannot
Sphere: Sun m o v e a yugoloth’s immunity to n c m m a w weapons.
Range: 0
Duration: 1turn//e1 sixth-Level spells
Area of Effect: Ca ter
Components: V, Blessed Concoction (Alteration)
Casting T i e : 8 Level: Priest 6
SavingThrow:N e Sphere: Healing, Protection
Range: Touch
among sword archons about to enter Duration: 1week + 1day/level
lazingly hot beacon of the Area of Effect: 1flask or bottle of liquid
rrown bum all innately Components: V, S, M
ead, and evil spirits but Casting Time: 1round
or petitioners) within 10 feet for 2d6 Saving Throw: None

full damage from the spell, as the This spell allows the caster to ~ansfonna single flaskor bottle
‘t actually flame-based. of any liquid& it water, poison, or even another potmn-into a
part of the magic used when potion oftzh-hding, elixir ofhdth, or potion ofztitality. The caster
determinesthe potion type at the timeof casting.When thespell
ts of the spell are the priest’s holy duration qh,the liquid reverb to its original state.
of something appropriate to the The material component of this spell is the flask or bottle
ranches for a god of nature, iron for of liquid.

Crown of Brilliance (InvocatiodEvocation)

Level: Priest 6
Level: Priest 5 Sphere: Sun
Range: Touch
Duration: 1round/2 levels (rounded up)
Area of Effect: Special
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 9
Saving Wow: None
This spell turns a piece of headgear into a blazing source of
golden light as soon as the wearer engages in hand-to-hand
caster’s choice: combat. Any opponent engaged in melee with the recipient
must make a successfulsaving throw vs. spell or be blinded for
ld4 rounds (suffering a 4penalty to attack rolls, Armor Class,
and saving throws). Even if the saving throw is successful, the
opponent still incurs a -2 penalty to attack rolls against the
to divest a creature of some specif- wearer because of the headgear’s dazzling brilliance.
The spell has a more severe effect on creatures who have an
tion or from using it personally. aversion to sunlight or suffer a penalty when fighting in bright
one spell (4th-level or lower) from a light (drow, derro, duergar, goblins, and many undead).Any
The victim can regain the spell only such creatm within a %foot radius must make a suc-xasful
e following day. A caster who saving throw vs. spell or flee.Those who succeed do not flee,
but suffer their usual penalties for fighting in bright light.
Undead other than skeletons and zombies suffer ld6 points of
rid the target creature’s mind damage each round that they stay within the affected area.
morized, the divest spell is The spell must be cast on a piece of headgear- hat,
crown, tiara, helmet, circlet, or similarly crafted piece of
apparel. The headgear must be properly worn or the spell
of such a loss is one day per caster does not function. The spell is triggered as soon as the wearer
makes a successful attack roll in melee.
This spell was developed on Mount Celestia with the aid
of the archons. Priests of good deities use it frequently, and

the archons are more than happy to share the spell with them. The spell’s target need not be evil, although a deity whose
The material component of this spell is an opal worth at priest invokes holy smite in an arbitrary mariner may insist
least 100 gp,which must be carried on the caster’s person. It (usually through underlings) that the careless transgressor
shatters upon completion of the spell. If it is shattered prema- make amends by completing some perilous endeavor. (The
turely, the spell ends at that time. deity’s agents may even decide to ensure the priest’s coopera-
tion with a quest spell.)
This spell, known among the archons as the hand of divine
seventh-Level spells wrath, is reserved for only the most devout clerics. Use of holy
Crown of Glory (InvocatiodEvocation, smite permanently drains ld6 points from the caster’s total hit
EnchantmentlCham) points. Only the priest’s own deity can undo such a loss; even
Level: Priest 7 a restoration spell does not work. Thus, priests resort to this
Sphere: Sun,Charm spell only in the direst circumstances.
Range: 0 This spell does no harm to gods, their avatars, or their
Duration: 1round/level proxies. Such beings can sense and identify anyone who
Area of Effect: Caster attempts to use the spell against them.
Components:V, S, M
Casting T i e : 1round Ray of Life (Necromancy)
Saving Throw: Negates Level Priest 7
Range: 60 yards
This spell temporarily bestows an aura of godly power on Duration: Instantaneous
the caster. Any creature with 6 or fewer Hit Dice must make a Area of Effect One creature
successful saving throw at the sight of the priest or be over- Components V, S
come with awe. All creatures within hearing distance can Casting T i e : 4
understand the priest’s words, regardless of normal language Saving Throw: None
barriers, and those who have failed their saving throws act
upon the caster’s instructions as if under the influence of a This spell causes a thin beam of light to erupt from the
suggestion spell. Those whose saving throws were successful caster’s index finger, striking any one creature (caster’s
are not awed by the caster and can continue their actions nor- choice) within range. The ray of life heals all damage and
mally. Creatures with more than 6 Hit Dice are immune to the cures all diseases and maladies, as per the 6th-level priest
effect of this spell. spell heal. In addition, the spell acts as a raise dead spell (with
This is yet another spell developed by the archons of the same limitations) when used upon a deceased target. Any
Mount Celestia that has become quite widespread among undead creature struck by a ray of life suffers ld6 points of
priests dedicated to good-aligned gods. damage per hit die (ignoring partial Hit Dice). Thus, a 1-HD
The material component for this spell is the same as the skeleton suffers only ld6 points of damage from the ray of life,
one for a crown of brilfinnce, but the opal must be worth at but an 8+3-HD vampire would suffer 8d6 points of damage.
least 200 gp for the spell to function. Automatons and nonorganic monsters such as iron golems
and necrophidii are immune to all effects of this spell.
Holy Smite (InvocatiodEvocation)
Level: Priest 7 Shield of the Archons (Abjuration)
Sphere: Combat Level: Priest 7
Range: Special Sphere: Protection
Duration: Instantaneous Range: 0
Area of Effect: 1creature Duration: 1round/2 levels
Components: V, S Area of Effect: 120-degreearc
Casting T i e : 6 Components: V
Saving Throw: None Casting T i e : 1
Saving Throw: None
With this spell, the caster can invoke a manifestation of a
divine hand to strike down one creature anywhere on the This spell creates a mystic shield of beneficent energies that
same plane. The priest must know the true name of the target interposes itselfbetween the caster and incoming magical
creature; otherwise the hand dissipates immediately and the attacks (includingeffects from spells,spell-likeabilities, or mag-
spell is wasted. With a single blow, holy smite reduces the ical devices such as rods, staves, or wands). Attacks on the
victim to 1hit point. The stunning force of the strike also caster within the spell’s arc hit the shield instead, diffusing
causes the victim to be disoriented for 2d6 rounds, incurring harmlessly. However, there is a 5% cumulative chance per
a -6 penalty to all rolls (attack, damage, surprise, initiative, attack absorbed that the shield shatters. A shield that shatters s t U
proficiency, ability checks, and so forth). provides p’otection from the spell that destroyed it, however.

ould include the caster, the shield any evil areature who gazes upon it. k t the effect as the 4th-hel
w bonus and reduces damage by -2 wizardSpellfenrwithrespedtO~~eviltuge$withinrange.)
tection also applies against breath The hemic manifestation has THACO 6, AC -7,HD 12, and
100 hp. It moves in a wild dance ( M V fly 24, MC A), lashing
out with two wispy appendages at any evil creature with
e shield interposes itself between the whom it can close to melee range. The golden cloud strikes
emus threat, as determined by the twice per round (separate attack rolls required), inflicting 4d6
es no protection from attacks other than points of damage per hit on evil targets. (Its radiant energy
attacks inflict no damage upon good-aligned creatures.)
The apparition retains its form until the end of the spell’s
duration or until its hit points are reduced to 0 or below.
nextafter, it dissipates into the air.The ”dancing spirit” has
15%magic resistance and is impervious to fire,electricity,
poison, death magic, paralysis, sleep, cham, hold, and other
mind-affecting attacks, as well as weapons of less than +2
enchantment. A raise dead or resurrection spell cast upon the
manifestation has no effect, although casting either spell on
its physical remains dissipates the golden cloud immediately
and restores the deceased creature to life.
The manifestation cannot range more than 30 yards in any
direction from its fallen body. Since it is a metaphysical phe-
nomenon rather than a magical entity, it can pass through
slays evil creatures withjn 60 yards of a barriers against magic without harm.
The material component for this spell is the body of the
a number of Hit deceased and the priest’s holy symbol.
one that has themost hit dice and then
eaker creahm. C r e a m of 5 or more
negate the efka.Thus,a 15th-
Mayical Items
t Dice worth of evil creatures. If The Upper Planes are home to countless m a g i d items that
find use in the hands of the celestials. On extremely rare occa-
sions, upper-planar beings also bestow such items upon mor-
8 Hit Dice of the tals who have need of their powers. A handfid of these
majestic items are detailed below.

Archon‘s Horn: This finely wrought trumpet plays beauti-

s fiends (baatezu, gehleths, fully in the hands of any talented trumpeter. Invoking any of
toration of such creatures is impos- its magic, however, q u i r e s playing the horn uninterrupted
a wish. It is possible to resurrect or for a fullmund and making a successful Musical Instrument
(Horn)proficiency check. By playing certain tunes upon the
is ineffective. horn, the user can cast each of the following spells once per
day: control winds,dismiss elemental (reverse of conjure elemen-
tal), raise dead, turn wood, weather summoning, and word of recall
(affecting user only). Three times per day, the trumpeter can
also play a haunting tune that tums undead as a 16th-level
priest. A silence lb’radius spell negates the horn’s power for as
long as it remains within the spell’s area of effect.
An archon’s horn has an XP value of 8,000.

Chains of Light:Legend has it that Reorx himself forged

these bindjngs from solid sunbeams on the plane of Arcadia.
When used to bind an evil creature, the metallic golden chains
radiate an intense light equal to that p d u c e d by a continual
-tion of ttrilt hem, which can light spell. Any creature of evil or chaotic bent who looks
upon this light must make a successful saving throw vs. spell
or be blinded (-4 penalty to attack and damage mlls and -2
penalty to AC) for ld6 rounds. The radiance does not blind

lawful good and lawful neutral creatures who gaze upon it, In addition, a jiendsZuyer radiates a powerful vedon of the
nor in any way interfere with their vision. taunt spell that affectsonly fiends. Any such m a t m within 50
If the bound creature tries to escape, the chains of light heat feetof the wielder must make a saving throw vs. spell every
(or cool, if the latter option would inflict more damage upon round. Upon any fail=, thefiend feelsan irresistible compul-
the vi&), causing ld2 points of damage the first round, ld4 sion to attack the spear's wielder, ignoring a l l other potential tar-
points the second, ld6 the third,and so on to a maximum of gets. Onceengaged incombatwith the wielder, the fiendcannot
ld12. This heat ceases immediately when the creature stops fleeuntil either it or its opponent dies.
struggling. With each successive escape attempt, the heat AjiendsZuyer has an XP value of 1,200.
restarts at the minimum and rises in the same manner.
Breaking the chains requires a successful Bend Bars/Lift Nephilw of Spell Immunie This lavish adornment appears
Gates roll at a -15% p d q . A creature bound within them as a finely wrought platinum necklace adorned with 3d4+6 tiny
cannot employ weapons or cast spells against chains of light, platinum feathem. Each feather is enchanted with spell immunity
but outside attackers may do so. Attacks directed at the chains (asper the priest spell), affodmgits wearer complete proteaion
also inflict half damage to the bound victim, however. For against a particular spell attack of 4th level or lower. The necklace
damage purposes, the chains are AC -2, with 100 hit points affods no protedion from any other type of attack. The reddace
and 25% magic resistance. protects thewearer only, so a spell such as firebauwould still
Chains of light have an X P value of 4,000. cause damage to other matures within its am^ of effect, although
thewearer of the nephilus would be unharmed.
Eel Trident: Favored by noviere eladrins, the eel trident is a The nephilus of speZl immunity does not frmction in conjm&on
7-foot-long shaft of polished shark cartilage ending in four with any other protective devices except b r m o f d q k e . protec-
radially spaced prongs of sharp coral, all reinforced with tive spells such as stoneskin, a m , and mgical zwtment operate
magic. The trident radiates light upon command, illuminating normally for the weam, however.
up to a &foot radius on land or underwater. The wielder A nephilus of spell immunity has an XP value of l,OW/feather.
determines the intensity of the light, and it can range from
torchlight to fdl daylight. The trident's remaining powers are Prism Maze: This faceted crystalfits into the palm of a human
usable only underwater. handandisrrinforced withglassteelspellstoproteditfrom
Three times per day, the user can create four watery pin- normal damage. Once per day, itsholder caninvoke amazespell,
wheels that shoot forth from the prongs of the trident and trapping any single aeatm within 120 yards inside the prism
unerringly strike one or more targets as per the magic missile muze for a duration dehmined by the target's IrtMigence WOE
spell, causing ld4+1 points of damage each. The pinwheels (asper the wizard spell ofthe same name). 'I'eZqnrt and dimension
take a fullround to coalesce and dissipate completely after door spells donot enable a prisoner to escape, thoughp&zneshift
striking. The range of this attack is 120 yards. does. There isno saving throw against the prism's singular effect.
Once per day,the trident can transform into a 7-foot-long eel Aprism maze has an XP value of490.
with silvery scales. This mature has AC 0, MV s w i m 36, HJ3 10,
50 hit points, and THACO 11.The eel can travel up to 500 yards Scimitar of Final Striking: This weapon appears as nothing
from the wielder in any direction, though it cannot pass more than a finely wrought platinum swoni hilt decorated with
through barriers against magic. From anywhere within range, depidions of angelic beings and insetwith s e m i p m h ~ stones.
theuser can command the eel to move, to revert to trident form, Aplanetar named Ihcostes crafted the first such weapon, and
or to restrain a Small- or Medium& creature, or to release he taught the art to a number of other aasimon smiths. They in
such prey. To mtrain a target,the eel entwines itself around the tum have shared the knowledge of making these fine weapons
designated mature, acting as a ~ p ofeconstriction. Any victim with their students over several millennia.
so bound must make a successful Bend Bars/Lift Gates roll to At the mental command of a gwd-aligned wielder, a shim-
escape. If r e d u d to 0 hit points, attacked by a wand of negation mering scimitar blade appears on the hilt. This weapon has all the
or rai of cancellation, or successfdly dispelied (against ZOuI-level properties of a scimitar +4, and it strikes for l d 8 4 pojnts of
magic), the eel lets go of its captured prey and reverts to trident damage. In addition, the blade emits an inspiring melody that
form. If the trident wielder orders the eel to release its prey, it evilbeings find distIwhg (-4 penalty to morale checks). Any
complies, then immediately refunsto its owner and rev& to evil mature struck by the scimitar must make a succesfd saving
trident form. throw vs. death magic or perishinstarttlyfrom theforce of the
An eel trident has an XP value of 3,000. blow. An evil mature who clutches theplatinum hilt must also
make the same saving throw (with a -2 penalty for a chaotic evil
Fiendslayer:Guardinals craft these silver-tipped spems +2 on wielder) successfully or die instantly Fiends slain by the scimitm
Arborea. Unlike most magical items, these weapons do not lose are irrevoably destroyed, Tegardless of where in the planes they
their +2 attack and damage bonuses when employed on other happen tobeat thetime.
planes. Against baatezu, gehreleths, tanar'ri, and yugoloths, Thes?imitw@fi3d~g~&of~,&@ia?,ws
fienaslayos inflict double damage (2d6+2points vs. Small- and resllientsphers,wsfraaingspheres,andandforcemgesonm~
Medi~m-~ized h, 2d8+2points VS. Large-sized foes). A scimitm offinal striking has an XP value of 3poO.

This finely wrought trumpet plays, In the same manner, chaotic aasimon reflect chaotic good
of any talented trumpeter. Invoking deities. These aasimon seem to have more latitude and less
er requires playing the horn uninter- guidance when it comes to fulfilling their superiors’ orders-
d making a successful Musical the end results must be good and positive, but individuals are
k. The trumpeter can free to chwse the means by which they attain such results.
times per day, selecting from the fol- Neutral aasimon, as reflections of the neutral good deities,
cure blindness and deafness,cure are among the most passive and abiding members of the race.
r neutralize poison. These powers Neither “strident enforcers”like the lawfuls nor ”misguided
affectall creatures 120 yards of the horn. In addition, do-gooders” like the chaotics, they attune their senses to the
ingle creature within hearing range of balance of good and evil and tip the scales in good’s favor
per day. Evil creatures cannot benefit whenever an opportunity presents itself.

Their powers
Aasimon are immune to poison and gas attacks, and they
suffer only half damage from acid, electricity, and cold-based
attacks. All members of the race also have the following
spell-like abilities, which they can use once per round at will,
ons them. When the wearer unless noted otherwise: aid, augury, change sey, comprehend
glow blue for an instant as languages, cure serious wounds (3/day), detect evil (always
ese powers remain active until the active), detect magic, know alignment, read magic, and teleport
without error. (Note that aasimon don’t necessarily begin their
d invoked, the armbands protect lives with all of these skills; for example, the agathinon gain
avelins, armws, sling shots, and so them as they rise in level.)
An aasimon’s detect evil ability is more potent than the
missile attack ro inst the wearer. If such an attack fails, spell of the same name. Within 100 feet of a source of evil (a
strongly aligned individual, a powerful evil magical item, or
something similar), the aasimon automatically detects its
direction, strength, and general nature. An aasimon who
gazes directly into the eyes of an evil creature immediately
are unaffected b ower of the vambrances. Area effect learns its background, nature, and name (or, if it fails a
weapons and spells) have their nonnal saving throw vs. spells, its true name). This power always
functions automatically.
In addition, aasimon have a special power over mortals
and gains no benefits. called celestial reverence, which they can only use in their
o f d s warding has an XP value of 4poO. normal, unaltered forms. When an aasimon invokes the rev-
erence, a blinding flash of light draws the attention of all
mortals within sight of it. Anyone viewing this spectacle
must make a saving throw vs. paralyzation. Those who suc-
assionate beings who willingly and ceed are unaffected; failure indicates that the victim feels a
of good on the Upper Planes. They strong emotion based on his or her alignment and Hit Dice:
e affairs of mortal creatures, u s d y Good-aligned targets feel a protective love for the aasimon,
t. Seven types of aasimon are known neutral creatures stand fearstruck and do not attack, evil
scending order) agathinon, movanic beings with fewer than 8 Hit Dice flee in terror, and evil crea-
,astral devas, planetars, solars. Light tures with 8 or more Hit Dice withhold their attacks from
fear, just as neutral creatures do. The celestial reverence lasts
per Planes often find the aasimon for 2d6 rounds plus 1round per Hit Die or level of the aasi-
diversity. Not only do the various types mon. Aasimon rarely use this ability, for goodness dictates
the race encompasses a wide variety of that they avoid using their powers to manipulate others.
imon must be good, of course, but Aasimon cannot gate others of their kind. However, they
neutral, or chaotic. can send out distress calls that other good beings can sense.
reflections of lawful good deities. Such a call manifests as either a heart-wrenching song or a
most obedient of divine ser- moment of desperate silence. Either version of this call gains
the higher powers to the letter the attention of the closest enchanted good beings (for
ess of the cost, truth prevails over instance, ki-rim, unicorns, lammasu,or metallic dragons),
who typically come to the rescue immediately. (Note that this

ability does not create or control the good-alignedbeings; it caused by gently ushering their "misguided" COwaLEed
meaply alerts them to danger.) An aasimon may use this t o w a I d m p e m m c e a n d ~Pailuretoabidebythiscode
power as often as needed. However, those who send out calls can d t in recall,reprimand, or inextreme cases,review by
repeabedly,gratuitousy,orforentirelythewrongrrasohs theCelestiZlTribunal.
(SUA as calling upon good-aligned creatures to stave off wery LeasvirtuousbeingstendtoBtaeotyptha~as
evil threat encountered) may invite rebuke from their fellows. pushy and relentleas in their pursuit oftruth,hams+y,and
justice. However, membemofthie race am actuaUy amongthe
most balanced of the celestials. AasBnon always strive tow
Their Realms by example. By dananehgtlng that lying,cheating, and d-
Unlike some other celestial races, aasimon k l y roam the ing are unnecessary and fruitless endeavors, they can often
Upper Planes (Arcadia, Mount Celestia, Bytopia, Elysium, the persuade others to follow the h e path t o w d righWmsness
Beastlands, Arborea, and Ysgard). They may visit other parts with out^ * g to long-winded 8 e ~ n odananding
of the multiverse as well in the course of missions assigned to reform. (of Course, the Occasional prsachy mmologue h a
them by the greater powers. worked wdempormorethan~lawfulgoodaasimon
over the eons.)
Aasimonconsiderviolence a lastrecoureeandnweratbick
Their virtues needldy. It isagainst theirnatumto pmvoke a f@t, attack
Aasimon must always be true in their dealings with others. a helpless enemy,or leap into battle without first atbanpthrg
They cannot lie, cheat, or steal, nor can they easily tolerate to negotiate a peaceful msolutim. Those who violate this
such conduct in others. When dealing with companions who code suffer losses m power as per 'pescendance and the
habitually engage in such base behavior, aasimon react FaUing,"above. By the same token,an assinranwho sumess-
according to their individual alignments-law& typically fully sways a aiminaltoward refonn,sbDps areedkswar,
preach reform, chaotics mitigate their companions' lies by or remaine hue to hie orher ideals almost always gains
exposing them for what they are, and neutrals try to reverse greater power.
the wrongdoings without offending any of the concerned par- Nothingintheheavensccrmparesto anaasimcm'swrath.
ties. Though aasimon are not afraid to share company with When they arehoniblywrongedor t h e i r a n g e r i s d ,
thieves and their ilk,the noble celestials are quick to voice aashnon fight fiercely withthevehememe of a thousand
their disapproval of others' bad habits. What's more, they stonns. Their vengeance is terriik and exact, and in battles
seek to any repair damage that unscrupulous colleagues have with fiendsthey show lit& quarter or mercy
Both the aasimon and the asuras freely roam the Upper
Planes and have trouble comprehending the notion of bound-
aries, so they often aws paths during missions and excur-


of the s o b and
and most c k d e r

to mediate dis-

P m

self-control they sions. A casual encounter between an aasimon and an asuras
dislike are the can quickly escalate into a heated debate, and planar travelers
who witness such an inadent realize just how small the Upper
immune to atta

2,jZme tongue); Dmg ld10+1/

special Abilities
e following spell-like
Ellacarzel can ~ 8 the
'unlessotherwise noted): aid, antimagic shell,
mphend languages, cure disaase (3/day), cu
7/day), cure snious wounds (3
nu&, detect snnres &pits (7/d

Planes can seem when two powerful races each feel crowded
by the other's presence. Since both aasimon and asuras often No$able AasImon
serve as messengers for upper-planar deities, conflict and com-
petition are inevitable. (Rumor has it that a mwanic deva was The Upper Planes are filled with formidable aasimon, some
severely chided by his superior after calling the asuras "super- of whom serve as proxies to deities and possess abilities
fluous.")Suffice it to say that although the two races exhibit a comparable to those of demipowers. Among the most note-
faii measure of mutual prejudice,neither is willing to discuss worthy are:
the problem openly or allow it to foment into overt hostilities.

solar proxy of the Egyptian god Aga*hinon
enitar of the Parliament of the Agathinon are warriors by nature, though they do possess
spellcasting ability. On the Upper Planes, an agathinon resem-
1, a male solar proxy of the bles an elf with shining eyes and luminous, opalescent skin.

r who lives in Chronias (the highest Ability Scores: An agathinon PC receives a +2 bonus to
keeps the suns of Mercuria Wisdom. The character’s ability scores (after bonuses) must
fall within the following ranges:
the two planetar generals who
sting Light from the ABILITY MINIMUM MAxlMuM
llir near the fortified town of strength 9 18
Dexterity 8 18
Constitution 8 18
re more infamous than famous. The Intelligence 10 18
Wisdom 12 20
Kamazaz is notorious for freeing crimi-
charisma 11 18
asylums, “reforming”
m on dangerous missions to serve the
c deva known as Toves steals fiends Class Restrictions: Although agathinon PCs must be war-
to make them repent riors, they can choose to be fighters, rangers, or paladins.
ividuals compares to They can reach a maximum of 8th level; at that point, they
who lives in seclusion in an otherwise- cease to gain experience in their chosen classes. They must
Mountains of the then either ascend or remain 8th-level agathinon forever.
where she guards a gateway into one of
Average Height and Weight: In ~ t u r aform,
l agathinon are
60+2d10inches in height and 130+6d10pounds in weight.
last celestial st we her.
Hit Dice: PC agathinon gain Hit Dice according to class, but
they do not gain bonus hit points for high Constitution scores.
Aasimo. Lis player characters
Aasimon PCs D ay as 1st-level agathinon warriors. Alignment: Agathinon PCs are commonly neutral good,
evel, the appropriate upper-planar though lawful good and chaotic good agathinon also exist.
s, the Dungeon Master) No other alignments are allowed. Lawful good agathinon can
thy have the opportu- be paladins if they meet the ability score requirements for
is, transform into higher aasimon with that class.

Armor Class: A 1st-level agathinon PC has a natural Annor

eir chosen classes. Class of 7. That value drops by one point for each level of
experience above that until it reaches 0 (at 8th level).Agathi-
non don’t wear armor; as natural shapeshifters, they’re
uncomfortable with the “shell” that armor places around
them. They may employ shields, however, augmenting their
ep, the PC can choose to retain his AC values accordingly.
status or move forward with the
Languages: An agathinon can communicate with any intelli-
tions-not so gent creature using a powerful form of telepathy.
ever purer, more virtuous states of
F’mficienaes: Agathinon are automaticallyproiicient in all
ffer ascension to all aasimon; only the weapons, but they cannotspecialize or wield edged weapons in
and dedicated can earn the chance for combat. They have the following mnweapon pmiiciencies:
Animal Handling,AnimalLore, Animal Training, Blind-fighting,
charioteering,P h Direction Sense,Plannr Sense, Planar Sutviml
(UpperPlanes),Running Racking, and Swimming.(Italicized
proficiences are desaiied in Planewalker’s H a n d h k [2620].)

tremendous hi Special Benefits: Agathinon can assume the forms of other

creature types at will. The new body must be roughly equiva-

lent in size to the agathinon’s own, and the adopted form must Also at 3rd level, agathinon gain aid, auguty, ESP, and
be that of a matwe whose Hit Dice do not exceed the celestial know alignment as spell-like abilities usable once per round at
warrior’s own level. (Thus,a 1st-level agathinon could assume will.
the formof a 1-HD om.)This shapeshiftingpower does not At 4th level, agathinon become immune to disintegration
allow an agathinon to imitate a specific individual. and lifedraining effects from any 8om.
Agathinon gain the Armor Class, movement, attacks, At 5th level, agathinon can only be struck by weapons of
damage per attack, special attacks, and special defenses of +1or better enchantment. They also acquire chiruudience,
their new forms. They retain their own Intelligence, align- clairvoyance, and hold p
e rm as spell-like abilities usable
ment, level/Hit Dice, hit points, THACO, magic resistance, once per round at will.
and morale. An agathinon can wield blunt weapons and use At 6th level, agathinon gain the ability to teleport un‘thout
magical items if the new form allows it, but cannot create error once per day.
these as part of the new form. At 7th level, agathinon can use cure serious wounds once
On the Upper Planes,agathinon typically remain in their per day.
natural forms, since other celestial beings can usually recog- At 8th level, agathinon gains the ability to become ethe-
nize them for what they are anyway. Elsewhere, they tend to real at will and can use cure serious wounds three times
adopt other guises so as to blend in with the natives. Agathi- per day.
non never attack in natural form, not even with weapons;
they must adopt shapes other than their own to enter combat. Agathinon rangers and paladins also gain all the normal
Regardless of form, agathinon radiate magic and make class abilities for their I.espective levels, though much of a
saving throws as priests of twice their level, up to a maxi- ranger’s “wilderness” knowledge is specific to the Upper
mum of 14th level. (Thus,a 3rd-level agathinon warrior uses Planes.Both classes gain cleric spells as indicated in the
the saving throw table for a 6th-level priest, while an 8th- shaded box; for example, a 5th-level character has three 1st-
level agathinon uses the one for a 14th-level priest.) level spells and two 2nd-level spells.Note that agathinon can
Agathinon develop more spell-like powers and acquire employ such magic only while in human form.
other benefits as they gain levels. Use the agathinon’s level as
the caster level wherever needed to determine the effects of
innate spell-like abilities.

At 1st level, agathinon Pcs have 20% magic resistance

and are immune to deuth spells. They also have the fol-
lowing spell-like powers, usable once per round at will:
comprehend languages, detect mil (the special aasimon ver-
sion), detect mgic, and rend mgic.
At 2nd level, agathinon gain immunity to energy from
the Positive Material Plane and the ability to cast priest
spells while in human form (seethe shaded box at right).
Spellcasting agathinon are entitled to the added spell
adjustments for high Wisdom.
At 3rd level, agathinon master theix shapechanging abil-
ities, gaining the ability to transform themselves into Special Hindrancee:Agathinon have many useful powers,
inanimate objects as well as other creatures. The object but they also have a number of limitations and disadvantages.
selected may be considerably smaller than the agathi- First of all, agathinon never attack while in theirnatural
non’s true form, but not substantially larger. Commonly, forms. Those who shapeshift into beings capable of weapon
agathinon select items that other beings might carry use may employ only blunt weapons in combat, but those
(such as vials, vases, swords, or lamps) when who assume the forms of matures with ’‘natural weapons’’
shapeshifting in thisway. Any good-aligned creature (suchas claws or teeth) can utilize any slashing or piercing
who carries such an item temporarily gains the ability to attacks that are normal for that creature type. Agathinon of
cast 1st-levelpriest spells from any sphere at will and 3rd level or higher can also turn themselves into swords or
the ability to turn undead as a priest of the agathinon’s other weapons that other beings might “wield.”
level. Evil creatures do not gain any benefits from con- Secondly, agathinon cannot use their powers or abilities to
tact with a transformed agathinon; in fact, any evil commit evil acts, assist evil individuals, or endanger innocent
being who touches such item suffers ld12 points of lives (either deliberately or unconsciously). Those who am
damage (no saving throw). Neutral beings gain the ben- duped into performing evil deeds or aiding the cause of evil
efits only if their cumnt missions or actions serve the are no less xesponsible for their deeds than those few who
agathinon’s needs. knowingly turn from good, and their gods lwy punishment
accordingly. T&hlly, the penalty for such a misdeed

Higher Aasimon
or irresponsible behavior, and they At 8th level, agathinon reach the pinnacle of development
they deem appropriate. and can no longer gain levels or experience. However, if the
ttackanyeviltheyencomter,unlunless gods ~IV pleased with a particular agathinon’s adkvements
such an action. For example, an agathi- at that point, they may offer him or her the privilege of
taneously is not likely to face ascension. Acceptance elevates the agathinon to the next
allavingthe OthertoeSCape. higher rank in the aasimon hierarchy-that of movanic deva.
t never lie, steal, or cheat, for engag- Each subsequent transition (to monadic deva, astral deva,
can rob them of their planetar, and finally solar)becomes possible after the PC
te lie” could result in the completes seven successful missions at the previous level.
ties, while taking a weapon Not every aasimon receives such opportunities, however-
only those who please their gods and truly exemplify virtue
can ascend. Solar status in particular is incredibly rare, and
the gods offer it only to those whose performances have been
exemplary in every way.
Those PCs who leave behind their existences as agaulinon
and begin to rise through the h i e r d y no longer gain levels
adually or all at once). or experience points. From this point on,only the gods can
and spells that afford protection, aug- grant promotions, and they do so only for those most worthy.
Class or magic resistance, give no ben- With each ascension, the PC transforms physically into a new
a’efense and cloaks of protection mature, gaining new powers and responsibilities while
s possession, and annor spells losing the old ones. Such PCs do, however,retain enough of
their previous appearances that friends (and foes)can recog-
’t reverse cleric spells they cast, even nize them.Transformed PCs cannot change their minds and
revert to their former states, nor should properly played
celestials wish to do such a thing.
Ascension is never mandatory; all aasimon am free to turn
Blood War spills over into Arca- down offers of advancement. Them is no stigma attached to
es call upon the agathinon to such a move; many aasimon are content in their rules and
d the fiends where the true power choose to remainas they are. onlythose whoaspire toreach
minions into the Upper the pinnacle of goodness strive for promotion, Of course, can-
good, it is the agathinon didates must consider their decisions regardingascension
on and protect the artifact. The powers most carefully, for those who decline promotion rarely receive
d agathinun outside the Upper any subsequent offers.
Ids, reinforce armies of light, Note: The powers of all higher aasimon are d e s a i i fully
and rebuild cel in the PLANBsCApg M O N S ~ ~C OU ~ S~ P E Appendix
N D ~ (2602).

Movanic Devas
Plane, agathinon typically m e as Movanic devas have the power to pass into the Prime Material
beings, helping them complete Plane and return tothe Upper Planesat will. More,their
estinies. In this capaaty, celestial missionS frequently involve visiting other planes to aid promi-
nent mortal followers of good deities in moments of dire need.
Such freedom has tremendous appeal from a player’s point of
asionally, an agathinon even takes view, and the possiMlities for adventwe axe endless.
A typical mission for a movanic deva might be to help a
good king on the Prime Material Plane overcome an invading
tyrant. The deva must accomplish this not by d k c t inter&
a c e , but by s&en@hening the king’s will, bolstering the con-
Material Plane fidence of his men, and persuading him to make peace with
bled warrior re for earlier misde- his brother, a high priest of m e influence in a neighboring
realm.A PC deva could also help a paladin retrieve a holy
ortant ankaries of the good- swod from the tomb of a lich-bdng, defend an isolatedvalley
take such missions very seriously. peopled with good-alignedhumanoids fnnn evil incursions
while its normal defend- ki-rin-visits her home plane

for a month, or help a recently resurrected hero avenge his assigned task may (1%chance, noncumulative) receive an
own death. offer of promotion to solar status.
Note that contrary to popular belief, devas of any type can
be eifher male or female. Previous claims that all devas were solars
male pmbably grew from the tales of explorers new to the Solars are, without question, the most powerful good-aligned
planes who happened to see a few males and jumped to the beings next to the gods themselves. These celestials are the
wrong conclusion. very epitome of goodness, purity, devotion, and honor. Little
can stand their way, and no evil being fails to shudder in
Monadic Devas their presence. Player characters who a d to the rank of
The gods charge monadic devas with safeguarding the Upper solar can commune with their gods directly.Though such
Planes. These beings command the agathinon warriors who beings are mighty enough to be deities themselves, they
patrol the borders and guard the shining atadels. In addition, choose to serve rather than to have worshipers.
monadic6 attend to matters on the Inner Planes (Elemental, Solars rarely leave the Upper Planes save to command
Paraelemental, Quasielemental,and Energy). These devas can huge armies of agathinon, devas, and planetars in wars
pass into any h e r Plane at will and survive there without ill against the fiends, and even then such conflicts occur but
effect. ?Lpical inner-planar missions might involve helping a once in many thousands of years. Solar missions, though
djinni caliph fend off attacking efreet from the City of Brass, grand in scope, are not always in- to play out. U h
thwarting the machinations of the Elemental Princes of Evil, all the campaign’s characters have godlilce powers, the DM
or guidhg good-aligned mortals safely through the h d s may wish to suggest that players of solar Pes * their
of the more inhospitable realms. characters and begin anew.

Astral Devas Light Aasimon

Based on the name, many believe that astral devas can travel When a deva, planetar, or solar dies somewhere other than
only to the Astral Plane. But while it’s true that they can jour- its home plane, its spirit returns to the Upper Planes.Some-
ney to the Silver Void at will to rescue good-aligned mortals times, if the gods deem that such a spirit could serve in a
stranded there,these mighty warriors actually spend more greater capacity, the celestial essence is reborn as a light
time dealing with issues on the Lower Planes. aasimon.
Astral devas can pass into the Lower Planes at will, bring- Lights an? shapelw beings of pure energy who often save
ing their brand of justice directly to the heart of evil. The powerfulgoodalignedWoIshipersOfttregOdS.ThOUghligM
powers frequently call upon them to lead annies of agathinon aksimonan?akinto familiarsin this Capacity, they farmore for-
against fiendish strongholds, jnfiltrate the domains of Abyssal midable. strictly speakin&lights aren’t as mighty as planetan, or
lords to rescue the souls of captured mortals, and exact solars, but all other celestialshold them in rrverence and awe.
vengeance for fiendish attacks against the Upper Planes. An Player characters canrtot become light aasimon except in
astral deva can enter any layer of a Lower Plane without the most extraordinary of circumstances.
passing through the intermediary layers. fight aaeimon are d d b e d in the PLANESCAPE MONSTROUS
COIvfPWDlUM Appendix (2602).
Like devas, planetars gain no levels or experience points, as
no one planetar is stronger or weaker than any other. Plane- Archons
tars serve their gods M y , rarely leaving the Upper Planes Archons are the protectors of Mount Celestia, the shining
except to carry out critical tasks or bring aid to powerful realm that prime-material adventunm often call the Seven
mortal servants of good (NPCs of 12th level or higher). These Heavens. When lawful good mortals die, their spirits can
awe-inspiring beings are defenders of truth,avengers of choose to settle in the realms of their gods forever, or they can
fallen heroes, and messengers of the gods. Their missions are journey to the Mount and petition to continue actively serv-
among the most perilous celestials can perform4efeathg a ing the cause of good. On Mount Celestia, the gods examine
pit fiend who has enslaved a portion of the prime Material the petitioners and transform those they find worthy into
Plane and captured the high priest of a good deity, slaying an lantern archons-the lowest station of the archon hierarchy.
Abyssal lord on his home plane, or invading an arcanaloth’s Through their good deeds and devotion, lantem archons
library to recover a stolen book of exulted deeds. Planetars typi- gradually advance through the ranks, transfonning into pro-
cally act alone, and they are more likely than any other aasi- gressively more powerful archons.
mon to inspire goodness in others through their actions Seven types of archons populate the layers of Mount
rather than their words. Celestia: In ascending order, they are lanterns,hounds, war-
In most campaigns that allow celestial player characters, dens, swords, trumpets, thrones, and tomes. Each of these sta-
the rankof planetar is thehighest that a PC canexpect to tions ranks higher than the last and has a distinctive physical
achieve. However, if the DM so desires, PCs can rise further appearance. Furtherma, all archons except the lumhscent
still. In that case,any planetar who successfully completes an and formless lanterns sport metal accoutremen-ollars,
bracers, breastplates, and so forth, depending on the type of With the exception of the trumpet archons (see below),
archon. The quality of the metal shows the wewr’s advance- members of this race rarely venture beyond their home plane.
ment within his or her station. From lowest to highest, the Only under the most unwualcircumstances dws an archon
order is lead, tin,brass, bronze, silver, gold, and platinum. receive permission to leave Mount Celestia, and then only for
For example, a warden archon with platinum accoutrements a short time.
has greater virtue and devotion to law and goodness than
does a warden wearing brass. Eventually, through virtuous
acts, the platinum warden will r k to the next station, and
Their powers
become a sword archon with lead appointments. After pro- In battle, all archons can constantly exude an aura of extreme
gressing through each of the metals again, the sword archon menace called divine w u t h to a range of 30 feet.Only their
ascends to the next station (trumpet).Archons do not receive enemies actually feel the wuth, though it inspires awe in
new accoutrements when they advance within station; others. Any foe within range must make a saving throw vs.
instead, the metal they already wear transmogrifies into the spell at a modifier whose value depends on the type of
next higher state. This is because the metal is part of the archon exuding the w u f h(+1bonus for a lantem, no modifier
archon’s body-it can’t be removed or affected by spells that for a hound, -1 penalty for a warden, -2 penalty for a sword,
changemetal. 3 penalty for a trumpet, -4 penalty for a throne,and -5
All archons of a given station are equal, regardless of how penalty for a tome). Those who fail suffer a -2 penalty to each
precious the metal that adorns them. The only difference is attack roll until they successfully hit the archon. Themafter,
that some, by their virtue, may advance faster than others. those individuals may attack without this penalty.
There is no jealousy among archons, and almost never has Allarchonsalsohavethepowersofproteftia~~~~10
there been a n x d e d incident in which members of this race rudius and tongues, both of which are always active. In addi-
turned on their fellows for the sake of rising in rank. Archons tion, they can use the followinginnate,spell-like abilities,
are always content to remain in their nvrent forms until such once per round, at wilk continual light, defect evil, infnmision,
time as the greater powers of Mount Celestia deem it appro- and teleport dthout error. Each type of a n h n also has several
priate to reward them for their virtue. special powers in addition to these.

do tl-teybargain with it Even rare magical items hold no allure.
mdtiverse, they oftenkeep company with goodaligned h v e l e r ~
L a nmafihons commonlyreside in Lunia,the fust layer of WhobIingstOries o r r u m o r s ~ ~ p p l a n e s .
Mount Cehtia, where they sustain themselvesby absorbing the
light andessence of the plane. They typically act as guides for
Their Role on the planes
serve as messengersto the upper layers. Archonsarethe~andguardiansof~celestia.Exaept
Hound archonsreside in Lunia and Mermria (thesecond for the bum@, who must leave the Mount on OcCBBion to
layer), often serving as planar hosts for travelers to Mount C e b esCortmised~k3,,~veltootherplanescnlydyand
tia. However, the hounds must also ensure the safety of the brieny..~high-levelspellcasbersinlaeedofextraplanar
M o u n V S first two layers. advice,kmwledge,assistance,or~~archons
Warden aFchasare the evervigilant sentinels of the Mount, to another plane jnoarlertoconkrwiththem. unlikesomeaea-
guarding the +between the plane’s swenlayers to prevent tureswi-u~hatetobecalled away from their home planes,
UMuthOrizedtravel. archon sf eel no annoyance about such^tthey
swordafihonstravelbetw~thelayers,relaying~ges relishanyoppomu\ityto~inspireotherswhosharetheiroverau
from the tomesorthe godsthemselvestoother archons.They are philosophyandcompassionforothera
akin to heralds, spreadingthe words and wisdom of greater
Trumpet archons may also carry l~ssagesfrom above, but Dealing with other celestials
their primary task is to escort the spirits of newly dead mortals Because theyrarelytraveltheplanes,afihonsarethemostsettled
back to their bodies in case of s u d mising or r e s u h . so ofthecelestialaMOStoftheircontactwith~ksuras,
that they can performthis sacred duty the humpets--aone of all &dTim, and g l d h a l s OEcUls When members oftfioseother
the a&ms-we h e to leave the confnm of Mount Celestia. races visit Mount Ce&stia. Archohs tolerateh a l l . It doew’t
Thnmearchons,appropriatelyenough, Rlle the cities and botherthemthattheaasimon~ecthemeeh.eseu~;~
realms of the plane, and are thus found ineach layer. They archons respect that belief evenif they dcm’t agreewith it.
handleday-today issues such as mediating disputes,resolving Urhtunately, thesebenevolent fedingsaren’t alwaysmutual.
Conflicts, and exemplifyinggoodness. The asuras, for example, don’t care for Mount celestia’sprotec
Each ofthe seven tome archons k n m to exist rules one layer tors at all.lharchonsdon’t u n d e t h i s avasian; after all,
of~tcelestia.Theycanalsotravelthroughouttheplane, they regard the asuras as noble and peasionaae, if a bit dimgan-
thoughthey do not often do so. (Formoreinformation,see i Z e d . P ~ W S ~ ~ ~ t o j u d g e
‘Notable Al&ms/ below.) camally hat irksthe aeum-whb reaUyhave no idea.stin,
Their vh-u w.
stories fnnnotherplanes,and t h e ~ 6 n d
their- . .while* M t envytheelsdukrs’free-
dating to the Ahmnalestialsbecauethetwo rp&8have 80
archonsmay seem aloof--aoetfybecausethey don‘t quite h o w
what to say.
A4N!bls caareider themsdvestobeon good terms with
~oftheMountandrarelycavca.twithtl-?em. ’Ihe d a b
s h i p b e t w e e n t h g t w o r a c e s , ~mnains
, somewhatdistant
Ardmrs can‘t l n u b t a d the guardinals’needto“wenthe
baatezuandtaw’ri. ’ I h e ~ ~ ~ q u e s t i a n t h e w i s d o m
Notable Archons
Together, the seven tome archons comprise the Hebdomad-
the rulingcouncil of Mount Celestia. The tomes oversee their

layers with near omniscience, though they are unaware of In order of their stature, the seven tomes are:
what transpires in the realms of the gods who reside on the Barachiel, ruler of Lunia (theSilver Heaven)
plane. Every layer consists of 196 provinces, each of which is Domiel, ruler of MeKuria (the Golden Heaven)
governed by a warden archon who reports through the hier- Erathaol, ruler of Venya (the Pearly Heaven)
archy back to the tome archons. Pistis Sophia, ruler of Solania (the Elednun Heaven)

Raziel, ruler of Mertion (the Platinum Heaven) Player-character lanterns, on the other hand, may expand
Sealtiel, ruler of Jovar (the Glittering Heaven) the typical lantern role. In addition to their regular duties,
Zaphkiel, ruler of Chronias (the Illuminated Heaven) PCs can serve as scouts, wandering the Upper Planes inde-
and leader of the Hebdomad pendently to ensure that all is secure. In the course of their
travels, they must strive to aid all good-aligned c r e a m and
thwart all evil-aligned beings they meet Since PC lanterns are
Archons as player characters generally more intelligent and more eager to ascend than
Archon characters must begin as noncorporeal lanterns. their fellows, they are prone to taking independent risks.
Through good deeds and temperance, they can become Their dedication to serving good in wen greater capacities
hound archons, gaining actual bodies and metal fittings. than normal generally earns them the attention of the tome
Thereafter, they can continue to ascend through the hierar- archons,who watch over the plane and promote lanterns
chy according to the standard path. Levels are meaning- when the time is right.
less to archons-they advance by performing acts of
charity and kindness, not to mention noble and valorous Ability Scores: As lantern archons are noncorporeal beings,
deeds. they possess no measurable strength or Constitution scores.
Archons do gain experience points (XP), and this deter- Each lantern receives a +1bonus to Dexterity, Intelligence, or
mines how quickly they may rise. All archons (except Wisdom (player’s choice) and a -1 penalty to charisma.
lanterns) have collars, bracers, or other metal fittings of After adjustments, a lantern’s ability scores must fall
various qualities to show their virtue. These metal accou- within these ranges:
trements automatically transform into material of the next
higher quality whenever their “wearer” has demonstrated &run MINIMUM Mmmm
sufficient devotion to lawful goodness (that is, accumu- strength - -
lated a certain amount of XP). Archon PCs who gain Dexterity 9 18
enough XP to merit platinum fittings can ascend to the Constitution - -
next higher station, where they start out again with lead Intelligence 5 18
fittings. Wisdom 6 18
The lawful celestials developed this rigid method of 6 17
advancement to remove the taint of subjectivity from the
process. However, they do share a few procedures with the Clan Restrictions:Lantem &ons have vague memories of
aasimon. Archons gain new powers and responsibilities (and their prior existences as lawful good mortals, but no character
lose their old ones) each time they rise in station. Further- classes per se. A lantem’s player can decide what class (ii
more, they physically change into new beings, but retain any) the spirit poBsessed in life, or determine the class ran-
enough of their previous appearances so that others can still domly by rolling on the table below.The player may then
recognize them. Finally, they remember all of their past expe- designate the character’s level at the timeof death by rolling
riences, using them as guides while walking higher and ld20. Howwer, these determinations only serve to pruvide
higher paths toward perfection. background color for the PC,as lantern archons cannot call
As with the aasimon, archons may refuse ascension. For upon any of the abilities they had while alive.
example, a warden who gains enough W to wear platinum
fittings but doesn’t want to become a sword &on can 1DlM ROLL PRHvrous CLASS
remain a warden, then move on at a later time if desired. The 01-10 cleric
decision to postpone or reject advancement, though, is not 11-20 specialty Priest
without political repercussions-archons are expected to 2145 Fighter
follow the regular process of promotion. 46-55 Ranger
56-60 Paladin
Lantern Archons 61-70 Mage
Lantern archons are the spirits of lawful good prime-mate- n-75 specialist wizard
rial beings. Each manifests on the Upper Planes as an 76-00 No class (&level)
insubstantial globe of light about three feet in diameter.
Lanterns rarely, if ever, leave Mount Celestia. Typically, Average Height and Weight: Lantern archons are appmxi-
they serve as sources of information and fonts of inspira- mately threefeet in diameter. As they have no bodies, how-
tion for neophyte mortal adventurers, many of whom visit ever, they have no weight.
the Mount looking for the truth behind the wondrous place
known to them only as “the Seven Heavens.” The only Hit Dice: PC lanternd o n s are 1-1 Hit Die matures.
time most lanterns experience combat is when hound
archons summon them to help defend the plane against Alignment: All lantern archons are, without exception, lawful
evil interlopers. good.

Armor Class: Due to their noncorporeal forms, all PC normal damage, however. Lanterns can survive in an airless
lanterns are Armor Class 5 (base). void and pass through solid and liquid substances with
impunity. Since they don’t breathe, they can also exist in
Languages: Lantern archons communicate telepathically, watery environments without fear of drowning.
using an innate power similar to the spell tongues. They
understand and can reply in any language they hear. Special Hindrances: Lantern archons cannot leave Mount
Celestia without the permission of an archon of highe~sta-
hficiencies: Lantern archons cannot wield weapons, so they tion. Missions that could legitimately take a lantern off-plane
have no weapon profiaencies. Each is, however, entitled to might include accompanying a more powerful archon on a
two nonweapon pmfiaendes, selected from among the fol- mission away from the Mount, or perhaps aiding a p u p of
lowing:Ancient History, Local History, Planar Sense, Planar lawful good adventurers who are seeking information about
Direction Sense, Planar Survival (MountCelestia), Religion, or another plane.
Spellaaft. (Italicized proficiencies are described in the Because they are insubstantial, lantern archons can‘t
Planewalker’s Handbook [2620].) manipulate physical objects. Even their light rays have no
Lantern archons also retain faint impressions of the profi- force or real substance. Therefore, thesebeings cannot employ
ciencies they possessed in life (half the mortal score in each, magical items, wear m o r , wield weapons, or perform any
rounded down), though their noncorporeal forms make it dif- physical task.
ficult to employ most of them directly. Still, a lantern archon
who had the Fire-building proficiency in its past life could Roleplaying Notes:Player charactera who aspire to become
instruct someone on how to build a fireif it made a successful archons of higher station must begin as lanterns and work
profiaency check at its reduced score. their way up the hierarchy by performing tempered, valor-
ous, and charitable acts. Possible roleplaying opportunities
Advancement: Lanterns don’t gain levels or amass experience for lantem archonsinclude spying on a p u p of dubiously
points. Rather, when a tome archon (that is, the DM) deter- aligned planewalkers who are “touring” Mount Celestia,
mines that a lantern has performed exceptionallywell in the helping a hound archon defeat an infiltrating fiend, guiding a
service of good, the lantern ascends, becomhg a hound humble paladin along the path of valor, aiding a faithful
archon with lead fittings (seebelow). Ascendance from dwarf adventurer in his search for Moradin (the dwarven
lantern to hound ambon requires the successful completion of father) and his Soul Forge (birthplace of the dwarves), help-
no fewer than three tasks.PC lanterns who demonstrate ing a paladin locate a missing member of the Order of the
questionable morals or ethics or who fail to take their roles Planes-Militant (sworn defenders of Mount Celestia), or guid-
seriously should not advance. ing a p u p of would-be heroes to the Glass Tam (a mystical
lake on the third layer of Mount Celestia, where the powers
Special Benefits: %ice per round, lantern archons can fire a of good offer prophecies to those they deem worthy of such
ray of light to a range of 30 feet. The rays have no effect on foreknowledge).
beings who are pure of heart and intend no harm to the Lanterns also offer unique roleplaying opportunities for
archon, but enemies suffer ld6 points of damage per ray that players who have lost lawful good characters (paladinsin
hits (normal attack roll required). These beams are as radiant particular) in other campaigns. When the dead character’s
as bright s d g h t , 80 they inflict double damage against m a - spirit arrives on Mount Celestia, it becomes a lantern archon
tures (suchas vampires) who are particularly susceptible to with only a vague awareness of its prior existence. The char-
that form of enerfl. acter can then remain in play in a whole new way.
Lantern archons possess the innatemagical abilities
common to all archons, including divine wrath and the ability H o u n d Archons
to telep0l.t without errur to any location in Mount Celestia at Hound archons appear as powerfully muscled humans with
will. In addition, lanterns can fly at a rate of 24 (maneuver- canine heads. Though they are primarily defenders of just
ability class A). causes and innocents, they also safeguard those who are
Since lantems are noncorporeal beings, nonmagical
weapons have no effect on them,and even magical weapons ’
inflict only half damage. Although they are vulnerable to
un le to protect themselves against mightier foes. When
no fighting, hounds act as hosts to travelers who visit
Mount Celestia, watching such visitors closely for any hint
most magic, lanterns are immune to paralption and a l l of treachery or deceit. Hound archons wear simple metal
enchantment/chann spells. Spells that target corporeal bodies collars.
(suchas feign denth, grease, gust of wind, hold person, irritation, Player characters who begin a campaign as lantern
stinking cloud, strength, and web) are also ineffective against archons may ascend to become hounds through their pure
these beings. and valorous deeds. Hound P C s initially “wear” collars
Lastly,these archons have protection against normal tem- made of lead, but these transform into progressively more
perature variances equivalent to that of a resist fire and a resist precious metals as their ”wearers” continue to serve the
cold spell combined. Magical cold- or fire-based attacks inflict cause of lawful goodness

Ability Scores: Hound archons receive a +2 bonus to Strength Metal XP Required
and a +1 bonus to Constitution. Their final ability scores must Lead 0
fall within the following ranges: Tin 8,000
Brass 16,000
AB- MINIMUM lmxmu?d Bronze 32,000
strength 12 20 Silver @,oOo
Dexterity 9 18 Gold 125,000
Constitution 8 19 Platinum 250,OOO
Intelligence 8 18
Wisdom 8 18
Special Benefits: An unarmed hound archon can attack three
charisma 9 18
times per round, slashing with two sharp-clawed paws (for
ld4 points of damage each) and delivering a fiexe bite (for
Class Restrictions: Hound archons have no character classes. Id8 points of damage). A hound who forsakesthese natural
Since they all share the same abilities, they judge their attacks can wield a weapon instead, but can strike only once
prowess not by the powers they possess, but by how they use per round with it.
their skills. These archons possess the innate magical abilities commun
to all members of the race. Only magical weapons of +1or
Average Height and Weight: Hounds are 60/59 + 2d10 better enchantment can harm them, and they have W/Omagic
inches in height and 175/150 + 5d10 pounds in weight. The resistance.
number before the slash refers to male hounds, and the A hound archon can shapechange into a dog or wolf of
number after it to females. any type, but not into a lycanthrope. While in animal form,
hounds can use any attacks or abilities natural to their
Hit Dice: All hound archons have 6 Hit Dice. Those with assumed forms, as well as all of their own.
exceptionalConstitution scores add bonus hit points to their Each hound archon maintains telepathic links with one
totals according to the table below. A hound’s hit points do hundred lantern archons and can relay telepathic messages
not change with the quality of his or her metal fittings. to any or all of them as desired. Should the hound require
assistance, ldlO lantern archons arrive each round until all
CONSTITUTTON Exm.4 HIT POINTS one hundred are present. Of course, the hound must guard
15 6 these “troops” carefully, since those who perish are not
16 12 replaced. The telepathic links between hounds and their
17 18 lanterns persist as long as a l l parties remain on Mount Celes-
18 24 tia; those who leave and then return find themselves linked
19 30 as before.

Alignment: All hound archons are, without exception, lawful Special Hindrances: Hound archons spend almost all their
good. time on Mount Celestia, safeguarding the plane and its
inhabitants from evil trespassers. Opportunities to leave
Armor Class: A hound archon has a natural Armor Class of 1. the Mount are rare, and when off-plane missions do occur,
the hounds must return immediately afterward and report
Languages: Hound archons communicate with the equivalent to their superiors. Punishment for hound archons who neg-
of a tongues spell (which is always active). They can instinc- lect their duties, meddle in mortal affairs, or fail to act
tively comprehend and reply in any language they hear. kindly and selflessly typically involves a reduction in
status. The collars of those who commit minor transgres-
Proficiencies: Hound archons are proficient with all sions may revert to less pure metals-for example, a plat-
weapons, and each can select a weapon with which to spe- inum collar might revert to gold, or a gold collar to silver,
cialize. They need not study or practice to gain nonweapon and so forth. Hound archons who perform wanton evil
proficiencies, and they never incur penalties to proficiency acts, knowingly or unknowingly, immediately become
checks. lantern archons once again and must redeem themselves.
Those who do so can begin again as hounds with lead col-
Advancement: All hound archons begin play with lead col- lars.
lars. Those PC hounds who perform particularly valorous, Hound archons cannot wear m o r , but they may employ
noble, or selfless acts gain ”experience”that not only shields and magical items that improve Armor Class.
increases their status, but also transforms their collars into
metal of greater purity, according to the table below. A hound Roleplaying Notes: Adventuring opportunities for hound
archon whose collar turns to platinum becomes eligible for archons might include rescuing a lantern archon captured
promotion to warden archon status. by an insane fiend, aiding members of the Order of the

Planes-Militant (a sect dedicated to defending Mount Celes- ligence. After adjustment, their ability scores must fall within
tia) in rescuing their captured comrades from a yugoloth the following ranges: .
citadel on the Lower Planes, helping to subdue a dragon
who is threatening dwarven mining operations in Erackinor ABnm MINIMUM MAXIMUM
(a realm on Mount Celestia’s fourth layer), escorting a band s-gth 16 21
of planewalkers who seek an audience with the lammasu Dexterity 6 18
Constitution 12 20
Lebes in the town of Heart‘s Faith, or safely delivering a Intelligence 12 19
magical gemstone from Bahamut’s palace to Erackinor. Most Wisdom 6 18
of the quests assigned to hound archons do not require charisma 9 18
absence from Mount Celestia, but a F‘C hound might receive
permission to leave the plane for an extremely important
mission. Class Restrictions: Warden archons have no character classes.
Like hounds, they all share the same abilities and judge their
warden uchons prowess not by thepowers they possess but by how they use
Warden archons are towers of strength. Only a PC who has them.
reached the rank of platinum-collared hound &on can rise
furtherto gain warden status. Upon ascension, the character Average Height and Weight: Wardens are 80/75 + 2d12
becomes a hulking humanoid with the head of a grizzly bear, inches tall and weigh 350/310 + 12d10 pounds. The number
human-shaped hands that end in claws, and tiny,bright eyes before the slash refers to males; the one after it to females.
that reflect extreme intelligence. The F‘C retains the collar
worn as a hound and gains metal arm bracers as well. All the Hit Dice: All warden archons have 8 Hit Dice. Those with
character’s metal reverts to lead, signifying an archon who exceptional Constitution scores add bonus hit points to
has just begun a new journey. their totals according to the table below. A warden’s hit
points do not change with the quality of his or her metal fit-
Ability Scores: Each warden archon receives a +3 bonus to tings.
Strength,a +2 bonus to Constitution, and a +1 bonus to Intel-
15 6
16 12
- .&‘. II
17 18
18 24
19 30
20 36

Alignment: All warden archons are lawful good.

Annor Class: As guardians of Mount Celestia’s portals, these

archons can resist attach better than most of their race. The
warden’s natural Armor Class of -1 reflects this resilience.

Languages: Warden archons can communicate telepathically

with any creature of animal Intelligence or higher. They have
an innate understandmg of any language they hear.

Profiaencies:Wardens are profiaent with all weapons, but

each may choose one weapon with which to specialize.They
need not study or practice to gain nonweapon proficiencies,
and they make all profiQencychecks at a +1 bonus.

Advancement: Beginning warden archons retain the experi-

ence point totals they had as hound archons,but they start
with lead collars and arm bracers. Those PC wardens who
perform particularly valorous, noble, or selfless acts gain
”experience”that not only inrreasestheir status, but also
transformstheir collars into metal of greater purity, according
to the table below. A warden archon whose collar and arm

bracers become platinum is eligible for promotion to sword Celestia and beyond, or test the mettle of fallen paladina who
archon status. arrive e k i n g atonement.


Lead 250,000 Sword archons appear as tall humans with wings instead of
Ti 500,000 arms. They have silvery hair, and their eyes glow with an
Brass 750,000 inner light. Sword archons wear collars, leg greaves, and
Bronze 1,000,000 breastplates.
Silver 1#500,000 Warden archons who attain platinum fittingsmay, if they
Gold 2,000,000 choose, become sword archons, provided that their dedica-
Platinum 2,500,000 tion to goodness and virtue pleases the powem. Those who
ascend lose their warden levels, hit points,and abilities,
Special Benefik Warden an >nstypically attac.. with two beginning anew as sword archons with lead fittings.They
claw attacks and a powerful bite, inflicting ld8/ld8/2d6 remember all their previous experiences as warden, hound,
points of damage (plus any Strength modifiers). If both claws and lantern.
strike a single opponent, the warden can hug the victim for Most upper-planar beings perceive sword a n h n s as mea-
an additional ldlO points of damage (plus Strength bonus) senger~and heralds who *ury d- and other -*-
and bite with a +4 bonus to that attack roll. Hugged victims tionsfromthetOme~tothe~ofMountcelestia.In
cannot use their arms or hands for combat, nor can they cast &ty, however, only the m t powerful sword afihonsteceiw
spells. To break free, such a victim must make a successful such distinction. Swords with a m t m n e n t s of lead,tin,brass,
Bend Bars/Lift Gates check. A warden wishing to restrain a 01 bnmze am only "swolcl&in-training." Beskuring sword
target without causing serious injury can choose to inflict archons serve as celestial guanis in themilitia of a thnone
minimum damage (1point per round) with the hug. Wardens arclum. In this capacity, they help maintain law and order h a
can wield weapons if they forsake all their natural attacks, particular town or city on Mount Celestia-not a patticularly
but can strike with these only once per round. onerous or di63cult task most of the time. 'Ehrough& a d -
Wardens possess the innate magical abilities common to all "ary- ,however, Pc sword afihonscan aid the
archons.In addition, they can cast any Divination spell cause of good in other ways. Their superiors often call upon
(wizard or priest) of 4th level or lower as if they were 8th- them to complete more pressing assignments, many of which
level spellcasters. Finally,wardens have 20% magic resistance, can lead to adventure (see"RoleplayjngNotes," below).
and only magical weapons of +2 or better enchantment can
harm them. Ability Scores: Each sword archon gains a +2 bonus to
Wisdom and a +1 b u s to charisme.Final ability scores for
Special Hindrances: Warden archons cannot wear armor, but these characters must fall within the following ranges:
they may employ shields and various magical items to
improve their natural Armor Class ratings. Since they stand ABILITY MrmMuM MAXIMUM
at least eight feet tall, they suffer the extra damage appropri- strength 9 18
ate to large-sized targets from certain weapon attacks. Dexterity 9 18
Like hound archons,wardens typically remain in Mount Constitution 9 18
Celestia at all times, save on those rare occasions when their Intelligcme 9 18
Wisdom 15 20
superiors assign them tasks on other planes.
12 19
Roleplaying Notes: The primary task of most warden
archons is guarding the various portals of Mount Celestia. Class Rescrlftione: Like hound and warden archons, swords
Some of these portals link the seven layers of the Mount have no character classes.They all share the same abilitiee
itself, while others lead elsewhere in the multiverse. The war- and judge their pmwess not by the powera they poesess, but
dens prevent unauthorized or unwanted travelers from enter- by how they u8e than.
ing and ensure that the myriad lantern archons who inhabit
Mount Celestia don't pass indiscriminately through the por- Average Height and Weighk Sword archons stand 80/75 t
tals to other layers and planes. 2d10 inches tall and weigh 150/1u) + 5d10 pounds.The
PC wardens do, however, enjoy more flexibility than their number before the slash refers to males; the one after it to
peers. They occasionally help members of the Order of the females.
Planes-Mititant in attacking fiendishstrongholds on the
Lower Planes, slay (or banish) evil monsters who enter Hit Dice: All sword archons have 10 Hit Dice. Those with
Mount Celestia through previously unknown portals, see exceptional Constitution s c m add bonus hit points to their
where newly formed portals lead, help lawful good wizards totals according to the table below. A sword's hit points do
retrieve spell components from dangerous places in Mount not change with the quality of his or her metal fittings.

CONSTITUTION Exnu HITPONS nance no sustenance, they can exert themselves without tiring
15 6 and are remarkably light sleepers.
16 12 Sword archons have 30% magic resistance, and only magi-
17 18 cal weapons of +2 or better enchantment can harm them.
18 24
Special Hindrances: Sword archons never wield weapons,
Alignment: All sword archons are lawful good. wear armor, or carry shields. They prefer to use their natural
attacks and considerable priestly magic against any enemies
Annor C1pss: The natural Armor Class of a sword archon is who dare confront them. Since they stand at least eight feet
-5. But the tremendous speeds that swords achieve in their tall, they suffer the extra damage appropriate to Largesized
diving attacks gives them Armor Class values of -8 during targets from certain weapon attacks.
those maneuvers. Swords avoid fighting whenever possible and never attack
weak or defenseless foes. So noble are these celestials that
Languages: Sword archons can communicate telepathically they insist on fighting their enemies on equal terms-even if
with all sentient matures of animal Intelligence or higher. their opponents are not so honorable. Sword archons never
They have an innate understanding of all languages they hear. strike from behind and always allow their foes to make the
first tactical move in battle, countjng on their natural Armor
proficiencies: Sword archons have no hands with which to Class and resistance to injury to keep them safe.
wield weapons, 80 they have no weapon proficiencies. (The Furthermore, sword archons are forbidden to kill or other-
name comes from the blinding speed with which they attack wise harm enemies who surrender. Celestials whose foes
their enemies.) Like hounds and wardens, swords need not admit defeat must either allow them to withdraw from the
study or practice to use nonweapon proficiencies. They make field of battle or "escort" them back to Mount Celestia for
all pmfiaency checks at a +2 bonus. trial and appropriate punishment. Of c o w , if a deceitful
opponent surrenders only to buy time and later attacks the
Advancemenk Beginningsword archom retain the e x p e r h e archon or his allies, the sword may then smite the villain
points they had as warden archons,but they start their new freely.
careers with lead collars, leg greaves, and breastplates. T h w FC Sword archons who leave Mount Celestia without permis-
WOK% who p e r f m particularly valorous, noble, or selfless ads sion and meddle in the affairs of mortals quickly receive
gain"scperience"thatnotonlyincreasestheirsta~,but also orders from their superiors to return and find the true path
transformstheir fittine into metal of greater pdty, according to once more. Those who refuse become fallen archons.Such
the table below. A sword archon whose accoutrements become beings who try to return to the glorious Mount thereafter face
platinum is eligible for promotim to trumpet archon status. swift retribution.

METAL XP REQUIRED Roleplaying Notes:Sword archons primarily serve as messen-

Lead 2,500,000 gers and defenders, which r d y req- them to leave their
Ti 3,000,000 home plane. Occasionally,the Order of the Planes-Militant
Brass 3,500,000 requests the aid of the combat-worthy swords to help defend
Bronze 4,000,000 the Upper Planes from fiendish incursions. Because of their
Silver 4,500,000 pleasing and regal forms, these celestials sometimes find them-
Gold 5,000,000 selves delivering messages from the gods to worshipers
Platinum 6,000,000 throughout the Upper Planes-and sometimes even the Out-
lands. Such appearances are, however, understandably ram.
Special Benefits: Sword archons possess the innate spell-like To PC swords may fall the task of hunting down fallen
abilities common to all archons. In addition, they can use archons and persuading them to return to Mount Celestia to
priest spells from any sphere as if they were 15th-level casters. face the Celestial Tribunal. This duty also involves setting
In combat, swords can attack (lash or bite) up to four times right any wrongs their wayward comrades may have com-
per round, inflicting 2d4 points of damage (plus Strength mitted. However, since fallen archons are few in number, only
modifiers) with each hit. A sword can also forego those a handful of swords ever meive such a mission. Other
attacks in favor of a dive, though this requires at least 100 feet adventuring opportunities for sword PCs might include cap-
of vertical space in which to move. To attack in thii way, the turing a slaad or fiend who has infiltrated Mount Celestia
sword must fly up, then dive downward at a foe, biting for using used powerful magic to conceal his or her alignment,
2d10 points of damage (plus Strength modifiers) on a success- mediating a dispute between two dwarven mining claw on
ful hit. As noted above, the celestial's Armor Class drops to Solania (the Mount's fourth layer), leading a force of warden
-8 during the attack because of his or her p a t speed. or hound archons to repel the latest modron march, helping
When not diving, sword archons can fly at a rate of 18 members of the Order of the Planes-Militant recover a lost
(maneuverabilityclass C). Though these beings require suste- artifact from its resting place in the Abyss, or retrieving the

remains of a paladin slain in the Baatorian realm of Tiamat Average Height and Weight: 'Rumpet archons stand 75/70 +
(mother of evil dragons). 3d6 inches tall and weigh 180/160 + 5d10 pounds. The
number before the slash refers to males; the one after it to
Trumpe? Archons females.
When swod archons reach the pinnacle of their existence by
earning their platinum collars, leg greaves, and breastplates, Hit Dice: All trumpet archons have 11 Hit Dice. Those with
the powers detennine whether they are worthy of pmmotion. exceptional Constitution scores add bonus hit points to their
Any sword can, of c o w , r e h e ascension to trumpet archon, totals according to the table below. A trumpet's hit points do
but few can resist the call. After all, the gods rarely make this not change with the quality of his or her metal fittings.
offer more than once in a sword archon's immortallife.
Physically, trumpet archons appear as tall, radiant, winged CONSTITUTION EXTRAHrr Poms
elves wearing metal collars and breastplates and carrying 15 6
silver trumpets. Those who have seen both insist that these 16 12
archons are even more beautiful than avariel. Trumpet 17 18
archons blow their horns to announce their arrival at any des- 18 24
tination-and they travel quite a bit. In addition to serving as
messengers of higher archons and powers, trumpets have the Alignment: All trumpet archons are lawful good.
vital task of escorting the spirits of the newly dead back to
their raised or resurrecfed bodies. Because of this, they alone of Armor Class: The natural Armor Class of a trumpet is -3.
all archons are free to leave Mount Celestia without permis-
sion from their superiors. Thus, lantern, hound, warden, and Languages: Trumpet archons can converse telepathically with
sword archons all hold the trumpets in awe. all sentient creatures of animal Intelligence or higher.They
'Rumpets differ from lesser archons in another respect, have an innate understanding of all languages they hear.
too-they all take orders from one of their own kind, a plat-
inum-fitted trumpet named Israfel, who is the appointed lord hficiencies: h p e t archons can wield any weapon profi-
of heralds. It seems that this being turned down a promotion ciently However, they rarely attack with any weapons other
to the station of throne archon so that he might accept this than their trumpets (see"Special Benefits" below). Like other
distinguished position. Player character trumpets also report archons, they need not study or practice to gain nonweapon
to Israfel, performing tasks at his command. proficienaes. They make all profiaency checks at a +3 bonus.
Unless the DM plans to run a celestial campaign in which
player characters am the rulers and lawmakers of Mount Advancement: Beginning trumpet archons retain the experi-
Celestia, the station of trumpet archon is the highest any PC ence points they had as swords, but they start their new
can ever achieve. If a trumpet player character earns enough careers with lead collars and bmtplates. Those PC swords
experience points to gain platinum accoutrements and who perform particularly valorous, noble, or selfless acts gain
accepts promotion to the rank of throne archon, retirement or "experience" that not only increases their status, but also trans-
relegation to "C status is the next logical step. (Thmne forms their fittings into metal of greater purity, according to the
archons are not adventurous and seldom leave their realms. table below. A trumpet archon whose accoutrements become
Besides, they're so virtuous and perfect that few players platinum is eligible for promotion to throne archon status.
would be able to run them effectively.)
Ability Scores: Trumpet archons gain a +1bonus to Intelli- Lead
gence, a +2 bonus to Wisdom, and a +3bonus to Charisma. Tm
Their final ability scores must fall within the following ranges: Brass
Strength 9 18 Gold
Dexterity 9 18 Platinum
Constitution 9 18
Intelligence 12 19
Wisdom 12 20 Special Benefits:Trumpet archons have all the innate spell-
charisma 16 21 like abilities common to their race. In addition, they can use
spells from all priest spheres as if they were 17th-level casters.
Trumpets generally disdain combat, but when they must
Class Restrictions: Like other archons,trumpets have no fight, they do so fiercely.
character classes. They all share the same abilities and judge These noble beings have 40% magic resistance, and only
thek prowess not by the powers they possess but by how magical weapons of +3 or better enchantment can hit them.
they use them. They can fly at a rate of 21 (maneuverability class B).

A trumpet archon‘s silver horn emits a sound of heavenly In addition to escorting and rescuing mortal spirits, trum-
beauty and utter clarity when blown. All nonarchons who pet archon Pcs sometimes hunt down fallen archons and per-
hear it must make a successful saving throw vs. spell or stand suade them to return and face the Celestial Tribunal. In such
awestruck and motionless for ld4 rounds. The instruments cases, trumpets must also undo any damage the fallen celes-
serve another purpose as well-at their users’ commands, tial’s questionable actions may have caused. However, since
they instantly transform into silver swords +3. h p e t fallen archons are few in number, trumpets can go a long time
archons can attack twice per round with these weapons, between such missions.
inflicting ldlO points of damage per hit (plus Strength modi- Often, higher archons and deities send trumpet archons on
fiers). A trumpet archon receives only one trumpet in his of special errands. For example, a trumpet might have to wrest a
her immortal lifetime. Should anyone ever steal this horn, it mortal’s captured spirit from the clutches of a succubus or
transforms into a useless chunk of lead until its rightful convey a warning from an upper-planar power to an Abyssal
owner reclaims it. lord planning an attack on a paladin’s stronghold on the Out-
As noted above, trumpet archons may come and go from lands. In such cases, the deities of Mount Celestia might dis-
Mount Celestia as they please, though they rarely leave their patch one or more fearless trumpet archons to the Lower
home plane without purpose. Wherever they go, they always Planes to ensure that the message reaches the fiend in the
sound their arrival with their trumpets. very heart of its domain.
In fact, fiends pose constant problems for the archons-
Special Hindrances: Trumpet archons never wear armor or and for all celestials. The Lords of the Nine (the rulers of
carry shields, though with their impressive Annor Class Baator) and the uncountable Abyssal lords (the tyrants of the
values and transforming trumpets, they don’t really need Abyss) view the worlds of the Prime Material Plane as ripe
a d d i t i d protection. A bit shorter than the warden and for conquering. Were it not for celestial intervention, many of
sword archons, trumpets stand only 7 feet tall. Nevertheless, these worlds would long since have fallen to the hordes of
they still suffer the extra damage appropriate to Large-sized evil. Trumpet archons provide much of that intervention by
targets from weapon attacks. Like sword archons, trumpets expelling fiends from prime-material worlds and destroying
avoid combat whenever possible and never attack weak or their gateways. The efforts of these shining beings keep the
defenseless foes. greedy, grasping hordes and the Blood War itself from
Interestingly, while trumpets often visit other planes to spilling out of the Lower Planes.Indeed, trumpet ZlIchOns
conduct business on behalf of their superiors, they are forbid- often find themselves face-to-face with some of the most
den to meddle in the affairs of mortals. What’s more, they hideous lower-planar c r e a m imaginable.
must try to inspire goodness in others using as few magical Since they cannot meddle in mortal affairs, tnunpets strug-
abilities as possible. Trumpet archons can’t go around resur- gle to perform their task while keeping their very existences
recting champions of good and destroying villains‘ castles secret from those whose worlds they’re defending. Some-
with earthquake+the gods of Mount Celestia consider such times, though, a mission requires that they interact with the
uses of power gratuitous and inappropriate. Even something locals. They typically accomplish thisby serving as busted
as benign as healing an injured person with a cure serious aides and companions, offering insights and words of
wounds spell might constitute ”inappropriate intervention,” wisdom rather than intervening directly.Even then, they offer
especially if it happened frequently and indiscriminately. aid for only a short time.
Trumpets who meddle in mortal affairs or abuse their powers
receive immediate recalls to Mount Celestia, where the
powers or their emissaries review the situation and apply E d e n Archons
appropriate penalties (as described in “Fallen Archons,” Not every archon is perfect, and not all of these beings can
below). handle the rigors of being good, p w , virtuous, and merciful
all the time. Sometimes, an archon chocwes to reject the ways
Roleplaying Notes: When the spirit of a newly deceased of the race, earning expulsion from the hierarchy. Punishment
lawful good mortal arrives on Mount Celestia, it takes the in such cases depends on the magnitude of the transgression.
form of a lantern archon if the powers deem it worthy. If Since archons are naturally forgiving creatures, it takes a dis-
someone rubes or resurrects that mortal before he or she can play of incredible foolishness for an archon to fall from grace
advance to the rank of hound, someone must escort the spirit and lose all hope of redemption.
back across the planes to its awaiting body. This job falls to Archons who demonstrate malevolent intent, ignore
the trumpet archons, who ensure the safe passage of spirits orders fromtheir superiors, use their powers to aid or influ-
back to the mortal world. ence mortals directly, indulge in wanton behavior, shirk
Occasionally, an evil being snares a lawful good mortal responsibility, or decline to show mercy to their enemiea are
spirit for its own dark gratification, often hoping to use that ripe candidates for what celestials call descendance. In such
life force to fuel some loathsome magical item. Trumpet cases, the celestial’s superiors review the evidence and decide
archons find and liberate such captive spirits, then bring whether the offender is worthy of his or her current statim.
them to the safety of the Mount. Those whose actions are unacceptable lose p u n d within the

hierarchical structure. For archons, descendance means a Neutral good
d u c t i o n in the purity of their metal fittings, or even demo- An archon who believes that the end justifies the means and
tion to a lower station. is willing to break the law for the "greater good" has suffered
If an offender flees Mount Celestia to escape judgment or an alignment shift from lawful good to neutral good. There
commits a crime while on another plane, an archon of are three forms of punishment for such behavior:
higher station locates the transgressor and requests that he
or she return to the Mount voluntarily. The higher-ranked As with chaotic good archons,a neutral good archon
celestial never tries to force the other to come back; the who seeks redemptton loses metal purity for a small
request is just that. Offenders who refuse to comply, how- offense or drops by one station @epinningagain with
ever, can never return to their home plane without facing lead fittings at the new one)for a more serious crime.
their superiors' wrath. Such beings are known as fallen As with chaotic good archons, neutralgood archons who
archons. wish to leave their home plane can ask the gods to tum
Fallen archons often feel they can justify their offenses. No thernifltootheraPat ~his case, 1st-level g L w d h l 5 .
matter the intent, however, an archon's fall always happens Neutral good archons who flee the Mount or refuse to
because of some alignment shift away from lawful goodness. become guardinah are expelled from the Mount in their
Usually, the transgressors move toward one of the following current forms.
alignments. (Perhaps because of their strong beliefs, archons
rarely fall toward true neutrality.) evil
Two options for punishment are available for d o n s who
chaotic good commit lawful evil, neutral evil, or chaotic evil acts. The gods
An archon who has good intentions but fails to follow the may reduce them to lantern status and give them the opportu-
rules set down by higher-order archons undergoes an align- Nty to redeem themselves, or they may simply destroy them
ment shift from lawful good to chaotic good. These impulsive utterly to prevent their abhorrent natures from contaminating
celestials face one of three forms of punishment. the rest of Mount Celestia. Evil-minded archons usually by to
flee the plane to escape such "tyranny." Those who do 80 a~
Chaotic good archons who seek redemption for minor banished to the Prime Material Plane, SI@, or elsewhere.
grievances suffer one-step reductions in the purity of Evil archons lose a l l connection to theirhome plane. Within
their metal fittings, along with a corresponding loss of days of leaving Mount Celestia, they begin an excruciatingly
experience points. For example, the metal fittings of a painful physical trardomation that ends with transformation
sword archon who merited such Punishment might into lemures (lawful evil), manes (chaotic evil), or larvae (neu-
revert from bronze back to brass. tral evil), depending the they fell.Those Who SW-
vive the transfomth and subsequent enslavement to
Particularly egregious offenses result in a one-level reduc- hi~erfiendsmightMnnedayripetobecomepowerful
tion in station, plus reversion of the offender's fittings to fiends themselves. More often, however, the fiends simply
lead-again, with the appropriate loss of experience. Thus,a destroy these former archons utterly.
sword archon with bronze fittings would become a warden
archon with lead fittings for such a transgression.
A chaotic good archon who desires to leave Mount Asuras are noble avengers and righteous warriors. They
Celestia can petition the powers to transform him into a travel throughout the Upper planes,serving the powers as
1st-level asuras. The gods grant this request only if the messengers and heralds. Asuras are voices of howledge,
archon's intentions or offenses have not been evil or bringing wisdom to mortal priests and seers. They also carry
malicious in natwe-and only if it suits them to do so. messages of revenge, punishment, and death to thosewho
Unrepentant archons who flee Mount Celestia or make it have angemd the gods.
clear that they don't wish to become asuras are ousted Asuras appear as wiUowy, fairdumd * humanoidswith
from the Mount in their present forms. Such fallen celes- birdlike talons for feet and wings of brightly burning flame.
ti& retain their attack capabilities,but lose all mystical They have fiery eyes and hair of flaming copper or gold. The
powers that connection with the plane afforded. Thus, males wear feather-ted h e h of bronze.
fallen hound archons would keep their appearances and
natural attacks, but lose the ability to shupechunge or
summon lantern archons. Warden and sword archons Their powers
would retain their appearances and natural attacks, but An asuras can make two talon attacks (ld10 points of damage
lose their priest spells. Trumpet archons would lose not each) and one weapon attack (weapon of choice, typically a
only their priest spells, but their silver trumpets as well. scimitaror huge spear) each round. Both claw attacks must
be against the same target; the weapon attack may be against
the same opponent or a different one.

Asuras sometimes fight in groups called flights. Members
of a flight blow mighty trumpets as they enter battle, and the Their virtues
sound of those horns causes rampant fear among evil crea- More than any other celestial race, asuras are prone to certain
tures. Even if they are not yet engaged in conflict, evil-aligned vices-most of which are attributable to their chaotic nature.
beings with 3 Hit Dice or less must make morale checks upon Jealousy and envy are common among thesebeings, P ~ C U -
hearing these trumpets. larly when it comes to competing for the attention of their
Three or more asuras of any level working together can gods. Although they always mean well, they can be abrasive,
create a buming wind with their wings. Each round, this hot judgmental, impulsive, intolerant, and stubborn. However,
blast of air inflicts 2d10 points of damage (no saving throw) asuras do not recant on deals, and they never fail in their duty,
upon all evil beings within a 60-foot radius. Only evil crea- though how they go about achieving success is often a matter
tures can feel the burning wind; it inflicts no injury upon of personal prefeence. They smite evil without giving it a
good or neutral beings. Asuras engaged in creating a burning second thought and never negotiate with fiends or uleir ilk.
wind cannot otherwise participate in combat. Asuras are just about the most passionate celestials imagi-
As asuras gain levels and increase their power, they nable. They are quick to love, quick to anger, impatient with
become more radiant. This luminescence increases their delay, and eager to serve. All asuras crave conflict, and they
Charisma scores by 1point each level. Although these beings prefer to resolve their disputes directly and immediately.
lack the highly-structured hierarchy of the archons,particu-
larly radiant asuras can easily assume leadership roles. Their
innate magnetism ensures the loyalty of the lower-level
Their Role in the planes
asuras who serve under them. These celestials function in loose groups called hosts. An
Asuras also gain other abilities as they increase in level asuras may freely leave one host and join another, as all host
(see “Special Benefits,” below). leaders welcome the services of gifted individuals. Such lead-
ers are typically high-level asuras with high Constitution and
Wisdom scores.
Their Realms
Asuras roam the Upper Planes freely, When not carrying mes- Their Relationships
sages for the powers or crushing some heinous evil, they go
where they please. wi*h other celestmls
huras dislikebothaasimon and archoras,seeing them as rivals
for the attention of the good powm. Asuras frequently find
themselves at odds with aasimon. Since both races roam the
Upper planes M y , they have plenty of opportrmities for con-
tact. conflicts with archons are far less common,since the

I .
latter are good enough to confine themselvesto Mount Celes-
tia. Asuras rarely let theirrivalrieswith members of other races
degenerate into blows, and they never mort to double-dealing
or underhanded meamms. Instead, they maintain OPenEy con-
temptuous attitudes toward both aasimon and axhons.
b y asuras enjoy spending l & m time on the plane of
Arborea. They adore and respect the eladrin who are, in
many ways, their kindred spirits.Both racesare extmnely
passionate in their dedication to presening goodness and
stamping out evil. Whenever there is a dispute between the
.I adtons and the eladrin, the asuras are quick to take the
latter’s side, even when logic might dictate otherwise.
The asuras also like and respect Who
seem utterly peaceful at home and yet fresuenuy mount light-
ning raids against evil stmngholds in the Lower Planes. Asuras
count on glladdsto help maintain peacebetween their
people and the aasimon,but they oftenbecome annoyed when
the glladds fail to take their si& in a givendisagreement.

The general of the Grand Celestial Host is a 25th-level asuras

warrior named Absalom. This luminous being commandsan

vembra Moonflame, 1 :Talons of venyeance
rembra has ruby-tipped talons for feet and wings of burning special Abilities
h. Her cropped hair is red with copper highlights, and a Vembra can cast priest spells as a 5th-level priest with 20
ight dusting of freckles covers her neck and shoulders. She Wisdom. In addition, she can use each of her innate abilities
ypically wears a gold-trimmed toga of snow white. (detect lie and true seeing) three times per day as a 5th-level
Vembra serves Soma, Indian god of the moon. When not caster. Like all asuras, Vembra requires no sleep, food, or air.
tand ding watch outside the Gates of the Moon in Ysgard, she
.oursthe planes of Ysgard and Arborea looking for lost trav- special Attacks
$ers to rescue and evil to stamp out. The sound of Vembra’s trumpet causes fear in evil creahes
This asuras is a impetuous,spirited avenger. She doesn’t who hear it (saving throw vs. spell to negate); evil beings
mow how to back down in a fight and shows utter con- with 3 Hit Dice or less must make successfulMorale checks
empt for anyone who does not wish to stand toe-to-toe with or flee immediately. She can combine her effortswith at leasi
?d. Her zealous devotion to good makes her intolerant of two other asuras to create a burning wind that inflicts 2d10
?vi1in any form, 80 it is a simple matter for fiends and other points of damage to all evil creatures within a @foot radius
!vil beings to provoke her. Vembra does not understand why (no saving throw).
he asuras have not led more strikes into the Lower Planes,
md she dislikes celestials who oppose her views on how special Defenses
pest to deal with the fiends. Vembra’s 20 Wisdom grants her immunity to muse fear,
Her greatest wish is to join the CelesM Grand Host under charm person, command, forget, friends, hold person, hypnotism,
bcommand of GeneralAbsalom and follow him into battle ray of enjeeblement,and scare spells.
lgainst the h d s . ’zhe mthis, however, that her lack of self-
mntrol in combat situationsposesrisksto herself and thosein proficiencies
ler company. “hdom,her superiosfeel that she has a lot to Vembra is specialized in scimitar and proficient with long
earnbefore she is ready for such outings.They do, however, sword, spear, and long bow. Her nonweapon proficiencies
ecogniz Vembra’s desire to spread her wings, 80 they fre- are Blind-fighting Bowyer/Flet&er (14),Charioteering (In,
luently send her on missionsto the Outlands. Though waiting Planar Direction Sense ( X ) ,Planar Sense (19),Planar Sur-
or her hearys desire makes her despondent, she- vival (Arborea, 17 and Ysgard, 17), and Tracking (20).
&es out these with characterbliczeal. With her
lnerring sense of direction, she has guided countless travelers special Equipment
h g h d i E d t or hostile terrain to their intended desthatim. Vembra wields an intelligent scimitar +2 named Night-
cent (AL CG; IhT 16; Ego 13).It can communicate with her
statistics telepathically and cast starshine once per day.In addition,
‘kmbra Moonflame, female aswas F4: AC -3 (Dex bonus); N i g h t m e n t allows its wielder to use negative plane protec-
Yn 12, fly 33 (C); HD 4; hp 29; THACO 17 (15 with scimitar tion three times per day.Vembra also wears a nephilus of spell
-2); #AT 3; h g ld10+1/ld10+1/ld8+3; SA trumpetb h , immunity with four feathers. “his necklace proteas her from
wning wind; SD spell immunities; MR 20%; SZ M (5’7” enemation, firebull, lightning bolt, and polymorph other spells.
all); ML fearless (19); Str 16, Dex 15, Con 11, Int 18, Wis 20,
:ha 15; AL CG; XP 3,000. powers
Spells h4emorized (61613):lst-command, cure light wounds Primary Powec Soma (Intermediate/CG/Ysgard).
x 2), detect evil, fuerie fire, protection from evil; 2nd-uid, S e c o n d q Power: None
augury, hold person, resist firelresist cold, wound transfer: silence
15’ rudius; 3rddivine weakness“, prayer, remove purulysis. personality
*Indicates spells detailed in the “Celestial Magic” section Condemning, despondent, impetuous, zealous
if this book.
- _ .

army of thousands, and those who have served with him in race. However, they do possem (pellcasting ability,
campaignsagainst the baatezu, tanar’ri, and yugoloths believe
they have foundthe truepurpose of their existences. Ability Score Adjustments: Asuras PCs receive a +3 bonus to
Wisdom, a +2 bonus to Intelligence, and a -1 penalty to Con-
stitution. The adjusted scores of a beginning asuras character
A S U ~ as ~ S player characters
must fall within the following ranges:
All PC asuras begin the game as 1st-level warriors. Asuras
(singular and plural) e,
much like the agathinon, a warrior

ABILITY lllINIMuM lMAxrMuM At 8th level, asuras can polymorph self twice per day, with
strength 9 18 the same restrictions noted above.
Dexterity 9 18 At 9th level, an asuras warrior automatidy attracts a
COnStitution 3 17
Intelligence 12 20 host of followers (2d4 asuras wardom of lst4th level).
Wisdom 15 21 These auras are fervent, loyal warriors, although they
9 18 are by no means subsenient If treated w d , they serve
the character for an indetermhte time until another host
Class Restrictions:All asuras are fighters. There is no limit to lures them away. This does not diminish the PC’s follow-
the level they can achieve. in& however, as new &ts arrive to take the places of
thosewho have moved on. Asuras who are hated poor-
Average Height and Weighk Asuras stand M)/55 + 3d4 ly leave for another host immediately and are not
inches tall and weigh 120/100 + 5d10 pounds. The number m p l a d until the leader’s reputation has impwed.
before the slash der6 to males; the one after it to females. At 9th level, any asuras who has not yet obtained a mag-
ical weapon of choice receives a szuord +1, tongue as
Hit Dice: Asuras gain Hit Dice as do other PC fighters. They a special award.
are entitled to bonus hit points for high Constitution scores. At 12th level, an asuras warrior may become a trusted
lieutenant of a 16th-level asuras commander. Each year
Alignment: Most asuras are chaotic good, although neutral of service guarantees the character u0,oOO XF’,regardless
good individuals do exist. of how much combat occurs. Lieutenants continue to
attract lowerlevel asuras as followers, inmasing their
Armor Class: These radiant beings are Armor Class -2 (base). hosts to 4d4 warriors of 1st-11th level.
At 16th level, asuras warriors advance to the rank of
Languages: Asuras speak their own language, plus such Commander and report directly to General Absalom. At
additional languages as their individual Intelligence scores this point, they gain a permanent entourage of 2d4 8th-
allow (player‘s choice). level fanatically loyal asuras who obey their every
order-even sacrificing themselves upon command. In
Proficienaes: Asuras gain weapon proficienaes, nonweapon addition to these lieutenants, the Commander leads a
profiaencies, and weapon specializationsin the same manner wing of lodl0 asuras warriors of 1st-12th level. unlike
as do fighters. Most asuras include Blind-fighting, Planar the entourage, these troops constantly shift from host to
Direction Sense, Planar Sum’ml (UpperPlanes), and Planar Sense host and commander to commander.
among their nonweapon proficienaes.
Special Hindrances: Asuras are chaotic CreaturetcaS incon-
Special Benefits Asuras draw their sustenance from the Pos- stant as a blazing -ut they take their roles as staunch
itive Material Plane, so they q u i r e no food, air, or sleep. enforcers of good seriously. They live by a stria moral code
They fly at a rate of 33 (maneuverability class C).In addition that forbids lying, cheating, stealing, associating with or
to their natural attacks and their special group attack (bum- capitulating to evil beinga, and allowing evil deeds to go
ing wind), they can cast priest spells from any sphere at one unpunished. An asuras who confmnts an evil papetrator will
level higher than their own.Thus, an 8th-level asuras casts fight tirelessly until one or the other of them perishes.
spells as a %-level priest. Like priests, they gain bonus spells The code of the asuras also prohibits withdrawal from
and spell immunities for high Wisdom. battle and surrender. Those who show such cowardice lose
By means of their innate abilities, asuras can see the truth part of their “life fire,” incurrjng -4 penalties on a l l attack
behind iuusionsand veils of deceit. They can cast detect lie at rolls, saving throws, ability checks and profiamcy checks. If
will and hue seeing three times per day.All their innate spell- a host leader commits such a cowardly act, the host dis-
like abilities function at one level higher than their own. bands and no new recruits replace its members. The punish-
Asuras have magic resistance equal to five times their own ment for cowardly lieutenants or commanders is discharge
experience levels, up to a maximum of 80%. Thus,a 1st-level from the host and loss of rank All these penalties remain in
asuras has 5% magic resistance, an 8th-level asuras has Who, place until the offenders can redeem themselves by defeat-
and an 18th-level asuras has 80%. ing those same enemies to whom they surrendered or from
These shining warriors also gain additional abilities as whom they withdrew.
they rise in level Asuras never wear armor,but they may employ shields
and magical protective devices.
At 7th level, an asuras CM use polvmorph self once per Asuras who are not high enough in level to cast plane shift
day to become a human or demihuman of pleasing or some similar spell must use portals to travel from one
appearance. All asuras retain their fighting prowess, plane to the next. Thus,low-level asuras tend to confine
spellcasting abilities, and special defenses regardless of themselves to the Upper Planes.
their outward appearance.

Roleplaying Note%When not engaged in battle a g d fiends
and other vile creatures, asuras can do as they please within the dadrins
confines of the upper Planes.They are, in the truest sense, free Eladrins are spectacular and passionate beings native to the
spirits-wandering from place to place, looking for signs of plane of Arborea-a wilderness of violent moods and deep
trouble, and rootingout evildcers.Other ways of life fascinate affections. Some believe that elves who age beyond their
them,and they often attach themselves for a time to other beings mortal liiespans become eladrins in the elven equivalent of
who seem wildly different.It is not uncommon for an asuras to the afterlife. Others have suggested that the spirits of slain
keep company with an &drin traveler or a p u p of human chaotic good elves reappear in Arborea as newly forrned
phewaUcers, or to serve as a guardian for a caravan of planar eladrins. The eladrins themselves are silent about the issue,
merchants.Asuras also make excellent and willing mercararie6. but in fact neither of these suppositions is true. Though some
,- asuras ccmumdm call u p their lowel4evel of these faerie beings could pass for elves, and the race as a
followersto avenge a death, particularly if the victim’s friends whole is on good terms with the elven pantheon, eladxins are
and familyare unable or unwilljngto exact vengeance them- born on Arborea to eladrin parents, not created fnnn other
selves. otfier missions appropxiatefor a PC asuras might involve mortal beings. They are mirror reflections of the land they
tracking down and destroyingfiendish infiltrakm, rrtaking a inhabit: stunningly beautiful, seemingly delicate, surprisingly
keep on theupper planes or outlandsthat has fallen toevil war- hearty, and deeply magical.
mongers, accompanyingan eladrin sage m a missionto recover Lesser eladrim-bralani, coures, novieres, and s h i m
vitalherbsandmedicinesto CUE m e p l a w plague, discourag- normally confine themselves to their home plane. Greater
ing a self-rightmm aasimonfromenforcinglawinachaoticburg eladrim-firres, ghaeles, and tulani-can wandex the multi-
on Arbom, stoppinga group of evil hunismmtemrhhgthe verse serving the cause of good as they desire.
Beastlands, or delivering an important message from a planar Planewalkers who encounter eladrins often descrii them
power to a temple in Si@ or the Outlands.Asuras canalso leave as wild, and indeed they are the most unabashed of the celes-
theupper Planes and live as aswas, $desired. tial races. They exult in their own existence, aiding the good-
hearted against the tyranny of evil through individual acts of
Rogue A S U ~ as
~ S player kindness and heroism. Eladrins are fervently independent,
moving from plane to plane seemingly on a whim, defending
characters goodness and freedom wherever anything threatens it.
As creaturesborn of chaos, asuras sometimes lose their way. Unlike archons and aasimon, eladrins are not truly immor-
For whatever reason, such an asuras might end up without a tal. Like elves, they age very slowly--too slowly, even, to
power to serve. Such beings typically roam the planes, commit- measure in years or centuries. They spend their long, happy
ting random acts of charity and good will. They defend the childhoods in the twilight courts of Arborea, which drift
downtrodden, rescue the oppressed, and provide for the needy, through the plane like clouds of ether, both invisible and
These asuras often become so namwly focused that they will impenetrable to outsiders. When they reach maturity and feel
do anything to achieve the desired end, sometimes even get- ready to leave the courts, they may strike out on their own to
ting carried away in violence and misusing their powers. fillwhatever niches the gods intend for them.
Some believe that asuras who spend too much time away
from the Upper Planes begin to go a little crazy and lose per-
spective on the whole good vs. evil issue. Such an asuras Their powers
might attack a hunter who killed a deer to feed the hungry or All eladrins can use the following spell-like powers once per
maul a wizard accused of giving an apprentice too much round, at will: alter self, comprehend languages, cure light
homework. Few asuras stray this far from the true path, how- wounds, detect eml, and phantasmal fmce. Any effects dependent
ever, as most feel the call of the Upper Planes often enough to on caster level function at 9th level.
prevent such lapses. Eladrins have natural resistance to many kinds of attacks.
Occasionally, a rogue asuras succumbs to the charms of a Lesser eladrins are immune to electricity and suffer only half
particularly pious or righteous human or demihuman. The damage from cold, f k ,and gas. They suffer double damage
offspring of such a union is an aasimar-usually with fair from weapons of cold-wrought iron;however, if such
skin, piercing eyes, and the innate ability to detect lie in the weapons are also enchanted, they inflict only normal damage.
same manner as his or her asuras parent. (The magic spoils the baneful properties of the iron.) Greater
Player characters wishing to serve the cause of good eladrins are immune to cold and elechiaty and suffer only
beyond the shapeless confines of the vaunted Upper Planes half damage from fke, gas, and poison. They suffer normal
may become rogue asuras. As such,they retain all of their damage from all cold-wrought iron weapons, even though
powers and inhibitions, but suffer only the penalties that all they are immune to other nonmagical weapons. Finally, all
celestials do for extended absences from the Upper Planes. eladrins suffer normal damage from silver weapons
Adventuring possibilities are endless, as rogue asmas often enchanted sufficientlyto hit.
find themselves keeping company with all manner of well- Any eladrin can travel to any Upper Plane, the Outlands,
intentioned ruffians and foolhardy crusaders. and the Astral Plane. Greater eladrins also can journey to any

Outer or Inner Plane, the Ethereal Plane, or any primematwial sudden, ephemeral awareness of their departue and, for
re&. They can freely enter any world they can reach; waiting those who cared about them, an overwhelming sense of loss.
for a native to sunurum them is not.-n However, This sensation doesn’t reveal precisely where or how the
eladrins must magically veil themselves when on the Prime. deaths occurred, although folk tales claim that if they
Veiled eladrin assume the guises of beings native to the involved violence, other eladrins can subsequently identify
world in which they are traveling. They usually take human the slayers simply by looking into their eyes.
or demihuman fan,pretending to be adventurers, p e w @ ,
or wandering bards. Once committed to their veils, they
cannot reveal their true natures except under the direst cir-
Their Realms
cumstances. This means that while in the presence of mortals, Eladrins inhabit the plane of Arborea, which has three layers:
the veiled eladrins cannot do anything that their assumed Olympus (the first), Ossa (thesecond), and Pelion (thethird).
identities couldn’t do. (They don’t lose their eladrin powers; The bralani reside in Pelion, a dusty realm of blowing white
they are simply forbidden to use them where prime-material sand that is home to the Egyptian goddess Nephythys. The
mortals can see.) Any eladrim who violate their veils are coures, firres, and ghaeles roam throughout all three layers of
recalled to Arborea, where they must stay for 1,001years the plane, although they spend most of their time in Olym-
before they may walk the Prime Material Plane again. Usu- pus. The shieres and the noble tulani also prefer this layer to
dy,the gods grant the offending eladrins a brief period-a the others. The beautiful, seaborne novieres are most preva-
few minutes, or a n hour at most-to attend to any business lent in Ossa, the watery layer.
they must finish before returning.
When eladrins die beyond the borders of Arborea, their
spirits, unless captured, return to their home plane, where
Their virtues
they are eventually reborn as other eladrii. When eladrins die Eladrins believe that actions speak louder than words. They
on Arborea, the pain (or, in some cases, glory) of their deaths are willing to take extreme risks and employ unorthodox tac-
can be felt by all who knew them, regardless of the interven- tics in their continuous efforts to destroy evil wherever it
ing distance. The sensation is nothing rears its ugly head. Among their greatest virtues is their per-
severance. Eladrins regularly fight against tremendous odds
virtue, charity, kindness, and the like. But the inherently good and relenting, while the archons claim that the eladrins are
eladrins allow themselves to be guided more by instinct than too eager to invite full-scale wars against the baatezu and
rules. These beings don’t quibble over whether their actions tanar‘ri. This difference has led to conflicts between the two
serve the greater good or inspire goodness in others. Instead, races, but the timely intervention of mediating guardinals or
they follow their hearts and do what must be done. More the powers themselves usually quells such feuds quickly.
often than not, their actions aid rather than inhibit the cause Eladrins find the asuras amusing. The latter gladly assume
of good. Sometimes their deeds might seem rash, but asking part of the responsibility for defending Arborea against fiedish
eladrins not to follow their hearts is like asking archons to i n d o n s , but while the eladrins are grateful for the assistance,
stop sounding their trumpets. they consider Arbom their plane and sometimes resent the
Eladrins do not lie, cheat, or steal-unless compelling cir- presenceoftheircelestialauies.conflictsbetweeneladrinsand
cumstances dictate otherwise.For example, an eladrin might asuras rarely escalatebeyond disparaging glances and a few
steal a ranger’s sword to compel the reluctant woodsman into choice wolds and both sides aw quick to forget such altexa-
aiding with the completion of an important quest. Similarly, tions. Small eladrin and asuras sects have been known to fight
an eladrin who rescues a child of destiny from evil,unscrupu- each other and in suchcasesneither side is willing to admit
lous parents might lie about their to ensum that the how much the two races are alike.
youngster neither despises nor emulates them later in life. Although they have little contact with the gwdhds,
eladrins get along well with them. In fact, eladrins and guardi-
nals often conduct joint operations against the forcesof evil.
Their Role on the planes These usually take the form of covert strikes into the upper-
Eladrins have no predefined roles in the multiverse. They do most layers of the Lower planes or c a d d y calculatedraids on
as they please, relying on the archons and the aasimon to be ficmdish strongholds. Truly,eladrins and guardinals have much
the upholders of truth and virtue and counting on the guardi- in common-both are fiercely proteaive of theirhomelands
nals and asuras to destroy the greater evils of the cosmos. and view evil an infectionto be destroyed Utterly and with-
Eladrins believe in individual freedom of choice, and as such, out hesitation. If the eladrins have any m p l a i n t about the
they may not interfere in the lives of mortals. Queen Morwel gwdhds, it would be that the latter are too shy and in-
(see“Notable Eladrins,” below) does not impose order on her spective. On the whole, though, eladrins have come to mpxt
people, provided that their actions do not endanger the g u a d i d s , both on the field of battle and in diplomacy
eladrins’ very existence.
where the archons are the angelic symbolsof all that is good
and pure, and the aasimon are the self-proclaimed guardians of Notable dadrins
the greater good, the eladrins take a more direct role in dealing The most powerful and influential eladrin in Arborea is
with the forces of wickedness. If they can’t manipulate evil into Queen Monvel, Lady of Stars, Sovereign of the “Might
destroying itself,they’re willing to risk their own lives to ensure Realm. Surrounded by the most radiant eladrins, Morwel
that it gains no foothold, making whatever sacrifices are needed d esfrom the Court of Stars, which moves from place to
to deal with the immediate problem. place within Arborea, existing only where night falls over the
realm. (The queen’s spired palace phases in and out of the
Border Ethereal.)The Court is not the government of the
Dealinp- with other c e l e s h l s eladrins as much as it is the heart and spirit of the race.
Eladrins regard the aasimon with tremendous awe, firmly Morwel, a beautiful and benevolent tulani eladrin, is a
acknowledging the purity and might of such beings as devas, 25th-level fighter and 25th-level wizard. Vaems, an 18th-level
phetam, and s o b . The eladrins make it clear by their fighter and 19th-level priest, is her sly tulani consort. He pro-
actions, however, that the aasimon had best not flaunt their vides guidance and assistance as needed with delicate mat-
status. To keep things simple, they usually try to keep a ters of state. The two have a lasting peace with the elven
respectful distance from the aasimon and are careful not to pantheon and consult with them periodically in mattem that
step on the latters’ toes. As far as the eladrins are concerned, affect elves and eladrins on specific primematerial worlds.
there’s plenty of mom on the Upper Planes for the aasimon Vaems and Morwel adore each other increasingly with
and eladrin races to coexist harmoniously. each passing night. Though it is more of a faerie tale than an
Eladrins and archons are opposites. While the archons are actual belief, some eladrins think that without their mutual
content to stay at home and uphold the virtues of Mount love, the eladrins would lose their magical powers.
Celestia, the eladrins roam the planes, defiantly blocking the
machinations of fiends bent on planar conquest. Where the
&om are content to inspire goodness by example, the dadrins as player characters
eladrins are more interested in smiting evil where it stands. Like standard AD&D player characters, eladrin P C s gain
By such deeds, they give the cause of good a much-needed experience points for their heroic endeavors and advance in
foothold in places that more lawful celestials fear to tread. their chosen character classes. Whereas the immortal celes-
Eladrins have often accused the archons of being too passive tial races-the aasimon and the archons-actually change

srieme, the Triton's co
Brieme's natural form is that of a lithe, blue-scaled human
femalewith deep blue-green hair and bright, silvery eyes. special Awacks
Her elongated ears are pointed, but she has no webbing Once per day, Briem
between her &gem and toes. She never appears in her true feet. This attack infli
form on the Prime Material Plane unless she's alone. within a 5-foot-wide path. A successful saving throw vs.
Brieme's patron deity is Ahto, a greater god who resides spell halves the damage.
on the Elemental Plane of Water. This god has been court- The eladrin can throw her net up to 30 feet underwater
ing the elusive triton goddess P e r ~ awho~ , has so far and 60 feet on land. The victim must make a successful
spurned most of his blatant advances. However, she is con- saving yzation or be entangled for ld6
cerned for the well-being of her loyal triton worshipers on rounds
Toril, for sahuagin have posed a constant threat to them, Brieme can also assume the shape of a watery d
and an evil demipower known as the Taker has driven this form, her AC is -3 and she a n ram opponents
countless others from their homes. She is particularly con- points of damage per successful hit. On a ~ t ~ r1 a l
cerned about a triton king named Mirentos for whom she attack roll, she envelops and holds her foe, who must
has a special, secret fondness,and she believes he needs make a successful Bend Bars/Lift Gates check to break h.
guidance. Brieme can use the following spell-like powers, once per
To gain Persana's favor, Ahto agreed to send one of his mund at will: alter seZf, charm person, comprehend languages,
novia worshipers to serve as advisor to King Mirentos. continual light, cure light wounds, detect evil, impwved p h a n k
Cleverly, he chose the beautiful Brieme. She appeared in ma1 force, m i m r image, phantusmal @e, and s l m . All her
the king's palace, claiming to be the sole survivor of spell-like powers function at 9th level. Once per day, she
another triton community the sahuagin had ravaged, and confer ruater breathing on another creature.
quickly won the ruler's heart. Brieme now advises Miren-
tos in all matters, offering him ways to counter the sahua- special Defense
gin threats and the Taker's evil machinations, using her Brieme is immune to cause feiar, chnrm pm,cmnwnd,eef,
magic subtly to aid his cause, and helping him protect his friends, hold person, hypnotism, r q of enfeebhmt, and m e
community. The shell necklace she wears is a gift from spells. She is also immune to electricity, and she suffers onlv
Mirentos for the help she has already given. - half d a m a-s from cold, fire, and gas attacks.
Brieme's fine work has rather angered the goddess Per-
sana,who views her as a rival for the triton king's affec- proficiencies
tions. Persana has not informed Ahto of her displeasure, Brieme is proficient with dagger, mancatcher, net, spear, and
not wishing to offend the greater god, but she has sent her trident. Her nonweapon profiaencies are: Andent History
own agents
- to thwart the noviere's efforts. (FaerCln, 15), Artistic Ability (Sculpture, 14), Dancing (14),
Engineering (Underwater, 13), Ehquette (19),Planar-Direction
statistics Sense (15),Planar SurViWl (Arborra, 15),Religion (14),Spell-
Female noviere eladrin F6h46 AC 2 (shell necklace of protec- craft (14),Swimming - (17), and Weaving (15):
tion + I ) or -3 (watery dolphin form); M V 15,swim 24;HD
6;hp 41;THACO 15; #AT 1; Dmg ld4 (dagger), ld6 (spear), Special Equipmenf
ld6+1 (trident), or 2d8 (ram); SA water bolt, net, ram, spell-
like powers; SD immunities; SW double damage from non- mand in &foot ra
magical cold-iron weapons; MR 20%; SZ M (5.r tall or 7'
g); ML fanatic (18);Int exceptional (16);AL NG; XP
command. She
Spells Memorized (41212): 1st-magic missile, m
sage, twilight touch'; 2nd--bind, ESP;
shroud presence".
Priest Spells Memorized (51311): lst-uquntic animal fiend-
ship, detect predator"*,float"*, radiant messenger*, sanctuary;
2nd-augu y,slow poison, speak with aquatic animals; 3rd-
continual light.
'Indicates a spell described in the "Celestial Magic" sec-
tion of this book.
wIndicates a spell described in of Ships and the Sea (2170).

form as they rise through their hierarchies, the eladrins fighters of thb race may specialize. Most bralani choose profi-
don’t. A bralani, for example, will remain a bralani until ciency with the spear, the bow, the scimitar, and other
death. weapons favored by desert nomads, though PC bralani are
free to make their own selections.
sralani Recommended nonweapon profiaenaes include the fol-
In their natural form, bralani resemble short, stocky elves- lowing: Ancient History, Bowyer/Fletcher, Local History,
broad in the shoulders, but graceful nonetheless. They have Planar Direction Sense, Planar Sense, Spellcraft, and Tumbling.
bright, silvery-white hair and eyes like evershifting rain- Bralani can also have Dancing and Planar Sum’zml (Arbom) as
bows-indeed, the eye color of these beings seems to flicker bonus proficiencies. (Italicized proficienaes are described in
and change with their moods. the Planewalker’s Handbook [2620].)

Ability Scores: Bralani PCs gain +1bonuses to Strength and Special Benefit%Because of their high Dexterity and mastery
Dexterity and a -1 penalty to Wisdom. Their final ability of the wind, bralani are superb archers. In addition to any
scores must fall within the following ranges: missile attack adjustmentsbased on Dexterity, a bralani FC
has a +2 bonus to hit with any bow (long, short,or composite,
ABIL~ MINIMUM MAxIMvM but not crossbows).
strength 12 19 A bralani can, at will, assume the form of a living whirl-
Dexterity 9 19 wind. In this form, the eladrin has an Armor Class of -2 and
Constitution 8 18 can attack with two scourging sand- or snow-blasts per
Intelligence 8 18 round. Such a blast has a range of 20 feet and affects all crea-
Wisdom 8 17
tures within a cone 5 feet in diameter at its widest point.
Charisma 9 18
Damage from this attack depends on the bralani’s level (ld6
points at 2nd level, ld8 points at 4th level, ldlO points at 6th
Class Restrictions: In addition to the classes listed below, level, and ld12 points at 8th level and beyond). .
bralani can select of the following multiclassed options: Any creature within 20 feet of a bralani in whirlwind form
fighter/cleric, fighter/mage, fighter/mage/cleric, must make a successful saving throw vs. paralyzation or
mage/cleric, and cleric/ranger. incur a -2 penalty to attack rolls from the stinging dust. Any
man-sized or smaller creature within 5 feet(melee range) of
CLASS MAXIMUM LEVEL the whirlwind must make a second successful saving throw
Fighter 15 vs. paralyzation or be swept offbalance and thrown 5 feet per
Ranger 15 level of the bralani, to a maximum of 30 feet.
Mage 12 While in whirlwind form, a bralani can fly at a rate of 30
Specialist Wizard 12 (maneuverability class A). In humanoid form, these beings
Cleric 12
have a movement rate of 15 and can’t fly at all.
Bard 15
Bralani can be struck only by magical weapons or +1or
Average Height and Weight: Bralani stand 135/130 + 3d12 better enchantment or weapons forged of cold-wrought iron.
inches tall and weigh l25/110 + 3d10 pounds. The number They gain magic resistance at a rate of 5% per level (cumula-
before the slash refers to males; the one after it to females. tive), up to a maximum of 50% at loth level. Once per week,
bralani can heal others, but never themselves. The rest of a
Hit Dice: Bralani gain Hit Dice and bonus hit points for bralani’s magical abilities (all usable once per round, at will,
exceptionalConstitution according to character class. as a caster of equivalent level, unless otherwise noted)
emerge as the PC increases in level:
Alignment: Bralani are typically chaotic good. They may also
be neutral good or chaotic neutral, but never lawful or evil. At 2nd level, bralani gain the ability to cast charm person.
Each can also gate in ld4 other bralani once per day,
Armor Class: Bralani are Armor Class 6 (base)in normal form bringing them to the caster’s location with a 10%chance
or -2 (base) in living whirlwind form (described below). of success. Bralani use this power sparingly; the gods
strip thispower from those who routinely summon aid
Languages: Bralani can speak, read, and write the eladrin lan- or call upon their fellows for trivial matters.
guage. Like all their brethren, they have the innate power to At 3rd level, bralani can cast blur and mirror image.
comprehend languages and can speak and write additional lan- At 4th level, a bralani’s chance of successfully gating
guages of choice up to the limitsimposed by their Intelli- other bralani increases to 20%.
gence scores. At 5th level, bralani can cast cure disease, gust of wind, and
lightning bolt (l/day for 8d8 points of damage).
Proficiencies: Bralani gain weapon and nonweapon profi- At 6th level, bralani can cast control weather, wind wall,
ciencies of choice according to their character classes, and and either cure serious wounds or neutralize poison (2/day).
Furthermore, they gain an additional use of lightning bolt Class Restrictions: In addition to the classes listed below,
each day, and their chance to gate in their brethren SUC- coures can select from among the following multiclassed
cessfully increases to 40%. options: fighter/mage, fighter/cleric, fighter/druid,
fighter/thief, fighter/mage/cleric, fighter/mage/thief,
Special Hindrances: Bralani can wear armor to increase their mage/cleric, and mage/thief.
Armor Class, but those who do so cannot assume whirlwind
form while wearing it. Therefore, most prefer to rely on their cuss MAXIMUMLEVEL
Dexterity, natural immunities, and magic resistance to protect Fighter 5
them instead. Likewise, most bralani do not carry shields or Ranger 6
Mage 10
anything else that they cannot easily contain or conceal on
Specialist Wizard 10
their persons. Cleric 9
Like all eladrins, bralani must swear never to reveal their Druid 9
true natures to mortal creatures on the Prime Material Plane. Thief 10
However, those whose natures become known despite their Bard 10
best efforts to keep them hidden may then unveil themselves
to others. As long as the mortals who know the truth vow to Average Height and Weight: Coures stand 12/10 + 2d12
keep it secret, the upper-planar powers typically allow the inches tall and weigh 20/15 + 2d10 pounds. The number
compromised bralani to remain on the Prime; otherwise, the before the slash refers to males; the one after it to females.
eladrin must return to Arborea. (Infact, bralani can be
recalled to Arborea by their superiors or the powers at any Hit Dice: Coures gain Hit Dice according to character class.
time to fulfill other obligations, such as fending off a fiendish However, they receive no bonus hit points for exceptional
invasion or aiding in another urgent quest.) Constitution scores,regardless of class.

Roleplaying Notes: Bralani are temperamental, fickle, and Alignment: The vast majority of coures are chaotic good. The
full of passion. They are quick to anger, and their wrath is most mischievous and troublesome of their race are chaotic
formidable.Although these beings appear to have little pur- neutral, while the more socially tolerable ones lean toward
pose save to dance and race about the desert wastes of Pelion, neutral good. Coures can be neither lawful nor evil.
all such activities stop the moment they encounter evil in
their dolhain. A few rare and unusual bralani visit other Armor Class: Coures are Armor Class 9 (base) in normal form
worlds, allying themselves with the local forces of good. or 0 in orb form (see below).
If they find themselves in baffle on other planes, bralani
typically choose to act as scouts and skirmishers, harryingan LurguageS:CO~speak,~d#andwritethe&~language.
enemy's flanks and rear and using their whirlwinds to dis- Like all members of their race, they have theinnatepower tom-
rupt the foe as much as possible. On the Prime Material prehend kmsuages and can speak and write a d d i t i d languagesof
Plane, they assume human or demihuman form and wander choice up to thelimitsimposedby their I n
- scorn.
deserts or arctic wastes, aiding local nomads and other travel-
ers against various arid and arctic threats. Profidencies: C- gain weapon and nonweapon profi-
ciences according to their character classes. Warriors and rogues
coures can become proficient with the miniature short sword (ld4/ld3
Coures 2-foot-tall, spritelike eladrins with keen senses of points of damage), the miniature short bow and m w s
humor. They resemble tiny,slender elves with long, gossamer (ld3/ld2 points of damage), or any other tiny weapon. Thieves,
wings Wailing from their shoulders. They appear in a variety wizards, and bards of this race can wield miniakindaggers
of improbable colors and are fond of bright apparel. The typi- (ld2/1 points of damage), staves (ld2/1 points of damage),
cal c o w has a strong mischievous streak and a fondness for darts (1/0 points of damage). Priestscan be proficient with
song and dance. miniaW slings (ld2/1 points of damage), staves, and cudgels
(ld3/ld2 points of damage).Coure fighters may spedize.
Ability Scores: Coure PCs each have a +2 bonus to Dexterity Most coures have the following nonweapon proficiencies,
and a -2 penalty to Strength.Their adjusted ability scores though PCs are free to choose their own: Agriculture,Artistic
must fall within the following ranges: Ability, Dancing, Musical Instrument, Planur Sense, Read-
ing/Writing, Set Snares, Singing, Spellcraft, and Ventrilo-
ABILITY MINIMUM MAXIMUM quism. A c o w PC can also have a bonus proficiency in
strength 3 12 Planur Sum'ml (Arborea). (Italicized proficiencies are
Dexterity 9 20 described in the Planewalker's Handbook 126201.)
ConStitLltion 3 18
Intelligence 8 18
Wisdom 3 18 Special Benefits: In their normal forms, these faerie beings
Charisma 9 18 can attack twice per round, with a weapon in each hand.
They $so have wings that enable them to fly at a rate of 24 to harangue. Away from the sanctuary of Arborea, they’re
(manGverability class 8). quick to attach themselves to powerful individuals, offering
At will, however, a coure can shapechange into a globe of their services and occasionally providing much-needed levity.
faerie light 6 inches in diameter. Coures in globe form have Despite their natural humor and bright demeanor, c o r n
AC 0 and can fly at twice normal speed (movement rate 48, grow serious in the presence of evil creatures. They shun
maneuverability class A). A c- has only one attack in this direct confrontations, instead relying on sly hit-and-run tac-
form: a magical discharge equivalent to a m g i c missile spell. tics to win the day.
The PC can Rre one such missile per day at 1st level, two per The gods occasionally send coures to join bands of adven-
day at 2nd level, three per day at 3rd level, and four per day turers.Their powers, though seemingly minor, are extremely
(the maximum) at 4th level. A coure can make no physical or useful against ora and g o b l i i d . Such vile creatures might
magical attacks except this one while in globe form. not be as fearsome as fiends, but in large numbers they can
Coures are naturally skilled archers. Warriors proficient still pose a threat to good-aligned worshippers on the Prime
with bows receive +2 bonuses to all their attack rolls with Material Plane.
these weapons. This modifier is cumulative with benefits for
bow specialization. Pirres
In addition to the spell-like abilities common to all In their natural form, firre (pronouncedfeer) eladrins resem-
eladrins, c o r n have the following innate powers, each ble elves with brilliant red hair and fiery red eyes. At a dis-
usable once per round at will as a caster of equivalent level: tance, some mistake them for half-elves, but their eyes (which
audible glamer, cunfrip, dancing lights, f a d e fire, and sleep. At have neither iris nor pupil) blaze with an inner flame that
3rd level, every coure can, once per day, create a magical jest gives away their origins.
with an effect identical to that of Tasha’s uncontrolluble hideous
laughter. C o w begin play with 5% magic resistance at 1st Ability Scores: Firre PCs gain +1 bonuses to Strength and
level; thereafter they accumulate an additional 5% per level Intelligence and suffer a -1 penalty to Wisdom. Their final
(cumulative),up to a maximum of 25% at 5th level. ability scores must fall within the following ranges:

Special Hindrances: Coures are vulnerable to normal ABILITY MlNlMuM hh%lMuM

weapons and, like all lesser eladrins, they suffer double Strength 12 19
damage from weapons made of cold-wrought iron. They Dexterity 9 18
cannot gate others of their kind. COnStitution 9 18
Intelligence 11 19
These beings cannot wear armor. They must rely on their
Wisdom 8 17
Dexterity and their ability to assume orb form to keep them Charisma 9 18
from harm. Fighters and priests of this race can employ small
wooden shields, and c o w of all classes can use protective Class Restrictions:In addition to the classes listed below, fir-
magical items (appropriately sized). Given their size, how- res can also be multiclassed fighter/thieves.
ever, coures are unable to use most items and equipment
intended for larger PCs. The weapons they wield are specially cuss MAX.LEVEL
designed or cleverly improvised. Fighter 12
Like all eladrins, c o r n must swear never to reveal their Thief 12
true natures to mortals on the F’rime Material Plane. How- Bard 15
ever, the upper-planar deities don’t pay much attention to
what these small creatures do. Should a coure decide to Average Height and Weight: Firres stand 60/55 + 3d8 inches
unveil on the Prime Material Plane, there is only a 2% chance tall and weigh 125/110 + 3d20 pounds. The number before
per PC level that the powers will take notice. Thus, a 5th-level the slash refers to males; the one after it to females.
coure has a 10% chance of getting caught, while a 1st-level
coure has only a 2% chance. Nevertheless, coures who rou- Hit Dice: Firres gain Hit Dice and hit point bonuses for
tinely disclose their true natures to mortals are bound to incur exceptional Constitution scores according to their character
the displeasure of the gods sooner or later, and when they do, classes.
recall to Arborea is the inevitable result.
Alignment: Firres are typically chaotic good. A rare few are
Roleplaying Notes: Coures are messengers, scouts, neutral good or chaotic neutral, but they can be neither
pranksters, and troublemakers who enjoy pestering any and lawful nor evil.
all travelers visiting their home plane. Unlike other eladrins,
corns form close ties to their land, seldom traveling far from Armor Class: Firres are Armor Class 1(base).
their faerie groves and mushroom rings. There are always
notable exceptions, however-bold coures sometimes set out Languages: P i s speak, read, and write the eladrin language.
into parts unknown, looking for new people and new species Like all of their kind, they have the innate power to compre-

hend languages and can speak and write additional languages who fail a saving throw vs. spell. (The above saving throw
of choice up to the limit i m p d by their Intelligence scores. modifiers for level of the fkre apply to this saving throw as
well.) The firre’s song can affect even creatures who are nor-
Profiaencies: Firres gain weapon and nonweapm pmficiencies mally immune to sleep spells.
accordingto their character classes. Fighters may s p 5 d . h In addition to the innate magical abilities common to all
Most fine ax^ proficient in swords (all types)and the javeh. eladrins, firres have the ability to cast priest spells from any
Most of these beings have the following nonweapon profi- sphere at one level higher than their own. (Thus, an 8th-level
cienaes, though Pcs a~ free to select their own: Dancing, firrecasts spells as a %-level priest.) Firres gain bonus spells
Disguise,Juggling,Musical Instrument, Plunur Direction Sense, for high Wisdom scores in the same manner as priests.
Portal Feel, Reading/Writing, Singing, and Tumbling.Firres As firresrise in level, they gain new innate spell-like abili-
gain Artistic Ability and Planar Surviuul (Arbarea)as bonus ties, each usable once per round at will, as a caster of equiva-
profiaencies. (Italicized profiaencies are described in the lent level, unless otherwise noted.
Plunewulker’s Hundbook [2620].)
At 1st level, firres can cast affect n m l fires.
Special Benefits: Firres can transform themselves into streak- At 3rd level, they can cast continual light, detect
ing balls of fire that fly at a rate of 36 (maneuverability class invisibility, and ESP.
A). Alternatively, they can become man-sized pillars of sear- At 5th level, they can cast a firebull (6d6 points of damage).
ing flame. While in either fiery form, a firre can’t use At 6th level, the damage from a firre’s fireball increases to
weapons, but has a natural attack that inflicts damage accord- 8d6 points.
ing to level (2d6 points at lst4th level, 3d6 points at 5th-8th At 7th level, firres can cast improved invisibility, polymorph
level, 4d6 points at 9th-12th level, and 5d6 points-the maxi- self,and wall offire. Their fireball damage increases to
mum-at 13th-15th level). Firres attack once per round at 1Od6points.
1st-7th level and twice per r o d at 8th level and up. At 8th level, firres can cast udwnced illusion and prismntic
Any creature within 10 feet of a flaming firre must make a s p r q once per day.
successful saving throw vs. spell or suffer ld6 points of
damage from the heat. Any weapon (magical or not) that Special Hindrances: F m s don’t fear water, but they cannot
strikes a fiery firre must survive an item saving throw vs. assume fiery form while even partially immersed. A hard rain
magical fire or be destroyed, although the firrestill sustains that drenches the firre also negates this power, though a light
damage as normal from the hit. sprinkle does not.
Regardless of form, firre eladrins radiate protection frm evil Firres have a burning passion for art of all kinds. They cannot
in a 10-foot radius. Only magical weapons of +2 or better harm or allow hann to come to any work of art or anyone who
enchantment or those forged from cold-wrought iron can engages in creative artistic pursuits (includingd p t m g paint-
harm them. Firres have 5% magic resistance at 1st level; there ing, singing,dancing,performing, or building).If such items or
after they accumulate an additional 5%per level (cumula- beings are evil in nature, firms still m o t doham to them
tive), up to a maximum of 50% at 10th level. directly,though they won’t stop others from doing so.
Any intelligent creature who meets the gaze of an angry fim Firres cannot assume fiery form if they are wearing armor,
must make a successful saving throw vs. paralyzation or suffer but many we shields and magical items for defense. While
ldlO points of damage and be blinded for 2d10 rounds. A +2 wandering the Prime Material Plane in human or demihu-
bonus applies to the w s saving thrav against a 1st-2nd man fonn, M s typically do wear armor,in part to make
level fine, a +1bonus against a 3rdSth level h, no modifier their disguises more convincing. As with other eladrins, firm
against a 6th-8th level fine, a -1 penalty against a 9th-12th may not reveal their true M ~ L Uto~prime-material
S mortals.
level fim,and a -2 penalty against a 13th M higher level firre. The gods always notice such infractions and recall the offend-
Firres with the singing proficiency can choose to sing a ers to Arborea quickly.
magical song instead of attacking in any given round. With a Of course, firres’superiors or deities can demand their
successful Proficiency check, the singer can create one special returnat any time, not just in cases of disguise violation.
effect of the singer‘s choice, according to the following limits Most firreshate being recalled, perhaps because they tend to
form such strong ties with mortals.
*At 1st level, the firre‘s voice can chum person.
*At 4th level, the song can chum person or hold person. Roleplaying Notes: Firres travel across the planes, searching
*At 7th level, the endranting melody can chum person, hold for artists whose work they can appreciate. They exist for
person, or act as a suggestion. beauty and appreciate it in all its splendid fonns. They strive
*At 10th level, the firre‘s voice can create any of the above to fill th& long lives with wonder and delight. Warrior firres
effects or act as a sleep spell. appreciate the art of fine weapons and the finesse of battle;
thieves see art as something to be liberated from the unde
In each case, the singer decides the exact effect of the song. serving;and bards spread and share their art through music,
Regardless of its nature, it affects all creahws within 50 feet poetry, paintings, dance, and so on.Their pursuit of beauty

takes them to every comer of the known multiverse, and they Profiaendea: Ghaeles gain weapon and nonweapon profi-
spend a great deal of time on the Prime Material Plane. ciencies according to their character classes. They favor
Adventuring opportunities for these beings are legion. swords, but can be profiaent with any weapon. Ghaele fi&t-
Firres may choose to lead perilous archaeological explo- ers can specialize.
rations into ancient ruins to recover lost pieces of art, magnif- Most ghaeles have the following nonweapon profiaenaes,
icent weapons, and other wondrously crafted treasures. They though pcs are free to choose their own:Ancient History,
could serve as muses for struggling artists, presenting them- Bhd-fighting, Local History, Planar Dimtion Sense, Planar
selves as models or learned tutors. They might even provide Sense, Reading/Writing, Riding (Land-based), Tracking, and
inspiration for playwrights, musicians, architects, or armorers Weapommithjng. They can also have Planar S u h l (Arbmm)
while opposing anyone who fails to appreciate the aesthetic as a bonus proficierq (Italicized pmfiaencies are described
process or stands in its way. Most artists who have received in the Planewnlker's Handbook [2620].)
inspiration or aid from firres remain blissfully unaware of
their benefactors' true nature. Special Benefits: A ghaele stirred to anger can slay certain
evil matures with a mere glance. This gaze attack affects a
ghaeles single target of the ghaele's choice within MI feet.The victim
The eladrin knights known as ghaeles resemble tall, athletic must make a saving throw vs. spell to determine the outcome
high elves. Some travelers mistake them for elven nobles, of the attack. A +2 bonus applies to the target's saving thruw
although their pearly eyes and radiant auras reveal their against a lst-4th le@ ghaele, a +1bonus against a 5th-Sth
celestial origins. level ghaele, no modifier against a 9th-12th level ghaele, a -1
penalty against a 13th-16th level ghaele, and a -2 penalty
Ability Scores: Ghaeles gain +1bonuses to Strength, Dex- against a 17th or higher level ghaele. The results of success or
terity, and Charisma. Their adjusted ability scores must fall failure vary according to the Hit Dice and alignment of the
within the following ranges: victim. For evil creatures with up to half as many Hit Dice as
the ghaele has levels (rounded down), failure means instant
ABILITY MINIMUhl MAXIMUM death, whereas success afflicts the victim with fear (as the
strength 14 19 spell) for 2d10 rounds. (Thus, an 11th-levelghaele could kill
Dexterity 12 19 an evil mature with 5 Hit Dice or less who failed its saving
Constitution 8 18 throw vs. spell.) For nonevil opponents and evil foes with
Intelligence 10 18
high enough Hit Dice to avoid death from the gaze, fail=
Wisdom 6 18
charisma 12 19 results in the same fenr effect, while success indicates that the
victim is unaffected.Victims unable to see the ghaele are
Class Restrictions: Since ghaeles focus on combat, they limit never affected.
themselves to warrior classes and don't pursue multiclassed Any ghaele can shapechange into a 5-foot-diameter dn-
options. mating sphere of eldritch colors. In this form, the ghaele
attacks by firing two positive-energy beams (with a +4
CLASS MAX.L~L bonus to each attack roll) capable of searing any enemies
Fighter 20 they hit within a 100-yard range. Damage from these beams
Ranger 20 is 2d4/2d4 points at 1st level, 2d6/2d6 points at 3rd level,
2d8/2d8 points at 5th level, 2d10/2d10 points at 7th level,
Average Height and Weight: Ghaeles stand 60/55 + 2d12 and 2d12/2d12 points at 9th level and above. These rays of
inches tall and weigh 140/125 + 6d10 pounds. The number light have no effect on creatures native to the Positive Mate-
before the slash refers to males; the one after it to f d e s . rial Plane. Ghaeles in sphere form cannot use their gaze
attacks, but they can fly at a rate of 60 (maneuverability
Hit Dice: Ghaeles gain Hit Dice (and hit point bonuses for claw A).
high Constitution scores) according to their character classes. Regardless of their form, an aura of radiant light sur-
rounds these beings at all times.This aura functions as a
Alignment: The majority of ghaeles are chaotic good, though double-strength protection from m.2 effect with a radius of 20
a few are neutral good. They can have no other alignments. feet. It also duplicates the effect of a minor globe ofinmZulnerubiZ-
ity and affords protection from nom1 missiles, though both of
Armor Class: Ghaeles are Armor Class -1 (base). these effects benefit only the ghaele, not anyone standing
nearby. Ghaeles start play at 1st level with 5%magic resist-
Languages: Ghaeles can speak, read, and write the eladrin ance; thereafter, they accumulate an additional 5% per level
language. Like all eladrins, they have the innate power to (cumulative),up to a maximum of 50% at 10th level.
comprehend Zunguuges and can speak and write additional lan- Ghaeles can cast priest spells from any sphere at thme
guages of choice, up to the limit imposed by their Intelligence levels higher than their own (thus, a 1st-level ghaele casts
scores. spells as a 4th-level priest.), and are entitled to bonus spells

for high Wisdom as though they were priests. In addition to tomed to working from behind the veil, and their missions
these spells and their innate eladrin abilities, ghaeles gain the weigh heavily on their minds. They are dedicated, but
following innate powers as they advance. Each of these is heavy-hearted beings who find little humor in everyday
usable, once per round, at will as a caster of equivalent level life.
(unlessotherwise noted): PC ghaeles have countless opportunities to help mortals
combat evil on primematerial worlds. Such a character
At 1st level, ghaeles can cast color spruy and dancing might join a band of heroes in ridding an ancient dungeon
lights. Only magical weapons of +1 or better enchant- of its wicked denizens, closing gateways to the Lower
ment or weapons forged of cold-wrought iron can harm Planes, preventing the escape of an imprisoned marquis
them. cambion, and thwarting the machinations of an evil war-
At 3rd level, they can cast continual light, detect lord. A ghaele might also help a human knight assemble a
invisibility, and ESP. team of warriors to free comrades from a githyanki p d ,
At 5th level, ghaeles gain the ability to cast dispel mdc, or help a spoiled princess prepare for her role as queen by
and their weapon immunity improves, making them prompting her to unite the warring factions under her rule.
susceptible to damage only from cold iron weapons or Disguised ghaeles frequent elven courts, offering words of
magical weapons of +2 or better enchantment. wisdom to lords attempting to save their forests from
At 7th level, they can cast cham monster and improved encroaching enemies, such as evil humans, dragons, and
invisibility. tyrants.
At 9th level, ghaeles can cast advanced illusion, hold mon- Success is reward enough for the ghaeles. They never seek
ster, telekinesis, and wall offwce. glory or thanks for the work they do, but they are prone to
At 11th level, they can cast chain lightning (12d8 points of developing special kinships with particular mortal b e i ,
damage), polymorph any object, prismatic spray, and telep0l.l whom they visit periodically.
without error. Their immunity improves once again, mak-
ing them vulnerable only to damage from cold iron Novieres
weapons or magical weapons of +3 or better enchant- Noviexes possess a gentle radiance all their own. Like the
ment. bralani, they celebrate the beauty of the lands and emerald
waters they call home. Nwieres resemble aquatic elves or
Special Hindrances: Ghaeles must carefdy guard them- nixies, with blue-green skin, g i b , and webbing between their
selves when away from Arborea and be sure to hide their fingers. They are most at home in the seas of Ossa, but they
abilities from mortals. Ghaeles who reveal their true natures do keep company with merfolk and ocean nymphs along the
while on the Prime Material Plane risk immediate recall to coastlines of primema- worlds.
Arborea and confinement thw for 1,001 ye- unbear-
ably long sentence for beings accustomed to roaming the Ability Scores: Each noviere PC has a +1 bonus to strengtha
planes and aiding good creatures. Ghaeles who serve the +2 bonus to Charisma, and a -1 penalty to Constitution. Their
tulani on Arborea often languish in this state, unable to leave finalability scores must fall within the following ranges:
the plane for several more centuries. Despair weighs heavily
on such confined ghaeles, and their countenances tend to ABILITY MmhnrsA MAXIMUM
show it. strength 12 19
Lesser eladrins (such as the coures) can get away with mis- Dexterity 12 18
chief now and then, but the powers of Arborea watch ghaeles Constitution 6 17
Intelligence 12 18
carefully.Any ghaele who behaves in a maliaous or unseemly Wisdom 9 18
manner or fails to act with kindness and charity is quickly charisma 15 20
recalled and given other roles to occupy his or her time.
Ghaeles prefer not to wear armor, though they do employ
shields and protective magical devices when needs arise. Class Restrictions: In addition to the classes listed below,
novieres can select from the following multiclassed options:
Roleplaying Notes: On Arborea, ghaeles serve as coun- fighter/mage, fighter/cleric, fighter/thief, fighter/bard,
Selors and advisors to the tulani eladrins. They are also fighter/mage/cleric, fighter/mage/thief, mage/cleric,
staunch defenders of their homeland, repelling invaders mage/cleric/thief, and cleridbard.
such as fiends and slaadi who use secret portals and gates
to infiltrate the plane. But while they love Arborea, ghaeles cuss MAX.LEVEL
have a special predisposition toward the Prime Material Fighter 12
Plane and loathe being away from it for long. They adore Ranger 12
moving among mortals, offering guidance to beings of good Mage 15
heart who have the courage to stand against their oppres- Cleric 12
Thief 9
sors. More so than any other eladrins, ghaeles are accus- Bard 12
Average Height and Weight: Novieres stand 55/45 + 2d8 maximumof 20% at 5th level. Only magical weapons of +1or
inches tall and weigh 100/90 + 5d10 pounds. The number better enchantment or those forged of cold-wrought iron can
before the slash refers to males; the one after it to females. harm them.
All novieres have the innate magical abilities common to
Hit Dice: Novieres gain Hit Dice according to their character all eladrins. In addition, they gain the following abilities as
classes, but they are not entitled to hit point bonuses for high they increase in level. All of these are usable once per round
constitution scores. at wiU, as a caster of equivalent level, unless otherwise noted

Alignmenk Most novieres are chaotic good,although lawfd At 2nd level, novieres can use charm person.
good and neutral good novim do exjst. Novieres cannotbe evil. At 3rd level, novieres can cast alter self, impwoed phmrtas-
mal force, and mirror image.
Armor Class: Novieres are Armor Class 3 (base) in demihu- At 4th level, a noviere can hurl a water bolt up to 60 feet,
man form or -3 (base) in watery form. inflicting 4d6 points of damage to all c r e a m within a
5-foot-wide path. (Targetswho make successful saving
Languages: All novieres speak, read, and write the eladrin throws vs. spell suffer only half damage from this
language. Like all eladrins, they have the innate power to attack.) This ability is usable only once per day.
comprehend languages and can speak and write additional lan- At 5th level, thesebeings gain the ability to cast continual
guages up to the limits imposed by their Intelligence scores. light and slow. A novim can also confer water braathing (with
a6-hourduratim) upononeother creatureonceper day.
Proficiencies: Novieres gain weapon and nonweapon profi- At 8th level, a noviere can summon and command an 8-
cienaes according to their character classes. They favor tri- HD water elemental once per week. The control lasts for
dents, nets, and daggers, but can be proficient with any ld6 turns,after which the elemental returns to its home
weapons. Noviere fighters can specialize. plane. Use of this ability requires immersion in a natural
Most novieres have the following nonweapon proficien- body of water large enough to contain both the noviere
cies, but PCs are free to choose their own:Appraising, Danc- and the elemental.
ing, Planar Direction Sense, Planar Sense, Riding (Water-based), At 12th level, a noviere can summon and command a 12-
and Singing. Novieres have Planar Survival (Arboren) and HD water elemental once per week, as above.
swimming as bonus proficiencies. (Italicized proficiencies are
described in the Planewalker‘s Handbook [2620].) Special Hindrances: Novieres prefer life in the water to life
on land. “hey share a special kinship with the seas and
Special Benefits: Novieres who are proficient with nets can oceans of whatever world or plane they visit, and the need to
hurl them up to 30 feet underwater and 60 feet on land. On maintainthat link is strong. A noviere loses one point of Con-
any successful hit, the victim must make a successful saving stitution for each week spent on land, to a minimum score of
throw vs. paralyzation or be entangled for ld6 rounds. A +4 3. Retuming to the water instantly restores all lost Constitu-
bonus applies to any attack roll against an entangled oppo- tion points.
nent. Novieres always try to ensure that air-breathers don’t Novieres must hide their true forms and abilities from
drown while wrapped up in their nets. Regardless of form, mortals. As with all eladrins, novieres who lack discretion
novieres move at a rate of 24 in water and 15 on land. face recall and confinement to Arborea. These beings try to
Any noviere, regardless of level, can assume a watery dol- avoid violence as much as possible, always striving to help
phin form. While so transformed, the eladrin has an Armor the largest possible number of people with the least combat
Class of -3 and can attack with a powerful ramming strike and bloodshed.
once per round for 2d8 points of damage (no Strength bonus
applies). A noviere who scores a natural19 or 20 on a ram- Roleplaying Notes: Novieres are abiding and accommodat-
ming attack roll can envelop and hold the opponent. Any ing creatures who are highly tolerant of others’ foibles. They
victim so restrained must make a successful Bend Bars/Lift are slow to anger and shun fighting wherever possible. When
Gates roll to wriggle free.So long as the hold continues, how- combat is unavoidable, they prefer weapons usable on both
ever, neither the eladrin nor the foe can attack. land and water, such as tridents, nets, and daggers.
All noviere warriors, wizards, and rogues can cast priest Novieres tend to choose favorite coastlines or islands and
spells at one level lower than their own. (Thus, a 2nd-level linger there for yeais at a time, using their powers to frighten
noviere warrior casts spells as a 1st-level priest.) Noviere away anything they perceive as a threat to the tranquility or
priests do not gain any additional spellcasting ability, but ecosystem of their ‘‘domains.’’ Though they are sociable m a -
they are immune to certain mind-affecting spells (such as tures, they generally avoid the Court of Stars and other
cause fear, cham person, command,‘forget,friends, hold person, eladrins, preferring the company of mortal beings indigenous
hypnotism, ray of enfeeblement, aryl scare). to watery domains or coastal kingdoms.
Novieres begin play with 4% magic resistance at 1st level; Adventuring opportunities for novieres might include
thereafter, they accumulate an additional 4% per level, to a attending the court of a triton king, helping a band of mer-

folk defend an undersea town against sahuagin raiders, bficienaes: Shiem gain weapon and nonweapon pdicien-
destroying a covey of sea hags who have captured a young ciesaccordingtotheircharacterclaases.They~vorknightly
storm giantess, exploring sunken pirate ships, helping a w e a p , espedly the lance,battle-axe,h o w ' s mace,
merchant defend his vessels against a terrible undersea horseman'sflailandlongsword.Shiae6gh~mayspecialize.
monster (such as a dragon turtle or giant squid), or helping Most shiereshave the following nonweapon proficiencies,
a group of land-dwellers search through a sunken city for though F'CS are free to c h t h e~ OW^: h m ,Blind-
lost relics. fighting, Herbalism, Hunting, Plunur Sense, Riding (Airborne),
Swimmjng, and Weaponsmithing. They gain Planar Direction
shieres Sense, Planar Surmml (Arbom), and Tracking as bonus @-
Of all the eladrins, shieres are probably the least likely to ven- ciencies. (Italicized profiaencies are described in the
ture beyond their home plane. These are the knights of PlallRualker's Handbook [2620].)
Arborea, defenders of the Court of Stars, and attendants of
the noble tulani.S h i m appear as exceptionally tall elves Special Benefits. In addition to their formidable combat skills
with lanky kames, slender limbs, and narrow faces. They typ- and the innate abilities common to all eladrins, shieres have
ically have fair skin, pale golden or silver hair, and piercing thepOWertoinstillfemin W i l ~ h v e s W h o m e e t ~ ~ e s
eyes of blue, green, or violet. A successful saving throw vs. spell negates this effect,but the
attack increases in potency with the level of the shiere, as fol-
Ability Scores: A shiere PC gains a +2 bonus to Strength and lows: A +1bonus applies to the target's saving throw against
a +1bonus to Dexterity. Adjusted ability scores for such char- a Ist-Sth level shiere, no modifier against a *loth level
acters must fall within the following ranges: shiere, a -1 penalty against an 11th-15th level shiere, and a -2
penalty against a 16th or higher level shiere.
ABW MINIMOM MAXIMUM shieresmay wear any type of armor, but they pmfer magi-
strength 13 20 cal over mundane. They begin play with 5% magic resistance;
Dexterity 12 19 thereafter they gain an additional 5% every other level
Constitution 9 18 (cumulative), up to a maximum of WO at 11th level. Only
Intelligence 9 18 cold-wrought ironand magical weapons of +1or better
Wisdom 9 18
enchantment can harm a shiere.
12 18
Once per day, a shiere can shapechange into a s p h e of~
faerie light 1foot in diameter.This form allows flight at a rate
Class Restrictions:As the warriors of h r e a , the shieres of 24 (maneuverability class A). However, the noble shiem
don't concern themselves with functions other than combat. don't assume these forms often,as it takes them an hour or
more to regain their demihuman shapes afterward. What's
Cuss ~MAXLBVBL more, though shieres in light form are immune to all physical
Fighter Unlimited attacks, they can't make any themselves. This shape does not
Ranger 15 prohibit the eladrin from making magical attacks, but it offers
no protection from such either.
Average Height and Weight: Shieres stand 70/60 + 3d12 S h i m gain additional benefits and develop new magical
inches tall and weigh 150/135 + 6d10 pounds. The number powers as they rise in level. Each of these innate abilities is
before the slash &em to males; the one after it to females. usable once per round at will, as a caster of equivalent level,
d I ? S S O t h e r w k MM.
Hit Dice: Shieres gain Hit Dice (and hit point bonuses for
high Constitution) according to @eir character classes. At 2nd level, shim can cast color spray and detect mil.
Each also gains a faithful warhorse for use in hunting,
Alignment:All shieres, without exception, are chaotic good. patrolling, and riding to war. This animalis the equiva-
In fact, they're immune to spells and spell-likeeffects that lent of a heavy warhorse (AC 7; HD 4+4; THACO 17;
alter alignment. Dmg l&/ld8/ld3) but it has a morale rating of fearless
(19), and it never has fewer than 5 hit points per Hit Die.
Armor Class: Shieres are Armor Class 4 (base). However, they Its movement rate is 24 regardless of terrain, and it can
commonly wear armor of glass and crystal equivalent to fly at that speed (maneuverability class A) as long as the
magical field plate armor (+1to +4 enchantment) and carry sun is not in the sky.
long, narrow shields +Z. At 3rd level, a loyal shiere receives a +1magical weapon
ofchoice from his or her tulani lord as a reward for faith-
Languages: Shieres speak, read, and write the eladrin lan- ful service. Only s h i m who have demonstrated fealty
guage. They have the innate power to comprehend languages to their superiors are given this gift of honor.
and can speak and write additional languages of choice, up to At 4th level, shieres can cast alter self and detect invisibility.
the limit imposed by their Intelligence scores. At 5th level, they gain the ability to cast priest spells at

four levels lower than their own, gaining bonus spells have opportunities to visit other parts of the multiverse. The
and all other priestly benefits for high Wisdom scores. lords of F‘C shieres, however, might call upon them to com-
(”Is, a 9th-level shiere casts spells as a 5th-level priest.) plete special tasks requiring brief sojourns to the Prime Mate-
In addition, shieres of this level can use continual light rial Plane, Sigil, the Outlands, or elsewhere.
and spectral force. S h i m place tremendous stock in their personal honor.
At 6th level, a loyal and honorable shiere receives a +2 They can never betray their lords or turn their backs on
magical weapon of choice from Queen Morwel’s faithful trusted friends. A shiere ordered to protect a town or individ-
tulani consort, Vaeros. ual is honor-bound to fulfill that duty at any cost, and these
At 7th level, shieres can use ice storm. noble eladrins are always ready to sacrifice themselves to
At 9th level, a shiere who has served Queen Morwel defend others in their charge.
with distinction and does not yet have a +3 magical
weapon may select one as her e. This weapon always Roleplaying Notes: S h i m are exceptionally courageous and
has sharpness, quickness, or defender properties. In addi- chivalrous. Although they are by no means aloof and
tion, shiems of this level can cast wall of ice or cone of cold unfriendly,they can be as cold as ice when dealing with those
(for 10d4+10points of damage) at will and heal another who don’t measure up to their standards of behavior or codes
creature once per day. of honor.
Furthermote, Queen Morwel invites all %-level Shietes rarely leave Arborea. They defend the Court of
shieres to serve in the Court of Stars as members of her Stars and the rest of the plane from attack and spend most of
vaunted honor guard. To earn knighthood, each must best their time on patrol, alert for signs of trouble. More often than
a peer in nonlethal combat. Shiere knights command not, they find it-usually in the form of monsters and fiends
respect from all other eladrins, and the queen herself often who have made their way through portals and taken up mi-
assigns them specific jurisdictionsto protect on &rea. dence in the wilderness. S h i m often hunt dragons, behir,
Knights in charge of defense for such areas typically set bulettes, owlbeam, and other menaces. At times, they must
up strungholds to use as bases of operations. (The queen defend towns and villages from chaotic-minded creatures and
does not assign such jurisdictionsto all knights; some she fiends who are more at home in the Abyss, but feel some kin-
reserves for her own service, assigning them special mis- ship with the chaos that permeates Arborea.
sions instead.) Every so often, however, tulani lords ask shieres to accom-
pany them to other planes or carry out secret missions for
At loth level, the shiere’s trusty warhorse (if still alive) is Queen Morwel in other parts of the multiverse. Additionally,
transformed into a favonian-a greater equar accus- eladrin annies occasionally venture into the Lower Planes to
tomed to traveling the open fields of Arborea (see attack fiends and their evil strongholds, and shieres often
Appendix 1:Celestial Mounts). Favonians are a bluish- lead these raids.
white or dappled-gray steeds with keen saws and
exceptional tolerance for poor weather conditions. Riders Tulani
never fall off of favonians unless one party or the other Tulani are the lords of the eladrins. Their courts drift through-
wishes it. In addition, the shiere can command the equar out Olympus, seldom remaining in the same place from one
to employ any of the following spell-like abilities, each night to another. These “masters of the twilight realm” po9-
up to three times per day: phantom steed (conjures 1-3 sess unearthly beauty and grace. Their voices are like music,
steeds that also act as mirror images), alter normal winds, and their tall, elflike forms are surrounded by radiance that
cloudburst, gust of wind, and obscurement. no evil Creature can bear.
At 12th level, shieres can use heal twice per day on other
Creatures (but never themselves). Once per day, a shiere Ability Scores: A tulaniPC has a +1 bonus to Dexterity and
can choose to inflict double damage with any one strike Wisdom, a +2 bonus to Strength and Intelligence, and +3
against an enemy, assuming a successful hit. In addition, bonus to Charisma. Final ability scores for such characters
Queen Morwel replaces the loyal shiere’s +3 weapon must fall within the following ranges:
with a similar one of +4 enchantment.
At 15th level, shieres can use heal three times per day ABIW MINIMUM MkxlMuM
(but never on themselves). Once per day, a shiere of this s-@ 15 20
level can also unleash a whirlwind attack, striking eight Dexterity 12 19
times in a single round against multiple targets and Constitution 8 18
inflicting maximum damage with each successful strike. Intelligence 15 20
Wisdom* 14 19
Special Hindrances: Shieres can’t leave Arborea without the Charisma 16 21
consent of their lords-usually tulani nobles, or perhaps even
Queen Morwel herself. Because their duties include defend- *A tulani priest have a minimumWisdom of 17 and a max-
ing the plane from threats within and without, they seldom imum Wisdom of 22.

Class Restrictions: In addition to the classes listed below, Warriors and wizards of this race can cast priest spells at
tulani can select multiclassed options from the following list: three levels higher than their own, and they gain all priestly
fighter/mage, fighter/cleric, magdcleric, and benefits (includingbonus spells) for high Wisdom scores.
fighter/mage/cleric. (Thus,a 1st-level tulaniwarrior or wizard casts spells as a
4th-level priest.) Tdani priests gain an additional +3 bonus to
cuss IMAX.LEVEL their Wisdom scores ( h u m of Z), with appropriate spell
Fighter 20 modifiers and immunities.
25 Tulani need not carry weapons, for each member of the
Cleric 25 race can create a swordlike blade of fiery light at will. This
weapon is about the same length as a longsword, but weight-
Average Height and Weight: Tulani stand 70/60 + 3d12 less. As tulani rise in level, the magical properties of their
inches tall and weigh 150/135 + 6d10 pounds. The number swords increase as well. (Notethat the sword's speed fador is
before the slash refers to males; the one after it to females. always 2, regardless of its current magical nature.)

Hit Dice: Tulani gain Hit Dice according to their character LWL SWORDMODIFIER#ATIRND D M G / A p
classes. 1-3 +1quickness 1 2d4+1+ str bonus
4-6 +2 quickness 3/2 2d4+2 + Str bonus
Alignment: All tulaniare chaotic good. 7-9 +3 sharpness 2 2d4+3+Strbonus
1&12 +4 sharpness 5/2 2d4+4 + Str bonus
Armor Class: 'Mani are Armor Class -3 (base). 13-15 +4 sharpness 3 2d4+4 + Str bonus
16-20 +4 vorpal 7/2 2d6+4 + Str bonus
Languages: These beinga can speak, read, and write the 21-25 +5 vorpal 4 2d6+5 + Str bonus
eladrin language. They have the innate power to comprehend 26-30 +5 vorpal, speed** 4 2d6+5 + Str bonus
languages and can speak and write additional languages up to
the limitsimposed by their Intelligence scores. * Against evil foes, the sword delivers an extra 2d8 points
of positive energy damage.
Pmficiendes: W gain weapon and nonweapon proficien- ** As per a scimitar of speed.
aes according to their character classes. However, few of
these beiigs actually wield weapons, given their innate abil- Tulani also possess powerful gaze attacks that affect tar-
ity to summon forth blazing swords of light (see below). gets of their choosing as follows:
Tulani fighters may specialize.
Most tulani have the following nonweapon proficiencies, Level F,ffects of Gaze
though PCs are free to choose their own:Ancient Lan- 1-6 Evil creatures with less than 8 Hit Dice must
guages, Animal Handling, Artistic Ability, Healing, Herbal- make successful saving throws vs. spell or suc-
ism, Local History, Planar Direction Sense, Planar Sense, Planar cumb to fear for 2d4 rounds; nonevil matures
Sum'vul (Arbom), Reading/Writing, Religion, Riding (Air- and evil beings with 8 HD or more are d-
borne), and Spellcraft. Tulani have Ancient History and Eti- feded.
quette as bonus profiaenaes. (Italicized profiaenaes are 7-10 Evil creatures with less than 8 HD must make
described in the Planewalker's Handbook [2620].) successful saving throws vs. spell or succumb to
fear for 2d8 rounds; success indicates blindness
Special Benefik A tulani constantly radiates a protection fwm for 2d8 rounds.Nonevil creatures and evil beings
ed aura with a radius of 20 feet. An e d creature must make with 8 HD or more suffer the same effects at half
a successful saving throw vs. spell to approach within 20 feet the duration (ld4 rounds) and gain +2 bonuses to
of the eladrin. This aura also confers the benefits of both the their saving throws.
minor globe of invulnerability and protection from n o m 1 missiles 11+ Evil creatures with less than 8 HD must make suc-
Spells. cessful saving throws vs. spell or die instantly;
Once per round at will, a tulanican fly (movement rate 30, those who survive are blhded and stricken with
maneuverability class A) or assume the secondary form of fear for 2d10 m d s . N d creatures or evil
any other eladrin. Regardless of their shapes,they retain their beings with 8 HD or more suffer fernand blindness
ownAC and THACO values, but cause double the nonnal only if they fail their savingt h w s (no modifier).
damage of the secondary forms they have chosen.
Tulani begin play with 10% magic resistance at 1st level; In addition to the innate abilities all eladrins possess,
thereafter they accumulate an additional 1070(cumulative) tulani have the following benefits and spell-like abilities (each
every other level, up to a maximum of 90% at 17th level. usable once per round at will, as a caster of equivalent level,
(Thus, tulanihave 2070magic resistance at 3rd level, 30% at unless otherwise noted):
5th level, 40% at 7th level, 50% at 9th level, and so on.)

At 1st level, tulanisuffer damage only from cold- attendants and guests anger Queen Monvel, who calls them
wrought iron or magical weapons of +1 or better before the Court of Stars for stern lectures on noble etiquette.
enchantment. If the errant behavior continues, the queen strips the offend-
At 2nd level, they can cast color spray and dnncing lights. ers of their nobility- dreadfully humiliating event-and
At 4th level, they can cast detect inzkibility and ESP. Only forces them to spend 1,001 years as servants to other tulani,
cold-wrought iron or magical weapons of +2 or better who act as both wardens and role models. During this time,
enchantment can harm them. the errant tulani may not leave Arborea for any reason.
At 6th level, tulani can cast continual light and dispel mgic. Like all eladrins, tulani may not interfere in the lives of
At 7th level, only cold iron or magical weapons of c3 or mortals. As the shapers of the eladrin code of conduct, they
better enchantment can harm them. must uphold this philosophy to the highest degree possible.
At 8th level, they can cast improved invisibility. Queen Morwel f r o m upon tulaniwho advocate interferencp
At loth level, they gain the ability to cast udmnced illusion, and punishes thoee who pursue it.
hold monster, telekinesis,teleport without error, wall offume,
and chain lightning (for 12d8points of damage). Tulani of Roleplaying Notes: Tulani player characters are scions and
this level are immune to damage from all weapons except leaders of their people. Born in the twilight courts, they typi-
those of +4 or better enchantment or cold iron. cally remain there for centuries, if not millennia, before leav-
At 12th level, tulani can cast mass charm, prismatic spray, ing to form courts of their own. Though bred to be nobles,
and polymmph any object. Meteor swarm, power word kill, tulani still must earn their places in eladrin society and hone
and time stop are each usable once per day. Once per their skills in sorcery, etiquette, and diplomacy. They can
year, a tulanican grant another being's wish. become full-fledged nobles only at level 10 or above, and only
At 13thlevel,any tulanican form a personal twilight courtin a tulani of 13th level or higher can earn the title of Lord or
a private demiplane touchmg the Border E t h e d . The court Lady and command a court of followers.
takeswhatever form pleases the tulani,h a cloud castle to As befits their station, tulanirule over the other eladrkrs
a sprawlingb t hideaway.Only eladrins can visit; the and have score8 of servants and messengers to perform tasks
place is invisibleand insubstantial to all others. (If d,- on their behalf.Thus, a tulaniis mom likely to partake in court
tulaniwithcourtscanallow a number of nonekdrins@V- intrigues than wild adventures abroad. Once in a while (which,
alent to theirown lev& to visit,but onlyfor2d20 turns.) for a tulani,canmean once every few centuries), one of these
courtis accessible from one speafic location of the tulani's nobles might feel a compelling q e to seek enlightenment
~ g o n ~ , ~ t h e ~ c a n ~ beyond t htheeconfines of Arborea.With Queen Monvel's permis-
point of entry at win, moving it to another spot on the plane. sion, such a charaaer may leave the plane for a brief sojourn-
In addition, all 13th-level tulanigain greater eladrin though again, a tulani's definition of "brief"could equate to
attendants (l/level) and lesser eladrin servitors years or decades. Thus, it is possible for a player to run a tulani
(2/level). W o mated tulaniwho share a single court can character outside the confines of the twilight courts.
combine their total attendants, thereby increasing the Like other eladrins, tulanimust hide their true nahues from
overall size of the court. These attendants and servitors mortals and resist the urge to meddle in theirafhim. It would
are not slaves, and mistreatment will cause them to seek be fine for a tulanito pFovide advice to a young ranger trying
out more benevolent lords or ladies to serve. to protect a forest from goblins, for example, but the eladrin
could not use obvious tulani powers to aMihilate the goblin
At 14th level, a tulani attracts a loyal animal companion tribe. Queen Morwel monitors the tulaniclosely, for she is fully
with the innate power of true seeing. This guardian, aware that with great power comes even greater responsibility,
regardless of its form or size, has the following statistics: and she realizes that not all of her nobles can carry the burden.
AC -5; MV 15, fly 15 (B), swim 15; J3D 9; #AT 3; Dmg
3d8+3; SD immune to fire,cold, poison, paralysis, death
magic, polymorph, and mind-affecting spells/attacks; MR guardinals
50%; ML fearless (20); Int very (12); AL CG; XP 3,000. Guardinals are beautiful,muscular humans with noticeable
animal traits. The degree of animalistic appearancevaries
Special Hindrances: 'hlani rarely leave the twilight courts of among individuals. They are something of a paradox to other
Arborea or venture beyond the boundaries of thek home beings,fortheycanbemp~teandgentleonemoment,
plane, except when matters of diplomacy demand otherwise. thenmthless and violent thenext, dependhgon their moods
For example, they might pay homage to Syranita, the goddess and the situationThough guardinaLs lead tranq*llives on their
of the aarakma, who resides in her aerial realm on the home plane, they cannot tolerate evil in any shapeor form,and
border of Ysgard and Arborea. Alternatively, they could seek they haven0 qualms about taking the5ght to the LowerPlanes,
wisdom from the Seldarine or partake in a festival held in the wlmeevil waits likea great nest of vipers eager to strike.
Seelie Court of the diminutive faerie folk. Guardinals are native to Elysium, a pichm-perfect plane of
Tulani who act against their alignment by deliberately magdkent landscapes sewn together by the spectacular River
inflicting harm on nonwil creatures or callously mistreating Oceanus. The guardinals love their home and watch it care

fully for any sign of trouble. Although they aren’t as numerous Like eladrb, guardinals aren’t truly immortal, but they do
as some of the other celestial races, they have an uncanny way live long, healthy lives. Born of guardinal parents on Elysium,
of showing up whenever evil rears its ugly head. (InElysium, yaungguardinalsareslowtomature,oftenspendingcen~es
matures of good conscience can travel quickly from place to learning the ways of their kin from their ancestors and the cum-
place, while those of despoiled thought find themselves mired munity. More than any other celestial race, guardinals value
and slow to gain ground.) Guardinals are living embodiments famjly-be it a tribe,a dan,a pack, or something &though
of Elysium’s tranquility, and they =fuse to tolerate anything some members develop instinctualpdemnces for solitude once
that could disturb that peace. “hey do not wait for trouble to they’ve matured (the avorals and urshak, for example).
come to them-they’d rather Societal organizationbeyond family units is rather loose.
seek it out and Guardinals have little use for strict laws or orderly soci-
eties; they roam their plane likenomadsand settle
wherever they feel most comfortable. Their society
is not rigidly hierarchical, although leonals lead
the way whenever the threat of evil requires
celestials to band together. The leonals are
the most vigilant m e m b of the race,
and their commanding auras can draw
together p u p s of guardinals as needed
to crush the powerful forces of evil.

heir powers
All guadnak, young and old, have
detect illusion,detect ezd (lo(Ff0ot
range), detect i n W i f y , dimension
door,d+l magic, infmdon, and pm
tectionfkm ezd 1O’mdius as spell-
likepowers, usable at wilL
beings canlayonhands,heahga
ownhit point totalseachday. Tney
eral individualsas they see fit
Guardinals are immune to elec-
trical attacks, and they suffer only
half damage from cold, gas, poison,
and mgic missile spells. Iron
weapons inflict half damage on
those guardinals who are vulnera-
ble to nonmagical weapons and no
damage on those susceptiile only
to enchanted weapons. Silver
weapons, magical or otherwise,
can harm all guardinals.
type of telepathy that enables them
to communicate with intelligent,
creatures of any kind. (A dragon or
beholder wouldn’t fallinto either ate
gory, but a tiger, roc,or giant lizard
would.) Neither normal, nonmagical
animals nor giant animals ever attack
gudinab, even under magical

Guadmh can,of come, travel theplanes by usinpgates, por- mon, serving as trusted advisors, guards, and henchmen. In
tals, and the like, but they can also leave Elysiumvia an innate fact, many planetars and tulani have stood before wise Talisid
abilitythatresanblesprobabilitytravel. This power allowsthemto (see ”Notable Guardinals,” below), seeking the leonal prince’s
entertheAstralPlanewiththeirphysicalbodies.Fwthemum, advice and guidance in matters that affect the Upper Planes.
any g m d i d cantravel diiedlyto thefirst layer of Bytopia, the Unlike the other celestials, guardinals are free to leave the
Beastlands, or the outlandsfrom any point on Elysium. Upper Planes whenever they please, interfere in the lives of
mortals as much as they like, and hunt evil wherever it
dwells. They don’t revel in this freedom; they merely take it
Their Realms for granted. Guardinals are often called “the arm of good”
Guardinals call Elysium their one true home. However, those because of the manner in which they reach out and strike
who live abroad and travel the planes in search of evil to destroy down evil foes in places where other celestials rarely tread.
are nomadsby nature, constantlydccating fnnnplace to place.
The winged avorals generally keep watch over the skies of
Amoria (Elysium’s first layer), although they prefer the isola- Dealing with other celeshls
tion of Eronia and Belierin (the second and third layers). The The guardinals and the aasimon enjoy excellent relations,
satyrlike cervidals-the most common of the guardinals--are despite the latter group’s occasional condescension. The
the people of Amoria. With the equinals, they form the back- guardinals tolerate that kind of treatment primarily because
bone of any guardinal army Equinals share Amoria with the they recognize that the aasimon are powerful being+not
cervidals, tending the open fields and farmlands. Leonals are to mention valuable allies. By the same token, the aasimar
most at home in the wilds of Eronia. Lupinals travel through- regard guardinals as able defenders of Elysium and shining
out Elysium, searching for any hint of evil intrusion. The ursi- examples of good for the rest of the multiverse.
nals are likewise widespread, although they are more The guardinalshave trouble associating with the archons
concerned with philosophical pursuits and gatherhg lore. on anything but a formal level. The defenders of Mount Celes-
tia creatures of PUR and untainted goodness, but where
guardinals actively search for evil to destroy, archons seem
Their virtues more inte~stedin preserving the sanctity of the Upper Planes.
Guardinals are naturally helpful, selfless bangs of exceptional Of course, this is rarely grounds for a dispute, and most
honor and integrity They don’t lie, cheat, or steal, they don’t guardinals know better than to go to the Mount looking for an
fight rteedldy, and they don’t force un- beings into argument. Besides, that plane is so well-protected against evil
servitude. The concept of slavery is repugnant to them,as is that they seldom have cause to visit it in the first place.
any circumstancethat involves pladng limitson personal free The asuras are envious of the guardinaLeajealousy that
dom. They respect the decisions of other creaturesof good con- sometimes degenerates into deep derision. Bold defenders of
science and offer such folk their services whenever possible. the Upper Planes,the asuras would like nothing more than to
The guardinals have no tolerance for evil. They attack swoop into the Lower Planesand take the fight straight to the
fiends and other evil beings at any opportunity. Their inten- fiends. Unfortunately, most can’t readily leave the good-
tion is always to slay the foul being or, at the very least, banish aligned planes. Given this fact, it’s no surprise that the guardi-
it to a place from which it can’t escape or cause harm.Unlike nals’ ability to travel where they please has sound their
the eladrins, who respect mortals’freedom of choice as much relationship with the asuras. However, whenever fiendish
as their right to live untroubled by evil, guardinals make no hordes threatenElysium, the asuras are quick to come to the
secret of who or what they are when they travel the planes. g w d i d d aid, and their assistanceis always appreciated.
Regardless of the circumstances, they take whatever steps they The guardinals find the eladrins mystifymg. Many
deem necessary to defeat evil wherever they find it. eladrins also wander the multiverse serving the cause of
good, but they‘re easily consumed by petty indulgences,
artistic pursuits, and the veils of illusion and secrecy they
Their Role on *he planes weave to fool and misguide mortal creatures. By comparison,
Other upperplanar beings see guardinals as the peacekeepers the guardinals are quite direa and forthright. One observant
among the celestial races because of their generally even tem- prime-material native, remarking on the relationship, said
perament and neutral perspective. They neither bind them- the two races were like cats and dogs. Guardinals and
selves to rules nor cast aside all semblance of order for the eladrinssometun ’ es encounter one another on other planes,
sake of individual freedom.In the past, these gentle beings but they tend to keep their distance and rarely fraternize.
have resolved thousands of disputesbetween the archons,
eladrins, and asuras, and they continue to mediate d i s a p
men& when asked. This rule is somewhat surprising, d d - No2able quardinals
ering that the guardinals are neither powerful nor numemug The mightiest guardid is the leonal prince Talisid, whom
enough for the ather races to consider them as h e equals. the pantheons of Elysium hold in the highest regard. (In
Nevertheless, they’re often found among the ranks of the aasi- fact, he may even be a quasi- or demipower himself.) In

Jekrei s$eelJaws, Leader or The wild pac
Jekrel looks l i i a typical lupinal-half-man, half-wolf, with throw vs. death magic or be dragged to the ground. Jekrel
a lean, rangy build. The features that distinguish him from automaticallybites a dragged foe each round thereafter
others of his race are his particularly long fangs, the cover- until the victim is helpless or dead, or until the lupinal
ing of downy white fur on his paws, and the white tips on chooses to releases his grip.
his long, pointed, canine ears. His face is very expressive, Jekrel’s howl causesfear in all c r e a m within 100yards
and he’s mastered a baleful glare that can make even the (save vs. spell or flee in terror). When fighting yeth hounds
most resolute foe quiver with fear. (his ranger species enemy), Jekrel gains +4 to his attack rob.
Jekrel is the nominal leader of the Wild Pack, a band of He can use the following spell-like powers once per round at
five lupinah of various classes who l y ~ the m Prime Material will: blink, blur, chunge seZj, darkness 15’radius, detect illusion,
Plane in search of evil to destroy, They travel on foot through detect invisibility, detect m‘f (100-foot range), dimension door,
the frontier lands to avoid unnecessary contact with humans, dispel magic, infmaision, protection fMm m’l lo’radius, and
who often mistake them for migrating werewolves. When waithform. Once per day, Jekrel can lay on hands, healing a
they must pursue an enemy into human lands, Wild Pack total of 44 points of damage. Once per day,he can cure dis-
members use their chunge serf abilities to appear as adventur- ease or neutralize poison by touch. Three times per day,he can
ers or actors traveling in a truupe. cast magic missile (four missiles), jly (MV 30,maneuverability
Currently, the group plumbs the Free City of Greyhawk class A), or cure serious wounds
for trustworthy adventurers to help them find the headquar-
ters of an evil,fiend-worshiping cult whose members might Special Defenses
include several prominent locals. One adventurer who has Only silver weapons or those with +2 or better enchantment
provided considerable assistance for the Wild Pack is can strike Jekrel. He is immune to electricity and suffers only
h e n i Merizor, a human thief with contacts in the under- half damage from cold-based attacks, poison, gas, and magic
city. Jekrel is infatuated with Lemeni and goes out of his way missiIes. By making a successful saving throw vs. paralyza-
to please her, bringing her planar souvenirs and hiring bards tion, he can dodge normal (nonmagid) missiles. Jekrel is
to write poetry that he memorizes and passes off as his own. surprised only on a roll of 1on ld10.
The lupinals a~ also seardung fora babau slave trader who
eluded then in ulek. his fiend,known by the vhd, special Abilhies
likes to polymorph into a gnome,mostly because gnomes are Jekrel’s thieving skills are: MS
widely @ved as harmless, good natured, and friendly.
~ ~ b e ~ i ethat s babau assumed demihurnan form and
v ethe special cpuipment
fled to Greyhawk City to consult with others of his kind. As the Jebtrel wears zmmbraces of mil’s wrding (metal armbands that 1
loyal servitor of a gnomishgod,Jelaelbeliwesit ishisspedal impose a 4attack penalty on missiles fired at the wearer by
duty to destroy this partiah denizen of the Lower planes. evil creatures) and carries a fiendslayer spear (silver-tipped
Jekrel is a relenkkss stalker of evil creatures, but when not spear +2 that retains its enchantment on all planes, inflicts
engaged in a hunt, he can be quite charming and alluring. double damage against fiends, and taunts fiends). He also
He’s not the least bit sheepish around the ladies, but he’s wears a ring offree QC
careful never to drop his guard, for one of them could be an
erinyes or succubuswith grisly intentiom-perhaps with the proficiencies
power to mask her true al Jekrel is proficient with spear, longsword, quarterstaff, anc
short bow. His nonweapon proficiencies are Animal Lore

JekrelSteeljaws, male lupinal R7:AC -1 (Dex bonus); MV (17), Tumb

18; hp 44;THACO 14 (12 with fiendslayer);#AT 3
(claw/claw/bite) or 3/2 (fiendslayer); Dmg
ld4+7/ld4+7/2d6 or ld6+2; SA drag, howl, species enemy, Primary P
spell-like powers; SD immunities, dodge missiles, surprise, (Intennedrate
thief skills; MR 25%; SZ M (5’11. tall); ML fanatic (17); Str 19, Secondary Pow
Dex 17, Con 14, Int 15,Wis 14, Cha 16; AL NG; XP 9,000.

times of need, Talisid commands his people to action, and Fighter 10
his words carry weight throughout the Upper Planes. Most -ger 12
of the time, though, he lets the guardinals do as they please 12
and serves only as a symbol of freedom, pride, and might. cleric 10
A 25th-level fighter and 17th-level wizard, the leonal prince
has a brilliant mind for strategy. He can be both ruthless Average Height and Weighk Avorals stand 60/50+ 4d10
and merciful, given appropriate circumstances. inches tall and weigh 100/85 + 3d10 pounds. The number
Prince Talisid always travels in the company of the Five before the slash refers to males; the one after it to females.
Companio- avoral, an equinal, a lupinal, a cervidal, and
an usinal, each the strongest and wisest of its kind. Cur- Hit Dice: Avorals gain Hit Dice according to character class.
rently,the Five are:
Alignment: Neutral good is the most common avoral align-
Lady Zvestra of the avorals (12th-levelwizard and 10th- ment, but lawful good and chaotic good avorals also exist.
level priest), a recent replacement for his honor, Duke
Wmdheir, who “retired,” Annor Class: Avorals are h o r Class 3 (base).
Lord Hwhyn of the equinals (12th-levelfighter and 9th-
level priest), Languages: Avorals have the innatepower to telepathically
Duke Lucan of the lupinals (18th-level fighter), communicate with any intelligent, nomonstrous creature or
Lord Rhanok of the cervidals (9th-level fighter and 12th- natural animal (even giant-sized ones). They also speak their
level wizard), and own language (consistjng mainly of low shrieks and
Duchess Callisto of the ursinals (Zlst-level wizard and squawks), which all avian creatures can understand.
Profiaencies: Avorals gain weapon profiaenaes and special-
izations as per their class. However, they loathe carrying
quclrdinals as player chwacfers weapons and prefer their natural attacks.
Like the eladrins, the guanlinals gain experience points and Most avorals have the following n o n w e a p profiaenaes,
levels like standad AD&D player characters. They don’t trans- though Pcs are free to choose their own:Fishing, Healing,
form into more powerful guardinals--in other wods, a lupinal Herbalism, Hunting, Planar Sense,Religion, Spellmaft, and
who performs well has no chance of being turned into a leonal. Tracking. Avorals have Planar Direction Sense and Planar Sur-
He’ll simply remain a lupinal and continue to increase in level. vival (Elysium)as bonus profiaenaes. (Italicized profiaencies
are d d b e d in the Planmlker’s Handbook [2620].)
Avorals are tall beings with powerful, eaglelike wings, feath- Spedal Benefitc On the ground, avorals can buffet oppo-
eryvanes that act as tails during flight, and legs that end in nents with their wings, making two attacks per round and
wickedly sharp talons. Their faces are more human than inflicting ld8 points of damage per attack. They can’t use this
avian, but their hair resembles a feathery cowl, and their eyes trick in the air (since they’re using their wings to stay aloft),
are bright and golden. Their bones are strong but hollow, so so instead they strike with their two rock-hard talons, inflict-
even the largest of their kind are surprisingly light. An ing 2d6 points of damage per attack. If both talons hit a single
avoral‘s wings have small hands at the midpoints, which can foe who weighs no more than twice the avoral’s weight plus
do just about anytlung human hands can do. 60 pounds, the guardinal can hoist the victim up into the air,
d i b i n g to 60 feet in the same round. After that round, the
Ability Scores: Avorals gain +1bonuses to Intelligence and avoral can ascend 120 feet per round, even so burdened.
thterity, and a -1 penalty to Wisdom. Their final ability Although clutched prey is entitled to a h g t h check or a
scores must fall within the following ranges: saving throw vs. paralyzation to break free of the avoral‘s
clutches, that would seem an imprudent move-unless the
ABILJTY MINIMUM MAXIMUM escapee has its own means of flight.
strengul 9 18 An avoral who dives 100 feet or more to attack a target
Dexterity 10 19 standing cm the gruund gains a +2 bonus to attack r o b and
Constitution 9 18 inflicts inflict double damage with each successful talon hit.
Intelligence 12 19
N o d y , the avoral req- 1round to climb and circle
Wisdom 6 17
Charisma 9 18 before making another dive attack.
The visual acuity of avorals is unbelievable; if no obstruc-
Class Restrictions: In addition to the classes listed below, tions block their view,they can see small details as far away
avorals can select from the following multiclassed options: as 10 miles. By concentrating for 1round, they can use the
fighter/mage, fighter/cleric, mage/cleric, ranger/mage, and power of true seeing (100-footrange). Avorals gain magic
fighter/mage/cleric. resistance at a rate of 5% per level (cumulative),up to a maxi-

mum of WO at 12th level. An avoral can be struck only by +1 buildings or other "contained" areas, they attack at 4and
or better weapons or those forged of silver. suffer a +2 penalty to their Armor Class.
In addition to the spell-likeabilities common to all guardi- Avorals have a wingspan of 20 feet and can't f in narrow
~ l savorals
, gain the following powers as they advance (each corridors or places wherp they can't fully spread their wings.
usable once per round at will, unless otherwise noted):
Roleplaying Notes:Avorals are proud, solitary a e a t u m who
At 2nd level, avorals gain the innate ability to cast com- seldom gather together,p u g isolated wilderness loca-
mand, light, and magic missile (two missiles). tions and spectacular mountain peaks. Many avorals never
At 3rd level, they can generate fern in a 2 f o o t radius once leave Elysium. As they are the only guardinals who can fly,
per day,but creatures receive a +2bonus totheir saving they maintain aerial vigilance over theplane,usingtheirkeen
throws.This modifier is reducedby 1for every two levels eyesight to spot trouble. However, they're prone to wander-
possessed by the avoral, to a maximum penalty of -2 lust- overwhelming desire to visit other worlds and soar
(thus,the modifier is +1 at 5th level, 0 at 7th level, -1 at above fabulous landscapes.
9th level, and -2 at 11th level). Once a creature makes a On the prime Material Plane,avorals occasionally find
s d saving throw against the fear, it is immune to themselves in league with good-aligned adventurers, particu-
that avoral's fear ability for the rest of the encounter. larly those who oppose a powerful force of evil in their land.
At 4th level, avorals add blur to theii innate spell reper- However, once an avoral has helped to free a realm from
toire, and they can hurl three magic missiles per casting tyranny, he or she moves on Avorals rarely enjoy lasting
instead of two. friendships, even with their own kind.
At 6th level, avorals can cast gust of wind and hold perm,
and they can use four magic missiles per spell instead of cervidals
three. cervidals are the most peaceful of the f p a d i d s , seeking
At 8th level, avorals can cast lightning bolt (inflicting8d6 physical violence only when no other solutions present them-
points of damage) once per day- innate ability that selves. These herbivores resemble satyrs or fauns. They are
requires no special preparation. ~ l i myet strong,and their golden sldn is covered in short, red-
At loth level, avorals can summon a flock of normal dish-brown fur.Their heads are awvned with antlers or
avians once per day. W it
h in ld4 rounds of the casting, horns, and they have hoolves for feet. A cervidal's hands are
ldlOO birds arrive at the avoral's location and converge backed by hooflike material effective for bludgeoning attacks.
to attack his or her enemies.Those beset by the birds
can't cast spells, and any large-sized or smaller targets Ability Scores: Cervidals gain +1 bonuses to strength and
who are attacked by 10 or m m birds suffer a -2 penalty Dexterity, and a -1 penalty to Intelligence. Their adjusted
to their attack rolls, proficiency checks,ability checks, ability scoresmust fall within the following rang-
and saving throws. The birds remain until the avoral has
no further need of their assistance. This ability does not ABILITY MrmMum MAXIMUM
function on planes devoid of avian life. strength 14 19
Unless the indigenous avian life forms are peculiar Dexterity 12 19
in some fashion, assume that all summoned birds have constitution 6 18
Intelligence 5 17
these statistics: AC 7;MV 3, fly 36 (8); HD 1;hp 5 ea& W d m 6 18
THACO 19; #AT 1; Dmg ld3; SZ T; ML special; Int ani- 8 18
mal (1); XP 7.
At 12th level, avorals gain the ability to shapechange into ~ ~ : to the classeslisted below,
Class R ~ t f i ~ tIni addition
any birdlike form, from a sparrow to a giant eagle. This cewidals can select from the following multiclased options:
ability oftenaids the guardinals in recomaissame. fighter/mage, fighter/cleric, fighter/thief,f@ter/bard,
Transfomed avorals retain their own &mor Class, hit rangedmage, rangdthief, ranger/bard,mage/deric, =ge/
points, THACO, and special immunities, and they may druid, mage/thief, cleric/thief, deric/bard, and dmid/bard.
use any of their innate spell-like abilities (but not memo-
rized wizard or priest spells). cuss M A X . LHvaL
Fighter 9
Ranger 9
Speaal Hindrances: Avorals don't kill needlessly, although 12
they enjoy stalking small game mostly for the thrillof the Cleric 12
hunt. If they detect evil on their home plane, they attack it. Druid 12
They never associate with evil beings or creatures. Thief 9
Avorals don't Uke crowds and suffer +2 penalties on reac- Bard 12
tion mlls in avwded places. Because they're accustomed to
soaring through wide-open spaces, they're quite claustrophe Average Height and Weight: Cervidals stand 50/45 + 3d12
bic. When underground (even in large caverns) or inside inches tall and weigh 130/115 + 7d10 pounds. The number

before the slash refers to males; the one after it to females. ties afforded all guardinals, cervidals gain the following
Hit Dice: Cervidals gain Hit Dice according to their character innate spell-like abilities as they increase in level (each usable
classes. In addition to any bonus hit points from high Consti- once per round at will, unless otherwise noted):
tution scores, each cervidal PC receives a +1hit point bonus
at 1st level and another at 5th level. At 2nd level, cervidals can cast bless, command, detect poi-
son, and light. Once per day, they can cast magic missile
Alignment: Most cervidal Pcs are neutral good, but these (one missile).
beings can be of any good alignment. At 3rd level, these beings can cast either hold person (one
target only) or m g i c missile (two missiles) once per day.
Armor Class: Cervidals are Armor Class 4 (base). At 4th level, cervidals can cast hold person (one target
only), magic missile (two missiles), or suggestion once per
Languages: Cervidals, like all guardinals, have the innate day.
power to communicate telepathically with any intelligent, At 5th level, cervidals can cast hold person (onetarget
nonmonstrous creature or natural animal (even giant-sized only), magic missile (three missiles), or suggestion once per
beasts). day. Each also gains a bonus nonweapon proficiency
(one slot) of choice.
Profidendm Cervidals gain weapon and nonweapon profiaen- At 6th level, cervidals can cast protection from n m l mis-
cies according to their character dasses. Cervidal fighters may siles on themselves or another nonevil m a & once per
speciahe; however, all thesebeings p& their naturalattacks. day. At 7th level, they can use this power twice per day,
Most cervidals have the following nonweapon proficien- and at 8th level, three times per day.
cies, though Pcs are free to choose their own: Agriculture, At 9th level, they can cast haste or slow on themselves or
Armorer, Blacksmithing, Brewing, Cooking, Dancing, Fishing, another creature once per day. Unlike the wizard spell,
Healing, Herbalism, Jumping, Musical Instrument, Planar the cervidal's haste ability does not age the recipient.
Sense, Religion, Spellcraft, Swimmjng, Tracking, and Weapon-
smithing. Cervidals gain Planar Direction Sense and Planar Special Hindrances: Cervidals can be struck by any weapon,
SuntiVal (Elysium) as bonus proficiencies. (Italicizedprofiaen- magical or ordimq. Perhaps that's one reason they never
cies are described in the Planewalker's Handbook [2620].) start fights.If a conflict occurs, their first response is to dif-
fusethe situation using a minimum of violence. A cervidal
Special Benefits: Cervidals attack with two punches or kicks who initiates combat with another creature or strikes the first
(each of which causes ld6 points of damage plus any Strength blow gains no experience points for that encounter.
bonus) and a head-butt (which inflicts ld12+3 points of Cervidals are shy and reclusive by M& and shun the
damage). Their horns or antlers are treated as +3 magical company of strangers. Outside of their home, they suffer a +2
weapons in all respects.A cervidal who is at least 60 feet away reaction penalty when dealing with non-celestial races.
from an opponent can forego hoof attacks to charge with horns
lowered, inflict double damage (2d12+3)on a successful hit. Roleplaying Notes: Cervidals are docile, family-oriented
A cervidal's horns have three special abilities: guardinals. Most remain with their families for their entire
lives, leaving only to find a mate or enlist in a leonal's cause.
The homs canhelp avictim fight off the ill&& of poison, A few cervidals who have lost their families or made friend-
acid, contaminated focd or water, or other harmful sub- ships with visitors to Elysium sometimes leave their home
stances. An affeaed aeature touched by a cervidal's homs plane in search of adventure.
may immediately attempt one additional saving throw at a cenridals am even-- and rarely pmne tobrashbehav-
+6bonus. (Note that cervidals can'tuse their homs to ior or wild mood swings. Anyom who earns a cervidal'strust
negatehamlfulsubstanceswithjntheirownbcdies, can count on that friendship for the rest of his or her life. Cervi-
although one cervidalcan use thispower to help another.) dals always rememberthe names and facesof thosethey've
Any summoned, conjured, or extraplanar creature befriended and find it impossibletoiumtheirbackson~in
wounded by a cervidal's horns or antlers must immedi- need. To a cervida,the only thing more important than personal
ately make a successful saving throw vs. spell or return honor is M y , which must be proteded at all costs.
whence it came. (If the creature is native to the plane the
cervidal is currently on, it's not considered extraplanar B quinals
and can't be dispelled in this manner.) Equinals are massive herbivores combining the features of a
Illusions of any type are instantly dispelled when human and a draft horse. They have broad chests and shoul-
touched by a cervidal's horns. ders and their arms end in thick, iron-hard fingers that make
a hoof when curled in a fist. Their legs are even more horse-
Cervidals can be damaged by any weapon, and they gain like,with reversed knees and true horse's hooves for feet, and
magic resistance at a rate of 5% per level (cumulative), up to a their faces are long and narrow. A long horse's mane runs
maximum of 40% at 8th level. In addition to the innate abili- from an equjnal's head down to the center of his or her back.

Ability Scores: Equinals possess unearthly might. Each has a for their armor (or for their shields, if they use such to block
4 bonus to Strength, a -1 penalty to Wisdom, and a -1 the attack). Enchanted armor or shields gain a +1bonus to the
penalty to Charisma. Their final ability scores must fall saving throw for each magical plus. An enchanted shield that
within the following ranges: fails its saving throw loses one magical plus; a nonmagical
shield is destroyed. A suit of armor that fails its saving throw
ABILITY MINIMUM MAxIhiuM also loses one magical plus; a nonmagical suit is worsened by
Strene 18 22 one AC point. For example, an ordinary suit of chainmail (AC
Dexterity 9 18 5) damaged in the attack would afford the same protection as
Constitution 9 18 a suit of scale mail (AC 6) if it failed its saving throw. Like-
Intelligence 9 18 wise, a suit of chainmail +3 would be reduced to chainmail +2.
Wisdom 6 17 In addition to its powerful fists,an equinal can whinny once
Charisma 8 17
per turn, a piercing shriek that aff& all non-equinals within 20
Class Restrictions: In addition to the classes listed below, feet.If a creature in that range fails to make a successful saving
equinals can be multiclassed fighter/clerics. throw vs. spell, it‘s either stunned (if it has 4 or fewer Hit Dice)
or deafened (if it has more than 4 Hit Dice). Both effects last ld6
LEVEL rounds. Deafened creatures suffer a -1 penalty to surprise
Fighter 12 checks andhave a 20% chance tomiscast any spell with a
Ranger 10
verbal component. Stunned aeatum are unable to act for the
Cleric 11
Druid 9 duration of the effect.The equinal‘s whinny becomes more effec-
tive with increasing level. Against an equinal of lst-4th level, a
Average Height and Weight: Equinds stand 75/70 + 5d8 target gains a +2 bonus to the saving throw; against an equinal
inches tall and weigh 220/200 + 8d10 pounds. The number of 5th-Sth level, the target gains no bonus; and against an
before the slash refers to males; the one after it to females. equinal of 9th level or higher, the target makes the save at -2.
In addition to the innate abilities they share with all
Hit Dice: Equinals gain Hit Dice according to their character guardinals, equinals develop the following powers as they
classes. At 1st level, they receive 3 extra hit points in addition progress in level (each usable once per round at will, unless
to any bonus points they may receive from high Constitution otherwise noted):
At 2nd level, they can cast bless, command, light, and
Alignment: Equinal PCs can be of any good alignment, magic missile (one missile).
though neutral good is the most common. At 4th level, they can cast fog cloud, and their magic
missile ability improves (two missiles per use).
Armor Class: Equinals are Armor Class 3 (base). At 6th level, they can cast slow or wall of stone once per
day, and their magic missile power improves again
Languages: Equinals can telepathically communicate with (three missiles per use).
any intelligent, nmonstrous creature or natural animal At 8th level, they can cast summon insects or repel
(even giant-sized ones). insects once per day.

hoficiencies: Equinals gain weapon and nonweapon profi- Equinals can be struck only by +1or better weapons or
aencies according to their character classes. Although fighters those made of silver. They gain magic resistance at a rate of
of this race may specialize, they disdain weapons, preferring 10% every three levels (cumulative), up to a maximum of
to wade into battle with a boxerlike routine of devastating 45% at 13th level. (Therefore, an equinal has 5% magic
jabs and uppercuts. resistance at 1st level, 15%at 4th level, 25% at 7th level,
Most equinals have the following nonweapon proficien- 35% at 10th level, and 45% at 13th level.)
cies, but PCs are free to choose their own: Armorer, Black-
smithing, Cooking, Healing, Herbalism, Planar Direction Special Hindrances: Equinals are natural fighters and f i d it
Sense, Planar Sense, Religion, Running,Swimming, Tracking, difficult to retreat from combat. If an equinal ever wants to
and Weaponsmithing. Equinals gain Endurance and Planar leave the scene of a battle, he must make a successful saving
Survival (Elysium) as bonus proficiencies. (Italicized profi- throw vs. spell with a -2 penalty. Failure means that he can’t
ciencies are described in the Planewalker’s Handbook [2620].) bring himself to leave and must continue fighting until he or
his enemy has fallen.
Special Benefik Each round, an equinal can attack with two What’s more, an equinal is easily provoked into melee and
hoof-strikes,inflidng Id8 points of damage (plus any thus especially susceptible to taunt spells, incurring saving
Strength bonus) with each blow. These punches can splinter throw penalties of -4 against them. Equinal priests, however,
stone and crumple metal. Armored foes struck by an equinal tend to be wiser and less headstrong, suffering only -2 saving
must also make successful saving throws vs. crushing blow throw penalties. Even against normal insults, every equinal

must save vs. spell (with no penalty) or react in an aggressive Hit Dice: Leonals gain Hit Dice according to their character
manner-usually by trying to pound the tactless fool who classes. At 1st level, they receive 2 extra hit points in addition
delivered the insults into the dirt. to any bonus points from high Constitution scores.
Equinals stand about seven and a half feet tall and are con-
sidered Large-sized creatures for damage purposes, Alignment: Most leonal PCs are neutral good, but they can
be of any good alignment.
Roleplaying Notes: Equinals are fond of athletic contests
and games of skill. The strongest of them love a good brawl Armor Class: Leonals are Armor Class -2 (base).
and enthusiastically embrace any cause that lets them stand
hoof-to-toe with evil. They can seldom resist a challenge put Languages: Leonals, like all guardinals, have the innate
to them by a worthy opponent, and they don’t mind over- power to communicate telepathically with any intelligent,
whelming a weaker foe who doesn’t know enough to stay nonmonstrous creature or natural animal (even a giant-sized
out of their way. one).
Equinals are boisterous at their happiest and cantankerous
at their meanest. They are tenacious, courageous, and stub- Proficiencies: Leonals gain weapon and nonweapon profi-
born. Once they have it in their heads to do something, they’ll cienaes according to their character classes. Though leonal
make Herculean efforts to achieve their objective, refusing to fighters can specialize, they prefer theii natural attacks.
let any other matters distract them. Most l e o ~ l have
s the following nonweapon proficien-
Equinals tend to gather in bands, instinctively preferring cies, but PCs are free to choose their own: Ancient History,
the company of their own kind. However, it’s not uncommon Animal lore, Animal Training, Endurance, Engineering, Eti-
for one who’s especially driven (or especially laid-back) to quette, Local History, Mountaineering, Planar Direction
find pleasure in the company of other races, particularly Sense, Planar Sense, Portal Sense, Reading/Writing, Religion,
humans.But they don’t take kindly to insults or crude Nck- Spellcraft, Survival, and Swimming. Leonals gain Planar
names. Those who dare to call an equinal ”muleface”or Survival (Elysium) and Running as bonus proficiencies. (Itali-
“horse-man” should be prepared for the beating of their lives. cized proficiencies are described in the Planewalker’s Hand-
book [2620].)
Leonals are the imperious leaders and chieftains Of the guardi- Special Benefik A leonal can make three attacks per round
nals. They resemble tall,muscular humans with reddish-gold two claw strikes (each inflicting 2d4 points of damage plus
manes for hair and short, tawny-gold fur covering theirbodies. Strength bonuses) and one bite (causing Id8 points of
Their lower legs are likethase of a lion, and their powerful amw damage). In addition to their surprising strength, leonals are
end in steel-hard talons.Their leonine visages are both regal and agile combatants. They gain a bonus on their initiative rolls
ten@hg,andtheyhaveapresencethatcommandsrespect equal to their defense adjustment for exceptional Dexterity.
(Thus, a leonal with a Dexterity score of 18 receives a 4
Ability Scores: Leonals gain +3 bonuses to Strength, +2 bonus to initiative rolls.)
bonuses to Charisma, and +1bonuses to Dexterity Their final Leonals can dodge missiles and missilelike magical attacks
ability scores must fall within the following ranges: by making a successful saving throw vs. paralyzation. This
ABILITY MINIMUM MAxmuhl includes thrown weapons; missiles fired from bows, cross-
strength 15 21 bows, and slings; and spells such as burning hands, h4elf’s acid
Dexterity 13 19 a m , and other physical manifestations of magic (except for
Constitution 12 18 magic missile). Leonals can’t be surprised.
Intelligence 13 18 Regardless of level, any leonal can issue a tenirying mag-
Wiom 13 18
Charisma 15 20 ical roar three times per day. It affects a cone-shaped area 60
feet long and 20 feet wide at the end and is the equivalent of
Class Restrictions: Leonals can’t be multiclassed characters, a holy word spell. In addition, all creatures in this area suffer
as they are highly f d beings who devote themselves damage based on the leonal‘s level: 2d6 points at lst4th
entirely to their chosen callings. level, 2d8 points at 5th-8th level, 2d10 points at 9th-13th
level, 2d12 points at 14th-20th level, and 2d20 points at 21st
CLASS MAX. LBvBt level or higher. Furthermore, all creatures in the area of
Fighter 24
effect must make a successful saving throw vs. spell or be
Ranger 18
18 deafened for one day. (Deafened creatures suffer a -1
Cleric 18 penalty to surprise checks and have a 20% chance of mis-
casting spells with a verbal component.) When a leonal
Average Height and Weight L e o ~ l stand
s 50/45 + 2d12 roars, any evil creature within 200 yards must make a suc-
inches tall and weigh 170/155 + 10d12 pounds. The number cessful saving throw vs. spell or be stricken with fear for 2d6
before the slash refers to males; the one after it to females. rounds. The deafening and fear effects become increasingly

hard to resist as the leonal rises in level. Against a lst4th unquestioned leader of the guardinals. (Talisid is a 24th-
level leonal, a target saves at +4; against 5th-8th level, at +2; level leonal fighter who has humbled many &dengem
against 9th-l3th, with no modifier; against 14th-l7th, at -2; in his day. However, if he is defeated in nonlethal com-
against 18th-Zlst, at 4; and against a leonal of 22nd level or bat, he will step down, remainingas an advisor and
higher,at -8. mentor to the leonal who bested him.)
Leonals are surrounded by a double-strengthprotection
fromevil aura with a radius of 20 feet. They have 1070magic Special Hindrances: The b u r d m of nobility and command
resistance at 1st level and gain an a d d i t i d 100/0 every three often prevent a leonal from taking up the life of an adven-.
levels (having 20% at 4th level, WO at 7th level, and so on,up Leonals th& charismaand innuenCeto lead other guardi-
to a maximum of 80% magic resistance at 22nd level). They nals into battle against the foxes of evil, but those few who
build resistance to certain types of weapons as they rise in seek other roles wander the planes, allying with various good-
level as well: aligned creatures to put down evil where it stands. Even
abroad, leonals quickly find themselves thrust into leadership
LEVEL CAN BE STRUCK ONLY BY roles. where possiile, they try to ally themselves with beings
1-4 +1or better (or silver) weapons of comparable power 80 that they can learn from their peera
5-9 +2 or better (orsilver) weapons Leon& are the epitome of honor and courage. They can’t
10-15 +3 or better (or silver) weapons lie, cheat, run from battle, attack without due cause, or take
16+ +4 or better (or silver) weapons advantage of the weak. A leonalwho succumbs to fear(magi-
cal or otherwise) even once immediately loses his or her mag-
Leonalshave the spell-like abilities common to all guardi- ical m r . Such disgraced guardinals either leave Elysium to
nals, and they gain further powers as they rise in level (each seek their fortunes elsewhere or try to atone for their humilia-
usable once per round at wiU, unless stated otherwise): tion by performing incredible acts of courage.
Lwnals can’t r e h or ignore a good-aligned cm~turein
At 1st level, leonals can cast magic missile (one missile). need. A leonal who shirks this responsibility loses some or all
At 3rd level, they can cast ESP, know alignment, and magic of his or her magical powers and immunities, as dekrmimd
missile (two missiles). by the gravity of the offense. (Failing to retum a lost child to
At 5th level, leonals can cast continual light, fireball,and his or her mother is relatively minor in the grand scheme of
magic missile (three missiles). They can also cure disease the mdtiverse, while refusingto help a atadel of good-
once per day. aligned soldiers hold off an onslaught of fiendscould cost the
At 7th level, thesebeings can cast plymrph self and leonal dearly.) A l d who performs a malicious act is
magic missile (four missiles). They can also cure disease OT tainted by the deed and can’t attract followers or use his
neutralize poison once per day. innate magical abilities until he atones.
At 9th level, leonals can cast wall offorce and magic missile
(five missiles). They can also c u m disease, neutralize poison, Roleplaying Notee: On peaceful Elysium, leonals are loners.
or cure m’ticnl wounds once per day. They keep to themselves, roaming the fomta and mountains
At 11th level, leonals can cure disease, neutralize poison, or of the plane’s more m o t e areas.All other guardkrals regard
cure m.ticalzthmmk twice per day. them as royalty and treat them accodingly However, the
At 13th level, they can cure diseuse, neutralize poison, or leonals don’t take advantage of thisrelationship-they use
cure m‘ticul wounds three times per day. Once per day, their authority judiaously and only when they need assis-
they can heal another creature. A leonal of this level can tance in a matter that can’t be attended to personally.
also grant another’s m‘shonce per year, provided that it Every now and again, leonals conduct seem miwions out-
serves the greater good. side of Elysium, the details of which they generally keep to
At 15th level, a leonalgains ld6 6th-level equinals or ld4 themselves. Such missions include reconnoiteringdeep
8th-level lupinals as lieutenants or henchmen. These within an evil domain, rallying support for a great military
absolutely loyal guardinals are sworn to serve the leonal venture, meeting with other good-aligned Celestials to dipcuas
and never check morale; they’re also immune to all matters involving the Blood War or something equally signifi-
forms of magical influence or compulsion while under cant. At least one leonal leaves Elysium regularly to answer a
theldscharge. powerful summons to the Prime Material Plane, usually
At 18th level, a leonal gains ld3 12th-level leonals as because assistance is desperately required.
trusted advisors. The advisors don’t stay with the PC,
but gather when summoned to provide advice and assis- Lupinals
tance.(Ifdesired, the Pccanchooseto become one of Lupinals are half-man and half-wolf with lean, rangy
Prince Talisid’s valued counsel rather than gain personal physiques and pronounced muzzles filled with sharp canine
advisors.) teeth.Their rear legs are bent like a wolf‘s, and their skin is
At 21st level, a leonal may challenge prince Talisid to a covered with short,fine, silver-gray fur. Natives of prime
rite of combat, after which the victor becomes the material worlds often mistake them for werewolves.

Ability Scores: Lupinals gain +1bonuses to Strength and for example, a lupmal with a Dexterity of 18makes initiative rolls
Dexterity and a -1 penalty to Wisdom. Their adjusted ability at -4. Lupinals canalso dodge normal (nonmagical)missilesby
scores must fall within the following ranges: malcjng a succeddsavingthmwvs. paralyzation. Due totheir
keen senses,they're surpnsed only on a roll of 1on ld10.
ABILITY MINIMUM MAXIMUM Although lupinals often carry weapons, they are far from
Strength 14 19 defenseless when unarmed. They can make three ~ t ~ ~ a
Dexterity 14 19 attacks per round, slashing a foe with two claws (ld4 points
Constitution 9 18 of damage each, plus any Strength bonuses) and biting (2d6
Intelligence 11 18 points of damage). A lupinal who hits with a bite attack by a
Wisdom 6 17 margin of 4 or more seizes his or her p q and drags it to the
Charisma 9 18
ground unless the victim makes a successful saving throw vs.
Class Restrictions: In addition to the classes listed below, death magic. A victim who's seized and dragged is automati-
lupinals can select from among the following multiclassed cally bitten by the lupinal each round thereafter until uncon-
options: fighter/thief, fighter/bard, ranger/thief, and scious or dead-or until released.
ranger/bard. The howl of a lupinal causes fear in any evil creature
within 100 yards, unless the creature makes a successful
Class Maximum Level saving throw vs. spell with a modifier dependent on the
Fighter 18 lupinal's level. Against a lupinal of lst-3rd level, the modifier
Ranger 15
Thief 18 is +2; against 4th4th level, the modifier is +l;against 7th-
Bard 15 level, the modifier is 0; against lOth-12th level, the modifier is
-1; against 13th-15th level, the modifier is -2; and against
Average Height and Weight: Lupinals stand 50/45 + 2d12 16th or higher level, the modifier is 4.
inches tall and weigh 150/135 + 4d10 pounds. The number At 1st level, lupinals can be struck only by +1or better
before the slash refers to males; the one after it to females. weapons or those made of silver. At 5th level, this resistance
increases such that they can be struck only by +2 or better (or
Hit Dice: Lupinals gain Hit Dice according to character class. silver) weapons. Lupinals gain 5% magic resistance at second
They receive one extra hit point at 1st level, in addition to any level and an additional 10%every other level (cumulative),
bonus points gained from high Constitution scores. up to a maximum of 45% at loth level.
In addition to the innate spell-like abilities they share with
Alignment: Lupinal PCs are usually neutral good, but they all guardinals, lupinals manifest the following powers as they
can be of any good alignment. gain in level (each usable once per round at will, unless other-
wise noted):
Armor Class: Lupinals are Armor Class 2 (base).
At 1st level, they can use change selfonce per round and
Languages: Lupinals, like all guardinals, have the innate magic missile (one missile) three times per day.
power to communicate telepathically with any intelligent, At 3rd level, they can cast blur and dmkness 15'radius
nomonstrous creature or natural animal (even giant-sized once per round and magic missile (twomissiles) three
ones). They also speak their own language, which consists of times per day.
guttural growls, snarls, and howls. At 5th level, they can cast blink and wraithform. Three
times per day, they can fly for up to 3 tums (MV 30,class
Proficiencies: Lupinals gain weapon and nonweapon profi- A) or cast magic missile (three missiles). Once per day,
cienaes according to their character classes. Of all the guardi- they can cure disease.
nals, they are the most inclined to wield weapons. Lupinal At 7th level, they can cast cure serious wounds, fly (as
fighters may specialize. above), or magic missile (four missiles) three times per
Most lupinals have the following nonweapon proficien- day. They can also cast cure disease or neutralize poison
cies, but PCs are free to choose their own: Animal Lore, once per day.
Animal Training, Appraising, Blind-fighting, Endurance, Fire- At 9th level, three times per day, they can cure Serious
building, Jumping, Tumbling, Planar Direction Sense, Planar wounds, fly (as above), cast magic missile (four missiles),
Sense, Planar Survival (Elysium), Running,Set Snares, Survival, or breathe a cone of cold (8d4+8points of damage) meas-
Swimming, and Weaponsmithing. Lupinals gain Hunting and uring 40 feet long and 10 feet wide.
Tracking as bonus proficienaes. (Italicizedproficiencies are At 12th level, they can dominute (as the wizard spell dom-
described in the Planewalker's Handbook [2620].) ination) any lupine or partly lupine creature that meets
their gaze, regardless of the creature's intelligence and
SpecialBenefik Lupinals are natural hunters and stalkers, disposition. Undead wolves are immune, but ordinary
attacking their prey with savage f u q They gain an initiative mcd- wolves, dire wolves, worgs, winter wolves, werewolves,
ifier equal to their defense adjustment for exceptional Dexterity; wolfweres, and similar creatures are affected.

At 15th leve lupinal can use feeblemind on a single
intelligent bture that meets his or her gaze. The effect
lasts for onlj pd4 rounds, but is otherwise similar to the
wizard suell
Class Restrictions: In addition to the classes listed below,
ursinals can select from the following multiclassed options:
mage/cleric and cleric/bard.
Mage 21
e on prime-material worlds, Specialist Wizard 21
for werewolves. Closer inspec- Cleric 18
and more expressive, but Bard 15
at risk from groups of
er weapons. The wolfen Average Height and Weight: Ursinals stand 92/86 + 2d8
avoid these hunters rather than risk inches tall and weigh 380/330 + 2d10 pounds. The number
before the slash refers to males; the one after it to females.
pearance, lupinals suffer a +4 reaction
with humans and demihumans. Hit Dice: Ursinals gain Hit Dice according to character class.
in urban settings, where lupinal thieves At 1st level, they receive 4 extra hit points in addition to any
of their chances to hide in shadows gained from high Constitution scores.
and move silentl
by werewolves, wolfweres, and loup- Alignment: Generally, ursinals are neutral good. However,
lawful good and chaotic good ursinals do exist.

Armor Class: Ursinals are Armor Class -2 (base).

inalshunt evil aggressively and are
notice. Like equinals, Languages: Ursinals, like all guardinah, have the innate power
gathering in small packs to hunt, play, to communicate telepathically with any intelligent, n m o n -
y have no special loyalty to one partic- strous mature or natural animal (even giant-sizd ones).
to move from pack to pack. Lupinals are
and would rather stay with Rofiaencies:Ursinals gain weapon and nonweapon pmfiden-
their own kind outsiders. They're especially cies according to theircharacter classes.Ursinal fighters can spe-
owever, an occasional mortal cialize, but they p d e r to use their formidablenatural attacks.
's friendship, and as companions Most ursinals have the following nonweapon proficiencies,
but PCs are free to choose their own: Ancient History, Ancient
y mundane tasks. They need Languages, Animal Lore, Appraising, Artistic Ability, Eti-
.Any time they catch wind of an evil quette, Gem Cutting, Healing, Herbalism, Local History,
Elysium (or wherever they happen to be), Planar Direction Sense, Planar Sense, Planar SurOianl (Elysium),
to stalk and eliminate the enemy. It's a Portal Sense, and Swimming. Ursinals gain Reading/Writing
responsibility the] e very seriously. and Spellcraft as bonus proficiencies. (Italicized proficiencies
I are described in the Planewalker's Handbook [2620].)

are hulking men and women with Spedal Benefits Ursinals are inthidating combatantswho can
stand approximately eight feet tall deliver tem'be damage,making three attacks per round.Each of
golden, red, or golden-brown fur their two W a w s intlicts 2d6 pohb of damage (plus any
anns,backs, and lower legs and too Strengthbonus)perstrike,andtheirMteintlictsldlOpointsof
os and faces. An ursinal's face has a damage.An ursinal who hits an enemy with both paws can auto-
and high e a r - a d , usually, a maticallyhugthevictimforan~di~2d1Opo~tsofdam
and gain a +4bonusto any bite attacks against that victim.
in +2 bonuses to Strength and d o l . &and divhatimtospellsthat in€lictmasaiveamountsof
reduction to Dexterity. Their final damage. Inaddition to the @-like p o w e r s cummon to all
the following ranges: guadnab, Ursinalsgain the followingabilitiesas they rise in level
(eachusable once per round at will, unleea otherwise
* noted):
ABW . hhlmum MAxlMuM
strengul 16 20 At 1st level, ursinals can cast magic missile or sleep (affects

Dexterity 6 16 4d6 Hit Dice worth of creahws, and affects matures up
constituti 9 18 to 7 Hit Dice). The number of missiles available increases
Intelligen 15 20 with the ursinal's level, as per the spell.
Wisdom 6 18
charisma 11 18 At 3rd level, they can cast ESP or know alignment.

uuf light once per round ance at 6th level, 4570at 11th level, 607’0 at 16th level, and 75%
at 21st level.) This resistance in no way impairs their ability to
can polymorph self or create solid fog employ magical items.
and either cure disease or neutralize poison
SpeCialHindrances,.Ufiinals must try to resolve mnflidsby the
least damaging means available. For example, an ursinalmight
attempt to calm an enemy with chann speUsbefore attacking
use holy word once per with paws and teeth or casting a destructive spelL Ursinals who
rely on wounding attacks in any confrontationd v e only half
the normal experia\cepoints for that encounter.
can use legend lore three times per At a height of 8 feet, ursinals are considered large-sized
creatures for damage purposes.
another c r e a m
Roleplaying Notes: Ursinals are scholars,librarians, and
philosophers who enjoy sharing their knowledge of the mul-
tiverse openly, dipssing endlessly until they no longer
remember the original topic of discussion. T k y dislike physi-
cal combat and avoid physical confrontation until it becomes
inevitable. In contrast to their benevolence, ursinals ~ I Ycapa-
ble of inflicting terrible carnage when incited.
Ursinal mages have a speaal fondness for magical items
and spellbooks,collecting them whenever the opportunity
arises. Ursinal priests are dedicated to spreading peace and
harmony through enlightenment and knowledge of the multi-
verse. Ursinal bards are storytellers and collectors of forgotten
lore, traveling the planes in search of the secrets of the cosmcs
while using their magic to oppose evil wherever they find it

This chapter presents the last of the celestial races, the aasi-
mar. Aasimar are the only celestials that aren’t part of a larger
society of different kinds of beings. The aasimon race consists
of seven distjnct types of creatures, as does the archon and
eladrin race. Similarly,six different types of guardinals exist.
But there’s only one kind of aasimar.Of course, no two aasi-
mar are exactly alike,but the fact remains that in some ways
they’re far less diverse than the other celestials.
Aasimar are the scions or descendants of celestials from
the Upper Planes.More predsely, an aasimar is the mortal
pmgeny or offspring of a celestial being-an aasimon, archon,
eladrin, or guardinal--and a mortal being. However, the
blood of a celestial courses through each aasimar‘s body,even
if it’s just a trace amount.
As a result of this influence, aasimar are often referrrdto as
plane-touched. It‘s usually a compliment. When used to
describe a tietling, though, the term is much more of an insult.
Tieflings are the children or descendants of a union between a
fiend and a mortal, and just as an aasimar is consided to be
blessed, a tiefling is thought to be tainted,often irredeemably
so.It’s no surprise, then,that tieflings generally hate aasimar.
Though rare, aasimarare a powerful fomin the Upper
Planes,gathering armies for crusades and leading evangelical
miasionsbeyond the planes’boundess confines. They generally
appear as gloriously beautiful humans with golden hair, fair
skin, and piercing eyes. They might be mistaken for half-elves

Average Height and Weighk Aasimar stand 61/60 + 2d10
inches tall and weigh 140/90 + 5d10 pounds. The number
they’re commonly portrayed. But as before the slash refers to males; the one after it to females.
e subtle imperfections of their
aren’t always the epit- Hit Dice: PC aasimar gain Hit Dice aceording to character dass.
adstrong types, while
others are trea ,justifying their malign Alignment: PC aasimar may be of any nonevil alignment,
though most are lawful good, neutral good, or chaotic good.
aasimar are rarely abandoned by
ically, the mortal parents raise these Armor Class: As with most mortals, an aasimar’s natural
t their celestial parents Armor Class is 10.
if an invisible o n e i n
Languages: Aasimar typically speak the language of their
b e l k to be the right path). mortal parent‘s homeland (usually the Common tongue), as
well as other languagesthey have learned.

and they usually feel driven to right Profidencies: PC aasimar gain weapon and nonweapon pro-
ness in the mortal world. Many rise fiaenaes according to their character classes. Those with high
s and honorable heroes. Intelligence scores gain additional nonweapon slots.

Special Benefits:A a s i i have infravision to a range of 60

feet. Because of their keen senses, they add +1 to their sur-
prise checks. Though aasimar are usually slender and even
y gain experience points for somewhat frail, their celestial heritage protects them from
levels in their chosen classes. half of the damage normally delivered from heat and cold
attacks. Additionally, they gain a +2 bonus to saving throws
r PCs gain a +1 bonus to Strength or vs. any sort of magical charm, fear, emotion, or domination
ice) and a +1 bonus to Wisdom. They effed. This includes muse fear, chaos, charm person 01 mammal,
onstitution. Their final ability scores charm monster, cloak of terror, command, confusion, demand,
enthrall, eyebite, friends, hypnotic pattern, hypnotism, mass charm,
mass suggestion, scare, s p k , suggestion, Tmha’s uncontrollable
MAXIMUM hideous laughter, and taunt. All non-wizard aasimar have 1077
18 Magic Resistance as well.
18 Aselect few aasimar have spell-like powers such asdetect evil,
detect lie, or light (each usable once per day) rather than &st-
18 ance to heat and cold. If the player desires, he or she can roll on
18 the “AasimarAbilities” table found in Appendix 2 to determine
his or her PC’s spell-like power or other special benefit.
and maximums apply before ability Finally, aasimar rogues gain a 10% bonus to their
Find/Remove Traps skill, a 5% bonus to Move Silently, a 10%
bonus to Hide In Shadows, and a 5% bonus to Detect Noise.
cter classes are available to aasimar. Spedal Hindrances: There aren’t many drawbacks to playing
from among the following multi- aasimar. They rarely suffer from the same alienation felt by
cleric, fighter/mage, fighter/bard, half-elves, who arr welcome in neither human nor elven com-
mage/cleric, mage/thief, muniti-n the contrary, aasimar tend to have stable homes.
. S i n g l e - c h d aasimar can rise (Aasimar thieves are the exception, and their tendency toward
two levels above ted maximums given below: thievery is often a reflection of a poor upbringing.)
On the other hand, aasimar who perform despicable or
MAXIMUM LEVEL dishonorable deeds might be admonished or even punished
by their celestial parents. The offender might be forced to
atone for mistakes to regain mysteriously lost innate powers
or magic resistance. Sometimes, though, the celestial watches
from a distance but leaves the aasimar alone, hoping the child
will have the strength of character to find the true path alone.
Aasimar wizards can’t wear armor or employ shields.

seraphistus, prince of statues
d eyes, naturally tanned skin, straight statue form (with cloak ofstutues); M R 10%; SZ M (5’11- tall);
that gives the impression of perfect still- ML champion (15); Str 9, Dex 18,Con 13,Int 16,Wis 15, Cha
gers on each hand and six toes on each 16 AL LN;XP 5,000.

laces, and his wide grin is both proficiencies

Seraphistusis proficient with longsword, short sword,
no bones about his profession. He’s a dagger, and crossbow. His nonweapon pmficiendes are:
abilities in a good way, depriv- Appraising (15),Disguise (15),Planur Sense (14),Planur Sur-
g that gives them an edge. vim1 (Baator, 14), Rope Use (18),k b l i n g (l8),and Ventrilo-
his cloak of statues, which he uses to quism (14).
strongholds. By assuming the forms of
ing statuary and waiting patiently for special Abilities
he’s killed many fiends and stolen Seraphistushas the following thieving skills: PP 55%, OL 65%,
cal items origjnally intended for use F/RT 60%, Ms 85%, HS 85%, DN so”/, CW EO%, RL 20%.
Seraphistus sells most of these
power to destroy them, and he special Attacks
Seraphistus can backstab at +4 to hit, inflicting quadruple
damage with a successful strike.
rts a network of ke
ane and uses them to gath special Equipment
from guard rotations to floor pl haphistus wields a short sword of quickness +2 and wears a
ing of jumping and a cloak of statues. (The cloak allows the
wearer to cast statue on himself up to seven times per day,
with no chance of death. The wearer can detennine the size
md shape of the statue, although it can be no smaller than
he weare~’r3hand and no larp;er than twice his or her full
&e. The cloak atso affordsa Z; bonus to the wearer’s h o r

lead by example, earning their ence is less powerful than normal. Greater equars are fully
leaders and capable champions present at the point of conjuration. Thus, any equar e n c m -
tered on its home plane is of the greater variq.
native to the Outer Only good-aligned equars may serve as mounts for celes-
xist, each strongly tials, but others of nongood alignments also exist. For com-

Ii s, refer to "Destriers of the
(DRAGON@ Magazine NU).

es a unicorn, with its hard, crystalline

,spiral horn rising from its brow.

onent on its majestic horn. A touch

will, simply by touching the target

trothspyres have higher-than-normal

e horn attack of a lesser troth spy^

,or double that mount upon
These noble creatures can cast
evil, each twice per day at M! I level
om as 18 for purposes of detect lie.
on the Prime Material Plane at
lesser trothspyre in service there
g to its rider's location at day-

vil targets. In addition, this honest and

cast defect lie at will at 12th level ability.
m as 18 for purposes this spell.) A two days pass without an opportunity to drink light, the
creature considers its service pact broken and returns to its
home plane.

its back. Great yres have 20% magic resistance. gildmane (Neutral good)
of this creature does not vanish from This equar appears as a stout chestnut horse with a shimmer-
sundown like its lesser counter- ing golden mane, no tail, and hooves of pure gold that shine
in the sun.

Combat: Gildmanes attack with their two front hooves.

Special Abilities: All gildmanes have higher-than-normal hit
points (=/die) and are never surprised. They are immune to
petrification, disease, and poison, as well as c h r m and other
of no more than ten individuals, forms of mental control. Only magical weapons of +1 or
on. Tmthspyres mate for life,with better enchantment can harm them.
By touching a hoof to any suspect gold, a gildmane can
determine its purity and identify false gold, including gilded
iron and lesser metals enchanted with fool0 gold. At any time,
the equar can speak with an astral traveler by gently laying a
hoof upon the latter's physical body. In addition, the creature
can s m u n d itself with a golden aura that provides light (as
costs at least 50 e creature would rather starve than per the light spell) and affords a +1bonus to saving throws
against any form of curse or hex for anyone within the aura's
20-foot radius. This luminescence reveals cursed magical
II for what they truly are and forms of mental control. Only magical weapons of +1 or
andon them without penalty. The equar better enchantment can harm them.
rse-breaking radiance but once per day, Even the most grueling condition6 cannot unseat a favon-
r no more than one hour. ian's partner unless either steed or rider wishes it. Regardlw
ct the attention of evil creatures. Any evil- of the surface, a favonian leaves no tracks to mark its path,
low intelligence (7 or less) within one mile and adverse weather conditions in no way hinder its senses.
cessful saving throw vs. spell or Any favonian can summon 1-3 phantom steeds (as per the
3rd-level wizard spell)once per day; thesephantasms look
identical to the favonian and act as m i m images, distracting
enemies and diverting their attacks.

HabitatBociety:Native to the fields of Arborea, favonians are

unafraid of the worst weather conditions, considering the
wildest storm as no more inconvenient or threatening than a
gentle rain They travel their native plane in herds of no more
than ten individuals. Favonians do not mate for life, and any
any one individual per day, providing pairing produces a foal only once in twenty years.
us to all die rolls for one turn or a
single attempt, once per Ecology: Though they forage on grasses and other p h t s on
ar can cast glitterdust, shield (protecting their native plane, favonians serving on the prime Material
), and astral m'ndao, each twice per Plane live on rain and andent sagas. They happily consume
equars, it has 20% magic resistance. rainwater collected in barrels, or even from puddles after a
sudden downpour. It is far more difficult to find the epic
ese creatures, native to Elysium, are the poems and songs that a favonian demands--and more ardu-
,and neutral good aasi- ous still to perform them in its presence with the proper zeal.
in herds of no more Three days without a new and different tale cause the favon-
s can produce a foal ian to return to Arborea.
Pavonians enjoy the songs and antics of bards and enter-
tainers, seeking out such company whenever an opportunity
tive plane, gildmanes are herbivorous, arises. Because of this, these e q w can never harm such hdi-
aterial Plane their diet consists of worked viduab-even those of sinister disposition. They prefer to
urer the better. The deal with entertainers of impure heart by dispersing any
tal each day. Should crowds the latter have attracted, thereby depriving them of
both audience and livelihood. If the favonian's rider attacks a
bard or other eriterhirm, the equar considem this a breach of
the pact and stemly admonishes the offender befote rehvning
them. to its home plane.
Lesser famian: A lesser favonian can cast alter normal
winds, gust of wind, and o b s c u m t , each m e per day
eladrins and chaotic Gmterfimonian: The p a t e r version of this equar can cast
,either bluish-white or alter normal zUinds*, cloudburst*,gust of wind, and obscurement,
each three times per day. Three times a day, it can perform a
flying gallop ( M CB), lasting one turn,during which the
fight with their two front hooves. equar moves at its normal movement rate through the air (as
avonians have higher-than-normal hit per the fly spell). A greater favonian has 20% magic resistance.
*Indicatesa spell appearing in the Wizard's Spell Com-
Lcss0rr1- - qildmanc iavonion
Greater Lesser Greater Lesser Greater
CLIMATWTZRRA h Y h Y h Y h Y h Y h Y
FREQUENCY: very rare (rare) Very rare (rare) Very rare (rare) Very rare (rare) very rare (rare) very rare (rare)
ORG-~NIZATION solitary (herds) Solitary (herds) Solitary (herds) Solitary (herds) solitary (herds) solitary W)
DIET: blessed grain blessed grain worked gold worked gold rain and epic tales rain and epic tales
and sunlight and suntight
INTELLIGENCE Exceptional Exceptional Exceptional
:Lawful Good Nil
Nil Nil ?
: Nil
ALIGNMENT: Lawful Good Neutral Good Neutral Good chaotic Good chaotic Good
NO. APPEARING 1(3-8) 1 1 (3-8) 1 1(3-8) 1
ARMOR CLASS: 3 1 3 1 3 1
MOVEMENT: 1s 24 18 24 18 24
HIT DICE 6 (5-8hp/die) 9 (5-8hp/die) 6 ( 5 4 hp/die) 9 (5-8hp/die) 6 (5-8h p / W 9 (5-8hp/die)
THACO 15 12 15 12 15 12
NO. OF AlTACK! 2 (fmnt hooves) 2 (front hooves) Z(front hooves) 2 (front hooves) 2 (front hooves) 2 (front hooves)
or 1(horn) or 1(horn)
DAMAGWATTAC 2d6/2d6 or ldlO 3d6/3d6 or 2d6 2d6/2d6 3d6/3d6 2d6/2d6 3d6/3d6
SPECIAL A'ITACI Nil Nil spells spells spells Spells
SPECIAL DBPENl Never surprised, Never surprised, Never surprised, Never surprised, Never surprised, Never surprised,
immune to cham, immune to cham, immune to cham, immune to charm, immune to charm, immuneto cham,
disease,mental disease, mental disease, mental diseawmental disease, mental disease, mental
mtrol, petri- control, petri- control,@- control, @- control. wtri- control. wtri-
fica*andpdson, -lica!ion,andpoison, ficatio&andpdson, ficalioll#andpoison,f i c a t i ~ h p o i s o n , f i c a ~ ~ p o i s
+1or better +1or better +1 or better +1 or better +1or better +lorbetter
weapon to hit weapon to hit weapon to hit, weapon to hit weapon to hit weapon to hit
continuous pmtection
from mir(seuand
WEAKNESSES: Cannot &on AC 5, -1 penalty
PrimeMaterial toattafksafter
planeaftersunset SunsetonPrime
Attracts evil Material Plane
matures Attracts evil

MAGIC RESISTAF Nil 200/. Nil 20% Nil 20%

SIZE L (7'tall) L ( 8 tall) L (7'tall) L ( 8tall) L (7' tall) L (8' tau)
MORALE Champion (1516) Fearless (18-20) Champion (1516) Fearless (18-20) Champion (1516) Fearless (18-20)
W VALUE: 5,000 5,000 5,0@3 5,000 5,000 5,m

Appendip 2 : Tables Table 2: Aasimar TpPle 3: Aasimar side
App earance E ects
contain tables for 1DlOoROLL AFTMRANCE 1~100ROLL SIDEEpwcr
celestial char- 014 silvery skin 01-10 sweet, fresh odor sur-
05-07 green-tinted skin rounds body
08-10 blue-tinted skin 11-15 Surrounded by aura of
11-14 golden skin calm (good-&ped
15-16 pointed ears creatures within 30

alter self (l/day)
ridged ears
doglike ears
angular face with high
feet receive +2 bonus
to morale checks)
21-25 16-25 wounds inflicted
04-06 augu'y (l/week) cheekbones upon aasimar heal
07-09 blur (l/day)
comprehend languages 26-29 perfect white teeth twice as quickly
3W1 long, distinguished 26-30 Susceptible to fire
13-15 detect evil (l/day) nose (suffers +1point of
16-18 detect lie (l/day) 3233 hooked nose damage per die)
19-21 detect magic (l/day) 3436 crystal-blue eyes 31-35 Susceptibleto cold
22-24 enthrall (l/week) 37-39 bright green eyes (suffers +1point of
25-27 feather fair (l/day) 40-42 gleaming silver eyes damage per die)
2830 know alignment 43-45 golden eyes 36-45 Presence eases ani-
(l/day) 46-40 six fingers per hand mals (reactionsat +4)
3133 light (l/day) (icluding thumb) 46-50 Touch inflicts ld4
34-36 mirror image (l/day) 49-50 fingers one inch points of damage to
37-39 protection from mil 10'
radius (l/day) longer than normal evil matures
40-42 protection from normal 51-52 animal horns on head 51-55 Odd skin composition
missiles (l/week) 53-54 silver or gold finger- gives base AC of
4345 read magic (2/day) nails ld6+3
46-48 shield (l/day) 55-57 long, slender arms 56-60 Unholy water inflicts
49-51 strength (l/day) 58-60 long, slender legs ld6 points of damage
52-54 water breathing 61-65 feathered wings ( M v per vial or splash
Wweek) fly 18 P I ) 61-70 Can be turned by evil
55-57 half damage from fire 66-72 vestigial wingbones priests
58-60 half damage from cold on shoulders 71-75 Speaks telepathically
61-63 half damage from 73-76 opalescent skin
electricity to any intelligent CIea-
64-66 half damage from acid 77-80 MtUdlY tanned Skin turewithinlmile
67-69 +2 to save vs. poison 81-83 body covered with 76-80 Can leap up to 15 feet
70-72 +2 to save vs. fire speckled markings vertically or 30 feet
73-75 +2 to save vs. cold 84-85 bald, hairless horizontally
76-78 +2 to save vs. electrid- 86-89 small feathers rather 81-85 Natural (ground)
tY thanhaironldlOX10 movement rate of 15
79-81 +2 to save vs. petrifi- of body 86-90 Can't be held or
cation, polymorph 90-95 speaal side effect (roll ensnared (asper free
and paralysis on Side Effect table) action)
82-84 +2 to save vs. 96-98 roll twice, rerolling 91-98 Speaks any language
results above 89 (as per tongues)
85-87 +2 to save vs. spell
88-93 celestial aura (enemies 99-00 roll three times, 99M) Eyes have the power of
attack at -2) rerolling results true seeing
94-96 immune to nonmagi- above 89
cal weapons
97 immune to energy
drain attacks
98-99 roll twice, rerolling
results above 97
roll 3 times, rerolling
results above 97

sonaliiy T&*S
esigned to help players flesh out their characters’ personalities. A player may choose those traits that best
fit the character ese descriptors, or simply roll randomly, discounting opposing traits. Note that as the character matures and
inmases in lev f these traits are likely to change. Each time a celestial gains a level, the player may swap one trait for
another based on e character has changed over the course of adventuring.
elestials as flawless creatures, and indeed they tend to have more positive than negative personality
shortcomings. A celestial cannot have more than two negative traits.

Table 4: pe lity Trait Distribution

01-50 11three times on Table A and once on Table B
51-75 ll twice on Table A and twice on Table B
76-90 11twice on Table A, once on Table B, and once on Table C
9140 11twice on Table B and twice on Table C
Table 5: p o s g v e character ROLL TRAIT Table 7:~egativecharacter
Traits- 94-96 Trustworthy TCaItS
ROLL 97-98 Understanding ROLL TRAIT
01-02 99-00 Roll twice on this table, 01-03 Abrasive
03-04 ignoring rolls of 99-00 04-05 Acquiescent
05-06 06-08 Bickersome
07-09 Table &Neutral charac*er 09-11 callous
10-11 Traits 12-14 Cantankerous
12-13 ROLL TRAIT 15-17 Conceited
14-15 01-03 Adamant 18-20 critical
16-17 04-05 Aggressive 21-23 cynical
18-19 06-08 Aloof 24-25 Deceitful
20-21 09-11 Circumspect 26-28 Despondent
22-23 12-14 Condemning 29-30 Dissident
24-25 15-17 Conservative 31-33 Domineering
26-28 18-20 Conspiring 3436 Finicky
29-30 21-23 cryptic 37-38 Gloomy
31-32 2626 cunning 39-41 Harsh
33-34 27-28 Defensive 4244 Immodest
35-36 29-31 Demanding 45-47 Impatient
37-38 32-34 Devious 4840 Impetuous
39-41 35-37 Didactic 51-52 Insubordinate
4243 38-40 Diffident 53-54 Intrusive
44-45 4142 Droll 55-56 Irreverent
46-47 83-44 Edw 57-59 Judgmental
48-49 45-47 Exacting 60-61 Lackadaisical
50-52 48-50 Forward 62-64 Meddlesome
53-54 51-53 Gmff 65-67 Possessive
55-56 54-56 Impulsive 68-69 Prejudicial
57-58 57-59 Intimidating 7&72 Quarrelsome
59-60 60-62 Liberal 73-74 Rash
61-62 63-65 Madcap 75-76 Sanctimonious
63-64 66-68 Melancholy 77-78 Sarcastic
65-66 69-71 Medal 79-81 Severe
67-68 72-74 Militant 82-83 Smug
69-70 75-77 Mischievous 84-85 Standoffish
71-72 78-80 Obedient 86-88 Stubborn
73-74 81-83 Romantic 89-90 Suspicious
7576 84-85 Shy 91-92 Terse
77-79 86-88 Suspicious 93-94 Turbulent
80-81 89-91 Theatrical 95-96 Verbose
82-83 92-93 Wistful 97-98 Vindictive
84-86 94-95 Wrathful 99-00 Roll twice on this table,
87-88 96-98 Zealous ignoring rolls of 99-00
89-91 99-00 Roll twice on this table,
92-93 ignoring rolls of 99-00
Table 8 iange of Aqes Table IO: Racial Adiustments *o
Race s ing Base
Aasimar 16 ld6 125 + 2d20
Aasimon - - - Skill Am Bra Cou Fir Nmr Cer Lup Urs
Archon - - - Pick Pockets - - +lo% +5% +5% +5% - -1w
Asuras 20 ldlO 250 + ld100 OpenLb +5% +5% - +5% - - - -
Eladrin Find/Remove Traps +10% - - +5% - +lo%- -
Bralani so 3d10 450 + 2d100 MoveSilently +5% - +15% +5% - - +15% -
coure 55 2d6 350 + 8d20 HideinShadows +loo/.- - - - - +15% -
F k 75 3d6 350 + 1od20 Detect Noise +5% +5% - - +lo% +5% +lo% +lo%
Ghaele 90 3d10 400 + 4d100 Climb Walls - - - - - -15% -15% -5%
Noviere 45 2d8 300 + 1od20 ReadLanpages - +lo%- +5% +5% - - +15%
Shiere 80 3d20 500 + 8d20
TUlani 70 3d12 650 + 2d100 Aas = Aasimar, Bra = Bralani, Cou = C o w , Fir = Firres,
GUardinal Nov = Novieres, Cer = Cervidals, Lup = Lupinals,
Avoral 45 2d10 225 + 5d10 urs = ursinals
Cervidal 25 3d6 250 + 8d10
Equinal 35 3d6 200 + lodl0
LeOnal 40 3d8 350 + ldlOO
Lupinal 30 4d4 225+5d20
Ursinal 50 3d12 350 + ldl00

Table g qing effects

Race M Ue-Aged' Old' Venerable'
Aasimar 62 83 125
Aasimon - - -
Archon - - -
Bralani 195 345 450
coure 152 290 350
Firre 180 276 350
Ghaele 225 360 400
Noviere 172 263 300
ShieR 200 368 500
Tulani 196 445 650
Avoral 155 190 225
Cervidal 120 198 250
E€piMl 145 185 200
hnal 155 292 350
Lupinal 125 189 225
Ursinal 150 285 350

' -1 strength/c stitution; +1Intelligence/Wisdom

-2 Stmngth/I ~rity;-1 Constitution; +1Wisdom
3-1 Strength/[ :erity/constitution; +1
Intelligencc hdom
v 4
Christopher Terkins
T his book sheds new light on the powerful and majestic
celestials, guardians of the Upper Planes and empyreal
enemies of evil. Players can design their own celestial characters
and take the fight to those denizens of darkness, the fiends!

This accessory includes:

Celestial Races. All of the information you need to design and play
celestial characters: aasimon, aasimar, archons, asuras, eladrins,
and guardinals.
Celestial Beings and Places. Detailed information on various key players
and sites throughout the Upper Planes.
Celestial Magic. New spells and magical items for celestial characters.
Celestial Campaign Tips. Techniques for running campaigns with
celestial characters on the Upper Planes and the Prime Material Plane.

This product is Web EnrbnnrPA.

Additional material available at .. .. ..;tsr.com


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