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Works Cited

Bordwell, David, Janet Staiger, and Kristin Thompson. The classical Hollywood cinema: Film

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Busch, Noah. “America’s Oomph Girl,” Life, July 24, 1939. Retrieved from


Conklin, John E. Campus life in the movies: A critical survey from the silent era to the present.

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Cunningham, Bill to Sydney C. Hayward, 12 February 1938, Secretary of the College Records,

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Davis, Ronald L. Glamour Factory: Inside Hollywood's Big Studio System. University of

Oklahoma Press, 1993.

Hayward, Sydney C. to Walter Wanger, 6 June 1938, Secretary of the College Records, DA-37,

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Hayward, Sydney C. to Walter Wanger, 22 February 1939, Secretary of the College Records,

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Hayward, Sydney C. to Dan Keefe, 12 February 1939, Secretary of the College Records, DA-

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Umphlett, Wiley Lee. The movies go to college: Hollywood and the world of the college-life film.

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