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eDTR Software Installation Guide

Table of Contents

Running the Installer ................................................................................................... 3

Installation ................................................................................................................... 8

Registration ............................................................................................................... 13

Activation .................................................................................................................. 16

Verification ................................................................................................................ 19

PDF Viewer ............................................................................................................... 23

Known Issues............................................................................................................ 24

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Running the Installer
Insert the eDTR™ Flash Drive into the PC’s USB slot

If autoplay on the computer is enabled and allows the autorun feature to launch
automatically, you will be taken directly to Installer. Autorun is turned off by default
on Windows Vista and 7 but Autoplay knows how to produce a window upon drive
insertion that should give the user some options for what to do. The exact behavior
can vary based on configuration of the PC.

1. If autorun is disabled and autoplay requires you to select which action to take

a. You will see a window similar to this:

Figure 1 Windows XP AutoPlay Window

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Figure 2 Windows Vista/7 AutoPlay Window

b. Select eDTR™ and click the OK button on XP and simply click the
icon on Vista or 7.

2. If autoplay doesn’t automatically display the window above, you will need to
launch the eDTR™ manually from Windows Explorer.

a. Go to Start, My Computer

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Figure 3 Windows XP Start Menu

Figure 4 Windows Vista/7 Start Menu

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Figure 5 Windows XP My Computer View

Figure 6 Windows Vista/7 My Computer View

b. Double click the appropriate Removable Drive where you see the
eDTR™ to open it.

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If the autorun feature is allowed to execute on this machine when you open
the drive this way, you will be taken directly to Installation.

If the autorun feature is not allowed to execute, you will be taken to window
where you can view the contents of the drive instead that will look similar to

Figure 7 Windows XP Explorer Window

Figure 8 Windows Vista/7 Explorer Window

c. Double click the eDTR™.exe to launch the eDTR™.

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You will see the following dialog box only when launching the eDTR™ from the Flash
Drive using a variation of the previous steps or by inserting the drive into the PC.

Figure 9 Windows XP Flash Drive Launch Window

Figure 10 Windows Vista/7 Flash Drive Launch Window

1. Click the button “Install on PC” to continue with installing the eDTR™.

2. You will be taken to the eDTR™ Setup Wizard which will guide you through the
remainder of the installation process.

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Note: On Windows Vista and 7 by default the User Access Control will prompt
the user when software needs to be installed since it is considered a change to the
system. Depending on the exact configuration of the machine, a dialog box like this
will be shown. This should be very familiar to the user for whenever they have had
to install or change the configuration of their PC.

Figure 11 Windows Vista/7 UAC Window for eDTR™ Setup

Note: The visual appearance and behavior of the eDTR™ Setup Wizard and
other eDTR™ windows are for the most part nearly identical between
Windows XP, Vista, and 7 so each platform will not be shown unless there is a
difference worth noting.

Figure 12 eDTR™ Setup Wizard Initial Step

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3. Click the Next button.

Figure 13 eDTR™ Setup Wizard Additional Tasks Step

4. Decide if desktop icon should be created and click the Next button.

Figure 14 eDTR™ Setup Wizard Ready to Install Step

5. Click the Install button.

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Figure 15 Windows XP Installing Step

Figure 16 Windows Vista/7 Installing Step

6. The installation process will take a few minutes to install all of the contents

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Figure 17 eDTR™ Setup Final Step

7. When you see this screen, the installation of the software and catalog contents
have been installed. If you wish to continue from here directly to registering and
activating the new installation, leave Launch eDTR™ checked.

Click the Finish button.

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When the eDTR™ is run for the first time or anytime while it is not registered and
activated, it will prompt you with the following registration dialog box.

Figure 18 eDTR™ Registration for Single Distributor

1. The Swagelok location will be automatically defined with the appropriate

distributor. If your distributor is part of a collection of distributors with the same
Swagelok code, you will see all of the possible distributor selections available in
a pull down selector.

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Optional Selector for Multiple Distributors
For example, if the eDTR™ Flash Drive was ordered by any of the
distributors in the collection of distributors with the IDAHO code will see a
pull down for Swagelok location with the ability to choose any of the 3
IDAHO locations:

Figure 19 eDTR™ Registration for Multiple Distributor Option

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Figure 20 eDTR™ Registration Completed

2. The end user for the new eDTR™ installation should enter all of their
information. The Activation button will not be enabled until all fields are entered.
The email address used needs to be a valid email address so that the activation
email can be sent to the user.

Click the Activation button.

Note: The previous steps for the registration process will be able to save the entered
information if there is no Internet connection available, however the user will not be
able to activate the software. There must be an Internet connection so the activation
process can continue. The eDTR™ software cannot be used until it is properly

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When the eDTR™ is run for the first time or anytime while it is not registered and
activated, it will prompt you with the following registration dialog box.

Figure 21 eDTR™ Activation Window

1. Within a few minutes, you should receive an email like the one below.

Figure 22 Sample eDTR™ Activation Email

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You can either use the link provided in the email to activate the eDTR™ directly on
the server or you can copy and paste the code directly into the activation form.

2. Clicking the link in the email (or copying pasting the link into your web
browser directly) will produce an activation page like the one below.

Figure 23 Activation Page After Link Clicked

Figure 24 eDTR™ Activation

3. If you clicked the link and received the activation page through your web
browser, you can then proceed by clicking the Verify Activation button.

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Optionally, if you did not activate via the link in your web browser, you can
copy and paste the code directly into the Activation dialog box

Figure 25 eDTR™ Activation Copying Code from Email

Optional If you entered the code from the email, click the Activate button to continue.

4. When the activation is complete, you will receive the following dialog box.

Figure 26 eDTR™ Activation Successful

5. To continue at this point to use the eDTR™, click the Restart button. This
is only to restart the eDTR™, not your computer. Otherwise you can click
Close to end.

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After installing, you may wish to verify that the eDTR™ is installed and has the
required PDF viewing dependencies installed. If you clicked Restart from the last
step, you can proceed to step 2.

1. To run the eDTR™ from the All Programs Menu, select Swagelok. eDTR™

Figure 27 Windows XP Start Menu Item for eDTR™

Figure 28 Windows Vista/7 Start Menu Item for eDTR™

Selecting the eDTR™ menu item should launch the eDTR™ and you should see the
main interface if a valid PDF viewer is installed and configured correctly for the

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Figure 29 eDTR™ Sotware Running & Ready

2. To verify the eDTR™ registration information is now saved with the installation as
expected, click the About menu item in the top menu bar.

Figure 30 Selecting About Menu Item

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Figure 31 eDTR™ with About Page Selected

Figure 32 Windows XP eDTR™ About Page Details

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Figure 33 Windows Vista/7 eDTR™ About Page Details

If you are able to see information in the about page similar to this, then everything
should be installed and working correctly and the installation process is complete.

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PDF Viewer
Valid PDF Viewers
You see as the last entry in the screen shot above, the PDF Viewer used by eDTR™
is Acrobat Reader 9. Valid viewers are either Adobe Acrobat (any edition) or
Adobe Reader. Version 7 or newer of either viewer application is required.

Missing valid PDF Viewer

If when you try to verify the eDTR™ installation by launching it from the start menu
icon, the PC does not have a valid PDF Viewer installed, you will see a dialog box

Figure 34 eDTR™ Missing Adobe Reader Install Window

Click Install Adobe Reader 9 button.

Figure 35 Adobe Reader 9 Install Wizard

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Known Issues

Window Sizing Issue

Dialog boxes that appear to be incorrectly sized as you see in the examples below,
are a result of your computer’s DPI setting being set to something other than 96 DPI
(which is the default).

Figure 36 Improper sizing of Activation Successful dialog box

Figure 37 Improper sizing of Update dialog box

eDTR™ will be updated soon to accommodate the various DPI settings without a
need to change anything on the computer. For now, you can change this DPI setting
on your computer to resolve the issue.

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Steps to change your DPI settings:

Figure 38 Windows XP Control Panel - Select and open Display

Figure 39 Windows Vista/7 Control Panel - Select and open Display

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Figure 40 Windows XP Display Properties - Settings Tab & Advanced Button

Figure 41 Windows XP Set DPI Setting to 96 DPI

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Figure 42 Windows Vista/7 Display Properties – Set Display to Smaller – 100%

After making the change to 96 DPI or “Smaller”, you will need to click Ok, then Ok
on the Display Properties form. A restart of your computer will also be needed for the
change to take affect.

Proxy Authorization Issue

eDTR™ will function over HTTP protocol and through a company’s proxy server so
long as that proxy server doesn’t require specific authentication / credentials.

If the company’s proxy server requires specific application authentication or user

credentials, you will get an error message indicating that the server is not reachable
and reference to “error 407 Proxy Authentication” from the proxy server.

At this time, unless the company’s IT department allows traffic across HTTP port
through a proxy server without specific authorization requirement, the activation
process cannot continue.

The ability for eDTR™ to accept and provide user credentials and proxy server
configuration information will be coming in a near future release.

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Antivirus Software Conflict

Some antivirus software, namely Microsoft Security Essentials, will complain about a
file it finds as part of the eDTR™ installation. This file is autorun.inf and it is only
used at the time when the user inserts the drive as a convenient helper to provide the
user with an autoplay capability.

The person installing or using the eDTR™ or the company’s IT contact may come
across a warning from Microsoft Security Essentials (or other software) that this file is
considered a problem and will respond with removing the file.

It is OK to allow this file to be deleted. It will not affect the usage of the eDTR™.

This conflict may also show up during the installation procedure when the files are
being copied and a popup message asking how to handle will show up. There should
be a button for ‘Ignore’. Choose ‘Ignore’ and allow the installation to continue.

You may see messages like this as well regarding permission to write this file on

Figure 43 File Access Denied message for autorun.inf when installing

Just choose ‘Skip’ if you see this message. You don’t need to install this file.

If the file was not skipped and Microsoft Security Essentials caught the file and is
waiting for a decision to be made, you will see this message in the lower right corner
of the desktop:

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If you click Show Details, you should be able to remove the file in question:

The next release of eDTR™ will not attempt to copy this file to the installation and
this issue will go away.

Custom Installation Selection

The current release of the eDTR™ does not allow the installer to select a custom
installation location. This will be an option available in a new future release.

Swagelok – TM Swagelok Company

©2012 Swagelok Company
Printed in USA
January 2012, R1

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