A New Packet-Loss Minimization Routing Algorithm For ATM High-Speed Data Networks

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Proceedings of the 35th WA12 10:40

Conference on Decision and Control

Kobe, Japan December 1996
A New Packet-Loss Minimization Routing Algorithm for ATM
High-speed Data Networks *
Shan Zhu G. M. Huang
Nortel Inc. Dept. of Elec. Engr.
2221 Lakeside Blvd. Texas A&M University
Richardson, TX 75082 College Station, TX 77843
shanzhuQnortelxa huangQee. tamu .ed u

Abstract: In this paper, we propose a two-stage algorithm to

solve the ORP for high-speed networks. In the first sta e
In this paper, a new optimal routing a1 orithm to min-
imize packet loss in high-speed networ s is proposed.
of the algorithm, we solve the ORP by assuming no pac - f
ets are lost at intermediate switching nodes - packets on
In high-speed networks, such as ATM networks, packets each path are preserved while bein routed from origin to
could be lost while being routed to their destinations. destination. This problem is callef the reduced-ORP (R-
Minimization of packet loss probabilities becomes a ma- ORP). The R-ORP now becomes a convex problem: the
jor concern. The optimal routing problem [O.RP) mini- objective function (average network packet loss probabil-
mizing average network packet loss probabi ities is more ity) is convex with respect to its variables (path flows).
complicated since the ORP is a non-convex problem and Due to this convexity, an optimal routing solution can
the ordinary gradient projection algorithm can not be be obtained by usin GPM. However, the routing solu-
directly used to achieve optimal routin To solve the
packet loss ORP, we developed an HAD ased two-stage
algorithm, which can effectively avoid the traps of local
tion of R-ORP will%e different from an exact optimal
routing solution (the solution of ORP). In the second
sta e of our two-sta e algorithm, we use the solution of
minimum caused by the non-convexity of the problem R-8RP as the initiafguess to solve original ORP, which
and thus, can find the true optimal solution of the ORP includes the packet loss consideration. It turns out that
with high computation speed. the difference between the solutions of ORP and R-ORP
is reasonably small and the first stage solution is around
the true optimum. Accordingly, the proposed two-stage
1 Introduction algorithm can avoid the traps of local minimum caused
by the non-convexity of the problem.
The advent of fiber optics combined with VLSI techno]- The rest of this paper is organized as follows: In sec-
ogy enables communication networks to operate in a very tion 2, we introduce some frequently used definitions for
high-speed (Gbps-Tbps) environment. Examples of net- data networks. In section 3, we discuss the flow model
works with hi h speed fiber-optic transmission include for high-speed data networks with packet losses. The
the Broadbani integrated Service Digital Network (B- packet loss ORP formulation is given in section 4. Sec-
ISDN). The transfer mode recommended by CCITT for tion 5 is dedicated to our two-stage algorithm which can
the basis of B-ISDN is called the asynchronous transfer be used to solve non-convex ORPs. We show our test
mode (ATM). The ATM is a high-bandwidth, low-delay, results in section 6. The paper is concluded in section 7.
packet-like switchin and multiplexing technique.
In ATM networ s, packets could be lost while be-
ing routed to their destinations. We are concerned with 2 Definitions
minimizing average network packet loss probabilities in-
stead of average network packet delay.. Most research In this section, we ive some important definitions of
works concerning ATM focus on switching while only a data network relate tf terms used in this paper. Most of
few has studied optimal routing, one example is Lee and the definitions introduced here are also frequently used
Yee [I]. Lee and Yee pro osed a routing algorithm min- in many literatures. We put them here for convenient
imizing the maximum of Pink packet loss probabilities in reference.
an ATM network. Definition A.l: A network G = (V,L) is described
The Dacket loss Drobabilitv minimization of ATM by an ordered pair of finite sets. The first set V rep-
network; becomes cgmplicated-since packets are lost at resents the set of all the nodes and the second set L
intermediate switching nodes. Link flows are no longer represents the set of all the directed links. ( u , u ) de-
linear functions of path flows since path flows are not notes the directly connected link starting at node U and
conserved on the links traversed. Accordingly, the ORP ending at node U. Its positive cost is denoted by DU,.,,
for ATM networks becomes a non-convex problem and which is usually a non-decreasing function of the flow on
the ordinary GPM cannot be directly used to obtain o p link (U, U).
timal routing. One way is to adopt an exhaustive search Definition A.2: A ath P is a finite sequence of links
method to select a global optimum from several local p = ((UllU2,,(UZ,U3R...,(Uk-1, Uk)). The path deriva-
minima. In this case, the ORP in ATM networks may tive length D ( P ) is defined to be Dp = DL,,,,+D&,uJ+
take too Ion$ to be solved. In addition, the routing solu-
tion sought is not guaranteed to be an optimal routing ~.. + DLk-l,uk,where DLI-l,u,is the first derivative of
solution. Du,-I,u,with respect to the flow on link (uj-l,ui). The
This work is supported by NSF grants ECS-8900499and N C R hop length H ( P ) of a path is defined to be the number
9217407. of the links in the path. The minimum hop distance
(MHD) between 2 nodes, U, and U , is represented by

0-7803-3590-2/96$5.00 @ 1996 IEEE 287

M H D U , w) and is defined to be M H D ( u , w) = minH(P) and twice continuously differentiable. Furthermore,
for all starting at U and ending at U .
Here we define path derivative length since the short-
Bu,u(Fu,u)is convex with respect to Fu,usince the second
derivative, d2Bu,,(Fu,,)/d2FU,,,is always bigger than
est path algorithm GPM routing algorithm computes the zero in the domain of 0 5 FU,,,< e,, where Cu,uis
shortest paths in terms of the path derivative length. For the capacity of link ( U , w). Thus, Bu!u(Fu,u)
can be used
convenience, we also abbreviate path derivative length as
path length in the later text. as the objective function to be minimized for the QRP
Definition A.3: Time complexity of an algorithm or based on GPM.
a procedure is defined to be the sum.of the computa-
tion time complexity and the communication time com-
plexity that are needed to execute the algorithm or the 4 ORP Formulation for High-speed (ATM)
procedure in a distributed computation environment. Networks
Definition A.4: When a procedure including computa-
tions and communications can be finished in a bounded Given a network G = (V,L ) with IVI = N and a set W
time units, we say that the procedure needs 0(1)time (IWl = M ) of ordered pairs w of distinct nodes referred
units. to as the origin and the destination of w, for each w,
we are given a scalar T, referred to as the flow demand
of 20. The QRP is formulated with the objective of di-
3 Flow Model for High-Speed (ATM) Net- viding each r, among the paths from the origin to the
works destination in such a way that the resulting total link
flow pattern minimizes a cost function of interest. Let
Fig. 1 illustrates a typical hi h-speed packet switch with P, denote a given set of paths startin as the origin and
output queueing. For simp icity, every out-going com- P
ending at the destination of w. And a so let xw,p denote
the flow of path p . We have the constraints:
munication link connected to the high-speed packet switch
is modeled by a IC-M/M/l/b queue. For ATM networks,
k-M/D/l/b queues seem to be more suitable than IC- xw,p 2 0, V p € Pw, Vw E w (3)
M/M/l/b queues since the ATM uses a fixed size of
acket length. With the IC-M/D/l/b queueing model, x , , ~ = r,, ~w E w (4)
[owever, it is difficult to construct and analyze the net- p e w
work of queues since packet arrivals after the first queue
at their entry points of the network is no longer a Pois- Now we define vector x, with components x , , ~ , p E
son process. Usually, Kleinrock independence approx- P,. Then the total flow pattern of the network may be
imation will not hold for the network of M/D/l-like described by a vector X = ( X I ,x2, . . . , XM). Obviously,
queues [2]. However, it is believed that the network of X is subject to the constraint X E G where G = G1 x
k-M/M/l/b queues still can be used as an approximate G2 x . . . G , . . . x G M ,and 6, is the simplex defined by
model for ATM networks [l]. (3) We 6""
and s ould note that here, the path flow, x , , ~ , rep-
resents the path flow at the beginning link of a path.
Since some packets are lost in the intermediate links, the
path flow at an intermediate link should be calculated
using ( 5 ) .
For each path p and each link ( U , w), path flow x w , p
and link flow Fu,uhave the following non-linear relation-

N- M
where UU,,(p) is the set of up-stream links of link ( U , TI)
Figure 1: High-speed packet switch on path p .
A link cost function is defined to be the packet loss
Let Cu,udenote the total capacity of link ( U , w) and rate on a link. Let us denote average network packet
Fu,udenote input flow on an out-going link ( U , U). Packet loss probability by B ( F ) where F = {Fu,u},( u , u ) E L.
loss probability on link ( U , w), denoted by PRu,u(Fu,u), The average network packet loss probability is used as an
is given by overall cost function and is defined by the sum of link
packet loss rates divided by the total traffic demands
over the network:
B(F) - &,u(FU,u) (6)
where pu,w = Fu,w/Cu,u is the utilization factor oflink ( U , w) (U,U)€L
It is noted that PRu,w(Fu,u) is a function of Fu,u (also
pU,,,). Packet loss rate on link ( U , U ) , denoted by Bu,u(Fu,+,),where y = CwEw r,.
is given by The link-formulated ORP for high-speed networks is
to find a set of path { x , , ~ ) that minimize the cost func-
&,u(Fu,w) = F u , u . f'fL,u(Fu,u) tion (6) satisfying traffic balance equation ( 5 ) and flow
constraints which are given by (3) and (4). By eliminat-
ing constraint ( 5 ) , the above link-formulated QRP can
be transformed into the path-formulated ORP:

min B ( 2 ) (7) Fu,, = xp Fj,k =xp Fk,t = Xp


whereGisdefinedase= ~ l x G 2 x . . . G w . . . X G . M , w i t h
6, being a simplex defined by x , , ~ 2 0 , V p E P w , p #
pw,Vw E W . pw is the shortest path for commodity w. (b)
Since the ORP represented by (7) is not convex, gen- Figure 2: (a) Input link flows in ORP. (b) Input link
flows in R-ORP
eral gradient projection methods (GPM) can not be di-
rectly used to solve (7). In this paper, we propose a In R-ORP, for each link, it is assumed that no pack-
two-stage algorithm to find the optimal solut,ion of (7). ets are lost at upstream links. Therefore, the input link
flows of R-ORP will be different to the actual input link
flows of ORP. Figure 2 shows an example of differences of
5 Our Two-Stage Algorithm
Our two-stage algorithm is intended to solve the non-
input link flows on a single path oing through node j ,
k, 1, and so on, with node i as t e origin. We should
mention that since PRk,l(Fk,l) is usually very small for
convex ORP introduced in the Previous section. The general network conditions, ignoring PRk,l(Fk,l) in ( 5 )
idea of the algorithm is as follows: In the first stage will not incur significant of the solution
of our algorithm, we transfer the original non-convex of R-ORP. The of R-ORP should be satisfac-
ORP into the reduced convex ORP (R-oRP)i which is tory for most network routin problems. However, if
discussed in the next sub-sectionl and then, solve the R-
ORP. The solution of the R-ORP is usually very close to
more precise solutions are nee ed, we can refine the R-
ORP solutions by the second sta e solution process in
the true optimal solution. In the second sta e, we solve
the original ORP with the solution of R-8RP as the
our twestage algorithm as intra uced in the following
initial guess. The a1 orithm naturally avoids the local
minimum traps cause3 by the non-convexity of the origi-
nal ORP since the solution of R-ORP is around the true 5.2 Solving the ORP with Our Two-Stage
optimal. Test results show that our two-stage algorithm Algorithm
works well for most high-speed networks.
To get more recise o timal solutions, we propose a two-
sta e algoritim. At t i e first stage, we solve the R-ORP
5.1 Reduced Optimal Routing Problem (R- pro%lem using our GPM. Then the obtained solution is
ORP) used as the initial guess of the second stage problem,
which considers the detailed loss formulation. The in-
In the ORP mentioned in the previous section, path tuition behind the approach is that the dominant factor
flows are correlated with each other. Therefore, packet that decides the optimal routes should be the conven-
losses on a path affect other path flows, causing the ob- tional routing problem, the loss problem should be a
jective function (average network packet loss probabil- secondary issue. The difference between the routing so-
ity) to be non-convex with respect to its variables (path lutions in R-ORP and ORP depends on the differences of
flows). The idea of R-ORP in high-speed networks is to input link flows. If the differences are reasonably small
get rid of this correlation by ignoring the effects of any as shown in 3, ORP can be Obtained at the
packet losses at intermediate switching nodes. from the second stage with relatively minor efforts. Also, the al-
traffic balance equation (5) for a generic link (U, .), the gorithm avoids many local minimum traps caused by the
terms P R k , l ( F k J ) , ('7') E 'U,V(P) due to packet losses
non-convexity of the ORP problem since hopefully the
solution of the first stage is around the true optimal.
at up-stream links of link ( u , ~ are ) eliminated. Then
input flow Fu,,,on link (U,U ) is now expressed by The area in which the global
minimum can be found by GPM

FUJI = zw,p (8)

(U ,U) Local minimum

This is the same linear traffic balance equation as in

the conventional network ORPs [3][4]. The convexity
of BU,,,(Fu,,,) on link (U,.) E L with respect to Fu,,,
= $~~u,u~E~Bu,,,(Fu,,,)
Global minimum
implies the convexity of I?(*)
with respect to 2 = ( * 1 , 2 ~ , . . . , X ~ , . . . , X , ) (gW=
Solution Domain
{ E ~ , ~ } ,€P P,, w € W ) . The R-ORP now becomes a
convex problem and a unique global minimum exists. Figure 3: The local minimums and the global mini-
Thus, an optimal routing solution for the R-ORP can mum of a non-convex ORP
be obtained by applying general GPM. The computation of the first stage of our two-sta e
algorithm is very similar to the computation of tr&-
tional convex ORP. Only the objective functions are dif-
ferent. The iteration form of GPM of the first stage is
shown as follows:
Fapi= x p 6 , k =XP(~-B*,J(E,J))
i?(k + 1) = [ 2 ( k ) - ykHH-'(k)VE(2(k))]+ (9)
Here, [.I+ denotes the projection on zT*. H(k) is a positive
Fk,t = Xp(1 - Ba,i(&,~))x
and symmetric matrix; yk is a time stepsize parameter.
(4 (l - B J , k ( F J , k ) )
H ( k ) can be chosen as an approximation of the Hes- on the links alon each path using all other link flows,
sian matrix of E(j(IC)). The time complexit FL$(k), of the (I$-th iteration, where the pair of num-
first stage of our two-stage algorithm is also t eOfsame
as the algorithms for conventional ORPs. The most fre-
the bers, { T , Q } , is not equal to the pair of numbers, {w,p}.
The link flows, F:;P(IC -t l), along a path are computed
quently used algorithms for conventional ORPs are gra- sequentially starting from the beginning link to the end-
dient projection methods. There are a few variations ing link in the path. In the second step, we calculate
of GPMs [4][5][6]. Among them, the parallel GPM pro-
posed by authors in [6] fully utilizes the network struc-
Fu,,(k + 1) using F$P(k +
1) computed in the first step.
Thus, we can get rid of the correlation among all the
tures to efficiently parallelize the computations and so link flows. The computation for the first step and the
achieves high computation speed. Here we choose to im- second step of different paths can be performed in par-
plement our two-stage algorithm using the parallel GPM allel. With our two-ste method, we actually break (5)
proposed in [6 .
The secon stage is dealing with the original ORP.
For each outer iteration, equation (9) . , can also be used
into the following two &rmulas:

to find the new values of 2 ( k l), which denotes the Fchp (kS.1) = z w , p (k+l).(
l-PRi,i( F{,i (kS1)))
path flows of the startin6 links of all the paths. We need
to find the flows of the intermediate links of each path
since the flow is not preserved at each intermediate link.
In our algorithm, all the path flows (and thus, all the
link flows alon different paths) need to be adjusted in
parallel. Para1 el flow adjustment is difficult since, as
mentioned at the beginnin of sub-section 5.1, there is +
In ( l o ) , F/,i(IC 1) is computed by
a correlation among all lin (path) flows, i.e., when a
link flow, F,,,, changes (due to some path flow adjust- F/,l(k + 1) = F$”’(k) + FGjp(IC+ 1) (12)
ment), all the global link flows may be influenced. This W’EW,(bI)€P’
is due to the fact that when a link flow changes, the link tW ’ , P ’ I # tw ,PI
flows along all the paths that share the link will also
need to be adjusted because of the change of the packet In the first step, (10) is calculated and in the second
loss probability on the link. Then, more link flows are step, (11) is calculated.
influenced and need to be adjusted, and so on. Fi . 4 We should mention here that even though, in ( l o ) ,
shows an example of a correlation among all the Enk
flows. When the flow on link (1,2) changes, the flow on we use some of the flow values, F$”’(k),of the (IC)-th it-
link (3,4) is influenced since packet loss probability on eration to compute the flows of the k+ 1-th iteration, we
link (1,2) is different. Then, due to the flow change of do not expect any significant flow errors since the differ-
link (3,4), all the flows of down stream links, such as +
ence between FS$lp‘( k ) and F$”’ (k 1)is very small af-
link (3,5) and (5,6), along path 2 need to be adjusted. ter certain number of iterations. For all the testfd cases
Because of the flow adjustments of these down stream
links, other link flow adjustments, such as,link (5,7) and shown in section 6, the differences between ( I C ) and

(7,8) of path 3, will be needed. Since in our algorithm, Fz:’2p‘(k+ 1) are smaller than 2% of F$Jp’(k + 1) after
all the path flow adjustments (therefore, the link flows 50% of the number of the iterations needed for stage 2.
along different paths need to be performed in parallel,
we have to get rid o this correlation.
Please note that our two-step method described in (10)
and (11) is used for the computation of the second stage
of our two-stage algorithm. We can also apply the HAD
scheme [7], the textured decomposition scheme [8][9] and
parallel GPM algorithm [6], depending on the network
topologies, to our two-stage algorithm to speedup the
Pat computations.

5.3 Differences Between True Optimal So-

lution of O R P and Solution of R-ORP
It is im ortant to au e the differences between the true
optimarsolution of O b and the solution of the associ-
ated R-ORP. This can help us predict
Figure 4: Illustration of the correlation among all the 1. How good the solution (computed in the first stage
link flows of our two-stage algorithm) of R-ORP is. So, we
The strategy we use here is as the follows. We first can decide whether we need to continue with the
introduce path link variables, FG;P, which is defined to second stage of our two-stage algorithm. Signifi-
be the flow amount of path P , , ~ at link (u,v). Note cant amount of time can be saved if the first stage
that F,,, is the summation of FC’P for all the the paths, algorithm can find a solution that is so close to
p , that go through link ( u , v ) . We let Fu,,(IC 1) and the true optimal solution that there is no need to
Fc;P(IC 1) denote the corresponding flow values at the apply the second stage algorithm.
k + 1-th iteration. At k + 1-th iteration, when the flows 2. Whether the solution of R-ORP can be used as the
of paths, p w , p ,are adjusted, we need to compute all the initial guess for the ORP of in the second stage in
new links flows, Fu,,(k 1). We use the following two- order to find the true optimal solution. Because
step method to compute FU,,(k 1). In the first step, of non-convexity of ORP, the initial guess of the
ORP must be located in the area that can lead to
we compute all the FC;P(IC t I) and the packet loss rate
the global minimum point of the ORP (see fig. 3).
When we formulate R-ORP, we assume that there Unfortunately, F," and AF' are usually unknown before
are no packet losses at up-stream links. For a realistic the second stage of our two-stage algorithm is carried
network the behavior of no upstream packet losses can out. Our experiments show that the value of A F R .
be simuiated by injecting, at each link, an extra flow of PR(F,") is very close to AF' P R ( F Y ) if the packet
packets with the amount equal to the lost packets of each
path so that the flow of each path is virtually preserved. loss probabilities of all the links are less than For
This is illustrated in fig. 5. all the tested cases shown in section 6, the differences
between A F R . P R ( F 2 ) and AF' . PR(F,") are around
Adficial flow iniections 10% of AF' . P R ( F o ) . So, we can use the followin
/ i'\ formula to estimate tke cost error between R-ORP an
IB(F,R)- B(F,O)(5 C ~ A FPR(F,R)
~ . (20)
where a is a positive number bigger than 1, which makes
the estimation of (20) more conservative. Usually, we
take a = 2. After the first stage, F," (= {FE,}) can be
Packet losses due to finite size of owgoing link buffers
calculated using the optimal solution, xf
(= { x ~ , ~ } ) ,
Figure 5: Artificial flow injections to preserve path of R-ORP:
The network with artificial flow injections is called
the injected network. The injections of extra flows for
all paths will cause an increase, AFu,v,of the link flow
at each associated link, ( u , v ) . Here, AF,,, 2 0 due to
our definition. We define the global link flow increase,
A F , by A F = {AFU,v}.Let F," and F," denote the link
flows of a real network operating at the optimal solutions
of R-ORP and ORP, respectively. Since F," is the flow
status of true optimal solution, the cost (packet losses),
B(F:), reaches the minimum. So, we have
where B$,,(F,Ef,)denotes the portion of packet loss rate
B(F:) 5 B(FF) (13) due to path flow zw,pon link ( u , ~ )AFCv ; is equal to
But for the injected network, FF is the optimal flow &k,l)EUu,,(p) B ; , , ( F t r ) and usually is very small com-
status with the flow injection of A F R . If we let the pared with CwEW ~ . A F R (= {AF&})
x ~ ,Also,
network route the traffic according to the solution, F,", (u,v)€P
with the flow injection of AF', the network will have can be calculated by
bigger cost value, i.e.,
AF$ = FIftv * m k , W ( F ~ " ) (22)
B(F," + AF') 2 B(FF + A F R ) (14)
If the link packet loss probabilities over a network
since for injected network, F," is the optimal solution. are relatively uniform, we can use the following method,
Note that B is a non-decreasing function. We have which is simpler than (20), to estimate the cost differ-
ence between R-ORP and ORP. We define AF:, to
B(F," + AF') 2 B(FF) (15) be C(u,,)EL AF& and let PRaverage denote the aver-
According to (2), We can rewrite the left hand side age packet loss probability, the cost difference between
of (15): R-ORP and ORP can be bound by aAFdl,,,, .PRaverage,
which is also a good approximation of the right hand
side of (20).
Our simulations show that AFdl,,.PRaveroge are less
where PRO is the vector function with each element rep- than 5% of B(F,") for the tested cases.
resented by (1). Since AF' is quite small with respect
to FF, we can have the following approximation, 6 Test Results
F," . PR(F: + AF') AF' + PR(F," + AF747) Since we want to test our two-stage algorithm for the
w F," . PR(F,O) + A F O . PR(F,O) networks with eneral topologies, we apply our schemes
introduced in [$ to our two-stage algorithm to speed up
= B(F;) AF' + . PR(F,") (18) the computation. The example network has 200 nodes.
The link speed is assumed to be 100 k packet/sec to sim-
According to (13), (15) and (18), we obtain ulate the high speed transmission link. The computation
speed of each node remains the same. We also assume
I g ( F f ) - B(F:)I 5 A F o . PR(F?) (19) the buffer size of each out-going link is 50 units. Here,
a unit stores one packet. According to (l),when the
(19) can be used to bound the error between the cost, traffic over a link occupies 80% of the link capacity, the
B ( F F ) ,found by R-ORP (after the first stage ofour two- probability that a packet is lost over the link is around
stage algorithm) and the true minimum cost, B ( F F ) . Note that, for high-speed network, the packet loss
29 1
probability of is quite hi h [lo]. We assume high 7 Summary
packet loss probability to test tfle performance of our al-
gorithm at severe network working conditions. To fully In this paper, we first formulate the packet loss ORP
test our algorithm, we will use the schemes introduced for high-speed networks. The ORP is non-convex and
[7] to generate the commodities and use each scheme thus, can not be solved using traditional GPM. Accord-
to generate 10 commodities (we use scheme 1 to gener- ingly, we developed a new two-stage algorithm which
ate commodity pattern 1-10 and use scheme 2 to gener- can avoid local minimum traps caused by non-convexity
ate commodity 11-20). The average hop distance of the of the problem and therefore, can find the true optimal
commodities generated by the first scheme is less than solution. The algorithm is shown to be effective and
that of the commodities generated by the second scheme. efficient. Furthermore, all the schemes and algorithms
The flow demands of all the commodities created in both introduced in the earlier chapters can be combined into
schemes are assumed to be 30 k packets/sec. Here, we our two-stage algorithm to achieve extremely high com-
should note that even though our tests are based on the putation speed in solving the non-convex ORP for high-
above link capacity and flow demand conditions, our test speed networks.
results can also apply to the networks with higher link
capacities and flow demands as long as the ratios of flow
demands to the link capacities remain the same. References
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ues shown in table 1 and table 2 found by the first stage Applications, New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1976.
only (solvin the R-ORP) are very close (< 4%) to the
true optima minimum costs in all cases. G. M. Huang and S. Zhu, “Parallel optimal rout-

Table 1: The test results of Dattern 1

(times are in sei.)
- 10
ing control by commodities for large data network,”
in Proc. of 33rd IEEE Conference on Decasion and
Control, Orlando, Florida, 1994.
J. Tsitsiklis and D. P. Bertsekas, “Distributed asyn-
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W. K. Tsai, G. M. Huang and J. K. Antonio,
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Table 2: The test results of Dattern 11 - 20
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18 I 24.9 I 24.8 I 0.4 I 6.68 Proc. of ZEEE Global COM 91, Phoenix, Arizona,
19 I 29.9 I 29.0 I 3.1 I 6.66 December, 1991.
20 I 28.9 I 28.7 1 0.7 1 6.98 ‘

G. M. Huang, S. Zhu and W. L. Hsieh, “Parallel

This implies that our R-ORP is a very good approx- implementation issues of the textured algorithm for
imation of the original ORP. We believe that the so- optimal routing in data networks,” in Proc. of Zn-
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networks. Our tests show that the run time o f t e first
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So, roughly half of the run time can be saved if the sec- tems for interactive video services,” ZEEE Commu-
ond stage is not applied. However, if network links have nication Magazine, Vol. 32, No. 5, pp. 90-101, 1994.
relatively high packet loss probabilities, we have to ap-
ply the second stage of our two-stage algorithm to get
the precise solution since our R-ORP, in such a case, has
bigger error representing the original ORP.


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