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Being that Mars is the most earth-like planet, it is the best candidate for Terraforming.

what does Terraforming means? And how does it work?

Terraforming is the process of transforming of hostile environment into one suitable for human life.
To Terraform Mars, Engineers would have to find a way 0f thickening its atmosphere, whose
pressure is a hundreth of that on Earth. In addition, ways will have to be found to heat up the planet.
At present, its surface temperature can plunge to minus 60c and below. However heating and
thickening – can be possible, say researcher. The idea is to build a large mirror, many miles in
diameter, and place its orbit above Mars. This would then focus the Sun’s rays onto polar ice cap,
melting it and releasing its frozen carbon dioxide contents. The carbon dioxide would then trigger
greenhouse heating. (

Another alternative is to construct plants for generating super-greenhouse gases-made of complex

combinations of carbon, chlorine and fluorine, and which are thousands of times more effective
than carbon dioxide trapping heat. These would be built at strategic sites across the planet and
should also trigger global temperature rises. Thickening Martians atmosphere would protect it
surface from ultra-violet radiation. According to Dr. Chris Mc Kay- based at NASA’s Ames Research
Center in California-With a thicker, warmer atmosphere, ice Trapped in Martians soil would melt and
could be used to sustain agriculture. With plants and tree imported from Earth growing and
producing oxygen, the atmosphere would become slowly more Earth-like. (

NASA scientist believe that it is technologically possible at the present time to create
considerable global climate change. Therefore, allowing humans to live on Mars. Astronomers
likewise believe that Mars could be turned into little Earth, though this would take decades to
achieve this goal and this will not be by any means an easy task since this would require massive

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