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Name : ....................................

Class : ....................................

Choose the right answer in the box below!

Jackfruit are nineteen dua belas eight

Nine sixteen is tujuh alpukat Mangga

1. Sembilan in English is ...................................

2. Sembilan belas in English is ...........................

3. Twelve is ......................................

4. three and five equal...................................

5. ten and six equal .................................

6. There ........................ an apple

7. There ......................... apples

8. Mango artinya.........................

9. Seven avocados artinya..............................

10. Buah nangka in english is........................................

Fill in the blanks with the right answer!

11. What is four and fourteen ? ..........................................

12. What is two and seventeen? ...........................................

13. What is seven and twelve? .............................................

14. What is thirteen and seven? ............................................

15. What is fifteen and two? ................................................

Change into plural noun like example!

Example : A : There is one coconut on the table (bentuk singular/ tunggal)

B : There are two coconuts on the table (bentuk plural / jamak)

16. There is one book on the bag


17. There is one apple in the basket


18. There is one orange in the basket


19. There is one mango on the table


20. There is one banana in the basket


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