A Fast Color Image Encryption Algorithm Based On Hyper-Chaotic Systems

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Nonlinear Dyn

DOI 10.1007/s11071-014-1492-0


A fast color image encryption algorithm based

on hyper-chaotic systems
Benyamin Norouzi · Sattar Mirzakuchaki

Received: 22 April 2013 / Accepted: 26 May 2014

© Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2014

Abstract This paper presents a new way of image UACI >33.56 %) in one round of diffusion. The exper-
encryption scheme, which consists of two processes; imental results reveal that the new image encryption
key stream generation process and one-round diffusion algorithm has the advantages of large key space, high
process. The first part is a pseudo-random key stream security, high sensitivity, and high speed. Also, the dis-
generator based on hyper-chaotic systems. The initial tribution of gray-level values of the encrypted image
conditions for both hyper-chaotic systems are derived has a semi-random behavior.
using a 256-bit-long external secret key by applying
some algebraic transformations to the key. The orig- Keywords Color image encryption · Diffusion ·
inal key stream is related to the plain-image which Hyper-chaotic systems
increases the level of security and key sensitivity of
the proposed algorithm. The second process employs
the image data in order to modify the pixel gray-level 1 Introduction
values and crack the strong correlations between adja-
cent pixels of an image simultaneously. In this process, Along with the fast development of electronic data
the states which are combinations of two hyper-chaotic exchange, it is essential to protect the confidentiality of
systems are selected according to image data itself and data from illegal access. Security breaches may affect
are used to encrypt the image. This feature will sig- user’s privacy and reputation. So, data encryption is a
nificantly increase plaintext sensitivity. Moreover, in useful means for ensuring reliable security in open net-
order to reach higher security and higher complexity, works such as the internet. The data include text, audio,
the proposed method employs the image size in key image, and other multimedia data. Each type of data
stream generation process. It is demonstrated that the has its own characteristics; as a result, different meth-
number of pixel change rate (NPCR) and the unified ods should be employed to protect confidential image
average changing intensity (UACI) can satisfy secu- data from unauthorized access. Security of image and
rity and performance requirements (NPCR >99.80 %, video data has become more and more important for
many applications such as internet-based communica-
B. Norouzi (B) · S. Mirzakuchaki tions, video conferencing, secure facsimile, medical,
Electronic Research Center, School of Electrical
and military applications.
Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology,
P.O. Box 16846-13114, Tehran, Iran Most of the available encryption schemes are used
e-mail: Benyamin_Norouzi@elec.iust.ac.ir for text data. However, due to some inherent features
S. Mirzakuchaki of images such as bulk data capacity, strong correla-
e-mail: M_Kuchaki@iust.ac.ir tion among pixels, and high computation complexity,

B. Norouzi, S. Mirzakuchaki

the algorithms that are appropriate for textual data may ity, their security is not high enough. Some researchers
not be proper for multimedia data, especially under the have investigated image encryption based on hyper-
scenario of online communications. Consequently, dur- chaos [11,13,14], but in Ref. [15,16], some attacks
ing the last few years, several image encryption algo- were suggested to break a chaotic cryptosystem pre-
rithms have been proposed. Such encryption schemes sented in Ref. [14]. It has been shown that this algorithm
are based on iterative fractional Fourier transform [1], is weak against chosen-ciphertext and chosen-plaintext
Phase Encoding Algorithm in the Fresnel Transform attacks.
Domain [2], the hyper-chaotic systems [3], and chaos This paper aims to overcome these weaknesses
maps with total shuffling [4]. The cryptosystems based by designing a novel image encryption method with
on chaos are suitable for the secure transmission of high security and high sensitivity. In order to fast de-
images due to the intrinsic characteristics of chaotic correlate relations among pixels, two hyper-chaotic
systems such as ergodicity, randomness, simplicity, systems are employed to modify the pixel values and
sensitivity to initial conditions, and system parameters. break the correlations between adjacent pixels of an
There exist three main types for image encryption based image simultaneously in only one round of diffusion
on chaos, namely position permutation (confusion), the process. Based on the sequence which is generated by
value transformation (diffusion), and their compound- hyper-chaotic system and correlating keys with plain-
ing form [4–6]. The aim of permutation (confusion) text of an image to be encrypted, the algorithm uses
phase was to disturb the strong correlation among pix- different key streams when encrypting different input
els but due to the fact that the pixel value remains con- images (even with the same sequence based on hyper-
stant, the histogram of the encrypted image and the chaotic system). These features strengthen the cryp-
original image is identical, so its security is threatened tosystem security. Experimental results and perfor-
by the statistical attacks. Arnold cat map is often used to mance analysis prove the viability of this cryptography
shuffle the positions of the pixels in many cryptosys- based on privacy, integrity, and authenticity.
tems [6–9], but the map has two weaknesses. One is The rest of this paper is organized as follows.
that the iteration times are very limited, usually less Section 2 gives a brief introduction of pseudo-random
than 1,000 times; the other is that the width and height number generators and hyper-chaotic systems. Section 3
of the plain image must be equal, or the image cannot introduces the proposed encryption scheme. Section 4
be permuted directly. In the diffusion phase, the pixel evaluates the security of the proposed algorithm. Some
values of the original image are modified sequentially conclusions are drawn in Sect. 5.
by chaotic sequences such that a tiny change in the
gray-level value of only one pixel is spread out to all
the pixels (avalanche effect) [10,11]. Most of these dif- 2 Pseudo-random number generators
fusion schemes directly implement encryption by over-
laying a chaotic sequence generated by a single chaotic Random number generators are commonly used in
map and the pixel value from the image. Compared to encoding algorithms which can be classified into
the confusion, diffusion may lead to higher security. In three classes: true random number generators, pseudo-
practice, confusion and diffusion are often combined random number generators (PRNG), and hybrid ran-
in order to get high computational security [4,10]. The dom number generators. Pseudo-Random Number
whole confusion-diffusion round repeats for a number Generators are cryptographic and deterministic algo-
of times to achieve a satisfactory level of security. rithms used to produce numbers from an initial seed
Applying more than one chaotic map can achieve that must appear random but are necessarily predeter-
better key space. For grayscale image, most algorithms mined. As we know, each dynamical system has spe-
use the one-dimension chaotic maps [5], but their limi- cific characteristics. A good PRNG must have some
tations, such as small key space and weak security, are properties such as high value of entropy, high dimen-
also disturbing. The purpose of using multiple chaotic sionality of the parent dynamical system, very large
maps and hyper-chaotic systems is to enlarge the key period of the generated sequence, good distribution,
space to resist various attacks. Liu et al. [12] have used long period, portability, and so on [17,18]. In fact, the
multiple chaotic maps to encrypt images. Although differences between discrete dynamical systems arise
these algorithms have large key space and high sensitiv- from these properties.

A fast color image encryption algorithm

A probabilistic dynamical system is characterized pared with the chaotic system with only one positive
as ergodic or non-ergodic by its marginal probabil- Lyapunov exponent. It means that hyper-chaotic sys-
ity distributions. If the distributions have finite vari- tems generate better dynamical behaviors compared to
ances, so that a time-independent process-mean can chaotic systems. There are several 4D hyper-chaotic
be clearly defined, the system is called ergodic [19]. systems discovered in the high-dimensional social and
Moreover, the signs of Lyapunov exponents provide a economical systems such as Rossler system, Lorenz-
good classification of the dynamics of PRNG systems Haken system, Chua’s circuit, and Chen system [25].
that explain the separation rate of systems whose ini- In the suggested encryption scheme, the Chen’s
tial conditions differ by a small perturbation. Increasing chaotic system is one that is employed in key scheming
the values and the number of positive Lyapunov expo- which is described as follows [27]:
nents makes the probability distributions of the output ⎧
chaotic sequences more homogeneous and reduces the ⎪
⎪ ẋ1 = a (x2 − x1 ) ,

correlations of chaotic outputs for different times and ẋ2 = −x1 x3 + d x1 + cx2 − x4 ,
different space units [20–22]. ⎪ ẋ3
⎪ = x1 x2 − bx3 ,

One-dimensional chaotic systems such as Logistic ẋ4 = x1 + k,
map can be used as a pseudo-random number gen-
erator but their weaknesses, such as small key space where a, b, c, d, and k are system parameters. When
and weak security (it generates sequences of extremely a = 36, b = 3, c = 28, d = −16, and −0.7 ≤ k ≤
short period), are also disturbing [11,19]. 0.7, the system is hyper-chaotic and can generate four
Chen [23], Qi [24], and Lu [25] introduced three- hyper-chaotic sequences. We have used 0.2 for k in our
dimensional autonomous chaotic systems that exhibit a calculations. The chaotic behaviors of this system are
chaotic behavior with a single positive Lyapunov expo- shown in Fig. 1.
nent. Another chaotic system in our scheme is described
In order to increase the sensitivity, we seek PRNG as follows [26]:
systems with an improved random nature, or in other ⎧
words, with more and higher Lyapunov exponents. ⎪
⎪ ẋ5 = p (x6 − x5 ) + x6 x7 ,

Therefore, in this paper, we have employed hyper- ẋ6 = q x5 − x6 − x5 x7 + x8 ,
chaotic systems. It is worth mentioning that according ⎪
⎪ ẋ = x5 x6 − r x7 ,
⎩ 7
to Ref. [25–27], 3D systems proposed by chen, Qi and ẋ8 = sx8 − x5 x7 ,
Lu are not hyper-chaotic. Because in order to obtain
hyper-chaos, the following two basic conditions must where p, q, r , and s are system parameters. When
be met: p = 35, q = 8/3, r = 55, and s = 1.3, the hyper-
chaotic system is in the chaotic state and can produce
(1) The minimal dimension of the phase space of
four hyper-chaotic sequences. Here, we take the fourth-
an autonomous system is at least four which
order Runge-Kutta (we have used the algorithm given
requires the minimum number of coupled first-
in Matlab as ODE45 function.) method to solve the
order autonomous ordinary differential equations
Eqs. (1) and (2) and obtain the sequences x1 , x2 , . . ., x8 .
to be four.
These hyper-chaotic sequences are non-periodical and
(2) The number of terms in the coupled equations giv-
very sensitively dependent on initial conditions. The
ing rise to instability is at least two, of which at least
projections of the attractors are shown in Fig. 2.
one has a nonlinear function. In other words, the
system has at least two positive Lyapunov expo-
nents satisfying the condition that the sum of all
3 Color image encryption algorithm
Lyapunov exponents is less than zero.
In recent years, hyper-chaotic systems have been exten- Without loss of generality, we suppose that the size of
sively studied because of their ability to exhibit at least the color plain-image RGB_Image is 3 × M × N . We
two positive Lyapunov exponents. In other words, the transform RGB_Image into its R, G, and B components
dynamics of the system expand in more than one direc- as shown in Fig. 3; the size of each color’s (R, G, or B)
tion and produce a much more complex attractor com- matrix is M × N , and the pixels’ values range from 0 to

B. Norouzi, S. Mirzakuchaki

25 30 15
15 10

10 20
-5 10

10 -5

20 0 -10
-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20
a b c
30 15 15

10 10

5 5
0 0

-5 -5

0 -10 10
-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
d e f
Fig. 1 The attractors of Chen’s hyper-chaos system. a x1 − x2 plane; b x1 − x3 plane; c x1 − x4 plane; d x2 − x3 plane; e x2 − x4
plane; f x3 − x4 plane

255. Afterwards, each color’s matrix (R, G or B) is con- N . Only 2 × L pseudo-random numbers are used for
verted into a one-dimensional vector of integers within the encryption of each component (R, G, or B).
{0, 1, …, 255}. Each vector has a length of L = N × M.
The image encryption algorithm includes generating
original chaotic key stream and one round of diffu-
sion operation. Two hyper-chaotic systems which are 3.1.1 Generation the initial conditions
described in Eqs. (1) and (2) are employed to produce
the original chaotic key stream. The image encryption Our image encryption algorithm employs a 256-bit-
algorithm is based on the final secret key stream which long external secret key (K). This key is segmented
is not only related to the original chaotic key stream but into 32-bit -long blocks (K i ) referred to as session keys.
also to the original image. The image encryption algo- Such session keys are then utilized for the generation
rithm includes generating original chaotic key stream of the initial conditions of the hyper-chaotic systems
and one round of diffusion process. described in Eqs. (1) and (2). The 256-bit-long external
secret key (K) is given by K = K 1 , K 2 , . . ., K 8 .
To compute the initial conditions {x10 , x20 , x30 , x40 ,
3.1 Key stream generation process x50 , x60 , x70 , x80 } of the hyper-chaotic systems, four
bytes K i j are produced from session keys as shown in
This process generates pseudo-random key streams for Fig. 4 (i = 1, . . ., 8 and j = 1, . . ., 4). From these K i j ,
encryption of the color image based on the two hyper- this method generates eight numbers (of 32 bits) Q i as
chaotic systems. To this end, 8 × L pseudo-random shown in Fig. 5. We have ksum = mod( ki j , 256).
numbers are produced for each color image of size M × The initial conditions are then obtained as follows:

A fast color image encryption algorithm

x-y plane x-z plane x-w plane

20 20 20
15 15 15
10 10 10
5 5 5

0 0 0

-5 -5 -5
-10 -10 -10
-15 -15 -15
-20 -20 -20
-30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
x x x
a b c
y-z plane y-w plane z-w plane
30 30 50
20 20
10 10 35


-10 -10 20
-20 -20
-30 -30 5
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150
y y z
d e f
Fig. 2 The attractors of hyper-chaos system described in Eq. (2). a x5 − x6 plane; b x5 − x7 plane; c x5 − x8 plane; d x6 − x7 plane; e
x6 − x8 plane; f x7 − x8 plane

Q i = bi2de (Q i1 ) × 109 + bi2de (Q i2 ) × 106 times to avoid the harmful effect of transitional
+ bi2de (Q i3 ) × 10 + bi2de (Q i4 ) .
(3) procedure.
Qi Step 2 two hyper-chaotic systems are iterated for L
xi 0 = 2 for i = 1, . . . , 8. (4) times continuously. For each iteration, we can
get eight values x1 , x2 , . . ., x8 . In other words,
The function bi2de(x) converts binary value x to deci- eight sequences {xi }, i = 1, 2, . . ., 8 will be
mal number. produced. The size of each sequence is L.
Obviously, this section shows that the initial condi- Step 3 these decimal values are determined first as fol-
tions of the hyper-chaotic systems are greatly sensitive lows:
to the change in even a single bit of the 256-bit external
secret key and the length of the plaintext (L); hence, the
proposed algorithm with total complexity of 2256 can
xi = floor mod xi × 1014 , 256 , (5)
resist any brute-force attack.
The hyper-chaos systems which are shown in Eqs.
(1) and (2) are employed to produce the original chaotic
key stream as follows: where i = 1, 2, . . ., 8; floor(x) returns the
value of x to the nearest integer less than or
Step 1 using Runge-Kutta step size 0.001 and initial equal to x. Mod (x, y) returns the remainder
conditions {x10 , x20 , x30 , x40 , x50 , x60 , x70 , after division. The size of each sequence (xi ) is
x80 }, iterate the hyper-chaotic systems for N0 L. To make the states of the two chaoticsystems

B. Norouzi, S. Mirzakuchaki

3.2 Encryption algorithm

Our image encryption algorithm is based on the

combination of state variables of two hyper-chaotic
systems. Eight of the variables are combined differ-
ently, which may produce eight different combinations
table, which is given in Table 1. Then, the encryption
algorithm is given as follows:
Step 1 transform the color image RGB_image into
three matrices R, G, and B, where the size of
each matrix is M × N and the pixels’ values
range from 0 to 255.
Step 2 convert each color’s matrix (R, G, or B) into
a one-dimensional vector denoted by R =
{r1 , r2 , . . ., r L }, G = {g1 , g2 , . . ., g L }, and
B = {b1 , b2 , . . ., b L }.
Step 3 compute the sum of color’s matrix pixels
Fig. 3 Color plain-image and its R, G, and B components; a according to the following:
Lena color plain-image; b R component of plain-image; c G
component of plain-image; and d B component ofplain-image
sum.image = ri + gi + bi . (7)
Ki (32 bit) i=1 i=1 i=1
Ki1 Ki2 Ki3 Ki4
8 bit 8 bit 8 bit 8 bit Let i ← 1. The initial cr−1 , cg−1 , and cb−1 are set as
Fig. 4 Generation of K i j from the session keys
a = sum.image − (r (1) + g (1) + b (1)) , (8)
cr−1 = cg−1 = cb−1
correlative, let   a 
x8 = x8 ⊕ x1 , = floor mod × 10 10
, 256 . (9)
x7 = x7 ⊕ x2 ,
(6) Remark 1 Three initial values for the diffusion func-
x6 = x6 ⊕ x3 ,
tion are deduced from Eq. (9) for encrypting the R, G,
x5 = x5 ⊕ x4 ,
and B components of an image. These initial values
The image encryption algorithm is based on are the summation of all pixels except for the first pixel
the final secret key stream which is not only components as given by Eq. (8), which is then used for
related to the original chaotic key stream but the encryption of the first pixels. If the first pixel val-
also to the plain-image. ues are used in Eq. (9), however, due to the change in

Q1 Q11 = k11 k84 ksum Q12 = k12 k83 ksum Q13 = k42 k52 ksum Q14 = k44 k54 ksum
Q2 Q21 = k21 k74 ksum Q22 = k22 k73 ksum Q23 = k32 k62 ksum Q24 = k34 k64 ksum
Q3 Q31 = k31 k64 ksum Q32 = k32 k63 ksum Q33 = k22 k72 ksum Q34 = k24 k74 ksum
Q4 Q41 = k41 k54 ksum Q42 = k42 k53 ksum Q43 = k12 k82 ksum Q44 = k14 k84 ksum
Q5 Q51 = k51 k44 ksum Q52 = k52 k43 ksum Q53 = k41 k51 ksum Q54 = k43 k53 ksum
Q6 Q61 = k61 k34 ksum Q62 = k62 k33 ksum Q63 = k31 k61 ksum Q64 = k33 k63 ksum
Q7 Q71 = k71 k24 ksum Q72 = k72 k23 ksum Q73 = k21 k71 ksum Q74 = k23 k73 ksum
Q8 Q81 = k81 k14 ksum Q82 = k82 k13 ksum Q83 = k11 k81 ksum Q84 = k13 k83 ksum

Fig. 5 Constructing of Q i and algebraic transformations of session keys

A fast color image encryption algorithm

Table 1 Different
Serial number R-channel G-channel B-channel
combinations of states
between two hyper-chaotic Key_r1 Key_r2 Key_g1 Key_g2 Key_b1 Key_b2
0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6
1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7
2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8
3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x1
4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x1 x2
5 x6 x7 x8 x1 x2 x3
6 x7 x8 x1 x2 x3 x4
7 x8 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5

this value after encryption, then the sum.image variable Step 5 calculate the ith pixel of cipher-images (cri ,
reached at the encryptor and decryptor, which are not cgi , and cbi ) using the values of the ith pixel of
the same and thus the decryption would be impossible. original images (ri , gi , and bi ), the previously
operated pixels (cri−1 , cgi−1 , and cbi−1 ), and
Step 4 compute the x̄ using the following formula:
ith chaotic keys corresponding to serial num-
sum.image = sum.image ber x̄ according to Table 1:
− (r (i) + g (i) + b (i)) , (10)

cri = bitxor (ri , bitxor (mod (cri−1
x̄ = floor mod × 10 , 8
. (11) + key_r 1, 256) key_r 2)) , (12)
As x̄ ∈ [0,7], we select from Table 1, the corresponding cgi = bitxor gi , bitxor mod cgi−1
group that can be used to perform encryption operation + key_g1, 256) key_g2)) , (13)
if x̄ equals to the serial number of sequence of the group. cbi = bitxor (bi , bitxor (mod (bri−1
Remark 2 The sum.image variable is used in Eq. + key_b1, 256) key_b2)) , (14)
(10) for encryption of the ith pixel. Because of the
where bitxor(x, y) returns the result after a bitwise XOR
fact that the algorithm needs to be reversible, the
ith pixel is not used for the formation of the sum.
image. Remark 4 In Eq. (12), a hyper-chaotic system is
employed to generate key_r1 and key_r2; therefore,
Remark 3 To increase the effect of the sum.image vari-
these keys are pseudo-random. On the other hand, since
ables, Eqs. (9) and (11) are used to increase the sensi-
the “add,” “mod,” and “XOR” operators do not disturb
tivity of this algorithm to a change in even one bit of
the pseudo-randomness nature of these keys, therefore,
the image. According to Eq. (11), eight different values
according to the equation below, the encrypted image
are given to x in Table 1 which results in selecting six
has a random nature [28,29]. Thus, a uniform histogram
keys in each iteration of the diffusion function. These
is reached. Equations (13) and (14) are the same as Eq.
steps help increase the random nature of our method.

B. Norouzi, S. Mirzakuchaki

⎛ ⎞
⎜ ⎛ ⎞⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎜ ⎟⎟
⎜ ⎜ ⎛ ⎞ ⎟ ⎟
⎜ ⎜ ⎟⎟
⎜ ⎜ ⎟ ⎟
⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎟ ⎟⎟
⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟
⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎟ ⎟⎟
⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟
⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎟ ⎟⎟
⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟
cri = bitxor ⎜ri , bitxor ⎜mod ⎜cri−1 + key_r 1 , 256⎟, key_r 2 ⎟⎟ (15)
⎜ ⎜ ⎜    ⎟    ⎟ ⎟
⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎟ Pseudo-random ⎟⎟
⎜ ⎜ ⎜ Pseudo-random ⎟ ⎟ ⎟
⎜ ⎜ ⎝   ⎠ ⎟⎟
⎜ ⎜ ⎟ ⎟
⎜ ⎜ ⎟⎟
⎜ ⎜ Pseudo-random ⎟⎟
⎜ ⎝   ⎠⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ Pseudo-random ⎟
⎝   ⎠

Step 6 set i ← i + 1 and return to step 4 until Step 1 convert the encrypted color image C into three
i reaches L. Then, we get the encrypted matrixes CR, CG, and CB.
arrays CR = {cr1 , cr2 , . . ., cr L }, CG = Step 2 transform each matrix into one-dimensional
{cg1 , cg2 , . . ., cg L }, and CB = {cb1 , cb2 , . . ., vectors denoted by CR = {cr1 , cr2 , . . ., cr L },
cb L }. By reshaping these sequences into CG = {cg1 , cg2 , . . ., cg L }, and B = {cb1 , cb2 ,
M × N images, we obtain the cipher-images. . . ., cb L }.
Then, we recombine them into color image Step 3 set i ← L; x̄ ← 0; and sum.image ← 0.
C. C is the encrypted image. Step 4 performing the reverse operations corresponds
to the diffusion operation in the encryption
Remark 5 In the encryption procedure, from Eq. (7) algorithm from the last pixel to the first pixel.
to Eq. (14), one can see that the pixel gray values The equations for removing the effect of dif-
of the original image are employed to modify the fusion stage are illustrated as follows:
final encryption keys. Hence, the final encryption keys ri = bitxor (cri , bitxor (mod (cri−1
depend on not only the initial state values of the hyper- + key_r 1, 256) key_r 2)) , (16)
chaos systems but also on the original image. When
different plain-images are encrypted, the correspond- gi = bitxor cgi , bitxor mod cgi−1
ing key stream is not the same. The attacker cannot +key_g1, 256) key_g2)) , (17)
obtain useful information by encrypting some special bi = bitxor (cbi , bitxor (mod (bri−1
images since the resultant information is related to + key_b1, 256) key_b2)) , (18)
those chosen-images. Therefore, the proposed scheme
sum.image = sum.image + (r (i) + g (i)
can well resist the known-plaintext and the chosen-
plaintext attacks. +b (i)) , (19)

x̄ = floor mod × 1010 , 8 .
3.3 Decryption algorithm (20)
Step 5 set i ← i − 1; return to step 4 until i reaches
The decryption procedure is similar to that of the 1. To obtain the first pixel of images (r1 , g1 ,
encryption process except that some steps are followed and b1 ), we use the initial value cr−1 , cg−1 ,
in a reversed order. and cb−1 which are calculated using Eq. 9.

A fast color image encryption algorithm

By reshaping the sequences R = {r1 , r2 , . . ., r L }, G = posed algorithm is compared with other image encryp-
{g1 , g2 , . . ., g L }, and B = {b1 , b2 , . . ., b L } into an M × tion algorithms in Table 2. The table shows that the key
N image, we obtain the recovered image. space of our suggested method is large enough to resist
any brute-force attack.

4 Performance and security analysis

4.2 Statistical analysis
A good encryption algorithm should resist all kinds
of known attacks, such as exhaustive attack, statistical An ideal image encryption method should be resistive
attack, and chosen-plaintext/ciphertext attack [28–32]. against any statistical attack [38,39]. In other words, the
To demonstrate the security and efficiency of our algo- encrypted images should possess certain random prop-
rithm, we use six 256×256 color images as the original erties. To demonstrate the robustness of our cryptosys-
ones. The external secret key is selected as “1, 2, 3, 4, tem, we have performed statistical analysis by com-
5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, puting the histograms, the PSNR, the entropy, and the
21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32” and the correlations for the plain-image and cipher-image. Dif-
integration step h = 0.001. The integer N0 is chosen ferent standard images have been tested, and we have
to be 125. In this section, the proposed image cryp- found that the intensity values meet the requirement.
tosystem is analyzed using different security measures.
These measures consist of key space analysis, statistical
4.2.1 Histogram
analysis (information entropy analysis, Peak Signal-to-
Noise Ratio (PSNR), and correlation), and sensitivity
To protect the information of the original image to
analysis [Mean Absolute Error (MAE), plaintext and
withstand the statistical attacks, it is essential for the
key sensitivity]. Each of these measures is described in
encrypted image to bear no statistical similarity to the
detail in the following subsections.
original image. The histogram of the encrypted image
has to be uniform [40–42]. An opponent finds it diffi-
cult to extract the pixels’ statistical nature of the plain-
4.1 Key space analysis
image from the cipher-image, and the algorithm can
resist a chosen-plaintext or known-plaintext attack. In
Given our previous explanation, the more complex
other words, a hyper-chaotic system, due to its random
the dynamic system, the more difficult it is to pre-
nature, has a high entropy approximately equal to the
dict the generated sequences. In today’s cryptosystems,
number of symbols (8 in the grayscale image). Conse-
the only secret is the “Key” which is the control para-
quently, hyper-chaotic function has an output equally
meters and/or initial values of the PRNG. This “Key”
distributed on the image pixels and causes the uniform
should be sensitive to its slightest modifications. Thus,
generation of pixels in crypto image. This means a uni-
an attacker would not be able to guess the “Key” even if
form histogram and a high entropy.
he known the algorithm or the dynamic system used. In
other words, when dealing with cryptography, a gen-
eral assumption is made that the architecture of the Table 2 The comparison of key space between our proposed
cryptosystem is public, i.e., known by everyone. What method and other cryptosystem
secret is the encryption/decryption key when using pri- Algorithm Key space
vate key cryptosystems [28,29].
A good image encryption method should have a Proposed algorithm 2256 = 1.1579 × 1077
large key space in order to resist an exhaustive attack Ref. [6] 1042
effectively [32–36]. Key space is the total number of Ref. [8] 2128
different keys that can be used in an encryption sys- Ref. [11] 2186
tem. The size of the key space should be larger than Ref. [13,14] 1070 ≈ 2233
2100 to provide a high level of security [32,33]. Since Ref. [34] 2240
the secret key of the proposed method is 256-bit long, Ref. [37] 1056
the key space is about 2256 . The key space of the pro-

B. Norouzi, S. Mirzakuchaki

a b
800 700 900
700 600
600 500 600
500 500
400 400
300 300
200 200
100 100 100
0 0 0

0 50 100 150 200 250 0 50 100 150 200 250 0 50 100 150 200 250

c d e
600 600 600

500 500 500

400 400 400

300 300 300

200 200 200

100 100 100

0 0 0

0 50 100 150 200 250 0 50 100 150 200 250 0 50 100 150 200 250

f g h
Fig. 6 a Lena image (256 × 256); b Lena encryption; Histogram of the original image of Lena in the c Red, d Green, and e Blue
components; Histogram of the encrypted image of Lena in the f Red, g Green, and h Blue components

One must also pay attention to the fact that many uniform histogram and higher entropy leading to lower
cryptosystems have been cracked [3,5,11,14] regard- degree of correlation among pixels and, therefore, a
less of the PRNG system employed. This is due to the higher quality of the cryptosystem. Also, using the
weakness of their diffusion function (encryption algo- image pixels leads to resistance against differential
rithm), and this is why in addition to a suitable PRNG attacks.
system, we also need a strongly resistant encryption The histograms of several 256 × 256 color images
algorithm (diffusion and confusion algorithm). were analyzed with different contents and natures. Test
In our proposed method, any one of the hyper- results show that histograms of cipher-images are very
chaotic systems may be used to obtain an approxi- uniform and obviously different from the histogram of
mately uniform histogram in the encrypted image. But, the plain-images which makes statistical attacks dif-
according to our previous discussion (see Sect. 2), it is ficult. Figure 6 shows one typical result. The figures
obvious that the more ideal the PRNG system (here show clearly the uniformity and random-like appear-
a hyper-chaotic system), the more uniform would be ance of the histogram of the encrypted image. It demon-
the histogram of the cipher-image. By “more ideal,” strates that our encryption scheme has covered up all
we mean a higher randomness in generated numbers the characters of the plain-image and shows good per-
and higher entropy. Thus, the cipher-image has a more formance of balanced 0–1 ratio and zero correlation.

A fast color image encryption algorithm

4.2.2 Peak signal-to-noise ratio in the recent years are mentioned as follows. The algo-
rithm of Ref. [41] reports MSE = 8,369, the Norouzi’s
Even though an image histogram is a useful tool, unfor- algorithm reports MSE = 9,404 [32], the Singh’s algo-
tunately, it does not tell us much about the distance rithm mentioned in Refs. [41] reports MSE = 5,800,
between plain and cipher images. A better alternative the Wang’s algorithm mentioned in Ref. [41] reports
would be to use similarity measurement metrics such as MSE = 3,300, the Prasanna’s algorithm mentioned
the popular PSNR. An encrypted image should be sig- in Ref. [41] reports MSE = 8,760, and the proposed
nificantly different from the original one. As a measure algorithm reports MSE = 9,790. Compared with these
of the level of encryption of an image, we calculate the existing results, the MSE results of the proposed algo-
PSNR. The PSNR should be a low value corresponding rithm for the cipher-image Lena are better than these
to great difference between the original image and the algorithms.
encrypted image. Mathematically, PSNR is defined as
  4.2.3 Information entropy
PSNR = 20log10 √ (db) , (21)
Entropy is a measure of uncertainty [28,29,32]. We
1 M N
MSE = (a (i, j) − b (i, j))2 , (22) can use it to express uncertainties in the image infor-
M×N mation. The entropy can determine the distribution of
i=1 j=1
gray-level values in the image. If the distribution of
where MSE is the Mean Square Error between the orig- gray-level values is more uniform, then the informa-
inal image and the encrypted image; M and N are the tion entropy is greater. The higher the value of entropy
width and the height of the test image, respectively; of an encrypted image, the better is the security. The
a(i, j) and b(i, j) are two pixel gray values of the orig- entropy is given as
inal image and encrypted image at the location (i, j),
respectively. The larger the MSE value, the better the M −1
encryption security. The effectiveness of the proposed 1
H (s) = P (si ) log2 , (23)
method, evaluated in terms of MSE and PSNR for all P (si )
six images, is tabulated in Table 3.
The average of the PSNR values for the encrypted where P(si ) denotes the probability of symbol si and
images is about 8.1717, which is considerably lower 2 M is the total states of the information source. A truly
than Refs. [11,32,38]. Random Image (RI) has a uniform distribution of pixel
Moreover, to compare the MSE values for Lena intensities in the interval [0, 255], i.e., P(RIi ) = 1/256
encryption, the MSE values of the reported schemes for all i ∈ [0, 255], hence, H (RI) = 8 bits. In other

Table 3 Comparison of MSE and PSNR of different encrypted images of the proposed method

Red Green Blue Red Green Blue

Lena 7.8160 8.6070 9.6404 10,748 8,962 7,064

Peppers 9.0509 7.6578 7.6594 8,091 11,151 11,147
Couple 6.6851 6.1268 6.0326 13,950 15,863 16,212
Baboon 8.7359 9.2886 8.4064 8,699 7.660 9,385
Home 9.7755 8.7583 8.3067 6,848 8,655 9,603
Tree 8.7150 7.5679 8.2590 8,741 11,384 9,709
Average 8.4631 8.0011 8.0508 9,513 9,337 10,520
Average of three components 8.1717 9,790
Ref. [11] (average) 9.0348 8,121
Ref. [38] (average) 9.0486 8,095

B. Norouzi, S. Mirzakuchaki

Table 4 The information entropy of plain/cipher images

Image Original image Encrypted image

Red Green Blue Red Green Blue

Lena 7.2763 7.5834 7.0160 7.9972 7.9973 7.9971

Peppers 7.3830 7.6072 7.1250 7.9971 7.9973 7.9967
Couple 6.2499 5.9642 5.9309 7.9975 7.9972 7.9976
Baboon 7.7603 7.4887 7.7787 7.9972 7.9969 7.9972
Home 6.4311 6.5389 6.2320 7.9967 7.9972 7.9971
Tree 7.2104 7.4136 6.9207 7.9973 7.9970 7.9975
Average of six images 7.0518 7.0993 6.8339 7.9972 7.9972 7.9972
Lena Ref. [13] 7.9971 7.9969 7.9962
Lena Ref. [42] (bit-level permuted) 7.9791 7.9802 7.9827
Baboon 7.9579 7.9690 7.9633
Lena Ref. [42] (Usin Chen system) 7.9871 7.9881 7.9878
Baboon 7.9877 7.9881 7.9877

260 250 220

240 200
220 200 180
200 160
180 150 140

160 120
140 100 100

120 80

100 50 60

80 40

60 0 20
50 100 150 200 250 300 0 50 100 150 200 250 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220

a b c
300 300 300

250 250 250

200 200 200

150 150 150

100 100 100

50 50 50

0 0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 50 100 150 200 250 300

d e f
Fig. 7 Correlation analysis of two horizontally adjacent pixels: respectively, show the distribution of two horizontally adjacent
frames (a), (b), and (c), respectively, show the distribution of two pixels in the encrypted image of Lena in the a red, b green, and
horizontally adjacent pixels in the plain-image of Lena in the a c blue, components; obtained using the proposed scheme
red, b green, and c blue components. Frames (d), (e), and (f),

words, for an ideally random image, the value of the images. The results are shown in Table 4. Also, the
information entropy is 8. entropy averages of six images are calculated and
We have computed the information entropy for six shown in the ninth row of this Table. The values
standard plain-images and their corresponding cipher- obtained are very close to the theoretical value of

A fast color image encryption algorithm

Table 5 Correlation coefficients of two adjacent pixels in the plain/cipher image of LENA
Algorithm Lena Component Orientation

Horizontal Vertical Diagonal

Proposed algorithm Original image Red 0.9436381 0.9428391 0.8947478

Green 0.9747134 0.9733132 0.9474552
Blue 0.9283210 0.9272441 0.8720709
Average 0.948891 0.947799 0.904758
Encrypted image Red −0.0002687 −0.0006838 0.0002470
Green −0.0006084 −0.0006938 −0.0001424
Blue −0.0007598 −0.0001638 −0.000188
Average of absolute values 0.000546 0.000514 0. 000192
Ref. [13] Encrypted image Red 0.0054 0.0059 0.0013
Green 0.0062 0.0016 0.0022
Blue 0.0017 0.0029 0.0026
Average of absolute values 0.0044 0.0034 0.0020
Ref. [39] Encrypted image Red 0.0017 0.0021 0.0048
Green 0.0019 0.0045 0.0027
Blue 0.0042 0.0051 0.0036
Average of absolute values 0.0026 0.0039 0.0037

H = 8. This means that the cipher-image is close to a 1


random source, and information leakage in the encryp- E (x) = xi ,

tion process is negligible. Comparing it with the other
existing algorithms, such as [13,42], the proposed algo-
rithm is much closer to the ideal situation. So, our out- D (x) = (xi − E (x))2 , (24)
put acts similar to a random one and outperforms other
algorithms. In other words, the new encryption system
cov (x, y) = (xi − E (x)) (yi − E (y)),
is secure against the entropy attack. N
4.2.4 Correlations of two adjacent pixels where x and y are the gray values of two adjacent pixels
in the image. Figure 7 shows the correlation distribution
Each pixel in an image is highly correlated with its of two vertically adjacent pixels in the original image
adjacent pixels either in horizontal, vertical, or diag- and that in the ciphered image. According to Eq. (24),
onal direction. This can be utilized to carry out crypt- the CC of the plain-image of Lena is 0.948891and its
analysis. Therefore, a secure encryption method should ciphered image is 0.000546 along the horizontal direc-
remove the correlation between adjacent image pix- tion. Similar results for vertical and diagonal directions
els in order to improve the resistance against statisti- are also obtained and are shown in Table 5.
cal analysis. In an ideal condition, there should not be Both Table 5 and Fig. 7 show significant reduction
any relation between the pixels of the encrypted image in relevance of adjacent pixels. This indicates that our
[correlation coefficient (CC) ≈0]. To test the correla- proposed algorithm has effectively removed the cor-
tion between two adjacent pixels in a ciphered image, relation of adjacent pixels in the plain-image, so that
the following procedure was carried out [32]. First, we neighboring pixels in the cipher-image virtually have
randomly select 4,096 pairs of two adjacent pixels from no correlation. Compared with the algorithms proposed
an image. Then, we calculate the CC of each pair using by Refs. [13,39], it shows superior performance.
the following formulas: Table 8 compares the NPCRR,G,B and UACIR,G,B

r x y = cov (x, y)/ D(x)D(y), for our proposed scheme, Zhi-liang Zhu’s scheme [6],

B. Norouzi, S. Mirzakuchaki

Table 6 The results of CC values between original and elements of matrices A and B, respectively; and M and
encrypted images N are the height and width of the plain/cipher image,
Image CC respectively.
In Table 6, the CC of the encryption is pointed out. It
Red Green Blue
is clear that the CCs between various pairs of the origi-
Lena −0.0031 0.0043 −0.0025 nal and encrypted images are very small (or practically
Peppers −0.0047 −0.0024 −0.0028 zero). Considering CC values, our proposed algorithm
Couple 0.0054 0.0003 −0.0058 also shows better performance in comparison to Ref.
Baboon 0.0059 −0.0023 −0.0037 [11]. Therefore, the encrypted and original images are
Home −0.0063 −0.0012 −0.0020 significantly different.
Tree 0.0021 −0.0071 −0.0019
Average of absolute values 0.0046 0.0029 0.0031
Average (CCR,G,B ) 0035
4.3 Differential analysis
Ref. [11] 0.003673
As a general requirement for all image encryption algo-
rithms, the cipher-image should be greatly different
Yong Wang’s scheme [10], Congxu Zhu’s scheme [11], from its original form. The meaningful relationship
Liu Jin-mei’s scheme [12], Xiaopeng Wei’s scheme between an original image and its encrypted image can
[13], Mohammad Seyedzadeh’s scheme [33], Sahar be revealed using a slightly modified cipher-image. An
Mazloom’s scheme [34], Behnia scheme [35], Sun attacker can crack the cipher by tracing the difference
scheme [36], and Xiaoling Huang’s scheme [37] on of the two cipher-images. This kind of attack is called
“Lena.” differential attack. The secure image encryption algo-
rithm has to be highly sensitive to the plaintext and
4.2.5 Correlations between plain and cipher-images
the key, so that any changes in the plaintext or the key
should affect the whole ciphertext.
The correlations between various pairs of plain/cipher
images have been analyzed by computing the 2D CCs
between input and encrypted images [11,32]. The CC 4.3.1 Plaintext sensitivity
is calculated as follows:
M N   The image encryption algorithm should be sensitive
i=1 j=1 Ai j − Ā Bi j − B̄
CC =  , to a tiny change in the original image, which means
M N  2   M  N 2 
i=1 j=1 A i j − Ā i=1 j=1 Bi j − B̄ that one-pixel change leads to a completely different
cipher-image. Two criteria are generally used to mea-
sure the influence of a one-pixel change in plain-image
where A and B represent the plain-image and cipher- on the corresponding cipher-image. They are the num-
image, respectively; Ā and B̄ are the mean values of the ber of pixels change rate (NPCR) and the unified aver-
Table 7 Plaintext sensitivity
Image NPCR (average of 50 iterations for each component) UACI (average of 50 iterations for each component)

Red Green Blue Red Green Blue

Lena 99.8038 99.7942 99.8114 33.8228 33.4471 33.6011

Peppers 99.8192 99.7996 99.8015 33.4707 33.4826 33.7332
Couple 99.8050 99.7987 99.7814 33.5340 33.7524 33.6882
Baboon 99.8031 99.8019 99.8071 33.5079 33.4228 33.4281
Home 99.8066 99.8118 99.8099 33.5422 33.6067 33.4961
Tree 99.7943 99.7966 99.8044 33.4777 33.4450 33.5400
Average (for each 99.8053 99.8005 99.8026 33.5592 33.5261 33.5811
Avarage (900 iterations) 99.8028 33.5555

A fast color image encryption algorithm

Table 8 Comparison of
Algorithm Average (NPCRR,G,B ) (%) Average (NPCRR,G,B ) (%)
on ‘Lena’ Proposed algorithm 99.8031 33.6237
Ref. [6] 99.6052 33.4000
Ref. [10] 99.6110 33.4630
Ref. [11] 99.6100 33.4700
Ref. [12] 99.6000 33.5000
Ref. [13] 99.2172 33.4055
Ref. [33] 99.6828 33.4898
Ref. [34] 99.6410 33.3620
Ref. [35] 0.46 0.39
Ref. [36] 0.40 0.3192
Ref. [37] 99.3097 33.4553

age changing intensity (UACI) which are calculated by cryptosystem only needs a minimum of one round to
 achieve a high performance such as NPCR >99.80 %
i, j DR,G,B (i, j)
NPCRR,G,B = × 100 %, (26) and UACI >33.56 %. Therefore, the proposed algo-
M×N rithm can resist the differential attack if the number of
UACIR,G,B = rounds is at least one.
M×N ⎤ As it is obvious from the simulation results, the

CR,G,B (i, j) − CR,G,B (i, j) proposed cryptosystem achieves high performance by
× ⎣ ⎦ having NPCRR,G,B > 99.8028 and UACIR,G,B >
i, j 33.5555, and can well resist the known- plaintext and
×100 %, (27) the chosen-plaintext attacks.
where C and C  are the two cipher-images whose corre-
sponding plain-images have only one-pixel difference. 4.3.2 Key sensitivity analysis
The grayscale values of the pixels at position (i, j) of
C and C  are denoted as C(i, j) and C  (i, j), respec- Extreme key sensitivity is an important feature for any
tively. The difference array DR,G,B (i, j) is determined good image encryption cryptosystem which guaran-

by the following rule: If CR,G,B (i, j) = CR,G,B (i, j), tees the security of the algorithm against the brute-
then DR,G,B (i, j) = 0; otherwise, DR,G,B (i, j) = 1. force attack to some extent. Indeed, a small deviation
To evaluate plaintext sensitivity of our proposed in the input should cause a large change in the output.
scheme, the following procedure was carried out: The hyper-chaos systems are sensitive to initial val-
ues which ensure the key sensitivity of the encryption
• Plain-image is encrypted first. scheme. Two key sensitivity tests were performed.
• Then, one pixel in the original image is ran-
domly selected and changed. The modified image First key sensitivity test The encrypted image
is encrypted again using the same key. generated by the image encryption algorithm should
• Finally, the two cipher-images are compared pixel- be very sensitive to the secret external key; i.e., if two
by-pixel (the NPCR and UACI values are com- slightly different keys are used to encrypt the same plain
puted). image, then the two cipher-images produced should be
completely independent of each other.
This kind of test is performed over 150 times with
different images (900 times for all images). Table 7 • A 256 × 256 color image is encrypted using “1, 2,
provides the data related to the experimental results 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18,
obtained by our proposed algorithm. As can be seen 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31,
from the computer simulation results, the proposed 32” as the first set of keys or KEY1.

B. Norouzi, S. Mirzakuchaki

of the key is toggled. The results can illuminate that our

suggested image encryption algorithm is very sensitive
with respect to tiny changes in the external secret key. In
other words, it has strong ability of resisting differential
attacks. Second key sensitivity test The encrypted image

cannot be decrypted correctly although there is a trivial
difference between the encryption and decryption keys.
Figure 9 illustrates the sensitivity of our scheme to the
external secret key. Figure 9c is the decrypted image
with the same external secret key (KEY1) as that used
in encryption algorithms. Figure 9d is the decrypted
image with all the bits of the key being the same as that
used in encryption algorithm except the last bit.
So, it can be concluded that our hyper-chaos encryp-
tion algorithm is sensitive to the external secret key;
a small change (e.g., modifying only one bit) of the
Fig. 8 Key sensitivity test: a peppers image; b encrypted image
external secret key will generate a completely different
with KEY1; c encrypted image with KEY2: “0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, decryption result and cannot yield the correct plain-
26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32”; and d Difference between b and c image.

4.3.3 Mean absolute error

• Then, one bit in the external secret key is toggled
and used to encrypt the same plain-image. The performance of the difference between the cipher-
• The two cipher-images are compared pixel-by- and plain-images is measured by the MAE. Let C(i, j)
pixel. Figure 8 shows the test result. and P(i, j) be the gray levels of the pixels at the ith row
and jth column of a M × N cipher and plain-image,
This kind of test is performed over 60 times on different
respectively. The MAE between these two images is
images (360 times for all images). The results shown
defined as
in Table 9 are obtained by simulation. It is clear that
NPCR is over 99.61 % and UACI is over 33.4 %. This
means that more than 99.61 % of all pixels in cipher- MAE = |C (i, j) − P (i, j)|. (28)
image change their gray-level values when only one bit M×N
j=1 i=1

Table 9 Key sensitivity

Image NPCR (average of 20 iterations for each component) UACI (average of 20 iterations for each component)

Red Green Blue Red Green Blue

Lena 99.6126 99.6091 99.6073 33.4979 33.4803 33.4177

Peppers 99.6049 99.6177 99.6046 33.5267 33.4286 33.4464
Couple 99.6119 99.6136 99.6175 33.4518 33.4373 33.4259
Baboon 99.6084 99.6136 99.6040 33.4674 33.4975 33.4081
Home 99.6087 99.6084 99.6107 33.3943 33.5152 33.4395
Tree 99.6101 99.6111 99.6090 33.4837 33.5050 33.4484
Average (for each 99.6094 99.6123 99.6089 33.4703 33.4773 33.4310
Avarage (360 iterations) 99.6102 33.4595

A fast color image encryption algorithm

Table 11 The numbers of permutation and diffusion to achieve

NPCR >99.6 % and UACI >33.4 %
Algorithm Number of Number of
permutation diffusion

New scheme 0 1
Norouzi’s [32] 0 2
Wang’s [43] 2 2
Wong’s [44] 4 2
Lian’s [45] 18 6
Xiang’s [46] 3 3

Table 12 Encryption speed of the proposed encryption scheme

and some other schemes
Algorithm Speed (Mbit/s)

Proposed algorithm 47.7653

Seyedzadeh [33] 44.9389
Fig. 9 Key sensitivity test: a couple image, b encrypted image Mazloom [34] 9.2115
with KEY 1, c decrypted image with KEY 1, and d decrypted
Ref. [47] 0.3944
image with KEY 2
Ref. [48] 15.3475
Ref. [49] 8.6573
Table 10 The results for the MAE values
Image MAE

Red Green Blue 0.39, 0.3192 %, respectively. They can hardly satisfy
any high-performance requirement. On the contrary,
Lena 84.7177 77.5301 75.2204 it is demonstrated that the proposed method requires
Peppers 74.3792 86.1866 86.1460 only one encryption round (one round of diffusion)
Couple 97.1340 104.5973 105.8835 to achieve the satisfactory performance with NPCR
Baboon 76.6660 72.6091 79.3484 >99.80 % and UACI >33.55 %.
Home 69.4347 76.4666 80.2435 To make a comparison with other algorithms, the
Tree 76.7878 87.2157 80.5876 number of permutation and diffusion rounds required
Average 79.8532 84.1009 84.5716 to achieve this performance is listed in Table 11. The
Average (CCR,G,B ) 82.8419 results show that the number of permutation and dif-
Ref. [32] 80.2 fusion required by the new scheme is fewer than that
by other comparable algorithms. Thus, the proposed
algorithm indeed leads to a faster encryption speed.
The larger the MAE value, the better the encryption We have also analyzed the speed of the proposed
security. The results for the MAE values are shown in image encryption/decryption technique on a personal
Table 10. computer (PC) with a CPU 2.4 GHz, 4 GB Memory,
and 640 GB hard-disk capacity, and the operating sys-
tem is Microsoft Windows 7 using MATLAB
4.4 Speed performance (R2008a) and Eclipse 3.5 compiler. Table 12 shows that
the proposed algorithm is very fast compared to the
Regardless of the security considerations, some other other schemes such as Refs. [33,34,47–49].
aspects on image encryption are also important, such The algorithm’s speed on a DSP for the color image
as the running speed for the real-time internet applica- of size n × n, we compute the number of mathematical
tions. According Table 8, the NPCR and UACI mea- operations given in Table 13. According to the pro-
surements reported in Refs. [35,36] are 0.46, 0.40 and posed results, the total number of used operations is

B. Norouzi, S. Mirzakuchaki

Table 13 The number of

Section name Type of operator
operations used in each of
the sections Sum Multiplication XOR Mod Floor

Generation the initial 13n 2 + 13N0 22n 2 + 14N0 4n 2 + 64 8n 2 8n 2

(Sect. 3.1.1)
Encryption algorithm 9n 2 2n 2 6n 2 4n 2 n2
(Sect. 3.2)
Summation of operators 22n 2 + 13N0 24n 2 + 14N0 10n 2 + 64 12n 2 9n 2

77n 2 +27N0 +64 ≈ 77n 2 , and the proposed algorithm Table 14 Results of the SP800-22 tests suite for cipher Lena
has the computational complexity of O (n 2 ). Suppos- image
ing that the “add/subtract”, “XOR”, “mod”, and “floor” Test name P value Result
operators take one cycle and “multiplication/division”
Frequency 0.875539 Success
operators take two cycles, we can compute the esti-
Runs (M = 10,000) 0.299251 Success
mated time of hardware execution by multiplying these
operators by their related clock cycles and then dividing Block-frequency 0.900104 Success
by the CPU or DSP clock. Therefore, the encryption Long runs of ones 0.437274 Success
time on a ADSP-BF5xx DSP with a 750 MHz clock Rank 0.028181 Success
frequency would be less than 9 ms. Spectral DFT 0.689019 Success
It is obvious that running this algorithm on a newer No overlapping templates 0.350485 Success
series of DSP with the ability to perform add/multiply Overlapping templates 0.422034 Success
operations in one clock would greatly improve the Universal 0.350485 Success
speed. Lempel ziv complexity 0.170294 Success
Linear complexity 0.739918 Success
Approximate entropy 0.941144 Success
4.5 Decryption quality Serial (1) 0.500934 Success
Serial (2) 0.739918 Success
The decryption quality between original and decrypted
Cumulative sums (1) 0.122325 Success
images can be observed by means of the CC, MSE, and
Cumulative sums (2) 0.517442 Success
PSNR. For a good decryption, the CC should be near
Random excursions 0.531816 Success
1 or equal to 1, the MSE should be a small value, and
Random excursions variant 0.430824 Success
the PSNR should be large. To determine the decryp-
tion quality, the decryption algorithm is applied to the
encryption of all eight images. The CC, the MSE, and
the PSNR are computed for each decrypted image. For high complexity, and efficiency [50–57]. Recently, the
the proposed decryption, the CC of each decryption is 1. NIST designed a set of different statistical tests to jus-
The MSE of each decryption is 0, and the PSNR of each tify randomness of binary sequences produced by either
decryption is infinite. The results suggest that every hardware- or software-based cryptographic random or
decryption is accurate. In other words, each decrypted pseudo-random number generators [40].
image is identical to the corresponding original image. In order to satisfy these requirements, we have uti-
Thus, a good quality is demonstrated in the proposed lized NIST SP 800-22 tests [54], DIEHARD [55], and
decryption. ENT test suite for testing the randomness of the cipher.
Some of these tests consist of a number of subsets.
To carry on these tests, we have used 120 sequences of
4.6 Randomness tests for the cipher ciphers with the length of 1,000,000 bits. The encrypted
image is Lena 24 bits image. To test the cipher random-
For the security of a cryptosystem, the cipher must have ness, a lot of initial keys are used. The results of the
some properties such as good distribution, long period, tests are shown in Tables 14, 15, and 16. By analyzing

A fast color image encryption algorithm

Table 15 DIEHARD tests suite for the Lena image erate the initial conditions of two hyper-chaotic sys-
Test name P value Result tems by applying some algebraic transformations to
the key. Our algorithm is based on the final secret key
Birthday spacing 0.309305 Success stream which is not only related to the original chaotic
Overlapping permutation 0.913173 Success key stream but also to the plain-image. The second
Binary rank 31 × 31 0.371207 Success process employs the image data in order to modify the
Binary rank 6 × 8 0.890111 Success pixel gray-level values and crack the strong correlations
Bitstream 0.178442 Success between adjacent pixels of an image simultaneously. In
OPSO 0.663982 Success this process, the states which are the combinations of
OQSO 0.482065 Success two hyper-chaotic systems are selected according to
DNA 0.579123 Success image data itself and are used to encrypt the red, green,
Count the ones 01 0.530422 Success and blue components, respectively.
Count the ones 02 0.822360 Success All parts of the encryption system are simulated
Parking lot 0.259096 Success using MATLAB and Eclipse 3.5 compiler. Statistical
Minimum distance 0.824483 Success analysis shows that the scheme can well protect the
3DS spheres 0.029493 Success image against statistical attacks. Also, the measured
Squeeze 0.631710 Success encryption quality shows that the proposed algorithm
Overlapping sum 0.689073 Success
has a better encryption quality than others. Moreover,
the scheme possesses high key sensitivity and has a
Runs 0.824604 Success
good ability to resist differential attacks. MAE, NPCR,
CrapsRa 0.499557 Success
and UACI were used as three criterions to examine the
performance of resistance against differential attacks.
Table 16 Max grade of ENT test suite for the Lena image The results demonstrate that a swift change in the origi-
Test name Average value Result nal image and the key will result in a significant change
in the ciphered image and cannot yield the correct plain-
Entropy 7.999986 Success image. The decryption procedure is similar to that of the
Arithmetic mean 127.5378 Success encryption but in the reversed order. Overall, it seems
Monte Carlo 3.1401497 Success that the proposed algorithm can be a good candidate
Chi square 244.94 Success for image encryption.
SCC 0.000313 Success
Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank the Edi-
tor, the anonymous Referees, and Miss Shirin Saberian for their
valuable comments and suggestions to improve this paper.
these results, it can be deduced that our proposed image
encryption algorithm successfully passes the NIST SP
800-22, DIEHARD, and ENT tests. Therefore, based
on the achieved results, the generated ciphers in our
cryptosystem can be claimed, which are quite stochas- References
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