Personal Behavior Personal Behavior - Refers Social Gaming Behavior of Individuals in Interacting With Others in One Specific

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Personal Behavior - refers social gaming behavior of individuals in interacting with others in one specific
area. In some cases, this may involve making sacrificial choices for "what is right" over "what is easy."

Direction: Please read each statement below and indicate, using rating scales how much you agree and
disagree with each statement.


Do you like working alone?
Are you a team player?
Can you easily adjust to new
I always make sure to listen to my
I take criticism as a feedback.
I don’t get easily offended if I was given
a negative feedback.
I enjoy working with new people.
I like playing with my friend.
I like meeting new people.
I enjoy the company of my friends.
I don’t blame others for my mistake.
I usually blame myself if I made a
I easily get mad when I did something
They always blame me when I made a
I make sure to do things that others
will appreciate.
I always make fun of others.
I like throwing bad jokes to other
If a friend made a mistake, I don’t tell
them because it’s none of my business.
I don’t care what other people say.
I get mad when I was blamed for
something that I didn’t do.
I shout at other people of they did
something wrong.
I hate when people did something
wrong and I am affected by it.
If my colleague did something wrong, I
am blaming him/her.
I like following what others say.
I will say what I want to say even if
others will get offended.
I give feedback to those people who
needs it.
I like giving positive feedback to people
who needs it.
If I need to compliment someone, I give
it to them.
I can easily adapt to changes.
I am a team player.
I don’t like to do extra work for me to
improve myself.
If people don’t accept me for who I am,
it’s okay with me.
I don’t care if people don’t like me, I
won’t like them too.
I don’t like being reprimanded.
I love being notice by other people.
I hate it when people don’t notice my
hard work.
I hate it when people tried to
compliment me.
I easily get under pressure.
I like to spent most of my time alone.
I like being surrounded by people all
the time.
I want people to see me as a good
I don’t like to be treated like a child.
I like being the center of attention by
my colleagues.
I feel appreciate when my friends say
something good about me.
I am not comfortable on being given a
I feel shy when people notice me.
I always feel sad about something.
If something bad happened to the
people that I know, I feel sorry for
I don’t like to empathize with people.
I don’t like my time being wasted.
I always put all my efforts into
something that I do.
I feel great whenever I helped another
I am the go-to person of my friends if
they have a problem.
It’s okay if people asked me favors.
I liked to be complimented for my hard
I cannot work under pressure.
I can work even if no one is looking
after me.
I accept negative feedback as a
I make sure to know the weakness if
my colleague so I can use it against
I can work on time.
I always make sure to finish my work
before the deadline.
I am flexible.
I choose the work that I need to work
on even if my superior asked me to do
I don’t like being asked to do a task.
I can manage my time wisely.
I like to relax first before doing a task.
It’s okay to procrastinate.
I don’t like doing a task that has a
I don’t like speaking in front of an
If I was asked to do a report on the
spot, I will do it.
I don’t like being assigned a task if the
deadline is in a few hours.
I want to do my task in my free time.
I want to be organized with my task.
I will make sure to clear my mind first
before performing a task.
I get easily destructed.
I hate people who talk while doing
their work.
I don’t believe in procrastination. If I
can do the job right now, I will do it.
I want being watched while working.
I hate people who told me what needs
to be done.
I hate being bothered while working.
I always stay focus when I need to
finish a job.
I can manage my time.
If I made a mistake, I make sure that no
one will notice it.
Before saying yes to do a task, I make
sure that I know it first so I won’t
commit any mistake.
I don’t like being interrupted when I
I can speak my own mind.
I always make sure to get the highest
score in a test.
I work hard so I will be notice by my
I make time to those people who make
time for me.
I don’t like people who talk behind my
I want people to notice me for my
special skills.
If people don’t notice me, I will find a
way for them to.
I hate being rejected.
I get to feel nervous if someone asked
to speak in front of an audience.
I don’t feel comfortable on a
If people don’t like what I did, I will
force them to like it because I worked
hard for it.
I love it when people talked about my
hard work.
If I don’t want to talk to a person, I will
shout at them so they know.
If my friend does something bad to me,
I will return the favor.
I want my friend to notice my good
traits, not the bad ones.

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