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What if a priest has sinned and still says mass?

Honestly after watching the video it made me realized that all of us are capable of having sin, and a
priest isn’t exempted too that. They may proclaim words of God but some may be tested by faith and they
cannot succumb to such. My initial reaction upon watching the video is that why would we complicate life as
it is, a priest may have sinned yes! But he is also a person capable of being given second chance. The
grace of God will not diminish if a sinner priest would held the mass. It more like people tend to look on the
bad things in life that they have forgotten that its not the priest were praising but God himself, priest are
only instruments of God who has sacrifice and accepted their mission. At some point I pity those people
who have those kinds of thoughts, why? Because I feel like they wanted to mirror themselves unto the
mistake a priest has committed. They wanted so bad to find fault unto a person that they have forgotten
that priest is also human person.
The video has opened a lot of realizations as well as self reconciliation that we human person are
capable of having sinned and no one is actually exempted to that, even people who have praised God for a
long time is if no exemption. I can definitely say that we shouldn’t stereotype people as they are, we must
have that mentality that temptations surrounds us and sometimes it’s very hard to resist and be holy. A
quote “people will remember the things you’ve made wrong and not the things you made right” has linger
unto my mind for a moment because I have come to a conclusion that people will always judge us no
matter what, they will always find faults and remember the bad things we’ve done. They will never
remember the things we made right because I think they wanted to console themselves that there is
someone else out there that have done worst deeds. So basically to sum up all my thoughts towards the
video presented, I think I gotten to a point of self-awareness that everyone of us are human person who will
and can sin its just a matter of how we ask for forgiveness as well as how genuine we are of saying sorry to
God. A priest who has sinned and still held mass is not an issue why? Because the sacrament is
celebrated by God himself but nevertheless priests must strive always to be worthy ministers of the
sacraments they celebrate, acting in a state of grace and reflecting the Christ in whose person they act.

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