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Organic Chemistry Laboratory Manual


1. What is the purpose of washing the organic layer with 6.0 M NaOH? How about with
distilled water?

2. Compare the physical appearance of the solid products obtained after extraction and
purification. Account for the observed difference between the physical appearances of
the two solids.

3. What are the other applications of solvent extraction?

4. What are the different phase changes that occur during purification using sublimation?

5. Give two advantages of sublimation over recrystallization as a purification technique.

6. Give at least two limitations of sublimation as a purification technique.

Organic Chemistry Group ● Institute of Chemistry ● University of the Philippines Diliman

Organic Chemistry Laboratory Manual

Name: _______________________________ Date Performed: _________________

Groupmate: ___________________________ Section: ________________________


Experimental Results

A. Extraction of caffeine
Physical appearance of solid product: _________________________
Weight of beaker, g ______________
Weight of beaker + crude caffeine, g ______________
Weight of crude caffeine, g ______________
% recovery ______________
Melting Point: ______________

B. Purification of caffeine by sublimation

Physical appearance of solid product: ________________________
Weight of crude caffeine, g ______________
Weight of filter paper, g ______________
Weight of filter paper + caffeine, g ______________
Weight of caffeine, g ______________
% recovery ______________
Melting Point: ______________


Organic Chemistry Group ● Institute of Chemistry ● University of the Philippines Diliman

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