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From: (b) (6)

To: Colburn, Ronald S; Aguilar, David V; (b) (6) ; Self, Jeffrey D
Cc: (b) (6) Adams, Rowdy D;
(b) (6)
Subject: Re: fence choices
Date: Thursday, December 06, 2007 9:24:49 PM

We are in the stages of receiving the final feedback from the sectors on the fence designs. The basic
designs are more from "working" fence designs in the field with some "levee designs" still being
discussed and engineered to the various sector needs. We have until the 14th of December to return
that sector feedback to SBITI but we believe we will return it quicker. Loren Flossman has actually
been in contact with the fence material manufacturers and has verified some production deadlines. He
has said we are well within the material ordering deadline. We do have an "almost complete" laydown.
We will ensure the OBP Staff is kept up to date on this matter to avoid the P-70 issues.
----- Original Message -----
To: Aguilar, David V <>; (b) (6) >; Self,
Jeffrey D <>
Cc: (b) (6)

Adams, Rowdy D <>; (b) (6)

Sent: Thu Dec 06 20:02:51 2007

Subject: fence choices

Is it a matter of pointing at one of several choices, and having our on-the-ground operators say 'this
one' or 'that one'? I assume OBP is being allowed to pick from the solutions produced by the fence lab?
Am I over-simplifying the matter? We already know where we intend to put it, correct? Also, Corps of
Eng. has already identified the engineering & enviro challenges. That should make the design decisions
go like clockwork.
Ron Colburn

----- Original Message -----

To: (b) (6) ; Self, Jeffrey D <>
Cc: Colburn, Ronald S <>; (b) (6)

Sent: Thu Dec 06 17:52:46 2007


(b) /Jeff,
I am hearing from SBInet in a meeting with Commissioner that they (SBInet) are waiting on us (BP) as
to the type and amount of fence that we want under 225. Is this correct? If this is correct I want this
process accelerated as much as possible.

SBInet is stating that they cannot start procuring the mass amount of steel and fencing materials until
we provide the type and amount of fence that we need. Apparently we have people assigned to
"workgroups" working this out.

I need to be made smarter on this. But most importantly if they are waiting on us I want our part of
this process acelerated as much as possible.

Let me know.


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