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Running head: GENRE ANALYSIS 1

Alcohol Abuse and Suicide: A Genre Analysis

Alexis N. Mena

The University of Texas at El Paso

Rhetoric and Composition II 34347


Professor Randi Bossie


Alcohol Abuse and Suicide: A Genre Analysis

Over the past few decades, alcohol abuse and suicide individually have given rise

globally (Pompili et al., 2010). Studies have found that while they are both a problem separately,

there have been many correlations between suicidal ideations and alcoholism. “Everything you

think you know about addiction is wrong” (2015), is a podcast on Ted Talks with guest speaker

Johann Hari who demonstrates an auditory-oriented genre in order to not only inform his

audience of evidence he has found about addiction, but possibly persuade his listeners to make a

change. Hari affirms that addiction has many misconceptions that people have made regarding

the subject matter that can lead to the problem of death (i.e. suicide) of those depending on a

substance, such as the dependency and abuse of alcohol. Alternatively, Pompili et al. (2010)

wrote a scholarly article for The International Journal of Environmental Research and Public

Health titled “Suicidal Behavior and Alcohol Abuse” that informs its readers of the correlation

between suicide and alcoholism. Pompili et al. investigates the evidence of the relationship

between the two problems in order to inform their audience of the statistics gathered for a

research-oriented, and educational, study.

Structure and Delivery

Johann Hari’s presents his topic as an auditory podcast which requires his audience to

listen to his words rather than see any visual cues that will convey his topic. Due to its auditory-

oriented genre, the podcast is structured in a way to keep the audience informed but with an

element of surprise as well. To start, he does not introduce the topic but rather a story as to hook

the audience into listening. Once he has gotten the listener’s attention, Hari then introduces what

the topic is about. He does this in a cause-and-effect manner: Hari divulges information as a

short story that causes a negative emotional association to his childhood that affects him enough

to want to study more about that issue, hence the reason he is presenting the topic before an


However, due to its genre, Hari is limited in what he can present. The audience may

become inhibited to understanding what it is that is being presented if they require visual

stimulation in order to process what they are learning. The podcast relies on one sense and one

sense only and may not be enough to entice an audience into listening to the information

presented. Meanwhile, if the auditory-oriented genre is of no issue, the podcast is able to

facilitate its purpose by hooking its listeners and introducing the topic at hand in order to get the

perceivers to connect with the presenter and the presenter’s topic. Once that is established, the

podcast is able to continue into informing the listeners of the issue and end its purpose of

possibly enticing a change.

As for Pompili et al., their topic is written into a scholarly article for a public health

journal. Their genre is typographic and academic that requires a written report of their studies to

present to their readers. The information is organized into a well-defined structure so that it may

be followed in a tier-like order. It starts off by introducing the topic and what it is, as well as who

and where their studies will be focused. This is so their audience will have an idea of what they

will be reading and determine if they will possibly find what they are looking for. The rest of the

content expands on the information provided in the topic with statistics to back up their claims.

Attributing to Pompili et al. and their typographic genre, the limitations imposed on the

article are based on a distinct lack of visual and auditory appeal to a non-scholastic and research-

based audience. The article is word based with one figure depicting a bubble map at the end of

the essay as to give an idea of the correlation between the two issues they are presenting.

However, the structure of the informative article is able to facilitate its purpose by being

composed in a format that is solely knowledge-based and educational to a higher-level of

academic appeal. While formal, it is able to clarify and answer any questions regarding the

subject using methodology and a plethora of resources.

Rhetorical Issues

“Everything you think you know about addiction is wrong” (Hari, 2015) and “Suicidal

Behavior and Alcohol Abuse” (Pompili et al., 2010) have a vastly different way in engaging their

audience with the rhetorical tools they use. This may be because of their different genres and the

audience they are addressing.


Hari’s podcast must take the time to establish credibility in order for the audience to

believe him. This is rather difficult as he does not introduce himself verbally to the audience, and

there is nothing to indicate if he had addressed his credentials prior to the recording or not. When

the podcast first starts, he goes right into his hook. Audibly, this is not a good way to apply to

ethos, as he does not initiate an appeal to credibility. However, he is able to appeal his credibility

by addressing that the issue he is proposing is something Hari takes seriously as it pertains to his

personal life. This allows for his listeners to gage that the presenter they are listening to is taking

the matter seriously.

In contrast, Pompili et al. are able to establish credibility at the beginning over their

article. First, it is published under a scholarly journal that must meet a certain list of

requirements. Not to mention, the authors are all listed on the first page of the article where their

credibility is established. This is accomplished by printing out their first and last names, along

with their credentials. This includes their emails and the departments in which they could be

found that also displays their specialties. Pompili et al. also cite and reference their sources

throughout the scholarly article, indicating the research that they studied. This shows an

expansive utilization of comprehension and capability.


One of the larger and most defining differences between the two genres is their use of

pathos. Hari attempts to evoke a lot of emotion from his audience, both positive and negative. He

begins his podcast by recalling a personal experience from his childhood that may be able to

garner sympathy and/or empathy from the people listening to him. He also appears to encourage

the audience to interact and engage with his presentation by appealing to them through jokes and

small comments that are to seem relatable.

Unlike Hari, Pompili et al. do not use or even attempt to use pathos. Their article is to be

highly informative instead of persuasive, making an appeal to emotion inappropriate for the

circumstances. Throughout the article, there are numbers and facts to depict the information with

academic wording and scientific-intensive vocabulary.


“Everything you think you know about addiction is wrong” references and cites

researchers and their studies to support his information. Hari informs his audience of the trips he

took in order to meet with the researchers in order to get the information from them. They would

recount their findings and he shared his knowledge with his audience. This is the way he can

show the reliability of his podcast and the information he is telling his listeners, but for the most

part is rather limited on how he can present logos.

However, in “Suicidal Behavior and Alcohol Abuse” the authors are able to demonstrate

logos throughout their article. Pompili et al. references and cites many documents and study

cases for nearly every sentence in their essay. This is valid and reliable as the statistics show the

reality of what is being presented. It is fact and cannot be read as biased. Most of the numbers

shown throughout the article are percentages in order to show evidence of what the data they are

retrieving is conveying.

Audience and Purpose

Due to the large differences between “Everything you think you know about addiction is

wrong” (Hari, 2015) and “Suicidal Behavior and Alcohol Abuse” (Pompili et al., 2010), they do

not have similar audiences or purposes. Hari’s podcast is target to a mature audience group,

possibly ranging from the age of fourteen and older. It is meant to be presented to people who

have misconceived notions of what addiction is as well as those who may also suffer from the

problem. This can be inferred from the informality of language and generalized vocabulary that

Hari uses. He speaks with an easy-going attitude and can be heard making jokes for the

audience’s enjoyment. Hari does this to not only inform his listeners, but also propose for them

to commit to change of their views as well in order to practice it in their lives.

As for Pompili et al., their intended audience and communities are aimed towards an

audience from post-secondary education and above. The tone used throughout the article is

highly formal with a specialized vocabulary for a more scientific lexicon. This may be because

the readers of the article will more than likely be reading the article for their own research. The

readers will likely read the information presented in order to further their knowledge of the

subject matter. Thoroughly making the article for none other than unbiased information.


In conclusion, both genres are two completely separate pieces with two completely

separate methods and goals. “Everything you think you know about addiction is wrong” by

Johann Hari is an auditory piece intended to persuade the listeners using information gathered

through reliable sources. “Suicidal Behavior and Alcohol Abuse” by Pompili et al. is a

typographic and academic piece intended to unbiasedly inform its readers using statistics and

date. Both differ greatly from each other but provide their audiences with information regarding

addiction and/or suicide in order to enhance the knowledge of the community of the subject



Hari, J. (2015, July 9). Everything you think you know about addiction is wrong. TED Talks.

Podcast retrieved from

Pompili, M., Serafini, G., Innamorati, M., Dominici, G., Ferracuti, S., Kotzalidis, G. D., . . .

Lester, D. (2010). Suicidal behavior and alcohol abuse. International Journal of

Environmental Research and Public Health, (4), 1392. doi:10.3390/ijerph7041392

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