Members - Membership Info - Membership Policy

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Membership Policies
A. Qualifications

1. All registered and licensed architects whose names appear in the Registry of Professional
Regulation Commission (PRC) are automatically members of the UAP and shall continue
to be one except in the following:

a. Those who are deceased; and,

b. Those members whose membership was terminated pursuant to the provisions of

these By-laws.

B. Registration

1. Unless he has already previously registered with UAP, every registered and licensed
architect heretofore admitted by the PRC shall register with the UAP without delay.

2. Every member of UAP shall be entitled to a Certificate of Membership upon verification

of his qualifications by the UAP and upon payment of the required dues prescribed in these

C. Rights and Privileges

Every regular member in good standing shall have full rights and privileges, including but not
limited to the following:

1. The right to vote in his Chapter, be elected as a member of the Electoral College and be
voted upon;

2. The privilege to print after his name the initials, "UAP", representing "United Architects
of the Philippines";

3. To be appointed as members of committees at all levels of the UAP;

4. To serve as Chapter delegates to national and local UAP conventions and conferences;
5. Subscribe to all publications and documents issued by the UAP for information, assistance
and guidance of its members;

6. Participate in all activities of the general membership; and

7. The right to receive the Certificate of Membership.

C. Basic Duties and Responsibilities

The following are the basic duties and responsibilities of a Regular Member:

1. To pay UAP national annual membership dues and other required fees;

2. To abide by the Articles of Incorporation, By-laws and other issuances of UAP;

3. To continually develop himself/herself professionally through compliance with prescribed

continuing professional education requirements of the PRC; and

4. To actively participate in the national and local activities of UAP.

5. Membership in Chapter.

a. Every regular member shall be a member of a Chapter of his choice, whether on

the basis of residence, place of work or place relevant to his practice, or for other
reasons, where applicable.

b. In no case shall any UAP member be a member of more than one (1) Chapter.

c. Chapter transfer may be made in accordance with the rules and regulations
prescribed by the National Board of Directors.

D. Specific Procedures Concerning Membership

1. General Policy: All registered and licensed architects whose names appear in the Registry
of Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) are automatically members of the UAP and
shall continue to be one except in the following: a. Those who are deceased; and, b. Those
members whose membership was terminated pursuant to the provisions of these Bylaws.
(Article II, Section 1, 2009 UAP Bylaws)




Note: Applicant is considered a Provisional Member until he or she has joined a
chosen chapter. This provisional membership is valid only for one year and the
IAPOA provisional member SHOULD join a chosen chapter within that period.


a. You must be a Registered and
Licensed Architect
01 See if you meet the minimum qualification
b. Your name must appear in the
Registry of PRC
Obtain Application Form
You may get the UAP Membership Registration Form either
02 from the UAP National Administration Office, UAP Local
Chapters, UAP Payment Centers or download from the UAP
Corporate website.
a. The form must be legible and
completed in ink.
b. The forms must have original
03 Fill-out the Application Form
signature and must be signed in black
c. All spaces must be filled in (kindly
indicate N/A if not applicable).
Submit the Application Form
Attached the following:
Submit the UAP Membership Registration Form to the UAP
a. Your current Photo (size as indicated
National Administration Office, or to UAP Local Chapter of
04 in the form)
your choice or to UAP Payment Centers. The UAP National
b. Photocopy of your PRC Identification
Administration Staff will evaluate the completeness of your
Payment must be made in:
a. Cash, or
b. Check payable to the United Architects
of the Philippines (subject to bank
Pay the corresponding Annual Membership Fee and other
required Fees and Charges, if any
Note: In case you already have your
preferred Chapter, you will also pay your
Pay the UAP initial national membership fee amounting to
corresponding Chapter Annual
05 P700.00 to the designated UAP staff/cashier (representing the
Membership Fee through the Chapter
P600.00 annual national membership fee for the fiscal year plus
Treasurer. Some chapters have
one-time P100.00 initial national membership processing fee).
additional requirements prior to
Upon payment, the UAP National Administration Office will
acceptance of its members, but it should
issue corresponding UAP Official Receipt.
not be a bar for the issuance of UAP
Official Receipt for the national
membership dues which is immediately
needed for PRC registration of the new
Proceed to the PRC registration for new architects and
PRC will provide details/instruction
06 present the UAP Official Receipt for the UAP national
regarding your Oathtaking
membership fee .

1. Payment of Dues and Submission of Application Form may be made to the following: UAP National
Headquarters, UAP Designated Space near the PRC Central Office, UAP Designated Offices near the PRC
Regional Offices in coordination with Local Chapters.

2. A UAP Certificate of Payment may be issued for provisional members upon request. Only regular members
(those who have become members of a chosen chapter) can be issued the UAP Certificate of Membership.

3. If the new architect is a provisional member only, he/she shall choose a chapter before the next fiscal year starts.
The 2nd payment for the UAP annual membership dues shall be coursed through the chapter only and cannot
be entertained anymore in any designated payment centers. Payments can be processed at the UAP headquarters
only if authorized by the Chapter President or Chapter Treasurer (see form for authorization)

4. UAP fiscal year starts at July 1 and ends at June 30 of the following year. Payment of membership fees is
scheduled from July 1 to September 30 only. Payments made after this date is subject to a penalty of 50%.


Note: Applicant is required to pay the Chapter Dues and other charges as a new
member of their chosen chapter


a. You must be a Registered and

Licensed Architect
01 See if you meet the minimum qualifications
b. Your name must appear in the
Registry of PRC

Obtain Application Form

You may get the UAP-IAPOA Membership Registration Form

02 either from the UAP National Administration Office, from
chosen /selected UAP Chapters or from the UAP Corporate

a. The form must be legible and

completed in ink.

b. The forms must have original

03 Fill-out the Application Form
signature and must be signed in black

c. All spaces must be filled in (kindly

indicate N/A if not applicable).

Submit the Application Form Attached the following:

04 You may submit the UAP-IAPOA Membership Registration a. Your current Photo (size as indicated
Form to the UAP National Administration Office or to your in the form)
respective Chapter President/Chapter Treasurer. The UAP
National Administration Staff or the Chapter President/Chapter b. Photocopy of your PRC Identification
President will evaluate the completeness of your application. card

Payment must be made in:

Pay the corresponding Annual Membership Fee and other
required Fees and Charges, if any a. Cash, or
You may pay your UAP Annual Membership Fee either: b. Check payable to the United Architects
of the Philippines (subject to clearing),
a) to the UAP National Administration Office, provided there
is a written authorization from the Chapter
President/Treasurer (see back of UAP-IAPOA Registration
Form), or If payment is made thru the Chapter, the
b) to your respective Chapter Treasurer. Chapter Treasurer will remit to the UAP
National Administration Office the
payments in:
Kindly refer to the Table of Fees and Charges as indicated at
the back of the UAP-IAPOA Membership Registration Form. a. Cash, or

b. Check payable to the United Architects

of the Philippines (subject to clearing), or
Upon payment:
c. Postal Money Order payable to the
[1] the UAP National Administration Office will issue
United Architects of the Philippines, or
corresponding UAP Official Receipt, or
d. Bank to Bank (through UAP Official
[2] The chapter will issue corresponding Acknowledgement
Bank Account; If paying thru Bank
Receipt. The UAP Official Receipt will be issued to the Chapter
accomplish 3 deposit slips, have them
President/Treasurer once the Membership Fees are remitted to
validated, and then attach 1 validated slip
the National Administration Office
to your application.

Receive the following documents or membership kit from

the UAP National Administration Office:
a) Latest Issue of UAP Post
b) Membership Brochure
c) Corporate Membership Certificate
Claim your UAP IAPOA Membership certificate from your

All IAPOA Certificates will be issued ONLY to respective

Chapter Presidents. The Chapter may withhold issuance of
IAPOA certificates pending payment of necessary chapter dues.
To request for a duplicate IAPOA
Certificate from the National
07 Administration Office, present a written
The IAPOA Certificate may be issued directly to the New authorization from the Chapter
Registrant provided there is a written authorization from the President/Treasurer.
Chapter President/Treasurer.

If payment was done thru the Chapter, claim your UAP Official
Receipt also from the Chapter President/Treasurer.

Pay your Chapter Dues

08 Pay your corresponding chapter membership dues as
prescribed by the chapter to the Chapter Treasurer/President.
You may do so at any of the following instances:

a) When you get the authorization from the Chapter

Treasurer/President if you directly pay your UAP-IAPOA
dues at the National Administration Office, or
b) When you pay your UAP-IAPOA Membership Fees to the
chapter, or
c) When you claim your IAPOA Certificates.



Step Procedures and Instructions Requirements

a. You must be a Registered and

Licensed Architect
01 See if you meet the minimum qualifications
b. Your name must appear in the
Registry of PRC

Verify Billing Statement of UAP- IAPOA Membership Dues

Verify and acquire your Billing Statement for the IAPOA Dues
at the UAP National Administration Office.
Obtain Application Form

You may get the UAP-IAPOA Membership Registration Form

either from the UAP National Administration Office, UAP
Chapters or download from the UAP Corporate website.

a. The form must be legible and

completed in ink.

b. The forms must have original

03 Fill-out the Application Form
signature and must be signed in black

c. All spaces must be filled in (kindly

indicate N/A if not applicable).

Submit the Application Form and Billing Statement Attached the following:
You may submit the UAP-IAPOA Membership Registration a. Your current Photo (size as indicated
04 Form and the Billing Statement of your UAP-IAPOA in the form)
Membership Dues to:
b. Photocopy of your PRC Identification
a) the UAP National Administration Office, or card
b) your respective Chapter Treasurer
Payment must be made in:

a. Cash, or

b. Check payable to the United Architects

of the Philippines (subject to clearing),
Pay the corresponding Annual Membership Fee indicated
in the Billing statement and other required Fees and
Charges, if any If payment is made thru the Chapter, the
Chapter Treasurer will remit to the UAP
National Administration Office the
payments in:
a. You may pay your UAP Annual Membership Fee to your
05 respective Chapter Treasurer, together with corresponding a. Cash, or
chapter dues and charges, or
b. Check payable to the United Architects
of the Philippines (subject to clearing), or
b. You may pay your UAP Annual Membership Fee to the UAP
National Office provided there is a written authorization c. Postal Money Order payable to the
from the Chapter President/Treasurer (see back of UAP- United Architects of the Philippines, or
IAPOA Registration Form).
d. Bank to Bank (through UAP Official
Bank Account; If paying thru Bank
accomplish 3 deposit slips, have them
validated, and then attach 1 validated slip
to your application.

Claim your UAP IAPOA Membership certificate from your


All IAPOA Certificates will be issued ONLY to respective

Chapter Presidents. The Chapter may withhold issuance of
IAPOA certificates pending payment of necessary chapter dues To request for a duplicate IAPOA
and charges. Certificate from the National
06 Administration Office, present a written
authorization from the Chapter
The IAPOA Certificate may be issued directly to the Member President/Treasurer.
provided there is a written authorization from the Chapter

If payment was done thru the Chapter, claim your UAP Official
Receipt also from the Chapter President/Treasurer.



Transfer of membership to another chapter is allowed under the UAP By-Laws by

reason of transfer of residence or place of work, or for personal reasons. If the
member is coming from a small chapter, instead of transferring, he/she may,
however, opt for fostering especially if the transfer of residence or place of work is
only temporary (see Guidelines on Fostering).

Step Procedures and Instructions Requirements

a. You must be a Registered and

Licensed Architect
01 See if you meet the minimum qualifications
b. Your name must appear in the
Registry of PRC

Verify Billing Statement of UAP- IAPOA Membership Dues

Verify and acquire your Billing Statement for the IAPOA Dues
at the UAP National Administration Office.

Obtain Chapter Transfer Form, Application Form and

02 Billing Statement

(You may get the UAP-IAPOA Transfer Form and UAP-IAPOA

Membership Registration Form either from the UAP National
Administration Office, from UAP Chapters or download from
the UAP Corporate website.

a. The form must be legible and

Fill-out the Transfer form and Application Form
completed in ink.
Validate Transfer Form from Originating Chapter
b. The forms must have original
a) Present Transfer Form and Billing Statement of UAP- signature and must be signed in black
IAPOA Membership Dues to Originating Chapter
President/Treasurer. c. All spaces must be filled in (kindly
b) Pay corresponding chapter dues and charges, if any. indicate N/A if not applicable).

Submit the Transfer Form, Application Form and Billing

Attached the following:

Submit the Chapter Transfer Form, UAP-IAPOA Membership a. Your current Photo (size as indicated
04 Registration Form and the Billing Statement of your UAP- in the form)
IAPOA Membership Dues to: b. Photocopy of your PRC Identification
a) The UAP National Administration Office (see Step 5-b), or card
b) your New Chapter
Payment must be made in:

Pay the corresponding Annual Membership Fee indicated a. Cash, or

in the Billing statement and other required Fees and b. Check payable to the UAP (subject to
Charges, if any clearing),
a) You may pay your UAP Annual Membership Fee to the
05 Treasurer of your new chapter, together with corresponding
chapter dues and charges, or If payment is made thru the Chapter, the
b) You may pay your UAP Annual Membership Fee to the UAP Chapter Treasurer will remit to the UAP
National Office provided there is a written authorization National Administration Office the
from the President/Treasurer of your new chapter (see back
payments in:
of UAP-IAPOA Registration Form).
a. Cash, or
b. Check payable to the UAP (subject to
clearing), or

c. Postal Money Order payable to the

United Architects of the Philippines, or

d. Bank to Bank (through UAP Official

Bank Account; If paying thru Bank
accomplish 3 deposit slips, have them
validated, and then attach 1 validated slip
to your application.

Claim your UAP IAPOA Membership certificate from your

new chapter

All IAPOA Certificates will be issued ONLY to respective

Chapter Presidents. The Chapter may withhold issuance of To request for a duplicate IAPOA
IAPOA certificates pending payment of necessary chapter dues Certificate from the National
06 and charges. Administration Office, present a written
The IAPOA Certificate may be issued directly to the Member authorization from the Chapter
provided there is a written authorization from the Chapter President/Treasurer.

If payment was done thru the Chapter, claim your UAP Official
Receipt also from the Chapter President/Treasurer.

3. Guidelines on UAP Chapter Twinning Program

a. Rationale. The United Architects of the Philippines (UAP), the only integrated and
accredited professional organization of architects (IAPOA) by the Professional
Regulation Commission has grown at a very fast pace during the past decade. The
age of globalization has made collaboration and networking as the door towards
better opportunities and stronger competitive edge for practicing Filipino
Architects both in the home country and overseas. Among the priority thrusts set
forth by the ten year long range plan of the organization is collaborative practice
and networking. Among the strategies of the current administration in attaining a
wider field of networking for its 9000 member base is to encourage chapters to
collaborate and partner in implementing the organization’s plans and programs in
order to provide a venue for the members to meet potential business and
professional partners. The National Board of Directors in its Regular Meeting held
last 21 August 2010 held at UAP National Headquarters passed and approved
Resolution No. 3-08, institutionalizing the Chapter Twinning Program.

b. Definition. Twinning is a strategy for strengthening small chapters through the

“Big Brother, Small Brother” relationship between established chapters and
struggling or new chapters. Twin chapters are two chapters from different UAP
chapters that have established strong ties and have agreed to team up to complete a
special program. This may be in the form of a national project, professional
enhancement projects, sharing of experiences, service projects, a friendship
exchange or a cultural exchange. Chapters under this relationship are encouraged
to undertake a joint program or project in fostering camaraderie and strengthening
chapter networking and collaboration towards a synergistic national thrust.

c. Objectives. The key objectives of the UAP twinning program are

i. To emphasize the national and international reach of UAP service and


ii. To establish a long-term relationship with other chapters that will lead to
ongoing and effective projects mutually beneficial to the two chapters.

iii. To enhance the understanding of regional and international culture and each
chapter’s characteristics.

iv. To bolster confidence of small and struggling chapters in the organization.

v. To further inter chapter understanding and foster goodwill. To open new

doors and opportunities for networking and collaboration among practicing
Filipino Architects.

vi. To promote professional development exchanges among chapters and


d. Determining Chapter Compatibility. Finding a suitable twin chapter should be a

chapter effort. The concerns and opinions of every chapter member must be taken
into account if the match is to be successful. In the search for a twin chapter,
chapters should be able to identify their interests, strengths and weaknesses. When
selecting a twin chapter, big chapters may want to consider small chapters that
would be compatible in terms of interests, challenges, and vision. Other
considerations could be in terms of expertise sharing and cultural exchanges. After
determining the type of chapter that would be an appropriate match, look for a
chapter that meets your established criteria. You may contact your District
Directors, Area Vice Presidents, to see if they are in contact with anyone suitable
for your particular needs. Or you may attend UAP National Conventions, Area
Assemblies, and District Activities to meet potential twin chapters

e. General Guidelines.

i. Twinning chapters may come from the same district or from two different
districts / areas / countries;

ii. Programs and/or projects must involve maximum participation of both UAP
Twin Chapter members;
iii. Chapters must secure a board resolution from their respective chapter board
for the approval of the twinning program.

iv. Chapters must execute a Memorandum of Agreement outlining the goal of

the program, the responsibilities of both Chapters in carrying out the
twinning program, and the duration of the twinning program.

v. Duration of twinning shall be for one year only and can be renewed by the
new set of chapter board officers by both chapters through a board

vi. Chapters must report their Twin Chapter relationship to the UAP National
Board thru the District Director by submitting the signed Memorandum of

f. Building the Program. Careful planning and clear communication is essential to

establishing a strong relationship. Like any other worthwhile project, twinning
takes time and effort. The key is to ensure that both chapters should have a clear
understanding of its role and responsibilities in the partnership. Some ideas for
developing a strong relationship include, but are not limited to, the following:

i. Establish an email network (e.g. yahoogroups, facebook groups) for all

chapter members to use

ii. Undertake a UAP National project or social service project together

iii. Participate in a friendship or cultural, or professional exchange

iv. Plan and hold an inter-chapter projects planning activity

v. Exchange project ideas or chapter program ideas

vi. Hold a video conference or web-based chapter meeting

vii. Host your twin chapter’s members in your city

The Chapters may use their imagination and creativity to come up with
innovative ideas for building the twin chapter relationship.

4. Guidelines on Fostering Program

a. Rationale. The 2009 UAP By-laws states that a UAP Chapter is created “to
promote maximum participation of all members in all activities and programs, in
advancing the objectives of the organization” and serves as an “extension of the
national organization in the Chapter’s territory or jurisdiction”.
However, in some instances, a regular UAP member who is not keen on resigning
from his/her present chapter is constraint from participating in its activities and
programs due to his/her employment outside of his/her Chapter’s territory or

Pursuant to the intent in creating a UAP Chapter, the National Board of Directors
in its Regular Meeting held last 21 August 2010 held at UAP National Headquarters
passed and approved Resolution No. 2-18, requiring all UAP Chapters to
adopt/foster a regular UAP member whose chapters are too far from his/her current

b. Definition. Fostering is a program of the UAP to involve participation of its

members to any UAP activity conducted by different chapters all over the country
and abroad by becoming a Foster Member of a Chapter within his/her temporary
place of residence. Foster Member is a UAP member in good standing who desires
to participate in UAP activities conducted by a Chapter in his/her temporary place
of residence due to job location and accepts the terms of being a foster member by
that chapter. Foster Chapter is the Chapter who adopts or fosters an active UAP
member belonging to a different chapter but happens to be within the territorial
jurisdiction of the Foster Chapter for a temporary period of time.

c. Objectives of Fostering. The key objectives of the UAP Fostering Program are:

i. To encourage a regular UAP Member to participate in all activities and

programs of the UAP through the foster Chapter;

ii. To enjoin a regular UAP Member to maintain his/her good standing status
by paying his/her annual membership dues; and

iii. To unburden members from series of transferring from one chapter to

another due to transfer of workplaces and residences.

d. General Guidelines.

i. Guidelines for Foster Member: A regular UAP Member to be fostered by a

Foster Chapter must:

1. Be in good standing with his/her original/mother chapter;

2. Have a period of residency in a place of his/her employment for not

less than three months;

3. Confirm his/her decision to be adopted / fostered by another Chapter

by filling-up the Foster Form to be issued by the UAP National;
4. Inform his/her original/mother Chapter of his/her employment
outside of his/her Chapter’s territory or jurisdiction; and

5. Fullfil his/her duties and responsibilities as a UAP member

indicated in the UAP By-laws to his/her foster Chapter.

6. Must abide by his or her foster chapter’s regulation, attend GMM

and activities of the Foster Chapter,

7. While under fosterhood, pay the necessary chapter dues to the foster

8. Fosterhood shall be for one year and must be renewed every fiscal
year by again submitting a Foster Form.

ii. Guidelines for Foster Chapter:

1. Inform the UAP National of its roster of Foster Members by

submitting copies of the Foster Form filled-up by the Foster

2. Inform the Mother Chapter of the Foster Member by transmitting a

copy of the Foster Form submitted by the Foster Member.

3. Ensure participation of the Foster Member in activities of the

chapter so as to fulfill his/her obligations as a UAP member.

4. Acknowledge the Foster Member in activities participated by the

Foster Member.

5. Assist the remittance of the Foster Member of his/her UAP-IAPOA


e. Coverage of the Program. This program shall cover only those regular UAP
Members who has no intention to resign from his/her original/mother Chapter.
However, if a regular UAP Member decides to transfer from his/her original/mother
Chapter, guidelines and procedures on Chapter Transfer must be strictly adhered
to. The program also does not endorse the free conduct of UAP activities by
members belonging to another chapter within the jurisdiction of the foster chapter.
All such activities can only be conducted under the supervision of the foster chapter
and within the legal limits of the laws of the country they are temporarily residing.

5. Procedures for Conferment of Member Emeritus

a. Policy Statement. Emeritus status is an honorary title awarded to a regular member
with a record of loyalty and remarkable service to the organization. The bestowal
of Emeritus status is a distinctive honor, not a right.

b. Eligibility.

i. A Charter member from April 1975 to December 30, 1975, or UAP member
in good standing;

ii. At least 65 years old, Senior Citizen, Active Or Retired from the Practice –
Private, Academe, and/or Government;

iii. Exemplary Architectural Projects;

iv. Service to the community related to the Architectural Profession, Civic,

Social Organizations;

v. Awards received from UAP, Academe, Government, Civic, and/or Social

Organizations; and

vi. For those with arrears, to pay at least the last five years prior to nomination.

c. Procedures

i. In order for a Regular Member to be considered for Emeritus status, he/she

must be nominated and recommended by the Committee on Membership
and Committee on Awards.

ii. The recommendation must be supported by an updated Curriculum Vitae of

the nominee.

iii. The recommendation shall be endorsed by the Executive Director of the

Commission on Internal Affairs to the National Board of Directors through
the National Executive Vice President, for approval.

iv. Once approved, the Office of the Secretary General shall inform in writing
the nominee of his/her new status as Member Emeritus and the date of
his/her conferment.

v. A Plaque of Recognition shall be given to the Member Emeritus during the

conferment ceremony.

d. Rights and Privileges

i. A Member Emeritus shall, for all purposes of courtesy and on ceremonial
occasions, have the same rights, privileges and responsibilities of a Regular

ii. The title shall not carry with it any stipend or specific duties or entitlements,
but does carry the enjoyment of the usual courtesies extended to a Regular

iii. A Member Emeritus has the privilege to use the title "Member Emeritus",
print after his name the initials "EUAP".

iv. A Member Emeritus shall only pay P1.00 for his/her UAP Annual
Membership Dues.

v. A Members Emeritus shall be exempted from paying Facilitation

Fee/Admin Fee for the application of renewal of PRC Identification Card
processed through the UAP National Secretariat.

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