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Law of Vibration: The Most Compelling Guide to Law of Vibration

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What is the Law of Vibration?

The Law of Vibration may not be as famous as the Law of Attraction, however, the
Law of Vibration is the foundation for how the Law of Attraction works. And to
understand the Law of Vibration, we have to understand that everything in this world
is made of energy. The trees, the air you breathe in, your car, the table, your
smartphone, animals such as dogs, cats, squirrels, and even your body are made of

» What is the Law of Vibration?
» Everything Is Energy
» Your Thoughts and Emotions are Energies in Vibration

» How and Why Does the Law of Vibration Work?

» How the Law of Vibration Affects Your Life
» You Are Living in Harmony with Your Energy Vibration
» When You Change Your Vibration, You Will Change Your Life

» Vibration Of Attraction Examples – Top 5 Scientific Experiments

» 1. The Dog Whistle
» 2. Albert Einstein and His “Spooky Action at a Distance”
» 3. The Tuning Fork Experiment
» 4. Basketball Players Improve Their Skills without Physical Training
» 5. Mirror Neurons

» How to Use the Law of Vibration (And What For)?

» 1. Finances
» 2. Fun and Recreation
» 3. Health
» 4. Family and Relationship
» How to Activate the Law of Vibration

» 5 Steps to Work with the Law of Vibration

» 1. Set Your Intention Right
» 2. Raise Your Vibration through Visualization
» 3. Raise Your Vibration through Emotions
» 4. Trust and Believe in the Process
» 5. Let Go and Ready to Receive
» Exercises and Tips To Master The Law Of Vibration
» 10 Exercises to Master the Law of Vibration
» 3 Effective Tips to Manifest Your Dreams with the Law of Vibration

» Frequently Asked Questions about The Law of Vibration

» 1. What is the Law of Vibration?
» 2. What is “manifesting”?
» 3. How can I start using the Law of Vibration?
» 4. How do I raise my vibration?
» 5. How long does it take to manifest my dream?
» 6. How can I tell if the Law of Vibration is working for me?
» 7. I think about my dream all the time, but I’m not seeing results,
» 8. Can the Law of Vibration works for anyone?

» Top 5 Most Helpful Coaches On The Law of Vibration

» 1. Bob Proctor
» 2. John Assaraf
» 3. James Arthur Ray
» 4. Michael Beckwith
» 5. Joe Vitale

Quantum physics state that everything in our universe is energy. When you put your
body under a giant microscope, you will see that your body is made of cells. And
when you further zoom in, you will see that your cells are made of tissues, molecules,
and atoms. And when you further zoom in, you will notice that what created atoms
and molecules are nothing but energy vibrating at a certain frequency. And yes,
everything in this universe is made of energy.

Everything Is Energy
And as we all know from science, energy is constantly vibrating at a certain speed
and nothing rest. And this is also what the Law of Vibration states; everything is
vibrating and nothing is at rest. Everything you see around you is vibrating at a
different frequency, and this is what separated things from what you see, such as
animals, people, plants, trees, and so on.

The truth is that none of us, including the things around us, are separated. Everything
is made of energy, remember? Thus, we are all connected at the lowest and deepest
level. As what John Samuel Hagelin, the leader of Transcendental Meditation
movement in the US calls, The Unified Field.

For example, a table may look solid and still, but within the table are millions and
millions of sub-atomic particles moving and vibrating with energy. These particles
are made of energy that is vibrating at a very fast speed that forms atoms. And
atoms will then form molecules, and the millions of molecules will form the solid as
what we knew as a table.

Although that we cannot see the Law of Vibration, it is real. Just like the Law of
Gravity, we cannot see the gravity, but it is there. Before the invention of the
microscope, no one believes that there are bacteria on our skin. According to a study
in 2007 performed by the Department of Medicine at NYU School of Medicine
researchers found evidence for 182 species of bacteria in skin samples.

After microscope has been introduced to the world, people started to believe in
bacteria and smaller particles in our bodies. And today, science has proved that
everything is made of atoms and molecules, and what made these atoms are
energies. And thus, you, me, and everything else has its own vibration frequency. We
are all bound by the Law of Vibration.

Your Thoughts and Emotions are Energies in Vibration

Our thoughts are energies in vibration too. The Law of Attraction, which based on the
Law of Vibration, states that we attract what we are sending out to the universe.
When we think a certain thought, our brain’s cells or neurons will vibrate at a certain
frequency and this high-speed energy will attract whatever you send out through
your thoughts.
When you understand that your thoughts and emotions are energy vibration (Law of
Vibration), and you know that “like attracts like” (Law of Attraction), you will
appreciate that you can now start to alter and transform your life just by altering your
thoughts and emotions, which will ultimately alter the energy vibration within you.

How and Why Does the Law of Vibration Work?

The Law of Vibration states that everything is energy and the energy is vibrating at a
certain frequency. Nothing is at rest. And this means that the results you get in your
life, the way you are living, your life, everything that you achieve, or fail to achieve up
to this point is because of your vibration.

Most people have no idea how to manifest and achieve their goals and dreams
because they do not understand how the Law of Vibration works. All they understand
is that as long as they think about what they want, they will manifest. This is
somehow correct according to the Law of Attraction, but the problem is that the Law
of Attraction is based on the Law of Vibration.

Therefore, if you have no idea how the Law of Vibration works, you will never make
the Law of Attraction works. This is why most people fail to manifest what they want
and thought that the Law of Attraction is not true.

Everything is buzzing around and clumping together with things that match up in the
frequency department. Everything in the entire universe carries a certain frequency
and it oscillates at its own unique set of vibrations, drawing that is like itself into a
central orbit. This is why phrases such as “like attract like” and “birds of a feather
flock together” come around.

How the Law of Vibration Affects Your Life

Here is a great and simple formula to understand the Law of Vibration and how it
works in our lives:

Microcosm (atomic particles) = Macrocosm (the external Universe)

In a nutshell, as you choose to happy feelings, more happy feelings will be drawn into
your life because you are offering the energy vibration that is in harmony with happy
feelings. On the other hand, if you are upset and feeling inferior, you will create more
of the same vibration in your life.

Your mind is the most powerful tool in this universe because you are able to change
and alter the vibration energy through your thoughts and feelings. And when you do
that, you will attract and bring forth the energy vibration that is in harmony with your
thoughts and feelings.

Your thought is where it all begins. AS your conscious mind dwells habitually on
thoughts of a certain frequency, these become firmly imbedded in your
subconscious mind. These thoughts will become your dominant vibration. And this
dominant vibration sets up a resonance with other similar vibrations and draws them
into your life.

Meaning to say that it works like a big mirror. You first create the vibration frequency
through your mind (feelings and thoughts) and then buzz that frequency out into
your surrounding and whatever that is vibrating in harmony with your frequency will
come to you in the forms of things, people, and experiences.

You Are Living in Harmony with Your Energy Vibration

Perhaps, the best scientific way to explain how the Law of Vibration works is through
the use of a tuning fork. A tuning fork can serve as a useful illustration of how a
vibrating object can produce sound. When you get two tuning forks with the same
frequency and hit one with a rubber hammer, it will vibrate and transmit sound waves
to its surrounding, which cause the second tuning fork to vibrate and produce the
same sound waves. This is also known as a resonance.

When you think a certain thought or feel a certain emotion, you are transmitting
energy through vibration to your surroundings, and other things, people, and
experiences that are vibrating in the same frequency will be attracted to you. This is
the same as resonance.
The world’s famous physicist, Albert Einstein once coined the words, “spooky action
at a distance”. In which, he said that an object can be moved, changed, or otherwise
affected without being physically touched by another object.

Therefore, whatever energy vibration you send out to the universe, you will attract
into your life. This is why people are living the life they are living right now because of
their vibration, or in other words, their thoughts, emotions, feelings, actions, and

When you plant an apple tree, you will always get an apple. You can hope that the
apple tree will grow an orange, but this is not going to happen because the apple tree
is vibrating at the frequency of “an apple tree”. Unless you change its vibration, an
apple tree will remain an apple tree.

When You Change Your Vibration, You Will Change

Your Life
You can spend all your time and work hard on your goals, but if you do not change
the vibration, you will never realize your dreams and manifest your goals. This is why
we often experience the “things are not moving in our way” moments.

When your energy vibration is not in alignment with what you desire in your life,
things will seem to go against you regardless of what you do. You can put in extra
hours to work on your dreams, work harder, find ways, learn better strategy, hire
more talented people to your company, get better business partners, etc., but if your
vibration did not change, you will eventually suffer the same outcomes, which is a
business failure.

This is why an entrepreneur can fail at a business and when they start another
business, they will experience the same failure. And when they finally “get it”, they
change their vibration in harmony with their goals, they will finally manifest the
success results they want.
Are you working hard on your goals and are trying your best to manifest your
dreams, but you fail to realize them no matter how hard you try? If this is happening
to you, you need to change your vibration. You need to create vibrations (thoughts
and feelings) that are in harmony with what you want.

And when your vibration is in alignment with the order you are placing with the
universe, things will come to you automatically, without much effort. Things will
become so smooth that you seem to have the “Midas touch” and able to turn every
business into a successful venture.

When this happens, you will be able to manifest your dreams and accomplish all your
goals. This is when you will experience the “smoothness” of life and are living in
harmony with what you desire.

Vibration Of Attraction Examples – Top 5 Scientific


1. The Dog Whistle

A dog whistle which can also be known as a silent whistle is a type of whistle that
emits sound in the ultrasonic range. And a human cannot hear sound from the dog
whistle, but some other animals can, including dogs and domestic cats. The dog
whistle was invented by Francis Galton and is mentioned in his book, “Inquiries into
Human Faculty and its Development”.

The upper limit of a human hearing range is about 20 kHz for children. And as we
grow older, our hearing range will decline to about 15-17 kHz. A dog’s hearing range
is about 25 kHz, while the cat has a hearing range of about 64 kHz. And when it
comes to the Law of Vibration, we cannot see the transmission of the vibration in our
body and mind, but the vibration is definitely there. Just like how a dog whistle works.

When you do not see the vibration and energy transmission, it does not mean that it
does not exist. Our minds are constantly transmitting energy through our thoughts
and emotions. This is why the Law of Attraction works and how the “like attract like”
or “positive attract positive” comes into play.

2. Albert Einstein and His “Spooky Action at a

In physics, the concept of spooky action at a distance states that an object can be
moved, changed, or otherwise affected without being physically touched by another
object. This concept was made popular by Albert Einstein, one of the greatest
physicist in the world, and he called this, “spooky action at a distance”.

Years ago, a group of Russian scientists took away a mother rabbit from her babies.
They took the mother rabbit into a submarine and dived deep into the sea and away
from her babies. The babies were kept in a laboratory thousands of miles away. The
mother rabbit was hooked up with sophisticated equipment to measure the brain
waves, blood pressure, blood sugar, and many more measurements.

And then the scientists killed the baby rabbit and observed that the brain waves of
the mother rabbit went absolutely haywire at precisely the same time when her baby
was killed. Although the mother rabbit and the babies were kept thousands of miles
apart, some sorts of action at a distance has happened.

The same principle can apply to the Law of Vibration. You may not fully understand
how your brain works, but your thoughts and emotions will affect your outcome in
your life.

3. The Tuning Fork Experiment

When you get two tuning forks together and use a rubber hammer and hit on one, it
will start to vibrate and resonates. The amazing thing will then happen. The other
tuning fork will begin to resonate and vibrate at the same frequency, producing the
same sound too.
Even when both the tuning forks did not touch or in contact with each other, one can
resonate with another as long as they are in the same frequency. This is also known
as the Law of Resonance.

And when it comes to manifesting what you desire in life, the Law of Vibration works
the same way like the tuning fork. When you vibrate at a certain frequency, you will
attract whatever that is in harmony with your vibration. This is to say that your
thoughts and emotions will create the vibration through your mind, and then you will
attract whatever vibration you send out to the universe. When you are feeling
depressed and upset, you will most likely attract those similar experiences and
events into your life.

4. Basketball Players Improve Their Skills without

Physical Training
Our brain is one of the most powerful tools that has ever given to us. You can change
and alter the vibration energy in your body using your brain. You can choose to
consciously focus on things that you want and feel the emotions that you desire.
This will transmit the vibration to your outer world to attract what you want to have
into your life.

Years ago, scientists conducted a study on a group of basketball players. They were
separated into three groups. The first group did nothing. The second group was told
to practice shooting. And the third practiced shooting through visualization. After a
few weeks, the scientists found that the shooting performance of the first group has
gone down. The second group of basketball players improved their shooting skills
and so with the third group.

The third group of players practiced through visualization, but they achieved the
same improvement as the second group of players who actually practiced physically.
Whatever your mind focuses on, expands, even if it is the only visualization, your
mind makes it real.
And this is why the Law of Vibration and the Law of Attraction work. When your
vibration is in harmony with what you desire, what you desire, then, will automatically
come to you. Or in other words, you will somehow attract what you want into your

5. Mirror Neurons
When you see a stranger greets you and smile at you, you will want to return the
favor, greet her and return the smile. This is the mirror neurons at work in our minds.
When someone sees you radiating positive energy, this same response is mirrored in
the brain of the observer and they will be positively attracted to you too.

The study on the amygdala, the brain’s emotional center shows that we will induce
feelings of fear and anxiety in others if we are fearful and anxious ourselves. This
explains why when your energy is vibrating at a frequency that causes you to feel
negative, you will prevent success, positive, and an opportunity to come to you.

This is why the Law of Attraction states that you have to think about what you want
in order to attract and manifest what you want. Of course, the Law of Attraction is
just the beginning, it takes much more than just simply thinking about what you want
to manifest what you desire in your life. Study the Law of Vibration and you will
understand how the Law of Attraction can work for you.

How to Use the Law of Vibration (And What For)?

So now that you understand how the Law of Vibration works, so how can you use it
and what should you use it for? When it comes to manifesting dreams, people have
all kinds of things that they want to be, do and have in life.

In fact, it is not about using or applying the Law of Vibration, it is about living with it
and making it a part of your life so that you will attract all the good things that you

Here are a few areas in your life that may give you an idea of improvement:
1. Finances
What do you want to achieve financially? Do you want to buy a big villa by the cliff or
by the sea? Do you want to increase the amount of your saving this year? How much
do you want to invest? Do you want to pay off some debts or student loans?

These are some examples of the financial goals you may have. Once you have
identified your financial goals, you can then align your vibration towards them and
then start manifesting them.

2. Fun and Recreation

What do you want to do if money is not an issue? Do you want to travel and see the
Wonders of the World? Do you want to play tennis or become a professional bowler?
Do you want to conquer Kilimanjaro or the Everest? How about joining Richard
Branson in his private Necker Island? Or do you prefer to race camel in the Egypt?

Fun and recreation are parts of your life. Leveraging the Law of Vibration to live a
fulfilling life is a great way to manifest what you want in life.

3. Health
A lot of people want to attract good health to their lives. With the help of the Law of
Vibration, you can send out the right message to the universe and manifest the
perfect health you desire.

Some may desire for the fit and slim body, and yes, you can realize this dream too if
you understand how to apply and make the Law of Vibration to work for you.

4. Family and Relationship

Another huge area where you can put the Law of Vibration in harmony with what you
desire is your family and relationship. You can attract and manifest the right person
into your life when you are transmitting the right vibration to your surroundings.
Some people are having a hard time in finding the right person because their
vibration is out of tune. When you send out the right vibration, you can have the
loving relationship and warm family you desire.

There are many areas and ways how you can leverage the power of the Law of
Vibration. Treat it like a magic lamp where you can summon a genie to fulfill
whatever dreams you desire.

If you want to have a better health, yes you can manifest it using the Law of
Vibration. If you want to have more money and without having to work for another
day, yes, you can manifest this dream through aligning your vibration with your

How to Activate the Law of Vibration

When it comes to manifesting what you desire, people often make the mistake about
the manifesting process and actually aligning your vibration to what they desire.

The thing is that dreaming about what you want and knowing exactly what you
desire to manifest in life is the easy part. The difficult part is in aligning your vibration
with the things that you want to be, do, and have in your life. In other words, it is the
effort of adjusting your vibration to match your dreams that you desire that will make
the manifestation comes true.

There is no point to think about becoming a millionaire all the time without aligning
your vibration because money will not simply fall from the sky. Well, you may actually
make the money fall from the sky if your vibration is in alignment with it, but most
people do not believe in it, and this is why it is not going to happen.

You have to understand that over 90% of the manifesting process is completed by
the time you get your vibration activated. This means to say that the vibration
element of your wish has already occurred in the non-physical realm; within you.
Therefore, your primary focus is to align with your desires so that what you want can
appear in your physical reality.
Everything happens in the inner world first. Our outer world is a mere echo or the
fruits of what has happened in the inner world. Your mission is to maintain that
vibration and unlock the desires from their energetic holding space so they can
manifest. You need to learn how to close the gap between your intention and the

Abraham Hicks once said, “The greater part of us is non-physical.” This may sound a
little confusing, but your goal is to align your vibration with the vibration of the things
that you want in your life. When your vibration is in alignment with the things that
they want, the universe will deliver it to you. Things will become smooth and come to
you. You will feel like you are so lucky and things just come to you without much

So how can you do that? Well, to put it in a simple term, you just need to make sure
your thoughts and feelings are in harmony with what you want. You need to act as if
the things that you want to have already been manifested and you are living them
right now.

Most people understand their thoughts, but they often forget that their feelings play
an important role in the manifestation process too. You need to feel as if your desire
has already been manifested. This will close the gap between your inner world and
your outer world.

And to make things simple, here are the 5 steps how you can raise your vibration and
use the Law of Vibration to manifest what you want in life:

1. Set Your Intention Right

2. Raise Your Vibration through Visualization

3. Raise Your Vibration through Emotions

4. Trust and Believe in the Process

5. Let Go and Ready to Receive

5 Steps to Work with the Law of Vibration

1. Set Your Intention Right

The first step you need to do to manifest what you desire using the Law of Vibration
is to set your intention right. Most people have no idea what they want, let alone
manifesting it. A lot of people are too vague with their request. At a moment, they
may want to own a successful business, and at the next moment, they feel doubtful
and prefer to continue to work in their current career.

This will send confusing messages to the universe and your vibration will not be in
alignment with what you want. Another thing is that most people are too vague with
their desire. Yes, they want to be rich, but they have no idea how much exactly do
they want. When they get a raise of $100, they are $100 richer, but they feel that it is
not enough and associate with a negative feeling.

Thus, set your intention right. Make sure you understand what you desire and what
you want to achieve in your life. It is only when you know what you want, you can
send the right and consistent message to the universe and the universe will bring
forth what you want into your life.

2. Raise Your Vibration through Visualization

The second step is to raise your vibration through visualization. You may already
know that in order to manifest your dreams, you need to focus on aligning your
vibration with the things that you want. And visualization is one of the most powerful
tools that can help you in this.

When you visualize what you want, your mind cannot differentiate what is real and
what is being imagined. This is why when you visualize squeezing lemon juice into
your mouth, you will have more saliva in your mouth. Your mind makes what you
visualize real. Thus, practice visualizing the things that you want to be, do and have
in your life.
See yourself as you are already there, achieving and living your dreams. You must
see it vivid so that your mind will make it real and raise your vibration to match for
the things that you want. The key is to focus on maintaining the vibration to be in
harmony with your dreams. And the manifestation process will happen.

When you take care of your inner world, your outer world will take care of itself. This
is why people often said, “You will become what you think about most of the time.”
So use visualization to raise your vibration and align your vibration with what you

3. Raise Your Vibration through Emotions

The third step is to raise your vibration through your emotions. And this is where
most people get it wrong about Law of Vibration and the Law of Attraction. The
majority thought that all they need to do is to think about what they want and the
manifestation process will happen. While this is true, but it is only partially true. You
need to raise your vibration to a higher level through your emotions too.

You cannot just dream about what you want and hope for things to happen. You
need to feel it with your emotions. For example, do not just visualize what you want,
you must associate your emotions and feelings into the process. Feel as if you are
already successful. Feel as if you have achieved your goals and are living your

Your emotion is one of the most powerful tools that can alleviate your vibration and
help you manifest what you want in life. Without emotions, nothing moves.

4. Trust and Believe in the Process

The fourth step is to trust and believe in the process. Most people do not understand
this step because they simply do not believe in it. When you truly believe in
something, you will never question it and you will do it. Yes, you will take action when
you believe in something.
For example, if you truly believe that you are going to win the lottery, do you think you
will take action and buy a lottery ticket? Yes, you will. And if you believe without a
shadow of a doubt that your business is going to succeed, do you think you will work
on it? Yes, you will too.

Most people do not believe that they can achieve their dreams and manifest what
they want, this is why they are not taking action. All they do is to think about what
they want, but deep within their hearts, they do not actually believe that it is possible
for them. Never let this happen to you. Choose to trust the process and believe in it.
More importantly, when you truly believe in it, you will act on it.

5. Let Go and Ready to Receive

Finally, you need to let go and be willing to receive. Do not be over obsessed with the
things that you want. When you become so obsessed, you will feel stress the
moment you did not receive the results you desire.

Most people are so obsessed with the result that this has created the opposite effect
and caused the manifestation process to fail. Treat the manifestation process like
planting a tree. All you need to do is to make sure that you water it daily, make sure
the plant receives enough sunlight and the soil is suitable for it to grow. After that,
you just let go and believe that the plant will grow.

What do you think will happen if you over-water the plant? You will kill it. There is no
need to rush for the result. You just need to believe in it and be willing to receive it
when it arrives. Just like growing a plant, you do what you can, and believe in it.
Somehow, the universe will work its magic and the plant will grow. The same applies
to your dreams and the things that you want to realize in this world.

Most people do not understand this step and they overdo the work and are too
obsessed with the results. This is why they fail to manifest the things that they want
in their lives.
Exercises and Tips To Master The Law Of Vibration

10 Exercises to Master the Law of Vibration

1. Write a gratitude list

One of the keys to raising your vibration is to feel good and to do that, you can write a
gratitude list. Be grateful for what you already have. Take a piece of paper or a
notebook, and then write down the things that you are grateful for. It can be anything
from your car, your pet dog, to your colleagues.

2. Create a vision board

Vision board is a great tool to boost your creativity and at the same time, your vision
board can spark the imaginative faculty in your mind of what you want to achieve in
your life. Whenever you see your dream car in your vision board, you will remind
yourself of achieving it and you will visualize driving in it.

3. Repeat your affirmations

Affirmation is another powerful tool anyone can leverage to raise their vibration.
Whenever you repeat your affirmations, your mind will make them real and you will
eventually manifest what you say to yourself.

4. Talk about your dreams

Talk about your dreams often in order to keep them alive. Whatever that you talk
about often will stay in your mind and become part of your life. So talk more about
your dreams with people who will support you.

5. Read a related book

If your dream is to travel the world, read books and magazine about traveling to
spark your imagination. You will be inspired and this will eventually raise your
vibration and make the process of manifesting what you want faster.
6. Smile, laugh and say nice things to people

If you want to feel good, make other people feel good. When you greet and smile at
other people, they will return the favor and smile back at you. This will somehow
make you feel good and your vibration will be stronger.

7. Be lavish with your praise

It is impossible to achieve what you want if you resent it. For instance, if you see a
rich guy driving a luxury car, praise for his effort. If you resent him, you are indirectly
conditioning your mind to not be like him, because you simply hate to be him. And
thus, you will never be rich and drive a luxury car. Praise for the things that you want.

8. Donate and help others

If you want others to help you, you must be willing to help others too. When you
make a donation, not only that you are helping another person, but you are indirectly
telling yourself that you have more than enough and you are planting good seeds so
that one day, others will come to your aid.

9. Watch a short video

There are many short videos on YouTube that you can watch. Choose to watch
those that will inspire you. For example, if you want to live in a villa by the sea, find
out videos on the related subject. This will inspire and raise your vibration and help
you in manifesting your dreams.

10. Get close to nature

One of the best activities one can do to get rid of negativity is to get close to nature.
When you are feeling stressed or pressured, take a walk in the garden, look at the sea
and feel the breeze and relax. This will help you get rid of the negative thoughts that
have been lingering in your mind.
3 Effective Tips to Manifest Your Dreams with the Law
of Vibration
1. Have Patience

First, you must have the patience and believe that things will come to you. Most
people fail with the Law of Attraction because they do not have the patience and they
only raise their vibration for a short period of time. In other words, they are not
consistent with what they want.

Everything takes time to manifest. On average, a puppy takes about 65 days from
conception to birth. The gestation period of a rabbit is about 31 days and a baby has
a gestation period of about 280 days. Even bean sprouts require about 2 to 5 days to
sprout and grow. Everything requires time, including your dreams. So have the
patience and let the universe works its magic.

2. Repetition

If you want to lose weight, do you go to the gym and exercise for just once and you
are done? No, you will have to repeat the process by exercising on a regular basis.
This is how you lose weight. And the same goes with the Law of Vibration when it
comes to attracting what you want.

You do not just practice and think about what you want for once. You will have to
practice it on a daily basis. You do it regularly, raise your vibration and maintain the
process for as long as it takes until you successfully manifested it. This is where
most people get it wrong. They thought that manifestation is a one-time work, which
is really not.

Hence, create a vision board and practice visualization regularly. Create affirmations
to condition and remind yourself of your dreams. More importantly, do these on a
regular basis and feel good about them.

3. Don’t Rush the Process

And do not rush the process. Give it enough time and do your best. After that,
just let go and trust that you will be rewarded. When you are holding on to
something too tight, you will feel stressed and exhausted, which eventually will
slow down or break the process of manifestation because you are feeling so
stressed up.

Just like planting a tree. All you do is to make sure you supply suitable soil,
expose the plant to sunlight and water it regularly. Can you rush the process by
watering the plant for 24 hours? No, you cannot. You will kill the plant if you do
so. The same goes for what you want to attract and manifest in your life. You
cannot rush the process. Do what you are supposed to do, and then let go and
let the universe deliver it to you.

These are the tips and exercises that you can practice to master the Law of
Vibration and to manifest and attract what you want into your life.

Frequently Asked Questions about The Law of Vibration

1. What is the Law of Vibration?

Most people heard about the Law of Attraction, few actually understand the
Law of Vibration. In a nutshell, the Law of Vibration is a law that states that
everything in this universe is made of energy and this energy is constantly
vibrating and moving at one speed or another. The fundamental of attraction is
based on the Law of Vibration, meaning, if you want to attract and manifest
your dreams, you need to activate the Law of Vibration.

2. What is “manifesting”?
In a more simple term, manifesting means intentionally creating what you want.
It is the process of achieving your dreams and turning your ideas from your
thoughts into the physical world. Everything you see in this world was once an
idea in someone’s head. The phone you are using, the computer, the car, the
table, the cafe, etc. Everything is manifested into reality from thoughts.

3. How can I start using the Law of Vibration?

In fact, everyone is “using” or a better word to put it is “living” the Law of
Vibration at all times. It is just like the Law of Gravity, it exists at all time
regardless of whether you are aware of it or not. While you cannot see the
vibration, it is there all the time.

You are where you are and living the life you are in right now because of how
you have consciously or unconsciously conditioned yourself in accordance with
the Law of Vibration. Your life, the outcome you are getting, and the results you
are living right now are the effect of the Law of Vibration.

In order to make the Law of Vibration to work for you, you must learn the
techniques to raise your vibration so that your vibration is in harmony with what
you want, and thus, attracting and manifesting your desire into your life.

4. How do I raise my vibration?

There are many ways how you can do so. One of them is through consciously
programming your thoughts on the things that you want. For instance, if you
want to drive your dream car, you must project and see yourself as if you are
already driving your dream car. You must visualize it in your head, feel it, sense
it and get inspired by the thoughts.

Another thing that you can do to raise your vibration is through your emotions.
Most people fail to attract what they want because they simply think about they
want for the sake of thinking. They do not associate emotions with their
thoughts. Remember that your emotions are vibrations. When you put in
emotions with the things that you want, you are raising your vibration in
harmony with what you desire.
5. How long does it take to manifest my dream?
This is a subjective answer as it depends on what your dreams are. Everything
has a gestation period. A baby takes about 280 days from conception to birth,
while a rabbit takes only about 31 days.

When you plant the Chinese bamboo, you will never see any growth above the
ground in the first few years. After about 5 years, the bamboo will grow to 80
feet tall in just 6 weeks. What actually happens is that within the first few years,
the bamboo grows its roots underground in order to be able to grow up high to
80 feet tall.

The same principle applies to your dreams. Whatever you do right now may not
seem to bear any fruit, but have the patience and trust that the Law of Vibration
will bring you the result you desire. Continue to work on your dreams and
believe in the process.

6. How can I tell if the Law of Vibration is working for

There are a few ways you can tell if the Law of Vibration is working for you in
the way that you want. First, look at the results you are getting in life. Are you
living the life you want and are you getting the results you want? If you are
manifesting your dreams, you are on the right path.

Next, check if you are feeling good. Most people who fail to manifest their
dreams are people who do not feel good and are always in negative emotions
most of the time. They feel resentful, they are fearful, they worry about things in
life, or are always stressed. When you are always feeling negative, there is a
high chance that vibration is not in harmony with what you want.

And you can also trust and let your intuition to guide you. You will see positive
increments and are moving to your goals if you are doing things right. Listen to
your gut feeling and you will have the answer.

7. I think about my dream all the time, but I’m not

seeing results, why?
There are many reasons for this. First, the Law of Vibration is not all about
visualization; it is about raising your vibration and keeping your vibration in
harmony with the vibration of the things that you desire.

Even if you have raised your vibration, you will still need to give it enough time
for the universe to manifest your desire into your life. It takes patience for
things to happen. Plus, you have to make sure that you let go and trust that the
process will work for you. Avoid negative thinking and emotions at all cost.
More importantly, do not rush the process.

8. Can the Law of Vibration works for anyone?

The answer is absolutely. The Law of Gravity works for everyone, regardless of
whether you understand it or does not. No matter who you are, as long as you
are living in this world, the Law of Gravity exists and will affect you. The same
goes for the Law of Vibration. No matter if you are a doctor, a physicist, a
janitor, a billion-dollar CEO, etc., the Law of Vibration is always there and always
will be.

Top 5 Most Helpful Coaches On The Law of Vibration

1. Bob Proctor
Bob Proctor is considered one of the most famous gurus on the Law of
Attraction and the Law of Vibration. In fact, he has created many training
materials and courses on the subject of attraction and manifestation. Proctor
has also founded Proctor Gallagher Institute with a vision to significantly
improve the quality of lives globally by elevating the quality of thoughts

Today, Bob Proctor is still very active in sharing his principles and ideas on the
Law of the Universe. He also gives speeches and seminars across the world
from time to time. The Proctor Gallagher Institute has created many self-study
programs including The Goal Achiever, The Winner’s Image, The Success
Puzzle, Working With The Law, You Were Born Rich and more. Besides that,
Proctor also provides coaching to those who desire to turn their wish-list into

Proctor has a famous quote, “Thoughts become things. If you see it in your
mind, you will hold it in your hand.” He is a true guru who has been featured in
The Secret and is constantly sharing his knowledge on the Law of Vibration
with many others. In fact, he is the one who popularized the Law of Vibration.

2. John Assaraf
John Assaraf is another famous guru who constantly talks about the Law of
Attraction and manifestation. He is the best-selling author of “Having It All” and
the inspiring story of how he manifested his dream house was featured in the
movie, The Secret. And like Bob Proctor, John Assaraf is still very active in the
self-help industry especially on the attraction and manifestation categories.

In his book, John writes and discusses a lot about how the human brain works
and how one can make use of the mind to unleash their potential to achieve
what they want. You can discover a lot of golden wisdom from John Assaraf’s
work and his books. And it is John who makes the idea of a vision board

When he was young, he cut out many pictures of the things that he wanted
from magazines. One day, he saw a picture of the house he loved to live in and
he took that picture and pasted it on one of his vision boards. Many years later,
he discovered that he has manifested his dream by owning and living in his
dream house that he found from the magazine. The amazing part was that
John has long forgotten about his dream house from the magazine and bought
the house without knowing it was the exact house.

This incident has become one of the most-shared stories in The Secret. And
John then decided to share and teach people about the power of the Law of
Attraction and how the vibration in our bodies works.

3. James Arthur Ray

James Arthur Ray is another famous guru when it comes to the Law of
Vibration and other related Laws of the Universe. Ray is a motivational speaker
who has been featured in The Secret and the author of Harmonic Wealth: The
Secret of Attracting the Life You Want, which was also a New York Times

Ray claimed that he taught Stephen Covey motivational seminars while being
employed at AT&T and also stated that he later worked for the Covey
foundation for two years. Ray writes in his book, “There is no happiness if the
things you believe are different than the things you do.” He is a strong follower
in the Law of Attraction and believes that you must act in accordance with your
beliefs if you want to raise your vibration to manifest what you want.

4. Michael Beckwith
Michael Beckwith is a New Thought minister and also the founder of Agape
International Spiritual Center with thousands of members. Beckwith has also
been featured in Mindvalley, the fastest growing personal development
company of the decade.

Beckwith shares his ideas and teachings regularly through seminars and
coaching. He says, “There is a lie that acts like a virus within the mind of
humanity. And that lie is, ‘There’s not enough good to go around. There’s lack
and there’s limitation and there’s just not enough.’ The truth is that there’s more
than enough good to go around. There is more than enough creative ideas.
There is more than enough power. There is more than enough love. There’s
more than enough joy. All of this begins to come through a mind that is aware
of its own infinite nature. There is enough for everyone. If you believe it, if you
can see it, if you act on it, it will show up for you. That’s the truth.”

With the collaboration with Mindvalley, one can learn directly from Michael
Beckwith through his Life Visioning program to discover their life’s grand vision
using universal technology that goes beyond traditional goal setting and
manifestation techniques.

5. Joe Vitale
Joe Vitale is another famous guru when it comes to the Law of Vibration. He
has written numerous books on the subject and is also a guru featured in the
movie, The Secret. Joe Vitale and the words “Attract Money” are almost
synonymous in the attraction industry, but Vitale started his journey living on
the streets. With the power of manifestation, he transformed from living in
poverty to a rich and fulfilling life.

He has written a lot of best-selling books including Life’s Missing Instruction

Manual and The Attraction Factor, which became a #1 bestseller twice, even
beating the latest Harry Potter book. Dr. Vitale also teaches the knowledge on
Ho’oponopono, an ancient Hawaii practice for wealth, health, peace and more.

Besides that, Joe Vitale also has a course for the Law of Attraction Practitioner
Certification. This course is taught together with the world-famous clinic
hypnotherapist Steve G Jones. After completed the program and gone through
the test, one will receive the certification as the practitioner of the Law of
Attraction and start sharing their knowledge and help others attract what they

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