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Alha was a legendary general of the Chandel king Paramardideva (also known as Parmal), who

fought Prithviraj Chauhan in 1182 CE, immortalised in the Alha-Khand ballad.


 1The Origin of Alha

 2Folklore
 3See also
 4References
 5External links

The Origin of Alha[edit]

Alha and Udal were children of the Dasraj, a successful commander of the army of Chandel king
Parmal. They belonged to the community of Banaphar Ahirs [1] [2] and fought against the Rajputs such
as Prithvi Raj Chauhan and Mahil.[3]. Purana states that Mahil a Rajput and an enemy of Alha and
Udal said that Alha has come to be of low family (kule htnatvamagatah) because his mother is a
Arya Abhiri an Aryan Ahir . [4]
According to the Bhavishya Purana, a text with several interpolated sections that cannot be reliably
dated, Alha's mother, Devaki, was a member of the Ahir caste. The Ahirs are among the "oldest
pastoralists" and were rulers of Mahoba. [5]
The Bhavishya Purana further adds that it is not only the mothers of Alha and Udal who are Ahirs,
but their paternal grandmother from Baksar are also Ahir, who entered the family with a blessing
of Devi chandika that come not from wrestling buffaloes but from her nine-year vow to the nine
Durgas and hence the Ahirs were natural relatives of the family. Some of this checks out with the
Elliot's Alha, where the gopalaka (Ahir) King Dalvahana is called Dalpat, King of Gwalior. he is still
the two girl's father, but merely gives them to Dasraj who was a Ahir and Bachraj when Parmal
requested him.[5] The Queen Malhna insists that King Parmal reward Dashraj and Bachraj with brides
from within the Chandel land. King Dalpat of Gwalior volunteers his daughters Devi (Devaki, Alha's
mother) and Birma Udal's mother. Queen Malhna welcomes Devi to Mahoba by placing the nine lakh
chain (Naulakha Haar) around her neck and also gives Birma a necklace. King Parmal then gives
new Banaphar families a village where they bear and raise their sons named Alha and Udal.[1]
Alha is one of the heroes of the Alha-Khand poem, popularly recited in the Bundelkhand region of
India. It may be based on a work Mahoba Khand which has been published with the title Parmal
Raso.[citation needed]

Alha is an oral epic, the story is also found in a number of medieval manuscripts of the Prithviraj
Raso and the Bhavishya Purana. There is also a belief that the story was originally written by Jagnik,
bard of Mahoba, but no manuscript has yet been found.[6]
Karine Schomer depicted Alha in South Asian Folklore as:
Originating in the Bundelkhand Region. it (Alha) recounts the intertwined fates of the three principal
Rajput Kingdoms of North India on the eve of Turkish conquest (late 12th century C.E.); Delhi (ruled
by Prithviraj Chauhan), Kannauj (ruled by Jaichand Rathor), and Mahoba (ruled by Chandel
king Parmal). The heroes of the epic are the brothers Alha and Udal retainers of the Rajput status
with exceptional valour, whose cause is the protection of Mahoba and defense of its honour. Called
the "Mahabarata of the Kaliyuga", Alha both parallels and inverts the themes and the structures of
the classical religious epic.
The (Alha) cycle consists of fifty-two episodes in which the heroes confront enemies of Mahoba or
the resistant fathers of prospective brides. It ends with the great historical battle between the
kingdoms of Mahoba and Delhi, in which the Chandels were annihilated and the Chauhans so
weakened that they could not resist the subsequent attack of the Turks.[6]

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