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Project in Math 6: A paper on any one of the following topics

1) The Role of Newton in the Development of Calculus

2) The Role of Leibniz in the Development of Calculus
3) The Controversy between the Followers of Newton and Leibniz over Priority in the Invention of Calculus

For a more detailed description on what your paper should be about and for a list of resource materials, please
refer to pages 411-412 of your textbook CALCULUS Early Transcendentals by James Stewart.

Prescribed Format/Length:
Suggested type of paper: informative essay
Font & Size: preferably Calibri, Times New Roman, or Arial; size 11 or 12
Size of Paper: short bond paper
Number of Pages: 2 to 4 excluding the cover page and the list of references


1. Content (40%)
The content of the paper is according to what has been prescribed on pp. 411-412 of the textbook; there is a
substantial amount of information in the paper; the paper is well-researched.
2. Format and Presentation (30%)
Ideas are expressed clearly and the paper is well-organized; the prescribed format and length is observed.
3. Work Ethics (20%)
A large proportion of the content of your paper is stated in your own words. Avoid plagiarism. If in some parts,
copying cannot be avoided, properly cite the source of the copied sentence or paragraph. A list of references
(the ones you have actually used) should appear on the last page.
4. Timeliness (10%)
Deadline for submission: October 12, 2018 at 4:00 pm.
There will be penalty points for late submission.
Total: (100%)

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