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Committee: The Community of the Latin American and Caribbean States.

Topic: Establishing a framework for drug decriminalization

Signatories: Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Panama, Paraguay, Peru

Classification, Capacity Building, Control

1. Promotes the implementation of a Chart on Consumption Classification (CCC) in
order for member states to know if imaplementing or not the drug decriminalization
based on the following divisions but not entitled to them:
a. Base the country plantation from low to high,
b. Base the consumption of the country by sectors from low to high,
c. Base the population entitlement to the drug consumption or plantation from
low to high.
This in order to ensure that the member state gets an appropriate result on when to
start decriminalizing the soft drugs first and move on with different drugs.

2. Recommends dividing the crops on hard crops and soft crops; the division will be as
listed below, this will be a part of a progressive legal action; the definition on hard
drug crops and soft narcotics crops will be defined by the Panamerican Health
Organization commission on narcotics;
a. soft crops narcotics will be those that have pharmaceutical purposes and those
will be regulated by the government and states are encouraged to legalized it
with strict regulations;
b. hard narcotics crops should be prosecuted, since they do not have any health
purpose, and countries are encouraged to disrupt this traffic, the more strength
a drug is and the more quantity it has, the longer the sentence;
3. Propose the application of the Categorization of Narcotics (CANA) method, as it’s
been already applied in the Dominican Republic, in order to provide an inclusive
range of levels to categorize drug possession internationally to then be used within
each country’s legal system for proper crime assessment; following the subsequent
a. Offenders are grouped into one of three categories (simple possession,
distributor and trafficker) according to the quantity of the drug allegedly
b. The quantity of the narcotic that defines the limit that separates one category
from another, is established for each drug.
c. Drugs with similar characteristics can be grouped for having the same limits.

Capacity Building
4. Promotes the implementation of the Initiative for New Crops Advancing (INCA
program) capacity building though help initiatives within member states alongside the
private sector that allows small agricultures to invest in other crops such as coffee,
wheat, beans or any other harvest that might be cultivated in that specific area in order
for coca plantations to be controlled in a more efficient manner.
5. Calls upon the nations to promote the San Salvador Mission which will focus to build
strong institutions, crime-response mechanism, and promotion of prosperity and
economic development to enable nations to join regional initiatives of
decriminalization of drugs by relying heavily on regional cooperation.

7. The Interchange Program: To stop brutalizing the farmers that produce drugs,
CELAC, alongside the governments of countries that decide to apply the program,
would locate the different national drug plantations inside the territory and stablish
negotiations with the farmers in order to them give out the raw materials for drug
production, and in exchange the government will give crops that can be harvest in
their plantation. This solution will have two objectives: first to have control and
monopolize the drug production in hands of the government’s country. And secondly
to provide better life conditions for drug producers, and avoid burning or
expropriating their land.
8. Considers the implementation of the Think Before Do program an awareness
campaign designed to provide people with the full information of the danger that
drugs involve. The Panamerican Health Organization will be tasked with creating the
possible Health Risks Content and Recommendations part of the campaign, (Between
the contents that the campaign should address are: Drugs and their psychological and
physical consequences, the violence linked with drugs, consequences of illegal drug
trafficking, etc,) UNESCO will develop the media and educational campaign in order
to massively promote the contents previously explains. Every UNESCO regional
office will collaborate with the necessary government agency of every nation in order
to distribute this information both on the media and on the educational system;

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