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A Neural Conversational Model

Oriol Vinyals VINYALS @ GOOGLE . COM

arXiv:1506.05869v3 [cs.CL] 22 Jul 2015

Abstract than just mere classification, they can be used to map com-
plicated structures to other complicated structures. An ex-
Conversational modeling is an important task in
ample of this is the task of mapping a sequence to another
natural language understanding and machine in-
sequence which has direct applications in natural language
telligence. Although previous approaches ex-
understanding (Sutskever et al., 2014). The main advan-
ist, they are often restricted to specific domains
tage of this framework is that it requires little feature en-
(e.g., booking an airline ticket) and require hand-
gineering and domain specificity whilst matching or sur-
crafted rules. In this paper, we present a sim-
passing state-of-the-art results. This advance, in our opin-
ple approach for this task which uses the recently
ion, allows researchers to work on tasks for which domain
proposed sequence to sequence framework. Our
knowledge may not be readily available, or for tasks which
model converses by predicting the next sentence
are simply too hard to design rules manually.
given the previous sentence or sentences in a
conversation. The strength of our model is that Conversational modeling can directly benefit from this for-
it can be trained end-to-end and thus requires mulation because it requires mapping between queries and
much fewer hand-crafted rules. We find that this reponses. Due to the complexity of this mapping, conver-
straightforward model can generate simple con- sational modeling has previously been designed to be very
versations given a large conversational training narrow in domain, with a major undertaking on feature en-
dataset. Our preliminary results suggest that, de- gineering. In this work, we experiment with the conversa-
spite optimizing the wrong objective function, tion modeling task by casting it to a task of predicting the
the model is able to converse well. It is able next sequence given the previous sequence or sequences
extract knowledge from both a domain specific using recurrent networks (Sutskever et al., 2014). We find
dataset, and from a large, noisy, and general do- that this approach can do surprisingly well on generating
main dataset of movie subtitles. On a domain- fluent and accurate replies to conversations.
specific IT helpdesk dataset, the model can find
We test the model on chat sessions from an IT helpdesk
a solution to a technical problem via conversa-
dataset of conversations, and find that the model can some-
tions. On a noisy open-domain movie transcript
times track the problem and provide a useful answer to
dataset, the model can perform simple forms of
the user. We also experiment with conversations obtained
common sense reasoning. As expected, we also
from a noisy dataset of movie subtitles, and find that the
find that the lack of consistency is a common fail-
model can hold a natural conversation and sometimes per-
ure mode of our model.
form simple forms of common sense reasoning. In both
cases, the recurrent nets obtain better perplexity compared
to the n-gram model and capture important long-range cor-
1. Introduction relations. From a qualitative point of view, our model is
Advances in end-to-end training of neural networks have sometimes able to produce natural conversations.
led to remarkable progress in many domains such as speech
recognition, computer vision, and language processing. 2. Related Work
Recent work suggests that neural networks can do more
Our approach is based on recent work which pro-
Proceedings of the 31 st International Conference on Machine posed to use neural networks to map sequences to se-
Learning, Lille, France, 2015. JMLR: W&CP volume 37. Copy- quences (Kalchbrenner & Blunsom, 2013; Sutskever et al.,
right 2015 by the author(s). 2014; Bahdanau et al., 2014). This framework has been
A Neural Conversational Model

used for neural machine translation and achieves im-

provements on the English-French and English-German
translation tasks from the WMT’14 dataset (Luong et al.,
2014; Jean et al., 2014). It has also been used for
other tasks such as parsing (Vinyals et al., 2014a) and
image captioning (Vinyals et al., 2014b). Since it is
well known that vanilla RNNs suffer from vanish-
ing gradients, most researchers use variants of Long Figure 1. Using the seq2seq framework for modeling conversa-
Short Term Memory (LSTM) recurrent neural net- tions.
works (Hochreiter & Schmidhuber, 1997).
Our work is also inspired by the recent success of neu-
ral language modeling (Bengio et al., 2003; Mikolov et al.,
2010; Mikolov, 2012), which shows that recurrent neural and train to map “ABC” to “WXYZ” as shown in Figure 1
networks are rather effective models for natural language. above. The hidden state of the model when it receives the
More recently, work by Sordoni et al. (Sordoni et al., 2015) end of sequence symbol “<eos>” can be viewed as the
and Shang et al. (Shang et al., 2015), used recurrent neural thought vector because it stores the information of the sen-
networks to model dialogue in short conversations (trained tence, or thought, “ABC”.
on Twitter-style chats).
The strength of this model lies in its simplicity and gener-
Building bots and conversational agents has been pur- ality. We can use this model for machine translation, ques-
sued by many researchers over the last decades, and it tion/answering, and conversations without major changes
is out of the scope of this paper to provide an exhaus- in the architecture. Applying this technique to conversa-
tive list of references. However, most of these systems tion modeling is also straightforward: the input sequence
require a rather complicated processing pipeline of many can be the concatenation of what has been conversed so far
stages (Lester et al., 2004; Will, 2007; Jurafsky & Martin, (the context), and the output sequence is the reply.
2009). Our work differs from conventional systems by
proposing an end-to-end approach to the problem which Unlike easier tasks like translation, however, a model
lacks domain knowledge. It could, in principle, be com- like sequence-to-sequence will not be able to successfully
bined with other systems to re-score a short-list of can- “solve” the problem of modeling dialogue due to sev-
didate responses, but our work is based on producing an- eral obvious simplifications: the objective function being
swers given by a probabilistic model trained to maximize optimized does not capture the actual objective achieved
the probability of the answer given some context. through human communication, which is typically longer
term and based on exchange of information rather than next
step prediction. The lack of a model to ensure consistency
3. Model and general world knowledge is another obvious limitation
Our approach makes use of the sequence-to-sequence of a purely unsupervised model.
(seq2seq) framework described in (Sutskever et al., 2014).
The model is based on a recurrent neural network which 4. Datasets
reads the input sequence one token at a time, and predicts
the output sequence, also one token at a time. During train- In our experiments we used two datasets: a closed-domain
ing, the true output sequence is given to the model, so learn- IT helpdesk troubleshooting dataset and an open-domain
ing can be done by backpropagation. The model is trained movie transcript dataset. The details of the two datasets are
to maximize the cross entropy of the correct sequence given as follows.
its context. During inference, given that the true output se-
quence is not observed, we simply feed the predicted output 4.1. IT Helpdesk Troubleshooting dataset
token as input to predict the next output. This is a “greedy” In our first set of experiments, we used a dataset which was
inference approach. A less greedy approach would be to extracted from a IT helpdesk troubleshooting chat service.
use beam search, and feed several candidates at the previ- In this service, costumers face computer related issues, and
ous step to the next step. The predicted sequence can be a specialist help them by conversing and walking through
selected based on the probability of the sequence. a solution. Typical interactions (or threads) are 400 words
Concretely, suppose that we observe a conversation with long, and turn taking is clearly signaled. Our training set
two turns: the first person utters “ABC”, and second person contains 30M tokens, and 3M tokens were used as valida-
replies “WXYZ”. We can use a recurrent neural network, tion. Some amount of clean up was performed, such as
removing common names, numbers, and full URLs.
A Neural Conversational Model

4.2. OpenSubtitles dataset Machine: hi

Human: hello
We also tested our model on the OpenSubtitles
Machine: could you please let me know what are
dataset (Tiedemann, 2009). This dataset consists of
the operating systems you are using ?
movie conversations in XML format. It contains sen-
Human: i am using linux
tences uttered by characters in movies. We applied a
Machine: ok it was in the ssl vpn on which you
simple processing step removing XML tags and obvi-
stated it was broken
ous non-conversational text (e.g., hyperlinks) from the
Machine: please check if you are logged in to
dataset. As turn taking is not clearly indicated, we treated
corp network
consecutive sentences assuming they were uttered by
Machine: what is the error that you are running
different characters. We trained our model to predict the
next sentence given the previous one, and we did this for
Human: i am seeing an error related to vpn
every sentence (noting that this doubles our dataset size,
Machine: what is the error message that you are
as each sentence is used both for context and as target).
getting when connecting to vpn using network
Our training and validation split has 62M sentences (923M
connect ?
tokens) as training examples, and the validation set has
Human: connection refused or something like
26M sentences (395M tokens). The split is done in such a
way that each sentence in a pair of sentences either appear
Machine: may i know the version of network
together in the training set or test set but not both. Unlike
connect you connect ?
the previous dataset, the OpenSubtitles is quite large, and
Human: i am not sure i know that
rather noisy because consecutive sentences may be uttered
Machine: is the network connect prompting for
by the same character. Given the broad scope of movies,
any user certificate
this is an open-domain conversation dataset, contrasting
Machine: ?
with the technical troubleshooting dataset.
Human: yes
Machine: are you at home or at work at the mo-
5. Experiments ment ?
Machine: office ?
In this section, we describe the experimental results with
Human: i am at home
the two datasets and show some samples of the interac-
Machine: try this
tions with the system that we trained. We also compare
Machine: goto <URL> page and enter your
the performance of our system against a popular rule-based
name and password
bot (CleverBot1 ) using human evaluations on a set of 200
Human: done
Machine: try logging in with <NAME> and
check if its working fine now
5.1. IT Helpdesk Troubleshooting experiments Human: yes , now it works !
In this experiment, we trained a single layer LSTM with Machine: great
1024 memory cells using stochastic gradient descent with Machine: anything else that i can help
gradient clipping. The vocabulary consists of the most Human: no , that was very useful
common 20K words, which includes special tokens indi- Machine: you are other than <NAME> : )
cating turn taking and actor. Machine: have a nice night

At convergence, this model achieved a perplexity of 8, (The <URL> indeed contains information about vpn ac-
whereas an n-gram model achieved 18. Below is a few sam- cess.)
ples of simulated troubleshooting sessions for most three
of the most common IT problems (remote access, software Conversation 2: Browser issues.
crashes, and password issues). In these conversations, Ma-
chine is our Neural Conversational Model, and Human the Describe your problem: browser keeps crashing
human actor interacting with it. Machine: hi
Human: hi
Conversation 1: VPN issues. Machine: could you please let me know what is
the operating system you are using ?
Describe your problem: i am having issues ac- Human: linux
cessing vpn Machine: ok this is the issue with the system per-
formance , nasser , tools .
http://www.cleverbot.com/ Human: what is that ?
A Neural Conversational Model

Machine: is it a windows machine ? Machine: ok great

Machine: we have linux on your machine . Human: can you tell me how i can recover it ?
Machine: is it windows xp or windows 7 ? Machine: i ’ ll need to verify who it is at that
Human: i am using linux machine
Machine: let me take a remote of your machine Machine: can we do a hangout
and check if issue has been pushed properly . Machine: ?
Human: ok Human: yes
Machine: please open terminal and run the be- Machine: <anonymized hangout instructions
low commands in one computer : and verifications>
Machine: sudo apt - get update Human: cool , i am good now
Machine: sudo apt - get upgrade Machine: how ’ s this looking good ?
Machine: sudo <COMMAND> - updater Machine: i ’ ll go ahead and close this chat .
Human: done Machine: take care . : )
Machine: let me try connecting now Human: bye
Human: ok Machine: bye .
Machine: its done
Machine: should use the second or hit run on 5.2. OpenSubtitles experiments
the background
Human: done In this experiment, we trained a two-layered LSTM using
Machine: try signing out now and follow the AdaGrad with gradient clipping. Each layer of the LSTM
prompts as per the message given above has 4096 memory cells, and we built a vocabulary consist-
Machine: shd i reboot the machine . ing of the most frequent 100K words. To speed up the soft-
Human: ok , please go ahead max, we project the memory cells to 2048 linear units be-
Machine: once its completed please try to login fore feeding the information to the classifier.
. At convergence the perplexity of the recurrent model on the
Human: sure validation set is 17. Our smoothed 5-gram model achieves
Machine: please ping me back once you have a perplexity of 28. Interestingly, adding the soft atten-
tried to login tion mechanism of (Bahdanau et al., 2014) did not signifi-
Machine: are we still connected cantly improve the perplexity on neither training or valida-
Human: i now logged in tion sets.
Machine: thanks for your confirmation
Human: what should i do now ? 5.2.1. M ODEL S AMPLES
Machine: wait for 1 5 minutes to complete the
login policy In addition to the perplexity measure, our simple recur-
Machine: and then try logging in rent model does often produce plausible answers. Here
Human: ok are a few sample question-answer pairs that allowed us to
Machine: is there anything else to help you ? understand the capabilities of the model when trained on
Human: let my try browsing a little bit and if it the noisy but large dataset of OpenSubtitles from movies.
keeps crashing i will let you know Again, in these conversations, Machine is our Neural Con-
Machine: sure will do versational Model, and Human the human actor interacting
Machine: seems the mail is not loading with it.
Machine: are we still connected to the chat ? Conversation 1: Basic
Machine: <reinvite>
Human: it seems good now , cool , thank you , Human: hello !
bye Machine: hello !
Machine: you , too Human: how are you ?
Machine: bye Machine: i ’m good .
Human: what ’s your name ?
Conversation 3: Password issues. Machine: i ’m julia .
Human: when were you born ?
Describe your problem: i forgot my password Machine: july 20th .
Machine: hi , this is <NAME> from helpdesk Human: what year were you born ?
connect , what can i help you with today ? Machine: 1977 .
Human: hi , i forgot my password Human: where are you from ?
A Neural Conversational Model

Machine: i ’m out in the boonies. Human: how much is ten minus two ?
Human: are you a man or a woman ? Machine: seventy - two .
Machine: i ’m a woman .
Human: why are we here ? Conversation 4: Philosophical Q&A
Machine: i ’m not sure .
Human: okay, bye ! Human: what is the purpose of life ?
Machine: bye . Machine: to serve the greater good .
Human: see you later . Human: what is the purpose of living ?
Machine: bye . Machine: to live forever .
Human: what is the purpose of existence ?
Conversation 2: Simple Q&A (contexts and multiple Machine: to find out what happens when we get
choice) to the planet earth .
Human: where are you now ?
Human: my name is david . what is my name ? Machine: i ’m in the middle of nowhere .
Machine: david . Human: what is the purpose of dying ?
Human: my name is john . what is my name ? Machine: to have a life .
Machine: john . Human: what is the purpose of being intelligent
Human: are you a leader or a follower ? ?
Machine: i ’m a leader . Machine: to find out what it is .
Human: are you a follower or a leader ? Human: what is the purpose of emotions ?
Machine: i ’m a leader . Machine: i don ’t know .

Conversation 3: General knowledge Q&A Conversation 5: Morality

Human: who is skywalker ? Human: what is moral ?

Machine: he is a hero . Machine: what empowered humanity , what in-
Human: who is bill clinton ? tellectual the essence is .
Machine: he ’s a billionaire . Human: what is immoral ?
Human: is sky blue or black ? Machine: the fact that you have a child .
Machine: blue . Human: what is morality ?
Human: does a cat have a tail ? Machine: what is altruism ?
Machine: yes . Human: what is the definition of altruism ?
Human: does a cat have a wing ? Machine: if you don ’t believe in god , then you
Machine: no don ’t know .
Human: can a cat fly ? Human: ok ... so what is the definition of moral-
Machine: no . ity ?
Human: how many legs does a cat have ? Machine: well , the truth is , you ’re not a be-
Machine: four , i think . liever in god almighty .
Human: how many legs does a spider have ? Human: tell me the definition of morality , i am
Machine: three , i think . quite upset now !
Human: how many legs does a centipede have ? Machine: i ’m not ashamed of being a philoso-
Machine: eight . pher !
Human: what is the color of the sky ? Human: tell me the definition of morality .
Machine: blue . Machine: i don ’t have ethics .
Human: what is the color of water ? Human: look , i need help , i need to know more
Machine: water . about morality ...
Human: what is the color of blood ? Machine: i don ’t know what ethics is .
Machine: it is the same as a black eye . Human: seriously , what is morality ?
Human: what is the usual color of a leaf ? Machine: what is the definition of living ?
Machine: it is a green one . Human: why living has anything to do with
Human: what is the color of a yellow car ? morality ?
Machine: yellow . Machine: you ’re not a cop .
Human: how much is two plus two ? Human: okay , i need to know how should i be-
Machine: four . have morally ...
A Neural Conversational Model

Machine: i don ’t know how to tell you . problematic drawback is that the model does not capture
Human: is morality and ethics the same ? a consistent personality. Indeed, if we ask not identical but
Machine: yes , sir . semantically similar questions, the answers can sometimes
Human: what are the things that i do to be im- be inconsistent. This is expected due to the simplicity of
moral ? our model and the dataset in our experiments. The conver-
Machine: i don ’t know . sation below illustrates such failure:
Human: give me some examples of moral ac-
Conversation 7: Job and Personality
tions ...
Machine: i ’m not a moralist .
Human: alright , morality ? Human: what is your job ?
Machine: integrity . Machine: i ’m a lawyer .
Human: what is integrity ? Human: what do you do ?
Machine: i ’m sorry , i don ’t know what else to Machine: i ’m a doctor .
say .
Human: be moral ! Lastly, as a comparison of other traditional bots that are
Machine: be a man ! rule-based, we provide the output of CleverBot for some of
Human: i really like our discussion on morality the questions in our test:2
and ethics ...
Machine: and how i ’m not in the mood for a Human: Are you a follower or a leader ?
philosophical debate . CleverBot: No !!
Human: what do you like to talk about ? Human: My name is david . what is my name ?
Machine: nothing . CleverBot: How old are you David ?
Human: My name is john . what is my name ?
Conversation 6: Opinions (notice the model outputs “he” , CleverBot: John
“she” or “it” depending on the subject being asked) Human: What is the purpose of being intelligent
Human: what do you think about tesla ? CleverBot: The purpose of life is to love God
Machine: he ’s a good conductor . and love people.
Human: what do you think about bill gates ? Human: Is sky blue or black ?
Machine: he ’s a good man . CleverBot: I am 200 years old.
Human: What do you think about messi ? Human: What is the color of a yellow car ?
Machine: he ’s a great player . CleverBot: Brown.
Human: what do you think about cleopatra ? Human: What is the usual color of a leaf ?
Machine: oh , she ’s very regal . CleverBot: What is the color of the apple in the
Human: what do you think about england dur- fridge ?
ing the reign of elizabeth ? Human: What is the purpose of life ?
Machine: it was a great place . CleverBot: My purpose it to forward my species,
in other words to make it easier for future gener-
We find it encouraging that the model can remember facts, ations of mankind to live.
understand contexts, perform common sense reasoning Human: What do you think about tesla ?
without the complexity in traditional pipelines. What sur- CleverBot: I am tesla.
prises us is that the model does so without any explicit Human: What do you think about cleopatra ?
knowledge representation component except for the param- CleverBot: Cool is cool.
eters in the word vectors. Human: What do you think about england dur-
ing the reign of elizabeth ?
Perhaps most practically significant is the fact that the CleverBot: I like him. Do you ?
model can generalize to new questions. In other words, Human: What do you think about bill gates ?
it does not simply look up for an answer by matching the CleverBot: Lets talk about Link.
question with the existing database. In fact, most of the Human: What is moral ?
questions presented above, except for the first conversation, CleverBot: Morality is the quality of being in
do not appear in the training set. accord with standards of right or good conduct.
Nonetheless, one drawback of this basic model is that it Human: What is immoral ?
only gives simple, short, sometimes unsatisfying answers 2
The outputs of CleverBot are non-deterministic so the an-
to our questions as can be seen above. Perhaps a more swers may be different for different trials.
A Neural Conversational Model

CleverBot: What is the objective of sistetic life ?

Human: Does a cat have a wing ? Human: What’s thirty plus forty ?
CleverBot: What is the name of your husband. NCM: Sixty ?
Human: Can a cat fly ? CB: What should we talk about ?
CleverBot:: What is your husband’s name ?
Human: Who is skywalker ?
CleverBot: There are two of them, Anakin Sky- We however believe that it remains an open research prob-
walker and Luke Skywalker, both characters from lem of designing a good metric to quickly measure the
star Wars. quality of a conversational model. We did so by manual
Human: How many legs does a cat have ? inspection, by using Mechanical Turk to get human evalu-
CleverBot: An ant. ations comparing with a rule-based bot, and by computing
Human: How many legs does a centipede have the perplexity. However, there are obvious drawbacks on
? using those, and we are actively pursuing this and other re-
CleverBot: A centipede’s number of legs varies search directions.
from thirty to two hundred.
Human: What is your job ?
CleverBot: I work in mental health. 6. Discussion
Human: What do you do ? In this paper, we show that a simple language model based
CleverBot: I have no job. on the seq2seq framework can be used to train a conversa-
tional engine. Our modest results show that it can gener-
5.2.2. H UMAN E VALUATION ate simple and basic conversations, and extract knowledge
from a noisy but open-domain dataset. Even though the
In order to fairly and objectively compare our model
model has obvious limitations, it is surprising to us that a
against CleverBot, we picked 200 questions3 , and asked
purely data driven approach without any rules can produce
four different humans to rate our model (NCM) versus Cle-
rather proper answers to many types of questions. How-
verBot (CB). Human judges were asked to pick which of
ever, the model may require substantial modifications to be
the two bots they preferred, and were also allowed to de-
able to deliver realistic conversations. Amongst the many
clare a tie if both answers were of equal quality.
limitations, the lack of a coherent personality makes it dif-
If three out of four human judges agreed, we record that ficult for our system to pass the Turing test (Turing, 1950).
score. Our model was preferred in 97 out of 200 questions,
whereas CleverBot was picked in 60 out of 200. There was ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
a tie in 20 questions, and in 23 questions the judges were
We thank Greg Corrado, Andrew Dai, Jeff Dean, Tom
in disagreement.
Dean, Matthieu Devin, Rajat Monga, Mike Schuster, Noam
Here are some samples of how the judges evaluated the sys- Shazeer, Ilya Sutskever and the Google Brain team for the
tems (in bold we show their preferred answer, the third ex- help with the project.
ample shows a tie, and the fourth examples shows diagree-
Human: What is the deepest spot on the world ? Bahdanau, D., Cho, K., and Bengio, Y. Neural machine
NCM: The pacific ocean. translation by jointly learning to align and translate.
CB: What ? arXiv preprint arXiv:1409.0473, 2014.
Bengio, Y., Ducharme, R., Vincent, P., and Janvin, C. A
Human: Do you like Mexican food or Indian neural probabilistic language model. The Journal of Ma-
food ? chine Learning Research, 3:1137–1155, 2003.
NCM: I hate it.
CB: I love Mexican food. Hochreiter, S. and Schmidhuber, J. Long short-term mem-
ory. Neural Computation, 1997.
Human: Who are you crazy about ?
Jean, S., Cho, K., Memisevic, R., and Bengio, Y. On using
NCM: You’re the one who’s crazy.
very large target vocabulary for neural machine transla-
CB: Who are you ?
tion. CoRR, abs/1412.2007, 2014.
The questions we used together
with the answers can be found in Jurafsky, D. and Martin, J. Speech and language process-
http://ai.stanford.edu/˜quocle/QAresults.pdf ing. Pearson International, 2009.
A Neural Conversational Model

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