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Every country develops it's own system of education which undergoes transformation to meet the

challenges of the changing time.

Developing an e-learning system has many advantages like, It can reduce time and also consuming

The teachers can easily be connected to his or her students about online activities,lesson s and other
take home assignments.

It can also helps the students to work lesser time using e-learning mediums.

For the teachers they can easily found some new informations to help them from teaching.

E-learning can help both students and teachers about education purposes. It will less the paperworks
of the students and teachers, and akso this will set as a basis about e-learning for the future resear

Information technology has permeated nearly every aspect of people’s lives. Technology is changing the
way people, firms, and institutions present, disseminate, and communicate their messages, creating a
ubiquitous learning environment and an accelerating information society. In an information society,
achieving a high level of acquisition and management of knowledge will be one of the key competitive

Against this backdrop, information technology has expanded the realms of education and has added new
dimensions of quality to the ever-changing definition of education quality. Educators now have to give a
second thought to the very nature of learning and also have to search for alternative learning and
development solutions in consideration of the rapid progress of technologies. Teachers are encouraged
to make greater use of these new technological developments. Students also face more flexible
environments where self-initiated education is possible, enabling them to be engaged in learning
throughout a lifetime. Reflecting these challenges and opportunities, a number of researchers have
pointed to the potential of online courses to foster the current trend of pedagogies and learning
environments especially designed according to constructivist principles.Literature states that
constructivist learning environments facilitate the personal construction of knowledge about the
external world. This process is facilitated by environments that represent realities through real-world,
case-based contexts for learning and that facilitate collaborative construction of knowledge.


- To analyze the concept of virtual learning object and environment

- To understand the new and different ways of teaching.

- To create knowledge about factors influencing acceptance of virtual learning environments among
academic students in blended learning environments

- examines factors influencing acceptance of virtual learning environments


-to assess the level of acceptance of Grade 12 Stem student at colegio de dagupan

-to determine the factors influencing the acceptance of VLE for grade 12 STEM students at Colegio de

-to know if there are differences in VLE acceptance by gender and perceived computer competence.

-to examine the contributory factors to students' perceived quality of and satisfaction with online

Scope and Limitations

The main purpose of this research is to determine the level of acceptance of having virtual learning
environment for grade 12 students.

This research is conducted by reading articles related to the study with the use of related sites using
internet. It is performed with fewer amounts of money and limited time framework. The grade 12 senior
high school student in Colegio de Dagupan are the respondents and they will answer the survey papers.

This study has the following limitations that can likely to be remedied in future research:

1. The sample is limited to students who chose to complete the survey.

2. The population of this study is limited to students’ enrollled in grade 12 senior high school.

3. The results come from a single community college. Results may not be generalized to other

4. Responses are limited by the participants’ willingness to honestly self-report and ability to
reliably recall.

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