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Tourism Master Plan

2016 - 2021
Mahalaxmi Municipality

Submitted by


Mahalaxmi Municipality -4 Lalitpur
Tourism Master Plan of Mahalaxmi Municipality is a project of municipality. The technical
assistance for this project and the funding support was of Municipality. The final document
constitutes the outcome of extensive research and analysis, experts’ interview and several rounds
of ward level consultations with tourism industry stakeholders’ community, groups and various
government departments and agencies.

The planning process was coordinated and documented by LTDC with the guidance of Ministry
of Tourism, culture and civil aviation, Ministry of federal affairs and Local Government,
Mahalaxmi Municipality, Tourism Sub Committee, Council, coordinators of Ward Citizen
Forum and Social Mobilizers.

We heartily acknowledge Minister of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation: Mr. Ananda
Pokharel, Director, Ministry of Culture Tourism and Civil Aviation : Dandu Raj Ghimire ,
Member of HAN: Pushpa Thapalia, Members of Tourism Board : Krishna Aryal, Chairperson
Friends Council service Nepal : Surya Bahadur Thapa, Advisor of Ministry of Tourism :
Gobinda Surendra Joshi, Prof. Shree Raj Joshi, Chairperson of Nepal Mountaineering
Association (NMA) : Ang Chhiring Sherpa, and Mr. Krishna Prasad Sapkota – Executive
officer of Mahalaxmi Municipality and his entire official family of Municipality.

Lankuribhanjyang Tourism Development Committee

Mahalaxmi -4 Lamatar Lalitpur

The development of this master plan formed as a part of technical assistance program for the
Mahalaxmi Municipality in efforts to improve the competitiveness of its tourism industry.

The objective of this master plan is to move the industry to a path of sustainability. The plan
seeks to guide the industries development over the next decade by creating a strategic vision for
its growth and development and establishing an enabling environment to help it to realize the
vision. It is also a detail planning of local projects and initiatives. The master plan will be using
the tourism plan as a frame of reference. Tourism is respecting mechanism of tourists. It is based
on the interests of tourists and availability of interesting tourism product determines the future of
tourism. The plan must be matched with programs. The municipality has to develop the code of
conduct. Culture preservation security must be guaranteed. The Municipality has to focus on
Newari and Tamang living culture. Lubhu Lamataar was a historical place around in 2021 BS
but it has seriously decreased its development and recognition. Leaders have to be trained.
Tourism is business. It would be a continuous process with entrepreneurial skills. It should be
developed and familiarize as a marketing product.

The Master plan was submitted to the municipality for further discussion and enrichment. The
final tourism master plan was developed through the process of wide consultation not only with
direct stakeholders in the industry. But also with communities throughout the municipality From
Baisakh to Ashad 2073, series of consultation and field visits took place. We visited all 19 ward
citizen forum coordinators, social mobilizers, tourism subcommittee and other stakeholders. It
will be implemented from fiscal year 073/74.

Madhabh Paudel


Lankuri Bhanjyang Tourism Development Committee

Executive Summary
The Tourism Development Master plan is an intensive research document. Entire facts and figure
are justified from stakeholders and respondents. Although it is a historical research so facts and
figures are not tested and verified. References are not completely based on research works.
However available documents, field visits, historical inscriptions and people’s saying and beliefs
justify it.

This document is the collection of facts, potentialities of tourism development and guideline for
municipality, tourism businessmen, tourism students, and development stakeholders.
Methodologically it is an intensive literature review on history of the Municipality and focal
group discussion with Ward Citizen Forum Members Social Mobilizers and Citizen Awareness
Centre members of Municipality. Researcher had visited the field and interviewed with the local
people. It has conducted interaction programs with experts, investors, government personnel and

The minister of Culture Tourism and Civil Aviation, Director, Advisers, Chief Districts Officers,
Local Development Officers, Professors, Tourism entrepreneurs have taken part on the grand
mega interaction program. Entire ideas, from the interaction have been incorporated. Research
on tourism development in developing countries is relatively recent, growing during the last
twenty years. Interest in eco-tourism and sustainable tourism has emerged in the last ten years, as
a response to growing awareness of the negative impacts of tourism. It is now increasingly
accepted that tourism development needs to be planned and that this should involve local people
at all stages of development. Similarly Mahalaxmi Municipality tourism master plan will be the
guideline for municipality and other tourism stake holders to develop the Municipality. It is an
authentic research based Master plan.


Bharat Pd. Badal

Visiting Faculty

Central Department of Rural Development

Table of contents
1. Introduction 1
1.1.Background 1
1.2.Purpose of Master plan 3
1.3.Role of the plan 4
1.4.Methodology 4

2. Strategic Plan 6
2.1.Vision 6
2.2.Guiding principles 7
2.3.Definition of tourism in Mahalaxmi Municipality 7
2.4.Bases of sustainability 7

3. Reviews
3.1.History 8
3.2.Shringi Rishi 9
3.3.International Policies 13
3.4.National policies 15
3.5.Provincial policies 16
3.6.Municipal policies

4. Tourisms of Mahalaxmi Municipality 17

4.1.Background 17
4.2.Status and Potentialities of Tourism 18
4.3.Laankuri Bhanjyang Tourism 33
4.4.Pilgrimage Tourism 35
4.5.Analysis of Mahalaxmi 38

4.6.Cultural Heritage tourism 41

4.7.Eco – Tourism 42
4.7.1. Riverside Tourism 43
4.7.2. Hillsides Recreational Tourism 44
4.7.3. Agro – Forest Tourism 44
4.8.Research and Education Tourism 45
4.9.Social Welfare Tourism 46
5. Tourism Planning (Timeline Framework) 47
5.1.For Fiscal Year 2073/74 47
5.2.For Fiscal Year 2074/75 48
5.3.For Fiscal Year 2075/76 49
5.4.For Fiscal year 2076/77 50
5.5.For Fiscal Year 2077/78 50

6. Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations 51

7. References 52
8. Appendix
A - Nepal Mahatmya 53
B - Comments of Experts 54
C – Maps 58

Abbreviations and Acronyms

CAC Citizen Awareness Centre

HAN Hotel Association of Nepal

LBs Local Bodies

MM Mahalaxmi Municipality

MO Ministry of …

NMA Nepal Mountaineering Association

SM Social Mobilizers

TAAN Travel Agent’s Association Nepal

WCF Ward Citizen Forum

1. Introduction
1.1 Background

To have institutional development of local bodies capable of bearing responsibility, by providing

such responsibility and power at the local level as is necessary to formulate and carry out plans,
and Constitute local bodies for the development of the local self-governance system in a manner
that they are able to make decisions on the matters affecting the day-to-date needs and lives of
the people, by developing local leadership (Government of Nepal, 1999) so the people have to
make the plan and according as the preamble of this act, the Tourism Master Plan has been
developed. It provisions formulation of local development plan according to needs-based,
bottom-up and participatory approach. It has prominently defined tangible steps for formulation
of such development plan. Underlying objective of this plan is to make investment for planned
development within each of the local bodies’ territory.
Ultimately, development endeavors help attaining sustainable livelihood and improved well-
being of people. People’s needs for sustainable livelihood and improved well-being are such that
they require better access to information, markets and opportunities; they need better access to
health, education and other goods and services. Accordingly, gradual investment in physical
infrastructure development evolved urbanized and semi-urbanized settlements leading to
improved access to various services, opportunities and resources by interior communities from
state owned and private entities. The future is not completely beyond our control. It is the work
of our own hands. - Robert F. Kennedy. In the simplest terms, a master plan is a planning
document that serves to guide the overall character, physical form, growth, and development of a
community. It describes how, why, where, and when to build or rebuild a city or town. It
provides guidance to local officials when they are making decisions on budgets, ordinances,
capital improvements, zoning and subdivision matters, and other growth-related issues.

Master plan is a guide to the future, a reference document, a summary of local actions and a
source of information (New Hampshire Municipal Corporation, 2010). So The Basic
Characteristics of a Master Plan are • It’s physical. • It’s long-range. • It’s comprehensive. • It’s a
guide to decision making. • It’s a statement of public policy (New Hampshire Municipal
Corporation, 2010). Thus the master plan tries to answer the issues related to the tourism
development of Mahalaxmi Municipality.
The tourism sector of Nepal has been an important sector for many decades in generating foreign
exchange and employment in the country. It is a growing sector with huge potentials for
investment and development the natural beauty of the country, the diversity of its flora and
fauna, important pilgrimage sites revered by the Hindus and the Buddhists and a haven for
mountaineers have been the prime attracting factors for the growth in this sector, which has
primarily been led by private enterprises. Although sometimes in the past other sectors such as
the carpet and the garment industries have outstripped the tourism sector in terms of foreign
exchange earnings and employment generation, time and again tourism has rebounded back to be
an important sector in generating foreign exchange and employment in the country However,
Nepal’s tourism sector has not performed well relative to other similar developing countries
despite its endowment of a rich natural heritage.

Mahalaxmi Municipality (MM) is a historic town of Lalitpur District which is formed by

integrating four historic villages i.e. historic village of Shringasram Lamatar, Rural Textile City
with Mahalaxmi temple Lubhu, small and beautiful typical Newari settlement Siddipur, Land of
Tikeswor Mahadev Tikathali and Land of Pearls –Motitaar Imadol. Mahalaxmi Municipality is
natural unification of Lamatar, Lubhu, Siddipur, Tikathali and Imadol VDCs of Lalitpur. It is
located in South West part of Kathmandu valley and in six kilometer distance from Tribhuvan
International Airport. Rayale Kushadevi of Kavre district is in east, Lalitpur Submetro City is in
west, Godawari Municipality of Lalitpur is in South and Kathamndu Metropolitan City of
Kathmandu, Madyapur and Anantalingeswor Municipalities are situated in North side of
Mahalaxmi Municipality.

Among those five villages Laankuri Bhanjyang is situated in eastern hills of Lamatar village with
stunning view of High Himalayan Ranges is outstandingly emerging tourism hub for youngsters.
It is also renowned as Nagarkot of Lalitpur. Rishaal Danda, Ganeshman Singh Memorial Park,
Resort Area, Army Area, Shringeri Cave, Manamohan Memorial View Tower, Kamadhenu
Cave, Daregaunda and Kot Danda are collectively united as Lankuri Bhanjyang as a significant
tourism destination of Mahalaxmi Municipality (Mahalaxmi Municipality, 2072). These places
are naturally very beautiful and people can view sunrise and famous majestic snowcapped
mountains like Mt. Ganesh, Mt, Gaurishankar, Mt. Manasulu and some western part of Mt.
Everest including entire Kathmandu Valley. The stunning beauty of natural Jungles, birds, down
valley, high Himalayan Mountains and wonderful culture attract and make everyone to spend
their whole life here.

Mahalaxmi Municipality is located at Southeast of Kathmandu Valley. It is composed of five

VDCs, of which Imadol, Lubhu and Tikathali were categorized as Urbanizing VDC and Lamatar
and Siddhipur as Rural VDC. The boundary of Municipality is shared with Anantalingeshowr
Municipality, Madhayapur Municipality, Laltitpur Metropolitan City and Godawari VDC. The
Municipality has occupied 26.5 Total population of Municipality is 62172 in 14930
household with 31071 male and 31101 female. Average household size is 4.26 Person.
Population distribution among different age group show that majority of population is between
15-59 Years (Mahalaxmi Municipality, 2072)

Literacy rate of the Municipality is 82.1% of which 90.9% of male are literate whereas only
73.4% female are literate. Mahalaxmi Municipality caters two Traditional cities Lubhu (about 9
ha) and siddhipur (about5.3ha). Majority of Population are Newars followed by Chhetree,
brahaman, Tamnag, and others. Being traditional Newari settlements, more than 80 % in
Siddhipur and more than 50% in Lubhu are Newars. Majority of Population in Imadol and
Tikhathali are Chhetree whereas in lamatar, Chhetri and Brahman are found almost equal in
number (Mahalaxmi Municipality, 2072). The plan shows Cultural and Natural Heritages of
Mahalaxmi Municipality. The Opportunities mentioned in the document shows that 65% of land
is in constraint free area, so, there is space for development (Mahalaxmi Municipality, 2072).
The plan presents the list of famous and potential cultural and natural heritage of Mahalaxmi
Municipality. So the Municipality must be able to analyze the sites and its potentiality with the
members of concern WCF and tourism stakeholders.

1.2 Purpose of Master plan

Tourism is the driver of all other development activities. A sound tourism directly and indirectly
creates, jobs, imports knowledge and technology, increases social, political and economic
coordination and Amenities or facilities developed for tourism will be also useful for local
peoples. The practical tourism campaign can easily transform the society with people’s social
welfare motive (Shakya, 2008). People must be involved with the feelings of social welfare in
the development of Tourism of the places. Thus to unite, orient, train and facilitate people it is
necessary to make a practical master plan of tourism. Development is only possible if it starts
from people with the feeling of Philanthropy. To explore the historicity and cultural traits, to
identify the tourism potentialities, to increase social, economic and political status of people, to
establish a sustainable tourism and to establish tourismatic relation with national and
international institutions the Tourism Development Master Plan is very important.

Lalitpur Sub metro City in the west and Godawary Municipality in the south of Mahalaxmi
Municipality are already very strong and sound in national and international arena. So with the
outcomes of the Master plan and effective coordination Mahalaxmi Municipality can increase the
stay of tourists in Lankuri Bhanjyang. One who visits Patan or Godawary must stay one night in
Lankuri Bhanjyang to view the sunrise of next morning, cool and calm Kathmandu Valley and
snowcapped Mountains.

Lubhu is traditional economic hub of textile industry; it is typical Newari cultural and
archaeological town. It needs intensive research and exploration. So the Municipality has to
invite different universities, scholars and students for research activities. So to develop new
paradigm on Educational Tourism the master plan gives the space.

The Vision of the project is To increase the social, economic and political status of the people,
Mahalaxmi Municipality will be a pioneering people centric tourist destination of Nepal with
complete Attraction, Access, Accommodations and Amenities from educational perspective
providing Beauty to see from Eyes, Good to hear from Ear, Good to smell from nose, Good tasty
food to eat from mouth, relaxing warm or cool treatment of body and skin, hands full of Cash
and adventure of human nature to a tourist.
Mission of the project is to make a Tourism Development Master Plan of Mahalaxmi
Municipality. The specific objectives are as follows

A. To recognize Lankuri Bhanjyang as a major tourism destination of the valley.

B. To identify, classify and develop other tourism destinations of Mahalaxmi Municipality;
C. To Make a five year Tourism Master Plan of Mahalaxmi Municipality
D. To make a plan for competent tourism human resources of Municipality.

So to achieve the specified objectives the following activities are carried on

1.3 Role of the plan

Research on tourism development in developing countries is relatively recent, growing during

the last twenty years. Interest in eco-tourism and sustainable tourism has emerged in the last ten
years, as a response to growing awareness of the negative impacts of tourism. It is now
increasingly accepted that tourism development needs to be planned and that this should involve
local people at all stages of development (Heredge, 2003). Similarly Mahalaxmi Municipality
tourism master plan will be the guideline for municipality and other tourism stake holders to
develop the Municipality. It is an authentic research based Master plan. So presented date and
resources are more useful to implement the plan.

1. Tourism has significant potential as a driver for growth for the world economy
2. Green tourism has the potential to create new jobs and reduce poverty
3. Tourism development can be designed to support the local economy and poverty
4. Investing in the greening of tourism can reduce the cost of energy, water, and waste and
enhance the value of biodiversity, ecosystems and cultural heritage
5. Tourists are demanding the greening of tourism.
6. The private sector, especially small firms, can, and must be mobilized to support the
7. Destination planning and development strategies are the first step towards the Municipal
8. Government investments and policies can leverage private sector actions on Municipal
9. The plan will guide and motivate the stakeholders
10. Plan provides the information of different location of touristic places and their

1.4 Methodology
Methodologically it is an intensive literature review on history of the Municipality and focal
group discussion with WCF members, SMs, WSs and CAC members of Municipality.
Researcher had visited the field and interviewed with the local people. It has conducted
interaction programs with experts, investors, government personnel and stakeholders (Members
of HAN, TAAN, and NMA etc.). Researcher has visited all the wards taken photographs, talked
with common people about the history and potentialities of tourismatic products of the area.
Collected touristic sites are divided in natural and cultural heritages. Those identified sites are
analyzed according as the historical perspective and concepts analyzed by local people. Cultural
heritages are analyzed so the basis of ecology and environment conservation. Whereas the
cultural heritages are analyzed to develop it as its original historical forms to explore and to
popularize all over the world.
2 Strategic Plan
2.1 Vision of Tourism in Mahalaxmi Municipality

महालक्ष्मी नगरपाललकाको पहहचान

पर्ााटककर् गन्तब्र् लााँकुरी भन्जर्ाांग

Identity of our Mahalaxmi Municipality

Tourism Destination- Bhanjyang the Lankuri

This is the Visionary slogan of Tourism in Mahalaxmi Municipality. Only lankuri Bhanjyang can
give the international recognition of Mahalaxmi Municipality. Rio deGenerio, Phuket, Goa Bali
etc. are famous from tourism. Similarly Mahalaxmi Municipality will be famous through the
development of tourism in Laankuri Bhanjyang as it has to be a pioneering green people centric
tourist destination of Nepal with complete Attraction, Access, Accommodations and Amenities
from educational perspective. Tourism depends upon Beauty to see from Eyes, Good to hear
from Ear, Good to smell from nose, Good tasty food to eat from mouth, relaxing warm or cool
treatment of body and skin, hands full of Cash and adventure of human nature to a tourist. So
Laankuri Bhanjyang is the playing garden of Angels, Apsaras, Urvashis and Rishi Bhivandak
and Rishi Shringi. It is a small heaven in the earth. We can make Mahalaxmi through the

2.2 Guiding principles

Tourism is the driver of socio economic development of a specified territory. To develop and
spray the fame of the Municipality all over the world, tourism will be the useful tool.

Policies related to tourism: Developing ecology-friendly tourism industry as an important

foundation of economy by identification, preservation, promotion and advertisement of Nepal's
historical, cultural, religious, archaeological and natural heritages, formulating necessary policies
and creating necessary environment for tourism culture and prioritizing local people in
distributing benefits of tourism industry (Government of Nepal, 2015) Under the Nepalese
constitution 2015 the directive policy of Tourism has been clearly specified in part four clauses
51 (tha). So Master plan of Mahalaxmi Municipality is guided by the provision. "Tourism is
valued as the major contributor to a sustainable Nepal economy, having developed as an
attractive, safe, exciting and unique destination through conservation and promotion,
leading to equitable distribution of tourism benefits and greater harmony in society"
(Government of Nepal, 2009) The vision of tourism 2020 of Nepal has guided the plan.

2.3 Definition of tourism in Mahalaxmi Municipality

Attracting pools of tourist by developing Green Infrastructures (Attraction, Access, Amenities
and Accommodations) on Temples, Rivers, Settlements, Community Forests, and cultural
festivals to drive the economy is Tourism of Mahalaxmi Municipality.

2.3 Bases of sustainability

1. This is the people centric approach of tourism. People from every ward will form a
local tourism group. They will assess the local resource and external resources for
tourism business plan. It is tourism of the people by the people to the people of
2. External stakeholders only guide and encourage local stakeholders
3. Municipality will invest in green infrastructures and capacity development training on
tourism and capital management
4. Every interested household should get hospitality business training to start home stay
from Local NGOs
5. Local Cooperatives and Municipality will coordinate to mobilize the capital in local
small scale tourism industry.
6. Municipality will declare tax free tourism zone for large scale five star hotels for 5
years and invite the large scale investment entities.
7. Municipality will request all the educational institutions and media for Tourism
promotion of the Municipality
8. Municipality will declare the municipality as the Business friendly Municipality
against bullying, band, strike and load shedding
3 Reviews
3.1 History

Around the era of King Dasharath of Ayodhya in 5000 BEC Rishi Vivandak used to live with
a Kamadhenu cow in the jungle. Every day they used to visit Pashupatinath to offer the milk
of Kamadhenu cow from the route of Lubhu. God Pashupatinath was very happy and was
blessed by Pashupatinath. Indra the King of Heaven was jealous from the Rishi Vivandak so
he sent Apsara Urvashi to break his devotion in the disguised form of Doe. She was
successful to grab him in him in love trap and gave a birth to Shringa Rishi. After
completion of her task she returned back to Heaven leaving the child and Vivandak also left
the child with The Kamadhenu Cow (Paudel, 2016). Actually Vivandak was spermologist
and expert of Trans-fertilization. So he has used his own sperm to the doe’s womb.
Shringa was born from doe had a kind of horn on his head and used to play as a dear with lot
other deers and birds in his childhood. Mother cow Kamadhenu was his patron. One day
when she was in the way to Pashupati thought to rest few minutes but got on deep sleep.
When she woke up it was very late and she was in very hurry she let her dong suddenly.
From that dong Shringa Rishi had made a shiva linga but a beautiful Shiva Linga was erupted
itself. This shivalinga is very famous as Govrateswor Mahadev in Lubhu (Ghimire R. ,
2016). The fact is based on Skandapuran, Himawatkhanda, Nepal Mahatmya.
So historically Shringa Rishi was born and had meditated here in the Shringasram Temple
that it used to be a cave. The ancestry of Shringa Rishi is Kasyap Rishi so all the Kasyap
Gotriya linage has to worship Shringa Rishi. He was the inventor of Putresthi Yagyna (The
Vedic Ceremonial Rite to beget child from Male Progeny). He had visited Ayodhya in 5000
BCE with the invitation of King Dasharath to organize the Putresthi Yeggya for him to get
sons. From his noble work lord Ram and his brothers were born. Still the people from all
around the world visit the small temple to get child or their prosperity (Ghimire J. , 2015). He
had visited and Meditated and served some putresthi yagyas in Resunga hill of Gulmi district
From the name of Sgringa Rishi the place was named as Shringasram and finally it became
Shringeri and Sisnery. We have Sisneri Higher Secondary School and Shringeri High School
is running in the memory of Shringa Rishi. Latter on with the fame and reputation of Shringa
Rishi people had built a small temple of Ram on long terrain land (Taar). The place began to
call Ramtaar and finally it became Lamatar in the toung of Local People. Finally he married
with so called sister of God Ram called Shanti and began to live in India. They had many
sons (Ghimire J. , 2015).
The God Mahadev originated by the Gobar of Kamadhenu Cow became famous as
Govrateswor Mahadev in Lubhu (Rishi, 4 BC). Lubhu was the religious settlement of
Goddess Mahalaxmi and Mahabhairav main clan deity (Kul Devata) of Newar Community.
The city was once ruled by Queen Ganga Rani -wife of king Shiva singh Malla of Patan. She
had sold her golden plate and made a Big Pandal with golden roof to preserve and care sick
people of the place. So it is also called Swrna Chhatrapur. In typical Newari language Lubhu
is Golden Plate. The golden plate settlement (Lubhu) was centrally preserved by Mahalaxmi
and her temple is in centre of the settlement (Paudel, 2016). Due to the blessing of Goddes
Mahalaxmi this municipality is also named as “Mahalaxmi Municipality”.

3.2 Shringi Rishi

Shringi Rishi was the legendary Hindu saint or Rishi of sage Kashyapa's lineage. Shringi
Rishi was great saint of the Ramayan era of ancient India. His father was great saint
Vibhandak Rishi. Shringi Rishi performed 'Putrakameshti Yagya' for King Dashrath of
Ayodhya, after that Lord Rama and his three brothers were born. There is an ashram of
Shringi Rishi situated at Ayodhya on the banks of Sarayu river near Laxman Ghat.Legend
has it that Shringi Rishi cursed King Parikshit for his sinful conduct against rishi Lomash.
The boons and curse uttered by him were proved to be absolutely true. Rishi Shringi was a
distinguished expert of the super science of mantras (Wikipedia).

Rishi Shringi was the son of Sage Vibhandak, himself a highly respected Vedic scholar of
Kashyaap linage. Rishi Shringi is credited in Indian mythology as the inventor of
‘Putrakameshti Yagna’, the Vedic sacrifice for begetting a male progeny. This first ever
Putrakameshti Yagna was performed by Rishi Shringi for the Suryawanshi Emperor
Dashrath of Ayodhya (of Ikshavaku lineage) and the outcome of this Yagna was the birth of
Lord Rama, the great Indian God-king and revered ‘Avtaar’ (incarnation) of Lord Vishnu,
the powerful god in the holy Hindu trinity of Brahma-Vishnu-Mahesh. Lord Rama was born
with the blessings of the Gods who were appeased by Rishi Shringi with powerful mantras.
Three more sons were born to Dashrath besides Rama (born to his eldest Queen, Devi
Kaushlya) Laxman, Bharat and Shatrughna born to Devi Sumitra and Devi Kaikayee, the
other two Queens of Emperor Dashrath (Wikipedia).

The Yagna was an elaborate affair spreading over twelve days and was performed with much
fanfare befitting its uniqueness. The legend has it that
Emperor Dashrath’s only Sister, the beautiful young
Princess Shanta, who was actively involved in the
organizing of the Yagna, fell in love with the handsome
and scholarly young sage Shringi. Her brother, Emperor
Dashrath understood her feelings and on the occasion of
‘Poornaahuti’ (final sacrifice offered to gods, announcing
the completion of Yagna process) proposed royal princess
Shanta’s hand in marriage to Rishi Shringi. They were
married and had eight sons and many daughters. All the
sons born out of the alliance were highly respected for
their knowledge of the holy Vedas and involved themselves in scholarly pursuits

King Dasharatha had everything except children; he did not have a single child, male or
female. He started wondering whether he would get a child by performing a putresthi
yegya. King Dasharatha was a very able, learned, very intelligent, king, although he was not
an autocrat. He asked their opinion about his performing Aswamegh yagyna Vedic Horse
Ritual for progeny. All agreed that it was an excellent idea. On hearing their agreement with
his idea, he then ordered his ministers to make arrangements in the northern banks of the
River Sarayu which would be the ritual ground. He said 'Sage Kashyapa has a son known as
Vibhaandaka, and his son will be the renowned Sage Shringa Rishi, and that Sage Shringa
Rishi will grow up in forests, and will always be dwelling in forest (Wikipedia).

Sage Shringa Rishi got the name by the very fact that he was born with a horn on the crown
of his head. In sanskrit 'Rishi' means Sage and 'Sringa' means horn. It is Literally Singhe
Rishi. Sumantra continued "Shringa Rishi was truly his papa's most obedient dutiful
son. Whatever his dad said, Shringa Rishi followed it implicitly. In the hermitage where
Shringa Rishi was living did not have any female. In fact, there was no female around the
place/hermitage where he was living. He therefore did not know that there were two
sexes. He became renowned for his celibacy; but he did not know that he was observing
celibacy (Wikipedia).

During this period there was a famous, very strong and valiant brave king called Romapaada
in Anga country. But due to some wrong doing by that king, there was a shocking and
devastating famine in that country. While the famine was besetting, the king Roamapaada
was afflicted distressed with grimness gloominess. He therefore summoned wise Brahmans
and learned scholars and sought their advice in this regard.
The scholarly Brahmans and Vedic scholars, after consulting, told the king that the son of
Sage Vibhaandaka, namely Shringa Rishi, should be brought to the kingdom, somehow. If
the Sage Shringa Rishi was honored well with good care, and his (i.e. King's) daughter,
Shanta, married to him, the problem would surely automatically be solved. On listening them
the king, in consultation with his able and wise ministers, ordered a few selected clergymen
and ministers to get the Sage. But they were utterly or completely scared of sage
Vibhaandaka, father of Shringa Rishi. After discussing the matter per se, they got an idea as
to how to bring that sage without any problem (at least for them). According to that idea,
sage Shringa Rishi was brought to the kingdom and the presiding deity for rains started
showering rains, and Shanta was given in marriage to that sage (Wikipedia).

Sage Shringa Rishi, son-in-law of the King of Anga, Romapaada and as well as to you, if
invited to our kingdom he will bless you to beget sons. Sage Shringa Rishi was also said to
be a son-in-law to King Dasharatha. Princess Shanta, in a distant way was a daughter to
King Dasharatha in relation and the adopted daughter of Romapaada, the King of Anga. Thus
Sumantra's saying son-in-law 'as well as to you’ means Dasharatha's son-in-law also, besides
Romapada’s (Wikipedia).

King Dasharatha, after hearing Sumantra, wanted to know as to how Shringa Rishi was
brought to the Anga kingdom. Sumantra continued his tale "The ministers along with
clergymen approached the King Romapaada and told him that instead of them, it would be
better that some very beautiful court-dancers were sent for bringing Sage Shringa
Rishi. They explained that Sage Shringa Rishi was all along living in a forest and had never
seen any female; and as a matter of fact he was not aware of the existence of women, or of
worldly-matters or of even worldly-pleasures. They added that beautiful and well decorated
courtesans would definitely achieve the objective of bringing the Sage to the Kingdom by
tempting with many a feint, and the courtesans be tempted with ample gifts. The king
thought over their suggestion and agreed to it. Shringa Rishi was absolutely satisfied to be in
the hermitage; he never had the desire nor inclination to explore and probe out of that
hermitage. Therefore, he had not seen any female, or a male, or even any other objects of
pleasure, either of city or of countryside from the time of birth onwards (Wikipedia).

Then at one time Shringa Rishi came out of his hermitage to get some flowers for offering to
Gods, saw those comely females. Those lustful court dancers were amazingly attired and
singing melodious tunes. They were waiting for the Sage Shringa Rishi to come out and see
them. They approached the Sage and cooed or fussed to him coyly with very sweet
and melodious voices 'Who you are? Why you move lonely in these deep and desolate
isolated forests; why you conduct yourself like this? Oh! Brahman, we are interested to
know.. Please tell us.
Those women were in most desirable form and hitherto he had not seen such forms in that
forest. Consequently a kind of friendship spouted, with which he was inclined to detail about
his father... 'My father is Sage Vibhaandaka. I am known as Shringa Rishi. Our hermitage is
here only, oh, imposing ones, I wish to perform scripturally worship to you all verily there.
The women were waiting for this and therefore, all of them accompanied him to his
hermitage. Ongoing there, the Sage's son performed worship saying 'Here is our hand-wash,
here is our feet-wash, here are our tuber fruits, and here are the juicy fruits of ours

He worshipped the courtesans, as he would worship some super-natural deities by saying the
above words, which will usually be used in ritual worship of Hindu deities. He being a
fruitarian had offered the courtesans the tuber fruits like sweet potatoes etc., which were
ridiculous to urbanites, that too to the pleasure-taking courtesans.
All of them accepted that kind of worship much enthusiastically, but dread at the arrival of
the sage Vibhaandaka. They made-up their mind to leave the place as early as
possible. 'Take these important fruits of ours, oh, Brahman, you be safe, oh, holy one.. eat
them before long....' said the courtesans to Shringa Rishi. Then all the courtesans embraced
him with a kind of mirthfulness in the offing, presented sweet-balls and other varieties of best
sweetmeats to him. The resplendent sage accepted them as he supposed them to be fruits
only. As he was always forest-bound he had not tasted sweets earlier. He relished the fruits
(sweets) (Wikipedia).

On the pretense that they also had to perform devotional duties, the courtesans departed,
while they were actually afraid of the arrival of Shringa Rishi's father who may hurl curses
on them on his arrival... After the departure of all the courtesans, Shringa Rishi, the grandson
of Sage Kashyapa, was disturbed at heart and behaved sadly.
On the next day Shringa Rishi, the prosperous sage with ascetic power could not help going
to the place where he met the court dancers on the previous day, saw the well-decorated and
delightful courtesans. On seeing him, all the courtesans welcomed him very enthusiastically
to their hermitage (Wikipedia).

He obliged them. He didn't know what happened, but he was entering the Anga Kingdom
with the women. On his very first step into Anga Kingdom, the Rain-god quickly showered
rain in Anga kingdom to the delight of all. He was welcomed most warmly by the King
himself with all the customary dedication and formalities. The king, then almost begged
Shringa Rishi to save him from the fury of his father, Sage Vibhaandaka. On entering the
palace, princess Shanta was given to Shringa Rishi in customary marriage. Now the great
fulgent Shringa Rishi lives in Anga kingdom along with his wife Shanta, and with all his
desires fulfilled and also well worshipped. Thus Sumantra said the legend of Shringa Rishi to
King Dasharatha (Wikipedia)

3.3 International Policies

Tourism policy is an important area for study because of its practical and theoretical
importance. Tourism is of practical significance as international travel requires government
cooperation in, for example, bilateral airline negotiations, decisions about provision of
facilities and services, interactions with other sectors, use of publicly ‘owned’ resources such
as national parks as attractions, the issuing of tourist visas and in the funding of marketing of
particular destinations (Scott, 2011). Governments are interested in tourism due to the
magnitude of its economic, social and environmental impacts, as tourism is generally
considered to provide around 10% of the world’s economy with consequent effects on the
communities and natural environments with which it interacts (Scott, 2011).

International tourist arrivals have almost quadrupled over the past 30 years and domestic
tourism has also intensified in most developed and newly industrialized countries. At the
same time, tourist movements have spread geographically to reach practically all countries of
the globe, becoming for many of them an important economic sector in terms of income
generation, foreign exchange earnings and employment creation (Fangiali & Toefer, 2006).
Awareness about sustainability issues—which referred originally to the natural environment
but now also cover the social, economic and cultural spheres as well as the built
environment—also developed significantly over those 30 years. Today, most governments,
international development agencies, trade associations, academic institutions and non-
governmental organizations acknowledge that, without sustainability, there cannot be
development that generates benefits to all stakeholders, solves serious and urgent problems
such as extreme poverty, and preserves the precious natural and man-made resources on
which human prosperity is based (Fangiali & Toefer, 2006)
The tourism sector could not remain indifferent to the sustainability challenge of our times.
This is why the World Tourism Organization (WTO) focuses its advisory and technical
assistance services on policies, development guidelines, management techniques and
measurement instruments that allow national and local governments, as well as the tourism
industry, to incorporate sustainability principles into their decision making process and day-
to-day operations (Fangiali & Toefer, 2006).
This is why the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has initiated a programme
that aims at integrating environmental sustainability into decision making in the tourism
industry and into consumers’ purchasing choices, by disseminating technical know-how and
building business networks to catalyse ‘sustainability’ in the tourism sector (Fangiali &
Toefer, 2006).

1. The policy areas identified here reflect a seven point model for addressing poverty
through tourism contained in Tourism and Poverty Alleviation – Recommendations for
Action. World Tourism Organization, 2004.
2. The WTO defined guidelines to facilitate tourism for people with disabilities as early as
1991 (see WTO General Assembly resolution ‘creating opportunities for handicapped
3. International Campaign against Sexual Exploitation of Children in Tourism http://
4. A detailed treatment of management measures on Tourism Congestion Management at
Natural and Cultural Sites WTO, 2004. See also the UNEP/UNESCO manual on tourism
management in World Heritage Sites, 2002.
5. The participants to the WTO/UNESCO/Sultanate of Oman conference in Muscat, Oman,
(February 2005), issued a ‘Declaration on Built Environments for Sustainable Tourism’
calling on governments to take action in this area.
6. A comprehensive treatment of the relationship between tourism and protected areas can
be found in Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas UNEP, WTO, IUCN, 2002.
7. See recommendations 22 and 23 of the World Parks Congress 2003 held in Durban,
South Africa.
8. The Quebec Declaration on Ecotourism (2002) provides a framework for sound
ecotourism policies.
9. Guidelines on Biodiversity and Tourism Development, Convention on Biological
Diversity 2003.

These international guidelines are collected from (Fangiali & Toefer, 2006). The Mahalaxmi
Municipality has to follow these guidelines to impress and attract the international funding
agencies on Laankuri Bhanjyang Tourism.
3.4 National policies

First five year plan 1955 to 1960 has identified the potentialities of Tourism and bases for its
development. The timeline on policies have been presented on the following table

SN Date Policies / Programs

1 1957 Establishment of Tourism Development Board
2 1958 Establishment of RNAC (Nepal Airlines Corporation)
3 1959 Establishment of Tourism Department
4 1962 Nepalese first tourism act
5 1969 Tourism Development Committee
6 1972 Prepared Nepalese first 10 year Tourism Master Plan
7 1976 Establishment of Tourism Ministry
8 1978 Tourism Act formulation
9 1979 Mountaineering Policy
10 1980 Travel and Tour organization policy
11 1981 Hotel lodge restaurant and guide regulation
12 1985 Trekking and Rafting Regulation
13 1993 National Air policy
14 1995 Tourism policy
15 1996 Nepal Civil Aviation Act
16 1997 Nepalese Tourism Board
17 1998 Visit Nepal 1998
18 2008 New Tourism policy
19 2009 Tourism Vision 2020
20 2011 Nepal tourism year
21 2016 Nepalese National Tourism Strategic Plan (2016 – 2025)

The guidance shown by the above stated policies and programs since 1957, except pokhara,
Sauraha, Nagarkot and Dhulikhel Nepal does not have any special destination developed yet.
These policies are not able to develop new tourism destinations. Nepalese National Tourism
Strategic Plan (2016 – 2025) could identify and develop new destinations.

3.5 Provincial policies

As Nepal has declared itself a federal democratic country the Municipality has to follow the
guidelines of central Government and Provincial Government as Municipality is a local
government. Still the laws and regulations are not finalized. Constitutionally there are three
layers of government above the general people i. e. Local Government, Provincial Government
and Central Government.

3.6 Municipal policies

The municipality has formed a tourism and social development subcommittee (Mahalaxmi
Municipality, 2072). The first Council meeting of the Municipality has identified and declared
the Beautiful Natural sites from where we can view entire Himalayan range of Kathmandu
Valley – Lanmuri Bhanjyang a complete tourist’s destination. Municipality has given more
impetus to Lankuri Bhanjyang. Laankuri Bhanjyang is beautiful stunning scenic place with
cultural values of Rishi Shringi and Buddism. The place is developing according as the playing
Garden of Rishi Kasyap, Vivandak and Shringi with Apsaras and Urvashis. All the khonch and
low lands are being developing as the beautiful lakes and ponds with beautiful hotels, bars and so
on. According as the requirements of unified policies on Tourism Development the municipality
has developed the tourism Master Plan 2016 – 2021. The Master plan has incorporated entire
international, national, provincial and municipal policies to develop the tourism in Mahalaxmi
4 Tourism of Mahalaxmi Municipality
4.1 Background

Tourism is simply selling the hospitality. It is a simple method of productification of available

sources. Tourism is just offering love and respect to a tourist and getting bunch full of blessings
as reward. According as the culture of “Atithi Debo Bhaba” – tourists or pilgrims are as - 'the
guest is equivalent to God or 'be one for whom the guest is God' is a Sanskrit verse, taken from
an ancient Hindu scripture which became part of the "code of conduct" for Hindu society
(Wikipedia). Atithi Devo Bhava regards a procedure of the host-guest relationship. Recently it
has also become the tag line of Ministry of Tourism's campaign to improve the treatment of
tourists in Nepal. The mantras are from the Taittiriya Upanishad, Shikshavalli I.20 that says:
Matru Devo Bhava,
Pitru Devo Bhava,
Aacharya Devo Bhava,
Atithi Devo Bhava.
It literally means "be one for whom the Mother is God, be one for whom the Father is God, be
one for whom the Teacher is God, be one for whom the guest is God (Wikipedia)."
Tithi in Sanskrit denotes a (calendric) date. In ancient times, when means of communication
were limited and it was not possible for guests to anticipate their date of arrival. Atithi (which
literally means "without a fixed calendric time") was coined to depict a visiting person who had
no fixed date of arrival or departure. Devah means God and bhava means be or is - "be the one
for whom the Guest is God (Wikipedia)".
It is true god can change our social economic, cultural and political status that is possible through
the development of tourism. Tourism development of Mahalaxmi Municipality is simply
identifying the natural, cultural, and social heritages and exploring them to the world. Janani
janmabhoomischa swargadapi gariyasi (Mother and motherland are superior to heaven) is a
saying from the great epic Ramayana. Ram is said to have uttered this while addressing his
younger brother, Lakshman, after their victory over the emperor of Rakshas, Ravan. The slok
reads as follows:
Api Swarnamayi Lankaa
na me Lakshmana rochate
Janani Janmabhumishcha
Swargaadapi Gariyasi
“Lakshmana, even this golden Lanka does not appeal to me; mother and motherland are greater
than heaven.” Taken from the Ramayana, the expression — Janani Janma-bhoomischa
Swargadapi Gariyasi — is the national slogan of Nepal. It represents the national spirit of the
Nepalese people same as in Mahalaxmi Municipality. So it is our human natural duty to homage
and respect tourists to tribute motherland. As a human being it is our duty to serve and
popularize the birth place for its development. It is very simple just we have to welcome the
tourists all over the world with full of smile and hospitality.
Keeping surrounding of household neat and clean, maintaining one or two guest rooms in home,
sharing tradition, culture, art, festival, music of our home with guests is household tourism.
Without big investment we can upgrade our lifestyle. Being a good civilized citizen we can
contribute our nation and its development. Minimum modification on household will be a great
serve to mother earth and Dharma for heaven. Mahalaxmi Municipality is the municipality of
gods, goddess, Rivers, typical villages, textile hubs, schools, arts, heritages, Newari cultures,
hills, forests and natural biodiversity. In spite of investing on five star hotels every household is
hotel and every hotel is a household in this municipality. Municipality has to organize
hospitality trainings to the families in entire 19 wards to the potential households.
While reviewing the available literature and numbers of temples or cultural heritage and field
visit the prioritized tourism types are as follow in rank. Types of prioritized Tourism in
Mahalaxmi Municipality have been listed with priority according as the specific purpose /
objective of this study.
4.2 Status and potentialities
The following table presents the demography, cultural and natural heritages of Mahalaxmi

ward Total Cultural Natural

No. Households Population Male Female Heritages Heritages
1 286 1279 616 663 6 5
2 535 2473 1256 1217 11 10
3 527 2438 1233 1205 9 8
4 411 1998 967 1031 6 4
5 538 2336 1109 1227 3 0
6 556 2422 1169 1253 3 3
7 560 2475 1254 1221 9 3
8 711 3141 1594 1547 4 3
9 547 2272 1061 1211 3 0
10 1024 4281 2210 2071 3 0
11 853 3583 1801 1782 6 2
12 484 2058 993 1065 6 2
13 236 1031 461 570 6 0
14 764 3058 1434 1624 6 2
15 845 3518 1771 1747 3 0
16 1841 7306 3700 3606 8 0
17 1526 5904 3021 2883 4 2
18 1656 6263 3239 3024 3 1
19 1030 4336 2182 2154 3 1
Total 14930 62172 31071 31101 138 44

Present status of Cultural and Natural Heritages of Municipality

War Name of Pilgrimages Public Places Famous Hotel /

d No settlement (Park, Picnic Places Lodge/
spot,) (school, Resort/
college, home
Hospitals) stay
1 Mane Halichaur stupa, Charanamati Shubhatara
Dobhan / Bhimsen Danda, River School
Lankuri Lamadanda Mandir, Manmohan
Bhanjyang Fulchoki temple, View Tower,
Kalidevi temple, Lankuribhanjy
Sringa Rishi cave, ang tourist spot
Julia baas

2 Lamatar, Devisthan temple, Gomati River,

Dhungin, Kulmaya Bhagawati, Sringamati
Sisneri Devisthan, Tin Ghare River
Mahadev, Tehrabise ( Ganeshmaan,
kaalidebi Temple, Mahalaxmi
Bhairabsthan, Devisthan
Haandechaur, Chaur,Pandalip
Dhungin, Basuki, akha,
panchakanya, Dhyakedanada,
bhimeswor, Paudeldhara,
Panchakanya Dhungen,
Sisneri Baiseri,
Tourists Park
3 Aarubot Mathlo Ganessthan, Aaitabare
jyagata tallo Ganeshthan, picnic spot
Bhaltaar Ganessthan, with View
Donaal Ganesthan tower
Biswamitra, Dhungedhara,
Gochandeswori Sisne Dhara,
Dandathok Bandebi, mula Dhara,
siddeswor, Daanti kaal dhara,
devi, Kot Danda pipal dhara
Kirant Falgunanda’s
4 Lamatar, Ramchandra Mandir, Pathak Chaur, Home
Bhujunge, Sasambhu Devi, Gabisa Chaur, stay
Sasambhu Naagsthan, sasambhu
Panchayan mandir Chaur, River
and Kriyaputri sattal
5 Lubhu Mahadevsthan,
Chasidol pingan mandir,
6 Godawari Sankhadebi, bisundol Nepalchaur,
Khola satsang bhotini chaur,
7 Lubhu Mahalaxmi, Nasal chouk,
devisthan, bihar, pati, pokhari
Suwarneswor, vajan
guthi, saaibaba
mandir nirman,
bhairab sthan,
Gorakh naath
8 Lubhu Kot Ghar, Khashi Nasal chouk,
Budhha Mandir, pati, pokhari
Tagatun Nasal
9 Tikathali Bhimsen Mandir,
Siddeswor mandir
10 Tikathali Moteswor, Tripur
baalkumari samaj sudhar,
baalkot Jhikucha bhagabati,
11 Changathali Udayabinayak Godawari
Gupteswor River
Buddha Bihaar Laakhe culture
Satchitananda Asram
Narkate Siva mandir

12 Siddipur Kotghar, Ganesh,

Bhairab, Krishna and
Baalkumari temples,
Buddha Bihar park,
ponds and Parks
13 Siddipur Kot ghar, Bhairab
Mandir, Siddeswor,
Siuro khya: two
14 Siddipur Buddha Pokhari
Chihan Danda
Satya pokhari
Kot Ghar
Bakhu Mahadeb
15 Imadol Sarbeswor Sita
16 Kist Hospital Radhakrishna
pranami mandir,
Mahadev, karnaali
height Gumba
Basuki, durga,
pashupati, kot ghar
17 Bojhe Painachal Mandir, Bojhe Pokhari,
Pokhari indreswor, Manohara
bhagawati, Narayan River Basin
Mandir park
18 Gwarko Ashok Stupa, bahundhara
19 Kamal Manakamana Kamal pokhari
Future Potentialities and probable investors for identified tourism projects are listed in the
following table
Future Potential Tourism Projects, budget and Investors

SN Ward Potential tourism projectsTime Cost in Investor VDCs

frame 1000
1 1 Halichaur Mane 2 year 100 Tibetan Lamatar
2 1 Punyatama River trekking 1 year 100 MOTur
3 1 Jungle walk trail 1 year 100 MO Forest
4 1 Lattha Bhanjyang Ranikot 1 500 MO Urban
5 1 Pokhari Thumko Vibhandak 1 400 MO Forest
lake park
6 1 Bhanjyang Shringi lake 1 500 MO Env
7 1 Daaregaunda Lankuri Motor 1 1000 NPC
8 1 Five Star Hotel 2 5000 HAN
9 1 Hospital 2 3000 MO Health
10 1 Tourism Technical School 3 3000 MOE/MOT
11 1 Biggest Statue of Shringi 4 5000 MOCul/Indian
Rishi Embassy
12 1 Temple link Trail 2 100 Municipality
13 1 Training Centre 3 3000 American
14 1 Children’s Fun Park 3 1000 UNICEF
15 1 Star Hotels 3 5000 HAN
16 1 Cultural theater 2 100 Local
17 1 Trout fish 1 200 Local/Municip
comMunicipalityity park ality
18 1 Ramayan Circuit from Shrigi 5 Indian
19 1 Apsara park (Angel’s Park) 4 5000 Indian
20 1 Ward Level Tourism 1 200 Municipality
Coordination unit’s
Information Centre
21 1 Tamang’s Home stay 1 200 Municipality
22 1 Resorts 2 1000 Investors
22 34, 500

SN Ward Potential tourism projects Time Cost in Investor VDCs

frame 1000
1 2 Shringamati river trekking 2 2000 MOT Lamatar
2 2 Gomati River Trekking 3 3000 MOT
3 2 Alternative energy park 2 5000 MO Ene
4 2 Butterfly study center 3 3000 MO Env
5 2 Bird study center 3 MO Env
6 2 Sisneri, Shringi, Juliabas 3 3000 MO Forest
gomati deer walk trail
7 2 Thakurigaun, kot, Aitabare 5 5000 DDC/NPC
Dharachaur Rainbow
trekking steps
8 2 Kot Museum 2 2000 MOC
9 2 View towers 2 2000 Municipality/
10 2 Temple trek route 1 200 Municipality
11 2 Eco Energy park 2 4000 MO Energy
12 2 Temple link Trail 2 200 MO Tourism
13 2 Training Centre 2 4000 American
14 2 Health clubs (Sports Centre) 2 200 MOH
15 2 Resorts 5 6000 HAN
16 2 Pub / Bars / Disco 5 3000 Local
17 2 Casino 2 2000 Casino
18 2 Cycling Route 4 4000 MO Sport
19 2 Ward Level Tourism 1 200 Municipality
Coordination unit’s
Information Centre
20 2 Brahman’s Home stay 1 200 Municipality
21 2 Restaurants 1 300 Local
21 49,300
SN Ward Potential tourism projects Time Cost in Investor VDCs
frame 1000
1 3 Aitabare Picnic Spots 4 400 Municipality Lamatar
2 3 1000 steps for Rainbow trek 3 adjoined
3 3 ThakuriGaun Jyamirkot Deer 4 6000 MO Forest
Walk trekking route
4 3 Cycling Route Dhungin to 4 5000 MO Sport
Jyamirkot to Laankuri to
5 3 Stone taps observation route 3 400 MO
6 3 Sure Maite cave on Daantiko 3 600 MO Culture
7 3 Temple Link Trail 1 200 Municipality
8 3 Chakramati Trekking Route 4 5000 MO Irrigation
9 3 Fulbaari Park 2 400 MO Tourism
10 3 Pandali Pakha patiko chaur 3 5000 MO Energy
Energy Park
11 3 Rana Magar Home stay 2 400 MO Toursim
12 3 Resorts 2 500 Local
13 3 View Towers 2 5000 Chaudhari
14 3 Hill top Recreation Centers 4 5000 Investors
15 3 Meditation Centers 4 5000
16 3 Ward Level Tourism 1 200 Municipality
Coordination unit’s
Information Centre
16 39,100

SN Ward Potential tourism projects Time Cost in Investor VDCs

frame 1000
1 4 Temple link 1 200 Municipality Lamatar
2 4 Children’s Fun Park 2 4000 MO Women
3 4 Restaurants 2 3000 Investors
4 4 Sasmbhu sports center 1 200 Municipality
5 4 Sasambhu, Devisthan, 4 5000 NPC/DDC
Lamatar, Pathak chaur Park
6 4 Riverside Recreations 3 5000 MO
7 4 Lodge Resorts 1 2000 Investors
8 4 Dohori Restaurant 1 200 Local
9 4 Disco 1 100 Local
10 4 Pub / Bar 1 200 Local
11 4 Tourism Campus / 5 5000 MO Education
12 4 Tourism Training Centre 1 4000 MO Tourism
13 4 Night Clubs 1 2000 Local
14 4 Ward Level Tourism 1 200 Municipality
Coordination unit’s
Information Centre
15 4 Textile Business Club 1 400 Textile
16 4 Real Estate Business Club 1 400 Association
16 31,900

SN Ward Potential tourism projects Time Cost in Investor VDCs

frame 1000
1 5 Lubhu Heritage Walk 1 500 MO Culture Lubhu
2 5 Mahalaxmi Pilgrimage Tour 1 500 MO Culture
3 5 Textile factory observation 1 200 Textile
route Association
4 5 Newari Food World 1 400 Local
5 5 Anthropology Research 1 400 Archeological
Centre Department
6 5 Newa Research Centre 1 500 Local Newar
7 5 Living Culture preservation 1 500 MO Culture
8 5 Gift item production of 1 500 Local
Textile – Token of
9 5 Temple link 1 400 Local
10 5 The cleanest city of 4 500 Local
hospitality -Campaign
11 5 Every home is home stay 5 5000 MO Tourism
12 5 Business Hotel 3 4000 HAN
13 5 Lodge 2 3000 Local
14 5 Ward Level Tourism 1 200 Municipality
Coordination unit’s
Information Centre
14 16,600

SN Ward Potential tourism projects Time Cost in Investor VDCs

frame 1000
1 6 Godawari Riverside 3 5000 MO Lubhu
Trekking park Environment
& Tourism
2 6 Bishnudol satsang asram 3 4000 MO Culture
3 6 Temple Link 1 400 Local
4 6 Jyamirkot View Tower 2 500 Municipality
5 6 Falgunanda Children Park 4 6000 MO Culture
6 6 Falgunanda Nepal Chaur 1 400 Local
Lubhu, Siddipur Bisnudol to
Falgunanda route dharma
7 6 Death Ritual Park 2 4000 Municipality
8 6 Spiritual Refreshment 3 3000 Investor
9 6 Home Stay 1 400 Municipality
10 6 Hotel 1 1000 Local
11 6 Ward Level Tourism 1 200 Municipality
Coordination unit’s
Information Centre
11 24,900

SN Ward Potential tourism projects Time Cost in Investor VDCs

frame 1000
1 7 Home stay 1 400 Municipality Lubhu
2 7 Temple link trekking Route 1 400 MO Tourism
3 7 Children park 2 7000
4 7 Heritage walk 2 400 Municipality
5 7 Newari Pub 1 500 Local
6 7 Live jatra Theater 1 700 Local
7 7 Business Hotel 1 6000 HAN
8 7 Newari Food Court 1 500 Local
9 Ward Level Tourism 1 200 Municipality
Coordination unit’s
Information Centre
9 16,100

SN Ward Potential tourism projects Time Cost in Investor VDCs

frame 1000
1 8 Home stay 2 400 Municipality Lubhu
2 8 Temple link trekking Route 1 100 Municipality
3 8 Children park 3 4000
4 8 Heritage walk 1 400 Municipality
5 8 Newari Pub 1 300 Local
6 8 Live jatra Theater 1 400 Local
7 8 Hotel 1 5000 HAN
8 8 Newari Food Court 1 200 Local
9 8 Kot – Thasi Museum 1 500
10 8 Ward Level Tourism 1 200 Municipality
Coordination unit’s
Information Centre
10 11,500

SN Ward Potential tourism projects Time Cost in Investor VDCs

frame 1000
1 9 Bhimsen Siddeswor Trek 1 100 MO Tourism Tikathali
2 9 Temple link trekking Route 1 100 Municipality
3 9 Children park 3 400 Municipality
4 9 Heritage walk 1 200 Municipality
5 9 Newari Pub 1 200 Local
6 9 Live Jatra Theater 1 500 Local
7 9 Hotel 1 4000 Local
8 9 Newari Food Court Local
9 9 Cultural Museum MO Culture
10 Ward Level Tourism 1 200 Municipality
Coordination unit’s
Information Centre
10 5,700

SN Ward Potential tourism projects Time Cost in Investor VDCs

frame 1000
1 10 Temple link trekking Route 1 500 Municipality Tikathali
2 10 Children park 2 400 Municipality
3 10 Heritage walk 1 200 Municipality
4 10 Newari Pub 1 300 Local
5 10 Live Jatra Theater 1 400 Local
6 10 Hotel 1 500 Investors
7 10 Newari Food Court 1 200 Local
8 10 Restaurants 1 500 Local
9 10 Home Stay 1 500 Local
10 10 Ward Level Tourism 1 200 Municipality
Coordination unit’s
Information Centre
10 3,700

SN Ward Potential tourism projects Time Cost in Investor VDCs

frame 1000
1 11 Lakhe Museum 1 500 MO Culture Tikathali
2 11 Live Cultural Show 1 300 Municipality
3 11 Home stay 1 500 Municipality
4 11 Temple link trekking Route 1 400 Local
5 11 Children park 1 INGOs
6 11 Heritage walk 1 INGOs
7 11 Newari Pub 1 Local
8 11 Hotel 1 Local
9 11 Hospitality Training Centre 3 3000 Embassy
10 11 Spiritual hub 2 2000
11 11 Ward Level Tourism 1 200 Municipality
Coordination unit’s
Information Centre
11 6,900

SN Ward Potential tourism projects Time Cost in Investor VDCs

frame 1000
1 12 Heritage walk 1 200 NGOs Siddipur
2 12 Cultural Museum 2 200 INGOs
3 12 Bihar Tourism Park 3 400 MO Culture
4 12 Ponds view Link route 1 200 Municipality
5 12 Sukul Art Classroom 1 200 Municipality
6 12 Newari Restaurant 1 400 Local
7 12 Home Stays 2 500 Municipality
8 12 Newari Bar 1 300 Local
9 12 Newari Live show 1 500 Local
10 12 Children Park 4
11 12 Ward Level Tourism 1 200 Municipality
Coordination unit’s
Information Centre
11 3,100

SN Ward Potential tourism projects Time Cost in Investor VDCs

frame 1000
1 13 Death Ritual observation 2 400 Municipality Siddipur
2 13 Newari Cultural Fashion 1 400 Local
3 13 Newari Handicrafts Museum 1 400
4 13 Ward Level Tourism 1 200 Municipality
Coordination unit’s
Information Centre
5 13 Hotel 2
6 13 Children Park 5
7 13 Newari food street 1 200 Local
8 13 Godavari Snan Swimming 2 500 MO Sport
13 Heritage Walk 1 200 Municipality
8 2,300

SN Ward Potential tourism projects Time Cost in Investor VDCs

frame 1000
1 14 Fulbaari park 1 300 Municipality Siddipur
2 14 Newari food court 1 300 Local
3 14 Parbate Restaurant 1 300 Local
4 14 Heritage walk Link 1 200 Municipality
5 14 Jatra Live show 1 400 Local
6 14 Ward Level Tourism 1 200 Municipality
Coordination unit’s
Information Centre
7 14 Museum of Sukul Products 1 200 Municipality
8 14 Siddeswor Mahadev Art of 2 300 Municipality
Living spiritual center
9 14 Siddipur Research Centre 2 1000 Investors
10 14 Siddipur Health Club 3 1000 Investors
11 14 Hotel 1 1000 Investors
11 5,200

SN Ward Potential tourism projects Time Cost in Investor VDCs

frame 1000
1 15 Setipakha Park 1 400 Municipality Imadol
2 15 Energy Park 2 5000 MO Energy
3 15 Sita Temple 2 500 Municipality
4 15 Ward Level Tourism 1 200 Municipality
Coordination unit’s
Information Centre
5 15 Business Hotel 1 500 Investors
6 15 Sarbeswor Temple Park 1 400 Municipality
7 15 Disco 1 400 Local
8 15 Night Club 1 400 Local
9 15 Dohori Sanjh 1 400 Local
9 8,600

SN Ward Potential tourism projects Time Cost in Investor VDCs

frame 1000
1 16 Radhakrishna pranami 2 500 Municipality Imadol
mandir spiritual centre
2 16 karnaali height Gumba 2 600 Municipality
spiritual Park
3 16 Children Park 2 4000 Investors
16 Ward Level Tourism 1 200 Municipality
Coordination unit’s
Information Centre
4 16 Kot Ghar Museum 1 400 MO Tourism
5 16 Temple walk route 1 400 Municipality
6 16 Business Hotel 2 4000 Investor
7 16 Night Club 1 400 Local
8 16 Thakaali Bhanchha ghar 1 400 Local
9 16 Dohori Saanjh 1 400 Local
10 16 Disco 1 400 Local
11 16 Tourism Development Fund 1 Municipality
11 11,700

SN Ward Potential tourism projects Time Cost in Investor VDCs

frame 1000
1 17 River Side Trekking Route 4 500 Municipality Imadol
2 17 Manohara Evening Energy 3 500 Municipality
3 17 Temples linking Route 1 200 Municipality
4 17 Bojhepokhari Fishing Park 2 500 Local
5 17 Bojho Herbal Healing Spa 1 400 Local
6 17 Ward Level Tourism 1 200 Municipality
Coordination unit’s
Information Centre
7 17 Night Food Courts 1 500 Local
8 17 Discos 1 400 Local
9 17 Dohori Saanjh 1 400 Local
10 17 Restaurants 1 400 Local
10 4,000

SN Ward Potential tourism projects Time Cost in Investor VDCs

frame 1000
1 18 Samrat Ashok Bippasana 2 1000 MO Culture Imadol
2 18 River side Trekking Route 2 2000 MO Tourism
3 18 Night Food Courts 1 500 Investors
4 18 Discos 1 500 Investors
5 18 Dohori Saanjh 1 500 Investors
6 18 Restaurants 1 400 Investors
7 18 Ward Level Tourism 1 200 Municipality
Coordination unit’s
Information Centre
8 18 Business Hotels 2 1000 Investor
9 18 Hospitality Training Centre 2 500 Municipality
9 6,600

SN Ward Potential tourism projects Time Cost in Investor VDCs

frame 1000
1 19 Kamal Pokhari Park 1 400 Municipality Imadol
2 19 Statue of Bramha sitting in 1 500 Municipality
Lotus at Kamal Pokhari
3 19 Laliteswor Park 1 300 Municipality
4 19 Mankamana Temple Park 1 200 Municipality
5 19 Ward Level Tourism 1 200 Municipality
Coordination unit’s
Information Centre
6 19 Municipality Park 3 500 Investor
7 19 Municipality Hotel 3 1000 Investor
8 19 Municipal Disco 2 500 Investor
9 19 Municipality Dohori 2 500 Investor
10 19 Temple Link Route 1 300 Municipality
10 4,400

Amalgamation of VDCs’ Ward on Mahalaxmi Municipality and the number of projects and
estimated budget has been calculated wardwise all over the municipality the following table
presents the figure.

VDCs Municipality VDC Ward No of Proposed Budget per year

Wards Projects in 1000
Lamatar 1 9 22 34500
2 1,5,6 21 49300
3 3,4,7 16 39100
4 2,8 16 31900

Lubhu 5 4 14 16600
6 8 11 24900
7 1,2,5,6 9 16100
8 3,7,9 10 11500

Tikathali 9 1,2 10 5700

10 3,4,5 10 3700
11 6,7,8,9 11 6900

Siddipur 12 3,4,9 11 3100

13 5,6,7,8 8 2300
14 1,2 11 5200

Imadol 15 9 9 8600
16 6 11 11700
17 1,2,3 10 4000
18 4,5 9 6600
19 7,8 10 4400

Total 229 286100

4.3 Lankuri Bhanjyang Tourism

Why do people travel? To forget regular stress of work, problem and pain people visit in search
of peace, relax and entertainment. People want to lost in paradise, want to listen fine music and
discourses from ear, want to see beautiful creations of nature and manmade, want to eat tasty and
delicious food from mouth, want to smell good from nose, want warm and tender touch on skin
or sex and want to have complete relaxation.

People also want be wild on booze, sex, music gambling and adventure. May be it is called
heaven. The heaven of Mahalaxmi Municipality will be no other than playing garden of Shringi
Rishi and Apsara Urvashi – The Laankuri Bhanjyang. The municipality has to invite, interact,
motivate and facilitate tourism stakeholders, business persons, and investors to establish five star
hotels, casinos, discos, Bars, Pubs, spa, and others. The Municipality has to hold the land and
redistribute to the investors.
Lakuri Bhanjyang, it’s like a paradise located 13 kilometer up from the Gwarko. It is one of the
most scenic spots in Lalitpur It is renowned for its spectacular sunrise view much closer to the
eyes and the Himalaya ranges when the weather is clear. For the breath taking sunrise the visitors
often travel Lakuri to spend the night. The Lakuri also offers panoramic views of cities i.e.
Kathmandu, Lalitpur and Bhaktapur by sitting at here. It is popular for the Himalayas range for
the view of snow Cover Mountain, short treks and picnic Spot etc. The serene environment i.e.
fresh air, cool water, forest, views and the cooperative local people which make the visitor to
stay more at the Lakuri .Visitors who visit the Lankuri they define Lankuri as heaven has been
expressed in many comments.
Specifically, Lakuri Bhangyang is located 13 kilometres, upwards from Kathmandu, resembling
a little paradise. It is one of the most scenic spots in Lalitpur district and is renowned for its
spectacular sunrise view and the Himalaya range. The view of the sunrise can be seen, almost
up-close and draws several tourists here. Sitting in Lakuri, one can also see the cities of
Kathmandu, Lalitpur and Bhaktapur. The environment is extremely clean, fresh air, cool water
and lush green forests, topped with extremely friendly locals which in itself are an
it is very potential place to be developed as a tourism destination of Mahalaxmi Municipality.
We can attract big amount of Indian Tourists to view the birth place of Rishi Shringi. The most
important infrastructure developments in Laankuri Bhanjyang are as follows:-

a. At least three ponds can have some boats with park should be developed in the
remembrance of Rishi Kasyap, Bhivandak and Shringi that they have played and
b. One Kashyap Asharm for the research and investigation on Vaidik embryology, Trans
sexology and spermology.
c. Redesigning and reformation of Shringi Rishi’s Ashram (The Cave of Shringi)
d. Opening a road track from Lankuri Bhanjyang to Daare Gaunda to have easy access on
the cave from both sides.
e. Establishment of Deer firms and natural sheds for animals are necessary
f. A fifty bed hospital, permanent security post, tourists’ information Centre, telecom
towers, etc. are necessary.
4.4 Pilgrimage Tourism
Pilgrimage is literally “Tirthatan – Tirtha
Yatra” in Nepal. Mahalaxmi Municipality is
the garden of different god and goddess.
Symbol of Lord Buddha “Ashok Stupa” –
Thur of Mahalaxmi Municipality – 18 is
standing on the entrance to welcome the
visitors. The Stupa is the symbol of Buddha’s
discourse and philosophy. According as the
philosophy of Lord Buddha “Life if full of
misery, there are the causes of miseries, and
there are the solution of every human misery”.
The stupa development committee can
organize different meditation camps for
devotee pilgrims. Bowing with respect “Bhawatu Sabba Mangalam” the alternate parallel
highway of Araniko Highway –“Mahalaxmi Highway” reaches on Radha Krishna Pranami

The temple of love and devotion is the only one Nawatan Puri Dham of Nepal where Raji
Krishna Dwells. This is the greatest temple of Krishna pranami community of Nepal. Krishna
is only one character of Mahabharat who had taught Shreemad Bhagawat Gita to Arjuna. The
Gita is the finest summary of entire knowledge of Veda, Puran and Upanishas the great epics of
Indus Civilization. Only the Krishna –Birat Swarup of God is situated in Krishna Mandir of
Imadol.“ Offer your work (Karma) to worship god.

Do your Karma without any expectation, whatever happens, happens for heaven’s sake” Krishna
says. The blessing of life changing philosophy of Gita Gyan can be achieved from the temple.
The Temple management committee has to manage the different short term discourse and
lecturers of the Gita for visitors. Similarly the Radha Krishna Mandir Management committee
has to organize long term discourses for residential pilgrims. To invite international guests they
have to be prepared for international qualities for the valuable discourses and lecturers. They
have to develop or manage international scholar of Gita and Hinduism. They must be able to
attract guests through the philosophy of lord Krishna and divine love. It can be developed as the
Centre of Krishna consciousness around the world.
The highway forwards and around 300 meter distance close to a big tree called Khariko bot.
there is a small Maszid of Muslims. As a secular country Nepal, Nepalese Constitution approves
the Muslms of Nepal represents the minority group having 6 % of total population. The origin of
Islam can be traced back to 7th century Saudi Arabia. Islam is thus the youngest of the great
world religions. The prophet Muhammad (circa 570-632 A.D.) introduced Islam in 610 A.D.
after experiencing what he claimed to be an angelic visitation. Muhammad dictated the Qur'an,
the holy book of Islam, which Muslims believe to be the preexistent, perfect words of Allah.
The invasion of Nepal Mandala by Samasuddin Iliyas, the Sultan of Bengal on November 19,
1349 was the interesting story of entry of Nepalese Newar Muslim. It is described in the
contemporary record that in N.S.470 on Marga Sukla Navami (November 19, 1349 A.D.) Sultan
Samasuddin entered (the valley) and set everything on fire for seven consecutive days. Sultan
Samasuddin not only set the three towns of the valley to fire, he also broke the Pashupati phallus
into three pieces and completely destroyed the Swayambhu Chaitya and other temples and
Viharas in the valley (Vaidya, 2001). The sultaan did not stay more than seven days in valley
but among from their troops some of Muslims are respectfully preserved in Lalitpur by Malla
kings. The Newar Muslims of Lalitpur follow both cultures. Islam is the religion of peace and
mercy. It teaches the love and respect of God for the betterment of Humanity. The masjid
management committee must be trained for teaching of or preaching of Alha or Quran suitable
for short term visitors of non-Muslims. The municipality has to design special program to
explore the Newar Muslim by inviting Islamic tourists from all over the world. Islam is not war
or Jehad it is divine peace.
Just crossing the Maszid there is a beautiful pond of Lotus. It was just a normal pond and people
started to preserve it with planting the seeds of Kamal. Lotus is the symbol of peace and chair of
Lord Buddha in Buddhism. It is a symbol of tender delicate love and beauty in Hinduism.
Brhama had seated in a Kamal and created the universe. The municipality has to erect a pillar in
mid of the pond with Kamal and Brahma. Trees and sorrundings of Laliteswor Mahadev temple
should be developed as a natural green park for city dwellers. All these small shrines or temples
may attract the tourists for mini researches.
Crossing the wonderful mini park of Kamalpokhari, we reach a beautiful cultural village called
Siddipur -the village of Salvation. Now Siddipur is a town with rich Newari culture with Hindu
and Buddhists mix society. The city is famous for hay arts. Traditional houses are destroyed by
the devastating earthquake of 2015. Now the municipality has to develop a building code of
conduct for reconstruction. The reconstruction must be able to preserve the traditional cultural
identity of the area. We must preserve the lost heritages. Many temple and mosques have to be
The temples, mosques, shrines, streets ponds etc. inside the Siddipur should be joined as heritage
walk route. The traditional Newar community should be trained for tourism, homestay and
hospitality. The streets should have scientific homestay facilities, cultural guides, and tourists’
friendly cultural festivals. They should be also trained for common popular food preparation for
tourists around the globe. So Municipality has to form a cultural tourism subcommittee, make
heritage walk route and notice information boards. Kot Ghars (Forts) should be developed as
museum. Temple and mosques should be developed as the symbol of love respect and
coexistence of Hindus and Buddhists. The subcommittee will preserve the cultural icons and
coordinate municipality and other stakeholders to develop the years old culture and history.
We die therefore our life is beautiful. The death is beautiful universal truth. When we see the
funeral we think about our life. It is true we have to leave all our relatives and property.
Forgetting the reality we are hunting adulthood and wealth as we never die. Yes we have to work
today as we will die tomorrow. To learn the facts of death and life Siuro kya (Death Tomb) of
Buddhists and Godawari Ghat of Hindus will be the best place. Dead bodies are set in fire there.
It is the philosophy of end. So it should be developed as the short term school of death rituals of
Hindus and Buddhists. Tourists can view death rituals and cultural traits. Municipality has to
make such places tourists friendly that caring the psychology of people in funeral. Tourists
watching and resting places should be developed there either side of river and Chihan Danda.
Godawri River is the replica of Biggest Godawari River of India. People who cannot visit
Godawari to take a holy bath have to come here for salvation and emancipation from all kinds of
sins. Municipality has to motivate Kantipur Engineering Collage and Donbosco School to
develop a tourist friendly pool and taps for holy bath.

After crossing the Godawari river tourists find wonderful traditional cultural textile town called
Lubhu. Lubhu is literaly a Golden Plate in Newari Language. Ancent Ganga Maharani had
established the settlement by selling her golden plate or she might have occupied the land like
golden plate for paddy production. In Buddhists literature the place is also known as Suwarna
Chhatrapur. We have a beautiful suwarna chhatrapur Vihar at Lubhu. The queen had installed a
pandal with golden roof for the treatment of sick people. The city is also famous for traditional
textile industry. Still there are hand looms in every household of Newar Community. It is very
famous for different cultural festivals – Jatras.

From the perspective of Religious Pilgrimage, the place is very important for buddists as well as
Hindus. Suwarna Chhatrapur Bihar, Mahalaxmi temple, Mahabhairab, Devisthan, and
Govrateswor temple are very popular and important historical monuments. From the name of
Mahalaxmi Temple the municipality is named as Mahalaxmi Municipality.

There are only three universal truths in this universe. First is Operation that what we are doing in
present, second is creation the past what we have noticed and third is the end. So to operate we
need a lot of wealth, to create we need a lot of Knowledge and to destroy or end something we
need power. In every atom of an element there are three units called Electron, Proton and
Neutron. The only truth in the world is only these three units of an atom. This fact replicates in
Hinduism. As we say god is in every particle, GOD – Generator (Brahma), Operator (Bishnu)
and Destroyer (Mahadev). To create or generate anything we need knowledge. Knowledge is
associated with Saraswoti to assist Bramha to create. The operation of this universe needs a lot of
wealth. Wealth is associated with Mahalaxmi to assist Bishnu to operate the universe. Similarly
no thing is permanent in this universe. Everything has its ending. To destroy something we need
power. Destruction (Shiva) needs Power (Shakti). It is exactly the perfect combination of
electron, proton and neutron.

4.5 Analysis of Mahalaxmi in Hinduism


Shiva Brahmha

Saraswoti Shakti


Thus the top of this shree yentra (Chakra) is Mahalaxmi. Thus the Mahalaxmi Municipality is
based in karma and operation. It has full potentiality to earn. We are blessed by Goddess
Mahalaxmi. Newar community of Kathmandu is very famous in business. Before starting a new
business all Newar community used to worship in the temple of Mahalaxmi few centuries ago.
Still the Local Newar worship in the temple for the huge success of Business and wealth. The
temple of Mahalaxmi is centrally located in the down town of Lubhu. Our Municipality is named
as Mahalaxmi Municipality. The temple management committee has to provide the philosophical
Knowledge of Wealth and Goddies Laxmi and sell the Mahalaxmi Yentra to flourish the
business of tourists or visitors.
Another very famous temple of God Bhairab is also located here although entire streets of the
town are full of different temples. God Bhairab is the Kul Devata (Clan’s Deity) of Newar
Community. Bhairab is also the incarnation of Lord Shiva. In every Newar settlement we can
view the temples of Bhairab, Balkumari, and Barahi Ajima for the blessing and rescue or
betterment of clans and children. This is the main Bhairab (Chief Clan Deity) of Newar so every
Newar has to visit the temple. The temple management committee has to revive this culture and
make suitable homestay for entire Newar Community once in a year.
The Govrateswor Mahadev temple is another famous cultural heritage of Mahalaxmi
Municipality has been inscribed in SkandaPuran has great history associated with Kamdhenu
Cow, Pashupati and Shringa Rishi. The Shiva Lingam is one of Linga of 64 Lingas.
Skandapuran, Himbatkhanda, Nepal Mahatmya birupaxya tirtha yatra: Goshringa Tritha ra
Govrateswor Mahatyma 133 unit describes the story as follows. Under the Hills of Chakranemi
(hills from Anantalingeswor to Jyamirkot Bishankhu as a semicircle of rainbow) there is a
temple of Govrateswor Mahadev where Birupaxa had visited and worshiped to Mahadev with
Nemuni. Nepal has been named with the great contribution of the same sage or rishi Nemuni.
The Birupaxya Brahman had taken holy bath on Shringa Tirtha (Confluences of shringamati
(sisneri) and Gomati (River from Ghimire Gaoun) Rivers at Lamatar of Ramtar Rammandir) had
worshiped the Govrateswor on Chaitra Shukla Dwadashi. Birupaxya and Nemuni stayed a night
and Nemuni had told the story to Birupaxya.
Many years back Shringi Rishi had taken the holy bath and saw the Kamdhenu returning to the
Charanawat Cave (A cave in Bhimsen Danda) all of a sudden she produced dong. Shringi Rishi
held that dong and established a Shiva Linga. As it was developed from dong it is called
Govrateswor. Again there was a Newar with many sexual and skin disorder once had holy bath
in Shringa Tirtha tripundeswor and became fine came and worshipped Govrateswor. He received
a lot of blessing, fame and charming on his entire body. Being happy he had offered a golden
roof for the temple of Govratswor so the place is also known as Suwarna Chhatrapur
(Himawatkhandabhasha pp 264)
From the point of view of Tourism development perspective Lubhu has to form a cultural
tourism development subcommittee to coordinate the planning, decision making, trainings, and
implementing the tourism development plan. They have to develop:
a. Heritage Walk Route (Covering all temples and cultural monuments)
b. Homestay training for entire households
c. Tourist Friendly textile watch route
d. Cultural Tourists guide and information system
e. Tourist Friendly environment of Jatra and festivals
f. Live Cultural shows in every evening
g. Research Coordination Unit
h. Soveniour or token of love and gifts of Handloom production
i. Reconstruction of cultural heritage as a typical identity
j. Tantrik Trek Route on Shankha Devi, Daantiko Ban and Suremaite Gufa
k. Green Park Movement
The municipality will assist them to make like such programs and find resources.
Mahalaxmi Municipality has to develop Mahalaxmi Campus as an academic Centre of tourism
development and research with the study of Hotel Management, Tourism and Hospitality
Management and culinary Arts. It has to supply the necessary human resources of hospitality for
the city of Green Hospitality – Mahalaxmi Municipality. The municipality has to coordinate with
Ministry of Education and tourism to develop the campus. Community should make green on
every public place like Ground of Devisthan, Ground of Sashambhu, etc. the Municipality has to
motivate and mobilize all the WCF members and educational institutions to develop and
preserve the Greenery and parks on every ward.
In the top of Chndrawat Sirsasthali Municipality has to install massive statue (about 300 meter
height with necessary base width having big conference hall) of Shringa Rishi that should be
viewed from all around the Kathmandu valley and Kavre. They have to start special festival in
Rishi Panchami. According as the Skandapuran, Shringi Rishi blesses for peace, progress and
prosperity of Children and treats for complete safe motherhood and female mensuration. Elder
People around the area believe that many women and men who were not being able to produce
children had produced after the visit to the cave. If we have same cases we should go or send our
people to worship the Shringi Rishi will be fruitful. All the Kasyap gotriya people should be
mobilized here to collect the fund and investment. Municipality can collect fund even from
general people to build the statue of Shringi Rishi.

4.6 Cultural Heritage Tourism

The most important type of tourism potentiality of Mahalaxmi Municipality is Cultural Heritage
tourism. Heritage walk, Museum Walk, Village View is the possible. A “Heritage walk” is
conceived by and with those who live and work in a territory or have a special affinity with it.
The walk is devised by combining the stories of all the participants in the context of research
work drawing on scientific sources and also on the life experiences of local residents, on the
discovery of local curiosities and on the accumulated knowledge of the places concerned.

Such a walk can take many forms with the aim of experiencing, documenting and living a
territory in unusual ways: guided tours run by heritage communities, sensitive walks run by
artists, walks run by authors and visits to the homes of residents in their own neighbourhoods. To
popularaize Lubhu and Siddipur the Municipality has to develop the plans and programs to
attract the international students, media and
researchers. The community has to develop the
homestay and the infrastructures of its own
natural historical form.
Implementation process and conditions for
Heritage Walk in Lubhu and Siddipur
a. Hold meetings with experts – historians,
scientists and so on – with whom an initial
reconnaissance can be made of the possible
themes selected by the author and the
possible route (involving a field trip). Make
some thematic routes like Buddhism,
Hinduism, Newar, etc.
b. Understand local priorities linked to the
chosen themes
c. Form cultural heritage tourism sub committee
d. Research and document each theme.
e. Discover the route alone and identify places that awaken emotions, convey meanings or
offer surprises, especially by identifying and discovering what is closed, forbidden or
f. Ask local residents and users of the sites along the route for information concerning these
places and the possibilities of organizing visits of the premises or of presenting them.
g. Identify three or four priority sites, those of particular significance or associated with key
testimonies. It is at this stage that the pleasure aspect of the walk, its content and its rhythm
are identified. The testimonies may take the form of personal accounts, pictures of sites,
sound recordings and so on.
h. The chosen priorities are verified with persons familiar with the neighborhood itself: users,
officials, residents

4.7 Eco – Tourism

In general, tourism based on ecology and environment is eco-tourism. Ecotourism is
“…responsible travel to natural areas which conserves the environment and sustains the
wellbeing of local people.” Ecotourism can be considered as a subset of sustainable tourism and
nature tourism because it represents a sustainable way of travelling in natural areas. Basically
Eco tourism is According to international processes, ecotourism should be replaced by the term
sustainable tourism (Vrujci, 2005). So ecotourism is sustainable tourism and it is also an
economic method of tourism development. Government must protect environment and create
jobs for people. Both can be achieved by the establishment of mechanism of sustainable tourism
development plan.

Ecotourism is a sub-component of the field of sustainable tourism. Ecotourism’s perceived

potential as an effective tool for sustainable development is the main reason why developing
countries are now embracing it and including it in their economic development and conservation
strategies. Ecotourism, as an alternative tourism, involves visiting natural areas in order to learn,
to study, or to carry out activities environmentally friendly, that is, a tourism based on the nature
experience, which enables the economic and social development of local communities. It focuses
primarily on experiencing and learning about nature, its landscape, flora, fauna and their habitats,
as well as cultural artifacts from the locality. A symbiotic and complex relationship between the
environment and tourist activities is possible when this philosophy can be translated into
appropriate policy, careful planning and tactful practicum. Carefully planned and operated
ecotourism sites, especially if it is village-based and includes local participation, is able to
provide direct benefits that might offset pressure from other less sustainable activities that make
use of natural and cultural resources. Eco tourism, natural resources, cultural heritage, rural
lifestyle and an integrated tourism is a type of local economic activities. Therefore, ecotourism in
naturel and cultural areas was carried out with a number of elements in their natural landscape
and cultural landscape (water, vista, topography, vegetation, clean air), as well as in the variety
of recreational activities suitable for all kinds of environments. Therefore, ecotourism and its
natural assets and raw materials to create, as well as directing people to travel is an attractive
force (Kiper, 2013). So cultural Areas like Lubhu and Siddipur River Basins of Karmanasha,
Manahara, Hanumante, Godawari rivers; Forests of Sankhadevi to Ananataligeswor, top heights
of hills, Lankuri bhanjyang, punyatama, Gomati, Shringamati Riversides, are absolutely
potiential for ecotourism.

Heritage walk in Siddipur and Lubhu, Riverside walk in entire municipality, Mountainbiking in
Laankuri Hills, and entertaining nights in Lankuri. Deerwalk and Birdwatch walk in Pataleban
and Kafaleban and pilgrimage walk from ashok stupa to Manedobhan are the perfect ecotourism
potentialities of Mahalaxmi Municipality.

4.7.1 Riverside Tourism

Skandapuran, Himbatkhanda, Nepal Mahatmya birupaxya tirtha yatra: Goshringa Tritha ra
Govrateswor Mahatyma 133 unit describes. Many years ago there used to be a Kamdhenu Cow.
She used to stay in a cave of chandrawat hill (Bhimsen Danda) used to go pashupeshwor
Mahadev. The Kaamdhenu cow used to play with her horn around the Sirsasthali, Chandarwat
and chakranemi hills. From her horns she had dig the origin of Punyatama, Gomati, Shringamati
and Chakramati Rivers Punyatama River flows toward east and join Panauti Roshi and finally
Koshi or Kaushik. Gomati River flows through the head of Kashibisweshwor temple of
Ghimiregaun. Shringamati River flows from Shringi Rishi Asram at the head of Sisnery
Laankuri Bhanjyang. Shringamati and Gomati Rivers joins at Lamatar Raam tar is also known as
Shringa Tirtha. Chakramati River comes from Gochandeswori Daantiko Ban and joins at
Tripundeswor temple in Tilapu Riverside.
Whoever takes holy bath on this Tilapu and worship Govrateswor they will have peace, progress
and prosperity in life as Shringi Rishi had achieved. Riverside tourism is one of the famous
tourism mechanisms of Urbanization. River is the philosophy of human civilization. The
cleanliness of river shows the level of people’s civilization. So Mahalaxmi Municipality must
aware the people of riverside to clean it and preserve the river culture. It should be developed as
riverside and hiking route as river walk. Riversides are very healthy in morning or evening walk.
Kotkhu, Karmanasha, Baalkumari, Manahara, Hanumante and Godawari riversides are in very
prime location and morning walk trail for the people is very necessary. Entire riverside must be
developed as riverside morning walk trail. Similarly high hill trek route should be developed
over the river side of Chakramati, Gomati, Shringamati and Punyatam for hiking and trekking.
Over all area of 26. 5 sq. Km, around 50 Km rivers flow in Mahalaxmi Municipality. Among
them Godawari holy bath trek route will be the most valuable route for Religious Pilgrimage
4.7.2 Hillsides Recreational Tourism
Hillsides Recreational Tourism is the tourism based on the hills’ activities. Hiking, Trekking,
Mountain biking, Forest walk, Dear Walk, Bird watching, high views, Picnics, etc. are very
famous. Jyamirkot danda, Kot Danda, daregaunda, Shringi Rishi Gufa, Laankuri Bhanjyang,
Rishal Danda, Bhimsendanda, Manedobhan are favorable for hill side recreational activities.
Ward level Tourism coordination unit has to make the route of hiking, Mountain biking, eco trek,
riverside walk etc. high hill trek route should be developed over the river side of Chakramati,
Gomati, Shringamati and Punyatam for hiking.

4.7.3 Agro – Forest Tourism

Agricultural and forest land cover almost sixty percent of total land of Mahalaxmi Municipality.
Due to the lack of scientific bush management and public awareness every year fire has gut
many forest resources. Tourismatic management of forest and agro land preserves the
environment and reduces the poverty increasing job opportunities in tourism. Patale, Kafale,
Gomati and other forest users groups had already started forest garden tourism. In the
coordination with forest ministry and municipality those forest users groups should be mobilized
to develop the forests as a park based forest garden tourism.
Forest and Agro land are useful for
a. Deer Walk Observation
b. Bird watch trekking
c. Butterfly watch trekking for young trekkers
d. Jungle walk
e. Agricultural Visit and observation
f. 1000 steps walk
The Municipality has to coordinate Agriculture Ministry and forest ministry through tourism
ministry to mobilize farmers and forest users groups.

4.8 Research and Education Tourism

Just crossing the Lubhu Devisthan we arrived in only one Community Campus of Mahalaxmi
Municipality. The campus is very old and had produced 1000 of students. Now the time has
come to change the traditional courses of humanities and Management into new courses that
create jobs, make competitive, and career development of 21st century. Mahalaxmi Municipality
has to develop Mahalaxmi Campus as an academic Centre of tourism development and research
with the study of Hotel Management, Tourism and Hospitality Management and culinary Arts.
It has to supply the necessary human resources of hospitality for the city of Green Hospitality –
Mahalaxmi Municipality. The municipality has to coordinate with Ministry of Education and
tourism to develop the campus. Community should make green on every public place like
Ground of Devisthan, Ground of Sashambhu, etc. the Municipality has to motivate and mobilize
all the WCF members and educational institutions to develop and preserve the Greenery and
parks on every ward.
The archaeological department had identified the place was in existence since Stone Age. The
excavation found the weapons of Stone Age people. So the Mahalaxmi Municipality will be the
hub of researchers all around the world. Students of History, sociology, anthropology, biology,
economics including many other disciplines can visit here for their research work. We can
coordinate entire university of the world and request them to visit us to conduct their research
activities. Furthermore to establish qualitative tourism Municipality has to coordinate to establish
different training schools and tourism development institutions. The municipality has to invite
HAN, TAAN, and NMA etc. to expand their branches in our territory. Following are the
important points to be noted for educational tourism
a. Establishment of Standard Training Centre at Juliabaas (a place where US Ambassoder
Julia Chang Blok had stayed a night in tent on the way to Laankuri Bhanjyang. People
also called a Thulo Angan)
b. Modernizing Mahalaxmi Campus it has to be developed as Research Coordination Unit
around the world universities.
c. The Campus has to start tourism based courses like hotel management etc.
d. Establishment of other colleges and institutions for tourism study
e. Conduct intensive research on textile industry of Lubhu and Sukul production of Siddipur
4.9 Social Welfare Tourism
Social welfare is the most valuable moral work in earth for heaven. It is simply the serving the
people in need. Most of the foreign tourists visit the Mahalaxmi Municipality for the volunteer
works on different orphanages, children homes, schools, and other social organizations. Social
service is the common holy act of every religion. For the social work or volunteer work
municipality can invite the tourists around the world. The municipality has church, mosque,
Maszid and Mandirs to attract Christian, Muslim, Boudhists and Hindus around the globe. From
the Hindu perspective the Shringi Rishi Asram could be developed as the starting point of
Rammayan Circuit to link India and Nepal.

5. Tourism Planning (Timeline Framework)

According as the analysis of collected facts, literature review, interactions and field works the
following activities must be carried out by the municipality.

5.1 For FY 2073/74

Tourism development plan has identified the following issues to be addressed in current year by
Mahalaxmi Municipality. The generous guideline for municipality:

a. Establish a tourism help desk at Municipality and tourist information desk at the main
entrance of Municipality in major boarder areas
b. Organize TOT (Training of Trainer) on “Every Household is a Homestay” to WCF
members, CAC Members SMs and tourism subcommittee members.
c. If any household is not interested respect the ideology
d. Mobilize the Trainers to train other community leaders and community associations like
schools, campuses, temples, Churches, Masjids, Cooperatives Management committees,
Agricultural Groups, Forests Users Group Mothers Groups etc.
e. Organize Hospitality Awareness programs with Tree plantation to school and college
students and teachers.
f. Include all the plans of this Master plan in 14 steps of planning through the WCF.
g. Rectify the Tourism Development Master Plan from municipal Council
h. Monitor the development of Homestay and Greenery in every ward.
i. Award the best three WCF and make a mechanism to award them in every six months
j. Organize the interaction programs with Ministry of Tourism, Environment, forest,
agriculture etc. to intercept their programs on this master plan.
k. Form at least a tourism coordination committee in each ward to work as users groups to
implement the entire plans.
l. Invite the investors of tourism industry to establish, five star hotels, star hotels, hotel
management schools, tourism management schools, travel Agents, Tour Agents,
Trekking Agents in “Zero Taxation Scheme” for five years
m. Start to establish Tourism Research Academy in Collaboration with Tourism, Culture and
education ministry.
n. Start to develop an eco-trek trail for Riverside Walk around the entire riverside of the
municipality with the collaboration of Urban Development Ministry (Gomati,
Shringamati, Chakramati, Lubhu, Godawari, Dhungekhola, Hanumante, Manahara,
karmanasha Kotkhu) around 30 Km.
o. Start to develop the forest Tourism as Jungle Park, Bird Watching, Hiking and Deer Walk
on the hills of Kotdanda, Daregaunda, Sirsasthali, Bhimsendanda, Rishal danda etc., with
the coordination of Forest Ministry.
p. Start to develop “Mountain Biking Trail” from Dhungin, Sisnery, Terahbishe, Bhaltaar,
Pandali, Dharachaur, Jyamirkot, Kotdanda, Daregaunda, Sirsasthali, Laankuri Bhanjyang,
Rishal Danda back to Dhungin around 15 Km.
q. Start to complete double lane Mahalaxmi Highway up to Manedobhan in collaboration
with Rode Division.
r. Start to develop a pilgrimage transportation route and regular vehicular movement
s. Start to develop all the holes, ponds, craters (Khonch and Duns) of Lankuri Bhanjyang as
the lake or ponds of lotus as it used to be of Rishi Shringi and Bhivandak.
t. Make a system to hold the land and Lease it (Land pulling Mechanism) to investors to
build Hotels, Restaurants, Bars, and Pubs etc. at Lankuri Bhanjyang.
u. Develop the Master Plan as a booklet and distribute to all Wards, schools, temples, and
other managing stakeholders.
5.2 For FY 2074/75

The municipality has to focus on its activities on sustainable tourism as mentioned on the master

a. Call a meeting of tourism subcommittee about the Council’s Response on Tourism

Master Plan.
b. Finalize the Ward Level Tourism coordination Unit
c. Complete the trainings of Homestays training of each house holds
d. Commence the infra-structure development project.
e. Develop every infrastructure tourism friendly
f. Organize Workshops with tourism Investors, Line Ministries, Experts and Academicians
to commence their venture in Mahalaxmi Municipality
g. Visit to monitor Homestay, Greenery and trekking riverside routes.
h. Organize tourism Motivational Refreshment Training by like Karna shakya to WCF,
TCU (Tourism Coordination Unit) and others
i. Follow up the investors, line ministries, experts and ward secretaries
j. Invite Biking Companies and cyclists to organize Cycling Tournament.
k. Organize Mahalaxmi Tourism Marathoon
l. Organize workshops with film makers, journalists and local political parties
m. Organize workshop for restaurants, Dohori, Dance, Disco, Bar, pub, spa owners
n. Organize meeting with local people for suvoniour production and hospitality culture
o. Train and motivate local artists for live local performances every evening
p. Follow up the projects

5.3 For FY 2075/76

Assuming that this year new elected local body will start to function. Peoples’ representation and
democracy at grassroots start to function. So they should be highly trained, motivated and
believed that the development is only possible through the development of tourism and the vision
and mission of this Master Plan.

a. Orient newly elected people’s representatives about the importance Laankuri Bhanjyang
b. Coordinate existing mechanism of WCF and Ward Tourism Coordination Unit with
newly elected representatives
c. Motivate representatives on
d. Empower to afforest or have afforestation in barren land, hills, steppe and steep land and
in public land.
e. Prepare programs in respect of forests, vegetation, biological diversity and soil
conservation and to carry out or cause to be carried out the same.
f. Make various programs on environment protection and to carry out or cause to be carried
out the same.
g. Keep records of religious places and rest houses, inns, shelters etc. within Municipality
area and to look after and preserve them or cause to be done the same.
h. To preserve or cause to be preserved various languages, religions and cultures and assist
in their development from tourism perspective.
i. Include entire up going tourism projects into council and recommend for province, and
national level
j. Finalize the big investors and make them to start construction

5.4 For FY 2076/77

a. Prepare an inventory of the culturally and religiously important places within the
Municipality area and maintain, repair, protect and promote, or cause to be
maintained, repaired, protected and promoted, them.
b. To protect, promote and use or cause to be protected, promoted and used
archaeological objects, Languages, religion, culture and natural ecology within the
Municipality area.
c. Entire short term tourism projects should be completed from sustainability approach
d. Linking smart trekking trails with other neighboring districts and local bodies
e. The municipality must be able to develop at least 1000 tourists per day.

5.5 For FY 2077/78

This is the final year of the tourism Master Plan. Evaluating entire tourism projects, the
municipality has to make another master for next five year. Until the date Laankuri Bhanjyang
will be a famous Shringi Park of perfect combination of natural and cultural tourism destination
of Nepal. Every day around 1000 tourists visit. There will be two five star hotels, sufficient
restaurants, pubs, bars discos, malls, QFX cinema halls, hospital, spa, recreational centers of
sports and spiritualism. Mahalaxmi Municipality will set an example of tourism development to
the entire world.

6 Summary & Conclusion

Mahalaxmi Municipality is newly developed municipality with the mix up of five beautiful
VDCs – Lamatar, Lubhu, Siddipur, Tikathali and Imadol bordering Kathmandu, Bhaktapur,
Kavre and Godawary and Lalitpur Sub Metro city. All those five VDCs have their own identities
and cultural and natural history. The municipality must be able to present a demonstrative
tourismatic image to the world.

The Municipality has to unite the art and culture of all VDCs for tourism development. Ashok
Stupa, Krishna Mandir, Bojhepokhari, Bogateswor, Tikeswor, Kamalpokhari, Buddha Pokhari,
siddipur, Godawari Khola, Lubhu, and laankuri bhanjyangs are the most important destination of
tourism of Mahalaxmi Municipality. The Tourism Development Master plan is an intensive
research document. Entire facts and figure are justified from stakeholders and respondents.
Although it is a historical research so facts and figures are not tested and verified. References are
not completely based on research works. However available documents, field visits, historical
inscriptions and people’s saying and beliefs justify it.

This document is the collection of facts, potentialities of tourism development and guideline for
municipality, tourism businessmen, tourism students, and development stakeholders.
Methodologically it is an intensive literature review on history of the Municipality and focal
group discussion with Ward Citizen Forum Members Social Mobilizers and Citizen Awareness
Centre members of Municipality. Researcher had visited the field and interviewed with the local
people. It has conducted interaction programs with experts, investors, government personnel and

According as the stated objectives, Lannkuri Bhanjyang is recognized popular tourist destination
of Nepal. The Municipality and other stakeholders are convinced for it. So they will partner on
investments on the identified 22 projects for Laankuri Bhanjyang.

The Master Plan has identified 229 tourism development projects for this five year with the per
year cost of 2, 86,100 thousands with the capacity of 1,000 tourists every day. It has classified
the sectors as

a. Laankuri Bhanjyang Tourism

b. Pilgrimage Tourism
c. Cultural Heritage Tourism
d. Entertainment Tourism
e. Eco Tourism
a. Riverside Tourism
b. Hillside Recreational Tourism
c. Agro Forest Tourism
d. Trekking and Cycling Touring
f. Research and Education Tourism
g. Social Welfare Tourism

To develop the above identified tourism types the Master plan will be the guideline for the
stakeholders for last five years. The Master plan had identified the necessity of establishment of
tourism and hospitality training centers and schools. Those trained manpower will train other
human resources requiring for the sector. The guideline will be the milestone of tourism
development of Mahalaxmi Municipality.

7 References
Fangiali, F., & Toefer, K. (2006). Making Tourism more Sustainable A guide for Policy maker.
New York: World Tourism Organization and United Nations Environment Programme.

Ghimire, J. (2015, February 2). Skandapuran, Himabatkhanda Nepal Mahatmya. (P. Madhav,

Ghimire, R. (2016, June 4). Tourism Master Plan. (B. Badal, Interviewer)

Government of Nepal. (1999). Local Governance Act 2055 (1999). Kathmandu: Ministry of Law
and Justice, Law Books Management Board.

Government of Nepal. (2009). Tourism Vision 2020. Kathmandu: Government of Nepal Ministry
of Tourism and Civil Aviation.

Government of Nepal. (2015). Nepalese Constitution. Kathmandu: Kanoon Kitab Byabastha

Samiti, Ministry of Law and Justice.

Heredge, M. (2003). Strategic development planning for sustainable tourism development in

Upper Mustang, Nepal. Landon, UK: Faculty of Education, Birkbeck College,.

(2013). Role of Ecotourism in Sustainable Development. In T. Kiper, Advances in Landscape

Architecture (pp. 773 -802). Turky: INTECHNamık Kemal University, Faculty of Fine
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Mahalaxmi Municipality. (2072). Annual Municipal Development Plan 073/74. Imadol Lalitpur:

New Hampshire Municipal Corporation. (2010). The Master Planning Process. New Hampshire:
New Hampshire Municipal Coopration.

Paudel, M. (2016, June 4). Tourism Master Plan. (B. Badal, Interviewer)

Rishi, S. (4 BC). Skandapuran Himawatkhanda Nepal Mahatmya. Kathmandu: Nepal.

Scott, N. (2011). Tourism Policy: A Strategic Review. Woodeaton, Oxford: Goodfellow

Publishers Ltd .

Shakya, K. (2008). Tourism - Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. In R. P. Upadhyaya, Readings in

Rural Tourism (pp. 31-42). Kathmandu: Sunlight Publication.

Vaidya, T. (2001). Devaladevi, the de Facto Ruler of Nepal. Voice of History, Vol. XVI, No. 2
(Dec. 2001), 12-18.

Vrujci, B. (2005). What is ecotourism ? -An introduction. Ecological Tourism in Europe,

CEEWEB Academy.
Wikipedia. (n.d.). wikipedia. Retrieved 6 10, 2016, from

Appendix A
Nepal Mahatmya
Haraprasad Shastri and Cecil Bendall, in about 1898, discovered an old palm-leaf manuscript of
SkandaPurana in a Kathmandu library in Nepal, written in Gupta script. They dated the
manuscript to 7th century CE, on paleographic grounds. This suggests that the original text
existed before this time (Wikipedia).
R. Adriaensen, H. Bakker, and H. Isaacson dated the oldest surviving palm-leaf manuscript of
SkandaPurana to 810 CE, but Richard Mann adds that earlier versions of the text likely existed
in the 6th-century CE. Hans Bakker states that the text specifies holy places and details about the
4th and 5th-century Citraratha of Andhra Pradesh, and thus may have an earlier origin
The oldest versions of the Skandapurana texts have been discovered in the Himalayan region of
South Asia such as Nepal, and the northeastern states of India such as Assam. The critical
editions of the text, for scholarly studied, rely on the Nepalese manuscripts.
Additional texts style themselves as khandas (sections) of Skandapurana, but these came into
existed after the 12th-century. It is unclear if their root texts did belong to the Skandapurana, and
in some cases replaced the corresponding chapters of the original. Some recessions and sections
of the Skandapurana manuscripts, states Judit Torzsok, have been traced to be from the 17th-
century or later, but the first 162 chapters in many versions are the same as the older Nepalese
editions except for occasional omissions and insertions (Wikipedia).
There are a number of texts and manuscripts that bear the title Skanda Purana. Some of these
texts, except for the title, have little in common with the well-known Skandapurana traced to the
1st-millennium CE. The original text has accrued several additions, resulting in several different
versions. It is, therefore, very difficult to establish an exact date of composition for the
SkandaPurana (Wikipedia).

Appendix B

Comments and Inputs from the interaction program

1. Former VDC Chairperson : Chiranjibi Acharya

From Manedovan to Karmanasha (Kodkhu) River Mahalaxmi municipality is a beautiful
religious tourismatic area. Although Dharachaur, aitaware, Gochandeswory up to Kot Danda of
ward No 3 are very important for tourism. They have already planned about the temple of
Falunanada, International Children Park. But he opposed for the planning linkage accept
Mahalaxmi Municipality as advised by District Development officer. Instead of Angels sent by
king, famous Rishi Basistha has taken Shringi in Ayodhya holding on his hands. He has also
informed that the higher secondary schools of Municipality are also teaching Hospitality and
Tourism Management.

2. Chairperson of Nepal Mountaineering Association (NMA) : Ang Chhiring Sherpa

The chairperson of Nepal Mountaineering association of Nepal has worked a lot to establish
tourism in Mahalaxmi Municipality. He has a beautiful resort also in Lankuri Bhanjyang. He had
worked for the establishment of China Town in Lubhu, UN Park in Lamatar. He had organized a
Shirubari visit to train the home stay culture to the youths of Lamatar. He has highlighted the
religious importance and cultural heritages of the Municipality.

3. Minister of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation : Ananda Pokharel

Mr. pokharel highlighted the urgency of implementation of Live cultural tourism – tourism of
Gods, goddess, jatra, temples, festivals, organic agro eco-tourism - tourism related with
agriculture health and environment, zero carbon tourism – pollution less environment friendly
tourism. He also urged people to present their quality and cultural attributes according as the
tourism friendly perspective. India is making Rammayan circuit linking entire the cities linked in
Rammayan so the circuit should start from Shring Rishi Asram, Mahalaxmi Municipality
Lalitpur Nepal. People must secure organic foods for tourists. Farmers have to manage best
homestay providing organic food. He also focused tourism from farmers to field. Mahalaxmi
Municipality is a beautiful home town it should be linked with Godawary Municipality,
Bhaktapur and Kavre district. Each and every stone should be turned into money. Entire town
will be free wifi zone. The municipality must ensure the sustainable tourism development.

4. Chief District Officer: ……………………………… Aryal

Chief district officer seriously raised the issue of declared tourism center does not have even a
good tea shop. So municipality and other stakeholders have opportunities to explore a new
exciting touristic place. Municipality has to manage regular transport and some lodges and
restaurants as soon as possible. The municipality has to separate the agricultural and
construction land and have to make some linking approaches with other places and trekking

5. Director, Ministry of Culture Tourism and Civil Aviation : Dandu Raj Ghimire
The main commentator of the master plan Director Ghimire advised to develop a resource map,
potential locations for infrastructure, land use plan in Nepali. The plan has to focus on
practicalities, human capacities and indigenous product. It has to focus entire Municipality
rather than Laankuri Bhanjyang. It has to increase agro tourism product in the master plan.

6. Member of HAN: Pushpa Thapalia

Mr. Thapalia urged to focus on Accommodations, tourism activity route, brochure, information
board, and hospitality on cultural stakeholders. The ward level tourism coordination committee
should be properly trained.

7. Members of Tourism Board : Krishna Aryal

The Municipality has to focus on Newari and Tamang living culture. Lubhu Lamataar was a
historical place around in 2021 BS but it has seriously decreased its development and
recognition. Leaders have to be trained. Tourism is business. It would be a continuous process
with entrepreneurial skills. It should be developed and familiarize as a marketing product. NTB
will provide trainings if need be. It should be developed as a supreme destination of tourism.

8. Chairperson Friends Council service Nepal : Surya Bahadur Thapa

Mr. Thapa focuses on public private and civil society approach for tourism development of the
place with long and short term plans. He also focuses on Tourism Development Fund for
economic tourism development like in Kerela of India, horse riding and Tara Gaun Bikash
Samiti’s resorts.

9. Advisor of Ministry of Tourism : Gobinda Surendra Joshi

Mr. Joshi urged to focus only on tourism. We have to make plan, vision and mission focusing
only on tourism. The deviations and different dimensions may reduce the importance of tourism.
The report should be more concise and applicable as a major guideline of tourism.

10. Prof. Shree Raj Joshi :

Tourism is respecting mechanism of tourists. It is based on the interests of tourists and

availability of interesting tourism product determines the future of tourism. The plan must be
matched with programs. The municipality has to develop the code of conduct. Culture
preservation security must be guaranteed.

11. Chief Executive Officer of Mahalaxmi municipality: Krishna Prasad Sapkota

Mr. Sapkota said “The municipality is also making sanitation and environment plan, Land use
plan and Transport Management Plan. Finally all the Plans will be integrated as Mahalaxmi
Master Plan before the end of 2074. The development activities will be carried on public private
partnership approach”.

12. Chairperson of Lankuri Bhanjyang Tourism Development Committee : Madhav Paudel

Mr. Paudel urged the expectation of further advice, cooperation and rewriting of the report in
Nepali Language. Only tourism can change the face of Mahalaxmi.

13. Coordinator WCF : Rajkumar K C

Mr. KC has given written advice of necessity of building 1000 steps in ward No 3 of the
municipality. Entire collected facts, information, ideas and advices have been incorporated in the

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