What Is BANKSY Doing With ART? Is It Good or Bad?

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Lumahan, Darylle Joshua G.


11840455 July 04, 2019

What is BANKSY doing with ART? Is it Good or Bad?

Banksy has been the word of mouth of the society of art for quite some time now. A lot

of his works focuses mainly on graffiti art; creating murals or simply designs on huge walls

wherever he finds one. His identity is actually unknown, the world may never know.

Art as a medium, I believe it is something that can either trigger the minds of the people

and make them understand a different perspective, or be the path towards the hearts of many;

sympathizing and empathizing with the people. I do believe that art, in all its glory, is not and

cannot be put in a box and be labelled “art”, because we see inspiration and draw inspiration

everywhere, and isn’t a masterpiece to your own eyes a piece of art already? Very abstract and

vague, yes, but isn’t that what art is, something that is unidentified and though has structure and

form, should be out of the box?

I strongly believe that what Banksy is doing is simply introducing us to a new wave or

new form of art wherein the art that we deemed, “trash” should be redefined, because it’s very

much like people: stereotypes shouldn’t exist in the first place. For me, I find it good and ideal to

introduce us to new perspectives on art and to show us a fresh outlook towards graffiti art; it

actually made me realize that not all street artists are from the streets and cannot make

masterpieces, but rather, artists simply introducing us to newfound forms of art and redefining art

with no boundaries.

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