Educ 650 Principal Shadowing Reflection

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Shelly Cox

EDUC 650
Principal Shadowing Reflection

My shadowing experience with Assistant Principal Stephanie Bugaj involved many

different aspects of the assistant principal position for the closing of a school year as well as
overseeing summer school. We finalized checkout procedures for the career and technical
education teachers, verified enrollment for summer school, and planned out professional
development opportunities for the summer for career and technical education teachers and

When it came time for summer school, Mrs. Bugaj not only oversaw the staff and
students, but she also hosts a Career Exploration Academy for incoming freshmen. This
Academy provides students the knowledge and experience of visiting different workplace
environments to gain knowledge of fields they may want to pursue. I helped Mrs. Bugaj secure
workplace environments for students to observe. Each day, students would go to a different
workplace, take tours, and gain profound knowledge of that field. Students worked with their
teachers and peers throughout the academy to create a portfolio of their experiences.

During summer school, I had the opportunity to work directly with Mrs. Bugaj, students,
the school counselor, and the prevention resource officer. I was given the task of creating
coursework specific to student needs and assigning to individual students. I oversaw students
and made certain they remained on task to gain the credit recovery they needed. I worked
directly with Mrs. Bugaj, the school counselor, and PRO to address discipline and attendance

This shadowing experience allowed me to see all the different variables that goes into
the planning involved for summer school and the Career Exploration Academy. I didn’t realize
amount of responsibility with Mrs. Bugaj’s position as assistant principal and director of the
career and technical education. It was a good experience to see how she communicated with
staff and students to create a positive environment for the career and technical education
students as well as work with students to meet their specific needs toward graduation

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