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Ateneo de Manila Law School

Prof. Eugenio H. Villareal
Section 2C
1 Semester, SY 2019-2020

Course Objectives and Methodology

This course introduces the law student to the rules on the prosecution of criminal cases
and of their civil aspect in certain cases, including the protection of the rights of the
accused as well as “those of the State,” the relevant jurisdiction of the courts and of the
justice department/prosecution service, and such other important aspects of the
criminal justice system.

The course aims to create in the student a dig-deep understanding of the rules of
criminal procedure (including their nature and rationale) and the fundamental ability to
apply these in the evaluation and resolution of legal problems and cases.
“Understanding and application” will hopefully make the law student more effective in
practice court and much later, as lawyers (whether as defense attorneys or as
prosecutors) in litigation work. The course also aims to integrate the rules of criminal
procedure with other procedural rules as well as with constitutional principles and

The course, which presents to the student not only the rules and jurisprudence but also
relevant law, makes use of the Socratic Method in recitation (without prejudice to
quizzes). In-depth analyses and discussion of “legal-doctrinal” cases are conducted.
Final and mid-term written examinations are also required.

Course Proper

Definition of Criminal Procedure

Adversarial Nature
- Queto v. Catolico (GR Nos. L-2504 & L-25219, 1970)
Distinction from Criminal (Substantive) Law


Jurisdiction over Subject Matter

- Allegations in Complaint or Information Controlling, Evangelista v.
People, GR No. 163267, 2010
Jurisdiction over Territory; Jurisdictional Character of Venue in Criminal
Cases (Article 2, Revised Penal Code; Rule 110, Section 15)
- Lopez v. City Judge, GR No. L-25795, 1966.
- Navaja v. De Castro, GR No. 182926, 2015
Supreme Court’s Plenary Power to Order Change of Venue (Article VIII, Sec.
5 [4], 1987 Phil. Constitution)
Statutory Designation of Jurisdiction
- Sandiganbayan (RA 3019, RA 1379, RPC, RA 9160, as amended by RA
9194), Family Courts (RA 8369, in relation to PD 603), Illegal
Recruitment (RA 100022), Trafficking in persons (RA 9208), Dangerous
Drugs (Comprehensive Drugs Act of 2002)
Jurisdiction over Person
- Santiago v. Vasquez, GR No. 99289-90, 1993
- Miranda v. Tuliao, GR No. 158763, 2003
Notion of Estoppel
- Tijam v. Sibonghanoy, GR No. L-214530, 1968
- US v. Dela Santa, GR No. L-3181, 1907
- Lozon v. NLRC, GR No. 107660, 1995
Norms of Criminal Jurisdiction/Adherence Principle
- Dela Cruz v. Moya, GR No. L-65192, 1988
- People v. Chupeco, GR No. 19568, 1964
- Sanchez v. Sandiganbayan, GR No. 120011, 1999
Jurisdiction of the Courts (MTC, RTC, Sandiganbayan, CTA, Court Martial)
- Batas Pambansa Blg 129
- AM No. 00-11-01-SC (Bouncing Checks Law – for MTC)
- Rule on Summary Procedure
- MTC; People v. Eduarte, GR No. 88232, 1990
- Sandiganbayan: RA 3019, RA 1379, Relevant Felonies in RPC (Ch. 2,
Sec. 2, Title VII, Book 2), Executive Orders 1, 2, 14 and 14-A (1986), RA
9160, as amended by RA 9194 (Anti-Money Laundering Act, 2001); RA
8249, Sec. 4 (cf. RA 6758)
- RTC : Libel and Written Defamation (Admin Order No. 104-96); RA
9165, Sec. 90 – People v. Morales, GR No. 126623, 1997; Intellectual
Property – A.M. No. 03-03-03-SC, 2003; Election Offenses
- Complex Crimes – Cuyos v. Garcia, G.R. No. L-46934, 1988
- Continuing Crimes – United States v. Cunanan, L-8267, 1913; People v.
Grospe, GR Nos. 74053-54, 1988
- Transitory Offense – Tuzon v. Hon. Cesar Cruz, et al., GR No. L-27410, 1975
- Election Offenses (RTC by public officers in relation to their offices, Omnibus
Election Code)
- RA 9282 (CTA Jurisdiction)
- Court Martial (RA 7055)
- Inding v. Sandiganbayan, GR No. 143047, 2004
- Duncano v. Sandiganbayan, GR No. 191894, 2015
- Private Individuals – Disini v. Sandiganbayan, G.R. Nos. 169823-24, 2013

Prosecution of Offenses (Rule 110)

Institution of Criminal Actions - Direct Filing or via Preliminary Investigation

Section 1, in relation to Rule 112, cf. Sections 1 and 8
Dovetail with RPC Prescription – Article 90, RPC
Dovetail with Prescription in Special Laws
- Special which is “General” – Act No. 3326
- Arambulo v. Laqui, GR No. 138596, 2000

- People v. Reyes, G.R. No. 74226-27, 1989
- People v. Duque, G.R No. 100285, 2002
- BP 881
- SEC v. Interport, GR No. 135808, 2008
- Sanrio v. Lim, GR No. 168662, 2008
- Zaldivar v. Reyes, GR No. 102342, 1992
- RA 7160, Sec. 410(c) – filing of complaint with Punong Barangay.

Complaint or Information (Sections. 2, 3 and 4)

- Guiao v. Figueroa, et al., GR No. L-6481, 1954
- Cudia v. CA, GR No. 110315, 1998
- People v. Arojado, GR No. 207041, 2015

Who Must Prosecute (Section 5)

- People v. Santiago, GR No. 137281, 2001

- Quisay v. People, GR No. 216920, 2016
- Abela v. Golez, GR No. L-32849, 1984

Enjoining Criminal Prosecution; “Compelling” Prosecution

- People v. Grey, GR No. 180109, 2010
- Samson v. Guingona, GR No. 123504, 2000 (cf. Lopez v. Dela Cruz, GR No.
L-6229, 1954)
- MBTC v. Reynaldo, GR No. 164538, 2010

2000 NPS Rule on Appeal (Appeals from Resolutions in Preliminary

Investigation/Reinvestigation) (relate to Rule 112)

Control of Prosecution
- Crespo v. Mogul, L-53373, 1987
- Martinez v. Court of Appeals, GR No. 112387, 13 October 1994
- Solicitor-General at CA/SC; Heirs of Delgado v. Gonzalez, GR No. 184337,
- Office of the Special Prosecutor (Section 4, PD 1606, as amended by RA 8249)

Prosecution of “Private Crimes”/Dynamics of Pardon/Pardon v. Consent

- Article 344, RPC
- Article 360, RPC
- People v. Santiago, GR No. L-27972, 1927
- People v. Orzame, 39 OG 1168
- People v. Bernardo, 38 OG 3749
- United States v. Topiño, GR No. 11895, 1916

Effect of Desistance
Offended Party’s Personality to File a Rule 65 Certiorari (Perez v. Hagonoy Rural
Bank, Inc., GR No. 126210, 2000)

Sufficiency of Complaint or Information/Elements or Contents of Complaint or

Information (Sections 5 to 13, inclusive)
- Lazarte, Jr. v. Sandiganbayan, GR No. 180122, 2009
- People v. Sandiganbayan, 4th Division, GR No. 160619, 2015
- People v. Amodia, GR No. 173791, 2008
- Patula v. People, GR No. 164457, 2012

- People v. Valdez, GR No. 175602, 2013
- United States v. Lim San, 17 Phil. 273 (2010)
- People v. Teves, GR No. 128839, 1999
- People v. Bayabos, GR No. 171222, 2015
- People v. Ching, GR No. 177150, 2007
- People v. Dichao, 27 Phil. 421 (1914)
- United States v. Lahoylahoy, 38 Phil. 330 (1918), relate to People v. Gloria,
GR No. 39229, 1977
- People v. Pareha, GR No. 202122, 2014

Duplicity of the Offense (Section 13)

- People v. Tabaco, GR Nos. 100382-100385, 1997)

Amendment or Substitution (Section 14)

- Kummer v. People, GR No. 174461, 2013
- Ricarze v. CA, GR No. 160451, 2007
- People v. Casey, GR No. 30146, 1981

Place Where Action to be Instituted (Section 15), supra

Intervention of the Offended Party in the Criminal Action – cf. Rule 111

Prosecution of Civil Action (Rule 111) and Resort to Provisional Remedies

(Rule 127)

Implied Institution/Reservation (Section 1)

- BP 22: Heirs of Eduardo Simon v. Elvira Chan and CA, GR No. 157547, 2011
- Sandiganbayan: PD 1606, as amended by RA 10660, Section 4
- Maniago v. CA, GR No. 104392, 1996

Suspension of Separate Civil Action (Section 2)

Independent Civil Action (Section 3)

Separate Civil Action by Accused

- Casupanan v. Laroya, GR No. 145931, 2002

Effect of Death of the Accused on Civil and Criminal Liability (Section 4)

- Asilo v. People, GR Nos. 1509017-18, 2011
- People v. Layag, GR No. 214875, 2016
- Before Arraignment
- After Arraignment and During Pendency of Criminal Action
 People v. Lipata, GR No. 200302, 2016
- After Final Judgment – Money Claim vs. the Estate (Rule 86)

Judgment in Civil Action Not a Bar (Section 5)

Prejudicial Question; Suspension By Reason Thereof (Sections 6 and 7)
- People v. Arambulo, GR No. 186597, 2015
- People v. Consing, GR No. 161075, 2013
- Joselito Pimentel v. Maria C. Pimentel, GR No. 172060, 2010
- Yap v. Cabales, GR No. 159186, 2009
- Previous Administrative Case: San Miguel Properties v. Perez, GR No.
166836, 2013

Filing Fees – Chua v. Executive Judge, GR No. 202920, 2013

Bautista, Antonio, R., Precedence and Pre-Emption in Adjudication: The Doctrine

of “Prejudicial Question,” 78 PHIL. L.J. 1 (2003)

Provisional Remedies (Rule 127, Sections 1 and 2 [specific provision on

attachment]); relate to Rules 57 to 61, inclusive.
- RA 9208 (attachment and injunction in trafficking cases)
- Section 6, in relation to Section 7, Rule 61 (Support Pendente Lite in Criminal

Preliminary Investigation (PI) (Rule 112)

Nature and Purpose/Characteristic as Right/Waiver Aspect

Section 1
- Enrile and Enrile v. Judge Manalastas, et al., GR No. 166414, 2014
- Estrada v. Ombudsman, GR Nos. 212140-41, 2015
- People v. Liwanag y Buenaventura, GR No. 120468, 2001
- Waiver: relate to Article 125, RPC; cf. Sec. 2, RA 7438, AM No. 05-0-8-26
- Inquest Proceedings (Part II, Manual for Prosecutors); Beltran v. People, GR No.
175013, 2007
Section 2 – Who May Conduct
- AM No. 05-0-8-26, supra; Conquilla v. Bernardo, AM No. MTJ-09-1737, 2011
- Executive Determination; relate to the broader notion of determining “Probable
Cause” (Sections 1 and 3; Sections 5 and 8; Section 5[b], Rule 113; Section 4,
Rule 126)
- Determination of Probable Cause by Other Officers Authorized by Law
(COMELEC legal officers, Ombudsman, PCGG assisted by Office of the
Solicitor General [OSG] under EO 14 of 1986)
- Rights of Respondent in PI
Sections 3 and 4, Procedure; NPS Rule on Appeal, supra
- Samuel Lee v. KBC Bank, GR No. 164673
- Community Rural Bank of Guimba v. Talavera, AM No. RTJ-05-1909, 200
- Section 4, RA 10071
- Callo-Claridad v. Esteban, GR No. 191567, 2013
- Young v. People, GR No. 2133910, 2016
- SEC v. Santos, GR No. 195542, 2014
- Quisay v. People, GR No. 216920, 2016

Section 5, When Warrant of Arrest May Issue/Who May Issue
Warrant/Determination of Probable Cause/Reinvestigation and Other Reliefs/No PI
- Section 2, Article III, 1987 Philippine Constitution (Consti) (relate to Rule 113)
- Crespo v. Mogul, supra
- Roberts, Jr. v. Court of Appeals, GR No. 113930, 1996
- Whitely v. Warden, Wyoming State Penitentiary, 401 US 560, 91 S.Ct. 1031, 28
L.Ed.2d 306 (1971)
- Sesbreo v. Aglugub, AM No. MTJ-05-1581, 2005
- Villaflor v. Viva, GR No. 134744, 2001
- Hao v. People, GR No. 183345, 2014
- Reyes v. Ombudsman, GR Nos. 212593-94, 2016; relate to Section 36, Rule 130,
Revised Rules on Evidence
- People v. Lugnasin, GR No. 208404, 2016 (on Perceived Irregularity)
Section 7, Records
Section 8, Cases Not Requiring PI nor Covered by Rule on Summary Procedure

Preliminary Investigation v. Preliminary Examination: Mendoza v. People, GR No.

197293, 2014

Arrest (Rule 113; Section 6, Rule 112), Investigations by Law Enforcers, and
Other Considerations

Nature and Purpose – Chance v. State, 202 So. 2d 825 (Fla. 1967)

Who May Investigate

- Philippine National Police (PNP) (RA 6975, Section 24); RA10973 – Section
26-A, RA 6975 as amended: PNP Criminal Investigation and Detection Group
- National Bureau of Investigation (NBI), RA 10867

Limitations on State Authority in Non-Custodial and Custodial Situations

- Section 2, Article III, Consti
- Section 3, Article III, Consti
- Article 269, RPC
- Articles 124 and 125, RPC
- Section 12, Article III, Consti
- Section 19, Article III, Consti
- Miranda v. Arizona, 384 US 436, 86 S.Ct. 1602, 16 L.Ed. 2d 694 (1966)
- People v. Ayson, GR No. 85215, 1989
- People v. Amestuzo, GR No. 104383, 2001
- People v. Teves, GR No. 141767, 2001
- People v. Andan, GR No. 116437, 1997
- People v. Chavez, GR No. 207950, 2014
- RA7438, Section 2

Diplomatic and Parliamentary Immunity

- Section 11, Article VI, Consti
- People v. Jalosjos, GR Nos. 132875-76, 2000

Where Warrant May Be Served – Section 3, Rule 135

Sections 2, 3, and 4 – Enforcement of Arrest Warrant

- Mallari v. Court of Appeals, GR No. 110569, 1996

Quashal of Warrant – Allado v. Diokno, GR No. 113630, 1994; Aguinaldo v.

Ventus, GR No. 176033, 2015

Section 5, in relation to Section 6, Rule 112 – Lawful Arrest Without Warrant

- In Flagrante v. Immediacy
- Doctrine of Hot Pursuit
- People v. Molina, GR No. 133917, 2001
- Comerciante v. People, GR No. 205926, 2015
- Pestilos v. Generoso, GR No. 182601, 2014
- Rolito Go v. Court of Appeals, GR No. 125299, 1989
- Sapi v. People, GR No. 200370, 2017
- People v. Lim, GR No. 141699, 2002 (Illegal Raid v. Lawful Buy-Bust)

Section 6, Time of Making Arrest

Sections 7, 8, and 9, Method of Making Arrest (including by a Private Person; cf.
Section 5)
Section 10, Officers May Summon Assistance
Section 11, Right to Break into Building or Enclosure
Section 12, Right to Break Out Building or Enclosure
Section 13, Arrest after Escape or Rescue
Section 14, Right of Attorney or Relative to Visit Person Arrested
Consequences of Unlawful Arrest
- People v. Chua Ho San, GR No. 128222, 1999
- Article 269, RPC
- Article 32(4), New Civil Code (NCC)
- Section 26, Rule 114
Rule 114, Section 23 – Arrest of Accused Out on Bail
Section 16, Revised Rule on Summary Procedure (Limitation on Arrest Power of
the Court)

Rule 126, Search and Seizure

Nature of Application for Search Warrant

- Te v. Breva, GR No. 164974, 2015
Who Can Issue
- Section 2, Article III, Consti
- Section 1, Rule 126
- Sps. Marimla v. People, GR No. 158647, 2009 (cf. AM No. 99-10-09-SC and
AM No. 03-8-02-SC)
Nuances as to Venue/Where Application is Filed
- Section 2

- Pilipinas Shell Petroleum Corp. V. Romars International Glass Corp., GR No.
189669, 2015
- Sps. Marimla v. People, supra
- AM No. 00-5-03-SC
Sections 3 and 4, Personal Property/Requisite for Issuing Search Warrant
- “One Specific Offense” Rule
- Sy Tan v. SyTion, GR No. 174570, 2010
- Article 416, NCC
- World Wide Web Corp., et al v. People, et al. & Planet Internet Corporation v.
PLDT, GR Nos. 161106 and 161266, 2014

- People v. Castillo, Jr., GR No. 204419, 2016; also Malalaon v. Court of Appeals,
GR No. 104879, 1994
- Laud v. People, GR No. 199032, 2014
- Sony Computer v. Supergreen, Inc., GR No. 161823, 2007
Section 5, Examination of Complainant and Witnesses; Record and Section 6,
Issuance and Form of Search Warrant
- Probable Cause
- Stonehill v. Diokno, GR No. 19550, 1967
- Ogayon v. People, GR No. 188794, 2015
- Particularity
- People v. Posada, GR No. 196052, 2015
- Chan v. Honda Motors, GR No. 172775, 2007
Section 7, Right to Break Door or Window
- Sony Computer Entertainment v. Bright Future Technologies, GR No. 169516
Section 8, Search of Premises
- Lucito v. People, GR No. 1922050, 2013
- People v. Punzalan, GR No. 199087, 2015
Section 9, Time of Making Search
- People v. Padilla, GR No. 172603, 2007
Section 10, Validity of Search Warrant
Section 11, Receipt for Property Seized; Section 12, Delivery of Property and
Inventory; “Chain of Custody”
- People v. Dela Cruz, GR No. 205414, 2016; cf. RA 9165, Section 21
- People v. Romy Lim, GR No. 231989, 2018
Section 13, Search Incident to Lawful Arrest
- New York v. Belton, 453 US 454, 101 S.Ct 2860, 69 L.Ed.2d 768 (1981)
- Illinois v. Lafayette, 462 US 640 (1983) (“Booking Arrests”)
- Payton v. New York, 445 US 573, 600 S.Ct. 1371, 63 L.Ed.2d 639 (1980)
- People v. Calantiao, GR No. 203984, 2014
- People v. Belacura, GR No. 173474, 2012
Consented Search
- Valdez v. People, GR No. 170180, 2007
- People v. Nuevas, GR No. 170233, 2007
- Luz v. People, GR No. 197788, 2012
- Bumper v. North California, 791 U.S. 543, 88 S.Ct. 1788, 20 L.Ed.2d 797
Doctrine of “Automobile Exception”
- People v. Tuazon, GR No. 175783, 2007
- California v. Carney, 471 US 386, 105 S.Ct. 2006, 85 L.Ed.2d 408 (1985)
- Califiornia v. Acevedo, 500 US 565 (1991)
“Plain View” Doctrine
- People v. Salanguit, GR Nos. 133254-55, 19 April 2019

- United States v. Gray, 484 F.2d. 352, 1978
Regulatory Searches; Customs Searches
- US v. Biswell, 406 US 311, 92 S.Ct. 1593, 32 L.Ed.2d 87 (1972)
- New York v. Burger, 482 US 691(1987)
Inventory Procedures (are they searches?)
- Colorado v. Bertine, 479 US 367
Checkpoints, Body Checks, Stop and Frisk
- People v. Vinecario, GR No. 141137, 2004
- Terry v. Ohio, 392 US 1, 88 S.Ct. 1868, 20 L.Ed.2d 889 (1968)
- Posadas v. Court of Appeals, GR No. 89139, 1990
Doctrine of “Exigent Circumstances”
- Wayne v. United States, 318 F.2d 205 (D.C. Cir., 1963)
Anti-Wire Tapping Law (RA 4200), in relation to Human Security Act (RA
Section 14, Motion to Quash Search Warrant and/or to Suppress Evidence
Consequences/Remedies in Case of Unlawful Search and Seizure
- Galvante v. Casimiro, GR No. 162808, 2008
- RA 6975, Section 41
Exclusionary Rule
- Section 3(2), Article III, Consti
- “Fruit of the Poisonous Tree” Doctrine
- Franks v. Delaware, 438 US 154 (1978)
- Silverthorne v. United States, 251 US 385 (1919) (“independent source”
- United States v. Ceccolini, 435 US 268 (1978) (“attenuated taint”)
- Nix v. Williams, 467 US 431 (1984) (“inevitable discovery”)
- People v. Alicando, GR No. 117487, 1995
Standing to Challenge
- Nasiad v. Court of Tax Appeals, GR No. 29318, 1974; cf. Stonehill, supra
- Burgos v. Chief of Staff, GR No. 64261, 1984
Hold Departure Order; Legality of Bureau of Immigration (BI) Watch List: SC
Circular No. 39-97, 19 June 1997 (RTC) and RA 8249 (Sandiganbayan); Manotoc,
Jr. v. Court of Appeals, L-62100, 1996; Genuino, et al. vs. Hon. De Lima (and
companion cases), GR Nos. 197930, 199034, and 199046, 2018

Rule 114, Bail

- Nature and Meaning of Bail – Section 1; cf. Stack v. Boyle, 342 US 1, 72 S.Ct.
1, 96 L.Ed.3 (1951)
- Section 13, Article III, Consti
- Section 4, Rule 114 (Matter of Right; Exception)
- Section 5, Rule 114 (When Discretionary)
- Sections 6 and 7, Rule 114 (Capital Offense; Offense Punishable by Reclusion
Perpetua or Life Imprisonment); cf. RA 9346 (Abolishing Death Penalty)
- AM No. 15-06-10-SC
- Enrile v. Sandiganbayan, GR No. 213847
- Miranda v. Tuliao, GR No. 158673, 2006, supra
- Prosecution Witnesses: Section 14, Rule 110; Section 14, Rule 119
- Bail vs. Arraignment: Serapio v. Sandiganbayan, GR No. 148468, 2003;
Lavides v. Court of Appeals, GR No. 129670, 2000

- Conditions of Bail, Section 2
- Kinds of Bail
- Bail to Secure Appearance of Material Witness (Section 14, Rule 119)
- Bondsman/Surety; Sections 2(d), 10, 12, and 13 : People v. Gako, GR No.
135045, 2000; People v. Celeste, GR No. L-25806, 1977; Villaseñor v. Abaño,
GR No. 23599, 1967 (reasonable requirement re: bondsman)
- Section 14, Deposit of Cash as Bail
- Section 15, Recognizance
- Bail for Youthful Offenders/Recognizance (Sections 34 and 35, RA 9344 –
Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act of 2006)
- Section 16, When Bail Not Required; Reduced Bail or Recognizance (see below)
- People v. Singh, et al., GR No. 129782, 2001
- People v. Cabral, GR No. 131909, 1999
- Paderanga v. Court of Appeals, GR No. 115407, 1995
- Court Martial Proceedings: Aswat v. Galido, GR No. 88555, 1991
- Extradition: Government of (the) USA v. Purganan & Jimenez, GR No.
148571, 2002; Government of HongKong-SAR v. Olalia, GR No. 153675, 2007
- Deportation: Ong See Hang v. Commissioner of Immigration, L-9700, 1962;
Mejoff v. Director of Prisons, GR No. L-4254, 1951
- Section 8, Hearing for Bail Application, Burden of Proof; Section 9, Amount of
Bail; Guidelines
- Gacal v. Judge Infante, AMNo. RTJ-04-1845, 2011
- Jorda v. Bitas, AM No. RTJ-14-2376
- Enrile v. Sandiganbayan, supra
- Prosecutor’s Recommendation: Amaya v. Ordoñez, GR No. 80906, 1988
- Recognizance/When Not Required: Recognizance Act of 2012 (RA 10389); RA
9306; Espiritu v. Jovellanos, AM No. MTJ-97-1139, 1997 (cf. PD 603); RA
9344, Section 20 (also Sections 35-36)
- RA 6036, Section 1; RA 7610 on arrested child involved in armed conflict;
Section 16, Rules on Summary Procedure, supra
- Section 17, Bail, Where Filed
- Section 18, Notice of Application to Prosecutor
- Section 19, Release on Bail
- Section 20, Increase or Reduction of Bail; Requirement to Give Bail even if
earlier Released Without Bail
- Section 21, Forfeiture of Bail
- People v. Piad, GR No. 213607, 2016
- Section 22, Cancellation of Bail
- Section 23, Arrest of Accused Out on Bail (relate to Rule 113)
- Section 24, No Bail after Final Judgment; Exceptions
- Section 25, Court Supervision of Detainees
- Section 26, Bail Not Bar to Objections on Illegal Arrest, Lack of or Irregular PI

Rule 115, Rights of the Accused; relate to Sections 9 and 16, Rule 116; and
Section 10, Rule 119)

- Section 1 (relate to relevant provisions of the Bill of Rights)

- Right to be Presumed Innocent; Right to be Informed
- Right v. Self-Incrimination
- Right to Counsel

- Right to Speedy Trial (cf. Section 10, Rule 119)
- Discovery: Section 9, Rule 116 (Motion for Bill of Particulars); Section 10,
Rule 116 (Production or Inspection of Material Evidence in the Possession of
the Prosecution)
- Right to Compulsory Process
- AM No. 12-11-2-SC (Decongesting Holding Jails by Enforcing Rights to Bail
and to Speedy Trial) (relate to Rules 114 and 119)

Rule 116, Arraignment and Plea

Nature and Purpose

- Section 14 (2), Article III, Consti
Section 1, How Made
Section 2, Plea to a Lesser Offense
Section 3, Plea of Guilty to Capital Offense; Reception of Evidence
Section 4, Plea of Guilty to Non-Capital Offense, etc.
Section 5, Withdrawal of Improvident Guilty Plea
Section 6, Court’s Duty to Inform: Right to Counsel
Sections 7 and 8, Counsel de Oficio
Section 9, Bill of Particulars; cf. Rule 117, Section 1
Section 10, Discovery: Production or Inspection of Material Evidence with
Section 11, Suspension of Arraignment; cf. 2000 NPS Rule on Appeal

Bandoy v. Jacinto, AM No. RTJ-14-2399, 2014

Shorter Period – RA 8493, RA 4908, RA 7610, RA 9165, SC AO No. 104-96
Daan v. Sandiganbayan, 163972-77, 2008
Estipona v. Lobrigo, GR No. 226679, 2017
People v. Ulit, GR Nos. 131799-801, 2004
People v. Magat, GR No. 130026, 2000 (re absence of Transcript of Steneographic
Notes [TSN])
People v. Baharan, GR No. 188314, 2011
People v. Solamillo, GR No. 123161, 2003
People v. Chua, GR No. 137841, 2001
Gamas v. Oco, AM No. MTJ-99-1231, 2004
ABS-CBN v. GMA, et al., GR No 195956, 2015
Aguinaldo v. Ventus, GR No. 176033, 2015

Rule 117, Motion to Quash (MTQ)

Section 1, Time to File MTQ; cf. Section 9, Rule 116

Effect of Desistance
Section 2, Form and Contents
Section 3, Grounds
Section 4, Amendment of Complaint or Information
Sections 5 and 6, Sustaining an MTQ

Section 7, Double Jeopardy; Former Conviction or Acquittal; relate to Section 21,
Article III, Consti
Section 8, Provisional Dismissal
Section 9, Waiver: Effect of Not Filing MTQ or Allege Any Ground Therefor

People v. Salazar, GR No. 144159, 2004

Antone v. Beronilla, GR No. 183824, 2010 (What Can Be Raised in MTQ)
Tolentino v. Paqueo, Jr., GR No. 150606, 2007
Perez v. Sandiganbayan, GR No. 166062, 2006
Duque, et al v. Santiago, etc., et al., GR No. L-16916, 1962
Disini v. Sandiganbayan, GR Nos. 169823-24, 2013
People v. Dela Rosa, GR No. 34112, 1980

On Double Jeopardy …

Braza v. Sandiganbayan, GR No. 195302, 2013

Saldariega v. Panganiban, GR No. 211933 and 211960, 2015
Heirs of Jane Honrales v. Jonrales, GR No. 182651, 2010

People v. Obsania, GR No. 24447, 1968

Lockhart v. Nelson, 488 US 33, 109 S.Ct. 285, 102 L.Ed.2d 265 (1988)
US v. Scott, 437 US 82, 98 S.Ct. 2187, 57 L.Ed.2d 65 (1978)
People v. Hon. Velasco, GR No. 127444, 2000
People v. Relova, GR No. 451129, 1987
People v. Bermoy, GR No. 151912, 2005

“Appeal by the State”

People v. Velasco, supra

United States v. Jenkins, 490 F. 2d 868, 1973
People v. Romero, 89 Phil. 672
Esmeña v. Pogoy, GR No. 54110, 1981

Appeal by Accused

People v. Torres, GR No. 189850, 2014

Provisional Dismissal

AM No. 12-11-2-SC, 2014

Saldariega v. Panganiban, supra
Torres, Jr. v. Aguinaldo, GR No. 164268, 2005
People v. Lacson, GR No. 149453, 2003
Los Baños v. Pedro, GR No. 173588, 2009

Rule 118, Pre-Trial

Section 1, Mandatory Character; Matters Considered

AM No. 12-11-02-SC, 2014
AM No. 15-06-10-SC, 2017
AM No. 03-1-09-SC, 1-B(6a)
AM No. 12-8-8-SC, Judicial Affidavit Rule (start with Section 9, and then the rest)
Referral to Court Annexed Mediation (CAM)
Referral to Judicial Dispute Resolution (JDR)
AM No. 11-1-6-SC-PHILJA (Consolidated and Revised Guidelines on CAM and
Section 2, Pre-Trial Agreement
Section 3, Non-Appearance
Section 4, Pre-Trial Order

Peoplev. Tac-an, GR No. 14800, 2003

Garayblas, et al. v. Hon. Gregory Ong, et al., GR Nos. 174507-30, 2017
Bayas v. Sandiganbayan, GR Nos. 143689-91, 2002
People v. Guzman, GR No. 169246, 2007
People v. Feliciano Ulit, GR Nos. 131799-801, 2004

Rule 119, Trial

Section 1, Time to Prepare

Sections 2 to 6, inclusive, Section 9, and 10, Continuous Trial and Time Rules;
Invocation of Speedy Trial Not Bar to Any Charge of Denial of Right to Speedy
Trial (Section 14[2], Article III, Consti)
AM No. 15-6-10-SC, 2017
AM No. 12-11-2-SC, 2014
SC Circular No. 38-98 dated 11 August 1998; RA 8493 (Speedy Trial Law)
Rule on Examination of Child Witness (AM No. 004-07-SC)
Section 7, Public Attorney’s Duty When Accused is Detained or Imprisoned
Section 8, Sanctions
Section 11, Order of Trial; also Section 22, Consolidation of Trial and Section 21,
Exclusion of the Public
Sections 12, 13, and 15, Discovery Methods
Section 14, Bail to Secure Appearance; cf. Rule 114 (another “specie” of Bail)
Section 16, Trial of Several Accused
Sections 17 and 18, State Witness Rule; also RA 6981
Transactional Immunity vs. “Use and Derivative Use” Immunity
Section 19, Mistake in Charging Proper Offense
Section 20, Acting Prosecutor
Section 23 Demurrer to Evidence
- distinguish from Section 1, Rule 33, Demurrer to Evidence in Civil Cases
AM No. 15-06-10-SC (Demurrer Aspect)
Section 24, Reopening
Court Proceedings for Youthful Offenders, Chapter 4, RA 9344

People v. De Grano, GR No. 167710, 2009
Ibañez v. People, GR No. 190798, 2016
Go v. People, GR No. 185527, 2012

On State Witnesses …

Jimenez v. People, GR No. 209195, 2014

People v. Mendiola, 82 Phil. 473
Chua v. Court of Appeals, GR No. 103387, 1996
Mangubat v. Sandiganbayan, GR Nos. 103397, 1996

On Demurrer to Evidence …

People v. Laguio, GR Nos. 128587, 2007

People v. Sandiganbayan, GR No. 197953, 2015
Arroyo v. People, GR No. 220598, 2016; also Aguas v. Sandiganbayan, GR No.
220953, 2016
Salazar v. People, et al., GR No. 151931, 2003

Rule 120, Judgment

Sections 1 and 2, Definition, Form, and Contents

Section 14, Article VIII, Consti
Section 3, Two or More Offenses
Section 4, Variance Between Allegation and Proof
Section 5, Offense Includes or is Included in Another
Section 6, Promulgation
Section 7, Modification
Section 8, Entry of Judgment
Section 9, Suspension of Sentence, Probation, or Parole
Sections 37 and 38, RA 9344 – Sentencing Youthful Offenders

People v. Chi Chan Liu, GR No. 189272, 2015

People v. Pareja, GR No. 202122, 2014
Salvador v. Chua, GR No. 212865, 2015
Colinares v. People, GR No. 182748, 2011

Ramos v. Gonong, GR No. L-42010, 1976

People v. Jalandoni, GR No. 57555, 1984

Rule 121, (Motion for ) New Trial or Reconsideration (MNT or MR)

Section 1, When Filed/When Granted

Section 2, Grounds for New Trial
Section 3, Ground for Reconsideration
Section 4, Hearing on Motion
Section 5, Effects

Ybiernas v. Tanco-Gabaldon, GR No. 178925, 2011(Newly Discovered Evidence)

Rule 122, Appeal

Section 1, Who
Section 2, Where to
Section 3, How Appeal Taken; relate to Rules 42 and 45, as well as Section 13,
Rule 124
Section 9, Appeal to the Regional Trial Court (RTC)
Section 6, When
Sections 4 and 5, Notice of Appeal; Waiver
Section 7, TSNs
Section 8, Transmission of Records to Appellate Court
Section 10, Transmission of Records if Death Penalty (but see RA 9346)
Section 11, Appeal By Any of Several Accused
Section 12, Withdrawal of Appeal
Section 13, Counsel de Oficio for Accused on Appeal; relate to Section 2, Rule

AAA v. Court of Appeals, GR No. 183652, 2015

People v. Hon. Velasco, GR No. 127444, 2000, supra
Cariño v. De Castro, GR No. 176084, 2008
People v. Mamaril, GR No. 171980, 2010
Yu v. Tatad, GR No. 170979, 2011, cf. Neypes v. Court of Appeals, GR No.
141524, 2005 (just note the period)
People v. Repata, GR No. 200302, 2016
Abalos v. People, GR No. 136994, 2002 (What Can’t Be Raised)
People v. Abesamis, GR No. 140985, 2017

Appeal to CA of Ombudsman Administrative Cases v. Review by SC of

Ombudsman Resolution Finding Probable Cause of Criminal Liability

Fabian v. Desierto, 356 Phil. 787 (1988)

Kuizon v. Desierto, 406 Phil. 611 (2001)
Gatchalian v. Office of the Ombudsman, et al., GR No. 229288, 2018
(and related cases cited therein)

Rule 123, Section 1, MTC/MCTC Procedure; relate to Revised Rule on
Summary Procedure

Rule 124, Procedure in the CA

Section 1, Title of the Case

Section 2, Counsel de Oficio
Sections 3, 4 and 5, Time for Filing Respective Briefs; Extension of Time
Sections 6 and 7, Form and Contents of Briefs; relate to Sections 13 and 14, Rule
44; also AM No. 11-9-4-SC (Efficient Use of Paper Rule)
Section 8, Abandonment or Failure to Prosecute
Section 9, Prompt Disposition
Section 10, “Substantial Error” Rule
Section 11, Scope of Judgment
Section 12, Power to Receive Evidence
Section 13, Certification or Appeal to SC (cf. RA 9346)
Sections 14 and 15, MNT (relate to Section 4, Rule 121)
Section 16, MR
Section 17, Transmittal of Judgment to Trial Court
Section 18, Application of Some Rules in Civil Procedure

Rule 125, Procedure in SC

Section 1, Uniform with CA (general rule)

Section 2, Review of CA Decisions
Section 3, Decision if Opinion Equally Divided in En Banc.

Musings on Post-Conviction Review

Galman v. Sandiganbayan, GR No. 72670, 1986

Santiago v. Alikpala, GR No. 25133, 1968
Velasco v. Court of Appeals, GR No. 118644, 1995
Rule 102, Habeas Corpus
Bautista, A.R., Habeas Corpus as a Post-Conviction Remedy, 75 Phil. L.J. 553


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