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DWCV Attendance Monitoring System for Grade 11 Senior High School Students

A Capstone Project Submitted to the

Faculty of the Senior High School

Divine Word College of Vigan

Vigan City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

of the Subject Practical Research

Adrian P. Pacleb

Jerommel G. Ragasa

Daryl D. Rabang

McKinley T. Rumias

April 2019


FOR GRADE 11 SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL prepared and submitted by: ADRIAN P.


RUMIAS, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the subject Practical Research 1

has been examined and recommended for proposal Presentation and Defense.

This is to further certify the Group is ready for Oral Presentation and Defense.


Research Adviser

Mr. JAMES GUZMAN, BSIT This is to certify that the research entitled


HIGH SCHOOL prepared and submitted by the Group is recommended for Oral

Presentation and Defense.


Panel Member


Panel Member Panel Member

Noted by:

Practical Research Coordinator


Approved by the Committee on Oral Presentation and Defense as Passed on



Panel Member


Panel Member Panel Member

Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the subject

Practical Research 1.

Noted by:


Practical Research Coordinator

This is to certify that the Group ________________ has completed all the

requirements for the subject Practical Research 1.

Noted by:


Practical Research Coordinator



Project Context

The advancement of technology today has immersed itself towards education. The

presence of technology has reached its maximum of providing sustainable technology

towards quality education through delivery and effective learning. The Divine Word

College of Vigan is one of the private schools that embrace information and

communication technology. As they immerse themselves information through their

delivery of lessons and form brought about by information technology.

Technologies is a big impact in every student, in fact it’s a big impact all around

the globe. One of the most important impact of technology to students is that it gives

easier access to information around the globe. a single absent has a big impact on the

performance in school. Mostly students of senior high school are prone to absences. It is

because of some reasons that they think it is a boring class, so they are lazy to attend the

class. Some students prefer going to internet café rather than enter the class and some

student cannot refuse to go with Friends. Some of these reasons are not reported to the

parents or guardians because the way of informing them is that they inviting the parents

through telling the students that the parents need to come in school and communicate

with the teacher about the absenteeism of the student. This process takes a long time and

sometimes parents are not able to come because of some reason that the parents are busy

at work; they are away from the school and have an important matter to take care of.

The Divine Word College of Vigan is a private, catholic, institution of higher

learning run by the society of the Divine Word (SVD) in Vigan City, Ilocos Sur,

Philippines. The current president is Rev. Fr. Edsel R. Demillo, SVD, PhD. The

population of the Senior High School Grade 11 is 240 and above the population is

increasing as the years goes on.

Students are more likely to succeed in academics when they attend school

consistently. It’s difficult for the teacher and the class to build their skills and progress if

a large number of students are frequently absent. The study is focused on the attendance

monitoring of the students in the school, Attendance monitoring is an important aspect

within every school, so that schools can determine of who is absent and who arrives late,

With the system providing a user – friendly and effective provides an easier and faster
view of date of every student such as when the faculty or admin is mistaken in the input

of grades, the system provides the means of updating the record. The system can retrieve

information from the database and can view anytime.

The problems that are encountered of the attendance monitoring of the grade 11

DWCV Is Tendency of tardiness, and cutting classes, overcrowding, problems that we

are going to face is the spaces where we will put the scanner because it has many

occupants, teachers sometimes forget to check the attendance, teachers can’t consistently

keep on checking the attendance of the student This project is needed so that the

attendance taking of the student of the grade 11 senior high school will be much easier

and effective. The researchers conduct a research that can help the current problem of the

attendance monitoring system.

The attendance is very important if the topic is study, the senior high school

student’s particularly Grade 11 will be the focus of this subject.

Purpose and Description

This project will be use to record of how many times have they been going to

school, and to keep the record of the students in Grade 11 senior high school.

The purpose is to keep the attendance of the students in the grade 11 senior high

school Divine Word College of Vigan if they are absent or not, if they are late 3 times in

a week he or she will receive a warning then if he or she repeats 3 times in a week within

that’s when the parents comes in, if the absent 40 times in a whole school year the student

will have no choice because it will immediately be a drop for the student. The purpose of

this system is to monitor/manage the attendance of the students in the senior high school
Grade 11 to prevent the students from being absent and to attend their class regularly.

The researcher aims to follow the rules and guidelines of the school.


To make a prototype system that will solve the current problem of the Grade 11

Senior high school, the current problem is that teachers can’t check the attendance of the

students frequently. They are not attending the class and they go to internet cafe to play

online games or maybe they are being lazy to enter their class because it’s boring.

Sometimes students do not enter their class because of unnecessary excuses.

Scope and Limitations

The study is mainly focused on the development of DWCV Attendance

Monitoring System for Senior High School Grade 11. A prototype system will be use to

improve the way the Grade 11 Senior High School department take student attendance

and provide attendance report to teachers. The system incorporates Barcode Reader

Technology to verify, monitor, and record student’s attendance by simply scanning the

barcode ID with stored student Information. The system stands alone. The system

however, would not print ID cards since the school has its printing system that capable of

printing ID cards with barcode. The DWCV Attendance Monitoring System for Senior

High School only validate the barcode ID cards that the student would use. Lastly the

system is delimited to the Grade 11 Senior High School student.


Review of Related Literature and Studies

Saheed, (2016) According to Database Management System Using Barcode

identification on students' identity cards.

All academic institutions have certain criteria for students regarding their attendance in

class and examinations. The importance of student attendance in class cannot be over

emphasized, as a result of this, administrators and lecturers of various academic

institutions are concerned with the attendance irregularities. In the process of admitting

students into an examination hall inmost Nigerian institutions, 70% of attendance must be

met and also considered for grade computation, therefore there is a huge need for
monitoring and recording students’ attendance. This study is similar to other studies that

are currently developing, this is the DWCV attendance monitoring system for Grade 11

Senior High the similarities is that the school is they mainly focused on monitoring the

attendance of students, and the difference is that this study is that barcode scanner is in

used to monitor the attendance of the students.

Raj, (2016) According to Student Database Management and Enquiry

System Using Barcode Scanner. Student’s attendance plays a very vital role to justify

their overall academic performance. Unfortunately, there is no automated attendance

record maintenance system available in schools and colleges for the students. Today with

advanced technology, they’re a lot of technologies are being used in this century. Several

software apps are created to make the data that are saved online and access the stored

data manually. The similarity of this study to our study is that this will help the students

academically, and the dissimilarity is that our system uses a barcode, they record the

attendance manually.

Prajapati, (2017) According to Barcode Based Student Record System.

Barcode based student record system (B.B.S.R.S) is used to keep a record of every

student in a single system. In the project we are using barcodes. These barcodes are

nothing but a machine-readable code in the form of patterns. At the time of admission,

each student is assigned a unique barcode. This unique barcode is generated by student

personal information and enrollment number and by using a barcode scanner these

barcodes are used to retrieve the student information from the database. Here the object is

the student whose data needs to be retrieved. This study is similar to the other study
because it both uses barcode readers, the advantages is that this system is already built,

but on our research is in the process.

Akshatha Alankrutha Janitha Lavita Smitha (2017) According To Student

Authentication and Verification System Using a Barcode Scanner. College provides

various facilities like access to the central computer center and library for the student. At

Present students maintain separate cards namely the student ID card for the central

computer center and a library card for the library facility. Also, the entries like in-time

and out-time for the library and central computer center are manually entered. This web

application is developed in view to eliminate the use of multiple cards to access college

facilities like central computer center and library and also to minimize the manual work.

Barcode Based Student Authentication and Verification System is an application that

utilizes a barcode scanner to record and maintain the arrival and departure time of the

students to the library and central computer center. This application has a user-friendly

interface and the student is only allowed to scan the card and not permitted to use the

application. The main hardware that is to be used is the barcode scanner. This barcode

scanner is used in order to read a barcode. this study has a similarities to the study that we

are currently conducting in which they are both using barcode scanner to record and

maintain the arrival and leaving departure time of students of the senior high school grade


Saicharan, S & Dhikhi, T. (2016) According to understudy attendance system

utilizing a barcode scan. The project is a system that takes down understudy attendance

utilizing barcode. This is an interesting concept set forth to automate the traditional
attendance system by using the authentication technique. The traditional system requires

a register maintained for manually marking attendance for the students which is time

consuming. Hence this proposed project eliminates the need for maintaining the

attendance sheet. The proposed system uses the barcode method for authenticating

students with a unique barcode that represents their unique id. Each understudy is

furnished with a card that contains the standardized identification. Understudies simply

need to check their cards utilizing scanner tag per user and the framework notes down

their participation according to dates. The Framework then stores every one of the

understudies' participation records and creates defaulter rundown and reports for the

administrator. The similarity of this research and our research is that they both intend to

reduce the time being consumed in taking the attendance. The dissimilarity is that our

research is only focused on the grade 11 in DWCV.

Rahul, M (2016) According To Student Attendance System and Monitoring

Using RFID and Processing. The Traditional attendance system is used to track the

attendance of a particular person and it is applied in various industries, business

organizations, schools, universities or working places. Mostly way for taking attendance

has limitations like, the attendance list is once usable and such type includes manually

tracing attendance on papers or registers. Here we have proposed an approach called

“SASMRP: Smart Attendance System and Monitoring using RFID Process” Where we

use the radio frequency (RF) as a means of communication between the attendance

management server and the RFID Card Readers placed in the various classrooms or
lecture room. This research approach tries to attempt a more efficient Information

Communication Technology (ICT). The Proposed work of SASMRP is collecting and

managing students attendance records from RFID devices installed in the lecture halls.

On this study is that they track the Attendance of the person by using “SASMRP: Smart

Attendance System and Monitoring using RFID Process” wherein they use frequency to

track the attendance of the person but in this study of DWCV Attendance Monitoring

System they will us a barcode scanner to track the attendance of the students. It will track

only the students because the study focuses on the Grade 11 Senior Highschool only.

This system is different than our system because our research does not use frequency, it

uses barcode reader.

Kanishk S, (2016) According To Attendance Management by Using Barcode

and Raspberry Pi. The main objective of this setup is to make a system that can count the

attendance of the gathering present at a given place. For this only the attendants have to

carry a barcoded ID which has to be scanned. As counting of attendance especially when

the number is greater than a hundred is usually cumbersome and time consuming. The ID

issued to the attendants will be scanned by a barcode reader installed at the entrance of

the hall where the attendance has to be counted. A microcomputer attached to this reader

will maintain a list of all the scanned specimens and will store the data in its memory.

Also, the microcomputer can be programmed to mail this list to a server so that a record
can be maintained if the attendance is taken regularly, along with the duration of the

lecture. This process will eliminate the case of fake attendances and will give the time of

class only for studying rather than wasting it for attendance. The similarities of this

research and to our research is that both uses barcode scanner to scan the id’s and makes

attendance management easier and less time waste.

Kumar, M.R (2017) According To Smart Attendance and Live Location

Mapping Using UHF RFID. Attendance is an important factor in any organization. It is

now becoming more complex due to manual work and evolution of systems like barcode

reader, a biometric sensor, smart card, etc. Comparing with RFID (Radio Frequency

Identification) based attendance system they are time consuming and complex process.

RFID plays a good path in the management of attendance using UHF (Ultra High

Frequency) RFID reader with IR sensor and passive tags without dealing with any queues

and delay. It also provide location mapping of each moving entity in the organizations.

The main work of the proposed system is the implementation of a passive RFID tag to

each moving entity in an organization and sensing it by using UHF RFID reader for

attendance management and live location spotting of that moving entity in the

organization. The dissimilarity of this system to our system is that our system uses

barcode scanner while this research uses RFID (Radio Frequency Identification), and the

similarity is that it aims to make things easier and faster for the people.

Lakshmi S, K, at.el (2015) According To Barcode Based Student Attendance

System. Student attendance play significant role in order to justify academic outcome of a

student and college as overall. Unfortunately, there is no automated attendance record

keeping application available in colleges. There is a need for a tool to systematically keep

the student’s attendance record due to increasing number of college students The project

that we are going to make is to help the teachers in our college to avoid maintaining the

registry book.This project uses a barcode scanner. B.B.S.A.S uses Barcodescanner to take

the attendance of students entering the lab. Each student’s ID card will have a barcode at

the back side of it. Student will scan their barcode at the end so that the student can’t

cheat. Barcode based student attendance system this study is similar to other study that is

currently developing, the advantage of our study the similarities is that it intends to

maximize the security of taking attendance because student will scan their barcode at the

end so that the student can’t cheat.

Gaikwad M, (2017) According To Barcode Student in out System. Plays a

significant role in order to justify in out entry of a student in a college as overall.

Unfortunately, there is no automated entry exit record keeping application available in

colleges. There is a need for a tool to systematically keep the student’s entry exit record

due to increasing number of college students. This project uses a barcode scanner.

B.B.S.I.O.S uses Barcode scanner to take the entry exit record of students entering the

college campus. Each student’s ID card will have a barcode at the back side of it. This

study is similar to other study that is currently developing, the similarities is that it both

uses a barcode scanner to scan the id’s of the students and its making the attendance

easier thanks to the barcode scanner because the student will just insert or let the barcode

reader scan the students id and it will instantly send to the attendance sheet of the teacher

or adviser.


In the development of the system being created that is called attendance

management system and only for the Senior High School Grade 11 in Divine Word

College of Vigan the following requirements are presented:


Programming Language: Visual basic 6.0

Database: Microsoft access 2013

Operating system: Windows 8


Random access memory: At least: 2 GB

Hard Disk: At least 500 GB

Processor: At least 1.60GHz

Barcode Scanner: 2D QR 1D USB

Barcode Scanner

CCD Redlight

PDF417 Screen

scanning Barcode

Software Requirement is a functional or non-functional need to be implemented

in the system. Functional means providing particular service to the user. According to


m/learn-software-requirements-analysis-with-case-study.html. Software requirement can

also be a non-functional, it can be a performance requirement. For example, a non-

functional requirement is where every page of the system should be visible to the users

within 5 seconds. The developers will use these softwares to develop their DWCV

Attendance Monitoring System.

Visual Basic 6.0 it is a programming language form Microsoft. According to

Kenton (2019) VBA allows users to customize beyond what is normally available with

MS Office host applications—VBA is not a stand-alone program—by manipulating

graphical-user-interface (GUI) features such as toolbars and menus, dialogue boxes, and

forms. You may use VBA to create user-defined functions (UDFs), access Windows
application programming interfaces (APIs), and automate specific computer processes

and calculations. The developer will use Visual Basic as a development tool to develop

DWCV for the Attendance Monitoring System for senior High school Grade 11 because

its easy to use.

Microsoft access 2010 According to Microsoft Access retrieve April 29, 2019

from Microsoft Access is

a pseudo-relational database engine from Microsoft. It is part of the Microsoft Office

suite of applications that also includes Word, Outlook and Excel, among others. Access

is used for both small and large database deployments. This is partly due to its easy-to-

use graphical interface, as well as its interoperability with other applications and

platforms such as Microsoft’s own SQL Server database engine and Visual Basic for

Applications (VBA). This Application will be use for the DWCV Attendance

Monitoring System for Grade 11 Senior High school for storing the gathered data or

record that the barcode scanner reader.

Windows 8 According to Windows 8 retrieve April 30, 2019 from The goal of the new Windows 8 interface is

to function on both traditional desktop PCs, such as desktop computers and laptops, as

well as tablet PCs. This flexibility allows Windows 8 to run on a wide range of desktop

and portable devices and it is especially well-suited for hybrid computers that include a

touchscreen as well as a keyboard and mouse. The Developers of the DWCV Attendance

Monitoring System for Grade 11 Senior High school choose Windows 8 as their

operating system because their system will run smoothly on this OS.
Hardware Requirement As stated by Fisher (2010), hardware refers to the

physical components that make up a computer system. There are many different kinds of

hardware that can be installed inside and connected to the outside of a computer.

However, there are several standard pieces of hardware that can be found as part of

nearly every computer. The developers choose this hardware so that their system DWCV

Attendance Monitoring for Grade 11 Senior High school will work more efficient.

Memory A minimum of 2GB was used to support the system functionality.

According to RAM (Random Access Memory) retrieve April 29, 2019 from RAM

(Random Access Memory) is the hardware in a computing device where the operating

system (OS), application programs and data in current use are kept so they can be quickly

reached by the device's processor. RAM is the main memory in a computer, and it is

much faster to read from and write to than other kinds of storage, such as a hard disk

drive (HDD), solid-state drive (SSD) or optical drive. The developer should know the

minimum amount of RAM for their DWCV Attendance Monitoring system for Grade 11

Senior High school so that their system will work optimal.

Processor At least 1.60GHz was used to control center for the computer, and it

carries out the computations that allow the computer to function to Attendance

Management System. According to Processor retrieve April 29, 2019 from A processor, or "microprocessor," is a small

chip that resides in computers and other electronic devices. Its basic job is to

receive input and provide the appropriate output. While this may seem like a simple task,

modern processors can handle trillions of calculations per second. The processor will
work smoothly when the RAM is large just like 2GB and it will process more data on the

DWCV Attendance Monitoring System for Senior High school.

Hard disk According to hard Disk retrieve April 29, 2019 from A hard disk is part of a unit --

often called a disk drive, hard drive or hard disk drive -- that stores and provides

relatively quick access to large amounts of data on an electromagnetically charged

surface or set of surfaces. On the study of DWCV Attendance Monitoring for Grade 11

Senior High school system The Developer should pick large amount of hard disk so that

it will store more data coming from the barcode scanner and ms access.

Barcode Scanner also known as a barcode reader is an electronic device that

decodes and physically captures information contained in barcodes. According to How a

Barcode Reader Works retrieve April 29, 2019 from Barcode

scanners can be extremely simple devices made up of a light source, a photo diode and a

simple decoder or complex CCD or camera based scanners. Learn how barcode scanners

work and how to scan barcodes into a computer.

This will be the tool that the developer will use in their Attendance Monitoring

System for Grade 11 Senior High school to scan the barcode on the ID’s of the students

on Grade 11 Senior High school.



The development of Attendance Monitoring System of the Senior High School

Divine Word College of Vigan, Utilized the waterfall Model along with the following

phases as illustrated.\

Figure 1






The Waterfall Model is a sequential software development process in which

progress is seen as flowing steadily downwards (like a waterfall), as you can see through

the phases: Requirements specification, design, implementation, integration. testing,

installation, and maintenance. To successfully follow the waterfall model, one must

proceed from one phase to the next constantly. The waterfall model originates in the

manufacturing industries; structured physical environments in which after the fact

changes are prohibitively costly, if it’s possible, since there are no formal software

development methodologies existed in the times, this model was adopted for software-


The description waterfall model is often cited as a 1970 article by Winston W.

Royce, Although Winston did not use the word, “Waterfall” Winston presented this

model as an example of a fault, non-working model, This, in fact, is how the term is

generally used in writing about software development, to describe a critical view of a

community used software development practice.

Requirement Specifications is a document that take absolute description about how the

system is expected to perform the engineering phase. According Morse (2016) waterfall

model is a software development process. The waterfall model emphasizes that a logical

progression of steps be taken throughout the software development life cycle (SDLC)

much like the cascading steps down an incremental waterfall. While the popularity of the

waterfall model has waned over recent years in favor of more agile methodologies the

logical nature of the sequential process used in the waterfall method cannot be denied and

it remains a common design process in the industry. Sami 2018 also stated that the

Waterfall Model is a linear sequential flow. In which progress is seen as flowing steadily
downwards (like a waterfall) through the phases of software implementation. This means

that any phase in the development process begins only if the previous phase is complete.

The waterfall approach does not define the process to go back to the previous phase to

handle changes in requirement.

In this stage of the project, the proponents conducted inquiry and observation about

Divine Word College of Vigan to the following questions, what are the problems and

needs that are experienced, who are going to use this system, this approach the type of

functionality the system should provide and perform.

Design This system design helps in specifying hardware and system requirements and

helps in defining the overall system architecture. https://search software (February 2019) A design specification

document is created to outline technical design requirements such as programming

language, hardware, data sources, architecture and services. In this point of the project,

details on how the system works involves the system design were manufactured. After

gathering more information, flow of data and activities were represented through the use

of system models such as Relationship Diagram (ERD) for the proposed system.

Implementation is an energetic and effective service sector is important for the

implementation of its policies. According to https://search customer (May 2015) is the carrying out,

execution, or practice of a plan, a method, or any design, idea, model, specification,

standard or policy for doing something. In this period of the study is evidently

important, the proponents made things work through the use of codes, it is necessary to
ensure the functionality of the system, to avoid upon testing it with the clients and to have

a fluid operation once in use.

Verifications is the procedure of research, examination, and so on, required to

demonstrate or build up credibility or legitimacy an additional or final little bit of proof

that establishes one thing is true. According to 2019 The process of

evaluating work-products (not the actual final product) of a development phase to

determine whether they meet the specified requirements for that phase.

In this phase the project is tested to check whether it meets the requirements of

the customer. This is when the Qa engineers appear on the scene

Maintenance There are some issues which come up in the client environment. To fix

those issues, patches are released. https://searchsoftware (February 2019) Corrective, adaptive

and perfective maintenance is carried out indefinitely to improve, update and enhance the

final product. This could include releasing patch updates or releasing new versions. In

this phase they will maintain the system for it will work functional for a very long time

and if they will have a features to their system they will easily install it to the system.


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