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Hernia (2009) 13:149–153

DOI 10.1007/s10029-008-0446-1


Inguinal hernia in Nigerian female children: beware of ovary

and fallopian tube as contents
O. D. Osifo Æ M. E. Ovueni

Received: 23 July 2008 / Accepted: 7 October 2008 / Published online: 8 November 2008
Ó Springer-Verlag 2008

Abstract of bowels. In the majority of children below the age of 5

Background The risk of injury to the ovary and fallopian years and in eight (4.5%) older children, the hernias were
tube during herniotomy in female children is quite high, sliding, with ovaries forming part of the inferomedial wall
and reports on the frequency of these organs as inguinal with a high probability of injury during herniotomy.
hernia contents and, as such, prevention from injuries are Conclusion Ovary and fallopian tube were common
not available in this subregion. This study was designed to contents of inguinal hernia sacs in Nigerian female chil-
determine the frequency of ovary and fallopian tube as dren. Efforts should be made to inspect the contents of
contents of inguinal hernias sacs in Nigerian female hernia sacs during herniotomy, while blind transfixion
children. without first opening them to inspect and reduce the con-
Methods An eight-year prospective study was undertaken tents should be avoided.
at two Nigerian healthcare institutions between July 2000
and June 2008. All female children treated with herniotomy Keywords Inguinal hernias  Female  Children 
during the period had their hernia sacs opened and Ovary  Fallopian tube
inspected for their contents, which were documented on a
pro forma.
Results A total of 138 female children aged between Introduction
2 months and 12 years (mean 5 ± 3.4 years) were diag-
nosed with 176 inguinal hernias treated with herniotomy at The processus vaginalis is a prolongation of peritoneum
the two centers and comprised 11.1% of children with into the inguinal canal during the descent of the testis in the
hernias in eight years. On inspection, 145 (82.4%) hernias male fetus and its persistence and patency after birth results
contained either ovary and/or fallopian tube, with the ovary in indirect inguinal hernia in male children. Similar events
being the only content in 82 (46.6%) sacs. The ovary and occur in the female fetus, though to a much lesser degree,
fallopian tube were the contents in 43 (24.4%), while fal- when the peritoneum herniates into the canal of Nuck
lopian tube alone was the content in 20 (11.5%) hernias. It during the descent of the round ligament of the uterus, with
was only in 31 (17.6%) that they were not contents of the its persistence and patency after birth resulting in indirect
hernia sacs, as 21 (11.9%) of these hernias contained per- inguinal hernia in female children [1, 2]. Surgeons require
itoneal fluid, seven (3.9%) omentum, and three (1.7%) loop care to avoid injury to spermatic cord contents during
herniotomy in male children because of the close proximity
of the vas deferens and testicular vessels to the hernia sac,
O. D. Osifo (&)  M. E. Ovueni although many such inadvertent injuries have been repor-
Pediatric Surgery Unit, Department of Surgery,
ted [3, 4]. Unfortunately, herniotomy on female children
University of Benin Teaching Hospital,
P.M.B. 1111, Benin City, Nigeria are often carried out with less care because of the absence
e-mail: of spermatic cord and its contents in the female inguinal
M. E. Ovueni canal. However, much literature [5, 6] have reported inci-
e-mail: dences of various forms of injury to the ovary and fallopian

150 Hernia (2009) 13:149–153

tube in female children who had herniotomy. This is diagnosed with inguinal hernia were recruited for the study.
because the majority of inguinal hernias in female children The procedure was carefully explained to parents/caregiv-
are of the sliding variety with ovary and fallopian tube as ers, following which, their consents were obtained. Only
the main contents [7–9]. These vital reproductive organs the children whose parents/caregivers gave consent were
are, therefore, predisposed to injury in the hands of the included, while the two children whose consents were
unwary surgeons. refused were excluded.
In many resource-poor regions, routine ultrasound scan
is not performed to discover the contents of the hernia sacs Methods
before performing herniotomy on children due to financial
constraints [10–12]. The risk of injury to these organs The children were stabilized before operation and were
could be reduced in such instances if preoperative assess- received at the waiting area of the theater by the nurses and
ment highlights the contents of the hernia sacs. Although transferred to the anesthetic room, where intravenous lines
many females have been reported [6, 13] with infertility were secured. Inhalational general anesthesia was admin-
following inadvertent damage to these internal reproduc- istered via face/laryngeal mask. The inguinal canal was
tive organs during herniotomy performed in childhood, few accessed through a groin crease incision placed just lateral
studies have been done with the aim of reducing the to the pubic tubercle. After delivering the hernia sacs into
catastrophe. The non-availability of manpower and facili- the wound, each were slit open on the superolateral portion
ties required to perform laparoscopic herniotomy and from the fundus down to the level of the deep ring, taking
microsurgical reconstructions of the fallopian tube further care to protect the contents. Thereafter, the contents were
compounds the problem [3, 14]. Also, few studies have inspected and the findings documented on a preformed pro
been undertaken in this subregion to determine the contents forma. Herniotomy was then completed after the contents
of inguinal hernia sacs and the probable risk of injury to the were successfully reduced and the wound was closed in
ovary and fallopian tube during herniotomy in female layers.
In view of this, an eight-year prospective study was Statistical analysis
conducted on female children diagnosed with inguinal
hernias at two healthcare institutions in Nigeria. The aim The data obtained were analyzed using SPSS and presented
was to determine the contents of inguinal hernia sacs in as count, frequency, and percentage. Continuous data were
Nigerian female children, in order to heighten awareness expressed as mean ± standard deviation (SD).
among surgeons, which may lead to a reduction of injury to
these vital reproductive organs during herniotomy.

Patients and methods A total of 138 female children who were aged between
2 months and 12 years (mean 5 ± 3.4 years) were diag-
Study design nosed with 176 inguinal hernias and were treated with
herniotomy at the two centers in eight years. They com-
This eight-year prospective study was undertaken at two prised 11.1% of 1,239 children treated with inguinal
healthcare institutions, University of Benin Teaching hernias and hydrocele (M/F ratio 9:1) and contributed
Hospital (UBTH), Benin City, and Leadeks Medical Centre 12.2% to all herniotomies performed during the period. As
(LMC), which are situated about 10 km apart in the Edo shown in Table 1, 76 (43.1%) hernias were bilateral as
State of Nigeria, between July 2000 and June 2008. The diagnosed in 38 children, 55 (31.3%) right, and 45 (25.6%)
UBTH is located in an urban city with a population of left. The hernias were reducible in the majority (91.5%) of
approximately 2 million people, while the LMC is located children while 15 (8.5%) were irreducible (Fig. 1), with no
in a suburban community with an approximate population incidence of obstructed or strangulated hernia recorded
of 600,000 people in the Ovia North-East Local Govern- among the children. Therefore, all of the hernias were
ment Area. operated as elective cases. Also, the hernias were mainly
groin as seen in 124 (70.5%) and inguinolabial in 52
Recruitment (29.5%) children.
On opening the hernia sacs, there was a high probability
On obtaining approval from the local Ethics Committee of injury to the ovaries and fallopian tubes in 145 (82.4%)
Board of the UBTH, consecutive cases of female children cases as they were the contents. As shown in Fig. 2, the

Hernia (2009) 13:149–153 151

Table 1 The side distribution, contents, nature, and types of female

inguinal hernias treated over the eight years of the study
Side distribution Frequency Percentage

Bilateral 76 43.1
Right 55 31.3
Left 45 25.6
Total 176 100
Ovary alone 82 46.6
Ovary/fallopian tube 43 24.4
Peritoneal fluid alone 21 11.9
Fallopian tube alone 20 11.5
Omentum 7 3.9
Intestine 3 1.7
Total 176 100 Fig. 2 The same girl as in Fig. 1 after the hernia sac was mobilized
Nature into the wound during herniotomy. Note the ovary grasped between
the surgeon’s fingers with dissecting forceps pointing to it
Reducible 161 91.5
Irreducible 15 8.5
(3.9%) had omentum, and three (1.7%) had loop of bowels
Obstructed 0 0
with no evidence of obstruction. In the majority of children
Strangulated 0 0
below 5 years of age, the ovaries were small structures that
Total 176 100
loosely adhered to the inferomedial wall of the hernia sacs.
Each could be mistaken for a pad of fat or lymph node but
Inguinal 124 70.5
careful inspection revealed their vascular appendages.
Inguinolabial 52 29.5
They were easily bluntly dissected and returned to the
Total 176 100
peritoneal cavity. Among the older girls, the hernias were
irreducible in eight (4.5%) who had only ovary as content
and seven (3.9%) of them with omentum.
In the eight children with irreducible hernias, the ovary
formed part of the inferomedial wall of the hernia sacs and
were difficult to reduce into the peritoneal cavity; efforts to
dissect it free failed. As a result, a purse string was applied
at the neck of the hernia sacs and tied under direct vision,
following which the sacs were invaginated into the peri-
toneal cavity. Preoperative ultrasound scan was not
routinely done except in the event of obstruction or stran-
gulation, which were not encountered in these cases. In the
event of strangulation, explorative laparotomy under
endotracheal intubation, and not the use of face/laryngeal
masks as in these uncomplicated hernias, is required. Also,
because of the endemicity of malaria infection and hel-
minthes infestation in this subregion, children who appear
Fig. 1 A 4-year-old girl with right irreducible hernia containing healthy may be having low hematocrit, which contraindi-
ovary cates surgery. Therefore, only preoperative hematocrit,
which helped to reduce the cost of treatment, was used on
ovary was a predominant content because it was the only healthy children. Consequently, 27 (19.6%) and 18 (13%)
content of the hernia sacs in 82 (46.6%) hernias. The ovary children were placed on combinations of hematinic/anti-
and fallopian tube were the contents in 43 (24.4%), while malaria and hematinic/antihelminthes due to malaria
fallopian tube alone was content in 20 (11.5%) hernias. It infection and helminthes infestation, respectively, and had
was only in 31 (17.6%) of the cases that the probability of their surgeries deferred for three weeks. Nevertheless, the
injury to the ovary or fallopian tube was low because 21 post operative course was uneventful in all of the children
(11.9%) of these hernias contained peritoneal fluid, seven and they were discharged home within 24 h of surgery.

152 Hernia (2009) 13:149–153

Discussion which is very prone to obstruction and strangulation, was

rarely content in this series. None of the patients had a
In comparison with male children, inguinal hernia is rare in preoperative ultrasound scan that would have diagnosed
female children, accounting for 11.1% of children treated and determined the viability of the contents before surgery,
with inguinal hernias during this study, which is similar to as reported [10–12] in sophisticated centers, in order to
other reports [15–17]. This is due to the absence of testis in reduce cost. Therefore, hematocrit was the usual preoper-
female children, whose descent results in the protrusion of ative investigation, except in the event of obstruction or
peritoneum into the inguinal canal that may persist after strangulation, which require laparotomy under endotra-
birth and give rise to inguinal hernia. Although inguinal cheal intubation. Hematocrit is routinely done in this
hernia is rare in female children, reported [6–9] associated subregion because of malaria infection and helminthes
injury to the internal reproductive organs during herniot- infestation, which resulted in many healthy looking chil-
omy in young girls is alarming. This has been attributed to dren being anemic in this series. Open herniotomy through
the high number of female hernias with vital reproductive a groin crease incision placed lateral to the pubic tubercle
organs, particularly ovary and fallopian tube, as contents. using face/laryngeal masks gave satisfactory results in this
Of the 176 hernias whose contents were inspected in this study, which was comparable to the results of laparoscopic
study, 145 (82.4%) were found to contain ovary and fal- repair reported [14] in other centers.
lopian tube in different combinations, and these organs ran
the risk of injuries by the unwary surgeons during herni-
otomy, as also noted in similar studies [13–18]. Conclusion
As seen in the majority of children below 5 years of age in
this study, the hernias were of the sliding variety, with Although female children with inguinal hernias were rare
ovaries and fallopian tubes forming part of the inferomedial in this study, the majority of hernias had ovary and fallo-
wall of the hernia sacs, as reported earlier [19]. These ova- pian tube, which were prone to injury in the hands of the
ries were small structures which loosely adhered to the unsuspecting surgeons, particularly in the setting where
hernia sacs and could be taken for a pad of fat or lymph node, preoperative imaging is not routinely performed in order to
except for the vascular appendages. Although they were discover the contents of the hernia sacs before surgery.
easily dissected and returned to the peritoneal cavity, this Efforts should be made to inspect the contents of hernia
was not so among the older girls, eight (4.5%) in whom the sacs in female children during herniotomy, while blind
hernias were irreducible. The application of a purse string transfixion of hernias sacs without first opening them to
suture which was carefully tied under direct vision with the inspect and reduce the contents should be avoided. This is
sacs invaginated into the peritoneal cavity was required to important in order to prevent inadvertent injury to the
protect them from being injured. This was similar to the ovary and fallopian tube, which are common contents.
experiences of previous authors [8, 15–17] and these ovaries
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