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Ghumli is a village located 45 km from Porbandar, at foothills of Barda, in Devbhumi Dwarka

district of Gujarat, India.


 1Etymology
 2History
 3Present day
 4See also
 5References

The Saindhava Copper plates and several inscriptions mention Bhutambilika, Bhumilika,
Bhutambilimandal, Bhutambilyan, BhumbhalL Bhubhrutpalli, Bhumbhiliya. It was later corrupted
into Bhumli and then Ghumli.[1]

Ghumli was the capital of Saindhava dynasty which ruled western Saurashtra from middle of
eighth century to middle of tenth century.[1]
It was later the capital of Jethwa dynasty of Gujarat.[2]
Ghumli was declared as second Capital by Jethwa dynasty, in 1220 by Rana Shiyaji, who took
the title of Rana Of Ghumli and shifted capital from Shrinagar[3]
Ghumli remained their Capital till 1313, when Rana Bhanji Jethwa, was defeated at a war, he
fled Ghumli & shifted to Ranpur. It is said that Ghumli was destroyed due to curse of
a Sati named Son with whom Rana Bhanji Jethwa fell in love.[4]
Jadeja Jam Unaji came from Sindh and attacked Ghumli in 1309 but was defeated later in 1313
his son Barmaniyaji Jadeja attacked and defeated Rana Bhanji Jethwa. On the same night
Goddess Ambaji came in his dream and told him that, as she has granted the wish ("Asha") of
his father to conquer Ghumli, he should make a temple in her name. So Bamaniyaji built the
Temple of Ambaji on the hill in the middle of Ghumli and named it as Ashapura Mata Temple.
He completely destroyed Ghumli and turned it into ruins.[5][6]

Present day[edit]
Government of Gujarat and Archaeological Survey of India have taken a project to restore
historical places of Ghumli. At present, Ghumli is an important archaeological site of Gujarat:
The point of interest are - Navlakha temple; Ghumli Ganesh temple; Ashapura temple;
Vindyavasini temple; Sonkansari or Son Kasari temple; step-wells [Vikai or Vikia Vav and Jetha
vav]; historical gates. Kileshwar Mahadev temple, built by Jethwa rulers is nearby. Bhan Gate
named after Bhan Jethwa near Ghumali Navlakha Temple and Rampol Gate at Ghumali are of
historical interest. Trikamji Bapu Mandir, Ravno Nes and so is Khodiyar mataji jar are other
places of interest.Coordinates: 21.885°N 69.763°E

Navlakha Temple, Ghumli

Ghumli houses Navlakha Temple, built by Jethwa rulers in the 12th century, considered to be
oldest Sun temple of Gujarat, now in ruins. The temple is built in Solanki style of architect with
entwining tusk of three elephants as a trade mark of temple. It is located at the foothills.
Close by, little easterly to Navlakha temple there are step wells called "Vikai Vav" the largest
in Kathiawar and "Jetha vav". Vikai or Vikia Vaav built by Jethwa ruler Vikiaji after whom it is
named, is the oldest and one of the biggest step wells of Gujarat measuring almost 60 by 40.5
sq m. The well has numerous flights of steps leading up to it and string-coursed carvings. The
entrance pavilions can still be seen standing intact at three places.
A Ganesha temple called Ghumli Ganesh, located southerly within ruins of Navlakha Temple is
worshiped daily by locals.
Ashapura Mata temple is little far westerly to Navlakha temple on a small hill summit. The trek to
the summit is known to be steep, and visually appealing.
Vindyavasini temple is also on the same hill, located southerly to Navlakha temple.
Trikamji Bapu Mandir, Ravno Nes is another place of interest, located further south.
Temple of Son Kasari is associated with story of "sati", built after Ghumli was destroyed due to
the curse. This place is located south westerly to Navlakha temple on a hill summit. There is a
nice pond infornt of the temple. Around Sonkansari pond, there is a large well with many
temples. The larger ones consist of a square shrine with a long mandapa and the smaller ones
of a cell and a porch. The mandapas have fallen.
Khodiyar mataji jar, Ravno Nes is located easterly with in Bardo range. Kileshwar Mahadev
temple is located far southerly.

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