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San Felipe Castle it's on carrera 17 with the tour begins at the the tours hour start at in this place you can
30th street towards San Felipe Castle, to 1:00 p. m. walk through the
the right side. get there you must castle and learn more
take the avenue Pedro the tour ends at about the old
Heredia, turn at the 2:00 p.m Cartagena.
rond point and take
the 17th street to the
north side
Camellon of the It's on 31st Street you must go straight the walking starts at Here you can visit a
martires between Carrera 71 down 30th street for 5 2:15 pm. part of the historic
and 48 next to the minutes by car or you downtown of
Centennial Park can go by bicycle for the walking ends at Cartagena and you
10 minutes, until you 2:45 p.m can see the
can see the camellon monument of the
Monument India It's on Pedro de being on the camel the guide's talk starts here you can learn
Catalina Heredia Avenue with take 32nd Street until at about the culture of
carrera 11 on the right 11th avenue then take 3:10 p.m the city and take
side in front of the Pedro Heredia Avenue pictures of the
bastion of San Pedro on the right side, you Until monument.
Martyr can get there by car in 3:40 p.m
15 minutes and 20
minutes if you go by
Walls of Cartagena It is on 41st street with finally take 41st street the walking starts at Here you can know all
Santander Avenue in to see the sea and in 4:00 p.m the history of the city,
front of the sea front you can see the you can walk through
walls of Cartagena, the streets and find
you can be there in 10 many commercial
minutes by car or 15 places.
by bicycle.

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