Notulensi Journal Reading Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Infants: Radiographic and CT Findings

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Notulensi Journal Reading

Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Infants : Radiographic and CT Findings

Tempat : Ruang Radiologi

Waktu : Senin, 15 Juli 2019
Pukul 13.00 – 13.30
Presentan : Saddam Fadhli / 1102011250
Pembimbing : dr. Komala Dewi, Sp. Rad

As complication of tuberculosis are frequent in infancy, correct

diagnosis of tuberculosis in infants is important. The purposes of this study are to
summarize radiographic and CT findings of pulmonary tuberculosis in infants and
to determine the radiologic features frequently seen in infants with this disease.

Dokumentasi :
Daftar Hadir:

No. Nama Institusi Tanda

1. Tri Hardi Putranto Yarsi

2. Mohammad Tareqh Yarsi

3. Nandi Rusnandi Yarsi

4. Saddam Fadli Yarsi


dr. Komala Dewi, Sp. Rad

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