Setting Up Zoom Rooms With Office 365

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Setting Up Zoom Rooms with Office 365


When a calendar resource is integrated with a Zoom Room, the room’s TV display,
controller, and Scheduling Display show the meetings scheduled for the room. Members
of your organization can schedule a meeting in a Zoom Room by inviting the room to the
meeting. Conference rooms are assigned as a calendar resource through a calendar
service. Authorizing Zoom to have access to calendar resources enables users to start
and join meetings in the room using one touch.

Before you can add a calendar service for Zoom Rooms, an Office 365 administrator
must do the following:

After the Office 365 administrator completes all steps in each section, they will then use
the credentials of the dedicated user to provide authorization for the Zoom Rooms in
your account to use the calendar service and all of its calendar resources.

An Office 365 Administrator Account with permission to create a new user
The ability to create and manage calendars for rooms

Create a dedicated user for Zoom to access Office 365 calendars

This is how Zoom will sign in to Office 365 to access the room calendars.

1. Sign in to Office 365 as an admin.

2. Add a user in your Office 365 account.
See the Microsoft documentation Add users to Office 365 for instructions.
Example: if your domain is, and you add a user with the User
Name of zoomroomadmin, the email address will be
3. Make note of the email address and password.
4. Proceed to the next section to Create or locate a calendar resource for each

Create or locate a calendar resource for each room

1. Log in to ECP as an admin.

2. Go to Recipients > Resources
3. Click on the plus (+) sign if you need to add a room.
Zoom recommends that you use a prefix (such as ZR) for each room or choose
your own method for easily locating the Zoom Rooms.
4. Make note of the display name and email address of each calendar resource.

5. Proceed to the next section to Delegate rooms to the dedicated user.

Delegate rooms to the dedicated user

1. Log in to ECP as an admin

2. Go to Recipients > Resources
3. Double click the name of a room.
4. Click mailbox delegation.

5. Next to Send As, click the plus (+) sign.
6. Select the dedicated user and click add->.

7. Click OK.
8. Scroll down to Full Access and click on the plus (+) sign.

9. Select the dedicated user and click add->

10. Click OK.
11. Click Save.
12. Repeat steps 3-11 for each room.
13. Proceed to the next section to Enable the dedicated user to edit the Zoom
Rooms calendars.

Enable the dedicated user to edit the Zoom Rooms calendars

1. Sign in to with the dedicated user’s email (such as
2. Open the dedicated user's "Calendar" and from the top navigation, click the
dedicated user’s name to open a drop down menu.
3. Choose "Open another mailbox..."

This will open a Microsoft pop-up dialog window.

4. Enter the name of the calendar resource you created in Section 2.

This will open the calendar resource

5. Click on the calendar in the bottom left
hand corner of the navigation pane for the
calendar resource.
6. Right click Calendar under "Your
Calendars" and choose Sharing

This will open the dialog

7. Enter the email for the dedicated

user, choose Can edit from the
menu, and then click .

8. Open the mailbox for the dedicated user, and accept the invitation from the
calendar resource.

This opens the Calendar tab.

9. Ensure that you see the Zoom Room calendar resource listed on the left side of the
page under Other Calendars.
10. Proceed to the next section to Update the calendar resource settings using
Windows Powershell.

Update the calendar resource settings using Windows Powershell

1. Start Windows PowerShell using the “Run as administrator” option.

This option is available when you right-click the Windows Powershell app without
launching it.
2. Enter following command:

$UserCredential = Get-Credential

3. Enter the Office 365 administrator username/password in the dialog box.

Make sure that this account has permissions for both “Organization Management”
and “Recipient Management”.
4. Prepare the session by running the following command:

$Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri -Credential $UserCredential -Authentication
Basic -AllowRedirection

Note: If you are in China, the command you enter is slightly different. enter the

$Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri -Credential $UserCredential -Authentication Basic -

5. Connect the session using the following command.

Import-PSSession $Session

6. If you see a message that begins “If you see error like “Import-PSSession : Files
cannot be loaded…”, enter the following command:

Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted

Note that this command will fail if you are not running Windows Powershell as an
Administrator, as required in Step 1.
7. Check the settings for the calendar resource with following command, changing the
value for “room_name” to the actual room name value.

Get-CalendarProcessing -Identity "room_name" | Format-

List Identity,DeleteComments,DeleteSubject,AddOrganizerToSubject,RemovePrivateProperty

8. Verify the responses for the following values:

"DeleteSubject", "AddOrganizerToSubject", "DeleteComments", and
In most cases, these values are set to True.

Identity :
DeleteSubject : True
AddOrganizerToSubject : True
DeleteComments : True
RemovePrivateProperty : True

9. Change the settings for the room with following command, changing the value for
“room_name” to the actual room name value.

Set-CalendarProcessing -Identity "room_name" -AddOrganizerToSubject $false -OrganizerInfo

$true -DeleteAttachments $true -DeleteComments $false -DeleteSubject $false -
RemovePrivateProperty $false

After running these commands, the following settings will be set:

Identity :
DeleteSubject : False
AddOrganizerToSubject : False
DeleteComments : False
RemovePrivateProperty : False

If you do not want to show the Calendar topic, change DeleteSubject $false to
DeleteSubject $true
If you see an error such as “The operation couldn't be performed because
object 'Room' couldn't be found on ''.”, that
means the scope of the role group that grants you permission to run the
cmdlet does not include the user/room. Make sure you are logged in with an
admin account, as required in Step 3.

If you see an error such as “Set-CalendarProcessing command not found”,

make sure the administrator account you used to log in to PowerShell has
permissions in “Organization Management” and “Recipient Management”, as
required in Step 3.

10. Check the settings for the room after changing the settings, with the following
command, changing the value for “room_name” to the actual room name value.

Get-CalendarProcessing -Identity "room_name" | Format-List


11. Verify that the responses for the following values have been changed to False:
"DeleteSubject", "AddOrganizerToSubject", "DeleteComments" and

Identity :
DeleteSubject : False
AddOrganizerToSubject : False
DeleteComments : False
RemovePrivateProperty : False

12. Repeat Steps 7-11 for each calendar, changing only the room name in each
13. Disconnect the session with the following command:

Remove-PSSession $Session

14. Close Windows Powershell.

15. Proceed to the next section to Add the calendar service to Zoom.

Add the calendar service to Zoom

To add the Office 365 calendar service to your Zoom account:

1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal as a Zoom Rooms administrator.
2. Choose Calendar Integration, and then click Add Calendar Service.
The Add a Calendar Service dialog displays.

3. Click Office 365.

The Office 365 dialog displays.
4. Type the email address and password of the dedicated user for the calendar

5. If the value is not already automatically filled in, enter the URL for the EWS server.
Be sure to include the entire URL, including the https:// portion.
6. Click Authorize.
The Calendar Integration page shows the calendar service that you added.

Note: See Add a Zoom Room for information on configuring a calendar resource with a
Zoom Room.


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