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Separate but equal


By: Mariana Casanova

1. Analyze the arguments throughout the film both the PLANTIFF, AND THE


a) Legal
 the center of this case, is the interpretation of the 14th amendment of the constitution,
he says that the duty of the supreme court is to place themselves as closely as possible
in the condition of the man who wrote this amendment, does this amendment
included education?, clearly not, because the congress that passed this amendment
segregated schools in in the district of Columbia, they did not think that segregation
in illegal, and it hasn’t been for ninety years.
 The 10th amendment states that “the powers not delegates the states by the
constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively,
or to the people.” The constitution gives power to the states to solution local problems
and each state has the legal power to administrate its own educative system according
to its specific needs. “I think it’s wrong for nine men in Washington D.C. to tell a
man in South Carolina who his daughter ought to sit next in school”, the supreme
court ought not to become a National School board for the state of South Carolina.
 There are several previous cases on which the court has made its position clear, it has
regarding segregation not opposed to it for the last ninety years. (Plessy vs. Ferguson
and 6 cases following since).
 “Separate but equal” has been the law of the land for several years, this law should
be changes by an act of congress or an amendment of the constitution.

The 14th amendment of the constitution states that: “No state shall abridge the
privileges or immunities of citizens, nor deny person within its jurisdiction the equal
protection of the laws”, segregation in the state of South Carolina does not provide
equality to the negro children in any way, the segregation by race goes against the
constitution, the states cannot classify people by color for education,
The definition of moral is: “Concerned with the principles of right and wrong
behavior and the goodness or badness of human character”, and the issue with this is
clearly stated, it is simply not right to deny children form equal education or to deny
to them go to a certain school and therefore to their future opportunities based on
their skin color.
The problem with segregation in the schools is that the schools of the black children
would be inferior to the schools of the white children, even if children do notn have
any kind of prejudice against black people they would be getting the wrong message
form adults, the message would be that black people and white can’t be together and
black people are inferior to them.
a. Social
Segregation has a huge impact on the society of this region because it breaks the
relations between white and black people, when the society is cracked like this
you get as a result a pyramidal society on which there is a group over the other
one, and this actions are supported for the government

b. Psychological
There was an study made by a psychologist which was the “Doll test”, a set of two
black dollars and two white dolls where putted in the table and the black children
were asked questions like which one is the best one or which doll is the pretty one for
which they answered that t the white dolls were the pretty dolls, and when they were
asked which doll was the ugly one, or which doll was them, they chose the black one,
this clearly shows and that the black children thought that they were inferior to the
white children, it is a tremendous damage that has been done in the several years to
the negro children, this clarly shows that the black children feel inferior to the black
to the white children, this will affect their self because as an inferior the negro
children fele bad abput themselves and that they will never go any further than what
they are supposed to because they are black and therefore will never be as “good” as a
white person, and whn this child grows up his actions will always be limited by the
fact that him as individual will be inferior to a white person.
c. Economic
Lets make a comparison of the north of the united states and the south, there is a clear
difference between both regions, the most important reason for this is sgeregatioon,
the impact of the segregation in the south has made a huge damage to the economy
opf the region. Since you have such a big group of people and you basically make
them work just as a non-educated labour slike in the fields you are probably going to
get them have a low income which would lead to a huge amopiunt of people that are
in state of poverty just because you deny the tools tomdo something

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