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Interviewee: From them more specialist knowledge how they could then link him into, you know,

maybe some retraining or helping him with his CV, helping him with how he's going to disclose to new
employees about his pain and things like that. So it was very much practical advice about the
importance of still carrying on and maintaining work rather than losing that position and then losing,
you know, and then getting into a cycle where you're out working, you should bad about yourself, or
you know, you have it on the financial pressures, and you've got that loss of role. And potentially, that's
kind of reflect on mental health and you know, that will create a downward spiral. So in a ways trying to
prevent, try and maintain people in a job or trying to get work with people with practical type things
that we keep them in employment.

Interviewer: And so if you were to kind of name some strengths of the interventions that you use, what
would you say the strengths are?

Interviewee: I think that, in terms of the workplace things, I think it's quite evidence based. I mean,
there's lots of evidence about and the guidelines are all very much about, if people can maintain work,
then they will have better health outcomes in general, reduces poverty and social exclusion and all that
monarchy so you know, that, and I think the other strength is we is this thing about being holistic, that
we take this biopsychosocial approach, so we're looking at actually everything. So it's not just the body
and the physical symptoms of pain the psychology that goes with it, and then also the behaviors that go
that because people are in so much pain, people don't want to move. And I know we're unable to do
things and then that has consequences. So because we take a holistic approach and as an empty team,
we take a holistic approach, we're looking to have everybody involved, we can discuss things together.
So although I might do something individually, I can then go back and talk to my other colleagues about
their impression of what's happening or if I just if I think I'm struggling with something and somebody I
feel that this barriers to what I'm trying to achieve. I can talk to others, you know they got a different
version of what the barrier might be for the patient or I mean, as well as obviously talking to patient or
the client, but you know, I mean, I've got that backing as well that I've got not only can I reflect myself.
What's happening I can use the team to reflect what's happening.

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