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Oak Titmouse Characteristics

Baeolophus inornatus Appearance: Light gray and brown; distinct

triangular crest; and small, short beak
Size: About 3-4”
Oak Titmice are common throughout
Call: Quick and chirping
California, especially since they prefer to
Location: Commonly in oak trees
nest in oak forests, as well as well-
shaded areas and areas near water. Season: Year-round
They hop along twigs looking for insects
and seeds to eat and will grab the food
with their feet before eating it. Titmice
typically travel in pairs or groups and call
to each other frequently to communicate
where food is. They will stay with the same mate for life and typically have 1-2 broods a year.

Audubon Society
Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Pictures: Megan Leich and Katie Furlong

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